The benefits of reading. The benefits of reading. All the positive aspects of reading books

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Sample summary

What are the benefits of reading? Why do so many people continue to read? It's not just for relaxation.

The benefits of reading books are obvious. They broaden a person’s horizons and enrich his inner world. It is also important to read books because it increases a person’s vocabulary and develops clear thinking. The reader speaks more competently. Reading serious works forces us to constantly think. For example, after reading a detective story, you will think faster and understand that reading is useful and beneficial.

Detailed text

(1)What are the benefits of reading? (2) Is it true that reading is useful? (3) Why do many people continue to read? (4) After all, not only to relax or occupy free time.

(5) The benefits of reading books are obvious. (6) Books broaden a person’s horizons, enrich his inner world, and make him smarter. (7) It is also important to read books because it increases a person’s vocabulary and develops clear and clear thinking. (8) Everyone can verify this by their own example. (9) You just have to thoughtfully read some classical work, and you will notice how easier it has become to express your own thoughts with the help of speech, to select the right words. (10) A person who reads speaks more competently. (11) Reading serious works makes us constantly think, it develops logical thinking. (12) Don’t believe me? (13) And you read something from the classics of the detective genre, for example, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” by Conan Doyle. (14) After reading (general minor term) you will think faster 1, your mind will become sharper 2 and you will understand 3 that reading is useful and beneficial 4.

(15) It is also useful to read books because they have a significant influence on our moral guidelines and on our spiritual development. (16) After reading this or that classic work, people sometimes begin to change for the better.

(Based on Internet materials)

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The benefits and harms of reading books - at first glance, the question looks strange, since reading is usually classified as an absolute value. But sometimes it can cause damage; to understand why, you need to understand its properties.

What are the benefits of reading for a person?

If we consider the properties of reading, then, of course, it is not the harm that comes to the fore, but the beneficial effects. Reading books promotes the mental development of children and adults, improves imagination, and makes a person more educated. And sometimes through books you can even gain useful life experience, almost no different from real life, although in practice similar situations may not happen to a person.

To evaluate the beneficial properties of reading, it is worth examining them in more detail.

Development of thinking

When reading a good book, you inevitably have to think a lot about the plot and the actions of the characters. Over time, the brain learns to find non-standard answers to emerging questions. The reader begins to predict plot twists in the book. And even if this does not happen, the author’s explanations still provide good food for the brain - this is the benefit of reading for self-development.

Stress Relief

A very valuable property of books is that they perfectly help to temporarily escape from pressing problems. Immersing themselves in an imaginary world, people forget about their own business and personal troubles. This allows you not to focus on your experiences, but to spend time thinking about what is happening in a completely different world - often more beautiful and happier.

Inspired by a useful book, after reading a person feels calmer and more cheerful and can return to solving his problems. Reading reduces the harm from stress, especially constant and intense stress.

Increasing vocabulary

A special benefit of classical literature, as well as good modern books, is that a person learns many new words and concepts. Sometimes their meaning is felt intuitively, sometimes the meaning of words has to be clarified in dictionaries and reference books. But with regular reading, speech quickly becomes richer in any case, a person begins to express his thoughts figuratively and competently.

This is the particular benefit of reading for children - the more often a child holds a useful book in his hands, the more beautiful his speech will be.

Disease Prevention

Surprisingly, reading good literature can even protect against the development of dangerous diseases. In particular, reading more often is useful for the prevention of dementia, brain aging, and Alzheimer's disease. Books train the brain, force it to constantly process new information, so a person maintains clarity of mind and sober thinking much longer.

If you look around more carefully, you will be convinced that those people who are used to reading a lot retain the greatest vigor in old age. The reason lies in constant exercises for the mind, and also in the fact that reading in general disciplines a person and encourages him to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Gives you confidence

Erudition and broad knowledge in a wide variety of areas help you easily start a conversation and easily make new acquaintances. Finding yourself in an unfamiliar company, a person does not feel the desire to sit in a far corner all evening, afraid to engage in conversation.

On the contrary, someone who is used to reading a lot always remains in the center of attention - he becomes an excellent storyteller, sets topics for conversation himself, and is not afraid to be in the center of everyone's attention. One of the benefits of reading is that books help you make new friends, which is never harmful.

Develops imagination

Reading a useful book is almost the same as watching an exciting movie. In the reader’s head, colorful pictures of the places described by the author are created, amazing events unfold, and interesting characters conduct dialogues.

Many readers, having turned the last page of a book, like to think about its plot for some time. You can imagine how the events of the imagined world would develop further, and if you wish and have time, you can even put your own version on paper.

Improves sleep

Reading a useful book helps you relax and has a very beneficial effect on the nervous system. Therefore, many people like to devote time to reading before going to bed - first, the brain actively processes incoming information, and then an irresistible drowsiness comes over the person.

If you make it a rule to constantly read in the evenings, then there will be no harm, but very soon you will be able to forget about insomnia. In addition, reading books guarantees vivid and exciting dreams; sometimes during a night's rest you can even “see” the further development of the plot in an unfinished chapter.

Increases brain activity and develops intelligence

It has been confirmed by facts that the benefits of reading books include a beneficial effect on intellectual abilities. A person who often reads books perceives new information more easily and easily expands his own horizons of thinking.

In the process of reading, the brain is activated. This is a very useful property, since the brain begins to quickly perceive any information, regardless of its type. For example, frequent reading of classical literature at the same time makes it easier for the reader to assimilate educational materials and technical articles.

Improves concentration

In order not to miss important plot twists and to understand everything that the author wanted to convey, you have to concentrate hard while reading. Reading useful literature literally “draws you in”, and time flies unnoticed - fully concentrating on the plot, a person may find that several hours have passed. Books teach you to notice minor details and put them into a single chain of events.

All of these properties are very useful in everyday modern life. Good concentration is an undeniable bonus for working in any field, because business tasks are also solved faster with the ability to concentrate.

Teaches you to understand and feel people

Almost every book, one way or another, talks about the emotions and feelings of the characters. The benefit is that the reader learns about new experiences and human reactions, learns to evaluate the actions and words of people not only from his own experience, but also from situations encountered in books.

Communicating with people with frequent reading becomes easier - many of their actions, motivations and movements become completely obvious. A person who reads has spiritual tact and well-developed empathy.

Improves mood

The properties of a useful book perfectly save you from depression, anxiety, resentment and anger. Talented authors masterfully manage the emotions of their readers - if you pick up a friendly and intelligent book in a bad mood, then after a couple of hours not a trace of irritation will remain.

Attention! It is not at all necessary to purposefully search for entertaining literature - ordinary books also lift your spirits, it is only important that they do not talk about things that are too sad and difficult.

Helps solve problems

Fictional universes in books are often very closely intertwined with the real world. Therefore, you can find unexpected answers to your own questions in them, for example, read about how the characters successfully cope with a situation that worries the reader.

Advice from books is not always well suited for application in real life. But reading has a good property - it at least helps you see new options for solving a problem and gives food for thought. It is likely that soon the brain will be able to find some other ways to solve real problems.

The benefits of reading classical literature

For many people, Russian and foreign classics do not cause much delight - the books seem boring, too divorced from reality, and difficult to understand. But such sensations are experienced mainly by those people who are not used to reading a lot or are familiar mainly with entertaining literature.

For true reading fans, the classics rank very high. Classic works deal with difficult philosophical and psychological problems. And even if the plot, at first glance, is not moving anywhere, active work takes place in the souls of the characters. Reading the classics is very useful for a better understanding of people and the processes happening around us, but, of course, it is not recommended to start reading them without “training”. If reading has not yet become a habit, it is better to start with books that are easier to read.

Important! A very useful property of classical literature is its deep imagery and wide vocabulary.

Even in-depth study of the Russian language by foreigners involves reading classical literature - this is the only way to truly “feel” the language, feel its shades and nuances.

Why is it good to read aloud?

Children learn to read out loud for the first time. But most adults read silently, in other words, to themselves. However, research confirms that reading aloud is actually beneficial for adults - it is recommended that you set aside some time for it regularly.

If silent reading develops intelligence and imagination, then the valuable property of reading aloud is that diction and oratory skills improve in the process. And this does not harm anyone, and will be especially useful for those whose work is directly related to speaking in front of the public. The benefit of reading books out loud is that it helps to remember the correct placement of stress, pause at punctuation marks, and gives expressiveness and artistry to speech.

Is it useful to read to yourself?

Silent reading to yourself does not help develop diction, but its benefit lies in something else. First of all, silent reading is good for the brain, as it develops visual memory and expands the associative range. The mind does not have to be distracted by the pronunciation of sounds, so it can fully concentrate on the imagination.

Frequent reading to oneself develops the skills of so-called “intuitive literacy.” A person remembers the correct spelling and punctuation and subsequently easily reproduces what he saw, although he may have almost no knowledge of the rules of the Russian language. And, of course, books are absorbed faster when silently read - reading novels and short stories takes less time.

Meanwhile, reading to oneself also brings some harm, mainly for children. If a child moves too quickly to silent reading and stops saying what is written out loud, he may have problems with pronunciation and stress placement.

What is better to read

Which useful books to choose for reading is a question to which each person determines the answer independently. But first of all, it is recommended to determine what exactly the goal is.

  1. If you need a book for general development, you should choose classical literature. Its main property is that classics develop a sense of beauty, stimulate thinking and imagination, and broaden one’s horizons.
  2. Scientific literature will be of interest to those who are passionate about specific problems in the exact or natural sciences, astronomy, physics, biology or medicine.
  3. It is recommended that even those who are not fans of versification become familiar with poetry. Good poetry develops imaginative thinking and teaches us to understand unusual associative series.
  4. Philosophical literature. Without preparation, one can easily get confused in such books, so it is better to start with collections of parables adapted for the average reader, and then move on to the works of famous authors.

Advice! When choosing best-selling books, you should carefully read the annotations and read the reviews.

Sometimes works of dubious artistic value gain short-lived popularity.

Why you can't read on public transport

Many people think that reading on public transport is an ideal way to while away time on the road with a pleasant and useful activity. However, in fact, the properties of such reading can cause significant harm to health.

  1. Lighting in transport is unstable, even if it is bright enough; shadows from objects flashing outside the window and from the silhouettes of people passing by constantly fall on the pages of the book. The eyes have to constantly re-adapt to changing light, which puts extra strain on the visual organs.
  2. In a moving vehicle, the text in front of your eyes constantly shakes due to continuous vibration. This also strains the eyes - they get tired faster and begin to hurt.

Is it harmful to read while lying down?

At first glance, it seems that settling into bed with an interesting book is very pleasant and comfortable. However, doctors do not recommend reading while lying down - this is harmful to health, and the effectiveness of reading is reduced.

  1. In a lying position when reading, the chest is slightly compressed, which causes the breathing rhythm to become disrupted. The brain receives less oxygen, and due to the unusual position of the body, it is difficult to concentrate on a book - all the time you want to get even more comfortable. When reading while lying down, a person very quickly begins to feel sleepy; if you continue to read, overcoming drowsiness, there will still be no benefit from it.
  2. Reading while lying on your side is harmful because the page of the book is at different distances from both eyes. The load on the organs of vision is uneven, and in the future this can lead to decreased vision.

Is it possible to read in the dark

The benefits and harms of reading books depend on the level of lighting. In the dark, you have to bring the book too close to your eyes, which can lead to the development of myopia.

In addition, research confirms that in semi-darkness a person is much less likely to feel the need to blink. The harmful property of reading in the dark is that constantly open eyes dry out quickly. Irritation of the mucous membranes occurs, the eyes become inflamed and painful.

When there is insufficient lighting, the quality of reading suffers; instead of focusing on the plot, a person only thinks about how uncomfortable he is. Therefore, it is better to devote time to books in a comfortable environment, in moderately bright light.

How to read to a child correctly

Introducing a child to good literature is an important stage in the educational process. In your child’s leisure time, there should definitely be some time left for reading. It is desirable that by the time the child enters school he already knows how to read more or less confidently - in any case, there will be no harm in doing so.

  1. Since learning always begins with parents reading books aloud, adults need to focus on choosing good literature. Not only fairy tales are perfect for a child, but also short stories from classics, fables and epics, myths and poetic works.
  2. You need to find time to read every day. And this should not be a boring mandatory procedure, but a kind of game. Both the child and parents should be in a good mood.
  3. When reading aloud to a child, it is very important for adults to be expressive. It is necessary that the child can figuratively imagine the events taking place in the book, only then will he be able to become interested in them.

After reading, it is very useful to discuss with your child what he has just learned from the book - this will help consolidate the information and increase interest.

Important! Parents should take into account their child's own wishes when selecting books - there will be no harm in doing so.

A love of reading can be instilled only if the child is really interested in such an activity.

Sayings about the benefits of books and reading

The properties and benefits of reading have been repeatedly mentioned by classics of world literature, famous philosophers and poets, politicians and thinkers.

Thus, the European philosopher and public figure Voltaire noted that reading a new book is like meeting a new friend, while reading an already familiar story is like meeting an old friend.

The famous poet Petrarch said that books become real friends for a person, they allow you to experience the same pleasure as from communication, and give good advice.

Leo Tolstoy said that with the help of books you can communicate daily with the wisest people in the world, that is, learn the thoughts of contemporaries and philosophers who lived many centuries ago.


The benefits and harms of reading books depend on where exactly and at what time of day you read and how high-quality literature you choose to study. Good books bring invaluable benefits and can provide effective help in many life situations.

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The fact that reading is useful is perceived by many as an axiom, but there are many blind spots in this statement. Firstly, it is not at all so obvious, because measuring the “usefulness” of reading is very difficult. Most conclusions about the beneficial effects of reading on humans are actually based on theoretical assumptions rather than actual scientific research. Distrustful citizens, in turn, notice that reading fiction does not train any skills that are important in real life, does not provide important information, and if it develops anything, it is only the imagination. There are even people who argue that reading is not only not useful, but, on the contrary, can be harmful, since it “tears” a person from reality, immersing him in imaginary worlds, and thereby makes him less socially adapted. So the benefits of reading are by no means obvious.

The second important issue is the quality of what you read. Intuitively, we assume that reading the complete works of Daria Dontsova will bring you less benefit than the shortest story by Chekhov. But confirming this turns out to be even more difficult than with reading in general. In this article, we tried to bring together the latest research by scientists regarding the benefits that reading fiction brings to people. The selection was compiled based on media materials; only those materials were selected where there was an indication of the organization that conducted the research and at least some description of the experimental methodology.

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Let's start with poetry. Scientists from the University of Liverpool measured the brain activity of subjects while they read poems by Shakespeare, Eliot and other famous poets. It has been revealed that reading poetry puts the brain in a state of increased arousal, which persists even after stopping reading. Areas associated with autobiographical memory were especially activated. Additionally, the scientists retold the content of the poems “in their own words.” So, reading these retellings had almost no effect on brain activity.

Researchers at Emory University in Atlanta performed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans on 12 students who read 30 pages of Robert Harris's historical thriller Pompeii each day. The scans showed that reading caused increased activity in the left temporal lobe of the brain, which is associated with language and cognitive abilities in the central gyrus, which is responsible for sensorimotor reactions. Moreover, excitement persisted in these areas even after reading the book. Scientists have also found that readers experience the experience of “bodily semantization,” when, in the process of thinking about a particular action, the configuration of interneuronal connections begins to repeat their configuration at the moment of this action. For example, thoughts about swimming can lead to the formation of the same interneuronal connections as the physical process of swimming itself.

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Experts from the University of Oxford also used MRI and found that when reading, the same parts of the brain are activated in a person as when observing the scenes described in a book live. Oxford University professor John Stein argues: we become so “immersed” in what is happening that the brain reacts to the book in the same way as if we were actually participating in what is described. In other words, the statement: “The reader lives thousands of lives” is very close to the truth.

And in 2008, researchers from Duke University found that reading could be used to treat obesity. They examined 30 girls aged 9 to 13 years who were obese. One of them was asked to read the novel “Saving Lake” - about an overweight girl with low self-esteem who is trying to lose weight. The second group read a book where there was no such character, and the third did not read anything at all. As a result, the decrease in body mass index in the first group was almost twice as high as the results of the second and third groups. Scientists have linked this to the effect of reading on girls' motivation. Benefits of reading specific literature was confirmed in other studies.

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A team of scientists (mostly from France) led by Stanislas Dehaene compared the brain activity (using the same MRI) of illiterate people, people who learned to read in adulthood and “ordinary” people who were literate from childhood. It turned out that in a literate person, when recognizing text, the visual zone of the cerebral cortex begins to work much more intensively, the areas responsible for processing audio information are activated, and several other brain centers are simultaneously activated. But not only this characterizes the work of the “literate brain” - even when perceiving only oral information, a literate person begins to work more intensively in the phonological area than in an illiterate person, and several other zones are activated.

Researchers at Stanford University asked a group of literature PhD candidates to read Jane Austin's novel while inside a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine. And in different ways. At first they read “just like that,” and then they were asked to focus on analyzing the text, as if they were going to give a presentation at a scientific conference. It has been found that analytical, detailed reading requires the performance of a certain complex cognitive function that is not usually involved. When moving from reading “for pleasure” to “analytical” reading, there is a sharp change in the types of nervous activity of the brain and the nature of blood circulation in the brain.

Neuroscientist David Lewis and colleagues conducted a study on how different types of activity help relieve stress. A group of volunteers was put into a state of stress, and then asked to relieve this stress using one method or another. It turned out that the most effective anti-stress is reading. Six minutes of reading was enough to relax the muscles and normalize the heart rate. Reading surpassed such methods as listening to music, drinking tea and walking.

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American researcher Robert Wilson and a group of scientists observed a group of almost three hundred elderly people (on average about 89 years) for 6 years. And after the subjects died, their brains were examined for pathological changes. It turned out that people who read more than the average throughout their lives were 32% less likely to have memory problems, while people who didn't read at all lost their memory 48% faster than those who spent an average amount of time on this activity. .

Now let's move on to some unexpected research. Contrary to popular belief, employees of the University of Toulouse have proven that reading while eating is not only not harmful, but, on the contrary, beneficial! Those people who do not part with a book at the table digest food much better than those who watch TV. While reading, a person chews food more slowly, as a result of which the food enters the stomach in a more crushed form and is well saturated with digestive juices.

Scientists at the Nuremberg Academy of Moral and Physical Health came to an even more exotic conclusion. It turns out that reading on the toilet is useful. Especially for those who suffer from constipation. The text distracts the reader from his own experiences, and the exciting plot has a beneficial effect on the contraction of the intestinal walls, so researchers recommend leaving detective stories and spy novels in the toilet.

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But sexologists from the laboratory of ejaculatory pathology at St. Patrick's Hospital were beyond competition. These guys have found that reading can be beneficial... yes, during sex! It turned out that reading math books during intercourse helps prolong sexual intercourse. To be honest, I won’t risk using this valuable advice, but if someone tries it, write in the comments what happened.

Well, the greatest benefits from reading were revealed not by scientists, but by Novosibirsk police officers. In February last year, such an incident occurred in the city. The girl’s long-time “friend” apparently decided to forcibly regain her favor and, threatening her with a pistol, tried to drag her into his car. The girl’s friend, who happened to be nearby, decided to interfere and received a bullet directly in the chest. However, the bullet got stuck in the pages of a book lying in the guy's breast pocket, who ended up with a bruise.

This concludes our already lengthy excursion into science. I hope that now you will have something to say to the question: “How is your reading useful?” After all, the benefits of reading are a scientifically proven fact.

Modern science has found evidence of the benefits of reading books and they are no less than the benefits of playing sports. Professor John Stein explains: “Reading is a kind of exercise for the brain. Understanding the plot of what you read immerses you in the world of imagination. The reader experiences the same moments as the characters in the books, receives a positive charge and at the same time develops brain muscles.”.

All the positive aspects of reading books

Reading has always been considered a passive, non-committal activity, contrasting it with sports. Slender, fit, athletic people versus calm, quiet and pale admirers of literary art. But this is a mistaken opinion. MRI (magnetic resonance scanning) of the brain has proven that while reading, a person seems to experience everything for himself, the same areas are activated as during sports, when he reads about mountain landscapes or the depths of the sea. Surprisingly, if you watch TV or, for example, play computer games, such an effect is not observed. Only reading can have such an effect on the brain. It is important to start reading complex books in childhood, as this will help the brain correctly build a cause-and-effect relationship, which is usually present only in good books. If you do not develop this in yourself, in adulthood you may have problems with logical thinking, and it will be very problematic to conduct a coherent conversation on a certain topic.

Just five minutes of reading in silence will replace one hour of stress therapy at a psychologist's appointment, or a half-hour walk.

So, all the benefits of reading

1. The first place is occupied by stimulating clear, logical thinking and the development of imagination. Any reading person, after reading a book, tries to come up with a continuation or change some fact, which will entail a completely different development of events.

2. Literacy at the reflex level. By absorbing a mass of well-written literature, correctly constructed sentences and various figures of speech, a person develops the so-called literacy reflex. Nowadays, the ability to correctly construct sentences and literacy have become very rare; due to the age of computer technology, people have begun to devote very little time to reading.

4. They will never say about a person who reads that he cannot connect two words. The more well-read you become, the more you expand your horizons, and you have a lot of new topics to talk about.

5. Books contribute to the development of both visual and auditory memory (when reading aloud). A good memory will also be useful to you in other activities and work.

6. Reading develops compassion, teaches us to empathize. We seem to get used to the role of our hero, go through his path and experience the same sensations, the whole gamut of feelings. Reading gives rise to many new emotions for us.

7. If a book contains good, colorful illustrations, they help in the formation of aesthetic taste and a craving for beauty.

8. By reading aloud, we involuntarily improve our diction. Correct, beautiful speech can be one of your advantages.

9. When reading, try to highlight the main points and characters’ characters with a pencil, this way you can improve your mechanical memory. As you know, everything written down is better absorbed and remembered.

10. Everyone has their own special way of reading, in which you better perceive all the information received, it is more easily absorbed by your brain.

Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union have always been considered the most reading nations on the planet. Nowadays, a lot has changed, but still, smart people will prefer a good book to sitting on social networks, which gives nothing in return for your lost time.

Don’t waste your life, expand your knowledge with the help of good literature and develop.

We wish you exciting reading and may you come across only good books!

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However, this is a normal phenomenon, since in the past there was not such a variety of entertainment. Due to the lack of a wide choice, people read and found it very useful. Nowadays, spending time on reading is called into question, because other sources of information have appeared.

Reading books

Literature is considered one of the greatest works of human activity. Through reading, people learn new information and look for answers to questions. Now literature has become an interesting entertainment. To say that books are no longer relevant is stupid. People continue to read, including young people. Previously, classics were popular, which reflected serious problems, human feelings and torment. Nowadays, science fiction, fantasy and youth literature are fashionable genres.

  1. Paper version.
  2. Electronic version.
  3. Audio book.

Many Internet resources allow you to spend time reading without paying money for it. Audio versions are good for busy people: you can do business and educate yourself at the same time.

The benefits of spending time reading a book

  • Intellectual development. Many works have a deep meaning, a vital idea, or an answer to a question that has long interested the reader. Reading scientific works and articles increases a person's level of knowledge. This activity develops his worldview.
  • Improving literacy and speech. Teachers noticed a pattern: a child who enjoys reading (regardless of the genre) makes fewer mistakes than a student who does not read. The same applies to all book lovers. The correct spelling and pronunciation of words are stored in a person’s memory. This is much more effective than memorizing the rules of the Russian language. Competent speech will help you better formulate your thoughts and convey them to other people.
  • Increasing vocabulary. When the reader encounters unfamiliar words, he becomes interested in their meaning. Literary works often have separate chapters with dictionaries. Scientific works contain professional terms, and historical novels contain old words that have already gone out of use.
  • Variety of genres. At school, children are told to read the classics, which, more often than not, do not interest young minds. Because of this, reading is a boring activity for many. However, now there is a wide selection of different genres, from children's literature to science fiction. You can read for entertainment or to gain new knowledge.
  • Development of creativity and imagination. Often famous poets and writers create their masterpieces by drawing inspiration from their colleagues. After reading a beautiful poem, a person will try himself in the role of a creator. He may not become a great poet, but he will acquire creative skills. In addition, reading helps develop imagination. When a child reads an interesting book, he imagines the characters, setting, and plot in his head. This has a positive effect on his mental activity.
  • New acquaintances. People organize book clubs and invite others to reading evenings. Here a person finds new friends based on common interests and genres. Bookcrossing, a free exchange of books, is gaining popularity. Works “travel” from one reader to another. Everyone can leave their notes or wishes. Before you pick up a book, you need to leave the work on the shelf yourself.

Disadvantages of Reading

  • Intense passion. If a person reads too much without paying attention to other things or people, it becomes a problem. There may be isolation and reluctance to contact society. It will be difficult for a person to communicate even with close people. The absence of other interests will result in physical, moral and financial harm.
  • Vision problems. This is a controversial issue, since doctors do not give an exact answer: does reading books worsen vision. Experts say that it is not the process itself that affects eye health, but the conditions: lighting, reading position, concentration, level of calm around. Improperly created conditions can cause tired and dry eyes, which can lead to serious problems. Regular reading in poor light or in a stormy environment contributes to deterioration of vision.
  • High price. Books have become much more expensive in recent years. Some copies can be bought as an expensive gift for a loved one. There are libraries where you can get a work for free, but your own home collection is much more pleasing than a couple of books that need to be returned. In addition, the desired work may not be on the shelves of a public institution.
  • Electronic versions. With modern technologies, it has become possible to read anywhere, without the extra burden of a thick book. However, with this kind of reading, information is absorbed worse, the eyes get tired faster from contact with the screen (a person blinks much less often than when reading a paper version). Readers notice that they do not remember much of what they read from the electronic version. Also, having a personal copy of a literary work is much nicer than a copy on a mobile device.
  • Waste of time. If you get carried away with reading, it will take many hours, and the person will not even notice. For some, it is more practical to do other things. This minus applies to those who care less about mental development or self-improvement, but about physical activities or finances. Everyone chooses for themselves what to do, but you shouldn’t get carried away for a long time.

Is reading books good?

Not everyone likes the activity. Some people cannot be torn away from their favorite work, while others will only read under pressure. The choice is up to the person himself. The fact that reading develops a person comprehensively does not need confirmation. This is a good hobby that will help the individual in the future. It can develop into a main activity: opening a book club, creating your own work, etc.