UFO secret archive celestial triangle. Triangular UFOs in Russia. And at this time

It was previously believed that such UFOs were top-secret US Air Force aircraft. But it turned out that they were seen in the sky half a century ago.
One of the main topics discussed by Russian ufologists at the latest Siegel readings was the old story about the “Belgian triangles,” which recently received a continuation.
Belgian "wave".
The story began on November 29, 1989 and caused so much noise that the information then even appeared in Soviet newspapers.
The police in the Belgian town of Eupen received a call about a UFO. Townspeople said that the “triangle with bright lights” flew so low that it almost cut off the antennas above the houses. Rays descended from its corners, and an orange fire burned in the middle of the bottom. There was a "quiet humming sound, like a running transformer." Then a second triangle appeared. It was many times larger, covering half the sky with black edges. Turning around over the highway, the monstrous body disappeared behind the nearby forest.
The next day, panic began in Belgium, reaching the point of hysteria. Triangular UFOs have been seen everywhere. And when there was nothing to see, people mistook any lights in the sky for a UFO.
The newspapers laughed at the “saucer fever”, considering “secret US Air Force planes” to be the culprits of the panic, until the Chief of Operations Staff of the Belgian Air Force, Colonel Wilfried DeBrouwer, spoke on television:
“Phenomena of a very anomalous nature are being observed in the country’s airspace. It is technically beyond the human mind to create such objects. The possibility of a military aircraft is completely excluded here. For me personally, two hypotheses are probable: either it is a projection of laser beams, or a UFO.”
The first hypothesis disappeared after the objects were detected by radar. On the night of March 31, 1990, F-16 aircraft were sent to intercept the UFOs, which also saw them on on-board radars.
As soon as the pilots caught the object in their sights, it performed a fantastic maneuver: the UFO, which had previously been flying at a speed of 280 km/h, reached a speed of 1800 km/h in just a second, descending from a height of 3000 meters to a height of 1700 meters. This is a fantastic acceleration! If there had been a person on board, he would inevitably have died: the limit of overload tolerated by a fighter pilot is five times less. Then the UFO began to rapidly descend again. At an altitude of less than 200 meters, it proved elusive to both aircraft locators and ground-based radars.
All this was observed from the ground by thousands of eyewitnesses.
Mark on history.
By calling the objects “Belgian triangles,” humanity once again demonstrated its short memory. Having rummaged through the archives, our ufologists discovered that triangular UFOs were flying long before their triumphant visit to Europe.
Few people know that Soviet military pilots observed a similar object during a night flight back in August 1968.
The Tu-16 is a twin-engine strategic bomber of impressive size, but the “flying platform” that commander V. Sopov saw was even larger. The object was moving slightly to the left and above Tu, which was at an altitude of 11 thousand meters. Lights glowed in the corners of the triangle. After some time, having made a turn, the UFO went down steeply. The devices worked normally, there was no interference, but the crew commander experienced a pressing sensation: this is the feeling experienced by people caught under the radiation of a radar sight antenna.
This story became famous due to the fact that at that time the military was still transmitting similar reports to the USSR Academy of Sciences.
The mysterious “triangles” could well be called “Ukrainian.” Shortly before the sensational events in Belgium, they were seen over Poltava, Zhitomir, Odessa and other regions of Ukraine.
Are they really Americans?
In August 1989, Chris Gibson, a former member of the Royal Survey Corps and author of an aircraft identification guide, was working on a gas production platform in the North Sea.
He saw in the sky a black aircraft in the form of a perfect isosceles triangle, which was refueling from the American “flying tanker” KS-135. The planes were accompanied by two F-111 fighters, and the “triangle” was noticeably larger than them.
People largely attributed this sighting to the legendary Aurora, a top-secret reconnaissance aircraft of the US Air Force. Of course, all information on this device is closed, but, according to rumors, its dimensions coincide with what Gibson saw.
Arguments against".
But what should secret planes do in the skies of other countries, where fighter jets are chasing them? There is a risk that their plane will be shot down or properly examined by those who are “not supposed to.” In addition, all aviation experts agree that
that until the 70s of the last century, before the advent of on-board computers - autopilots, their creation was impossible. And British ufologist Victor Keane discovered that the first credible sighting of a “triangle” in the UK dates back to 1960. An object with three white lights in the corners and a frontal light under the bottom was seen in three populated areas.
The sizes and speeds of some “triangles” are still beyond the capabilities of earthly technology. For example, on April 26, 1998, the British Ministry of Defense's early warning radar detected a UFO "the size of a battleship" over the North Sea. A huge triangular object flew along a bizarre zigzag trajectory at a speed of 27,000 kilometers per hour!
“Judging by his maneuvers, he was clearly under the control of someone,” a British Ministry of Defense spokesman said at the time.
“The simplest assumption is that we are talking about extraterrestrial objects, but it gives rise to new problems,” said Belgian professor Auguste Messen. “We are not in a hurry to draw conclusions, but continue to work...”
From the dossier.
The Siegel Readings are traditional conferences dedicated to the study of anomalous phenomena, taking place in Russia since 1990. The name is given in honor of Felix Siegel (1920 - 1988), a famous Soviet astronomer and founder of Russian ufology.
And at this time.
They have been seen already this year.
Adelaide (Australia). On January 11, 12 and 14, residents repeatedly observed flights of a triangular UFO without any lights.
Joao Pessoa (Brazil). On January 18, an amateur astronomer saw a triangular UFO in the sky with 6 - 7 dim white lights around its perimeter.
Babolsar (Iran). On January 19, an Iranian student noticed a triangular object with dim lights in the corners. He flew at high speed almost at the zenith and soon disappeared from sight.

The phenomenon that will be discussed cannot be classified as a hoax. From the end of November 1989 to April 1990, thousands of people saw unusual triangular-shaped flying vehicles with a side of up to about 40 meters in the skies over Belgium. They all had three spotlights - the outer ones emitted a bright white light, and the middle one blinked orange-red. Recently, the Brussels leadership of the Air Force declassified some of the materials about attempts to intercept devices that journalists nicknamed “black” or “Belgian triangles.”

Dancing with the spotlights

On November 29, 1989, more than 120 reports of UFO sightings were recorded in Belgium in the area of ​​the city of Eupen on the border with Germany. One of the objects was a huge triangle with bright white lights at the corners and reddish flashes in the center. He was seen by two police officers in a patrol car. The device was at an altitude of approximately 300 meters. The police officers went after him and noted in their report that the beams of the object’s searchlights were rummaging along the ground, and the device itself did not make loud sounds - only a quiet hum. The police did not lose sight of the device for about an hour, then it suddenly increased its speed and disappeared. After some time, the patrol saw another similar object, but much larger. He made a wide turn over the highway and also flew away.
The next day, the police spoke about what they saw live on a local radio station. The program caused a lot of responses - dozens of people called the studio and claimed that they also observed mysterious triangles. Some witnesses said that the objects were flying very low, at an altitude of no more than 10 meters, and square windows could be seen on them.

In addition, the instruments of one of the radar detection aircraft recorded flashes of an unusual glow in the sky.
Beginning on December 1, 1989, local newspapers wrote about mysterious objects. These were mainly publications of eyewitness accounts. For example, two teenagers told how a mysterious device flew literally over their heads, and they were very scared. The boys also noted that the device moved almost silently. Another witness observed several flying objects at once, which seemed to dance with each other.

"Plate Fever"

There were so many eyewitness accounts that some skeptical newspapermen even coined the term “saucer fever,” referring to the desire of many people to boast about stories about unidentified flying objects. Representatives of the press put forward the version that these devices are some kind of secret devices of the Belgian Air Force or NATO countries. The most likely devices were the F-117A Stealth aircraft, which arrived from the United States to a nearby military base in Germany.
But on December 18, 1989, one of the senior Belgian Air Force officers at a press conference refuted this opinion, explaining that neither the Stealth nor any other aircraft could fly at a speed of 5-10 kilometers per hour, or hover motionless in the air. And the country's Minister of Defense Guy Keme officially stated: military vehicles did not fly in this area these days.
After such statements, newspapers vied with each other to talk about the fact that there had been a visit from aliens in Eupen. New witnesses spoke about their encounters with UFOs. A nearby radar station constantly recorded strange signals. Enthusiasts formed groups, took photo and video cameras and drove around in the hope that the mysterious objects would return.

Their typical description was approximately as follows: the device has a triangular shape and three powerful spotlights. It flies almost silently, moving at a very low speed, but at the same time it is able to accelerate sharply.

Deadly overloads

In total, according to the organization S0BEPS (Belgian Society for the Study of Space Phenomena), “flying triangles” were observed by more than three thousand people.
By mid-January 1990, the “black triangles” had disappeared, but at the end of February they appeared again. A significant event occurred on the night of March 30-31, 1990. Two Belgian Air Force F-16 aircraft were sent to the two mysterious objects in order to photograph them and, if possible, identify them in some way. The leadership of the Belgian Air Force declassified this episode.
At approximately 23:00 local time, two triangular UFOs were spotted in the sky near the city of Verviers. They were seen by thousands of people, including police patrols, and the appearance of objects was recorded by radar. Two F-16 aircraft were lifted from the base located in the city of Glon. They flew up to the objects to aim for clear photography. In total, they made nine attempts, but each time the position of the objects changed so quickly that the aiming was automatically reset. Mysterious devices easily increased speed from 5-10 to more than 1770 kilometers per hour. According to the pilots, such maneuvers, due to the enormous overloads, would be fatal if the vehicles were controlled by people.
The “black triangles” easily broke away from the planes - and again allowed themselves to be overtaken. Judging by the radar readings, the objects could descend or gain altitude by almost a mile in a second - no terrestrial aircraft is capable of this. Moreover, according to the F-16 pilots, these devices were intelligently controlled and looked absolutely real.
All information was kept secret so as not to cause panic among the population.

Fake photo

Film crews filmed the movements of planes and mysterious objects from the ground. But in the photographs only the planes turned out clear, and the contours of the UFO were barely discernible. Prominent Belgian ufologist Professor Auguste Messen explains this fact by saying that such objects emit infrared rays that interfere with photography.
Nevertheless, a photograph of a triangular object taken from the ground a little later was published in many newspapers. However, researchers from the astrophysics laboratory of the University of Liege announced that it was most likely fake. Only in 2011, the authors of the photo publicly admitted: this is really so, they cut out the model from polystyrene, painted it, mounted it on special stands, and then photographed it.
Professor Messen believes that the fake photograph does not in any way disprove the fact that mysterious objects exist in reality, since this is proven by numerous eyewitness accounts. According to the ufologist, we are most likely talking about devices of extraterrestrial origin, but it is too early to draw any conclusions - we need to continue collecting material. Currently, S0BEPS researchers have received several aircraft and a large camera capable of taking pictures in infrared radiation from the military, so they are ready for new encounters with UFOs.

Why did the electronics turn off?

However, there was no other mass appearance of “black triangles” in the skies over Belgium.
By examining the available evidence, researchers are trying to answer a number of questions. Why did mysterious objects manifest themselves in this particular time period and over this territory? What determines their shape - despite the fact that previously numerous eyewitnesses spoke mainly about round UFOs? Can we say that they were created by an alien civilization?
Many scientists make assumptions about the terrestrial origin of mysterious objects, attributing them to secret military developments. According to various versions, the “Belgian triangles” could be weather balloons, aircraft for refueling other aircraft in the air, or airships. But none of the experts has yet been able to explain how such a device combines the ability to be practically silent, fly at extremely low altitudes - and at the same time instantly rise or fall and sharply increase speed, because for terrestrial devices the combination of such qualities is still incredible.

In addition, it must be pointed out that “black triangles” also appeared at other times in other places. For example, in July 1984, a similar device hovered over the Indian Point nuclear power plant (38 miles north of New York), where workers noted that at that time the electronic systems and communications facilities there were turned off, so that the station was controlled manually . On January 20, 2000, the Russian media reported about a triangular flying object in the state of Illinois - with reference to ITAR-TASS correspondent Vladimir Rogachev, who wrote that the silent flying machine was seen by several police crews from different cities; it looked like an arrowhead the length of a football field.
In the database of the American organization NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center), which receives reports about UFOs and contacts with aliens around the clock, there are a large number of reports about “black triangles” over the territory of the United States.
Similar flying objects were observed in many countries, including ours: in February 1990 - in Voronezh, in January 1994 - in Surgut, etc.
Isolated reports of “black triangles” may, of course, appear unreliable. But tens of thousands of evidence is already a serious reason for research. And it is possible that we are on the verge of solving a very important problem for all of humanity.

Observing, tracking and analyzing the movements of UFOs in Belarus or those objects that are identified with UFOs, we came to interesting conclusions. Today we will introduce them to the Belarusian public for the first time.

Among the variety of forms of incomprehensible moving objects in the sky, in recent years we have increasingly come across such a geometric figure as a triangle. It is easier to separate them from other configurations described by eyewitnesses; moreover, to date, triangular aircraft have not been officially declared in our republic.

However, having traced observations of triangular objects over the past 26 years, we come to the conclusion that most of the flights are grouped relative to a certain line that passes from Brest through Minsk And Vitebsk, most likely continuing on the territory of neighboring states.

Let's turn to the observations.

1. Brest. December 31, 1980. Brest, Yuzhny microdistrict. At about 23.00, Anatoly B., who came out of his house onto the street, saw a dark triangular silhouette with bright green and blue lights in the corners silently flying over him from west to east. A bright beam shone from the center of the object onto the ground. The eyewitness compared the dimensions of the UFO with a large house, determined the speed to be approximately 30 km/h, and the flight altitude to be about one kilometer. Despite the upcoming New Year's Eve, Anatoly B. assured that that evening and night he did not drink alcohol at all due to his upcoming work duties in the morning. (Information provided by Dmitry Borodachenkov).

August 2001. On the 18th or 19th in Brest A triangular UFO was observed. Let's give the floor to the eyewitness himself, Andrey Ivanov:“I was returning home at about 23.45 and looked at the sky in search of familiar constellations... When there were 100 meters left from the house (I live in a high-rise building), I noticed some movement in the sky above the house. It was a very dark object of a triangular (as it seemed to me) shape. It was very dim, barely visible, with several lights shining on it: one on the bow and 4-5 in the rear. If this object did not move, it would not be visible in the night sky (there was no moon then).

The object moved to the southwest (in Brest the direction to the west is easy to determine - towards the border) at high speed (in 3-4 seconds the object flew a long distance), absolutely silently and disappeared behind the trees to my left. I quickly came out from behind the trees to trace the further route of the object, but did not see it where it should have been (according to my calculations). I stood for a few more minutes, peering into the sky, but saw nothing more and headed home. At home, I told my mother and brother about what I had seen.” (“Analytical newspaper “Secret Research”. - 2001. - No. 14).

2. Ivatsevichi. Gennady Freezing told the author of these lines in a conversation that he also saw a triangular UFO. This happened in the mid-1990s. The story is described in detail on our website.

3. Lyakhovichi. 1985 On the night of September 5-6 An unusual object was observed over the village of Konyukhi, Lyakhovichi district. It was a “constellation” of multi-colored dots collected in the shape of a triangle. During its movement, the UFO either disappeared from view or reappeared. (Data from D. Novikov).

A message came to the forum of our website from a former serviceman who served in the radio engineering troops near the city of Lyakhovichi in 1988-1990. He writes: “The entire army observed a UFO near the village of Lyakhovichi in the Brest region. In the summer, at approximately 22:00, three triangles appeared high in the sky, also arranged like a triangle, each triangle consisted of three luminous multi-colored dots. The objects hung motionless in the sky and, as dawn approached, one of the triangles moved beyond the horizon beyond the forest and disappeared, the other two remained hanging until lunchtime.

After this incident, the next day in this place a helicopter was hanging high in the sky [for a long time], and a few hours later it was replaced by another. I would like to note that our unit was radio engineering and produced radio waves on which the air defense operated.”

4. Minsk. June 19, 2001 triangular UFO observed by Mikhail Goldenkov together with student Olga Korotkina(in the area of ​​Zakharova Street near the Lithuanian Embassy).

June 18, 2002. In the evening at 22.20-22.30; Frunzensky district, Minsk, Belarus. Journalist Vadim Deruzhinsky reported that an unidentified star-shaped object was observed in the sky in the southeast over Minsk, which changed color approximately in the following sequence: white-red-green. The sky at that moment was clear and starless. At 60x magnification, an observer using an optical instrument saw 3 lights (the right one was blue or greenish, the left one was red, the bottom one was white). The lights were not on the tops of the object, but on its edges, the contours of a gray triangular body with three lights were blurred. Soon the object stopped and flew to the left, then the object instantly went out. All this time, the object was observed significantly south of the Minsk airport, moreover, it was motionless for several minutes, which means that it was not an airplane (V. Chernobrov, “Chronicles of UFO Visits”).

At the same time, according to the reports of the AG “Secret Research” (for the summer-autumn 2002), other eyewitnesses also reported sightings of a triangular UFO...

5. Senno. Tatyana Verbitskaya reports in her letter about a triangular UFO; she saw it on August 21, 2001 at 22.10. The object's flight was silent, with red lights burning at each corner of the triangle, and another bright light in the middle. When the lights flashed, the outline of a triangle was displayed (the letter was sent to the AG “Secret Research”).

6. Vitebsk. On July 19, 2001, the observation of a similar object was reported by S. Grigoriev from Vitebsk. On the evening of July 19, S. Grigoriev was in the village of Ulyanovichi, Vitebsk region, on the occasion of an archaeological internship. At 00.35, a triangular-shaped object appeared in the sky in a south-westerly direction, with yellow and white lights on the sides and one red light in the middle, and the red light was constantly flashing.

D. Shimanovich reports the sighting of triangular UFOs near the village. Luchesa Vitebsk region.

7. Near the village of Tishkovo (northeast of Vitebsk). During a survey of eyewitnesses conducted by Ufocom, data were obtained on the observation of triangular objects of burgundy color.

Triangular objects were also observed in other areas of Belarus, but the “UFO route” cannot be compared with them in terms of their number. About 90% of all triangular UFOs were seen precisely within this “route”.

Moreover, it can be assumed that an increased number of reports of triangular objects can be received at the conditionally extended ends of this segment in Poland and Russia. Or this route is only Belarusian and can be used by our armed forces to test new weapons.

But if we are right and near us, invisible to locators, unknown equipment flies about its business, then it becomes very uncomfortable, and this fact should be taken into account and appropriate measures taken to identify these objects.

The remaining observations will be grouped here:

1. Saw in 2004 in the evening around 12 in August, in the city of Baranovichi, three synchronously moving stars were smoothly gliding across the sky from southwest to north [At] the small distance between them, it seemed like they were flying in a triangle. It was dark, but I felt movement in 3 planes. It hovered near my area and so these three points were far from each other - it seemed to me that they opened at a distance, but retained the shape of a triangle. In the middle of them there seemed to be nothing, like emptiness... Then the object suddenly disappeared - I thought it seemed. I saw him for only 4-5 seconds. It’s difficult to remember the details - it was a long time ago. Oh, and without a sound it flew quietly and disappeared as if it had never happened. I looked on the net and these things are called “Belgian triangles”. Then I found out what I saw and why they separated - he went down lower and was very healthy [Anonymous eyewitness sent a letter to the Ufological Committee].

2. Anatoly Ivaneychik, working in the department of land management and geodesy of the city of Baranovichi, in November 2004 I saw a triangular UFO. This is how his observation was described in the local newspaper: “That evening, Anatoly Ivaneychik, who lives in a private house near the Military Town, picked up a telescope to look at the starry sky. Suddenly he saw an object flashing with multi-colored lights, which was vertically descending to the ground. Then the object flew horizontally. When it disappeared behind Anatoly's house, he ran out into the street. Dogs were barking in the yard. The object, which Anatoly Ivaneychik said was very close to him, was triangular in shape, about ten meters long and four meters wide. It moved smoothly and absolutely silently... Anatoly claims that UFOs fly all over the earth, and were spotted in Baranovichi, because Belarus is located in the center of Europe and, perhaps, the alien route passes through our city. light bulbs, according to Anatoly, not so that they could be seen on earth, but so that in space they would not be accidentally shot down by “their own.” Anatoly believes that in November 2004, when a UFO flew near his house, the aliens saw it : “Perhaps they flew near my house specifically to prepare me for a further meeting, because in this situation it is very important not to be scared...” (Gorbachev R. Anatoly Ivaneychik: “I dream of visiting a UFO.” - “Intex-press”, December 8, 2005).

3. ...The Korzhikov house stands on the edge of the village, behind their plot the collective farm corn field begins. And in the evening, around 11 o'clock, July 31 this year, Oksana Korzhik [again] sees something unusual already above the corn field itself. It was a red triangle with one side curved into a semicircle (the shape of a spindle or a cat's ear). Directly behind this triangle-spindle hung exactly the same one, but smaller in size and more faded. At that moment, while Oksana ran into the house to call others, the strange red ears disappeared (SI, No. 16, 2006).

Dear Sirs! I bring to your attention another evidence of the appearance of “flying triangles”, this time in Russia. I would like to add that my calculations based on the “subjective data” of an eyewitness showed the diametrical size of the object to be 191.7 m - quite impressive compared to 15 m in Brovary (June). I look forward to your comments.

“While ufologists are struggling to figure out what these objects are, alien ships or top-secret US aircraft, black triangles (see photo) began to appear over Russia,” Zakharkin Nikita told us ( [email protected]) and Dmitry Belousov from the Rzhev ufological section.

“October 3rd. Dmitry Belousov, a member of the Rzhev ufological section, photographed the area for the appearance of objects in the invisible range of light frequencies. After setting the camera to a long exposure, at about 11 pm, he began to look at the starry sky. A little later, the dogs started barking, and then his attention was attracted by two “stars” moving synchronously along parallel trajectories. Quickly going through all the known UFO shapes in his memory, he looked at the area of ​​​​the sky in front of the two lights. There was a third exactly the same light source. As Dmitry suggested, the object was triangular in shape. Its lights stood out in the starry sky with higher brightness and clarity. The body itself was not visible against the dark background. Its existence could be judged only on the basis that no stars were visible in the area of ​​​​the sky between the lights. Consequently, they were hidden from the observer by something black and impenetrable.

The flight direction of the object is from northwest to southeast. The angle above the horizon is approximately 40 degrees. Angular dimensions are about 5 degrees. Such accurate measurements were made thanks to a relatively long observation - fifty seconds. After which the unknown object seemed to dissolve into the surrounding space and disappear. Unfortunately, it was not possible to take photographs of him. It is worth adding that, according to the subjective assessments of an eyewitness, the UFO was flying very close and at a relatively low altitude (about 1000 m), and its size was the size of a football field (!).

This is not the only case of observing a triangular UFO over Rzhev (Tver region). Some time ago we became aware of the passage of a huge object with three lights located at its corners. An eyewitness, who wished to remain anonymous, claimed to have seen it above the forest not far from the city itself. The veracity of the testimony leaves no doubt; in both cases, the observations were confirmed by other eyewitnesses.”

By the way, on October 4, that is, the next day, four triangular UFOs were seen at once over Northampton (England). The objects seemed to play with each other in the sky before disappearing from view. The observation lasted no more than 40 seconds (“UFO Roundup” N 43 of October 22 of this year). On the same days (we have to limit ourselves to these words, since the date is not specified), a woman from the city of Jaslovské Bohunice in western Slovakia woke up from strange sounds at half past two in the morning. Looking out the window, she saw a shining triangular object. According to her, he “...flew either west or east, stopping from time to time” (Slovak Spectator, October 14, 2002).

You can watch some flight videos here UFO triangular shape. My friend said that he will never forget his encounter with a triangular-shaped UFO. It was a black triangle. It was flying in the sky over Groom Lake, where my friend works near. The UFO was flying slowly over the railroad along the lake. The flight was completely silent. Suddenly he hung in one place and hung there for about 10 minutes. Then he began to gradually understand. From time to time, a silvery crown of blue rose above the object. The diameter of the object was about 600 feet.

TR-3B is the code name for the Astra spacecraft. TR-3B is an experimental flying saucer model. Test flights of the device took place in the early 90s. The triangular platform, powered by nuclear engines, was developed at top-secret air bases. The project was called "Aurora". The project was financed with extrabudgetary funds. About 3 billion dollars were spent on the creation of the first three design models. The Aurora project still exists. TR-3B is the most exotic device created within the framework of this program. This device was created by special order of the Pentagon. TR-3B, a flying triangular saucer, is not science fiction. It was built using technologies known back in the 80s. Many UFO sightings are test flights of the TR-3B.

The outer coating of the TR-3B makes it invisible to radar, allows you to change the reflectivity of the device, and change color. A special polymer coating allows the device to look like a small airplane or a flying cylinder; radars do not see it, or mistake it for a small aircraft or several aircraft at various points. The round, plasma-filled accelerator ring is called a magnetic field disruptor (MFD). It surrounds all the rotating parts of the device's body. The technology behind this ring is beyond our imagination. Secret laboratories in Sandia and Liverpool have created the technology to create such a ring. The government goes to any lengths just to avoid discovering this technology. The mercury-based plasma is compressed under a pressure of 250,000 atmospheres and at a temperature of 150° Kelvin. It is then subjected to an acceleration of 50,000 rpm in a centrifuge. As a result of this process, a super-mobile plasma is obtained that can destroy the gravitational field. MRP creates a magnetic field that destroys or neutralizes the effects of gravity by 89%. Yes, you understood correctly. This is not antigravity. Antigravity provides an impulsive force that allows movement at superluminal speeds. The MPR only destroys the earth's gravitational field within the range of the ring accelerator. The mass of the ring accelerator itself, the mass of all items inside the accelerator, such as the object body, cables, avionics, control systems, fuel, nuclear reactor, are all reduced by 89%. This results in the object becoming very light and superior in maneuverability and speed to any aircraft ever created. Except, of course, those that are built on the basis of alien technology.

The TR-3B can gain any altitude, it is very stable and high-speed. Once it has gained altitude, it does not require much fuel or time to maintain it. According to unverified rumors, testing of this particular object took place at Groom Lake. Then some new element was tested, which acted as a catalyst for plasma. Since the mass was reduced by 89%, the device could move freely horizontally and vertically. My sources report that the aircraft's flight time is always limited, as the pilots are under enormous stress. Along with the reduction in mass, G - pressure decreases by 89% when rising to a high altitude. The TR-3B's high speed is ensured by three multi-mode rocket boosters built into each corner of the vehicle.

During test flights of the TR-3B, it has so far only been possible to rise to an altitude of 120,000 feet! However, this is far from the limit and God alone knows how fast and high he can fly. 3 multi-mode rocket engines - accelerators, built into each base of the device, use methane, oxygen or hydrogen as a coolant. In standard rocket engines, in liquid oxygen/hydrogen cooling systems, 85% of the coolant is liquid oxygen. The nuclear engine uses a hydrogen-based coolant, but it is supplemented with oxygen to enhance the effect. The reactor heats liquid hydrogen, and liquid oxygen at this time enters a special nozzle, where the hydrogen burns surrounded by liquid oxygen. The multi-mode acceleration system allows you to: - quickly and easily move through the atmosphere using a nuclear reactor; — easy to maneuver in the upper atmosphere using liquid hydrogen; — and finally in orbit, using liquid hydrogen and oxygen. All you need to remember is that rocket engines can only move 11% of the entire vehicle's mass.