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Title: Walking beyond the three seas
Writer: Afanasy Nikitin
Publisher: Eksmo
Age limit: 16+
Volume: 610 pp. 135 illustrations
Genres: Nonfiction, Biographies and Memoirs, Travel Books, History, Geography

About the book “Walking across Three Seas” Afanasy Nikitin

The work “Walking across Three Seas” is an ancient monument of literature, written in the form of travel notes by the Russian merchant Afanasy Nikitin during his travels to different countries. The author visited many interesting places in different parts of the world: Iran (Persia), the Caucasus, Crimea (Kafa). However, the lion's share of this man's travel records was devoted to the Bahmani state (part of India), which he visited in the 60-70s. XV century

Afanasy Nikitin in his book “Walking across Three Seas” describes his incredible adventures on land and sea, about his robbery and captivity, about his long stay in India, because due to bad weather conditions, political issues, and most importantly - lack of material funds, the merchant could not return home to his native land. Despite the fact that the author already spoke foreign languages ​​fluently and integrated into the culture of the new country, his love for Russia was very great. Thus, in his notes, he lamented the fact that he had lost the Slavic calendar, and now he does not know the dates of his church holidays, and does not fast. In his notes on foreign lands, the author describes the life, customs, and people of the countries he visited. He especially went into a detailed description of the seething stream of life in India: elephants, aromas of tart spices, many pregnant women on the streets, people barely covered with strange, transparent fabrics, many half-naked people on the street. Everything interested the vivid imagination of this man: the structure of cities, political issues, beliefs of various peoples, their appearance, etc. The author was also surprised how so many different religions could coexist in this country.

Afanasy Nikitin did a tremendous job writing his “Walking across Three Seas.” After all, how nice it is for a contemporary, a person living in the 21st century, to read essays from bygone times. Reading this amazing book, you will walk many kilometers together with the merchants, you will observe how different nationalities live and breathe, how trade develops. You will even fight the Tatars, these cruel and treacherous infidels.

If you love geography and history, the book “Walking across Three Seas” is definitely for you. Ordinary school textbooks will not give a complete picture of the passing centuries so brightly and vividly that long-dead people will appear before you in all their living splendor. Merchant Nikitin will be able to convey to you the rituals and traditions of distant times in different countries, because he saw everything described in his notes with his own eyes. Together with the author, you will plunge into a fascinating journey through the wondrous countries of the medieval East, and feel the mysterious exoticism of Asian culture. And finally you will find out whether this famous merchant converted to Islam and why he calls his walk sinful.

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For centuries, people have strived to discover new lands. The Vikings reached North America, the Jesuits penetrated China and Japan, which were closed to foreigners, sea pirates were carried away by storms and currents, sometimes irrevocably, into uncharted areas of the Pacific Ocean...

But there was one wonderful country to which every enterprising European was irresistibly drawn. Its carpets and silks, saffron and pepper, emeralds, pearls, diamonds, gold, elephants and tigers, inaccessible mountains and forest thickets, milk rivers and jelly banks have equally deprived both romantic and selfish hearts of peace for many centuries.

This country is India. They searched for it, dreamed about it, the best of the navigators paved the way to it. Columbus discovered his “India” (which turned out to be America) in 1492, Vasco da Gama reached real India in 1498. But he was a little late - a quarter of a century -: India was already “discovered”.

And the impetus for this was a combination of initially unhappy personal circumstances of the not very rich, but energetic and inquisitive Russian merchant Afanasy Nikitin. In 1466, he collected (on credit!) goods and set off from Moscow to the Caucasus. But when he went down the Volga to Astrakhan, one of his ships was captured by robbers, and the other was wrecked by a storm off the Caspian coast. Nikitin continued his journey. He did not dare to return home: for the loss of goods he was threatened with a debt trap. He reached Derbent by land, moved to Persia and entered India by sea. Afanasy stayed there for three years and returned to Russia through Africa (Somalia), Turkish lands (Trebizond) and the Black Sea, but died before reaching Smolensk. His notes (“notebooks”) were delivered by merchants to Moscow and included in the chronicle.

This is how the famous “Walking across Three Seas” was born - a monument not only literary, historical and geographical, but a monument to human courage, curiosity, enterprise and perseverance. More than 500 years have passed, but even today this manuscript opens the doors to unknown worlds for us - ancient exotic India and the mysterious Russian soul.

The Appendices to the book contain interesting stories about travels made in different years (before and after Nikitin) to the same regions of India and neighboring countries: “Journey to the Eastern Countries of Guillaume de Rubruk”, “Walking of the merchant Fedot Kotov to Persia”, “Travel to Tana” by Josaphat Barbaro and “Journey to Persia” by Ambrogio Contarini. Thanks to this composition, this volume of the “Great Travels” series, beloved by domestic readers, is distinguished by its amazing factual richness and abundance of material.

The electronic publication includes all the texts of the paper book and the main illustrative material. But for true connoisseurs of exclusive publications, we offer a gift classic book. Numerous ancient images of the described places give a clear idea of ​​how our travelers saw them. The richly illustrated publication is intended for everyone who is interested in the history of geographical discoveries and loves authentic stories about real adventures. This edition, like all books in the Great Journeys series, is printed on beautiful offset paper and elegantly designed. Editions of the series will adorn any, even the most sophisticated library, and will be a wonderful gift for both young readers and discerning bibliophiles.

On our website you can download the book “Walking across Three Seas” by Afanasy Nikitin for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Not every one of us liked history at school. The presence of this subject in the program made one wonder about its practical application, because few could wrap their heads around at least part of all the dates, events, historical figures, terms and maps. But with age comes the understanding that the past is not just important, it is necessary for normal existence in this world. You can learn about what happened not only from boring textbooks. Many famous and unremarkable people wrote memoirs or diaries, telling not only about their lives, but also describing the world of their time.

Of course, travel notes from travelers can be considered one of the most interesting. Even before Vasco da Gama decided to find a way from Africa to Hindustan, the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin had already recognized the lands of the Indian state of Bahmani in 1468-1474. This work is considered the first manuscript of this kind, not related to religious travel, but dedicated to trade . On the pages of the treatise you can find stories about the Caucasus, Persia, India and Crimea.

Afanasy Nikitin paid a lot of attention not only to the description of his transactions and markets in the cities that he was lucky enough to visit, but also to the culture of the local population with whom he communicated. As you read the diary, you can notice how not only the author’s attitude to the world changes, but also a change in his speech, which is enriched with Turkic, Persian and Arabic words. Was this phenomenon unique to him or did a similar process happen to all travelers? The answer is unknown, but, nevertheless, “Walking Beyond Three Seas” is an invaluable literary source about the past and, of course, Russian Indian culture, which you can listen to in audio format or read online on the KnigoPoisk website.

Afanasy Nikitin was not a historian or scientist, so it is not strange that he does not pay much attention to telling more about the past of this or that country where he happened to visit. Its history begins in 1466, when the merchant, together with the Russian ambassador, went to Shamakhi. They went down the Volga to Astrakhan, where one of the traveler's ships was captured by robbers, and the other was wrecked by a storm off the coast of the Caspian Sea. But this did not stop the wanderer, who boldly continued his journey. Having reached Drebent, he then ends up in Persia. And finally, Afanasy Nikitin sails by sea to India, where he stayed for three years.

The notes “Walking across Three Seas” received this name due to the fact that the route from Moscow to India and back passes through three “seas”: the Caspian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Black Sea. After all, water transport at that time was the fastest and easiest way to travel. During his travels, he collected valuable information that can be useful not only to historians, but also to anyone interested in the past or the notes of travelers.

Afanasy Nikitin is not as famous as Vasco da Gama, but his notes are worth reading. “Walking Beyond Three Seas” is a historical document, the box of which is easy to understand, because it is written in lively and colorful speech. You can buy or download this work on the website in any convenient format ipad, iphone, kindle and android without registration and sms

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Age restrictions: +
City of publication: Moscow
The year of publishing:
ISBN: 978-5-699-38277-4 Size: 31 MB

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For centuries, people have strived to discover new lands. The Vikings reached North America, the Jesuits penetrated China and Japan, which were closed to foreigners, sea pirates were carried away by storms and currents, sometimes irrevocably, into uncharted areas of the Pacific Ocean...

But there was one wonderful country to which every enterprising European was irresistibly drawn. Its carpets and silks, saffron and pepper, emeralds, pearls, diamonds, gold, elephants and tigers, inaccessible mountains and forest thickets, milk rivers and jelly banks have equally deprived both romantic and selfish hearts of peace for many centuries.

This country is India. They searched for it, dreamed about it, the best of the navigators paved the way to it. Columbus discovered his “India” (which turned out to be America) in 1492, Vasco da Gama reached real India in 1498. But he was a little late - a quarter of a century -: India was already “discovered”.

And the impetus for this was a combination of initially unhappy personal circumstances of the not very rich, but energetic and inquisitive Russian merchant Afanasy Nikitin. In 1466, he collected (on credit!) goods and set off from Moscow to the Caucasus. But when he went down the Volga to Astrakhan, one of his ships was captured by robbers, and the other was wrecked by a storm off the Caspian coast. Nikitin continued his journey. He did not dare to return home: for the loss of goods he was threatened with a debt trap. He reached Derbent by land, moved to Persia and entered India by sea. Afanasy stayed there for three years and returned to Russia through Africa (Somalia), Turkish lands (Trebizond) and the Black Sea, but died before reaching Smolensk. His notes (“notebooks”) were delivered by merchants to Moscow and included in the chronicle.

This is how the famous “Walking across Three Seas” was born - a monument not only literary, historical and geographical, but a monument to human courage, curiosity, enterprise and perseverance. More than 500 years have passed, but even today this manuscript opens the doors to unknown worlds for us - ancient exotic India and the mysterious Russian soul.

The Appendices to the book contain interesting stories about travels made in different years (before and after Nikitin) to the same regions of India and neighboring countries: “Journey to the Eastern Countries of Guillaume de Rubruk”, “Walking of the merchant Fedot Kotov to Persia”, “Travel to Tana” by Josaphat Barbaro and “Journey to Persia” by Ambrogio Contarini. Thanks to this composition, this volume of the “Great Travels” series, beloved by domestic readers, is distinguished by its amazing factual richness and abundance of material.

The electronic publication includes all the texts of the paper book and the main illustrative material. But for true connoisseurs of exclusive publications, we offer a gift classic book. Numerous ancient images of the described places give a clear idea of ​​how our travelers saw them. The richly illustrated publication is intended for everyone who is interested in the history of geographical discoveries and loves authentic stories about real adventures. This edition, like all books in the Great Journeys series, is printed on beautiful offset paper and elegantly designed. Editions of the series will adorn any, even the most sophisticated library, and will be a wonderful gift for both young readers and discerning bibliophiles.

Sailing across three seas Afanasy Nikitin

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Title: Walking beyond the three seas
Author: Afanasy Nikitin
Year: 2015
Genre: Biographies and Memoirs, Geography, Nonfiction, History, Travel Books

About the book “Walking across Three Seas” Afanasy Nikitin

“Walking for Three Seas” (“Walking for Three Seas”) are travel notes of the merchant Afanasy Nikitin. Afanasy Nikitin is famous for being the first European to reach India, namely the Bahmani state, in the 15th century.

Afanasy Nikitin began his journey from Tver in 1468. This was the first journey made without religious motives. The merchant himself even considered him a sinner. The interest of the trip was purely commercial. Nikitin was a merchant and heard more than once that in the lands to which he sailed there was a lot of Russian goods, but there was nothing for sale in his homeland.

In his notes, Nikitin notes the following sea waters: Derbent (aka Caspian), Gundustan Darya (Indian Sea), Istanbul Darya (Black Sea). Early in the voyage, his ships were attacked. There were fatal casualties on both sides. A lot of things were looted, and some of the Russians were taken prisoner. In Derbent, the traveler began to work to have his goods and prisoners returned to him, but only prisoners were returned.

The long journey, which lasted until 1474, affected Afanasy Nikitin in the language of his narrative - foreign language entries appeared in the manuscript. Afanasy Nikitin in the last part of his “Walking across the Three Seas” used Turkic words. Perhaps because of this, after his return, many believed that Nikitin had converted to Islam in a foreign land. In his notes there are even sentences reminiscent of prayers from the Koran. Throughout the entire story, the traveler himself was very worried that he was far from his homeland and could not celebrate Orthodox holidays, because... the Orthodox calendar was lost during the first attack.

“Walking across Three Seas” was first discovered by the historian N.M. Karamzin. In 1818, he began publishing excerpts in the notes to his work “History of the Russian State.” Through this kind of anti-religious journey, one can learn about the political structure, culture, and trade of the Bahmanis. It is better to study and understand the traditions of India.

“Walking Beyond the Three Seas” has been translated into many languages. Nikitin is considered one of the most famous travelers of his time because. he left a significant mark on the geographical discoveries of the Middle Ages. In the author’s homeland, in the city of Tver, there is a monument dedicated to him, decorating the left bank of the Volga River. Based on the recordings, a feature film was made with Strizhenov in the title role.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Walking across Three Seas” by Afanasy Nikitin in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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