Online shopping topic in English. Topic in English “Shops and Shopping”. V. Formation of dialogical speech skills

In this article you will find all the necessary vocabulary on the topic of shopping and shopping in stores. How to buy, what to ask the seller, what to answer his questions, and so on.

The topic is extensive, so for convenience we will divide the article into several parts. Let's look at words first, then phrases. At the end we will give some examples of dialogues between a buyer and a seller.

Let's start with the basic words.

Words on the topic shopping in English with translation

Where can I buy goods

shop/store- shop

department store- supermarket

convenience store- a small convenience store

grocery store- grocery store

online store— online store

toy shop/toy store- a toy shop

book shop- book Shop

jeweller's / jewelery store- jewelry shop

charity shop/second hand shop— second-hand

shopping center / shopping mall / mall— shopping center/complex

supermarket- supermarket

market- market

People associated with the sale/purchase

customer- buyer, client

cashier/clerk- cashier/salesperson

attendant/assistant- service person, assistant, salesperson

manager- manager

A few more words related to shops

receipt- check, receipt

cash- cash

note- banknote

coin- coin

chip and pin machine— acquiring terminal

credit card / debit card— credit/debit card

loyalty card— loyalty card

trolley- cart

basket- basket

fitting room / changing room- dressing room

Phrases you might hear in a store

Seller/consultant/manager questions

Can/May I help you?-Can I help you with anything?

Are you looking for anything in particular?— Are you looking for something specific?

Can I help you find something?-Can I help you find something?

What color would you like?— What color would you like?

What size would you like?- What size do you need?

Is there anything else I can help you with?— Is there anything else I can help with?

Would you like to try it on?- Would you like to try this on?

What can I do for you?- How can I help? (What can I do for you?)

How about this one?- How about this?

Anything else? / Would you like anything else?- Anything else? / Would you like something else?

How would you like to pay?— How would you like to pay for your purchase? (How will you pay?)

Will that be cash or credit?— Cash or credit card?

Do you have anything smaller?— Do you have a smaller bill?

Do you have a loyalty card?- Do you have our map?

Would you like a bag?— Do you need a package?

Will that be all?- This is all?

Buyer Questions

Excuse me, do you work here?- Excuse me, do you work here?

Could you help me please?- Can you help me?

Could you tell me where the…. is, please?- Could you tell me where... is located?

How much is this? / How much does this cost?- How much does it cost?

How much are these?— How much does it cost (plural)?

How much is that…. in the window?- How much is this/that... on the display?

Where can I find the…. ?- Where can I find…?

Do you sell…. ? / Do you have any… ?- Do you sell…? / You have?

Would you have this in another color?— Do you have this in a different color?

Have you got anything cheaper? / Do you have something less pricey (expensive)?— Do you have something cheaper?

Do you have a smaller/bigger/larger size?— Do you have a smaller one?

Where is the changing/fitting room?— Where is the fitting room?

Where can I weigh my groceries?— Where can I weigh food?

Do/Can you deliver?— Do you deliver?

Do you take credit cards?- Do you accept credit cards?

Could I have a receipt, please?— Can I get a check?

Possible answers and phrases from the seller

I’m afraid that’s the only color we have.“I’m afraid this is the only color there is.”

We don't have any more left.“We don’t have any more of this.”

I have exactly what you’re looking for.- I have exactly what you are looking for.

This one is on sale right now!— This item is on sale!

The changing / fitting rooms are that way.- The fitting rooms are there.

That one is….(price).- This (she/he) is worth...

They’re….(price) each.- They stand... each one.

We take / accept all major credit cards.— We accept all major types of credit cards.

Sorry, we don’t accept credit cards.— Sorry, we don't accept credit cards.

I'm afraid we take cash only.— I'm afraid we only accept cash.

Put your card into the machine, please.— Insert your card, please.

Enter your PIN, please.— Enter your PIN code.

That comes to….(amount), please. / The total is ....(sum). / That’s….(amount), please.- From you... / You must...

Buyer phrases

I'm looking for a …- I'm looking for…

I'm trying to find a...- I'm trying to find...

I don't need any help. I'm just browsing, thank you.“I don’t need help, I’m just watching.” Thank you.

No, I’m just looking, thanks.- No, I'm just looking, thanks.

Oh, that's expensive.- It is expensive.

That's a little over my budget.— This is a little over my budget.

That’s not exactly what I’m looking for.- This is not exactly what I'm looking for.

I'll take it.- I take this.

I'll pay in cash.— I will pay in cash.

I'll pay by card.— I will pay by card.

Here’s…, keep the change!- Here (the money), no change needed!

That's all, thanks.- Nothing more, thank you.

I'd like to return this please.- I would like to return this.

I'd like to make a complaint.- I would like to complain.

I’d like to change this for a different size please. — I would like to change to a different size.

Dialogues on the topic

This dialogue skeleton can be used in a variety of situations:

Customer: Good morning! Good morning!
Shop assistant: Good morning! Can I help you? Good morning! Can I help you?
Customer: Yes, please. Do you have a ___ (any ___)? Yes please. You have ___?
Shop assistant: Sorry, I don’t have any ___ . But I have a (some) nice ___ . Do you want a ___ (any)? Sorry, I don't have ___, but I do have ____. You want ___ ?
Customer: Yes, please. Yes please.
Shop assistant: Here you are. Here you go.
Customer: Thank you. Thank you.
Shop assistant: You're welcome. Please.

In a clothing store:

From the previously proposed phrases, you can create a variety of dialogues yourself, if you have such a need. Use your imagination!

Let's look at a topic like shopping. The word “shopping” comes to us from the English language and means “the process of shopping” or “going shopping.” For language learners I have prepared shopping topic on English language with translation into Russian.

Our people mean by shopping going out to buy new clothes or something like that. In English, the concept of “shopping” is broader. “I go for a shopping” means “I’m going shopping.” Shopping can be everyday: buying bread or milk in a supermarket is also shopping for the British.

From the article you will learn:

Dictionary on shopping

  • shopping list - shopping list
  • purchases - purchases
  • discount card - discount card
  • sale - sale
  • a self-service shop - self-service store
  • shopping mall - shopping center
  • everyday essentials - everyday essentials
  • foodstuffs - food products
  • bakery department - bakery department
  • dairy - dairy products / dairy department
  • butcher - meat department
  • department store - department store
  • ready-made clothes - ready-made clothes
  • ready-made food - prepared food
  • entertainment - entertainment

My every day shopping

When we want to buy something, we go to a shop.

Everyday shopping is rather traditional: some white and brown bread, milk, butter, sugar, salt, eggs, sausages. But it’s not necessary to visit different provisional shops such as bakery or butchery to buy food for the family because we could buy foodstuffs in a supermarket. Different goods are sold under one roof, so customers can save their time having all goods bought in no time.

Well, shopping is no fun any longer, but my daily duty. I dream to be an economist. I try to be rational and economical. I try to follow some steps. First of all it is necessary to make a shopping list of what we need. Then we should calculate how much our purchases would cost and take this very sum of money with us. The third rule tells that we shouldn’t be hungry while shopping, a hungry person buys the things his or her stomach dictates to buy, not thinking about prices or rational nutrition. And we shouldn’t go shopping immediately after we have got our salary, when we feel impressed by a large sum of money and don’t think it’s for a long month to last.

Every day before leaving for school I look around the kitchen to see what we need. And on my way from school I drop into the nearest supermarket, and buy bread and other everyday essentials. Every Friday evening my Mum and I examin our kitchen more carefully as Saturday is our shopping day. The shopping list is rather long, so we both go shopping.

The method of shopping is very simple. In a self-service shop a customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket the goods he wants to buy. It’s absolutely necessary to check the dates before which this or that foodstuff should be used, not to buy something of bad quality. Then a customer takes the basket to the check-out counter where the prices of the purchases are added up. After paying money to the cashier the customer can get his purchases.

Mum and I go to the supermarket where we can buy different things at once: fish, bread, sausages, tea, sugar, spices, eggs. I think that a bakery department is among the best in the shop as it has a rich choice of biscuits. And what is more importable they are always fresh and tasty.

Another department of the supermarket, which we have to visit, is a dairy. At the dairy we buy milk, cream, yogurt, cheese, butter and other products. My Mum and I are regular customers at the greengrocer’s where potatoes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, oranges, apples and other fruits and vegetables. In summer we prefer buying fruits, berries and vegetables at the nearest market.

Sometimes I have to go to a department store. I can buy there fabrics and footwear, glass, ready-made clothes and cosmetics, toys and electric appliances, furniture and sport goods, cameras and films, and what not.

At the butcher’s there’s a wide choice of meat such as beef, pork, mutton, chicken and turkey. It’s really a great skill to choose a piece of meat you need, for soup or for chops or shashlyk, so it’s my Mum who is to buy meat.

I like shopping. It gets some element of fun and entertainment.

My daily shopping ( translation from English to Russian)

When we want to buy something, we go to the store.

Every day, shopping is quite traditional: white and gray bread, milk, butter, sugar, salt, eggs, sausages. But it is not necessary to go to shops such as a bakery or butcher to buy food for the family, because we can buy food in the supermarket. Quite a lot of goods can be bought in one place, so people save their time in this way and do not spend a lot of time.

So, shopping is no longer entertainment for me, but my daily duty. I dream of being an economist. I'm trying to be rational and economical. I try to follow several points. First, you need to write a list of necessary purchases. Then we have to add up how much it will cost us and how much we need to take with us. The third rule is that shopping should not be done on an empty stomach, because a hungry person buys what his hunger dictates, without thinking about prices and healthy food. And we should not immediately go to the store as soon as we receive our salary, when we are overwhelmed with feelings regarding a large amount of money and do not stretch out the payment for many months.

Every day before I leave for school, I look around the kitchen and see what we need. And on my way from school, I look into the nearest supermarket and buy bread and other necessary things. Every Friday evening, my mom and I take a more careful approach to the shopping process. The shopping list turns out to be long and we both go to the store.

The method I use is very simple. In a self-service store, the customer walks from counter to counter, selecting something and adding the items he wants to buy into a basket. You definitely need to look at the production date or expiration date so as not to buy something of poor quality. Then the buyer takes the basket and comes to the checkout to have the products placed in the basket checked out. After the money is transferred to the cashier, the buyer can pick up his purchases.

Mom and I go to the supermarket, where we can buy various things: fish, bread, sausages, tea, sugar, spices, eggs. I think the baked goods section is among the best in the store as they have a variety of cakes to choose from. And most importantly, they are always fresh and tasty.

Another section of the supermarket that I visit often is the dairy section. In the dairy department I buy milk, sour cream, yogurt, cheese, butter and other products. My mother and I regularly stock up on potatoes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, oranges, apples and other fruits and vegetables at the grocery store. In summer we prefer to buy fruits, berries and vegetables at the nearest market.

Sometimes I go to special departments. I can buy factory-made clothes and shoes, circles, clothes and cosmetics, toys and electronic gadgets there.

The butcher shop has a wide selection of meats such as beef, pork, mouton, chicken and turkey. It’s so wonderful to choose the piece of meat you need for soup or for barbecue, so my mother does the meat shopping.

I like shopping. Shopping brings an element of fun and entertainment into life.

This page contains topic in English on this topic SHOPS AND SHOPPING

Going shopping is a part of our everyday life. For some people it’s a pleasant pastime while for others it’s an everyday routine. Some people love doing the shopping and they are happy if they can pick up a bargain in the sales. But whether you like shopping or not you have to do it because it’s a necessity.

In big cities and even many small towns there are all kinds of shops and stores as well as supermarkets. Supermarkets are primarily food stores which sell all kinds of food: fresh, frozen and canned meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, dairy products and bread. Almost everything a family needs can be found in a supermarket. There the customer serves himself and pays at the cash-desk on leaving the shop.

Department stores carry clothing for men, women and children, China and glassware, household electric appliances, furniture and other goods. However, many people don’t like to shop in big department stores as they are often overcrowded.

In my city we also have got a great number of shops. Most of them open at 9 a.m. and close at 8 or 9 at night. Smaller shops normally have a lunch break. Nearly all shops are closed on Sundays. I should say that all the shops are equally popular with customers, though some of them are really expensive. But they are not always quality shops. That’s why many people these days prefer to do the shopping at the market where the prices are more reasonable.

In our family it’s my father who does most of the shopping. He usually shops in the supermarket, where he goes to the grocery department, the greengrocery, the meat and fish counters and buys all the stuff we need for our large family. He usually does it once a week.

For me and my mother on the other hand going shopping is a kind of pastime and even entertainment. We can spend hours and hours dropping in at one shop after another in search of something special or unusual. More than often we buy things that we practically don’t need.

I love shopping for clothes. The last shopping round I made with my friend a few days ago. We set out midmorning and managed to go round all the shops in the city which where worth visiting. First we went to the central department store but the goods there were the same as everywhere else and more expensive. Besides we didn’t see any fashion clothes for the young. The only good thing about such stores is that they normally have a good selection of cosmetics and perfumery. So we didn’t miss a chance to pick up some mascara and hair spray. After that we had a quick look at the footwear, haberdashery and ready-made clothes and were ready for a snack at McDonalds. Then we dropped in at some small shops which offer fashionable clothes and a half-price sale is a usual thing there. After going through the latest cuts of shirts and skirts I found a lovely little dress for myself but they didn’t have my size. So I told myself that next time I wouldn’t wait for amazing items to go on sale - it’s not worth the disappointment when they disappear before you can make your purchase. Then we moved on to another shop that had “A Huge Sale” sign on the door. After making our way through the crowd each of us grabbed piles of clothes and waited in the line for the fitting rooms. We tried on the selected items but didn’t buy anything as even the sale prices were too high for us.

Indeed, shopping is a pleasant pastime when you can afford to buy the things you like.

I should say that I am one of those boys who hate shopping and the idea of ​​doing the shopping drives me mad, though, of course, I like delicious food and nice clothes. It means somebody has to do it for you. In our family it’s my mother’s responsibility. She knows what to buy and where to buy at a cheaper price. I live in a small town, so there are not many shops here, to say nothing of supermarkets. Most shops are located in the center of the town and there is a two-storeyed department store in the central square and it is always overcrowded. The market is opposite the department store and people, mostly women and girls, go there to shop but in my opinion they more often go to look at the things than to buy. I don't understand this kind of pastime.

I rarely go shopping, but I know where this or that thing can be bought. For example, if I want to save time, I go to the nearest food store where I can buy everything I need: bread, milk, sugar, eggs, butter and so on. I prefer this shop because the goods are ready-weighed and ready-packed. I find it convenient and always go there if my mother forgets to buy something and I am sent for it.

I also know that department stores have a lot of departments: stationary, millinery, footwear, sportswear goods, perfumery, jewellery, ready-made women’s and men’s clothes. All the things for sale are on the counters and in the shop windows so the customers can choose what they want.

As I have said I am not keen on shopping at all and when my parents ask me to buy something, I am always reluctant to do it. From time to time my mother takes me to a department store when we need to buy some clothes or shoes for me. I hate trying things on in a fitting-room. Most of all I like book and music shops. I can stay there for hours leafing through pages of some historical books or going through piles of CDs or records. These shops are worth visiting even if you don’t intend to make a purchase there as they offer a wide selection of books on music. But regular shopping is really boring and tiresome.

Shopping (1)

When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men's and women's clothing stores, grocery, a bakery and a butchery.

I like to do my shopping at big department stores and supermarkets. They sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient. A department store, for example, true to its name, is composed of many departments: readymade clothes, fabrics, shoes, sports goods, toys, China and glass, electric appliances, cosmetics, linen, curtains, cameras, records, etc. You can buy everything you like there.

There are also escalators in big stores which take customers to different floors. The things for sale are on the counters so that they can be easily seen. In the women's clothing department you can find dresses, costumes, blouses, skirts, coats, beautiful underwear and many other things. In the men's clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, overcoats, ties, etc.

In the knitwear department one can buy sweaters, cardigans, short-sleeved and long-sleeved pullovers, woollen jackets. In the perfumery they sell face cream and powder, lipstick, lotions and shampoos.

In a food supermarket we can also buy many different things at once: sausages, fish, sugar, macaroni, flour, cereals, tea. At the butcher"s there is a wide choice of meat and poultry. At the bakery you buy brown and white bread, rolls, biscuits.

Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocery which is stocked by cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and what not. Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed. If you call round at a dairy you can buy milk, cream, cheese, butter and many other products.

The methods of shopping may vary. It may be a selfservice shop where the customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what he wishes to buy. Then he takes the basket to the check-out counter, where the prices of the purchases are added up. If it is not a self-service shop, and most small shops are not, the shop-assistant helps the customer in finding what he wants. You pay money to the cashier and he gives you back the change.

Shopping (1)

When we want to buy something, we go to the store. Every city has many different stores. Most of them have grocery supermarkets, department stores, men's and women's clothing stores, groceries, bakeries, and meat shops.

I like to shop at large department stores and supermarkets. Various products are sold under one roof, which is very convenient. The General Store, for example, lives up to its name. It consists of many departments: ready-made clothes, fabrics, shoes, sporting goods, toys, dishes, electrical goods, cosmetics, linen, curtains, cameras, tape recorders, etc. You can buy whatever you want here.

Large department stores have escalators that take customers to different floors. Items that are for sale are placed on the shelves so that you can look at them. In the women's clothing department you can see dresses, suits, blouses, skirts, coats, beautiful lingerie and many other things. In the men's clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, coats, ties, etc.

In the knitwear department you can buy sweaters, cardigans, pullovers with short and long sleeves, and woolen jackets. The cosmetics department sells face cream, powder, lipstick, lotions and shampoos.

In a grocery supermarket we can buy at the same time: sausages, fish, sugar, pasta, flour, cereals, tea. The butcher shop has a large selection of meat and poultry. At the bakery we buy black and white bread, buns, and cookies.

We often go to another store - a vegetable store. There are cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beets, green peas and much more. Everything is sold prepackaged and packaged. If you go to a dairy store, you can buy milk, cheese, cream, butter and other products.

Trading methods may vary. There are self-service stores where the buyer walks from counter to counter, selects and puts into a basket what he wants to buy. He then carries the basket to the control counter, where the cost of purchases is added up. If the store does not have self-service, as in most small stores, then the seller helps the buyer choose what he wants. You pay money to the cashier and he gives you change


1. What do we do when we want to buy something?
2. What kinds of shops are there in every town?
3. Where do you like to do your shopping?
4. What departments is a department store composed of?
5. Where are the things for sale?
6. What can we buy in the knitwear department?
7. What can we buy in a food supermarket?
8. What methods of shopping are there?


supermarket - supermarket
store - store, department
various - variety
under one roof - under one roof
to be composed of... - consist (of something)
ready-weighed and packed - in packaged form
fabrics - fabrics
escalator - escalator
customer - buyer

Modern information technologies have greatly influenced people’s lifestyle and their daily routine. Today we can do shopping not only at markets and stores but also on the Internet. There is a great variety of online shops on the Internet and they sell all kinds of goods: from cars or airplane tickets to books or food. You can buy anything just with a few clicks of the mouse. The first online store appeared in England in 1979. And since then shopping online has become really popular and widely-used. Currently the largest world online corporations are “Amazon” and “eBay”.

It is often faster and cheaper to buy online. For instance, finding and buying books on a website is easier and more convenient than walking around a large bookstore. Moreover, customers save not only their time but money as well: warehouses are normally cheaper than shops, so online companies offer lower prices even when delivery charges are included. Although shipping a small number of items from another country could be sometimes quite expensive.

It goes without saying that's not all products can be purchased online as easy as books. People prefer to try on clothes, for example, to feel the quality and choose the right size. So they often go shopping first, choose the product in stores and then place an order for it online, having found some attractive discount.

Online shopping is also an ideal way of buying goods for extremely busy people or for the disabled. Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day. All you need is the Internet access and a valid method of payment: credit cards, electronic money or cash on delivery.

The main disadvantage of online shopping is insecurity. There is always a small risk that your financial and personal information might be exploited by hackers. Other frustrating disadvantages are additional costs for delivery and long waiting time, up to several weeks. Besides, online shopping is a bit risky because you can get goods of bad quality, broken or even wrong items.

As we can see, shopping on the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. To my mind, it is a very useful and convenient invention. We should just be careful when choosing a website and placing orders.


Modern information Technology have influenced people's lifestyle and daily routine to a great extent. Today we can make purchases not only in markets and stores, but also on the Internet. There is a network big variety online stores that sell all types of goods: from cars and plane tickets to books and groceries. You can purchase anything you want with just a few clicks of the mouse. The first online store appeared in 1979 in England, and since then, online shopping has become very popular and widely used. Currently, Amazon and eBay are considered the largest online corporations.

Shopping online is often faster and cheaper. For example, it is much easier and more convenient to find and buy books on a website than to go to a large bookstore. Moreover, buyers save not only their time, but also money: warehouses are usually cheaper than stores, so online companies offer more low prices, even including shipping costs. However, shipping small quantities of goods from another country can sometimes be quite expensive.

Of course, not all products can be purchased online as easily as books. People prefer to try on clothes, for example, to feel the quality and choose the right size. Therefore, they often first go to the store, select a product there, and then place an order for it online, while looking for some attractive discount.

Online shopping is also perfect option purchasing goods for extremely busy people or for people with disabilities. Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day. All you need is an Internet connection and an accessible payment method: credit cards, electronic money or cash upon delivery.

The main disadvantage of online shopping is insecurity. There is always a small risk that your financial and personal data could be used by hackers. Other unfortunate downsides are the additional shipping costs and for a long time waiting up to several weeks. In addition, online shopping is a little risky because they may send you the product Bad quality, damaged or even completely wrong things.