Pasteur, Louis: biography. History of the Institute Pasteur Medical Center

Detail of the facade of the institute ... Wikipedia

The Physics Research Institute is located in the left wing of the building of the Scientific Research Institute of Physics of Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov (previously also called the “Physical Institute”) is the oldest research institute in the system ... Wikipedia

The main building of the institute The Butantan Institute (port. Instituto Butantan) is a biomedical research center located in the city of São Paulo, Brazil and subordinate to the Secretariat of Health of the State of São Paulo. The institute is located on... ... Wikipedia

Pasteur Institute. Museum building and Pasteur's tomb. The Pasteur Institute (French: Institut Pasteur) is a French private non-profit scientific institute in Paris, engaged in research in the field of biology, microorganisms, infectious diseases... ... Wikipedia

- (research institute) an independent institution specially created to organize scientific research and carry out experimental design developments. Contents 1 Background 2 History ... Wikipedia

Named after L. Pasteur, a scientific research center of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR (Mira Street, 14), in 1923 on the basis of the city bacteriological laboratory as the Petrograd Bacteriological Institute for the diagnosis of infectious diseases, organization... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

NIIEM im. Pasteur- NIIEM NII EM NIIEM im. Pasteur Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Pasteur Biol., Education and Science, St. Petersburg NIIEM Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. S.Pb.: Polytechnic... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

Named after L. Pasteur, a scientific research center of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR (Mira Street, 14), in 1923 on the basis of the city bacteriological laboratory as the Petrograd Bacteriological Institute for the diagnosis of infectious diseases, the organization of anti-epidemic... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

This page needs significant revision. It may need to be Wikified, expanded, or rewritten. Explanation of reasons and discussion on the Wikipedia page: For improvement / April 15, 2012. Date of setting for improvement April 15, 2012 ... Wikipedia

The Physics Research Institute is located in the left wing of the building of the Scientific Research Institute of Physics of Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov (previously also called the “Physical Institute”) is the oldest scientific ... Wikipedia

The Institute was created on the basis of the 2nd City Bacteriological Laboratory by the decision of the Petrogubal Executive Committee of April 4, 1923 and received its first name “Bacteriological and Diagnostic Institute”. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Louis Pasteur, the founder of modern microbiology, the institute was named after this great scientist.

Stages of formation

In the first years of its existence, the institute acquired all the features of a scientific institution of the Pasteur type - versatility in the infections being studied, constant connection with practice, complexity in methodology, namely, the ability to independently solve all scientific problems: from isolating an etiological agent to creating vaccines and serum preparations .

Responding to the needs of practice, in the 20s the institute was among the first institutions in the country to launch the production of anti-rabies (V.G. Ushakov) and anti-smallpox (N.A. Kadlec) vaccines, as well as vaccines against typhoid fever, cholera, diphtheria and a number of therapeutic serums against current infectious diseases.

On the basis of the Pasteur Institute, the first vaccine-serum commission in the history of Russian medicine was created, which laid the foundation for the examination, control and standardization of national means of specific diagnosis and therapy of infectious diseases.

The bacteriological direction of research in the 20s - 30s was headed by the outstanding scientist O.O. Gartokh, rightfully considered the founder of the Leningrad school of microbiologists. He had innovative ideas for his time on the need to differentiate the etiological agents of intestinal infections in connection with the peculiarities of the epidemiology and clinical course of the disease. The implementation of these ideas in practice made it possible to quickly establish a differential diagnosis of Grigoriev-Shig shigellosis and contributed to the elimination of this serious disease in Leningrad. Great achievements in this regard belong to the students of O.O. Gartokha - S.S. Kazarnovskaya, I.M. Angeles, E.M. Novgorodskaya

In the 1930s, the virological direction of research fully developed at the institute. It was headed by A.A. Smorodintsev, who made an outstanding contribution to the development of the entire domestic medical virology. A major achievement by A.A. Smorodintseva became the first in the country (and one of the first in the world) to reliably isolate the influenza virus, and then to create a school of researchers to obtain live viral vaccines.

A major contribution to the development of the virological direction of the institute’s research was made by the classical works of N.N. Romanenko on the etiology and epidemiology of influenza and respiratory viral infections.

In the 30s and 40s, research in the field of immunology began within the walls of the institute. Their founder was V.I. Ioffe, who then worked at the institute as the head of the department of childhood infections, and then as the scientific director of the institute. His works created a fruitful principle for assessing individual and collective immunity, including the state of specific protection and the so-called “general immunological reactivity.” Objectively - through the works of V.I. Ioffe and his followers made a major contribution to the development of the theory and practice of seroepidemiological monitoring in the country.

At the initiative of the Institute, a revaccination program against measles was implemented in Russia, and justification was given for the introduction of revaccination against epidemic paratitis. The Institute and personally Yu.P. Rykushin made a significant contribution to the fight against the diphtheria epidemic of 1992 - 1997 in Russia, achieving rationalization of the vaccination scheme and improving elements of surveillance of this infection.

Our days

Nowadays, the institute under the leadership of director A.A. Totolyana maintains a leading position in the country in research on a number of problems in the etiology, epidemiology and microbiology of current infections.

  • the laboratory of intestinal infections (headed by L.A. Kaftyreva) has priority results on the problems of enterobacteria (pathogens of shigellosis, salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis and heliobacteriosis),
  • on the problem of natural focal infections - laboratory of zooanthroponotic infections (headed by K.N. Tokarevich),
  • on the problem of influenza - laboratory of etiology and control of viral infections (head - M.A. Bichurina),
  • for HIV infection and AIDS - North-Western District Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the Prevention and Control of AIDS (head - N.A. Belyakov), - Laboratory of Immunology and Virology of HIV Infection (head - A.V. Semenov),
  • on the problem of viral hepatitis - laboratory of viral hepatitis (head - E.V. Esaulenko),
  • for diphtheria - laboratory of medical bacteriology (head - L.A. Kraeva).
  • for genotyping and molecular marking of pathogens - Laboratory of Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics (head - I.V. Mokrousov),
  • for epidemiological research - laboratory of epidemiology of infectious and non-infectious diseases (head - L.V. Lyalina),
  • for virological research - laboratory of experimental virology (head - I.N. Lavrentieva),
  • on modern identification methods - pathogen identification laboratory (head - N.G. Roshchina),
  • for immunological research - laboratory of molecular immunology (head - E.V. Zueva),
  • on modern diagnostic methods - department of new technologies (head - V.N. Verbov).

The institute is actively working on clinical trials of new means of preventing and treating infectious diseases. Recently, the institute has been developing new forms of interaction with the practice of the sanitary and epidemiological service. A testing laboratory center with the rights to examine a wide range of goods and services is accredited on the basis of the institute (headed by A.G. Afinogenova).

The Institute maintains and develops scientific contacts and joint projects with scientists from France, Finland, Great Britain, Sweden, the USA and other countries. In 1993, the institute was accepted as a full member of the international association of Pasteur Institutes of the World.

The institute uses diverse international cooperation not only to develop theoretical work, but also to disseminate modern technologies for control and surveillance of infectious diseases, in other words, to assist the practice of the sanitary and epidemiological service and the entire national health care.

More than 2,000 streets in many cities around the world are named after Pasteur. For example, in the USA: Palo Alto (the historical center of Silicon Valley) and Irvine, in California, Boston and Polk, Florida; streets near the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; in the cities of Quebec, Jonquire, San Salvador de Jujuy, Buenos Aires (Argentina), Great Yarmouth in Norfolk (United Kingdom), Queensland (Australia), Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), Batna (Algeria) , Bandung (Indonesia), Tehran (Iran), Milan (Italy), Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara (Romania), Astana (Kazakhstan), Kharkov (Ukraine), as well as the street on which the building of the Odessa State Medical University is located ( Odessa, Ukraine). Avenue Pasteur in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) is one of the few streets in this city that has retained its French name. Pasteur Street is the former name of Makataev Street in Almaty (Kazakhstan).

After the reform of Minister E. Faure in 1968, the University of Strasbourg was divided into three parts. One of them (the largest in the country) was named “Pasteur University - Strasbourg I”. It remained until the merger of the Strasbourg universities in 2009.

In Russia, the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, founded in 1923 and located in St. Petersburg, bears the name of Louis Pasteur.

In 1961, the International Astronomical Union named a crater on the far side of the Moon named after Louis Pasteur.

Featured on a 1995 Belgian postage stamp.

Pasteur Institute

Pasteur Institute (Lille, France) Pasteur Institute building (museum)

The Pasteur Institute (French Institut Pasteur) is an Institute of Microbiology, a French private non-profit scientific institute in Paris, engaged in research in the field of biology, microorganisms, infectious diseases and vaccines. Named in honor of the famous French microbiologist Louis Pasteur, founder and first director of the institute. The Institute was founded on June 4, 1887 with funds raised by international subscription, and opened on November 14, 1888.

Since its founding, the Pasteur Institute has been engaged in fundamental research in the practical field of natural sciences. Louis Pasteur invited scientists of various specialties to take part in the scientific work of the established institute. The first five directions were headed by scientists of that time: two graduates of the École Normale Supérieure: Emile Duclos (research in the field of general microbiology) and Charles Chamberland (applied research in the field of microbiology and hygiene), as well as biologist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov (morphological study of microorganisms) and two doctors , Jacques-Joseph Grancher (work on rabies) and Emile Roux (technical research on microorganisms). Since 1877, Emil was Pasteur's assistant at the chemical laboratory of the École Normale Supérieure, where, together with Chamberlain, he studied anthrax. A year after the opening of the Pasteur Institute, Emile Roux created the Cours de Microbie Technique (course of microbial research methods) - the first course in microbiology, which is studied as a science by students all over the world. Roux's scientific work, which he carried out partly alone, partly in co-authorship and collaboration with Mechnikov, Chamberlan, Yersin and others, relates mainly to rabies, diphtheria and tetanus. Roux became best known for the publication of his studies “Contributions l’etude de la diphthrie” (in “Annales de l’Institut Pasteur”, 1888, 1889 and 1890), in which he shed light on the etiology of diphtheria. He proved that all general clinical manifestations of diphtheria (decline of cardiac activity, paralysis, etc.) are caused by a toxic substance (toxin) secreted by the diphtheria bacillus and that this substance, introduced into the body, causes these phenomena on its own, in the complete absence of a toxigenic strain in the body Corynebacterium diphtheria.

After Pasteur's death in 1895, Emile Duclos became director of the institute. His scientific interests concerned physics, chemistry, microbiology, meteorology, mathematics, medicine, general hygiene, social hygiene and other areas. He has published more than 220 scientific papers. In addition, he is the author of one of the best biographies of Pasteur and a complete guide to social hygiene. The Pasteur Institute is one of the world leaders in the study of infectious diseases. Here, important discoveries were made that led to the successful fight against diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis, polio, influenza, yellow fever and plague. HIV was discovered here in 1983. Since 1908, 8 scientists of the institute have become Nobel Prize laureates in the field of medicine and physiology.