Enter the FSB Border Institute. Border Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Universities of the FSB of Russia

Before submitting documents and starting preparations for entering an educational institution, you need to decide for yourself that you are ready to connect your life with this structure.

Unlike civilian universities, they have a narrow prof. direction and after graduation it will be difficult to work in another field.

Admission to a civilian university is a choice of a profession, and admission to a university of the FSB of Russia is immediately a choice of a profession and, one might say, a place of work.

Preparation for admission

This is not to say that there are no difficulties with admission. However, if you have the preparation and desire, you can apply.

It is better to start preparing for admission at the beginning of the graduating class (grade 11). The first step is to contact the Russian FSB department at your place of residence with a statement of intention to enroll in an FSB educational institution, fill out a form and provide copies of personal documents (birth certificate, passport, military ID and diploma).

Based on the data and documents provided by the candidate, a check is carried out. All data is carefully checked.

An obstacle to access to the state. secrets and receipt will be: loved ones living abroad for a long time; relatives who were prosecuted; also if the candidate used drugs.

In addition to the check, a conversation is held with an employee of the personnel department of the FSB department, during which it is found out what motivated the candidate to join the FSB of the Russian Federation. If everything is in order with the interview and test, the candidate receives a referral for a medical examination (MEC), after which he is required to pass the physical examination standards. training (100-meter run, 3-kilometer run, pull-ups), which are assessed according to the “pass” and “fail” system.

After passing the test, you need to write an application to the selected university in early March. In it, the candidate must indicate: the faculty, the direction of training and specialty, the list of Unified State Examination subjects and additional entrance exams, and also sign that he is familiar with the admission rules.

Universities of the FSB of Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are 14 educational institutions subordinate to the FSB of Russia.

These are the FSB Institutes in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. FSB Academy in Moscow. Moscow, Golitsyn, Kaliningrad, Kurgan and Kharabovsky border institutes of the FSB. Academy and Border Academy of the FSB in Moscow. Coast Guard Institute in Anapa. Border Academy in Moscow.

Each university has its own list of faculties, some of which accept both boys and girls (faculty of foreign languages). Each faculty has its own subjects for which you need to take entrance exams.

You can enroll in full-time study. Without military service from 16 to 22 years and after military service up to 24 years. But correspondence training is available only to current security service employees.


When called by the University (in early June), candidates arrive to take entrance exams. First, they undergo a medical examination for the second time, after which they are allowed to take entrance exams. Physics exam common to all. preparation and one of the specialized subjects. Based on the results of exams and the EGE, the overall score is determined; admission is carried out on a competitive basis.

If a candidate does not pass the competition for higher education, he can go to study in secondary educational programs (the training lasts 2.5-3 years, after graduation he is awarded the rank of warrant officer and, if desired, he can complete his studies in absentia at any FSB University). If you don't pass the competition, you can try again in a year.

After graduation, the rank of lieutenant is awarded.

Work experience and length of service are counted from the first days of training. The first two courses count as a year in the army, after which the first contract is signed and a salary is issued, approximately 16,000 rubles.

After graduating from the institute, they are assigned to units for service. Excellent students are given the right to choose their place of service, so there is an incentive to be one. Military personnel are provided with a social package and free medical care. service, decent salary.

Anyone who has decided to devote their life to working in the authorities must have three qualities: true patriotism, respect for the rank of officer and readiness for difficulties.

TOP 10

Talking about the TOP-10 (or any other leading number of universities) in this structure will not be entirely correct for two reasons. Firstly, there are only 14 such educational institutions in the Russian Federation (including the First Cadet Border Corps of the FSB, which only prepares young cadets for higher education). And, secondly, in this structure, for clear and obvious reasons, there are no shortcomings in financial or material support, nor the problem of poor teaching. The only institution that can be given some preference is the Moscow FSB Academy, which trains specialists (of course, narrowly specialized ones) of a simply fantastic level.

In addition, metropolitan universities in general are traditionally considered more prestigious. In this regard, it would be correct to list all higher educational institutions that are part of the Russian FSB system.

  1. (Odintsovo district, Moscow region).
  2. (Anapa, Krasnodar region).

Features of training

The specificity of training in universities of this type is not just special - it is unique. Due to the closed nature of most of the curricula, especially those related to professional training, the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education in academies and institutes of the FSB regulates the content of only the first two basic cycles, which include subjects in the humanities/social/economics and mathematics/natural sciences. Accordingly, their selection is the same in all universities. The disciplines that future officers will need to master do not vary depending on the professional specialization of the educational institution - be it the training of border guards, cryptographers or counterintelligence officers.

The first of the cycles necessarily includes the study of the fundamentals of management, law, economics, foreign language and philosophy. The second program includes information theory, computer science, physics, discrete mathematics, mathematical statistics, probability theory, analytical geometry and mathematical analysis.

The professional part includes disciplines from the field of information security. These are programming languages, hardware and software and cryptographic methods of information security, electrical engineering and circuitry, document management, information security management and others.

In addition, serious attention is paid to physical and psychological preparation. Even if admitted without passing high sports standards, passing an internal medical examination and an interview using a polygraph (“lie detector”), the candidate is not allowed to take the entrance exams. Only 1 person out of 8 manages to pass this initial “sieve” of selection.

When training employees in the structure of the FSB, more than anywhere else, the principle of continuity operates, so the chances of getting into the number of students without being “one of our own” are frankly meager. Nevertheless, they exist: for example, for applicants to ICSI, a huge advantage will be knowledge of one of the rare languages ​​(Hindi, Chinese) or perfect knowledge of one of the European languages ​​(Spanish, French, etc.).

Quality of training

This is a rare case when you can honestly say: the quality of education is at the highest world level. The teachers are legendary personalities, many of whom are Heroes of Russia and Heroes of the Soviet Union. According to reviews of current FSB officers who attended departmental universities at different times, the level of legal, physical, mathematical and language training in them is higher than in Moscow State University and MGIMO. In addition, the program includes such secret disciplines that they are taught in special classrooms, from which it is forbidden to take notes, not even pens. In lectures on other subjects, 35-40 pages covered in a couple of pages are considered the norm.

The most popular specialties (bachelor's degree)

In the FSB system, it is more correct to talk not about the bachelor’s specialties, but rather about the military specializations of newly minted lieutenants (this rank is mandatory for graduates). But even in this case, it is difficult to determine the greater or lesser popularity of one direction or another - in this structure there are simply no unpopular ones. Nevertheless, we can note the officer professions that are in high demand among applicants:

  • operational specialist;
  • counterintelligence officer;
  • operational employee with knowledge of foreign languages;
  • information security specialist;
  • investigator.

FSB institutes do not accept girls for all specialties. Most often, “female persons” (nothing personal - this is what they say in the official admission rules) can enroll in foreign language faculties. In the capital's Academy of the Federal Security Service, in addition to foreign language, the faculty of IPOS (Institute for Training of Operational Personnel) is open for beautiful (and, of course, smart) ladies, but only for distance learning.


The prospects of studying at FSB universities are evidenced by the fact that serious companies do not hesitate to hire graduates who have not chosen departmental service for the highest positions.

After graduating from an academy or institute, you can work in your specialty within the FSB structures or move to other, no less authoritative organizations, for example, Alpha.

Currently, it is considered very prestigious to train as an FSB officer in order to have a good salary. How to enter the FSB after 9th grade and is it possible to pass the exams without any connections? Are there any specific health requirements? Many high school students dream of studying at an institution like the FSB school. How to apply after 9th grade to the chosen faculty? First, you should think about whether a person needs a profession, whether he can cope with job responsibilities, where he can work if he receives a diploma. It is very important. Graduates of the FSB Academy are in great demand, but it is necessary to understand that officer service is sometimes associated with frequent moves, changes in place of residence, and work in difficult conditions and in border zones. Not all people agree to endure some inconveniences, especially for the fair sex.

What is so attractive about the FSB Academy? It turns out that not only children of high-ranking officers can enroll in this educational institution after 9th grade. But it will be difficult to do this. The high level of salaries of the structure’s employees allows us to consider the academy a very prestigious university. If a high school student has finally decided that he should connect his life with the federal security service, first he must pass a medical examination. The most stringent requirements are imposed on applicants. A student at an educational institution and a future officer should not have serious chronic diseases. This rule is observed very strictly. Even if you have connections in the admissions committee, it is simply impossible to enter the academy through dishonest means. As a rule, a medical examination takes place in a departmental clinic. When applying to an educational institution, you must fill out a form. All information provided in it is verified.

A serious obstacle to entering the academy may be a not-so-clean biography of a close relative or a criminal record of one of the family members. If the high school student himself was brought to criminal or administrative liability, you can forget about studying at the FSB school. If the medical examination is successfully completed and there are no other obstacles to further admission, the applicant is allowed to take the exams. The list of subjects that are required is specified by the admissions committee. As a rule, applicants have to take Russian language and social studies. These exams are conducted in written form. The chosen faculty is also of great importance. For example, for future counterintelligence officers, it is planned to pass not only Russian language and social studies, but also foreign languages.

For some faculties where specialists proficient in information technology are taught, it is necessary to pass exams in the Russian language, social studies and mathematics. Some FSB schools also require passing an exam in physics. Applications are accepted approximately from mid-summer. Training begins, as in all educational institutions, on September 1. To increase your chances of successful admission, you need to prepare in advance for submitting documents and passing entrance tests. Already from the first quarter of 8th grade, you can begin to find out the conditions for admission to the academy and clarify the list of exams. If possible, you should take preparatory courses and work with a tutor. Some academies offer special courses to prepare for admission.

Experts advise weighing your chances before applying. There is not too much competition for admission to some areas of study. Sometimes it makes sense to apply to a less prestigious faculty. Moreover, the possibility of transferring to another specialty still exists. Some high school students are interested in whether it is even worth enrolling in the FSB Academy after 9th grade. Maybe it would be better to try your luck after graduating from secondary school? But after 11th grade, as practice shows, it can be even more difficult to enroll. It is also necessary to warn applicants that in some cases they are required to undergo a lie detector or polygraph test. This procedure will be repeated throughout the entire training period at certain intervals. FSB officers also regularly undergo polygraph tests in order to quickly identify cases of corruption.

FSB institutes are one of the most prestigious educational institutions that many high school students dream of enrolling in. After all, in addition to a quality education, you will receive a highly paid and qualified job. But to get into such a university, you must meet a number of criteria. Let's look at the main ones.

Which faculty should I go to?

FSB institutes today offer applicants a greater number of directions and specialties to choose from. Deciding which faculty is right for you is not easy right away.

It is worth noting that such education is often followed by followers of family traditions. Or those who dream of the romance of this profession and want to protect the interests of their state. In the future, such romantics, as a rule, create their own family traditions.

The highest passing grades are traditionally found in the investigative and counterintelligence faculties. It is most difficult to enroll in them without preliminary thorough preparation.

The situation is somewhat simpler at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and at the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics, which operates at the FSB Academy. This is where information security aces come from. Get ready right away: in order to have a real chance of entering the FSB Institute of Russia, it is advisable to know some rare language. For example, Hindi, Portuguese or Chinese. Fortunately, language courses are very popular today. In this case, your chances over competitors increase significantly.

Admission rules

If you decide to enroll in any FSB border institute, then be prepared for difficulties. The selection of applicants is carried out very carefully. Only every seventh of those who want to enroll make it to the decisive examination tests.

The first test is a medical examination. You need to have excellent health, because studying at such a university requires physical training. Training and physical tests await students almost every day. They approach this issue very strictly. This is the case when connections will not help. After all, if later one of the students turns out to be unprepared for serious physical activity, they will ask the doctors.

The third test is a test of physical readiness. The standards are serious: you need to pull yourself up 11 times without shortness of breath, run 100 meters in no more than 13.5 seconds, and cover a distance of 3 kilometers in a maximum of 12 minutes.

Passing all these tests is not easy. Therefore, it is better to take good advice - enroll in preliminary courses, which are now organized by FSB institutes. On them, the future applicant will understand what the requirements will be and whether he is ready for the exams.

Entrance exams

The final tests of knowledge that you have to pass in order to enter the FSB institutes are almost identical. First of all, you need to provide a list of documents. This is an order from a security authority, a birth certificate, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a military ID or a document replacing it, a compulsory health insurance policy, a certificate of secondary education and a university graduate diploma (if any). You must have sportswear with you.

The Golitsyn Institute of the FSB of Russia accepts as an entrance exam the results of the Unified State Examination taken at school, as well as the results of additional exams that you will take directly at the institute. They will differ depending on which faculty you choose.

The results of the Unified State Exam will be counted for applicants entering the specialty “border activities”. The results of exams in the Russian language, social studies and history are suitable for those who wish to study in the field of legal support of national security. For applicants to the Faculty of Psychology of Professional Activities, excellent scores in mathematics and the Russian language are required.

Additionally, those applicants to study to become border guards will have to pass history and physical training, and those who go to study to become psychologists will have to pass biology and physical training, while those wishing to obtain a legal education will have to take the results of the social studies exam.

The difference between additional exams and school exams and the Unified State Examination is that these exams are considered tests of increased complexity. Here they will test not only the level of your knowledge, but also how you can cope with non-standard situations and quickly find solutions to unexpected problems.

About entrance examinations for individual faculties

At the Faculty of Investigation - social studies and Russian language. At the Faculty of Counterintelligence, a written exam in a foreign language is added to them.

At the Faculty of Foreign Languages, in addition to the written exam in Russian, you will have to complete written and oral assignments in the language you are studying.


Already from the first year, a student who entered the Moscow FSB Institute feels that he has entered the system. Almost all steps and actions will be outlined and strictly regulated. Moreover, you clearly know what you will be doing for the next ten years. First, get an education for five years, and then pay off the debt for it. After all, you were trained on a budget basis. 5 years is the minimum period that you must work in the state security agencies after graduating from university.

Students will have to master a high level of training in almost all subjects: foreign languages, mathematics, law - and at the same time show excellent physical indicators. Among the teachers there are many professors, as well as holders of the titles of Hero of Russia and even Hero of the Soviet Union.

Much of what they teach is classified as "secret". Therefore, it is often impossible to take anything out of the classrooms in which classes are held. Right down to the handle.

Special attention is paid to legal training. The lectures are rich and informative. Sometimes you have to write 30-40 pages of notes in one academic hour.


A scholarship is provided if the applicant comes to study at the Border Guard Institute of the FSB of Russia. Admission is over, it’s time to devote yourself entirely to your studies. Therefore, financial support will not hurt.

Compared to other universities, scholarships here are much higher. They amount to about 15 thousand rubles. However, we should not forget that students at these universities do not just study, but are on duty almost around the clock, which is difficult and exhausting.

Features of studying at the FSB Institute

Perhaps the main feature of studying this at a university is that it is not customary to talk about it, especially on social networks.

Another distinctive feature is that the training is so unifying, and the system itself is so closed, that many find their soul mates here.

After graduating from university, you need to serve in the authorities for at least five years. Moreover, people from the capital are often sent to work in the regions. For example, to Volgograd or Krasnodar. If an employee manages to prove himself, he may be returned to Moscow or promoted to his place of duty.

The main thing is that they often find true friends here, who subsequently support them throughout their lives and provide the necessary assistance.

Employment issues

After the five mandatory years of service in the authorities have passed, everyone’s future fate develops differently. Some remain in the Federal Security Service in federal or regional departments. Others move on to the Alpha special forces detachment, where graduates of FSB universities are always welcomed with open arms.

Others go into the civil service and specialize in matters related to jurisprudence. After all, training in this area is one of the strongest in the country. It is quite possible to become a successful lawyer or prosecutor, and in the future, count on getting a position as a judge.

Almost no one experiences problems with finding a job, since people with a diploma from the FSB Institute are hired almost everywhere, often even without an interview.

Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia - Federal state government educational institution of higher professional education. The Institute trains officers on the basis of a license and certificate for the right to conduct educational activities, obtained based on the results of a comprehensive assessment of the university by a commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Teachers and officers of departments and faculties pass on their rich service and combat experience to the cadets and students of the institute. More than 69% of the institute's teaching staff have academic degrees and academic titles.

To ensure the training of cadets and students in specialties in accordance with curricula, programs and teaching methods, as well as to carry out scientific research and train scientific and pedagogical personnel, the institute has a modern educational material and technical base.

The institute’s 7 educational lecture halls, 22 display classrooms, language training classrooms, and specialized classes make it possible to carry out all types of educational work using computer technology across the entire range of taught disciplines.

Each training group has an assigned classroom equipped with the necessary equipment.

The Institute has its own printing facility, which allows it to produce educational, methodological and scientific products. The general fund of educational, scientific, special and art libraries contains over 110 thousand copies of educational and fiction literature.

In training classes, cadets practice driving and aiming skills with standard weapons, which they then improve on the racing track and at the institute’s shooting range.

The cadets spend a significant part of their training time in practical classes on tactical and training fields, specialized camps, and military shooting ranges, mastering the methods of using weapons and military equipment, directing the actions of units in various forms of operational activities, organizing and supporting combat.

During the practices carried out annually in the units of the border authorities of the FSB of Russia and in special-purpose communications units of the FSO of Russia, cadets acquire and improve practical skills in performing the duties of their future job assignment.

During their studies, cadets have the opportunity to engage in scientific activities, working in scientific circles of the institute and participating in scientific and practical conferences held by the country's leading universities. The scientific works of the institute's cadets have repeatedly become winners of open competitions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

The best cadets are encouraged by scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, a personal scholarship named after Yu.V. Andropov, a personal scholarship “Moscow Region”, an incentive scholarship from the Head of the Odintsovo District of the Moscow Region, scholarships from the International Public Foundation “Law and Order-Center”, the Interregional Public Organization of the Military-Patriotic Club “Rus”, the Council of Commanders of the Border Troops of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States.