Open lesson 2 ml group. An open lesson in the second junior group in general education "a walk in the magic forest." How to help a child with failures

Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group “Visiting grandma”

educational: Teach children to combine identical (by color, size) objects into object sets according to a verbal task. Continue to learn to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square. Answer the question “how much?” with many words, not one. Strengthen the ability to establish relationships between concepts: big, small. Work with children on various techniques and activities to develop fine motor skills.
Continue to teach children to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked and answer it clearly. Practice the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes: circle, square. To develop the ability to distinguish and name primary colors: red, blue, yellow, green. Use non-traditional drawing techniques (finger painting on semolina) in developing fine motor skills.
developing: develop logical thinking, memory, attention, fine motor skills. Develop tactile sensitivity of complexly coordinated movements of fingers and hands in games with household items (clothespins, cereals).
raising: cultivate a culture of behavior, kindness, love for animals, the ability to work together and amicably.

Integration of educational areas:
Cognition (FEMP)
Cognition (FCCM)

Activating the dictionary:
Geometric shapes (circle, square).

Material for the lesson:
An easel with a sun drawn on it, balls (red, yellow, green, red), boxes (red, yellow, green, red), a hoop for balls, a river, large round and small round pebbles, large square and small square stones, a soft toy - bunny, rooster, chicken, Christmas tree, house, clothespins, peas, beans, plates, semolina, chickens cut out of paper of different colors without tails, treats.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher leads the children into a group while listening to music
Educator: Children, look who came to us?
Children: Sun
Educator: Let's say hello to the sun.
Children: Hello Sunshine!
Educator: and look how many guests we have, let’s say hello to them too, say hello.
Children greet guests.
Educator: Children, the sun did not come so easily, it will bid us on our way, but first it will give us a task. Look what's in my hand?
Children: Ball
Educator: What color is the ball?
Children: Blue
Educator: there are a lot of multi-colored balls in the hoop, and here the hoops are of different colors (red, yellow, blue, green). You need to arrange the balls according to the color of the hoop. Can we sort it out?
Children: Yes
Educator: Let's get started
Task No. 1 “Arrange the balls by color”
Educator: were there balls in the hoop?
Children: Were
Educator: How many were there?
Children: A lot of
Educator: Are there any balloons now?
Children: No balls
Educator: Let's see if the balls are sorted correctly by color.

What color is the hoop? green like grass and green balls, blue like the sea and blue balls, red like a tomato and red balls, yellow like the sun and yellow balls.
Educator: We completed this task. Let's move on.
We approached the river.
Educator: Children, what is this?
Children: River
Educator: There is no bridge here, but how can we get across? Look what pebbles are lying there. Round large pebbles and round small ones, square large ones and square small ones. And we need to choose large round pebbles.
Task No. 2 “Build a bridge from large round pebbles”
Educator: This is what a bridge looks like. Has everyone collected large round pebbles?
Children: Yes
Educator: Look at the bridge they built. Let's walk.
We guys need to cross the bridge, we will end up in a distant forest, there are friends and bunnies there.
Find themselves in the forest
Educator: Who's there?
Children: Bunny
Bunny: I'm a bunny
Educator: Why are you sad?
Bunny: I'm lost
Educator: and where do you live?
Bunny: By Grandma
Educator: Oh bunny, we’re also going to grandma’s, don’t worry, we’ll see you off.
The teacher looks behind the tree, and there sits a toy bunny
Educator: and who is this, small, sad and crying? What happened to him?
Bunny: This is a bunny, his owner abandoned him.
Educator: The owner abandoned the bunny, but we know the poem. Let's tell you. The teacher and the children recite a poem.
Task No. 3 “Poem about a bunny”
The owner abandoned the bunny
Bunny remained in the rain
I couldn't get off the bench.
I was completely wet.

Educator: Don’t cry, bunny, don’t cry, we’ll take you to grandma too. Let's pet it. So that our bunnies don’t feel sad, let’s play with them.
Music game
Educator: Well done! the bunnies had fun, and now let's move on, it's time for us to go, oh guys, what is this?
Children: House
A rooster peeks out of the house
Educator: Who is this?
Children: Cockerel
Educator: Let's listen to what the cockerel tells us.
Rooster: I live in the yard, I sing at dawn, I have a comb on my head, I am a loud cockerel.
Educator: Children, look what color the cockerel's comb is?
Children: red
Educator: what color is the tail?
Children: green
Educator: Petya the cockerel, we also know a poem about you
Task No. 4 Poem “Peter the Cockerel”
Petya the Cockerel
golden scallop
Olive head
Silk beard
That you get up early
You sing loudly
Don't you let the kids sleep?
Educator: This is a good poem. The cockerel has a family. Let's get a look. Who is this?
Children: chicken
Educator: Is the chicken sad? What's happened?
Hen:"Ko ko ko." She came to the chicken coop, climbed in, and plucked all the chickens’ tails. "Ko ko ko." Grief.
Educator: Oh don't worry. Children, let's help. Look how many chickens there are here, but they don’t have tails. Come on, we’ll make tails, but we’ll match each chicken’s tail by color.
Task No. 5 “Tails for chickens made from clothespins”
Educator: Who did? Show me the chicken. Well done! What color is the chicken? (red, yellow, blue, green)
Educator: Children, the chickens need to be fed. Chickens love peas very much, but we got everything mixed up here with beans. Let's separate the beans from the peas.
Task No. 6 “Sort beans from peas”
Educator: The chickens will be happy. Well done, children! Let's give one plate of peas to the chickens so they can eat, and the chickens will come for the rest of the plates.
Educator: bunny, you don’t see anything, what does it look like?
Bunny: To my grandma's house
Educator: Children, we have come to grandma’s house, let’s go have a look.
Grandma comes out of the house
Grandmother: Hello guys!
Educator: Hello, grandma!
Grandmother: Thank you for finding me, my bunny. Who helped you? Did someone help you find the way to my house?
Educator: Grandma, we won’t tell you, we’ll show you.
Task No. 7 “Draw a sun from semolina”
Grandmother: What are you drawing, what does it look like? Circle, rays, what is this? This is the sun! It helped you find your way.
Educator: That's right grandma. This is the sun
Grandmother: Bunny, let's say thank you to the sun for helping the guys find the way to our house.
Educator: Grandma, we came to visit you, to find out how your health is, how are you doing?
Grandmother: Everything is fine, but I was worried there was no bunny, but you found it for me. Well done! Thank you! They showed me the way and brought me to me. And I have prepared a treat for you.
Grandmother distributes treats to children
Educator: Thank you, grandma! Our journey is over, it's time for us to go to kindergarten. Goodbye, grandma! Goodbye!

Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group on the topic:

"Let's help the bunny"

Integration of educational areas:

1. Physical development.

2.Cognitive development.

3. Social and communicative development.

4.Speech development.

5. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development:
- Consolidation of the formation and improvement of basic types of movements (jumping, crawling).
-Promote stable emotional and positive well-being and activity of children.
-Help strengthen the small muscles of the arms.

Cognitive development:

To form a cognitive interest in the surrounding reality.
-Consolidate knowledge of colors (white, orange, green).
-Create conditions for visual perception of the diversity of cause-and-effect relationships in the surrounding world.

Social and communicative development:
-Developing the desire to listen to the teacher talk about understandable cases from life (crossing snowdrifts, crawling through bushes, etc.).
-Promote the development of children’s ability to engage in verbal communication.
- Stimulate emotional meaningful communication between a child and an adult.

Forming the ability to use building material and act together with it when building a bridge.
- Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other in a short-term joint task.
- Arouse children's interest in playful creativity in the process of interaction with adults.

Cultivate kindness and responsiveness.

Artistic and aesthetic:

Strengthen the ability to carefully paint stencils of vegetables using a sponge.

Learn to mix paints.
-Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Speech development:

To promote the development of interest in fiction: riddles, poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, finger games.

Learn to pronounce words and phrases clearly.

Develop, enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

Preliminary work:

Teach children to pay attention to the shape of objects when performing basic actions with toys and objects in everyday life. Examination of one and many objects. Didactic games: “Find an object of the same shape in the group”, “Who lives where”, “Who screams how”. “Who eats what”, “Mend clothes for the bunnies.” Getting to know the R.N. the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, puppet theater based on the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, looking at illustrations, looking at paintings (wild animals in the forest in summer, autumn and winter, winter in the forest). Reading the fairy tale “Teremok”, puppet and tabletop theaters based on the fairy tale “Teremok”, Dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok”. Making riddles about wild animals. Learning nursery rhymes about animals. Finger games.

Material and equipment: a note; hoop; napkins; sponges according to the number of children, snowdrifts made of white fabric; stencils of cabbage and carrots cut out of paper, bricks from building material; toy train to imitate sound and chairs; Bunnies and Christmas trees cut out of cardboard for the didactic game “Hide the Bunny from the Fox.”

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: I went to the group today and found a note! Let's read it. If you guess the riddle, you will understand who sent it to you.

Riddle about a bunny.

What kind of forest animal is this?

Stood up like a post under a pine tree,

And stands among the grass - Are your ears bigger than your head? (Hare)

A long ear, a ball of fluff.

Jumps deftly and loves carrots. (Hare)

(In response - a picture of a bunny).

Educator: Now let's read the note. (The teacher reads the contents of the note) “Hello, guys! The bunny is writing to you. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to change my summer coat for a winter one, so I caught a cold and got sick. My brothers, the bunnies, promised to visit me, but apparently they are in trouble, please help them!

Didactic game “Hide the bunny from the fox”

The bunnies were walking in the forest, but suddenly they saw a fox. What to do, we need to hide quickly. There are Christmas trees growing nearby. But what kind of Christmas tree should I hide behind without the fox noticing? Help the bunny choose a Christmas tree where he won’t be visible. (As the task progresses, the teacher asks the children why they didn’t take a small or medium-sized Christmas tree, but chose the largest one?)

Educator: Guys, the bunny is sick. Let’s go and visit him with his brothers – the bunnies – and tell him what he needs to do to be healthy, and we’ll also take some treats with us (cabbage and carrots). You are ready? Then let's go!

Educator: Guys, get tickets for the train, it will arrive with us soon. To board the carriages, you need to name the geometric figure of your ticket and find your carriage with the same geometric figure. (The hum of a steam locomotive sounds) And here our magical locomotive has arrived. Let's go quickly.
Children: Let's go! (The guys take turns naming a geometric figure and sit down on a chair with the same designation)
The train rushes and whistles

And the wheels are knocking

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo

I’ll take everyone to the forest......

Educator: Look, we arrived at a river covered with snow. There is so much snow here! Tell me, what color is the snow?
Children: Snow is white.
To get to the bunny, you need to cross the river. And to cross the river, you need to build a bridge. (Children build a bridge from bricks and walk along it across an imaginary river)
Educator: So we crossed the river. There are thick bushes in front of us.
We can't get through here
You'll have to crawl here.
(Crawl through a hoop)

Oh, our legs are tired

Let's rest a little now! (Sit on stumps and perform finger exercises)
The bunny has a white fur coat,
(Stroke themselves on the chest)
Soft paws.
(Stroke your palm with your palm)
Ears stick out long
(Put hands to head - “rabbit ears”)
There are bunnies on the top of the head.
(Move the right “ear”, then the left “ear”)

Educator: Guys, here is the bunny’s house visible in the distance, approach the house . (They knock on the door, but the bunny doesn’t open, they pushed, and it opened. They ask: what happened to the bunny? It turns out that the bunny didn’t have time to change his summer coat for a winter one, so he caught a cold and got sick.

(The teacher offers to treat the hare with cabbage and carrots so that he gets better, but when they looked into the basket, they saw that the carrots and cabbage had frozen in the cold and turned white).

Educator: What do you think we should do?

Children: Color it.

Educator: What color is cabbage?

Children: Green cabbage.

Educator: What color is the carrot?

Children: Orange carrot.

Educator: What color paint do we have?

Children: There are colors of green, red and yellow.

Educator: To get orange paint, I suggest mixing yellow and red paints (you need to add a drop of red paint to the yellow paint - experience)

(Children mix paints).

Educator: Children, color carrots and cabbage for him. Get started.
(Children complete the task: dip sponges in paint and use the dipping method to paint vegetables).

Educator: Guys, put the cabbage and carrots in baskets (cabbage in the large one, carrots in the small one).

(The children treat the bunny, the bunny is happy, gets better, thanks the children).

Educator: Guys, it’s time for us to go back. (They crawl through the bushes, walk across the river on the bridge and get on the train)

Returning to the group, the teacher and the children discuss the work done.
Educator: Children, where did we go today?
Children: We went to the forest.

Educator: Who did we go to?

Children: We went to the bunny.

Educator: Why did we go to the bunny?

Children: Children's answers (help the bunny, treat the bunny with carrots and cabbage, help the bunny recover, etc.).

Educator: who else have we helped?

Children: We helped the bunnies hide from the fox.

Educator: children, what did you like most? (Children's answers). Well done. You are very kind children, you helped the bunny recover, and he will definitely come running to you for the holiday).

Cognitive and emotional development. Clarify children's knowledge about the emotions of joy, anger, fear.

Learn to recognize them and convey them using gestures and facial expressions. Provide insight into how and when these emotions manifest themselves. Develop imagination.

Speech development. To teach to understand the lexical meaning of the word “rainbow”, to speak poetic texts conveying emotional mood, expressiveness of movements, etc.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Convey the character of the depicted character (bear, fox) using gestures.

Creative development. In theatrical activities, be able to act out the plot in accordance with the content of the fairy tale, convey the character of the hero, depending on the situation and one’s own vision. The drawing conveys an emotional mood through facial expression.

Social and moral development. Give the idea that external features and words do not always correspond to the intentions of a certain person and be careful when dealing with strangers.

Physical development. Encourage children to actively express their thoughts in various exercises and sketches. Develop fine motor skills while drawing with your fingers.

Material: screen, according to the height of children; dolls on spoons; toy bear; contour images of animal faces (Wolf, Fox, Squirrel, Bunny, Cockerel), gouache paints, wet napkins.

Progress of classes in the 2nd junior group of kindergarten

Educator. - Children, look out the window, what is that looking at us? (Sun)

- Children, what about the sun? (warm, affectionate, tender, yellow, dazzling, bright, shiny, pleasant, hot...)

-Are we happy about the sun?

- And when else do we rejoice, to whom or what are we happy?

(gifts, flowers, good friends, warm wind, mom, dad, etc. various pleasant surprises, miracles)

- Now I will read you a poem about various miracles, which is called “Joy” (according to K. Chukovsky)

(when reading a poem, the teacher puts illustrations on the flannelgraph)

Glad, glad, glad

White birches.

And on them with joy

Braids grow.

Glad, glad, glad

Dark aspens.

And on them with joy

Oranges are growing.

it's not rain coming from a cloud

And not hail

So it fell from the cloud


So come with me quickly

To green meadows,

There's a rainbow across the river

Connected the banks.

We'll climb the rainbow

And let's play in the clouds.

Let's go down the rainbow

We're on skis and sleds!

- Why are the kids happy? (they are having fun because miracles are happening around them and they are riding on the rainbow)

—What do you think, is the word “rainbow” funny or sad?

- Children, the rainbow in the sky is colorful, beautiful, when we see it, we rejoice, we have fun. Apparently that’s why it’s called RAINBOW, because it makes everyone happy and happy.

- Oh, who is this sitting here and growling? (bear)

Exercise to develop emotions

The Bear got so angry (angry look)

Started to roar loudly: (furrowed eyebrows)

— My bed is broken (lower lip protrudes)

And my book was torn (shakes his head)

What should I do? (shakes her hands)

- Don’t cry, don’t be angry, bear, (“we stroke” the bear)

Let's glue your book together (facial muscles are relaxed)

We'll repair your bed. (kind look, gentle smile)

Don't jump on the bed,

Calmly leaf through the book.

- Now guess, Little Bear, who is coming to us?

Psychological study on expressiveness of movements

The fox walked along the path,

And she carried mushrooms in a basket:

5 honey mushrooms, 5 chanterelles,

For foxes, for sisters. Huh!

(slow gait, the body is tilted to the right - towards the “heavy” basket, the right hand “squeezes” the basket. For the last words, “put” the basket on the floor, wipe the forehead with the back of the palm).

— Children, in what fairy tales does the Fox appear? (“Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Goat-Dereza”, “Straw Bull”, “Cat and Cockerel”, etc.)

Educator. – Children, do you like to play in the theater?

- Let's watch a fairy tale with the participation of Chanterelle.

Theatrical performance with children(puppeteers are children)

Presenter (teacher): The audience gathers, the fairy tale begins. Listen and watch the fairy tale “About the Cockerel, the Hen and the Sly Fox”

Presenter: Once upon a time there lived a Cockerel and a Chicken. They got tired of sitting at home, and they went to travel around the world.

Here they are walking through a green grove, around the breeze the bushes are shaking, and on the bushes there are fresh green leaves, and between them there are berries

So the Chicken says:

Child-Chicken: - Cockerel, break my twig,

Where the leaves are thickest, where there are more berries!

Presenter: Only the Cockerel wanted to break it, and from under the bush the Bunny from his house:

Child-Bunny: - Who walks through my grove here, who breaks my bushes?

Presenter: The Cockerel got scared:

Child-Chicken: -Cockerel, break me a twig, where the leaves are thicker, where there are more nuts!

Presenter: Only the Cockerel wanted to break it, and from under the bush the Squirrel from his house:

Squirrel Child: - Who walks through my grove here, who breaks my bushes?

Presenter: The Cockerel got scared:

Child-Chicken: - Cockerel, break me a twig, where the leaves are thicker, where there are more apples!

Presenter: The Cockerel took courage, began to break, and here is the Fox from her house:

Child-Fox: - Come, dear ones, to visit me. Here, relax in my hut - I have gifts for you!

Presenter: The Cockerel and the Hen were very happy:

Chicken and Cockerel (together): - Oh, what good and cute animals here are!

Host: And the cunning fox thinks to herself: “This will be a good lunch for me!”

And she quickly ran to the neighbor Wolf to invite him to dinner.

And the Cockerel and the Hen ate well and rested and were so happy that the Cockerel even began to sing.

It was here that the Bunny ran past the house. And the Bunny was actually very good, and said:

Child-Bunny: - Run faster from this house, the Fox wants to eat you all!

Host: But the Cockerel and the Chicken don’t believe him.

Chicken and Cockerel (together): - There are such good animals here!

Host: Then Squirrel saw them through the window:

Squirrel Child: - Run faster from this house, the Fox wants to eat you all!

Presenter: Here the Cockerel looked into the yard, and in the yard there were chicken feathers.

Child-Cockerel: - Oh, oh, we really need to run quickly!

Presenter: And the Fox already goes into the house, and the Wolf, scary and predatory, follows her and rejoices that they will have dinner.

As soon as they stood on the threshold, the Hen and the cockerel jumped into the window. And hurry home! But they barely made it!

And the Wolf and the Fox ran and ran - and did not find a trace under the bushes. And we were left without lunch!


Educator. — Did you like the fairy tale?

—Who did the Cockerel and the Hen meet first? (Bunny)

- Who's the last one? (to the fox)

- Name all the characters who participated in the play.

- Which of them do you think was good?

- Who was cunning and predatory/evil?

- What were the Cockerel and the Hen like? (timid)

- Show me how afraid the Cockerel and the Hen were?

Visual activities for children

Educator. - Let us draw different faces: good, evil and scared, whoever wants what. (children stand at the tables)

Finger gymnastics.

— Let’s do exercises for the fingers: (imitation of movements according to the text)

The cockerel and the hen walked

They carried a handful of grains,

The beak collected grains,

Then they pecked a little.

The rest were taken to the mill,

Then the pies were baked.

All the children were treated to

The birds pecked the crumbs.

Finger painting: (children are given the outlines of animal faces, and they must depict their characters - cheerful, angry, scared)

Bottom line. Reflection.

— What was the name of the performance we saw?

— Is it possible to go into strangers’ houses?

- Thank you, children, you worked hard today.

Children begin to become acquainted with mathematics as a subject in kindergarten, and at this point the child is 3-4 years old. Educators work to form elementary ideas in children. And the child’s future development depends on how well the first perception of the shapes of objects and their quantitative relationships is mastered.

Any activity allows a child to learn something new in kindergarten. The second youngest group is ideal for this. Mathematics makes it possible to compare familiar objects by length, height, width. The teacher introduces spatial concepts such as “front”, “behind”, “above”, “below”, “left”, “right”. The teacher also teaches children to correctly identify and use time periods in speech, for example, morning, afternoon, night.

To help a beginning teacher

In order to properly organize and conduct mathematics classes in the 2nd junior group, a novice teacher needs to remember the following points:

  • initial classes for a month should be conducted with separate groups of 6-8 people;
  • after a month, classes begin to be conducted in full with the entire group;
  • in classes, children must have didactic material in the required amount for each child;
  • when learning new material, the duration of the lesson should not exceed 10-12 minutes, and when practicing familiar material - 15 minutes;
  • During the lesson, children need to be monitored for fatigue, and if they are tired, all educational activities stop immediately.

The main goal and objectives of mathematics classes

The main goal of a math lesson for children 3-4 years old is to become familiar with the basic concepts: number, shape and characteristics of an object.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

  • teach your child to correctly distinguish the color and shape of an object;
  • form an initial concept of number (one, many);
  • teach children the relationship between objects through one characteristic that generalizes them (collect all the red objects);
  • form a concept about the characteristics of an object (long, short, large, small).

In order to correctly cope with problem solving and achieve the set goal, the teacher in mathematics classes in the younger group must use various teaching techniques and methods.

Teaching techniques and methods

Mathematics classes in the 2nd junior group should be visual and effective. Children acquire any new knowledge through direct perception, that is, when they follow all the actions of the teacher and themselves repeat the same actions with handout didactic material. The teacher-educator needs to carefully think through each lesson, all new concepts characterizing the subject, first the teacher himself pronounces several times during the lesson and only then asks the children to repeat.

In addition, we must not forget that this age of learning everything new is based on emotional perception. And if you don’t interest your child from the first minutes of the lesson, then it will be in vain. To do this, children's math classes most often begin with surprise moments:

  • the appearance of a toy,
  • unexpected guests,
  • chest with a secret.

The teacher-educator needs to keep the children's attention throughout the entire lesson. To do this, the technique of changing activities is used. The subjects with which the child will work must already be previously familiar to him, otherwise he will first study them the way he needs and will miss all the material offered by the teacher.

Math lesson structure

In kindergarten, as in any other educational institution, all classes must be structured, despite their short duration.

Mathematics classes in the 2nd junior group should include the following points:

  1. (duration 1-2 minutes).
  2. Setting the objectives for the lesson (1 minute) is done as follows: “Let’s help Teddy Bear (Katya’s doll) find the circle (find out which path is longer).”
  3. The main part of the lesson (learning new material).
  4. Reflection (duration - 1 minute). Children should definitely talk about what they learned today.
  5. You need to finish the lesson in a positive mood. It is necessary to praise the children: “Thank you, guys, for helping Teddy Bear (Katya’s doll) find the circle so quickly. He (she) will definitely come to visit you again.”

Methodological literature - an assistant in conducting classes

Are you raising a 2nd junior group? Taking a math lesson is not difficult.

Every teacher needs methodological literature in order to correctly create a lesson. Now there are a great many of them. The most popular books are:

  • “Kindergarten Classes” by I.A. Ponomareva, V.A. Pozina.
  • “My mathematics” E.V. Solovyova.
  • "Mathematics. Second junior group" E.S. Maklakova.
  • “Mathematics in kindergarten. Second junior group" L.V. Minkevich.

How to help a child with failures?

Not every child succeeds in everything right away, so the teacher needs to be able to be tolerant of the child’s failures and help him during the lesson. In kindergarten, mathematics serves as the basis for further comprehension of educational material at school. And his further success in educational activities will depend on how firmly and correctly the initial concepts are laid down in a preschool child.

Everyone knows that mathematics is an exact and complex science, therefore mathematics classes in the 2nd junior group should contain thoughtful, specific, correctly composed questions taking into account the mental development of children, to which the child can answer.

If the material presented is still difficult for the child to access during long-term training, you can involve his parents in helping him, correctly asking them to work with him at home in his free time on the problem that arises.

Talk with your parents about the possibility of bringing your child to kindergarten half an hour earlier or picking him up a little later. In this way, the teacher has the opportunity to work on additional material covered with children who are not doing well or who missed classes during illness.

Basic rules for successful math classes in the second junior group

  1. Remember that for a child all new information is a complex process of learning about the world.
  2. Each child is a small personality with his own character, mental and physical development.
  3. The teacher leads the lesson. Give children the opportunity to explore a new object or its characteristics (smooth, rough), but do not delay this process, because the baby may get tired. Promise that you will let the children play with the object after class.
  4. Keep all the promises you make to your children.
  5. Praise children as often as possible.
  6. If the material is difficult, devote several classes to it to better practice it.
  7. Don't delay your studies.

Bottom line

Ideal if you need to conduct a lesson, the second junior group. Mathematics is something that children will not be able to do without in the future. The kids are starting to prepare for school. The teacher should structure the lesson in such a way that the children find it really interesting.


Shymkent, school No. 73 “Aizhan”

Summary of an open integrated lesson in 2 junior groups


Goals: Encourage children to communicate and develop speech; Form children's understanding of the parts of the day

educational: - educational:

Give the first impressions of the spring sun.

Vocabulary: enrich children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, verbs;

Developmental: develop auditory and visual attention, memory, thinking;

Educators: cultivate a love of nature.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational part.

v-l: Children, guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them.

Good morning to us!

Good morning!

Good morning everybody!

2. Dunno enters.

Educator: Guys, who came to us? Dunno

Dunno: I mixed up the pictures depicting parts of the day and I can’t figure them out.

Educator: Let's help Dunno. Look, what is this?

Children: The sun.

Educator: When does the sun rise?

Children: In the morning.

Educator: What can you do in the morning?

Children: Do exercises, wash, have breakfast, go to kindergarten, school, work, etc.

Educator: Morning has come, the sun has risen

Everyone woke up and stretched.

Educator: What is shown in the next picture?

Children: Sun, river, flowers.

Educator: What do you think has happened if the sun is high in the sky and shining brightly?

Children: Day.

Educator: What do we do during the day?

Children: We walk, play, study, have lunch.

Educator: When does the sun set?

Children: In the evening.

Educator: What can you do in the evening?

Educator: When the moon and stars appear in the sky, what happens?

Children: Night.

Educator: What do we do at night?

Children: We're sleeping.

Educator: Guys, you are great

Physical education lesson: game “Day-Night”.

3. Guys, what seasons of the year do you know?

Looking at pictures by season.

B: Now sit down, I have something for you. Look, what do you think it is? What does it look like? (to the sun and clouds)

B: Yes, it looks like the sun. This is how it shines in winter: weakly, dimly. What time of year is it now? (that's right, spring) In spring the sun is bright, radiant, warm, cheerful. What is our sun missing? (rays)

Our sun today is sad, dim, not smiling, the clouds hid the sun's rays.

Would you like the sun to smile? Well, then we need to free the rays and drive away the clouds. You are ready?

1-For the cloud to fly away, we need to do one good deed: here are different figures, help me figure out which one looks like the sun.

2-Well done! The next task is to write poems about the sun.

The sun looks out the window,

Shines into our room

We clapped our hands

We are very happy about the sun.

Sunshine, sunshine

Look out the window

Kids love you

Young children

3-Well done. Another ray of sunshine appeared. It's time to free others too. To do this, we need to think and tell us what will happen in the spring?

Game “Say the Word”

D: The snow is melting, the roof is dripping, the sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing.

4- Smart girls! The beam has appeared, well done. But we still have some clouds left. What can we do to make them disappear? Let's all play together with the sun.

Looks at us in the window

Tender sun.

Bright, don't be bored

Better play with us.

Children clap their hands and jump on two legs.

Educator: Sunshine, sunshine,

Don't hide in a cloud.

Don't hide in a cloud

We're tired of the cold.

The teacher opens a large umbrella . Children run under an umbrella and hide from the rain.

Rain, rain

Drip, drip, drip

Don't wet the tracks

We'll go for a walk soon

And let's get our feet wet

Happened. The clouds have flown away. Look, it seems that our sun has begun to warm up. Guys

In spring, migratory birds return - swallows, rooks, larks. Our birds love to eat grain.

What's on our table? (Millet cereal) What color is millet? (yellow, like the sun) Let’s draw a sun on the cereal. Let's prepare the fingers

Finger gymnastics “Give us warmth, sunshine.”

We extended our palms

And they looked at the sun. (Children stretch their palms forward and rhythmically turn them up and down.)

Give us warmth, sunshine,

So that there is strength. (They make a movement with their fingers, as if beckoning to them.)

Our fingers are tiny

They don’t want to wait a minute, (They rhythmically bend and straighten their fingers.)

Knock - knock, with hammers, (Bend over and alternately rhythmically knock on their knees with their fists.)

Clap - clap, with spatulas, (Clap rhythmically on the knees.)

Jump - jump like bunnies,

Jumping on the lawn. (They tap their knees with bent fingers.)

Watch how we will do this. (Teacher demonstration)

Now let’s draw a sun on the cereal. Try to draw everything yourself, what kind of sun will you get?

Well done! How smart you are! I'm glad it worked out for you all.

It's spring here! What's shining in the sky? What about the sun? (bright, radiant, affectionate, warm, cheerful, spring)

Well done guys, let's sing a song about the sun for our guests goodbye