Explanation of the Janibekov effect. The Dzhanibekov effect - Are apocalyptic somersaults threatening the Earth? Will there be a change in the direction of the earth's axis?

Why was such an important discovery kept silent? The fact is that the discovered effect made it possible to discard all previously put forward hypotheses and approach the problem from completely different positions. The situation is unique - experimental evidence appeared before the hypothesis itself was put forward. To create a reliable theoretical base, Russian scientists were forced to revise a number of laws of classical and quantum mechanics. A large team of specialists from the Institute of Mechanical Problems, the Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, and the International Scientific and Technical Center for Space Object Payloads worked on the evidence. It took more than ten years. And for ten years, scientists have been monitoring whether foreign astronauts would notice a similar effect. But foreigners probably don’t tighten the screws in space, thanks to which we not only have priorities in the discovery of this scientific problem, but are also almost two decades ahead of the whole world in its study.
For some time it was believed that the phenomenon was only of scientific interest. And only from the moment when it was possible to theoretically prove its regularity, the discovery found its practical significance. It has been proven that changes in the Earth's rotation axis are not mysterious hypotheses of archeology and geology, but natural events in the history of the planet. Studying the problem helps to calculate the optimal time frame for launches and flights spaceships. The nature of such cataclysms as typhoons, hurricanes, deluges and floods associated with global displacements of the planet’s atmosphere and hydrosphere has become more clear. The discovery of the Dzhanibekov effect gave impetus to the development of a completely new field of science that deals with pseudo-quantum processes, that is, quantum processes that occur in the macrocosm. Scientists always talk about some strange leaps when it comes to quantum processes. In the ordinary macrocosm, everything seems to happen smoothly, even if sometimes very quickly, but consistently. And in a laser or in various chain reactions processes occur abruptly. That is, before they begin, everything is described by the same formulas, after - by completely different ones, and there is zero information about the process itself. It was believed that all this is inherent only in the microcosm.
Head of the Department of Natural Risk Forecasting of the National Committee environmental safety. In this report, the Dzhanibekov effect was reported to the entire world community. Reported for moral and ethical reasons. It would be a crime to hide the possibility of a catastrophe from humanity. But our scientists keep the theoretical part behind “seven locks.” And the point is not only in the ability to trade the know-how itself, but also in the fact that it is directly related to the amazing capabilities of predicting natural processes.

The instability of such rotation is often demonstrated in lecture experiments.

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    The tennis racket theorem can be analyzed using Euler's equations.

    When freely rotating, they take the following shape:

    I 1 ω ˙ 1 = (I 2 − I 3) ω 2 ω 3 (1) I 2 ω ˙ 2 = (I 3 − I 1) ω 3 ω 1 (2) I 3 ω ˙ 3 = (I 1 − I 2) ω 1 ω 2 (3) (\displaystyle (\begin(aligned)I_(1)(\dot (\omega ))_(1)&=(I_(2)-I_(3))\omega _(2)\omega _(3)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(\text((1)))\\I_(2)(\dot (\ omega ))_(2)&=(I_(3)-I_(1))\omega _(3)\omega _(1)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~(\text((2)))\\I_(3)(\dot (\omega ))_(3)&=(I_(1)-I_(2))\omega _(1)\omega _(2)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(\text((3)))\end(aligned)))

    Here I 1 , I 2 , I 3 (\displaystyle I_(1),I_(2),I_(3)) denote the principal moments of inertia, and we assume that I 1 > I 2 > I 3 (\displaystyle I_(1)>I_(2)>I_(3)). Angular velocities of the three main axes - ω 1 , ω 2 , ω 3 (\displaystyle \omega _(1),\omega _(2),\omega _(3)), their time derivatives are ω ˙ 1 , ω ˙ 2 , ω ˙ 3 (\displaystyle (\dot (\omega ))_(1),(\dot (\omega ))_(2),(\dot (\omega ))_( 3)).

    Consider a situation where an object rotates around an axis with a moment of inertia I 1 (\displaystyle I_(1)). To determine the nature of equilibrium, we assume that there are two small initial angular velocities along the other two axes. As a result, according to equation (1), it can be neglected.

    Now we differentiate equation (2) and substitute from equation (3):

    I 2 I 3 ω ¨ 2 = (I 3 − I 1) (I 1 − I 2) (ω 1) 2 ω 2 (\displaystyle (\begin(aligned)I_(2)I_(3)(\ddot ( \omega ))_(2)&=(I_(3)-I_(1))(I_(1)-I_(2))(\omega _(1))^(2)\omega _(2) \\\end(aligned)))

    And ω ¨ 2 (\displaystyle (\ddot (\omega ))_(2)) different. Therefore, the initially low speed ω 2 (\displaystyle \omega _(2)) will remain small in the future. By differentiating equation (3), one can prove stability under disturbance . Since both speeds ω 2 (\displaystyle \omega _(2)) And ω 3 (\displaystyle \omega _(3)) remain small, remains small and ω ˙ 1 (\displaystyle (\dot (\omega ))_(1)). Therefore, rotation around axis 1 occurs at a constant speed.

    A similar reasoning shows that rotation around an axis with a moment of inertia I 3 (\displaystyle I_(3)) also sustainable.

    Now let's apply these arguments to the case of rotation about an axis with a moment of inertia I 2 (\displaystyle I_(2)). This time it is very small. Therefore, depending on time ω 2 (\displaystyle \omega _(2)) can be neglected.

    Now we differentiate equation (1) and substitute ω ˙ 3 (\displaystyle (\dot (\omega ))_(3)) from equation (3):

    I 1 I 3 ω ¨ 1 = (I 2 − I 3) (I 1 − I 2) (ω 2) 2 ω 1 (\displaystyle (\begin(aligned)I_(1)I_(3)(\ddot ( \omega ))_(1)&=(I_(2)-I_(3))(I_(1)-I_(2))(\omega _(2))^(2)\omega _(1) \\\end(aligned)))

    Please note that the signs ω 1 (\displaystyle \omega _(1)) And ω ¨ 1 (\displaystyle (\ddot (\omega ))_(1)) the same. Therefore, the initially low speed ω 1 (\displaystyle \omega _(1)) will increase exponentially until ω ˙ 2 (\displaystyle (\dot (\omega ))_(2)) will not cease to be small and the nature of rotation around axis 2 will not change. Thus, even small disturbances along other axes cause the object to “flip.”

    The effect, discovered by Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Dzhanibekov, was kept secret by Russian scientists for more than ten years. He not only destroyed all the harmony earlier recognized theories and ideas, but also turned out to be a scientific illustration of future global catastrophes.

    There are a great many scientific hypotheses about the so-called end of the world. Statements by various scientists about the change of the earth's poles have been around for more than a decade. But, despite the fact that many of them have coherent theoretical evidence, it seemed that none of these hypotheses could be tested experimentally.

    From history, and especially modern history sciences are known vivid examples, when, in the process of tests and experiments, scientists encountered phenomena that ran counter to all previously recognized scientific theories. It is precisely such surprises that include the discovery made by the Soviet cosmonaut during his fifth flight on the Soyuz T-13 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 orbital station (June 6 - September 26, 1985) Vladimir Dzhanibekov.

    He drew attention to an effect that was inexplicable from the point of view of modern mechanics and aerodynamics. The culprit of the discovery was an ordinary nut. Watching her flight in the cabin space, the astronaut noticed strange features of her behavior. It turned out that when moving in zero gravity, a rotating body changes its axis of rotation at strictly defined intervals, making a 180-degree revolution. In this case, the center of mass of the body continues to be uniform and straight motion. Even then, the astronaut suggested that such “oddities of behavior” are real for our entire planet, and for each of its spheres separately. This means that we can not only talk about the reality of the notorious ends of the world, but also imagine in a new way the tragedies of past and upcoming global catastrophes on Earth, which, like any physical body, is subject to general natural laws.

    Why was such an important discovery kept silent? The fact is that the discovered effect made it possible to discard all previously put forward hypotheses and approach the problem from completely different positions. The situation is unique - experimental evidence appeared before the hypothesis itself was put forward. To create a reliable theoretical base, Russian scientists were forced to revise a number of laws of classical and quantum mechanics. A large team of specialists from the Institute of Mechanical Problems, the Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, and the International Scientific and Technical Center for Space Object Payloads worked on the evidence. It took more than ten years. And for ten years, scientists have been monitoring whether foreign astronauts would notice a similar effect. But foreigners probably don’t tighten the screws in space, thanks to which we not only have priorities in the discovery of this scientific problem, but are also almost two decades ahead of the whole world in its study.

    For some time it was believed that the phenomenon was only of scientific interest. And only from the moment when it was possible to theoretically prove its regularity, the discovery acquired its practical significance. It has been proven that changes in the Earth's rotation axis are not mysterious hypotheses of archeology and geology, but natural events in the history of the planet. Studying the problem helps calculate the optimal time frame for launches and flights of spacecraft. The nature of such cataclysms as typhoons, hurricanes, deluges and floods associated with global displacements of the planet’s atmosphere and hydrosphere has become more clear. The discovery of the Dzhanibekov effect gave impetus to the development of a completely new field of science that deals with pseudo-quantum processes, that is, quantum processes that occur in the macrocosm. Scientists always talk about some strange leaps when it comes to quantum processes. In the ordinary macrocosm, everything seems to happen smoothly, even if sometimes very quickly, but consistently. But in a laser or in various chain reactions, processes occur abruptly. That is, before they begin, everything is described by the same formulas, after - by completely different ones, and there is zero information about the process itself. It was believed that all this is inherent only in the microcosm.

    The head of the department for forecasting natural risks of the National Committee for Environmental Safety, Viktor Frolov, and the deputy director of NIIEM MGShch, a member of the board of directors of the very center of payloads for space that was involved in the theoretical basis of the discovery, Mikhail Khlystunov, published a joint report. In this report, the Dzhanibekov effect was reported to the entire world community. Reported for moral and ethical reasons. It would be a crime to hide the possibility of a catastrophe from humanity. But our scientists keep the theoretical part behind “seven locks.” And the point is not only in the ability to trade the know-how itself, but also in the fact that it is directly related to the amazing capabilities of predicting natural processes.

    Possible reasons for this behavior of a rotating body:

    1. The rotation of an absolutely rigid body is stable relative to the axes of both the largest and smallest principal moment of inertia. An example of stable rotation around the axis of the smallest moment of inertia used in practice is the stabilization of a flying bullet. The bullet can be considered absolutely solid body to obtain sufficiently stable stabilization during its flight.
    2. Rotation around the axis of the greatest moment of inertia is stable for any body for an unlimited time. Including not absolutely tough ones. Therefore, this and only this rotation is used for completely passive (with the attitude control system turned off) stabilization of satellites with significant structural rigidity (developed satellite panels, antennas, fuel in tanks, etc.).
    3. Rotation around an axis with an average moment of inertia is always unstable. And the rotation will indeed tend to move towards a decrease in rotational energy. At the same time, different points of the body will begin to experience variable accelerations. If these accelerations lead to variable deformations (not an absolute rigid body) with energy dissipation, then eventually the axis of rotation will align with the axis of the maximum moment of inertia. If deformation does not occur and/or energy dissipation does not occur (ideal elasticity), then an energetically conservative system is obtained. Figuratively speaking, the body will tumble, always trying to find a “comfortable” position, but every time it will slip through and look for it again. The simplest example- an ideal pendulum. The bottom position is energetically optimal. But he will never stop there. Thus, the axis of rotation of an absolutely rigid and/or ideally elastic body will never align with the axis of max. moment of inertia, if initially it did not coincide with it. The body will forever perform complex technical oscillations, depending on the parameters and the beginning. conditions. It is necessary to install a 'viscous' damper or actively dampen vibrations with a control system, if we are talking about a spacecraft.
    4. If all the main moments of inertia are equal, the vector of the angular velocity of rotation of the body will not change either in magnitude or direction. Roughly speaking, in the circle of which direction it spins, in the circle of that direction it will rotate.

    Thus, judging by the description, the “Dzhanibekov nut” is a classic example of the rotation of an absolutely rigid body twisted around an axis that does not coincide with the axis of the smallest or largest moment of inertia.

    After all, the gyroscope rotates evenly (even in zero gravity).

    The Dzhanibekov effect was discovered back in 1985, but for almost thirty years it remained an inexplicable fact within the framework of modern science. Someone explained it torsion fields, and some with pseudo-quantum processes, so as not to stray too far from the paradigm that developed in the last century.

    The famous Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Dzhanibekov discovered mysterious phenomenon, performing work in open space, in orbit. When transporting cargo into space, things are packed in bags, which are secured with metal tapes, fixed with screws and wing nuts; you just need to swing the wing, and the nut screws itself together, continuing its linear translational movement in space, rotating around its axis.

    Having unscrewed the next “lamb”, Vladimir Aleksandrovich noticed that the nut, having flown 40 centimeters, unexpectedly somersaulted around its axis and flew further. Having flown another 40 centimeters, it turned over again.

    Dzhanibekov twisted the “lamb” back and repeated the experiment. The result is the same.

    At regular intervals in space, turning points were observed, while the center of mass of the body continued uniform and rectilinear motion, that is, the rotating body changed its axis of rotation at strictly defined intervals, performing a 180-degree revolution.

    The phenomenon, inexplicable from the point of view of modern mechanics and aerodynamics, could not be simply rejected; it was called the “Dzhanibekov effect.”

    For many years, physicists believed that it was of exclusively scientific interest, completely not understanding that this phenomenon can and should have not only a scientific, but also an applied nature. A large team of specialists from the Institute of Mechanical Problems, the Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety and the International Scientific and Technical Center for Space Object Payloads worked on evidence of this phenomenon. True, for the first ten years, Russian scientists waited to see if American astronauts, our eternal rivals in space research, would notice a similar effect. Apparently, the Americans did not have such a situation in space simply because of the difference in the organization and conduct of work.

    Today the Internet is full of articles, videos and programs for calculating the behavior of the so-called. "Dzhanibekov's nuts" At the same time, comments to these programs are very disrespectful: “There is no need to build the appearance of a scientific problem from the behavior of an ordinary nut.” You can see for yourself that in most of these programs a simple nut is presented, even without a “wing”, where its “tumbling” behavior is explained as a result of the distribution of centers of inertial mass in a body with a similar shape and size. It can be noted that, apparently on purpose, another important fact is overlooked: as far as possible under flight conditions, Vladimir Dzhanibekov tried to scale the effect he discovered by changing the shape of the body, material (plasticine) and dimensions, while obtaining almost the same distances. But, unfortunately, none of the smart guys ever wrote a program to calculate the behavior of Dzhanibekov’s “plasticine ball”. As a result, the effect discovered by a Russian cosmonaut decades ago gradually turned into simply a “Dzhanibekov nut.”

    For scientists, the questions remained unanswerable: what physical forces force the nut to turn over, and why exactly at this position of the axis does the turn over occur, and extreme positions absolutely stable? Why, for an outside observer, does the rotation of the nut alternate between left and right? Neither torsion theory nor the theory of pseudo-quantum processes gives explicit answers to these questions.

    The big problem of recent decades in science, the lack of ideas, arose as a result of rampant specialization, a complete separation in the explanation of any process, event or effect from space as a whole.

    The most amazing thing is that the effect discovered in Space takes place on Earth, in the space surrounding us. He was discovered by V.A. Nekrasov in the late 80s, and served as the first brick in the foundation of General Field Theory geometric shape.

    This is the only field theory that covers and connects together the processes occurring both in the world of bone matter and in the world of “living matter”, associated with the geometry of space in which the energy of leftism and rightism is distributed according to a strict law.

    The hypothesis that space is geometrically structured from the energy of leftism and rightism was put forward by V.I. Vernadsky at the beginning of the last century. But his hypotheses were based on a real discovery made by Louis Pasteur back in the early 19th century. He experimentally discovered a unique phenomenon in living matter - disequilibrium in the composition of left and right forms of molecules. Pasteur gave this phenomenon a name - dissymmetry. Pasteur, continuing his research on dissymmetry, discovered that in nature there are “right-handed” organisms (with an advantage of right-handed cells, and which need to feed on right-handed forms of matter, for example, yeast and sugar). His discoveries were practically forgotten for many years.

    Pierre Curie developed Pasteur's ideas by formulating the dissymmetry theorem, which reads: “if some kind of dissymmetry is observed in a phenomenon, then such dissymmetry should be found in the causes that give rise to this phenomenon.” Curie put forward the hypothesis that for dissymmetry to manifest itself in matter, it is necessary to superimpose two fields unequal to each other. Dissymmetry should always be of either left or right sign.

    V.A. Nekrasov, having experimentally discovered dissymmetry in the very space of the biosphere, and not only in the bodies of living organisms, posed the question: what forces should exist in space that influence matter and force molecules and macromolecular formations to take either left-handed or right-handed forms?

    The manifestation of these forces suggests that there is energy in space, but it is not associated with the types of interactions currently known to science: electromagnetic, gravitational, strong and weak nuclear interactions. There must be some kind of field energy.

    After the opening of V.A. Nekrasov’s field of a geometric form, it turned out that indeed, any form will exhibit the property of leftness or rightness, influencing the surrounding space and interacting with other fields of forms. In addition, the phenomenon of dissymmetry in the space of the biosphere is not chaotic in nature.

    The structure of dissymmetry distribution in stable cells discovered by Nekrasov is called: “Earth Shape Field”, and is characterized by a strict geometric law of leftism-rightism energy distribution in the biosphere. On Earth, dissymmetry is associated with living matter, but the biosphere was formed over millions of years, clearly under the influence of some external forces.

    Naturally, planet Earth is a complex organism that is connected with the surrounding Cosmos no less than every cell of our body is with the entire organism as a whole. This means that in outer space there should be forces that force leftism or rightism to manifest themselves, and the energy of leftism-rightism, just like in the space of the biosphere, should be distributed according to a strict geometric law. The Earth Form Field is not just a biosphere law, it is a superposition of fields, one of which is created and supported by the matrix of the upper layer earth's crust, and the second is formed by the shape field of the Universe.

    The question of the emergence and maintenance of dissymmetry in the biosphere directly turns into a more global question - the emergence of life on the planet. As in the “Dzhanibekov effect”, discovered in the open space of Space, and in the Nekrasov effect, which was discovered in the Earth’s biosphere, the same law of Universal dissymmetry and geometric distribution of leftism-rightism energy in space, as the Form Field of the Universe, is manifested.

    Knowledge of the laws and properties of the form field makes it possible to build the apparatus of New Applied Science, which uses energy and structural processes in the relationship between living and nonliving matter and the presence of dissymmetry. Finally, the opportunity has arisen to reconsider the relationship with Nature and learn to competently organize interaction with the surrounding space within the framework of general theory form fields and Earth Form Fields for organizing harmonious and healthy life on the planet.

    Dzhanibekov effect.

    There are a great many scientific hypotheses about the so-called end of the world. Statements by various scientists about the change of the earth's poles have been around for decades. But, despite the fact that many of them have sound theoretical evidence, none of these hypotheses can be tested experimentally. Indeed, it is hardly possible to be convinced from experience that displacements of magmatic layers are to blame for planetary somersaults. Or it is impossible to clearly see whether the Earth will turn over if we melt the ice of Antarctica. But it was in the USSR, where all such assumptions were considered obscurantism, phantasmagoria and pseudoscience, that their reality was first illustrated.

    Not for the first time in history, and especially in the recent history of science, there are vivid examples when, in the process of tests and experiments, scientists encountered phenomena that ran counter to all previously recognized scientific theories. It is precisely such surprises that include the discovery made in 1985 by cosmonaut V. Dzhanibekov.

    During a flight at the Salyut-7 orbital station, he noticed an effect that was inexplicable from the point of view of modern mechanics and aerodynamics. The culprit of the discovery was an ordinary nut.

    When transporting cargo into space, things are packed in bags, which are secured with metal straps, secured with screws and wing nuts with lugs. When dismantling the load in zero gravity, just tap the “lamb” with your finger. It flies off, and having calmly caught it, you put it in a certain place.

    Having unscrewed the next “lamb”, V. Dzhanibekov noticed how the nut, having flown 40 centimeters, suddenly turned around its axis and flew further. Having flown another 40 centimeters, it turned over again.

    Dzhanibekov twisted the “lamb” back and repeated the experiment. The result was the same. Then the astronaut tried to repeat the experiment with another “lamb”. Its flight to the “turning point” was already 43 centimeters.

    Dzhanibekov decided to try with some other object. The launched plasticine ball, having flown some distance, turned over on its axis in the same way and flew on. From here, observing the flights in the cockpit space, Dzhanibekov became interested in these oddities, especially in their flights. It turned out that when moving in zero gravity, a rotating body changes its axis of rotation at strictly defined intervals, making a 180-degree revolution. In this case, the center of mass of the body continues to move uniformly.

    Even then, the astronaut suggested that such “oddities of behavior” are real for our entire planet.

    The effect, discovered by Russian cosmonaut V. Dzhanibekov, was kept secret by Russian scientists for more than ten years. The question is why? And because it not only violated the entire harmony of previously recognized theories and ideas, but also turned out to be a scientific illustration of impending global catastrophes. This means that we can not only talk about the reality of the notorious ends of the world, but also imagine in a new way the tragedies of past and upcoming global catastrophes on Earth, which, like any physical body, is subject to general natural laws.

    It became clear that changes in the Earth’s rotation axis are not mysterious hypotheses of archeology and geology, but natural events in the history of the planet. Ten years later, after cosmonaut V. Dzhanibekov discovered this phenomenon, a report was made. In the report, the Dzhanibekov effect was reported to the entire world community for the first time. Reported for moral and ethical reasons. It would be a crime to hide the possibility of a catastrophe from humanity. But Russian scientists keep the theoretical part behind “seven locks.” One gets the impression that official science still has no true explanation for this effect.

    Explanation of the “Dzhanibekov effect”.

    Let's try to explain the “Dzhanibekov effect” based on the philosophy of Dualism, Dialectics of Absolute Paradox. By unscrewing the wing nut in zero gravity, cosmonaut Dzhanibekov gave the wing nut rotation, in addition to the main rotation, a precessional rotation.

    Since any rotational movement is similar to the rotation of the eversion of the Torus of the Universe (base, see “rotational movement” DDAP).

    Any rotation has its 4 cardinal points, where the equilibrium state is determined at 2 points, and “compression” and “extension” are determined at the next 2 points. A full circle of precessional rotation takes its time to pass through these 4 cardinal points. In precessional rotation, the cardinal point of "compression" will have the shortest time of its passage through that point, and the cardinal point of "extension" will have the longest time of passage of that point. These are the so-called similar points of “perihelion” and “aphelion” of precessional rotation. It is at these cardinal points that the wing nut passes from one side of the Möbius strip to the other, or from the outside to the inside, or from the inside to the outside. With this transition, the axis of rotation of the wing nut rotates 180 degrees.

    So in the “Dzhanibekov effect”, the “wing nut”, as a result of flying 40 centimeters, has completed half of the precession and flips the axis of rotation by 180 degrees, moving from the outside of the conventional Mobius trajectory to the inside, then after 40 centimeters it completes the second half of the precession and flips the axis rotation by 180 degrees, moving from the inner to the outer side of the conditional Moebius trajectory.

    Also, a similar “Dzhanibekov effect” occurred in relation to another “wing nut”, as well as a plasticine ball. And the fact that the revolution of the axis of rotation of other similar objects occurs through other equal segments depends on the time of the cycle of their precession.

    Since the Earth has its own precessional rotation, the reversal of the Earth’s rotation also occurs at the corresponding cardinal points of the earth’s precession. In these cases, in relation to the Sun, the relative positions of west and east will periodically change on Earth, and an inversion of the magnetic poles will also occur.