Admission for college and technical school graduates. How to pass the Unified State Exam in college After what course can you pass the Unified State Exam

After college or technical school, they changed a lot. Applicants with secondary vocational education (SVE) can no longer apply for admission based on only one test or interview. But some special conditions still remain. In this article we will tell you more about them and everything that applicants need to know.

The university independently determines the form of entrance examinations

What do you need to submit?

Here you have the right to choose. You can provide the results of the Unified State Exam or take entrance tests at the university. The number of internal tests corresponds to the number of exams that school graduates take. Most often these are 3-4 exams in general education subjects.

From Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147:

“When admitting persons enrolling in undergraduate programs and specialty programs based on vocational education, higher education organization can replace general education entrance tests established by Order N 1204 as entrance tests of choice for an educational organization of higher education, and (or) additional entrance tests other entrance tests conducted by the organization higher education on one's own.»

If you are enrolling in the same major as in college, the university has the right to replace one general education subject with a specialized exam. For example, in economics majors he replaced social studies with comprehensive testing, which includes questions on accounting, taxation, finance and banking.

Some specialties provide creative tests. You can expect this type of exam in a number of areas, such as design, architecture, musical theater, television, etc.

All exams are scored on a 100-point system. Based on the test results, you will participate in the general competition on equal terms with school graduates. You also have the right to use the Unified State Exam results at the same time as taking internal exams. You need to decide when submitting an application. You only have the right to choose during the first year after graduating from college.

For example, in order to enter the state university MPEI after college, you only need to score a minimum passing score. To prepare for entrance exams, college and technical school graduates can take a free online trial exam. This will allow you not only to assess your level of knowledge and familiarize yourself with standard exam tasks, but also to receive a certificate of recommendation for admission to a university after college.

On the university website you can find examples of tasks for internal exams

Is it possible to study in an accelerated program?

After college, you have the right to enroll in a shortened type of study at a university. In this case, you will be enrolled in the 1st year, and not in the 2-3rd. The transition to an accelerated program in most universities is possible only during the training process. To do this, you need to write a transfer application. The decision remains with the educational institution. If the answer is positive, an individual training plan will be drawn up for you, which is designed for 3-3.5 years instead of 4-5.

The accelerated program is not available at all universities. Please check this question before submitting your documents. Some colleges partner with specific higher education institutions. If you have such an agreement, enrolling in a university for a shortened form of study is much easier. Check with your college about this opportunity.

By choosing specialized training programs for themselves, graduates of colleges and technical schools can enroll in an accelerated training program at a state university. It does not matter whether your college cooperates with this university or not. A reduction in training time is available to everyone who enrolls in a major.

What form of study should I enroll in?

You have the right to enroll in any form of study available at the university. Since you already have a profession, you can combine study and work. To do this, choose part-time, evening or distance learning.

If you opted for a correspondence course, look for an organization to work that is ready to let you go to sessions several times a year. Otherwise, you will have to spend your vacation on this.

What to do: step-by-step instructions

We will give you a complete algorithm of actions

Step 1. Find a suitable university

At this stage, you need to decide on an educational institution. Find out if your college has partner universities. Think carefully about whether you want to continue your studies in your chosen specialty or whether you want to change direction. On the institution's website, find out the dates for submitting documents and the list of exams.

Step 2: Prepare for exams

Some universities offer preparatory courses. They will help you pass internal exams. If you decide to apply based on the results of the Unified State Exam, do not forget - the application for participation must be submitted no later than February 1.

Step 3. Submit documents

You have the right to apply to 5 universities, for 3 directions in each. The special right to admission can only be used in one of them. You need to provide:

  • identification document;
  • a copy or original of a college diploma;
  • 2 photos 3 x 4;
  • documents confirming special rights and individual achievements;
  • medical certificate (if required);
  • military ID if you are liable for military service.

For a complete list, check the website of the specific university. Please note that if you take internal exams, the deadline for accepting documents is earlier (July 7-10).

Step 4. Pass the entrance test

Find out the exam schedule on the university website or from the admissions office. If the dates are the same at different universities, find out whether it is possible to take it on reserve days. Some institutions allow exams to be taken on reserve days only if there is a good reason (illness, for example). Find out these points in advance.

Step 5: Feed originals

If you have submitted documents to several universities, do not miss the deadline for accepting originals. Keep an eye on the competition lists (a single competition for all applicants); originals can be brought to the first or second wave of enrollment. You will participate in the general competition together with school graduates.

Studying at a university after college is much easier

When entering a university, you have the same rights as school graduates. If you are enrolled on a budget, you can count on a scholarship and a dormitory (although the payments will be lower than for school graduates). And after graduation you will have 2 professions and 2 diplomas, which will increase your demand in the labor market.

Advice from lawyers:

1.1. Yes you can. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 26, 2019) “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 68). You can register to take the Unified State Exam at the school of your choice until February 1, 2020 inclusive. Reason: Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia N 190, Rosobrnadzor N 1512 dated 07.11.2018 “On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education” (clause 11).

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2.1. Yes, this is your Constitutional right to education, higher or professional, including, take the Unified State Exam and enroll within the time limits regulated by the university according to the rules for admitting applicants.

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3. I'm 19 years old. I didn’t pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics. Is it possible to go to college?

3.1. Based on 11 classes - of course you can’t, you won’t have a certificate
But if you have a certificate of completion of 9 classes, you can enroll on the basis of 9 classes.

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4.1. It is possible, but it is necessary to submit documents within the deadlines established by universities. You should be informed in more detail by the admissions committees of educational institutions.

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5.1. You can contact the director of the lyceum or school where you are going to take the Unified State Exam with this question and resolve this issue; there should be no problems.

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5.2. Hello.
If you do not study and do not receive secondary specialized education, then you will not be able to pass the Unified State Exam.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 7, 2015 N 693)
(see text in the previous edition)

(paragraph introduced by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 07/07/2015 N 693; as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01/09/2017 N 6)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 N 1400
(as amended on 01/09/2017)
"On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education"
(Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 02/03/2014 N 31205)

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6.1. The following have the right to voluntarily take the State Examination in the form of the Unified State Exam:

Students with disabilities, disabled children and disabled students in educational programs of secondary general education;
students studying in educational programs of secondary general education in special closed educational institutions, as well as in institutions executing sentences of imprisonment;
students receiving secondary general education as part of the development of educational programs of secondary vocational education, including educational programs of secondary vocational education integrated with educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;

The following have the right to participate in the Unified State Exam:

Graduates of previous years (persons who have completed educational programs of secondary general education in previous years and have an education document confirming receipt of secondary general education (or educational programs of secondary (complete) general education - for persons who have received an education document confirming receipt of secondary (complete) education ) general education, until September 1, 2013);
students in educational programs of secondary vocational education;
students receiving general secondary education in foreign educational organizations, including if they have valid Unified State Examination results from previous years.

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9. Is it possible after a year of college to pass the Unified State Exam and go to university?

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12. I have the following question: I graduated from 11th grade in 1990, I want to go to college to become a librarian, but when they tell me that I need to pass the Unified State Exam, the certificate is not valid. Please answer in writing.

12.1. Are you planning to enroll in full-time or part-time studies?!

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Consultation on your issue

Calls from landlines and mobiles are free throughout Russia

14. I am a 2nd year college student, I was given an academic certificate and I have already applied for the Unified State Exam. I understand that I can’t combine both college and preparation for the Unified State Exam, so I want to pick up documents from college and prepare for the Unified State Exam at home, and then pass it, is it possible to do this?

14.1. It’s not clear why you want to do this? Why do you need an academic... don't quit your studies.

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15. Last year I finished 11th grade, but I failed to enter a university and went to college.
Now I want to pass the Unified State Examination.

15.1. You can take the Unified State Exam again, but remember that the results of the Unified State Exam taken last year are still valid.

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16.1. Firuza
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 7, 2015 N 693
Graduates of previous years, persons studying in educational programs of secondary vocational education, as well as students receiving secondary general education in foreign educational organizations, also have the right to take the Unified State Exam, including if they have valid Unified State Exam results from previous years.
To participate in the Unified State Exam, these persons submit an application, indicating the selected academic subjects, to the places of registration for the Unified State Exam before February 1 inclusive.
You will be able to pass the Unified State Exam.

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17.1. Natalia!

The Unified State Exam (USE) is a form of final state certification after completing training in a complete (general) education program.

Accordingly, in order to pass the Unified State Exam, you need to master this program in a secondary school, evening school, or still graduate from college.

I recommend that you either return to college and after graduation, receive a diploma of secondary vocational education, and also choose a university, enter it according to internal tests, or take an academic certificate from college, study at night school, pass the Unified State Exam and enter the university based on its results .

It will not be possible to simply pass the Unified State Exam after 1 year in college, since, based on the question, you only have a basic general education. An academic certificate alone is not enough to pass the Unified State Exam, even if it indicates that you have completed the 10-11 grade program!

Best wishes! All the best!

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18.1. No, they won't give it away. To pass the Unified State Exam you will need to graduate from college.

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20.1. Hello! The certificate is issued by the school, for this you need to finish grades 10-11 externally (bring a certificate (extract) from college with grades in general education subjects, successfully pass the Unified State Exam, and receive a document on education.
(externs are persons enrolled in an organization that carries out educational activities according to educational programs that have state accreditation, to pass intermediate and state final certification).

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21. My young man is serving in IK, he is 18 years old, has a 9th grade education, TC was expelled from college, can he pass the Unified State Exam and go to university?

21.1. If your young man has a desire, he can take entrance exams and receive education remotely while serving his sentence in prison.

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22. I left college because I realized that this is not my profession, and I also don’t want to go to the 10th grade, because I won’t pass the Unified State Exam and I know that for sure. I want to know if it’s possible to stay at home for a year and then go somewhere else?
The class teacher says that I must continue my studies at school... But I don’t want to.

22.1. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in connection with emerging issues regarding obtaining education in a family form after the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), reports.

In accordance with Part 4 of Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, basic general education is compulsory. At the same time, parents or persons replacing them ensure that children receive basic general education. A similar provision is provided for in Article 63 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Federal law provides for various forms of education and training, taking into account the needs and capabilities of the individual.

Part 2 of Article 63 of the Federal Law establishes that general education can be obtained both in organizations carrying out educational activities and outside them. Training in organizations engaged in educational activities is carried out in full-time, part-time or correspondence form. Outside of organizations carrying out educational activities, education and training are provided in the family form and in the form of self-education. In order to obtain education and training, a combination of various forms of education and training is allowed (Article 17 of the Federal Law). The form of general education and the form of training for a specific basic general education program are determined by the parents (legal representatives) of the minor student. When parents (legal representatives) of a minor student choose a form of general education and a form of training, the child’s opinion is taken into account (Part 4 of Article 63 of the Federal Law).

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23. Is it possible, having a college diploma, to somehow pass the Unified State Exam and receive a certificate of complete secondary education?

23.1. You cannot exchange a college diploma for a certificate. However, if you completed an educational program in college secondary general education(similar to studying for 11th grade at school), then you can pass the Unified State Exam. To do this, you must submit the appropriate application before February 1 of the year in which you plan to take the Unified State Exam. After February 1, an application for participation in the Unified State Exam is accepted by decision of the state examination commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation only if the applicant has valid reasons (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents) and no later than two weeks before the start of the exams.
The department/administration of education of your city where you live will tell you where to apply.
If you did not receive secondary general education in college, and before college you only completed the basic general education program (9th grade), then you cannot take the Unified State Exam; first you will need to complete your secondary general education.

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24. Can I go to college on the basis of 9th grade if I completed 11th grade, but did not pass the Unified State Exam? I want to apply on a budget.

25.1. Students in educational programs of secondary vocational education who do not have secondary general education have the right to undergo state final certification, which completes the development of educational programs of secondary general education and upon successful completion of which they are issued a certificate of secondary general education. These students undergo state final certification free of charge. Reason: Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 29, 2017) “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 68)

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It's no secret that more and more ninth-graders are planning to go to college, because... After graduation, they do not need to prepare for the Unified State Exam and take it. A school certificate is sufficient for admission. Based on the scores indicated in it, a decision will be made on admission to the ranks of students. The main condition for admission is a good average score. True, if at the end of college you decide to choose a specialty that is not similar to your current one, it will become a mandatory procedure.

Is it worth studying after college?

It is, of course, worth continuing your studies at a university after graduating from college. If you choose a correspondence course, you will have the opportunity to combine the educational process with work. Everything will depend on your abilities and the rules of the university itself. Without a higher education diploma, you are unlikely to have prospects for advancement in your career. If theoretical knowledge is confirmed by practical skills, then the chances of finding a prestigious job will increase significantly.

What is needed for admission?

The conditions for admission to universities are the same for graduates of both colleges and schools. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1147 of October 14, 2015, applicants with secondary vocational education must pass internal exams in 3-4 subjects. An alternative option is to take the Unified State Exam and provide its results in the relevant subjects. Similar rules apply to all forms of education.

Intra-university exams for college graduates are assessed using a 100-point system. The results are correlated with the Unified State Examination results of school graduates. If you are seriously interested in education after college, it is recommended to enroll in special courses for applicants at the educational institution. They open at many domestic universities. Here you can familiarize yourself with the entry requirements and prepare for passing internal exams.

What documents will be required

You should find out where you need to submit documents and take internal specialized exams at the university admissions office. A college graduate needs to prepare:

  • 3x4 photographs (check the quantity at the university);
  • application of the established form;
  • document on completed STR;
  • identity document with copies;
  • certificate from a medical institution.

What course can they enroll in?

If you decide to enroll in a university after college, keep in mind that all applicants, in accordance with the innovations of 2015, begin their studies exclusively from the first year. That is, no benefits are provided to college graduates. But each educational institution has the right to approach this issue individually. If the educational process in the second and third years of a college is similar to the first year of a university, then the student can apply to be transferred to study on an individual schedule. But at the same time, you will need to provide a certain list of documents, which should be clarified at the university itself.

In the systems of some educational institutions, an option is possible that involves training in a shortened program. It is usually reserved for students with excellent academic performance. Therefore, when entering a university, be sure to check whether there is an opportunity to study in such a program. Also, some universities have a form of distance learning called “Weekend Group,” which is intended for working students. Classes usually take place on one of the weekends each week.

Thus, when planning to continue your studies and get an education after college, first familiarize yourself with the existing admission rules for college graduates. Find out which subjects require entrance exams so that you have time to prepare for them.

After finishing ninth grade, many students choose not to continue their schooling and instead enroll in college. This step is now becoming increasingly popular: young people receive specialized secondary education, the opportunity to find a job, and also continue their studies in higher educational institutions. The doors of many universities are open to graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions, where they can receive higher education and become highly qualified specialists. Admission to university after college- this is a wise decision. Let's take a closer look at it.

Why go to university after college?

Before considering this path - from college to university - you need to understand why it is needed. Of course, nothing prevents you from immediately diving into your work after receiving your college diploma and forgetting about your studies forever. However, unfortunately, the height of the career ladder will remain unattainable for you. Many employers want to see only people with higher education in responsible positions. And it’s not just a matter of the whims of the company’s management: at the legislative level, it is mandatory to have a diploma of higher education to work in a particular position. So, for example, after college you can work as a paralegal, but to get a position as a lawyer you need to study further.

To achieve impressive success in your chosen field and become a sought-after specialist, you need to perceive college education as the initial, but not the final stage. Be prepared to work hard not only in college, but also, possibly, in graduate school.

The benefits of going to college after college. Do I need to take the Unified State Exam?

If higher education is so necessary, why not study for two more years at school and go straight to university, bypassing college? Going to a university after graduating from college works as an elevator to success for the following reasons.

  • A mindful approach to learning. College graduates already have experience in consciously acquiring knowledge; they have a deeper understanding of the purpose and subject of study, especially if they are studying in the same profile. Consequently, it will be much easier for them to study and pass exams compared to classmates who entered the university immediately after school.
  • Save time. Some universities offer accelerated courses for college graduates, that is, three years of study instead of the standard five or six. True, not all universities provide this opportunity.
  • Saving money. The too high price of higher education motivates school graduates to study in college first and only then go on to university. A college or technical school diploma gives you a better chance of entering a budget department and receiving certain benefits. Even if you have to pay for higher education, you will not have to pull money from your parents, since you will already be provided with a job, and if you study by correspondence, you will not have to give up your earnings.
  • Flexible approach. After studying in college, many opportunities for obtaining higher education open up before you: this is both full-time, when you go to university every day, and part-time, when you can combine study and work.
  • No Unified State Exam. Admission to a university after college without the Unified State Exam– another, perhaps, main advantage of this path. You just need to pass the entrance examination to the chosen university. However, this “benefit” only applies if you have chosen a major similar to the one you studied in college. Otherwise, the answer to the question of whether you need to take the Unified State Exam after college is strict and positive.
  • Guaranteed arrival. Many colleges are branches of universities, that is, a student who studies at such a college and has proven himself positively has a fairly high chance of admission to the university with which his college has entered into an agreement.

Choosing a university after college

So, we have already decided that it is definitely necessary to enter a university after college. Now you need to discuss the issue of choosing the university or institute that will become your second home for several years. When choosing, be sure to consider the following parameters:

  • Direction of study. If you are quite satisfied with the specialty you received in college, you will want to continue studying in the same direction to expand and deepen your existing knowledge. It will also be easy for you to pass the entrance exams for the same specialty.
  • Teaching staff. Many modern universities have their own website, where, in addition to other important information, information about all teachers is presented. Based on this information, it is easy to determine the level of training and knowledge of those who will teach you.
  • Quality of information support for the educational process. In a university that has a unified database and an interactive learning system, knowledge is acquired easily and quickly. Give preference to the university that provides its students with access to the Internet and a variety of electronic textbooks. Electronic document management and high speed data exchange within the university and outside it with other organizations prove the consistency and modernity of this institution.
  • Developed material and technical base. Many universities try to bring learning as close as possible to real life, so they do their best to help students apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice. Various classrooms that imitate a particular field of activity significantly increase student involvement in the learning process and lead to high results.
  • Social security, including scholarships. This is one of the most important parameters that you should pay close attention to when choosing a university. The size of the scholarship, the conditions for receiving it, benefits for certain categories of students - all this needs to be found out before admission.
  • Life of students beyond education. Many universities motivate students to participate in public life, for example, in volunteer activities. Various cultural and sporting events of students also contribute to the unity of their team.
  • Duration of training. Most universities do not draw boundaries between school and college graduates, requiring everyone to start their studies from the first year. However, some universities offer accelerated education to those who attended college with excellent grades and successfully passed all entrance exams.

When we have already decided on the choice of university, we take the following steps to achieve our goal. Exist rules for entering a university after college regulating each stage.

  1. Training courses. This preliminary stage can even be called “zero”. It helps to dispel doubts about the chosen university, if they still exist, to get acquainted with teachers and possible classmates, and to prepare for entrance examinations. You will be less worried about the exam after the preparatory courses, since you will be familiar with both the members of the selection committee and the testing mechanism.
  2. Submission of documents. Each university prescribes the time frame in which it is ready to accept documents for full-time and part-time studies. It is important to strictly follow the instructions, not be late with submission and prepare the entire package of documents. Typically, the admissions committee wants to see your application for admission, your passport (original or copy), your college or technical school diploma, and several photographs. With a large flow of applicants, they are divided into school graduates and college graduates; some universities even create a separate direction specifically for holders of diplomas of secondary specialized education. Unfortunately, not all higher education institutions have such an individual approach.
  3. Entrance exams. This is the most difficult and decisive stage on the path to higher education. However, don't worry too much: if you chose the same specialty in which you received your diploma, then you already have enough knowledge to successfully pass the tests.
  4. Enrollment. If you manage to impress the admissions committee and get enough grades for admission, you will be accepted into your desired university.

So, now you know why and how to go to university after college. With proper motivation and preparation, you will definitely succeed!

Today, an increasing number of applicants are considering college as the main option for obtaining a professional education, while subsequently expecting to complete a bachelor's degree program. Starting your professional path from college is an extremely profitable strategy that allows you to enroll on special conditions with the prospect of studying at a university and master the desired specialty in the shortest possible time, while taking advantage of the following advantages of a college, including:

Deferment from the army
- benefits for certain categories of applicants
- provision of hostel
- assistance with employment.

For the majority of eleventh-graders, graduating from school is associated with the need to pass both compulsory and specialized Unified State Examinations, the results of which will affect the likelihood of further admission. However, for those who are not confident in their abilities, there is a way to obtain a legitimate diploma by enrolling in specialized secondary vocational education programs. In this case, the admissions committee will only need to provide a school certificate, on the basis of which a decision will be made on enrolling a potential student. The main condition for successful admission in this case is a sufficiently high average score on the certificate.

Go to university after college

The high cost of modern higher education is another reason that encourages people to enroll in colleges after finishing school and having to choose a future direction in life. It is the college that gives the opportunity to subsequently enter the university at a budget department - excellent students and recipients of benefits, subject to choosing a similar field of study and if there are free places. In addition, holders of secondary vocational education diplomas who received educational documents no later than 2009 can also get into a university without Unified State Exam results.

However, the final decision on whether to accept a candidate to study at a university on a budget place after completing a secondary vocational education program depends not only on the performance indicators of the potential student. In some cases, you will need to pass a special entrance exam, and the test can take the form of both a profile interview and testing.

Benefits of Going to University After College

Studying at a college allows you not only to obtain a professional education in the absence of outstanding Unified State Examination results, but also to save several years when further enrolling in a university: some of them accept college graduates for a shortened training program, that is, immediately into the second or third year. In addition, continuing to study at a university helps improve qualifications, and therefore the demand for a specialist in the labor market. A bachelor's degree is valued higher among employers than a post-secondary degree, and also provides the basis for subsequent development of an educational career - up to an MBA, or research and teaching - through graduate school. Thus, studying in college is only the starting stage of acquiring professional knowledge and becoming a specialist: a significant part of those who are about to graduate from college intend to improve their knowledge and skills in their specialty in higher educational institutions.

What documents are needed for admission to the university?

A college graduate who has realized the need to plan his future can either begin his professional life, immersing himself in work, or continue his studies - already at a university. The future student provides:

Document on completed secondary specialized education
- passport or other identification document, copies thereof
- certificate from a medical institution
- standard size photographs (3x4)
- statement.

As well as accepting documents for admission, passing internal specialized exams, if required for admission, takes place within the deadlines established by the university, which can be clarified in the admissions committee of the selected educational institution.