Training for young mothers from the employment center. A selection of paid and free training courses for mothers on maternity leave. Where and how will the training take place?

Women very often use maternity leave for self-development. Some people are attracted to creativity, others to business, others to learning. Judging by the popularity of our article, this topic worries many mothers. Therefore, I would like to continue it and dwell in more detail on training during maternity leave. Moreover, 16% of the surveyed readers noted that it is this activity that attracts them as an additional activity to caring for a child. This turned out to be the second most popular answer. Only handicrafts turned out to be more popular.

For convenience, I suggest downloading the proposed list of sites, compiled in an Excel table.

I put this site in first place, because I started my online training with it and have already completed several courses here. educational courses. What did I like about the Universarium?

Firstly, it’s easy to register and navigate the site.

Secondly, there is a fairly wide selection of free courses on a wide variety of topics: economics, culture, media, management, psychology and much more. Personally, I took a course in online journalism, marketing and project management. I signed up for a course on time management.

Thirdly, the project has a free application, after downloading which you can view lectures anywhere from your gadget. This is very convenient when you have a child, a family, and work, and snatching a free minute is not so easy. The application has a disadvantage - you cannot take tests, and lectures viewed in the application are not marked as viewed in your profile.

Fourth, it's truly FREE. All courses on the site are free, but in fairness it must be said that you will still have to pay extra for advanced courses. For example, the project management course I reviewed was only partially free. Those who wanted to receive additional lectures, consultations and a webinar, as well as undergo additional testing, were asked to pay an additional 4,900 rubles. But at the same time, if you score a certain number of points, you can receive an additional certificate.

So, choose the right course. We sign up for it and wait for it to start. Typically each course has a specific start and end time. But you can join the training at any time, since viewing lectures is available throughout the entire training period and even a month after the end of the course.

Each course is divided into modules. At the end of the module, students are asked to take a test and complete homework, for which points will be awarded. If you complete the entire course, you will even be given a certificate. True, only in electronic form, but it can be used for a resume.

A university for those who want to get an Internet profession. Programmers, web designers, Internet marketers, as well as managers in the field of Internet projects are trained here. Professions are truly in great demand at the moment. Another advantage of these professions (especially for mothers on maternity leave) is that you can get a job working with them remotely.

As for training in netology, it has its pros and cons.

A huge plus is that virtual students are taught by practical teachers. These are people who work in the Internet business in significant positions. They have achieved certain results, gained good experience and share it with students. From such teachers you will definitely learn practical skills, and will not be doused with theoretical water. In addition, you will use in practice everything that they will teach you there, and the teachers will test and evaluate it.

Another plus is that upon successful completion of the courses, you will receive a certificate of advanced training and a diploma in “Netology”. These documents, according to the founders of the project, are highly valued by market participants.

The downside is the cost. Training in netology is paid and not cheap. A full-fledged educational course will cost approximately 20,000 -25,000 rubles (depending on the course and its duration). You can watch individual video lectures if you do not need the whole course, but want to go deeper into one specific topic. Such video lectures usually cost 490 rubles. There is also free content. Netology offers some video lectures as trial ones, that is, absolutely free. They take place at a certain time, you also need to sign up for them, but you will be able to understand the level of teaching and decide whether it is worth spending your money on paid education in Netology.

Netology has also developed a mobile application that is designed to make learning here more convenient and mobile. But at the moment the application is not entirely convenient. It has a low rating among those who downloaded it. People complain that the player is not convenient - it does not allow you to pause and watch the video from the place where you left off. Many people cannot view lectures from their mobile phone that they paid for on their computer. And for some, including me, the videos are simply not viewed. I hope this is a temporary phenomenon and the developers will eliminate all the inconveniences of the application.

Rapidly developing online school in English The numbers are striking: more than 5,000 teachers, more than 2.5 million lessons have been taught since the founding of the school, about 34 thousand students are currently studying. The school has many advantages, but I will describe those that are especially convenient for mothers studying on maternity leave:

    • free testing of the service - the first lesson is free
    • You can cancel, reschedule a lesson for free, and also change the teacher if for some reason he is not suitable
    • the school is licensed: upon completion of training a certificate is issued
    • all exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited
    • there is 24/7 customer support
  • has its own mobile application in which you can learn words in your free time

National open university Intuit is another platform for online learning. Here you can improve your skills and take courses professional retraining, Mini-MBA, school courses and many other educational courses. The topics are very different. What did I like? Here you can learn various programs. For example, 1C, Photoshop, 3Ds-max and many others. These practical skills are often not taught even in universities, while they are extremely necessary in real work.

Cons: I personally don't really like their interface. I think it's kind of outdated. But this is a matter of taste.

Payment: there are paid courses, there are free ones. Moreover, there are quite a lot of free ones, which is good news.

Coursera offers free online courses from universities around the world. If you speak English, then excellent opportunities open up for you to gain world-class knowledge. Here you can listen to lectures from such powerful world Universities as Stanford, Michigan, California, Washington.

But those who don’t speak English so well also have a lot to learn in Coursera. In the “Educational Institutions” section, select “Russia” and you will see a list of universities that offer their online courses.

The most courses are on the following topics: business, computer science, data science. But you can also find courses in medicine, mathematics, music, and languages.

The courses are mostly paid, but here’s the system: you can watch the lectures for free, but in order to pass the test and receive a certificate, you will need to pay for the training.

By the way. For all courses there is so-called “financial assistance”, under which you can study completely free of charge. But to do this, you need to fill out a special form and go through the procedure for accessing help.

This electronic learning platform was founded in 2013. Today on Zillion you can find many different courses that you can take online during maternity leave.


  • marketing
  • sales
  • business and finance
  • staff development
  • personal effectiveness

Upon completion of any course you receive an electronic certificate. which can be attached, for example, to your LinkedIn profile.

The courses are not free, but not very expensive either - from 250 per course. Some courses can be previewed before purchasing: watch the introductory part and decide whether you want to continue watching.

Because the educational portal Tichpro was developed with the support of the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Innovative Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere; training here is partially free. Of course, there is paid content, but there are more than enough free courses!

Indeed, the choice of topics, courses, and training programs is huge. Here you can learn foreign languages ​​and programming languages, master various programs (for example, Photoshop, Coral, Illustrator) and even refresh your school knowledge(a wide range of school programs is presented).

This online university focuses on student entrepreneurs. But I am sure that among women on maternity leave there will be many businesswomen who want to develop their business and study in this direction. The Webuni project is suitable for such mothers.

There are both paid and free lessons on running a business and personal development. After you complete the training, you will take a final test. If you write the test successfully, you will receive an electronic certificate that will be sent to you by email.

This educational project designed more for companies than for individual independent students. Perhaps among my readers there are business owners who would be interested in such a project. Here you can register your company and get a 14-day free demo version. The training formats are very interesting, the training is maximally aimed at practical usefulness for business.

Well, this will complete our selection of sites offering distance learning for mothers on maternity leave (and not only for them), the Open Education website. Here you can watch training courses from leading universities in the country ABSOLUTELY FREE. A huge advantage of this site is that distance courses are taught here by university teachers, professionals in their field. In addition, in Open Education you can find very interesting rare topics that are not found anywhere else.

Another interesting and very convenient option on the site for many is the opportunity to enroll a course at your university. If you are on maternity leave, but have not suspended your studies because of this, then it will be very convenient to review the course at home, without looking away from your baby, and enroll it in the university.

So, that's it! I hope this collection will help all mothers on maternity leave to receive the necessary free online education and put it into action.

If you don’t have time to check all the educational resources right now, I remind you that you will find a list of all the sites mentioned in this post in the Excel file, which can be downloaded absolutely free just below or at the beginning of the article. Save it to your computer or phone, then you can easily go through the sites and choose the one that suits you!

And finally, I suggest you take part in a survey on the topic

Today there is a social program for free advanced training and professional retraining for young mothers on maternity leave.

Training of women during the period of parental leave is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated January 17, 2013 No. 1-PP "On approval of the Procedure for sending women to the employment service of the population of the city of Moscow during the period of parental leave until they reach the age of three years for vocational training, retraining and advanced training."

Conditions for participation in the program

Participation in a social program developed by the employment service is possible if:

  • you live or have permanent registration in the city of Moscow;
  • you are on parental leave for up to three years;
  • you are officially employed;
  • you are undergoing training for the first time during one period of parental leave;
  • on the date of completion of your studies, your maternity leave period does not expire;
  • During the period of parental leave, you do not work part-time or work from home.

What do you need to participate?

1. Contact the employment center at your place of residence.

2. Write an application for participation in the program according to the sample provided at the employment center.

3. Submit all necessary documents.

4. Choose a type of activity.

5. Get a referral for training.

6. Select a schedule and terms of training.

7. Conclude an agreement on vocational training between the employment center, the institution and you.

Required documents

1. Application (a sample can be obtained from the employment center).

2. Passport or other identification document with a note indicating permanent registration in the city of Moscow.

3. Birth certificate of the child (children).

4. A copy of a document confirming that the woman is on maternity leave.

5. Document on education.


Using this social program You have the right:

  • improve your skills;
  • learn a new profession in an accelerated manner;
  • improve your previously acquired knowledge in your current specialty.

Choice of activity

Women are referred for vocational training based on their applications submitted to the employment center at their place of residence.

The Employment Center chooses a profession or specialty for you, taking into account your desires and initial data: availability of education, direction of education, professional qualifications, end date of parental leave.

If you have difficulty choosing the direction to go vocational training, at the employment center, a woman can be provided with vocational guidance services corresponding to her level of work experience and education.

Possible forms of training

Full-time and part-time (evening) forms of education are provided.

Training can also be group or individual.

Duration of training

The duration of training is set by professional educational programs and should not exceed 6 months.

Where can I get training?

Within the framework of existing government contracts, training for young mothers is carried out in the following institutions and educational institutions:

  • Center for Vocational Qualifications and Employment Promotion  ;
  • State state-financed organization Moscow cities  ;
  •  ;
  • Autonomous non-profit organization of higher professional education  ;
  • Federal state budget educational institution higher education  .


Training of women during the period of maternity leave carried out as part of a government assignment is carried out in various areas, including:

  • Automation of accounting;
  • English for business communication;
  • Accounting and auditing;
  • Driver of category "B" vehicles;
  • Web page design;
  • Interior Design;
  • Human resources department inspector;
  • Information Technology with the study of the 1C program;
  • Personnel management;
  • Computer layout and design;
  • Landscape design;
  • Logistics;
  • Marketing, sales management and advertising;
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS);
  • HR Manager;
  • Sales management;
  • Taxation;
  • Computer operator with knowledge of the 1C program;
  • General hairdresser 3 categories;
  • Translator;
  • Nursing;
  • Financial management.

At the beginning of the year, the capital’s authorities approved the procedure for sending women on maternity leave to retraining and advanced training courses. All young mothers with children under 3 years old are invited to study. This year more money has been allocated for the program, which means he will be able to complete the training. larger number women

In contact with


On maternity leave as a manager, on maternity leave as a designer

, writes Zvezdny Boulevard.

Oksana Panova’s baby from Bibirevo is one and a half years old. Oksana is a manager by training; before her maternity leave she worked as a dispatcher at an asphalt plant.

“But our company recently went bankrupt, so we won’t be able to return to our previous place,” says Oksana. – Besides, management is not very interesting to me, I would like to get a second higher education in economics. But while the child is small, it doesn’t work out. Therefore, I want to at least complete some courses, to master the computer better, for example.

Recently, Oksana, having learned that the capital authorities had adopted a program to send mothers with small children to retraining and advanced training courses, contacted the department of the Employment Center. In the spring she will probably receive a referral to study.

Who will be hired to study?

According to Ivan Parashchak, head of the North-East Administrative District Employment Center, the program is aimed at ensuring that after maternity leave a woman enters the labor market prepared and can quickly find a job.

Get directions to free courses Any woman permanently registered in the capital who is on maternity leave, including those who are unemployed or have not worked at all before, can apply for this program.

You need to contact the employment departments of the Employment Center at your place of registration (there are five such departments in the North-Eastern Administrative District).

Accounting is in the lead

Now the North-East Administrative District Employment Center is determining a list of professions and educational institutions, where young mothers will be taught.

“We ask women who contact us what courses they would be interested in completing,” says Galina Serkova, head of the department of the Employment Center of the North-East Administrative District. – At the same time, we take into account how much the profession is in demand on the labor market. So far, the desires of women and the needs of the market more or less coincide.

At the moment, according to the survey results, advanced training courses for accountants are in the lead. During the three years that women spend at home with their babies, a lot changes in this area, so such courses would help accountants “stay in the ranks.” Many people want to go to computer courses, including studying various 1C programs. Some women wished to study to become an interior designer, improve their nursing qualifications, or complete a driving course.

“When a young mother contacts us, we look at what kind of education she has (by the way, almost everyone has a higher education), what job she worked before maternity leave,” says Alina Karsanova, deputy. Director of the Employment Center of the North-East Administrative District. – We are interested in what courses she would like to study. If she finds it difficult to choose, we suggest she undergo career guidance to select courses that match her level of work experience and education.

By the way, you can go to study in another city. If mom suddenly chose a unique profession that is taught only on the other side of the country. In this case, she will be paid not only for tuition, but also for travel, and will be given 100 rubles per diem and 550 rubles per day to pay for accommodation.

At the beginning of the year, the capital’s authorities approved a procedure for sending women on maternity leave to retraining and advanced training courses. All young mothers with children under 3 years old are invited to study. This year, more money has been allocated for the program, which means more women will be able to undergo training.

In contact with


On maternity leave as a manager, on maternity leave as a designer

, writes Zvezdny Boulevard.

Oksana Panova’s baby from Bibirevo is one and a half years old. Oksana is a manager by training; before her maternity leave she worked as a dispatcher at an asphalt plant.

“But our company recently went bankrupt, so we won’t be able to return to our previous place,” says Oksana. – Besides, management is not very interesting to me, I would like to get a second higher education in economics. But while the child is small, it doesn’t work out. Therefore, I want to at least complete some courses, to master the computer better, for example.

Recently, Oksana, having learned that the capital authorities had adopted a program to send mothers with small children to retraining and advanced training courses, contacted the department of the Employment Center. In the spring she will probably receive a referral to study.

Who will be hired to study?

According to Ivan Parashchak, head of the North-East Administrative District Employment Center, the program is aimed at ensuring that after maternity leave a woman enters the labor market prepared and can quickly find a job.

Any woman permanently registered in the capital who is on maternity leave, including those who are unemployed or have not worked at all before, can receive a referral to free courses under this program.

You need to contact the employment departments of the Employment Center at your place of registration (there are five such departments in the North-Eastern Administrative District).

Accounting is in the lead

Now the North-East Administrative District Employment Center is determining a list of professions and educational institutions where young mothers will be taught.

“We ask women who contact us what courses they would be interested in completing,” says Galina Serkova, head of the department of the Employment Center of the North-East Administrative District. – At the same time, we take into account how much the profession is in demand on the labor market. So far, the desires of women and the needs of the market more or less coincide.

At the moment, according to the survey results, advanced training courses for accountants are in the lead. During the three years that women spend at home with their babies, a lot changes in this area, so such courses would help accountants “stay in the ranks.” Many people want to take computer courses, including studying various 1C programs. Some women wished to study to become an interior designer, improve their nursing qualifications, or complete a driving course.

“When a young mother contacts us, we look at what kind of education she has (by the way, almost everyone has a higher education), what job she worked before maternity leave,” says Alina Karsanova, deputy. Director of the Employment Center of the North-East Administrative District. – We are interested in what courses she would like to study. If she finds it difficult to choose, we suggest she undergo career guidance to select courses that match her level of work experience and education.

By the way, you can go to study in another city. If mom suddenly chose a unique profession that is taught only on the other side of the country. In this case, she will be paid not only for tuition, but also for travel, and will be given 100 rubles per diem and 550 rubles per day to pay for accommodation.