He read between the lines. Read between the lines. What is family education

Just as you observe a person with your eyes, you must also observe him with your ears to determine what he is like and whether he can be useful or harmful to you. You need to listen not only to his speech, but also to the way he speaks. The way people talk to you is just as telling as their actions towards you.

Tone discrimination

Tone of voice can play the most important role in determining how a person truly feels about themselves and about you. Everything that happens in the head and heart is clearly reflected in the tone of voice. Many features of speech or voice depend on genetic conditions and habit.

For the most part, those who speak in a boring, monotonous voice are emotionally closed people suffering from unresolved psychological problems. They find it difficult to start and maintain close relationships because it is very difficult for others to understand “what is on their minds” and communicate with them openly and freely.

Squeakiness and talkativeness

If you encounter a woman who speaks in a high-pitched, breathy, overly sweet voice, run away quickly. Women who speak in a squeaky baby voice are usually considered to be attractive, feminine, and flirty. Such a voice usually indicates internal aggression and hidden hostility. If you are in the company of such a woman long enough, do not be surprised if you hear the timbre of her voice drop several octaves. Watch as she begins to spew verbal lava from her once graceful mouth.

Dangerous tone of voice

People who attack you and unleash a torrent of words are angry at you, at themselves, and maybe at the whole world. Stay away from them. Very often their hostility causes you to respond to them in an equally aggressive manner. They may not even realize that they sound so hateful and will be surprised that you speak to them in such an unfriendly tone. The same applies to people who are overly loud. In addition to their aggressiveness, unless they have hearing problems, they often do not need attention and dream of being noticed. This also applies to men with a deep, sonorous voice, who enhance it by speaking too loudly, especially in situations where they can already be heard well. Bullies often raise their voice in addition to saying mean things out loud.

Growling Mouse

If a person speaks too softly, it is likely that they have hearing problems due to damage to the auditory nerve, which affects speech. But people speak in a low voice and because they have a low opinion of themselves or lack confidence in themselves. They may be too shy and believe that their thoughts are not as valuable, meaningful or important. Due to their low self-esteem, most of these people are passive-aggressive. They use a quiet voice to get others to listen to them or to gain attention by asking them to speak louder. That is, they speak quietly in order to stand out and gain an advantage, forcing others to listen carefully to their words. Speaking quietly, like a mouse, they usually do not reveal any of their real feelings.

Where does the hoarseness come from?

A constantly hoarse or rattling voice can hardly be called sexy. This rather indicates that a person has a lot of hidden anger. Such people often develop tumors on their vocal cords because they use them incorrectly. To get rid of these tumors or calluses, such people need, in particular, to overcome their inner anger.

What did you say?

In childhood, a lisp or whistling is quite normal, but if these speech features are observed in an adult, then not everything is in order psychologically.

With the exception of people who have dental problems that cause a lisp (crowns, protruding teeth, overbites or missing teeth), many have not been able to get rid of a lisp despite seeing a speech therapist. It turns out that almost all of them received emotional trauma at the age of six or seven, when the sound “s” is mastered.

Psychoanalysts such as Dr. Paul Cantapulo believe that people who mispronounce words and sounds are stuck in child-level psychological development. Experts believe that an adult who pronounces the sound “r” incorrectly (excluding the peculiarities of various dialects or accents) usually has many psychological problems that were unresolved in childhood. And similarly, a lisp causes affection if a person is six years old, but not 26, 36 or 46!

Slow down, I'm recording!

A person who talks too quickly is usually overexcited. He is like a tornado, trying to do ten things at once with such speed that he leaves behind frustrated, annoyed and frightened people. Such people are repulsive because they are very difficult to understand. Those who listen to them feel as if they are being deceived or drawn into something, although the chatterers may have the most honest intentions. For the most part, they, like quiet people, have problems with self-esteem, and they may believe that they are unworthy of being heard.

Haven't you said everything yet?

Some speak so slowly that you can fly from Moscow to Vladivostok and back before they finish a sentence. People who speak too slowly are often self-absorbed unless they have suffered brain damage from paralysis or stroke or are mentally retarded. They are so focused on speaking correctly that they forget about the other person. If you try to interrupt them, they will usually ignore you and continue talking. These people may divulge other people's secrets and not tell the truth.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer

People with exaggerated correct articulation are usually laconic and precise in their expressions, and everyone around them should be the same. These "correct" hyperarticulate people usually crave to be noticed, believing that they are better and smarter than others. They often behave this way, claiming to be infallible and pronouncing every “i” and emphasizing every “t” absolutely correctly, as if they knew everything. In fact, their behavior may mask extreme self-doubt.


Stop, look and listen to those around you to know what is on their mind.

Pay attention to how their voice sounds when they talk to you. Pay attention to the tone of the voice, whether it is harsh or aggressive, loud or soft, pauses, hoarseness, lisp, and whether they speak too fast or too slow. All these details can say a lot about a person.

Recently someone asked me: “How can I learn to read between the lines?” Great question! Although it’s funny to some extent, because people read information between the lines all the time without noticing it themselves.

Let me explain what I mean. For example, someone wrote a note. (You yourself have probably seen a similar case, but did not pay attention.) So, the other person finds the note and quickly reads it. At this time, he is in a hurry and thinks about something else, or perhaps does not consider the note important, but still reads it, and later mentions it in a conversation with surprise:

Why did he write about such and such in the note?

You may also have read the note and

answer him:

What are you talking about? There is nothing in the note on this topic.

Of course there is! “It’s written right in the first sentence,” he answers you.

Then you go for the note, find it and show it to your interlocutor. He reads it and, of course, sees that what he was talking about is not there.

Apparently this is not the note I read. There were probably two different notes - this is yours, and I read the second one,” he says, to which you reply:

No, I think this is the only note. You just mixed up its contents.

In fact, your interlocutor perceived what was written between the lines of the note.

Because, in a sense, we all already know how to write between the lines. But this can be done consciously or unconsciously. If you want to consciously write down information between the lines, you need to think about something while you write. When you do it unconsciously, the same thing happens. For example, when you are in a hurry, when your mind is very busy with something - a very emotionally charged thought, sensation, experience... You are absorbed in them, but you remember that you should write a note: “Jim, buy some markers and paper for the copy machine " You write this almost automatically, and the emotionally charged thought that dominates your consciousness and feelings will be superimposed on this text.

You will not see this information with your eyes, but it is present on the note, and there is even more of it than what is written in letters - because the written message is not charged with emotions, it has very little energy. So it turns out that your emotionally charged thoughts are written between the lines. This is just one example, but this happens very, very often.

I noticed this many years ago. This happened because I manage to be a little detached, unemotional about some topics that mean a lot to most people. I kind of stand on the sidelines and watch what’s happening around me. And in order to be able to see what is happening, to understand even oneself, one must become an almost dispassionate observer, not emotionally involved. And this is exactly the state that allows you to read between the lines.

If we are emotionally involved, emotionally charged, it will be very difficult for us to read between the lines. You need to be indifferent. When a Tibetan monk is tasked with writing down information on a scroll that needs to be hidden, he hides it between lines of text. Tibetan texts can be translated into various languages. And so you read such a text, read it and finally exclaim: “What confusing chatter! Sounds like a politician's speech...” Have you ever heard a politician speak? They never answer the questions asked, never, but instead chat until the listeners' brains turn off completely. Read translations of Tibetan texts - they look exactly the same, especially if there was a hidden message in the original.

So, let's say you have a page of text with information about the location of a treasure hidden between the lines. If you have been looking for this treasure for a long time, if you are excited and emotionally attached to the result, you will not be able to read the information between the lines. You will not read anything consciously. Subconsciously, of course, you still consider it, but your conscious mind will not be able to accept it from the subconscious due to your strong emotional arousal.

This is the secret of reading between the lines, including reading Tibetan scrolls. This is how they were written, and this is how they should be read - without emotional involvement. It turns out that a person who spends all his energy searching for some information, finding it, studying it, researching it - his involvement closes him to the perception of this very information. First you need to become emotionally indifferent to the subject of research. In other words, here's the biggest secret: "Big deal, I don't care." You might argue that these words alone are not enough.

Of course, it’s not enough to just repeat this phrase; you can’t pretend, you have to really become indifferent.

It turns out that you are given a map to a treasure worth billions, and you can take the entire treasure for yourself. You put the card on the table - emotions immediately ignite, and you are not able to feel anything from the information written between the lines.

This is how unemotional one must be able to be in order to decipher such information, and this, of course, is a difficult task. This is not easy to learn, but it is possible. By the way, this will also be useful in everyday life - after all, if you want to get rid of something, then you need to remove your emotional charge in relation to this phenomenon; This is the only way to let him go. If there is an emotional charge towards something negative, we will constantly talk about it, we will get upset... The phenomenon is magnetized and remains with us. But as soon as you can become an indifferent observer, it will be released.

As for the word “indifferent,” it does not quite fit our description, but we have to use it for lack of more precise terms. I'm trying to describe the phenomenon when something truly fantastic lies in front of you, and you remain completely calm. It's just a thing... Whether you take it or not, you don't care.

If you can treat something you don’t like in this way, this phenomenon will disappear from your life because you no longer feed it with energy. This is the state that is necessary to perceive the information contained between the lines.

There is a lot of information contained between the lines of my first book, The Messenger. It took a lot of work - while writing the book, I spent many hours in light meditation and many hours in deep meditation. I entered a state of meditation, then wrote a text, say, half a page, then stopped and started over. And so time after time, time after time.

How can you learn to consciously read the information contained between the lines? When reading a book, you subconsciously still perceive interline information. The subconscious mind reads it, and in a state of meditation, the information received slowly enters the conscious mind. When a person begins to work with love, to send love, a process begins through which a lot of such information leaks into his conscious mind.

But if you just want to read the interline information, then first read the book in the usual way. Then choose one or two pages to work on. Read them, but in a state of indifference to the meaning of the words. “It doesn’t matter,” you simply read and allow the emerging emotions to enter your consciousness. Of course, this takes practice.

I will tell you the secret of fortune telling by tea leaves. Most of you probably know what it is: you go to a coffee or tea shop, drink a cup of tea, and then they tell your fortune based on the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup. Of course, we are talking about real fortune telling, and not about its imitation. About a fortuneteller who has actually learned this art and practices it carefully and diligently. Such a fortuneteller also reads between the lines - and it doesn’t matter whether the words in front of him or the tea leaves, the essence is the same.

After all, he does the only thing - perceives. When you drink tea, when you stir it, when you pour boiling water into a cup, thousands of thoughts, sensations, emotions, ideas, hopes, dreams, fears, inspirations rush through you... And traces of this remain on everything you do with the world around you . Tea leaves are arranged in a certain way, just like water is very susceptible to magnetic impulses and stores them for a long time. All tea molecules line up in a certain way. And when a fortune teller or fortune teller takes the cup and reads its fortune, they are reading the information you left behind. And this is reading between the lines.

It doesn't matter if they are words or tea leaves. Take some stones! If you take a bucket of stones and lay them out, like words, on several “pages,” then it will seem to someone that they are just stones that do not contain any information. But between the lines of this stone “text” there is a huge amount of information.

I call this phenomenon reading between the lines because that's what it describes best. I don’t know what else to call it... I don’t want to use the term “psychic abilities”, because that’s not it. The information is contained in how each stone is placed; each of them stores your magnetic imprint, the imprint of your thoughts, sensations, emotions - everything that happened in you.

You may ask: “What about the past? How does a tea leaf fortune teller look into the past?” The fact is that the past, present and future are one. Their separateness is just an illusion that disappears when you read between the lines. The only thing that has to do with time is the words that are written on paper - they are arranged in a temporal order. But if you take a closer look at this, you will understand that words can write about the past, present and future. So, they also relate not only to the moment “now”? The same is true for tea leaves, for stones, for bones (which are thrown on the fortune telling table), for cards... It all comes down to one thing - reading between the lines.

Let's return to the Tibetan scrolls - they contain information written between the lines, and not everyone knows how to decipher it. Moreover, you don’t even need to know the Tibetan language to read the information contained between the lines of the scroll. Yes, you don't need to understand the language in which the text is written, because the words that make it up have no relation to what is written between the lines. We get a great way to hide information. A very effective way - after all, for someone who really wants to take possession of information, it will be impossible to do this (strong emotions will interfere). Nicely designed!

Do you always think about what you are writing when you compose a letter to someone? I'm not sure, because we self-censor most of our thoughts.

And this is one of the reasons why I don't allow my books to be heavily edited. And especially the book “The Messenger,” my first. Once I sent it for editing, after which I had to restore it, which was very difficult. After all, if you give the text to a person who is not familiar with the topic, he will redo everything according to his own understanding. And this is the same as after you have laid out the stones on the ground, someone will come and rearrange them in their own way. Thereby adding your own interline information. If this person didn’t have the best day, if his wife left him (or her husband left, if it’s a woman), then they will leave their emotions between the lines. That's why I'm so strict when it comes to editing my texts. And I always ask translators to translate them as close to the original as possible, exactly what I wrote.

If you don't read English and want to try reading between the lines, pick up a book in English. (Whether you can read it or not doesn’t really matter.) This way, by the way, is the easiest way to learn to read between the lines. After all, attention is not distracted by the meaning of the words, you simply continue to read - as if you know how to read these words. Keep going and after a while you'll get a little... bored. And boredom means “not important, uninteresting, unemotional,” because reading becomes monotonous. This is exactly what we need. When reading becomes monotonous, boring, uninteresting, then you let go of tension and information enters your conscious mind more easily. This becomes possible because with the onset of boredom, the conscious mind opens up a little and allows in what it would normally block. It’s as if he’s saying: “Give me at least something! I agree to anything!” - this is where information comes into it.

And again, when you practice reading between the lines of a book that has been heavily edited, you can guess what will happen. I have seen how the text created by the author went through editing. I must admit that it was no longer the same text.

As for grammar, punctuation and abbreviations, remember this: writing is an art closely related to the person who writes. The attitude towards spelling accepted in our society: “Everything must be according to the rules, all periods and commas in their places” is the same as ordering an artist to use only two colors. “From now on, artists are only allowed to use two colors and paint with a brush only from left to right!” It’s funny, because the picture is created by the artist himself, it is practically a part of him. You can’t edit a painting, it’s like going to Picasso and saying: “You know, it’s not bad, but there are too many straight lines and not enough curves. Therefore, instead of this line we will draw such a curve, instead of this one we will draw a left arc, and instead of this one we will draw a curved line.” Just a couple of movements - and there is no more Picasso painting! Do you understand? Likewise, writing is a deeply personal endeavor.

Of course, if you are a lawyer and are writing a paper for the court, it is clear that it must be written according to a certain template. But if you are writing something else - a story, a letter, something about yourself, whatever, then never let it be edited. The one who says: “Not bad, but needs to be edited” would be wrong. Why? Because he does not understand the meaning of words written on paper and what they become.

Such a page with words is a picture. It may only have one color, black, but it is a picture painted by the arrangement of sentences. At school, everyone learns to place words in the same order and write them the same way. How will this affect the picture - will it destroy it? No, it won’t destroy it, but it will change it. And, of course, it will introduce noise into the interline information. After all, take a writer - he writes a book one, two, half a page a day. Each of these pages is different from all the others, each of them is unique, and each of them captures certain emotions. The manuscript goes to the editor, who wants to edit it. Of course, it's up to you to choose what you like - slick text or original text with original content.

The conclusion is the following: you should not edit everything that comes to hand. And when you write something, leave it as it is, let this text be in its original form. (Of course, this does not apply to formalized legal documents.)

Someday they will teach this in school. Although everyone already reads between the lines in everyday life, and if you look closely, you will notice it. For example, a person reads some ordinary text and says: “There is something wrong with this text, I can’t explain it, but I don’t like it.” In many cases, this refers not to what is written in words, but to the content between the lines. You can remove this by editing. If you make enough corrections, the text between the lines will no longer be readable. But when the text is edited too heavily and the interline content turns into mush, it often becomes simply uninteresting to read.

I've noticed that some popular writers' books work like this: they write smooth texts in a style that appeals to readers. At the same time, information, organized in a similar way, also falls between the lines. The result is a candy with a very delicate filling. Such authors become very popular, unless their texts are destroyed by editing.

Of course, editing can also be gentle - correct typos in words, place commas where they should be. Such editing will not destroy or mix up interline information...

One way or another, books that contain calming and encouraging information between the lines are very popular. You want to read and read such a book. Moreover, you even want to press it to your chest - because it contains such pleasant information between the lines.

So I told you about the information between the lines. Hope you are satisfied. Until next time!

I came across reading between the lines many years ago, and this skill has been extremely useful to me. I’ll tell you about it briefly, because sometimes the simpler the better. The biggest drawback of our speech is that it is impossible to find words to explain concepts such as the Universe, time, space, dimensions, consciousness.

But, as usually happens in Life, someone finds a way around the limitations. The best way I can explain it is this: every word spoken or written has a vibration - and something else that I cannot explain, because I don’t really know what it is. However, if you put certain words next to each other, they create a special vibration. Each word vibrates on its own note, each pair of words, vibrating, creates a new consonance. In an ordinary sentence, the vibration of each word and the entire sentence does not change unless the words are changed. But there are completely different sentences - they also contain words and the entire sentence - but with one note. Such a sentence seems to sing a song, telling a story that exists beyond what is written on paper.

I would love to explain to you the mechanism of this process, but, unfortunately, I don’t know it. However, I can read between the lines, or more precisely, I know how to receive information from the subconscious.

I'll give you an example that should be familiar to you. Have you ever sat reading something, a book or a magazine, and then, after some period of time, seem to wake up from a dream-like state and find that you do not remember the contents of the pages you just read? It was as if you were on autopilot - one part of your mind was reading, and the other was asleep, or something like that. This means that while reading you came across one of these sentences, and your mind was in the right state, and therefore the subconscious made an attempt to convey the information contained in that sentence. If the subconscious mind tells you information in symbols, then everything may seem like a dream, into which fragments of the surrounding reality will be woven, and then you should separate one from the other.

It is one thing to read between the lines and quite another to write in this way. I think only a few people in the whole world can do this. And to learn such an art will probably take a lifetime. I found that the greatest concentration of people who can do this are among the Tibetans. And language doesn't seem to matter. Even if you don't know how to read a language, you can still read the text between the lines. Reading a book in an unfamiliar language is precisely the easiest way to learn to read between the lines. Of course, a book written in this way is necessary. Spiritual books written in Tibetan are perfect. This is exactly the way I learned it. The conscious mind becomes bored with reading what it cannot read, and at some stage control passes to the subconscious. You will probably find yourself entering a dream-like state. When finished, you should remember what you saw in your dream and even write it down to analyze it later. You will be extremely surprised by what you discover. Another way to learn and practice is to let yourself “float away” while reading. This is best done when re-reading a book or text. Of course, if you are lost in thoughts about everyday worries, then you need to return. I imagine myself having a conversation with another part of myself. I believe that she is my subconscious. As I read, I allow myself to float away and return. I read, listen, read again and so on. It's much simpler than it might seem from my story.

There are many books on bookstore shelves in which information is written between the lines. It's interesting that even though people don't know how to write between the lines, it still happens, especially with writers who channel or meditate. Especially if they meditate just before they put pen to paper. I have also noticed that in any book translated from Tibetan into English by someone who has achieved sufficient skill in meditation, the information written between the lines passes into the new language. I think this is an amazing phenomenon! A great example would be any of the books written by Alice Bailey. There is so much information between the lines that it could easily take four to five months to read one book. Also, among many others, you can pay attention to books written by Seth, Sanaya Roman, Richard Bach. Each book contains a different amount of information between the lines, although this seems to have increased over the past few years from 1995 to 1998 and beyond.

The next time you receive a letter from someone, you can try reading the information between the lines. Sometimes people write about one thing but think about another. For some reason, their thoughts show up in what I call "between the lines."

Do you think this information will make reading more interesting?

It is no coincidence that I placed the story about reading between the lines in this place. I could report the reason for this, but then it wouldn't be that interesting.

Read between the lines Read between the lines (foreigner) to guess what is not written or agreed upon. Wed. But between the lines his sick creations Have you read it? You mean that more burdensome than prison, And more burdensome than his shame and deprivation, was for him your world of commerce and darkness. Nadson. In memory Ѳ. M. Dostoevsky. Wed. The words are still the same, but it’s as if the meaning is different, and as if between these lines I read I'm invisible lines. Gr. A. Tolstoy. Don Juan. 1. Wed. Literature (in pre-reform times) itself was filled with a slavish spirit and infected readers with the same spirit. On the one hand, allegories appeared, on the other, the art of understanding these allegories, the art read between the lines. Saltykov. Unfinished conversations. 4. Wed. I found fault with the words read between the lines, tried to find mysterious meaning, hints... Dostoevsky. Notes from the Dead. Houses. 2, 10. Wed. He between printed I read in lines with spiritual eyes Another line... A. S. Pushkin. Evg. Onegin, 8, 36. Wed. Ovid. Remed. Am. 360. Cm. Allegory. Cm. Reform.

read between the lines this:

read between the lines ( foreigner) - to guess what is not completed, not agreed upon Wed. But between the lines his morbid creations Have you read it? You are talking about what is more painful than prison, And more painful than his shame and deprivation Was for him your world of commerce and darkness. Nadson. In memory of F.M. Dostoevsky. Wed. The words are still the same, but it’s as if the meaning is different, and as if between these lines I'm reading I invisible lines. Gr. A. Tolstoy. Don Juan. 1. Wed. Literature (in pre-reform times) itself was filled with a slave spirit and infected readers with the same spirit. On the one hand, allegories appeared, on the other, the art of understanding these allegories, the art read between the lines. Saltykov. Unfinished conversations. 4. Wed. I found fault with the words read between the lines, tried to find mysterious meaning, hints... Dostoevsky. Notes from the Dead. Houses. 2, 10. Wed. He between printed lines Read spiritual eyes Other lines... A.S. Pushkin. Evg. Onegin, 8, 36. Wed. Sed tu ingenio verbis concipe plura meis. Ovid. Remed. Am. 360. Cm. allegory. Cm. reform.

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and apt words. A collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. St. Petersburg, type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

What does the phrase "read between the lines" mean?

and if they tell you that you are reading between the lines, does it mean you don’t see the meaning or, on the contrary, you see the whole truth? - more than a year ago

Read between the lines - this is already a stable expression. It is used quite often in Russian and means that the interlocutor is asked to guess what is not actually written, but is implied in the text from the context or some hints.

I think that if you read the letters, lines and do not understand what is written, then they tell you to read between the lines, like maybe then you will understand, if you do not understand what is written, then read the emptiness that is between the lines. Or if you read a book, they ask you what the book is about, and you answer something that is in no way related to this book, then they say, did you read the book between the lines?


In my understanding, the saying “Read between the lines” means they want to say something or give hints, for example, they don’t want to offend or simply cannot say it directly, then the person to whom this applies must understand everything immediately, at first sight, a word or deed in relation to him.

The phraseological expression “read/read between the lines” denotes the ability to understand what is unsaid and not written, but is implied. Reading between the lines is the ability to understand the secret meaning of what is written or said out loud. In the old days, due to strict censorship, writers were forced to write about something not openly, but allegorically, using Aesopian language. In a private letter, people could also resort to such a trick when they wanted to convey something secret, intended not for all ears, to convey to their addressee. That’s when they started saying “read between the lines.”


This phrase is often used in modern Russian and means that a person must not only understand the literal meaning of a word, event, book, film, etc., but also figurative, hidden, not visible obviously, clearly, transparently, superficially . This is seeing and understanding something broadly, using your life experience and knowledge, because it is sometimes very difficult to guess. In other words, it is knowledge of the secret meaning of things.

When they say “read between the lines,” they want to draw attention to the hidden meaning in a written text or spoken expression.

There is an opinion that once upon a time in secret letters, between the lines, a secret message was written with invisible ink, for example, like milk, then when heated over a fire, a hidden text appeared.

Read between the lines, in my opinion, understand the meaning of what you read. Take into account not only the direct meaning of words and sentences, but reveal the essence and meaning of what is written or said. It’s not always possible to say directly; you have to give hints so that a person can guess.


Reading between the lines means looking for hidden meaning. This phrase is used in the sense that it is important not only to read what is written, but somewhere to guess what the author of the letter or text actually wanted to say.

What does it mean to read between the lines?

With an example please

Galina Avanesova

“Read between the lines” - to perceive not what is written, but what is implied or what the reader himself can easily guess.
The best example is a literal “lesson” of reading “between the lines” taught by one of the heroes of one of the heroines of Solzhenitsyn’s “The First Circle”.
I quote from memory: in Moscow (the hero reads aloud) 1,380 more nurseries have opened than in all of Western Europe. Understand (the reader explains) - all young mothers in Europe have the financial opportunity to stay at home with their babies, but a Soviet mother, two weeks after giving birth, is marching to the bench.
Or another example, also newspaper and magazine information: 407 wounded were carried away from the battlefield and placed in hospitals; in this heaviest battle, 623 people died - a lie, because the number of dead accounts for a much (by an order of magnitude) greater number of wounded.
From personal correspondence during the Great Terror: “And Vasil Petrovich went to live with his brother...”, and the correspondent knows that his “brother” is in the Gulag or shot.
I hope the examples given are more than clear.

This means seeing the hidden meaning embedded by the author in his work. For example, many listening to Vysotsky’s “Wolf Hunt” associate wolves with dying soldiers and project each line not onto the world of wolves. but on the world of people.

This means that you need to understand the author's thoughts. What he wanted to say, what he was thinking about, what bothered him and, finally, what prompted him to write the work (to determine the purpose and root cause). For example, you can not talk directly about the problems of the state, but simply show a character who died of hunger. And you need to “read between the lines” - why does the main character die? because there were very difficult times, because the state refused to help, etc. I’ll explain better with a specific example, but for now this is how it is.

What does the expression “read between the lines” mean? See the hidden meaning?

Alexey Popov

To read between the lines means to see much deeper than what is written or said, to see the hidden meaning. Understand what they meant when they said this or that, to see the secret meaning of what was written. Understand what they meant when they said this or that, to see the secret meaning of what was written. That is, the most important thing is not said directly, but only implied. Now, if you understand what is meant, then they say that you read between the lines. . For example, it is unethical to say to guests who have stayed too long that it is time to be honored, so the hostess speaks about this with a hidden meaning. “Tell me, what time is it now? “And guests should read between the lines to see if it’s time to go home. But often we see hidden meaning where there is none. If you wish, hidden meaning can be found in every message. And this often leads to various kinds of conflicts and misunderstandings.