Weren't you an angel? Analysis of Ivan Bunin’s poem “Mothers. Analysis of Bunin's poem "Mothers"

A) Acquaintance with the author of the poem I. Bunin. (Slide 6)

– Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born in Voronezh in 1870. The poet's father was generous and cheerful person. Mother Lyudmila Aleksandrovna always said that Vanya was different from other children from birth. She knew he would be “special.” No one has such a subtle soul as he does.
When the Bunins moved from the city to the village, Vanya was shocked by nature. He remembered how he dreamed of climbing onto a cloud and floating on it at an eerie height. When his mother was rocking him to sleep, Vanya asked him to let him play with the star that he saw from his crib. Bunin carried this episode of his childhood throughout his life, reflecting it in the poem “Mothers,” which we will meet today.

B) Preparing for reading. (Slide 7)

  • A lamp is a small vessel with a wick, filled with oil and lit in front of the icons.
  • A meek voice is submissive, meek.
  • A guardian angel is a messenger of God in religious mythology who protects man.
  • Half-whisper - quiet speech.
  • Foggy eyes - falling asleep
  • You will charm - make an irresistible impression.
  • Twilight - twilight, incomplete darkness.

B) Reading of a poem by the teacher.

I remember the bedroom and the lamp,
Toys, warm bed
And your sweet, meek voice:
“Guardian angel above you!”
It happened that the nanny undresses
And scolds in a half whisper,
And a sweet dream, my eyes misty,
I feel drawn to her shoulder.
You will cross, kiss,
Remind me that he is with me,
And with faith in happiness you will charm...
I remember, I remember your voice!
I remember the night, the warmth of the crib,
Lamp in the dark corner
And the shadows from the chains of the lamp...
Were you not an angel?

Having left the family nest at the age of 17, I.A. Bunin wanted to prove to his family that literature is not tomfoolery. Parents wanted the poet to become a scientist. He was offended by people close to him because of this. Nevertheless, he remembers his childhood years with tenderness and love.

The poem was edited for a long time and was published five years after its creation. The poet again wanted to return to childhood. Bunin is transported to the past; ordinary things are dear to him: “toys, a children’s lamp.” After leaving, he had to get used to living independently; it was not easy for the poet.

In the poem, he is mentally transported to his bed, at a time when there was no need to think about anything, a time of serenity that accompanied him until he was 17 years old.

He loved his mother very much, he remembers “you will make the sign of the cross, you will kiss...”. The poet's mother took care of him and protected him. He compares her to an angel, although his mother always told him that his guardian angel is behind him. Bunin no longer remembers all the images, he does not understand where the truth is and where the fantasy is. His memories are saturated with warmth, tenderness and sadness. In this poem, the author is sad about the past, perhaps because living in the present is so difficult. The poet is happy that his memories

Have not left. He writes so naively “and you will enchant with faith in happiness...” this faith does not leave Bunin throughout his life.

He always associated happiness with his mother, a warm bed and a fabulous fall into sleep. Then he had support on his mother’s shoulder, he could relax and live in the world of his restless fantasies. Only these childhood memories transported him to the atmosphere of warmth and comfort of a real home.

For the poet, the mother was a divine creation and the ideal of a woman. Maybe that’s why he never dared to marry Varvara Pashchenko. Bunin did not have a good relationship with her. He was never able to take on the responsibility that independent adult life required of him.

The poet compared all women to his mother, but his childhood memories were difficult to surpass. Bunin always felt his guardian angel nearby “remind me that he is with me...”. Apparently it was not easy for the poet, and in his memories he thinks about rest “and a sweet dream, my eyes misty…”. In our memory, childhood will forever remain as a carefree time of boundless happiness.

“Mothers” Ivan Bunin

I remember the bedroom and the lamp,
Toys, warm bed
And your sweet, meek voice:
“Guardian angel above you!”

It happened that the nanny undresses
And scolds in a half whisper,
And a sweet dream, my eyes misty,
I feel drawn to her shoulder.
You will cross, kiss,
Remind me that he is with me,
And with faith in happiness you will charm...
I remember, I remember your voice!
I remember the night, the warmth of the crib,
Lamp in the dark corner
And the shadows from the chains of the lamp...
Were you not an angel?

Analysis of Bunin's poem "Mothers"

Ivan Bunin left the family estate at the age of 17, thus trying not only to defend his own views, but also to prove to his parents that he could already take care of himself. This act was also dictated by the contradictions that arose with the parents who wanted their son to become a scientist. Of course, the future writer harbored a grudge against those closest to him. However, this did not stop him from recalling his childhood years with tenderness and dedicating surprisingly tender poems to his own mother, whom Ivan Bunin truly idolized.

In 1906 he made a rough draft of a poem called "Mothers", which was edited and published only in 1911. In this work, the author again recalls his childhood, to which he wants to return again and again. The whole point is that independent life required Bunin to take responsibility, which he was not yet ready to take upon himself. It was for this reason that he did not have a relationship with Varvara Pashchenko, whom the poet never dared to marry.

Mentally transporting himself into the past, he notes: “I remember the bedroom and the lamp, the toys, the children’s lamp.” These simple, but very dear images for Bunin become the guiding star, which does not allow him to stray from the path of life. The serenity of childhood can no longer be returned, and this upsets the young sweat, who secretly dreams of one day waking up in his own children's room in order to again experience that amazing feeling of serenity that accompanied him until he was 17 years old.

Addressing his mother, the poet remembers with nostalgia: “You cross yourself, kiss... I remember, I remember your voice!”

Every moment of that happy and full of discoveries life is of undeniable value for Bunin. “I remember the night, the warmth of the crib, the lamp in the twilight of the fire,” the author notes, although many images fade over time and become so blurry that the author can no longer understand where the truth is and where the fiction is. “Were you not an angel?” he turns to his mother, but knows that he will no longer be able to get an answer to this question. However, the poet is really happy that he has childhood memories that are full of warmth, tenderness, quiet joy and slight sadness. After all, there is no return to the past, and the future seems to Bunin, although very attractive, but rather chaotic, uncertain and devoid of the charm of childhood, in which he was truly happy.

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Presentation by teacher primary classes GBOU Lyceum 1560 of the city of Moscow Kasherenkova Ekaterina Viktorovna Moscow 2017

I.A. Bunin "Mothers"

Guess the riddle There are no relatives in the world who are more just and kind. I'll tell you straight away, friends - Better than anyone in the world...

What is most sacred in our hearts? There is hardly any need to think and guess... There is the simplest and most sublime word in the world - MOTHER! Ancient, like the music of the seas, and alive, like the light of spring, the Word “MOM” - there is no kinder, gentler and more intimate word. Why does a person need a MOM?

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born in Voronezh in 1870. The poet's father was a generous and cheerful man. Mother Lyudmila Aleksandrovna always said that Vanya was different from other children from birth. She knew he would be “special.” No one has such a subtle soul as he does.

When the Bunins moved from the city to the village, Vanya was shocked by nature. He remembered how he dreamed of climbing onto a cloud and floating on it at an eerie height. When his mother was rocking him to sleep, Vanya asked him to let him play with the star that he saw from his crib. Bunin carried this episode of his childhood throughout his life, reflecting it in the poem “Mothers”

I.A. Bunin “Mothers” open the textbook on page 116, read the poem

A lamp is a small vessel with a wick, filled with oil and lit in front of the icons.

A meek voice is submissive, meek. A guardian angel is a messenger of God in religious mythology who protects man. Half-whisper - quiet speech. Foggy eyes - falling asleep You will charm - make an irresistible impression. Twilight - twilight, incomplete darkness.

A gift to mom So that life doesn’t burn you through the years, So that you don’t cry out of remorse, Forever: nowhere and never Make your mom cry.

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