Pesticides and chemical fertilizers briefly. Mineral fertilizers. Offers for sale

Wheat & Barley

Wheat & Barley I buy from farms. I have my own transport for road transport. We sell ammophos and diammophos fertilizers. Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation +7909-439-1375 Organization [email protected] Agricultural crops Buy (demand)

Wheat & Barley

Wheat & Barley I buy from farms. I have my own transport for road transport. We sell ammophos, diammophos fertilizers Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation +7909-439-1375 Organization [email protected] Agricultural crops Buy (demand)

Offers for sale



Wheat 3rd class GOST

TO AZOV:7300 We sell: Mineral fertilizers Ammofoz, Azofoska, Diammofoska, Ammonium nitrate, Carbide grade "B" provide...



Directory of organizations

Brief information: Agricultural products Mineral fertilizers Self-propelled sprayers and fertilizer spreaders. INN: 6454131333/645401001. Postal address: 410056 Saratov, Sacco and Vanzetti St., 21.

The company's mission is to become a necessary and reliable partner for agricultural producers, providing timely deliveries of a full range of mineral fertilizers and plant protection products.

Brief information: The Nobil Chemical Company supplies chemical products and fertilizers produced by Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat OJSC, URALCHEM OJSC, BSK OJSC, Meleuzovsky Mineral Fertilizers OJSC, they trust us, with us...

Goods and services

Set of insulated tools up to 1000 in KVT NII-01 59380 (9 items)

Set of insulated tools KVT NII-01 59380 - a set consisting of pliers, side cutters, long-nose pliers, various screwdrivers and an indicator screwdriver, which are used by electricians when working...

Set of insulated tools KVT NII-05 60468 (20 items)

The insulated tool set KVT NII-05 60468 is supplied in a convenient plastic case. All products are different high quality, tested and certified. Fully insulated design...

Set of insulated single-leaf wrenches KVT NII-10 63844 (10 items)

Set of insulated single-leaf wrenches 10 pcs. KVT NII-10 63844 is designed for electrical installation work under voltage up to 1000 V. The kit includes a bag with mounting holes for Euro stands. Every...

Scientific Research institute chemical fertilizers and poisons (“roof” of the intergalactic sociological center for Progressive Studies of Long-Term Orientation of Romanians, hybrid war and peace). A closed, that is, top secret report on the geopolitical consequences of the UK's exit from the European Union. The composition of the authors is classified, since many registration cards of leading specialists were lost during the fire on Lvovskaya garbage dump extremely solid waste. connection with the epidemic of intestinal infection in Izmail, the early completion of the Ukrainian national team’s performances at Euro 2016, as well as the referendum on the UK’s exit from the EU (the so-called Brekhit) planned for June 23, stable, unambiguous and completely clear preconditions of indefinable force have emerged. As a result of the analysis of data obtained promptly from our agents in Somalia and Kyrgyzstan, a model was created to replace Britain with Ukraine to prevent further collapse of the European Union. Many of the intergalactic center’s interlocutors in the highest political and gay circles in Brussels expressed their firm belief that, firstly, the first vice-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, Irina Gerashchenko, suffers from a mental disorder, and, secondly, London’s exit could lead to a domino effect. The essence of the effect is that in the process of “slaughtering the goat” (a special operation to neutralize the elite of Kyiv), the players get carried away and, being in a state of acute alcoholic intoxication, begin to drop domino bones. They fall and fall and fall and fall. It’s the same with EU members: they start to scatter like cockroaches when the refrigerator light is on. A threatening situation may arise that will call into question the complete, rapid and high-quality integration of Kyiv into European structures, European standards, Eurobonds and Euroshops. In fact, at the moment when the historical boundary separating the nation from Brussels is overcome, the actual subject of European integration may stupidly disappear. Ukrainian social scientists who trained at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN under the guise of Turkish handymen call this the “Schrödinger’s cat effect”: if you stupidly cut off a cat’s eggs, then he will absolutely not care whether he is in the black box or not. Because he won't be able to sit. Without a doubt, Kremlin, pro-Kremlin and even pro-Kremlin forces are doing their best to instigate Britain’s exit from the EU in order to undermine the world’s global security system. Specially trained squads of militants, disguised as football fans, are beating up English fans, pushing them to consider voting in a referendum on leaving the European structures. Everything is very clear: a myth is being artificially formed about the inability of European security forces to ensure the safety of English fans, who, as they write in official protocols, “poluchajut pizdi” from brutal barbarians. The eurozone crisis, however, provides Kyiv with a unique opportunity that must be urgently taken advantage of. First of all, through the powerful pro-Ukrainian lobby in the European Parliament (if we can reach an agreement with our Polish agent), we should promote the idea of ​​fully replacing London with Kiev. This will make it possible to stop the irreversible disintegration processes in the EU and save the eggs of the aforementioned Schrödinger’s cat. Since the total number of European members will remain the same after Kyiv joins instead of London, no one will even pay attention to Brexit. Our scientists simulated the collapse of the eurozone using two bars of soap, fresh cannabis and a glass of ordinary urine. So, everything worked out. Kyiv is a natural historical substitute for London in the long and short term, since our nation is one of the most “efficient” (the meaning of this concept, unfortunately, has been lost) and “drinking”. The last factor significantly strengthens the introduction of a quota for the performance of songs by Ukrainian performers on all FM stations in the country. Again, empirically (two pieces of strawberry soap and further on the list) it has been proven: after listening to the mandatory quota, the European integration aspirations of males increase on average by two to two and a half times. And without taking into account the effect of Schrödinger's cat. The admission of Ukraine to the EU instead of Great Britain will significantly strengthen the defensive potential of the Europeans, since the Ukrainian army has extensive experience in conducting hybrid warfare and is currently virtually single-handedly successfully containing Putin’s aggression in the Minsk format. In terms of combat readiness, the Kyiv fleet is an order of magnitude superior to the vaunted British Navy, which is unable to repel new challenges like: “hey, fuck, come here!” Now the economic factor. Everything is generally good here. Nuts, honey and a lot of start-ups, of course, make Ukraine an innovative leader throughout the European space. The successful holding of the gay pride parade in Kyiv, Jamala’s victory at Eurovision and the return of Nadezhda Savchenko to PACE allows our nation to claim the role of the locomotive of a new, even more successful Europe. When Eurosceptics say that the EU project is hopelessly outdated, we have something to answer and something to offer, not counting the genitals of Schrödinger's cat. And yes: law enforcement officers came to Oleg Lyashko’s house by mistake, since all transgender people are very similar. Perhaps there is a provocation by Putin with the aim of disrupting Ukrainenter on the eve of Brexit. Alexander Zubchenko.


V.I. Lenin bequeathed to us to study, study and study.

Do you want to get a diploma? ASSHOLE- go to Moscow University Long-Range Aviation and Cosmonautics. You do not want? Then go... to HUI(!) Khabarovsk School of Arts. The art school is no big deal to you! Especially Khabarovsk, there is a competition there.

Kindergarten in the USSR was reduced to kindergarten, but now it’s MUDO- Municipal Institution Preschool Education- everything is according to Bologna (or Mudzvon?) standards.

And it's completely obscene - FUCK- United Bashkir Airlines - just think about it: I flew FUCK, landed softly.

Leningrad Hippodrome GlavKonUpra NKZ USSR- just came across it on the Internet.

OKEY- All-Russian classifier of units of measurement - correct, everything needs to be measured and classified so that everything is OK.

FUCKING- Research Institute of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides - that’s exactly what they WANTED to call it, but they didn’t. Because I'm a former chemist, I've heard about this many times FUCKING. One guy even boasted:
- Yes, I tore the sign off him!
When asked to show the sign, he hesitated:
- Yes, it broke when I moved to a new apartment.
- Well, show me at least a fragment of this...DICK.
- Well... uh, mmm...

In general, there was no such institution. They called it NIUIF - Research Institute for Fertilizers and Insectofungicides, it also has a website

In Moscow, they even managed to name two streets after abbreviations! This is the street Mosvokstroya(no, you read carefully! - not MosKVOStroy, but MosVOKStroy) and Mosneftekip. Well, with the first everything is clear - MosVodoKanalStroy street, and with the second it is even simpler: the Moscow Plant of Control and Measuring Instruments (I&I) for oil refining.
- Where do you live?
- At Mosneftekip.
- Ah... Well, I’m on Moscow..vac..qua..quo. Damn, I remember where I live, I forgot how to pronounce THIS!

And now a masterpiece of bureaucratic insanity - the longest abbreviation in the Russian(?) language:
Stands for: “Research Laboratory of Operations for Concrete Reinforcement and Reinforced Concrete Works for the Construction of Prefabricated Monolithic and Monolithic Structures of the Technology Department of the Construction and Installation Management of the Academy of Construction and Architecture of the USSR (Source
If you have insomnia, don't count camels, and don't eat feng shui, but repeat, repeat, repeat... until you fall asleep.

An acronym helps with stuttering Charitable Foundation FSUE GNP RKTs TsSKB Progress FKA, which means the Baikonur branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the State Research and Production Rocket and Space Center "Central Assembly and Design Bureau Progress" of the Federal Space Agency.
What, your jaw was dislocated? And I warned you!

GLAVENERGOSTROYMEKHANIZATION- that was the name of the organization where my mother worked. This office dealt with some kind of regulations. I didn’t delve into what this is, because... I was a boy then. But the mother still had a pass with this word.

When I was in my first year, we had the OPA - Socio-Political Certification. But of course, all Soviet students must be politically literate and morally stable, so as not to hug their class enemy with drunken eyes.
There was even a journal of socio-political certification, abbreviated ASS.
There was also a Zhytomyr Regional Party Archive, but the organization never used an abbreviation.

It would seem that the time of Soviet bureaucracy has passed, but no, here it was born NORILSKPISCHEPROM
Quote: It should be noted that the “NORILSKPISCHEPROM” brand itself, owned by Norilsk Meat Processing Plant LLC, and its elements identities, developed by experts PR2B Group. Authorship design concepts and all key images belong to art directors PR2B Group Stanislav Gern and Zhanna Zhuravel.
-Hi dude, could you speak Russian?

And since we switched to English, how can we not remember about EBITDA

I heard a guy on Radio Business-FM proudly say:
- We have a positive balance of earnings.

If it had been negative, he would have given his employees a hard time!
However, about work there is - read and know a sense of proportion.