Why are we interested in going to. Project “Why are we interested in going to the library? Goals for the library

Municipal budgetary educational institution - secondary school No. 34 named after Hero of the Soviet Union N.D. Zakharova

Literary reading project

“Why are we interested in going to the library?”

2B grade student

Shklyaeva Danila

Objective of the project:

Tell us about the library

First time in the library

My acquaintance with the library took place in 2009, when I was 3 years old.

What do we know about the library?

From the first days of school we hear this word. "Read this story for the next lesson. You can find the book in the library." This is how our acquaintance with the wonderful world of libraries begins.

For some of us, this place is a source of information, a repository of books.

Libraries in Tula

Regional Children's Library

Tula Regional Universal Scientific Library

What can you find in the library?

I often visit the regional children's library. There are encyclopedias, reference books and periodicals.

There are a lot of them in the library. For example, a spelling dictionary, an encyclopedia about plants, myths, fairy tales and children's stories.

Books in the library are arranged in alphabetical order or by thematic sections.

A librarian will help you find the book you need.

Come to my library!

They look at you from all pages

Dozens of famous faces.

Portraits of fairy-tale characters

The door to the magical world will be opened for you.

There is a corner for fairy tales

And the mansion of Wonderland.

PROJECT ON THE TOPIC: “WHY WE ARE INTERESTED IN GOING TO THE LIBRARY” The project was prepared by a student of grade 2 “K” Full name

PROJECT OBJECTIVES To get acquainted with the library and develop an interest in books Determine what encyclopedic reference books are in the library Find out in which book you can find information about the history of storing books Find out how the books are located Where can you find the book you need? Where can I get information about the contents of the book? What thematic exhibitions were in the library

A library is a place where a huge number of books are stored. And you can take any of these books and read it, but only then you have to return it, otherwise you may be fined. Moreover, you must return it in the form in which you took it. That is, you should not draw or tear out pages in this book.

To find out the history of the storage of a book, you need to find out about it in the library, since they keep records and censuses of books; this has developed in Rus' since the 16th century, at a time when the Russian lands were united near Moscow. There is also a book by A. A. Govorova and T. G. Kupriyanova, “The History of the Book,” which describes how books were stored and are stored now.

ENCYCLOPEDIA AND PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS THAT ARE IN THE LIBRARY A huge number of periodicals (newspapers and magazines) are published in the world, including: the magazines “Svirelka”, “Filya”, “Young Naturalist” (about nature), “Murzilka”, “Funny Pictures” ", "Reader", "Anthill" (about animals) Encyclopedias are different: 1. Universal, for example, "Big Children's Encyclopedia", "Discover the World" 2. Industry-specific, for example, "Animals", "Cars", "Encyclopedia of a Young Artist"

LOCATION OF BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY Books are arranged according to thematic sections For example: “Fairy tales”, “Russian literature”, “Foreign literature”, “Esoterics”, “Mathematics”, “Children’s literature” In sections, books are arranged alphabetically from A to Z

HOW TO FIND THE BOOK WE NEED!? 1. Look in the alphabetical catalog or ask the library worker if this book is in the library. 2. Look at what thematic shelves are available in this library and to which section the book you need can be classified. Find this book among the available books. 3. Find in the alphabetical index the letter with which the surname of the author of the book you need begins. Find books by this author. Find the book you need among them.

Goal: Getting to know the library, developing interest in the book Objectives: Find out how books are located Determine what encyclopedias, reference books and periodicals are in the library Find out how to find the book you need Get acquainted with book exhibitions Find out where to get information about the contents of the book

The library is a magical place. Where books are not bored, where books are not crowded. On the shelves there are stories, poems and novels, Various stories, distant countries... Dragunsky, Bianki, Golyavkin and Nosov Will answer a bunch of childish questions. Today we meet with you in the library, in the house where books live

Encyclopedias are universal. For example: “Big Children's Encyclopedia.” You can find answers to various questions in it. There are also industry encyclopedias (that is, on certain topics) For example: “Cars”, “Animals”, “Encyclopedia of a Young Artist”, etc.

A huge number of periodicals (newspapers and magazines) are published in the world. We can read some of them in our library. Magazines: “Disney for Kids”, “Svirelka”, “Fun Lessons”, “Cool Magazine” and others. Newspapers: “Dunno”, “Antoshka”, “Sunny Bunny”

Conclusion: The library is a very important place for children. We are interested in going to the library because: There is a special bookish atmosphere here. You can read interesting books in the library. Find a lot of educational books on any topic. Learn to choose books yourself; get acquainted with literary characters; take part in events and just chat with friends.