Practical application. Practical application for the implementation of criteria and principles of motivated judgment. Why does a person come to esotericism?

Practical application of the algorithm for solving the traveling salesman problem

E.V. Volodina, E.A. Studentova Kurgan State University

Abstract: The possibility of reducing logistics costs for transportation by solving the traveling salesman problem is considered. An algorithm is proposed for solving the problem using the computing power of the Solver add-on OrepOshse Ca1c. Based on the proposed algorithm, the practical situation is resolved and the optimal route is drawn up for LLC “Moloko Zauralya”. Key words: logistics, logistics approach, traveling salesman problem, traveling merchant problem, CD-hard problem, optimal route, transportation optimization, minimizing transportation costs, OrepOGyse Sa1c, Solver add-on.

The primary task of any enterprise is to find reserves for reducing the costs of its activities and, as a result, increasing its own competitiveness and profitability. In modern conditions, the search for such reserves is based on a logistics approach, which is associated with the expansion of the content of logistics, which is turning from an auxiliary element that ensures the implementation of business processes into an important tool for organizing and conducting business activities. At the same time, one of the priority areas for improvement from the point of view of the logistics approach is transportation optimization. This is primarily due to the structure of logistics costs, a significant share of which (20-40% or more) is the cost of the transport component.

There are various theoretical algorithms for optimizing such costs, but they are quite labor-intensive and time-consuming, and the current level of development of technology and technology opens up new possibilities for solving various kinds of problems. Therefore, we propose to solve the problem of a traveling merchant, or traveling salesman (TS), by using the OrepOGyce Ca1c program. Traveling salesman problem

consists in finding the optimal route that passes through all specified points (cities) at least once and then returning to the starting point (city). In the conditions of the problem, the criterion for the optimality of the route (shortest, cheapest, etc.) and the corresponding matrices of distances, costs, etc. are specified. The traveling merchant's problem began to be studied in the 18th century by the Irish mathematician Sir William R. Hamilton and the British mathematician Thomas P. Kirkman. It is believed that the general formulation of the traveling salesman problem was first studied by Carl Menger in Vienna and Harvard. The problem was later studied by Hassler, Whitney and Merrill at Princeton. Over many years of research, many options for solving the problem have been proposed, among which are: the exhaustive search algorithm, the branch and bound method, the far inclusion method, the BV method, the genetic algorithm, the “Ant System” and some others. The current level of technology development offers greater opportunities for solving problems and determining the best route. However, the classical traveling salesman problem is one of the KR-hard problems and requires significant computing resources to solve. The time required to solve the problem is proportional to (n-1)! (where n is the number of points), in connection with which we can conclude that it is inappropriate to try to solve the problem of a traveling merchant with more than 50 cities, because Finding the optimal route will require the computing power of computers around the world. However, with a more “modest” number of points that need to be visited, the solution of the control system using computer computing power seems to be the most effective, in particular, this article proposes to use the OrepOGyse Ca1c “Solver” add-on for the purpose of minimizing the costs of the enterprise LLC “Moloko Zauralya” for product delivery .

Practical situation: Trans-Ural Milk LLC supplies its own products, the total number of points is 19, it is necessary to solve the traveling salesman problem to answer the question of whether the route adopted at the enterprise is optimal.

Because the number of delivery points is not too large to solve the problem; we will use the capabilities of the “Solver” add-in of the OpenOffice Ca1c program, which, after specifying the conditions of the problem, will carry out a complete search of all possible solution options in order to plan the best route. The algorithm for solving the traveling salesman problem using the OpenOffice Ca1c software product is presented in Fig. 1 (based on source).

Rice. 1. - Algorithm for solving the traveling salesman problem using the OpenOffice Ca1c “Solver” add-on

LLC "Moloko Zauralya" (denoted as point No. 1) supplies products to the following institutions: CJSC "Odyssey" (No. 2), school No. 7 (No. 3), orphanage (No. 4), grocery store "Trio" (No. 5), LLC "Vira" (No. 6), kindergartens 116 (No. 7), 122 (No. 8), 124 (No. 9), 126 (No. 10), 127 (No. 11), 129 (No. 12), 130 (No. 13), 131 (No. 14), 133 (No. 15), 134 (No. 16), 135 (No. 17), 138 (No. 18), 141 (No. 19). Based on the data from the 2Gis site (Kurgan), a matrix of Su distances (in km) between the points listed above was compiled (Table 1 and Table 2).

Table 1

Distance matrix, in km (points 1-9)

Points No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9

№1 7,63 8 7,06 7,1 8,46 8,52 7,95 7,96

№2 0,31 1,9 1,33 1,28 1,34 0,78 0,78

№3 1,4 0,65 1,59 1,66 1,09 1,09

№4 1,43 1,86 1,42 0,51 0,31

№5 2,33 2,4 1,83 1,18

№6 0,15 1,04 1,04

table 2

Distance matrix, in km (points 1-19)

Items No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 No. 16 No. 17 No. 18 No. 19

№1 8,28 6,02 9,03 7,45 5,91 7,18 7,3 7,49 5,92 7,15

№2 1,1 2,53 1,85 0,38 3,12 0,78 0,87 1,73 2,42 1,83

№3 1,42 3,07 2,17 0,89 3,63 1,29 0,78 0,77 2,94 2,34

№4 0,19 2,13 1,93 1,35 2,73 0,57 1,67 1,33 2,03 1,98

№5 2,16 2,17 2,91 1,12 2,76 0,44 1,11 0,39 2,07 0,72

№6 1,37 3,53 1,07 1,54 4,12 1,96 1,36 2,73 3,43 3,37

№7 1,43 3,59 0,5 1,44 4,19 1,85 1,93 2,8 3,5 2,9

№8 0,52 3,02 1,61 0,88 3,62 1,28 1,36 2,23 2,93 2,33

№9 0,33 3,02 1,62 0,88 3,62 1,28 1,36 2,23 2,93 2,33

№10 3,35 1,94 1,21 3,95 1,61 1,69 2,56 3,26 2,66

№11 4,1 2,52 0,41 2,25 3,34 2,56 0,26 2,22

№12 2,12 4,7 2,54 2,44 3,3 7 3,95

|№13 2,91 0,96 1,35 1,72 2,21 2,37

№14 2,63 3,93 3,12 0,15 2,26

№15 1,78 0,84 1,94 1,34

№16 0,6 3,24 3,18

The enterprise has adopted the following route between points: 1) LLC “Moloko Zauralya”; 2) kindergarten 127; 3) kindergarten 131; 4) kindergarten 138; 5) kindergarten 141; 6) kindergarten 133; 7) grocery store "Trio"; 8) kindergarten 135; 9) kindergarten 134; 10) Vira LLC; 11) kindergarten 130; 12) JSC "Odyssey"; 13) kindergarten 116; 14) kindergarten 129; 15) kindergarten 126; 16) children's home; 17) kindergarten 124; 18) kindergarten 122; 19) school No. 7; 20) LLC “Milk of Trans-Urals”. The length of the adopted route is 28.28 km.

To solve the problem of a traveling merchant, we will generate all the necessary data on the OpenOffice Ca1c sheet. Based on table 1 and 2, we create a distance matrix Cij (B3:T21, Fig. 2), which is symmetrical. In this case, the distance between a specific point and itself (for example, between LLC “Moloko Zauralya” and LLC “Moloko Zauralya”) is 0. But, if zero values ​​are added to the matrix, the program will consider them the most rational routes and the decision will be incorrect. To prevent this situation, it is necessary to set the program a restriction in which such distances will not be taken into account. To do this, instead of zero values, we will put in numerical values ​​that significantly exceed the largest of the problem distances. In our practical situation, the largest numerical value characterizing the distance between points does not exceed 10 km. Therefore, it is proposed to take 999 km as a limiting number. Under the matrix we will leave space for additional variables and ^22:T22, Fig. 2),

the number of which is 1 less than the total number of points, i.e. in relation to this task - 18. Additional variables are needed to determine the order in which the route will be carried out, and the value by one less than the total number of points is due to the fact that the enterprise knows in advance where the route will begin (LLC "Moloko Zauralya") and

accordingly, where it will end.

r | C | □ | E | R | 5 | About | R | d | K | b | T

Distance matrix Сс

2 Items N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 ... N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19

3 N1 999 7.63 8 7.06 7.1 5.91 7.18 7.3 7.49 5.92 7.15

4 N2 7.53 999 0.31 1.9 1.33 3.12 0.78 0.87 1.73 2.42 1.83

5 N3 8 0.31 999 1.4 0.65 3.63 1.29 0.78 0.77 2.94 2.34

6 N4 7.06 1.9 1.4 999 1.43 2.73 0.57 1.67 1.33 2.03 1.98

7 N5 7D 1.33 0.65 1.43 999 2.76 0.44 1.11 0.39 2.07 0.72

g N6 8.46 1.28 1.59 1.86 2.33 4.12 1.96 1.36 2.73 3.43 3.37

9 N7 8.52 1.34 1.66 1.42 g.4 4.19 1.85 1.93 2.8 3.5 2.9

10 N3 7.95 0.78 1.09 0.51 1.83 3.62 1.28 1.36 2.23 2.93 2.33

11 N9 7.96 0.78 1.09 0.31 1.18 3.62 1.28 1.36 2.23 2.93 2.33

12 N10 8.28 1.1 1.42 0.19 2.16 3.95 1.61 1.69 2.56 3.26 2.66

13 N11 6.02 2.53 3.07 2.13 2.17 0.41 2.25 3.34 2.56 0.26 2.22

14 N12 9.03 1.85 2.17 1.93 2.91 4.7 2.54 2.44 3.3 7 3.95

15 N13 7.45 0.38 0.89 1.35 1.12 2.91 0.96 1.35 1.72 2.21 2.37

16 N14 5.91 3.12 3.63 2.73 2.76 999 2.63 3.93 3.12 0.15 2.26

17 N15 7.18 0.78 1.29 0.57 0.44 2.63 999 1.78 0.84 1.94 1.34

18 N16 7.3 0.87 0.78 1.67 1D1 3.93 1.78 999 0.6 3.24 3.18

19 N17 7.49 1.73 0.77 1.33 0.39 3.12 0.84 0.6 999 2.43 1.13

20 N13 5.92 2.42 2.94 2.03 2.07 0.15 1.94 3.24 2.43 999 1.56

21 N19 7.15 1.83 2.34 1.98 0.72 2.26 1.34 3.18 1.13 1.56 999

Rice. 2. - Distance matrix and additional variables Let's add a matrix of variables to the sheet, the size of which will repeat the distance matrix - 19 by 19 points (B26:T44, Fig. 3). Under the matrix we will add the line “Enter” (B45:T45, Fig. 3) and on the right an additional column “Exit” (U26:T44, Fig. 3), using which the restriction will be written down that the traveling salesman enters and leaves each point only 1 time. To comply with such a restriction, we will write a formula that will sum the values ​​by rows (for the “Exit” column) and by columns (for the “Enter” row), the sum should

will be equal to one to comply with constraint 4.1 of the algorithm. Let's copy these formulas for all 19 points.

After constructing the matrices of distances and variables, we will write the objective function (cell B47, Fig. 3). The goal of the problem is to minimize distances; to find the length of the route, it is necessary to multiply the matrices presented above, for these purposes in OpenOffice

Ca1c has a SIMPRODICT function.

A B C E 5 T i

24 Matrix of variables)^

25 Points N1 N2 N4 N18 N19 Out

26 N1 =5iM(B25:T2b)

27 N2 =511M(B27:T27)

44 N19 =B11M(B44:T44)

45 Enter =5uM(E26:E44) =5uM(C26:C44) b 0 0 =5uM(T26:T44)

Target function | | =^11М Р $22-С22+19 * С34 =$J$22-D22+19*D34 "Then 0 =$] $22 -Т2 2+19*Т34

59 N10 = $К$ 22-С22+19 * СЗ 5 =$К$22-022+19*035 "Go 0 = $К$ 22-Т2 2+19*Т35

60 N11 = $[_$22-С22+19*С36 =$1$22-022+19*036 0 0 = $1.$ 22 -Т22+19 *ТЗ 6

61 N12 =$M$22-С22+19*С37 =$М$22-022+19*037 0 = $М$22-Т22+19 *ТЗ 7

62 N15 =$ N $ 22-С22+19 * С38 =$N$22-022+19*038 * 0 0 =$N$22-122+19*138

63 N14 =$0$22-С22+19 * С39 =$0$22-022+19*039 0 =$0$22-Т22+19*Т39

64 N15 = $Р$ 22-С22+19 * С40 =$Р$22 -022+19 * 040 ь 0 0 = $Р$22-Т22+19*Т40

65 N16 = $Ц$22-С2 2+19 * С41 =$0$22-022+19*041 0 =$0$22-Т22+19*Т41

66 N17 = $И$22-С22+19*С42 = $Н $22-02 2+19* 042 »0 0 =$Р$22-Т22+19*Т42

67 N18 =$5$22-С22+19*С43 =$Б$22-0 22+19* 043 0 =$5$22 -Т22 +19 *Т43

68 .С L N19 =$Т$22-С22+19*С44 =$Т$22-022+19*044 * 0 0 =$Т$ 2 2-Т2 2+19 *Т44

Rice. 4. - Closedness of the route After these tasks are formed on the OpenOffice Ca1c sheet, we will use the “Solver” add-in. To do this, select Service-Solver from the menu. The completed Solver window is shown in Fig. 5.

Rice. 5. - Solver add-in filled with data

The address of the cell in which the target function BIMRKOVIST (B47) is written is inserted into the target cell. The result tends to a minimum, because our goal is the shortest route. In the line “Changing cells” two sets of data are indicated - the matrix of variables Hu (cells B26: T44) and additional variables and (cells C22: T22). The problem has 4 restrictive conditions: 1) the amounts calculated on the “Included” line must be equal to one (the first restriction in the “Solver”); 2) the amounts calculated from the “out” column must be equal to one (second restriction); 3) the matrix of variables Xy represents Boolean numbers (third limitation); 4) the values ​​obtained according to the formula prescribed in the “Route Closedness” matrix should not exceed the total number of points of the problem, reduced by one, i.e. 18 (fourth constraint). There is one more additional restriction, which can be set by selecting Solver Options. You need to check the box “Accept variables as non-negative” so that additional variables and can take values ​​greater than or equal to zero. By clicking on the “solve” button, the program will begin counting all possible solutions to the problem and display the optimal one for the user (Fig. 6).

A B C cN N3 E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S t i

2 Points N1 N2 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N13 N19

22 and 3 7 16 4 10 11 13 14 15 1 12 9 0 17 6 ​​5 2 3

24 Matrix of variables Xts.

25 Points N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19 Out

26 N1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 O O O 0 0 1

27 N2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 O O 0 0 1

28 N3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 1

29 N4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 О 1 О О 0 0 1

30 N5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 1 0 0 1

31 N6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 1

32 N7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 O O 0 0 1

33 N8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 1

34 N9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 1

35 N10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 1

36 N11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 О 0 1 0 1

31 N12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 1

for N13 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 1

39 N14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 1

40 N15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 1

41 N16 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 1

42 N17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 1 0 0 0 1

43 N18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 1 1

44 N19 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 1

45 Enter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Objective function 23.59 1

49 Closedness march >uta

50 Points N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19

51 N2 0 1 -3 4 -2 -3 -5 -6 -7 7 A 13 S -9 2 3 6 5

52 N3 13 0 -9 3 -3 -A -6 -7 -3 6 -5 -2 7 -10 1 2 5 4

53 N4 S 9 0 12 6 5 3 2 1 15 4 7 16 18 10 11 14 13

54 N5 -A -3 -12 0 -6 -7 -9 -10 -11 3 -8 -5 A -13 -2 18 2 1

55 N6 2 3 -6 6 0 13 -3 A -5 9 -2 1 10 -7 4 5 S 7

56 N7 3 4 -5 7 1 0 -2 -3 A 10 13 2 11 -6 5 6 9 S

57 N8 5 6 -3 9 3 2 0 13 -2 12 1 4 13 ■A 7 a 11 10

58 N9 6 7 -2 10 4 3 1 0 13 13 2 5 14 -3 a 9 12 11

59 N10 7 3 13 11 5 4 2 1 0 14 3 6 15 -2 9 10 13 12

60 N11 -7 -6 -15 -3 -9 -10 -12 -13 -14 0 -11 -3 1 -16 -5 -A 13 -2

61 N12 4 5 -A 3 2 1 13 -2 -3 11 0 3 12 -5 6 7 10 9

62 N13 1 2 -7 5 13 -2 ■А -5 -6 3 -3 0 9 -а 3 А 7 6

63 N14 -3 -7 -16 -4 -10 11 -13 -14 -15 13 -12 -9 O -17 -6 -5 -2 -3

64 N15 9 10 1 13 7 6 4 3 2 16 5 in 17 O 11 12 15 14

65 N16 -2 13 -10 2 -A -5 -7 -3 -9 5 -6 -3 6 -11 O 1 4 3

66 N17 -3 -2 -11 1 -5 -6 -3 -9 -10 4 -7 ■A 5 -12 18 0 3 2

67 N18 -6 -5 -14 -2 -3 -9 -11 -12 -13 1 -10 -7 2 ​​-15 ■A -3 0 18

68 N19 -5 L -13 13 -7 -3 -10 -11 -12 2 -9 -6 3 -14 -3 -2 1 0

Rice. 6. - Results of solving the traveling salesman problem for LLC “Milk”


According to the solution obtained, the optimal one, i.e. the shortest route will be only 23.59 km. In comparison with the currently accepted route, the time savings at the enterprise when introducing a new one will be 16.6%, which proves the feasibility of using the Solver add-on for the purpose of creating the best route for vehicles. To determine the order of your visit

delivery points, you need to look at the variables U, their values ​​(cells C22:T22, Fig. 6) took values ​​from 0 to 17, thereby showing a specific route of movement, which will be: 1) LLC “Moloko Zauralya”; 2) kindergarten 131; 3) kindergarten 127; 4) kindergarten 138; 5) kindergarten 141; 6) grocery store "Trio"; 7) kindergarten 135; 8) kindergarten 134; 9) school No. 7; 10) JSC "Odyssey"; 11) kindergarten 130; 12) Vira LLC; 13) kindergarten 116; 14) kindergarten 129; 15) kindergarten 122; 16) kindergarten 124; 17) kindergarten 126; 18) children's home; 19) kindergarten 133; 20) the starting point from which the movement of Trans-Ural Milk LLC began.

In the decision process there was a choice between Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Calc software products. The programs have similar functions and capabilities and are quite common. However, during the solution process, it was found that the “Search for a Solution” (Excel) add-in sets strict limits on the number of restrictions of the problem being solved. In particular, in MS Excel it is convenient to solve problems with a small number of points (up to 10), the total number of formula constraints in which does not exceed 100. In Solver there are no such restrictions, but with the addition of each additional point to the problem, the program requires an increasing amount of time to complete finding the optimal route. In addition, OpenOffice is free software, which provides additional cost savings when using it.

The importance of solving this problem is determined by the fact that, according to statistics, about 98% of the total time of movement of goods is occupied by their passage through logistics channels, including transportation. This determines the need to search for reserves to reduce transportation costs, i.e. determining the best route, which will lead to savings in transportation time, fuel, and wear and tear on vehicles

funds and will be especially valuable for enterprises operating under the JIT (just-in-time) system.


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Municipal educational institution Dergaevskaya secondary school No. 23

Report on the topic:

“Practical application of student-centered learning in primary school”

Prepared by the teacher primary classes Bobrova E.V.


School is a social institution where every child can reveal himself as a unique, inimitable individual. The child himself is not yet aware of his capabilities, the path of his own development is not yet clear to him.

The main and very responsible task of the school is to reveal the child’s individuality, help it manifest, develop, settle, gain selectivity and resistance to social influences. This requires not an isolated, but a uniform, but heterogeneous educational environment for everyone, where any child could express himself without fear of being rejected. Revealing the individuality of each child during the learning process ensures the construction of a person-centered education in a modern school.

It is no secret that children come to school with different levels of preparedness, development, and capabilities. Therefore, teachers need to organize their work in such a way as to achieve the desired result with minimal time expenditure. Therefore, we settled on introducing the principles of personality-oriented learning into the educational process. The idea of ​​conducting lessons in a person-centered learning mode belongs to I.S. Yakimanskaya. But her theoretical considerations apply to teaching middle and high school students. This system was not adapted for primary schools, but was of great interest to primary school teachers.

Recognition of the student as the main active figure in the entire educational process is, in our opinion, student-oriented pedagogy.

Personally-centered learning is a type of learning in which educational programs and the educational process are aimed at each student with his or her inherent cognitive characteristics.

Goals student-centered learning:

    develop the individual cognitive abilities of each child;

    identify and use the child’s individual experience as much as possible

    help the individual to know himself, self-determinate and self-realize, and not to form predetermined properties

Personally-oriented learning creates, in our opinion, optimal opportunities that promote the development of the student’s personality through educational activities.

Content in student-centered learning - not only subject knowledge and skills, not only ways to solve typical subject problems, but also methods, mechanisms of self-change, self-development of students; At the same time, the process of movement towards self-development of students is important, i.e. The process of acquiring knowledge and skills is valuable.

Studying according to a person-centered learning system, the student:

    gets the opportunity to look at himself “from the inside” and “from the outside”, compare himself with other students, evaluate his actions and behavior, learn to accept himself and others as a whole, and not as a set of good and bad character traits;

    develops willpower, because, sometimes acting contrary to his desires and interests, he learns to manage himself through constant influence on educational (and therefore life) situations, controls his needs, learns to manage his thoughts and use speech wisely;

    learns to overcome one’s own emotional barriers that interfere with making a volitional decision and require coercion to do something;

    develops the ability to quickly make decisions, allowing you to concentrate your willpower not on choosing one thing over another, but on thinking about the positive and negative properties of the chosen solution;

    satisfies one’s needs for self-realization, status enhancement, creativity, communication, knowledge, power, love, security, since person-centered learning is based on the technique of satisfying needs and encourages the student to behave in a certain way;

    learns productive communication by achieving harmony with the environment;

The lesson has been and remains the main element of the educational process, but in the system of student-centered learning its function and form of organization change significantly. With this teaching system, a significant proportion of educational time is devoted to independent work of students, therefore the entire educational process is divided into two blocks - lecture and practical.

During lecture lessons, new material is explained by the teacher.

In elementary grades, the lecture is of a problematic developmental nature. As the lecture progresses, problems, tasks and assignments are posed, as a result of which the students come to the desired conclusion (under the guidance of the teacher). During the lecture, the teacher asks students questions, the answers to which are analysis, synthesis, and generalization of the information received. The lecture is based on the interaction between teacher and student. At the end of the lecture, a summary table on the topic is compiled, which contains all the students’ existing knowledge. This stage in elementary school can be carried out as a consolidation or test of the theoretical level. The form of work is chosen by the teacher: work in pairs, groups, individual work. The types of student activities can also be different: graphic dictation, test, model protection, didactic games, competition games...

During the practical part of the lesson, students begin to implement their student-centered curriculum.

In all cases, when students answer, the “unsatisfactory” grade is not used, since with this technology the student has the right to make a mistake and the opportunity to correct it.

A person-centered plan can be of several types.

A person-centered curriculum for the subject is drawn up, which indicates:

    name of topics or sections of the course;

    time frame for studying topics or sections;

    concepts, terms, rules with which the student must operate;

    individual additional tasks for the student, taking into account his zone of proximal development;

    educational results obtained by the student.

Each student, depending on his abilities, desires, and well-being, moves along the curriculum, going through each level of assignments, determining his own pace of mastering educational material in the subject, according to the plan, thereby creating conditions for moving along a collective educational route in accordance with his individual characteristics.

A student-centered lesson consists of several stages:

    Motivational-target stage, which will include an emotional and psychological mood, identifying basic knowledge, determining the topic of the lesson, and goal setting.

    The operational stage, which consists of testing the theory, independent work and reflection.

Let's consider the distribution of tasks across levels.

In student-centered learning, there are three levels of tasks:

    Reproductive - level 1

    Algorithmic - level 2

    Creative – level 3 and additional task.

After completing the task of each level, qualitative and quantitative reflection is carried out, aimed at identifying the emotional state of students and the level of their knowledge.

In the traditional learning paradigm, indicators of successful learning include:

    final annual marks;

    marks for administrative tests, examination marks;

    comparative analysis of academic performance;

However, these indicators are aimed only at determining the level of subject knowledge and skills of the student. Consequently, in most schools, teachers organize the educational process with only one goal - to convey certain knowledge, to develop subject skills and abilities, without taking into account the personal development of children.

An alternative to the traditional method of assessment is the “assessment by addition method,” which is based on the minimum level of general educational preparation, the achievement of which is mandatory for each student. The result obtained by the student is compared with his own results and, thereby, the dynamics of his intellectual development are revealed. The main criterion that the teacher uses is individual, personal, when a person is compared with himself yesterday, which allows him to see individual successes or lack thereof. The criteria for higher levels are built on the basis of what has been achieved above the basic level and a system of control tasks.


    thematic control;

    completeness of verification of the mandatory level of training;

    openness of samples of test tasks at the mandatory level;

    assessment by addition method (total score = sum of marks for each level);

    increasing grades for achievements above the basic level;

    no negative evaluation;

    the opportunity to refine and submit material;

    a time reserve is provided for revision;

    assistance from a teacher and consultant is possible during independent work;

    students are given “keys” to test tasks;

    a sheet of accounting and control is kept for each person;

    Final grades are assigned based on the results of control lessons.

Now let's return to the issue of organizing students' independent work. As we have already said, children are offered tasks of several levels of difficulty.

Level 1 tasks – this is the basic standard. This is the level of reproduction, highlighting the main thing, acting according to a model, according to an algorithm, and repeated repetition. Reproductive level tasks ensure mandatory mastery of educational material that corresponds to a “satisfactory” grade. The content of this level of tasks includes the questions: who? What? Where? When? and description, retelling, formulation of a theorem or concept, working with a map or reference book, performing practical exercises or experiments. Each student must complete the tasks of this level and move on to the tasks of the second, higher level.

The second level tasks are aimed at developing students’ skills to generalize, recognize, apply, implement and correspond to the “good” rating. Typical questions for this level are: why? For what? How? what's the point? how to use? and tasks containing opportunities to give examples, draw up supporting notes, etc.

To compose assignments, the teacher, first of all, uses questions and assignments placed for the paragraph or topic in the textbook. In this case, it is not necessary to rewrite the tasks into the plan, but rather just indicate the number of tasks and exercises, as well as the page of the textbook where they are located.

When interacting with students during the lesson, the teacher is not afraid of incorrect answers; involves all students (not just high-performing ones); discusses all statements, selecting from them the ones most relevant to the scientific content of knowledge.

However, it must be remembered that the same task is perceived differently by individual students. And what is easy for one may be difficult for another. How to be in this case? It is necessary to think through this issue in advance and prepare a special help sheet for students, which may contain an algorithm for working on the task and indicate the necessary rule.

However, one should not despair if children initially do not accept such consultation cards. It takes time to adapt to help; children need to be taught how to use aids.

At the same time, measures should be taken in providing assistance so as not to develop a sense of dependency in students.

Practice shows that the presence of various auxiliary means allows students to consolidate knowledge and develop the necessary skills and abilities. In this regard, the educational side is also significant. Using help cards gives low-performing students confidence in their abilities and helps to develop a positive attitude towards independent work in the classroom and at home, as well as towards learning activities in general.

Creative-level assignments are aimed at developing students’ independence and critical thinking, research skills, creative approach to studying educational material and achieving an “excellent” grade. These can be tasks to compare, systematize, solve in different ways, find a logical error, explain the reason, justify your attitude, prove why, really; list advantages or disadvantages, give arguments or counterarguments, create a test on a topic, write and defend an essay on a problem, prepare and conduct a conversation or lecture, etc.

Stage 3 - Reflection. As already noted, reflection takes place after checking each completed level. At the end of the lesson, the children themselves analyze their work, identify difficulties and shortcomings, set goals for the next lesson, give recommendations to those who could not cope with the proposed tasks or made mistakes when completing them, and note their mood during the lesson using a color chart.

At the same stage, children choose homework.

Homework is the same form of organizing the educational process as a lesson, and not an addition to the lesson.

The importance of completing educational tasks at home is that they develop the student’s independence of reasoning and action. Although he works in accordance with the teacher’s instructions and according to the textbook, he acts individually and independently, which contributes to the development of thinking and helps conscious mastery of the material. In student-centered learning, it is necessary to individualize homework in accordance with the cognitive capabilities of the student and his academic success. For a lagging or underperforming student, an easier task strengthens his strength and builds confidence. More difficult and complex, creative tasks for high-performing students contribute to more intensive mental development.

When doing homework, students have the right to choose the level of the assignment.

The development of differentiated tasks both in the classroom and at home is based on a systematic study of the difficulties that students experience in mastering the material, studying the gaps in their knowledge, an in-depth analysis of their current independent work, and a clear classification of errors. Deficiencies in the development of individual students must also be taken into account: unstable attention, slow pace of work, level of speech development, etc. Knowledge of the individual characteristics of students makes it possible to ensure the most appropriate nature of each student’s educational activity in the process of doing homework. Therefore, when offering homework aimed at the average level of preparedness of students, you should also select tasks that require additional semantic loads, a creative search for the right ways to solve; as well as in the lesson, provide certain assistance measures (sample solutions, algorithms, reminders, drawing or drawing, auxiliary question, etc.). Since in the lessons of personality-oriented learning the possibility of choosing homework is assumed, it is very important to teach the child to determine the level of his capabilities and see his difficulties.

As a result, we will try to make a comparative description of traditional learning and the student-centered approach.

Types of training


Worldwide development of new types of energy and materials. Huge opportunities are opening up in the field of rational use and implementation of nuclear energy. The future of energy is closely connected with the peaceful use of nuclear and thermonuclear energy. The use of such energy sources as the radiant energy of the Sun in semiconductor installations and photocells, the use of the internal heat of the Earth, the energy of sea tides, etc., is finding increasing practical application. All this taken together, along with the development of controlled thermonuclear reactions, will make it possible to increase the amount of energy produced many times over. electrical energy compared to the current level of resources.

At the same time, it should be noted that the restrictive raw materials policy is by no means the exclusive prerogative of the liberated countries, and even more so, its practical application is not limited to the framework of OPEC. On the contrary, the conservation of existing oil production capacities or the determination of the upper limits of their possible expansion in an administrative manner is directly or indirectly characteristic of almost all large producers of hydrocarbon raw materials from among the developed capitalist states 8.

Without dwelling on the least qualified methods of using ash (territory leveling, conversion into heat, combustion), we note that of all the processing methods mentioned in the specialized literature, the following four, fundamentally different mechanical, high-pressure cryogenic and thermal, have found practical application.

Passive" acquisition of knowledge at school, without understanding it or its practical application, contributes to the fact that university teachers spend a lot of time and effort on retraining students, developing in them holistic environmental thinking and knowledge. It is necessary to revise school eco-programs and strengthen them with a practical focus .

At the Pan-European Meeting on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection, a special declaration was adopted on low-waste and non-waste technology, which stated “Non-waste technology is the practical application of knowledge of methods and means in order to ensure, within the framework of human needs, the most rational use of natural resources and energy and protect environment"

As we have seen, Japan's technical capabilities in producing products that meet the most demanding requirements are rapidly expanding. With its recent advances, it has challenged the United States in such high-tech products as ultra-large-scale integrated circuits, fiber optics, thinking robots, speech recognition devices, carbon fibers, heavy-duty ceramics, and drugs used in the treatment of cancer. These products reflect the level of technological progress of the 80s. Over the course of the current decade, the Japanese have been particularly concerned about two problems: how the future fate of these areas will develop and whether Japan will be able to achieve such a high level of competitiveness in the world market as to maintain primacy in the practical application and dissemination of relevant technical knowledge.

With this approach, it is obvious that modern advanced technology, which will be widely used in practice throughout the 80s and will gradually become the core of technical development of the current decade, is primarily electronic technology that has reached the pinnacle of its maturity.

Germany is a country of learning. Most of all, the Germans try to improve knowledge systems based on deep analysis, careful organization and practical application of theory. Introduction to science in the UK is inseparable from the relationship between amateurism and personal growth in Germany, but scientific activity is perceived as a noble calling, requiring the utmost devotion of those who have devoted their entire lives to it - researchers - servants of science. Therefore, scholarship and scientists enjoy the highest authority in Germany and inspire deep respect.

Technical colleges usually occupied a subordinate position in the educational system. As educational institutions intended for vocational training, they were opposed to universities, which were traditionally considered a place of introduction to more sublime knowledge. These colleges were mostly considered secondary technical schools. However, with the progress of industry, their importance increases, and their status is now not inferior to that of universities. Germany has achieved balance in the development of science and technology, theory and its practical application.

It was previously described how, after the war, the direction of development of Japanese technology radically changed. Instead of strengthening military power, it was put at the service of civilian industry. Now that such success has been achieved in mastering the technology of consumer and industrial goods, what direction should be chosen in the future? Until now, Japanese technology has developed along the path paved by the United States and Western Europe, with the main focus being on improving Western technology that has already received practical application. However, it should be remembered that Japan was a pioneer in the development of mass production of many products, including the transistor radio and the electronic calculator.

The current generation of technical innovations will become widely used for practical purposes throughout the 80s, the next - from the beginning of the 90s. The principles of the devices currently being industrialized (whether ultra-large-scale integrated circuits, lasers, optical and carbon fibers or amorphous materials) were discovered more than twenty years ago, so there has already been a wealth of research and development results accumulated here. It is these results that form the basis for the practical application of modern technology. In other words, by mastering the current generation of innovations, we are reaping the benefits of several decades of technological progress, continuous and progressive in nature.

When fifth-generation computers come into practical use, they will be indispensable in many types of human activity, including creative ones. One of the main areas of their application will be machine translation.

Forecasting possible oil and gas reserves based on a comprehensive assessment of the geological structure can, of course, produce more accurate results than, say, an extrapolation method. However, the practical application of the assessment method based on the geological structure under the conditions of the capitalist system encounters serious difficulties, which is mainly due to the disunity of the geological service and the classification of geological data.

Practical application of movements" (1917).


Here special emphasis is placed on words of practical application. It is not enough to believe in the Golden Rule. For it to bring real benefits, you need to learn to extend it to all human relationships, to apply it day after day.

In the process of practical application, this system is subject to clarification and improvement.

Ministries and departments organize work on the practical application of the USSR Law on State Enterprises (Associations) in the sectors they manage, the speedy transfer of the main link to full economic accounting and self-financing.

In our opinion, we should focus on another possible method of calculating depreciation - at progressively decreasing rates, which is not very difficult for practical application and at the same time does not have the disadvantages that exist in the current depreciation rates, as well as in the linear method.

The proposed method is simple for practical use and provides the following advantages compared to the current method

Using the indicated values ​​of L"n in expressions (69) - (73), it is possible to significantly simplify the preparation of initial data and thereby make the proposed formulas more accessible for practical use.

Due to significant shortcomings, the methods proposed in these works for determining the commercial drilling speed have not received widespread practical application. Their main disadvantages were the complexity of the calculation and the need to collect a significant amount of data that is missing in the current statistical reporting; the impossibility of applying them at all stages of plan development - from the primary drilling enterprise to the association and the ministry; the inability to take into account the impact of changes in averages in the calculation process using the proposed methods and calculation formulas well depths

This calculation method is the most theoretically justified and gives the most accurate results in practical application. But the matter is complicated by a number of circumstances. Firstly, the quality of most types of products, and, consequently, its level, is often formed not by one, but by several properties, and their significance in the formation of utility is different. The difficult problem of determining their significance arises. Secondly, the usefulness of a product is often in a nonlinear dependence on the value of properties (particular qualitative characteristics), which means that their significance is not constant. These difficulties can be overcome, but not always.

The use of such energy sources as the radiant energy of the Sun in semiconductor installations and photocells, the use of the internal heat of the Earth, the energy of sea tides, etc., is finding increasing practical application. All this taken together, along with the development of controlled thermonuclear reactions, will make it possible to increase the amount of energy produced many times over. electrical energy compared to the current level.

Progressive directions for rationalizing production preparation are reflected in the training manual. Their study by students and practical application in subsequent engineering activities will contribute to solving the problems of creating and accelerating the development of production of new highly efficient equipment.

The product of the gas volume and the gas pressure corresponding to this volume will be a constant value at a constant temperature. This law has practical application in the gas industry. It allows you to determine the volume of a gas when its pressure changes and the gas pressure when its volume changes, provided that the gas temperature remains constant. The more the volume of a gas increases at a constant temperature, the lower its density becomes.

However, the practical application of economic and mathematical methods in our country became feasible by the beginning of the 60s thanks to the advent and rapid development of electronic computer technology. During these years, the first reporting and experimental planned interindustry balances were constructed, the first problems of optimal development and location of production were solved, and forecasts of individual economic indicators were calculated using methods of mathematical statistics.

The book briefly outlines the essence of the ergonomic method, objects, goals and objectives of this new field of knowledge, and their relevance to the oil industry. The systematic methodology for studying complex biotechnical human-machine-environment (HME) systems is discussed using examples of its practical application. Man, his various activities, place and function in the dynamic structure of the CMS are studied in connection with the efficiency and safety of work, the structure and properties of the CMS.

One way to remedy this situation could be the establishment of Nobel Prizes in the field of technology. The Nobel Prize in Technology should be awarded to individuals or groups who were the first to master an epoch-making technology or who made outstanding contributions to its practical application; originality should not be a subject of debate in this case. The evaluation of work should be based on KOEI-critical results, primarily on criteria such as the quality of work and the cost of the completed product or system. Both individuals and groups can be nominated, but most prizes should, of course, be awarded to organizations, be they companies, research centers or other large groups.

However, after the creation of ultra-large-scale integrated circuits, the progress of Japanese microelectronics became rapid. The transition to mass production of desktop calculators played a decisive role. A tube calculator, large enough to be unsuitable for desk use, was created in Great Britain (1960). But the practical use of such computing devices began a little later, in 1964, when the Hayakawa company (now Sharp) mastered the serial production of the first transistor calculator. Thus, the desktop minicomputer was an original Japanese product. Production of the transistor calculator amounted to only 1,700 units in 1964, and then expanded at an exceptionally high rate. Already in 1966, Sharp replaced transistors with integrated circuits, the size of the calculator and its price decreased significantly. It is not surprising that the demand for such minicomputers increased sharply, reaching its apogee in 1969-1970. This was the same boom, in the wake of which the sales of integrated circuits rapidly increased.

Stages of investment cycle modeling. model building, parameter estimation, practical application for decision making, optimization and forecasting. Interface, factual and procedural knowledge.

When carrying out inspection activities, the Bank of Russia pays special attention to conducting inspections of credit institutions based on a risk-focused approach to identifying existing and potential problems in the activities of credit institutions. “At the same time, inspection reports should provide a correct description of the sample to confirm its representativeness and the adequacy of the conclusions made by the working groups.” Kozlov A.A. On the inspection activities of the Bank of Russia. 07/07/2004.

The reasoned judgment of the authorized representative of the Bank of Russia must contain conclusions on various areas of the credit institution’s activities, taking into account the significance of the identified violations and shortcomings, and the economic essence of the event described. “A general assessment of the financial condition and prospects for the activities of credit institutions should make it possible to judge the presence (absence) of situations that threaten the interests of creditors and depositors of credit institutions.”

If the professional judgment formed by the credit organization is adequate to the existing state of affairs, the inspector makes a reasoned judgment that does not essentially diverge from the opinion of the credit organization. Let us give examples from the practice of the author of the thesis.

Example 1. Under loan agreement No. 347/04 dated 08/04/2004, the bank provided a loan in the amount of 5510.5 thousand rubles. Loan term until 02/04/2005, interest rate 21% per annum. As of November 1, 2004, the balance of urgent debt was 5,510.5 thousand rubles. The security is a pledge of goods in circulation in the amount of 11,001 thousand rubles. Indicators as of 01/01/2004 and 01/10/2004: profit 1602 thousand rubles. at the beginning of the period, at the end - loss -3488 thousand rubles, equity ratio 0.1 and - 0.3 - deterioration, not maintained at the last date; current liquidity ratio: as of 01/01/2004 - 1.1, as of 10/01/2004 - 0.0 - non-compliance; accounts receivable increased from 126.431 thousand rubles. up to 202885 thousand rubles. (negative point). As of November 1, 2004, the balance in the card index amounted to 1,467.3 thousand rubles, which arose on October 25, 2004. The financial situation is assessed as poor. Cases of overdue payments of principal and interest, cases of changes in the essential terms of the agreement, as well as the provision of a loan to the borrower in order to repay the debt on a previously issued loan have not been established. Debt servicing is assessed as good. Based on the results of a comprehensive analysis, the financial condition is assessed as poor. In accordance with the table for determining the category of loan quality, taking into account the financial situation of the borrower and the quality of debt servicing (clause 3.9 of Bank of Russia Regulation No. 254-P dated March 26, 2004 “On the procedure for credit institutions to form reserves for possible losses on loans, on loans and similar debt"), this loan debt belongs to the 3rd quality category.

According to the bank, as of November 1, 2004, the loan was classified into the 2nd quality category. Taking into account the peculiarity of the enterprise, whose activities are aimed at maintaining the life of the northern remote regions of the republic (providing food, accepting fish, meat, milk and wild fruits from the population for processing), support from the state, subsidizing the enterprise from budgets of all levels, providing a loan by the working group a decision was made on the possibility of leaving the loan debt in the 2nd risk group.

Example 2. The total debt of the enterprise OJSC “S” as of 10/01/2004 and as of 11/01/2004 is 10,000 thousand rubles. under the following loan agreements:

  • -under agreement No. 49 dated 04/07/2004 in the amount of 7,000 thousand rubles. for a period of 04/07/2005, interest rate 16% per annum. Goods in circulation (steel pipe) in the amount of 14,000 thousand rubles were accepted as collateral.
  • - under agreement No. 112 dated August 20, 2004 in the amount of 3,000 thousand rubles. for a period until November 22, 2004, interest rate 16% per annum. Goods in circulation (steel pipe) in the amount of 3,524 thousand rubles were accepted as collateral.

The loan company has no cases of overdue payments of principal and interest over the last 180 days, no cases of changes in the essential terms of the agreement, as well as the provision of loans to the borrower in order to repay debt on previously issued ones have not been established. Debt servicing is rated as “good.”

Documents confirming the availability of inventory items and their value are presented. As of October 1, 2004, the company's inventory amounted to 130,615 thousand rubles. The amount of the pledge corresponds to the financial statements of the enterprise, the loss of the enterprise as of October 1, 2004 is 203,255 thousand rubles, net assets (- 197,206) thousand rubles. Some financial stability ratios are not met. Based on formal characteristics, the financial condition of the enterprise is assessed as poor. In accordance with the table for determining the category of loan quality, taking into account the financial situation of the borrower and the quality of debt servicing (clause 3.9 of Bank of Russia Regulation No. 254-P dated March 26, 2004 “On the procedure for credit institutions to form reserves for possible losses on loans, on loans and similar debt"), this loan debt must belong to the 3rd quality category. The bank classified this debt into the 2nd quality category.

The working group made a reasoned judgment on the financial condition of the enterprise. This enterprise is unique in its work on the construction of main gas pipelines and the construction of gas facilities. The specificity of the work performed by the company is such that invoices are issued to the customer after fulfillment of obligations under concluded contracts. The volume of work performed on the construction of gas pipelines is large, so invoices are issued once or twice a year. According to the explanations of the bank and the enterprise, certificates of completed construction and installation work totaling 245,132 thousand rubles, which will be paid, have now been submitted to the customer for verification. Also, the budget of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for 2004 provides for financing of the Mastakh-Berge-Yakutsk main gas pipeline (3rd line) and gasification of rural areas of the republic in the amount of 552,023 thousand rubles. The monthly turnover on the current account in 2004 amounted to 22,528 thousand rubles. Based on the above, the working group decided to assess the financial condition as “average”.

In accordance with the table for determining the category of loan quality, taking into account the financial situation of the borrower and the quality of debt servicing (clause 3.9 of Bank of Russia Regulation No. 254-P dated March 26, 2004), this loan debt belongs to the 2nd quality category. According to the results of the audit, this loan debt belongs to the 2nd quality category.

Let’s also consider one example - a motivated judgment on the reclassification of loan debt

The loan debt of enterprise “Y” as of October 1, 2004 is 15,078.3 thousand rubles. under one loan agreement without collateral. According to an analysis of the financial condition carried out by the bank, the borrower is classified as “average” in terms of the quality of loan debt, taking into account the financial situation (5 out of 10 indicators are not met), and “good” in terms of the quality of debt servicing. Loan debt is assigned to the 2nd quality category, a reserve was created in the amount of 1.0%.

By checking the validity of the classification of loan debt of enterprise “Y”, it was established that the financial condition of this borrower is assessed as “poor”: unprofitable activities, negative net assets (-2.0 tr., -1.0 tr., -2, 0 tr), 4 indicators are not met (see table below). The borrower's balance sheet as of the last three reporting dates almost entirely consists of assets - from long-term and short-term financial investments, and liabilities - from short-term liabilities and loans. An audit of the use of loans established that the funds were sent to enterprise “X” in accordance with the securities purchase and sale agreement No. 153/3 dated June 26, 2003 (through the Moscow branch). There are no cases of delay in payment of interest on the loan. Interest on the loan is transferred by enterprise “X” from the Moscow branch under the loan agreement dated December 15, 2003, and is transferred to the bank on the same day, therefore, by indirect evidence, the proceeds from the loan to enterprise “Y” were used to provide a loan to enterprise “X”.

Based on a combination of 2 classification criteria (financial condition “poor”, debt servicing “good”), as well as in accordance with clause 3.14.1 (loans used by the borrower to provide loans to third parties are classified no higher than quality category 3) Bank of Russia Regulation No. 254-P, the loan debt of enterprise “Y”, based on the motivated judgment of the working group, is classified as quality category 3 (doubtful).

Let's consider another example of a reasoned judgment made about the absence of signs of improper assets.

During the audit of the formation of reserves for other assets, the working group found that Bank 5 included in the element of the calculation base other losses for the 5th risk group the debt of two enterprises (OJSC "A" and CJSC "O") to Bank 5 for unexecuted forward transactions for the supply shares of OJSC Energo and OJSC Elektrosvyaz for a total amount of 3,648 thousand rubles, including:

  • - from OJSC “A” for a total amount of 1996 thousand rubles;
  • - from JSC “O” in the amount of 1652 thousand rubles.

Payment for the listed forward transactions was made by Bank 5 in February and April 2001. According to the above agreements, the delivery of securities should have been carried out before December 31, 2002. However, the counterparties did not fulfill the terms of the contracts on time.

Since CJSC "O" and OJSC "A" indirectly (not as shareholders) participated in the 5th and 6th issues of Bank 5, the working group checked the possible relationship of Bank 5's claims to these counterparties with the loan dated December 31, 1998 of CJSC "O" , at the expense of which Bank 5's claims to the shareholder of CJSC "E" - participant of the 5th issue, were closed, and with three bills of OJSC "A" taken into account by the Bank, issued by OJSC "A" in 1998, and transferred by endorsement to the shareholders of the 6th issue of LLC " L" and LLC "T".

To make a reasoned judgment on the presence (absence) of signs of improper assets, the working group analyzed the sequence of operations preceding the conclusion by the Bank of the 5 specified forward transactions:

1. The working group established that the funds received by OJSC “A” from Bank 5 in April 2001 under agreements for the supply of shares of OJSC “C” were used by it to repay six previously issued (in 2000) bills of OJSC “A”, which were at that moment in the portfolio of Bank 5. Moreover, two of them were accounted for by Bank 5 for the first time, and the funds from their accounting were not used to pay off other debts to Bank 5. That is, the assets in the form of these bills were not associated with the formation of capital during 6 issues (02/15/1999-02/16/1999).

The funds from the accounting of the remaining four bills of exchange with the Bank were sent to OJSC “A” to repay the 5 bills of exchange of the same issuer previously discounted by the Bank, which in turn were discounted by the Bank on 5 November 24, 1999. The funds received to the account of OJSC “A” from the accounting of bills of exchange were directed by the drawer to the redemption of the portfolio of bills of LLC “P” from Bank 5.

LLC "P" was the purchaser of shares during the sixth issue, but used the funds of its participant, private security company "G-S", to purchase shares, which, in turn, received funds from Bank 5 after selling its bills to it. There were no transactions involving the exchange of bills of private security company "G-S", which participated in the formation of capital, for bills of JSC "A" or LLC "P". Thus, it could be concluded that the remaining four bills of OJSC “A” are also not related to the formation of the capital of Bank 5 during the 6th issue.

2. Since the availability of sources for repaying the loan of CJSC “O”, which participated indirectly in the formation of the capital of Bank 5 during the 5th issue, was not in doubt (repaid with cash received from the counterparty for the goods), the working group confirmed the absence of a relationship between the outstanding forward transaction with CJSC “O” O" with the formation of capital during the 5th issue.

In this example, the application of all the basic principles of motivated judgment served as the basis for the conclusion that there is no relationship between the increase in the authorized capital during the 5th and 6th issues of Bank 5 and the failure to fulfill their obligations to supply shares to Bank 5 by organizations indirectly related to the shareholders of Bank 5.

An example of a motivated judgment to assess the financial condition of an enterprise. Having examined the current methodology in Bank 3 for analyzing the financial condition of borrowers - legal entities of Bank 3, the working group noted that a number of indicators related to the group of factors “Additional subjective assessment factors” and having a direct determining impact on the final assessment of the financial condition of the borrower, from an economic point of view only indirectly characterize the degree of its financial stability. Such indicators could include: “the quality of the company’s top management”, “the overall quality of management in the company”, “the quality of financial management”, “accounting and control”. For example, according to the last factor, a borrower who has confirmed the reliability of financial statements from world-famous auditors receives 30 points, and a borrower who has an advanced computer accounting system receives all 50.

At the same time, Bank 3 assigned 50 points to borrowers, citing the presence of 1C accounting. The use of these factors in assessing the financial condition of borrowers, as well as insufficient justification for the use of other “additional subjective factors” in the case of a low assessment of the financial indicators themselves, led to an artificial inflation of the final assessment of the borrower’s financial position by assigning these factors the maximum allowable number of points.