Open and closed sets. Closures of sets. Closed and open sets Closedness of actions on the set of natural numbers


in the topological space - containing all its limit points. Thus, all points of the complement of the 3. m. are internal, and therefore the 3. m. can be defined as open. The concept of 3.m. underlies the definition of topological. space as a non-empty set X with a given system of sets (called closed) satisfying the axioms: all X and are closed; any number 3. m. is closed; finite number 3. m is closed.

Lit: Kuratovsky K., Topology, [trans. from English], vol. 1, M., 1966.

A. A. Maltsev.

Mathematical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. I. M. Vinogradov. 1977-1985.

See what a “CLOSED SET” is in other dictionaries:

    closed set- - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general EN closed set ... Technical Translator's Guide

    For the term "Closedness" see other meanings. A closed set is a subset of a space whose complement is open. Contents 1 Definition 2 Closure 3 Properties ... Wikipedia

    A set that is open (closed) with respect to a certain set E, a set Mtopological. space X such that (the overbar means the closure operation). In order for a certain set to be open (closed) with respect to E, it is necessary and... ... Mathematical Encyclopedia

    Subset of topological a space that is both open and enclosed. Topological a space X is disconnected if and only if it contains a space different from X and from O.Z. m. If the family of all O. z. m. topological space is... ... Mathematical Encyclopedia

    Or the catlocus of a point in a Riemannian manifold is a subset of points through which no shortest path passes. Contents 1 Examples ... Wikipedia

    For the mathematical concept of the same name, see Closed set and Space (mathematics) Storm sewer ... Wikipedia


  • Limit theorems for associated random fields and related systems, Alexander Bulinsky. The monograph is devoted to the study of the asymptotic properties of a wide class of stochastic models arising in mathematical statistics, percolation theory, statistical physics and theory...

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I know mathematical analysis In the first year of university there are many incomprehensible and unusual things. One of the first of these “new” topics is open and closed sets. We will try to provide explanations on this topic.

Before proceeding with the formulation of definitions and problems, let us recall the meaning of the notation used and quantifiers :
∈ - belongs
∅ — empty set
Ε - set of real numbers
x* - fixed point
A* - set of boundary points
: - such that
⇒ — therefore
∀ - for each
∃ - exists
U ε (x) — neighborhood of x by ε
Uº ε (x) - punctured neighborhood of x with respect to ε

Definition 1: A set M ∈ Ε is called open if for any y ∈ M there is an ε > 0 such that the neighborhood of y in ε is strictly less than M
Using quantifiers, the definition will be written as follows:
M ∈ Ε is open if ∀ y∈M ∃ ε>0: U ε (y)< M

In simple terms, an open set consists of interior points. Examples of an open set are the empty set, line, interval (a, b)

Definition 2: A point x* ∈ E is called a boundary point of a set M if any neighborhood of the point x contains points from both the set M and its complement.
Now using quantifiers:
x*∈ E is a boundary point if ∀U ε (x) ∩ M ≠ ∅ and ∀U ε (x) ∩ E\M

Definition 3: A set is called closed if it contains all boundary points. Example - segment

It is worth noting that there are sets that are both open and closed. This is, for example, the entire set of real numbers and the empty set (later it will be proven that these are 2 possible and only cases).

Let us prove several theorems related to open and closed sets.

Theorem 1: Let the set A be open. Then the complement to the set A is a closed set.

B = E\A

Let us assume that B is not closed. Then there is a boundary point x* that does not belong to B, and therefore belongs to A. By the definition of a boundary point, the neighborhood of x* has an intersection with both B and A. However, on the other hand, x* is an interior point of the open set A, therefore the entire neighborhood of the point x* lies in A. From here we conclude that the sets A and B do not intersect in an empty set. This cannot be, therefore our assumption is incorrect and B is a closed set, etc.
In quantifiers, the proof can be written more briefly:
Suppose that B is not closed, then:
(1) ∃ x∈A*:x∈A ⇒ ∀U ε (x) ∩ B ≠ ∅ (definition of boundary point)
(2) ∃ x∈A*:x∈A ⇒ ∀U ε (x) ⊂ A ≠ ∅ (definition of open set)
From (1) and (2) ⇒ A ∩ B ≠ ∅. But A ∩ B = A ∩ E\A = 0. A contradiction. B - closed, etc.

Theorem 2: Let the set A be closed. Then the complement to the set A is an open set.
Proof: Let us denote the complement of set A as set B:
B = E\A
We will prove it by contradiction.
Let us assume that B is a closed set. Then any boundary point lies in B. But since A is also a closed set, all boundary points belong to it. However, a point cannot simultaneously belong to a set and its complement. Contradiction. B is an open set, etc.
In quantifiers it will look like this:
Let us assume that B is closed, then:
(1) ∀ x∈A*:x∈A (from the condition)
(1) ∀ x∈A*:x∈B (from assumption)
From (1) and (2) ⇒ A ∩ B ≠ ∅. But A ∩ B = A ∩ E\A = 0. A contradiction. B - open, etc.

Theorem 3: Let the set A be closed and open. Then A = E or A = ∅
Proof: Let’s start writing it down in detail, but I’ll immediately use quantifiers.
Suppose that the set C is closed and open, with C ≠ ∅ and C ≠ E. Then it is obvious that C ⊆ E.
(1) ∃ x∈A*:x∈C ⇒ ∀U ε (x) ∩ E\C ≠ ∅ (definition of the boundary point that belongs to C)
(2) ∃ x∈A*:x∈A ⇒ ∀U ε (x) ⊂ B (definition of an open set C)
From (1) and (2) it follows that E\C ∩ C ≠ ∅, but this is false. Contradiction. C cannot be both open and closed at the same time, etc.

Mathematical analysis is fundamental mathematics, complex and unusual for us. But I hope something became clearer after reading the article. Good luck!

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A countable set is an infinite set whose elements can be numbered by natural numbers, or it is a set equivalent to the set of natural numbers.

Sometimes sets of equal cardinality to any subset of the set of natural numbers are called countable, that is, all finite sets are also considered countable.

A countable set is the “smallest” infinite set, that is, in any infinite set there is a countable subset.


1. Any subset of a countable set is at most countable.

2. The union of a finite or countable number of countable sets is countable.

3. The direct product of a finite number of countable sets is countable.

4. The set of all finite subsets of a countable set is countable.

5. The set of all subsets of a countable set is continuous and, in particular, is not countable.

Examples of countable sets:

Prime numbers Natural numbers, Integers, Rational numbers, Algebraic numbers, Period ring, Computable numbers, Arithmetic numbers.

Theory of real numbers.

(Real = real - reminder for us guys.)

The set R contains rational and irrational numbers.

Real numbers that are not rational are called irrational numbers

Theorem: There is no rational number whose square is equal to the number 2

Rational numbers: ½, 1/3, 0.5, 0.333.

Irrational numbers: root of 2=1.4142356…, π=3.1415926…

The set R of real numbers has the following properties:

1. It is ordered: for any two different numbers a and b one of two relations holds a or a>b

2. The set R is dense: between two different numbers a and b contains an infinite number of real numbers X, i.e. numbers satisfying the inequality a

There's also a 3rd property, but it's huge, sorry

Bounded sets. Properties of upper and lower boundaries.

Limited set- a set that in a certain sense has a finite size.

bounded above if there is a number such that all elements do not exceed:

The set of real numbers is called bounded below, if there is a number ,

such that all elements are at least:

A set bounded above and below is called limited.

A set that is not bounded is called unlimited. As follows from the definition, a set is unbounded if and only if it not limited from above or not limited below.

Number sequence. Consistency limit. Lemma about two policemen.

Number sequence is a sequence of elements of number space.

Let be either the set of real numbers or the set of complex numbers. Then the sequence of elements of the set is called numerical sequence.


A function is an infinite sequence of rational numbers. The elements of this sequence, starting from the first, have the form .

Sequence limit- this is an object to which the members of the sequence approach as the number increases. In particular, for number sequences, a limit is a number in any neighborhood of which all terms of the sequence starting from a certain point lie.

The theorem about two policemen...

If the function is such that for everyone in some neighborhood of the point , and the functions and have the same limit at , then there is a limit of the function at equal to the same value, that is

Definition 19. A bunch of E called open , if all its points are internal, that is, if it does not contain its boundary points.

Definition 20. A bunch of E called closed , if it contains all its limit points, that is. (Otherwise,

Example 1. Any n-dimensional integral is an open set. Any segment is a closed set.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that the classes of closed and open sets do not cover all sets together; in addition, these classes intersect. There are sets that are neither closed nor open, as well as sets that are both closed and open at the same time.

Example 2. The empty set should be considered closed, although at the same time it is open. A bunch of R of real numbers is both closed and open.

A bunch of Q of rational numbers is neither closed nor open. A linear half-interval is neither a closed nor an open set.

Theorem 3. Any ball S(a, r) - open set.


Let . Let's take
. Let us prove that the ball
(this will mean that any point on the ball
- internal, that is
- open set). Let's take it. Let's prove that
, for this we estimate the distance

, that is
, that is S(a, r) - open set.

Theorem 4. Derived set
any set E closed.


. Then in any surroundings
points there is at least one point sets
, different from . Because - limit point of the set E, then in any of its neighborhoods (including arbitrarily small ones contained in
) there is at least one point sets E, different from the point . Thus, by definition, the point is the limit point for the set E. So,
, which by definition means the set is closed E.

It should be noted that in a particular case the derived set
may be empty.

Properties of open and closed sets

Theorem 5. The union of any finite number of closed sets is a closed set.


- closed sets. Let's prove that
- closed set.

Let - limit point of the set

. Then - limit point of at least one of the sets
(proven by contradiction). Because is a closed set, then
. But then
. So, any limit point of the set
belongs to him, that is

Theorem 6. The intersection of any number of closed sets is a closed set.


- any collection of closed sets. Let's prove that
- closed set.

Let - limit point of the set

. Then, by Theorem 1, in any neighborhood

. But all the points of the set
are also points of the sets
. Therefore, in
contains infinitely many points from
. But all the multitudes closed, therefore

, that is

Theorem 7. If the set F is closed, then its complement CF open.


Let . Because
closed, then is not its limit point (
). But this means that there is a neighborhood
points , which does not contain points of the set F, that is
. Then
and therefore - interior point of the set
. Because - arbitrary point of the set CF, then all points of this set are internal, that is CF open.

Theorem 8. If the set G is open, then its complement C.G. closed.


Let together with some surroundings. Hence, is not a limit point of the set C.G.. So,
is not the limit point for
, that is
contains all its limit points. A-priory,

Theorem 9. The union of any number of open sets is an open set.


- an arbitrary collection of open sets And
. Let's prove that - open set. We have:


Since the sets open
, then by Theorem 8 the sets
. Then, by Theorem 6, their intersection


Theorem 10. The intersection of any finite number of open sets is an open set.


- intersection of any finite number of open sets
. Let's prove that - open set. We have:


Since the sets open
, then by Theorem 8 the sets
. Then, by Theorem 5, their union

closed. By Theorem 7, the set