Spelling of prefixes and prefixes and an online trainer for the Russian language. Is Elena the Wise? Or how to write the prefixes pre- and pri-? The meaning of the prefix when in the word receiver

In order to write words starting with PRE- or PRI without errors, you need to learn the following rule.

In most words, the choice of vowel I or E depends on the meaning of the prefix.

The prefix PRI- can mean:
1. Spatial contiguity, proximity: COASTAL, SCHOOL.
2. Approaching, joining: ARRIVE, LEAN, STICK.
3. Incomplete action: CLOSE THE DOOR, BEND, DECORATE.
4. Bringing the action to an end: SHOOT, IMAGINE.

The prefix PRE- can express:
1. A high degree of quality or action and have a meaning close to the meaning of the word “very”: WORST, PRECIOUS, PREVAIL.
2. A meaning close to the meaning of the prefix PERE-: TRANSFORM, TRANSFORM, BARRIER.

This rule has two notes:
1. It is necessary to distinguish between the spellings of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning:
DESPITE (hate) – DESPITE (give shelter), BEND (kneel) – BEND (branch), SUFFER (difficulties, misfortunes) – BEAR (to circumstances), TRANSIENT (moment) – COMING (postman),
STAY (be) – ARRIVE (approach).
2. There are words in which the spelling of the vowel cannot be explained by the rule stated above. These are Russian words in which the prefix is ​​no longer singled out (for example, NATURE, REASON, CLAIM, DEVICE, PRELESTCHAT, PREPONA, PREPOSVOVITI), as well as borrowings (PRESIDIUM, PREAMBLE, PREPARATION, PRIVILEGE, PRIMITIVE, PRIVATE, PRIORITY). In such cases, to avoid mistakes, you need to use a dictionary.

Prefixes “pre” and “at” in some words

1. Contempt/contempt

Everything is clear with the first word, but the second is used much less often. Contemplation is caring. To look after means to give shelter and food. In the dictionary this verb is marked “obsolete.” In the 18th–19th centuries, a charity house was an institution that dealt with guardianship and trusteeship.

The second word is easy to explain. There is a connotation of approaching, accepting, joining.

2. Betray/give

You can (but don’t need to) betray a friend, but give it meaning. In the second case, the motive of accession is again visible.

3. Bow/bow

You can bow your head or knees. And bend, for example, a branch to the ground (bring it closer, therefore at-).

4. Convert/pretend

You can make your dream come true. And here the prefix is ​​similar in meaning to re- (the dream is reborn and becomes reality). But you can close the gate (COVER, motive of incomplete action: close, but not completely).

5. Endure/endure

To endure is almost the same as to ENDURE. That is, to endure, wait out, survive. This means that a prefix is ​​needed.
And to be patient is to bring the action to an end and (again) to become closer to what you are enduring.

6. Transient/coming

Transient is that which passes, passes.
And the one who comes is the one who comes, approaches. For example, a train arriving at this platform. Or a child coming to kindergarten.

7. Multiply/multiply

These words are very difficult to distinguish; this is noted even in reference books. It is believed that to multiply is to multiply a lot, and to multiply is to add a little. But these are rather shades of the same meaning, so they are often confused.

8. Successor/Receiver

Dmitry Medvedev was once called the successor of Vladimir Putin - the powers of the president were transferred to him. But not a receiver! Remember: the receiver is a device, not a person.

For this purpose, in the Russian language there are four meanings of words, when writing or pronouncing which a person may have problems.

The first is the meaning of contiguity or proximity with or to something. These words are: “coastal” (village), “” (site).

Second - or joining something to something. Examples: “come” (to the city), “lean” (against the wall), “stick” (wallpaper).

The third is the meaning of incompleteness or incompleteness of some action. For example, “close the door” (the door behind you), “bend down” (entering the door), “embellish” (story).

Fourth – bringing any action to the end. Such words are “shoot” (a sick animal), “invent” (a play).

Cases in which the prefix “pre-” is written

There are two of these in the Russian language. The first is the meaning of a high degree of quality of something, some action, or something that is close to a combination with the word “very”. For example, the words “very bad” (a very bad person, perhaps), “” (very long, for example, debt), “prevail” (pressure over something).

The second is closeness in its meaning to “re-”. Words like “transform” (to change something), “transform” (to change something) and “obstruct” (to block something’s path).

All of the above rules have two very important exceptions.

The first of them refers native Russian speakers to the need to distinguish between words that are close in meaning, but different in spelling. Examples: “ ” (meaning “to hate someone or something”) and “to look after” (meaning to provide shelter), “bow” (for example, knees) and “bow” (branches closer to), “endure” (some then difficulties or misfortunes) and “endurement” (to some prevailing circumstances), as well as “ ” (moment or moment) and “coming” (guest or employee).

The second describes other words that cannot be explained by all the other rules. It includes words in which they have historically merged with the root and are not isolated. For example, “nature”, “reason”, “claim”, “device” and at the same time the words “to seduce”, “obstacle”, “to contradict”. And also some borrowed words: “presidium”, “preamble”, “preparation”, “privilege”, “primitive”, “private” and “priority”, which you simply need to remember and memorize.

If you have difficulty writing the last words, you should consult a Russian language dictionary.

Spelling words with prefixes PRE- and PRI-

In order to write words starting with PRE- or PRI without errors, you need to learn the following rule.

In most words, the choice of vowel I or E depends on the meaning of the prefix.

The prefix PRI- can mean:
1. Spatial contiguity, proximity: COASTAL, SCHOOL.
2. Approaching, joining: ARRIVE, LEAN, STICK.
3. Incomplete action: CLOSE THE DOOR, BEND, DECORATE.
4. Bringing the action to an end: SHOOT, IMAGINE.

The prefix PRE- can express:
1. A high degree of quality or action and have a meaning close to the meaning of the word “very”: WORST, PRECIOUS, PREVAIL.
2. A meaning close to the meaning of the prefix PERE-: TRANSFORM, TRANSFORM, BARRIER.

This rule has two notes:
1. It is necessary to distinguish between the spellings of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning:
DESPITE (hate) – DESPITE (give shelter), BEND (kneel) – BEND (branch), SUFFER (difficulties, misfortunes) – BEAR (to circumstances), TRANSIENT (moment) – COMING (postman),
STAY (be) – ARRIVE (approach).
2. There are words in which the spelling of the vowel cannot be explained by the rule stated above. These are Russian words in which the prefix is ​​no longer singled out (for example, NATURE, REASON, CLAIM, DEVICE, PRELESTCHAT, PREPONA, PREPOSVOVITI), as well as borrowings (PRESIDIUM, PREAMBLE, PREPARATION, PRIVILEGE, PRIMITIVE, PRIVATE, PRIORITY). In such cases, to avoid mistakes, you need to use a dictionary.


1. Korotkov didn’t hear, although he kept his ear to the keyhole. (M. Bulgakov, "Diaboliada")
2. Dasha climbed onto the stove with difficulty, covered herself with her coat, and pulled up her legs. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
3. So, I got down and went to my unit. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
4. Overcoming a headache, he got ready for the last fight. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
5. This Kuzma Kuzmich, while still in the carriage, was looking at Dasha - somehow he liked her. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
6. The siskin was constantly chirping and jumping, and the cage was constantly swaying and shaking. (According to I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
7. He pushed his hat to the back of his head, holding the rifle. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
8. Instead of sunflowers, luring the sun into the small windows of the huts, only rotten stems stick out. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
9. At that moment the boat was sailing. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
10. Let grief give you strength. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
11. Isn’t this property based on the fact that they have fewer traces of nobility than we do? (I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
12. But I cannot feel inferior, the last of all. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
13. Why assume in advance that I am an enemy? (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
14. You will have to give up all your habits; there, alone, you will have to work... (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
15. I, despite numerous vices, have never known misfortune. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
16. Further service record is enclosed with the passport. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
17. At that moment A.V. entered the room, and the conversation stopped. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
18. Insarov read Elena’s note and immediately began to put his room in order. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
19. Agrippina walked as if tied, step by step - behind her husband. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
20. I know a nasty tavern where they will give us a nasty little lunch. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
21. Kuzma Kuzmich lined up on the bench under the stove and also couldn’t fall asleep right away - he muttered, smacking his lips. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
22. And you speak to him and look at him at the same time. (I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
23. Ivan Ilyich, without moving, opened his eyelids just a little. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
24. The expression in her eyes was charming. (I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
25. Even if you have seven spans in your forehead, you haven’t mastered science, and you will always make a mistake. (According to A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
26. And the girl is written badly. (I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
27. I advise you, my friend, to botanize: this is the best thing you can think of. (According to I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
28. You seem to be a smart person: why should we pretend? (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
29. And good men will definitely cheat your father. (I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
30. The singer surrendered to the wave that lifted her, her face was transformed. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
31. Bring him to me, I’ll interrogate him myself. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
32. Elena could no longer carelessly indulge in the feeling of her happiness. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
33. She put the lamp on the table, turned off the light, and sat down. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
34. And N.P. took out the notorious brochure from the back pocket of his coat. (I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
35. There he saw her for the first time, she seemed to him as red as spring. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)

The exercise was prepared by D. Zhuzhleva and B. A. Panov (“League of Schools”).

  • when - approaching, when - touching, when - arriving, when - running, when - saying, when - sitting down, when - sewing.

    pre - interrupt, pre - block, pre - unpleasant, pre - transformation, pre - transgress


  • Examples of words with a prefix at-:

    • In meaning " accession": sew, nail, glue, stick, pin.
    • In meaning " approximation": to fly, to sail, to gallop, to arrive, to run, to come.
    • In meaning " closeness to something": coastal, school, station (square), seaside (shore).
    • In meaning " incomplete action": sit down, open slightly, close slightly, get sick, bite.

    Examples of words with a prefix pre-:

    • In meaning Very: beautiful, charming, wise, generous-generous, elderly.
    • When pri is equal to prefix re-: stop, turn, argue, overcome, bend (knee).
  • Pre- and pre- are semantic. The choice in their spelling depends on the meaning they bring to the semantics of the word.

    The attachment is has the following meanings:

    1) approaching - running, mooring, leaning, landing;

    2) the proximity of something nearby, for example:

    Dnieper region, suburb, coastal, Baikal, border, station;

    3) attachment - nail, screw, tie, glue;

    4) incomplete action - burn, open, powder, smack, powder;

    5) bringing the action to the end - invent, squint;

    6) accompanying action - dancing, whistling, humming, stamping, dancing.

    The prefix pre- has the meaning of re- in words:

    barrier, transgress (law), interrupt;

    In the meaning “very” the prefix appears in the words:

    very funny, very curious, very curious, very dirty, wise, satiated, excessive (weight), very unpleasant, very nasty, extol, very fat (magazine).

  • On pre-:(with the meaning of the word very, very, differently)


    bend down

    open slightly

    come up with



    On pri-: (with the meaning of the words joining, approaching, bringing the action to completion)

    very large





  • Prefix PRI-

    Attachment: nail, sew, tie, attach, glue, attach, screw, baste, attach, fasten.

    Approaching: to run, to come, to drag, to bring, to bring, to roll up, to drive, to sail, to gallop up, to land, to land on the moon, to arrive, to arrive, to arrive.

    Proximity: seaside, school, Amur, station, homestead.

    Incomplete action: lie down, stand up, sit down, open slightly, press down.

    Prefix PRE-

    Close in meaning to the word “very”: charming, beautiful, wise, enormous, lovely, exaggerate, extol, most unpleasant.

    Close in meaning to the prefix re-: transgress, argue, overcome, block, interrupt, break.

    There are many words in this rule, the spelling of prefixes for which depends on the meaning: receiver - successor, implement - pretend. There are also words whose spelling must be remembered: invent, try on, be present; obstacle, despise.

  • Words with the prefix at - sit down, approach, touch, join, sew on, belittle

    Words with the prefix pre - interrupt, block, transformation, superiority, exaggeration

    When writing words with the prefixes -pre- and -remember the rules of the Russian Language

    You really can't go wrong.

  • Examples of words with the prefix "pri-":

    • accession
    • approximation
    • touch
    • arrive
    • come running
    • proverb
    • sit down
    • sew on
    • nail

    Examples of words with the prefix "pre-":

    • transform
    • interrupt
    • block
    • most unpleasant
    • transformation
    • transgress
    • cheerful

    The rule for using the prefixes “pri-” and “pre”.

    The prefix "at-" is used to mean:

    • approach (to arrive, to come running)
    • attachment (sew, nail, pin)
    • located near something (school, local, suburban)
    • incomplete action (short-term) (quiet, lie down, sit down)

    The prefix "pre-" is used to mean:

    • very (very cheerful (very cheerful), very unpleasant (very unpleasant))
    • cross (transgress (step over), block (block))
  • There are many such words that can be chosen.

    Prefix pri-: recognition, accession, chorus, approach, hide, accept, open, attract, hillock, seaside, coastal.

    Prefix pre-: venerable, excellent, transfiguration, crime, refraction, teach, overcome, exalt.

  • Words with prefix pre

    very beautiful - wonderful

    very good - kind

    very cool - excellent.

    Words with the prefix at

    sit down next to me, sit next to me, lie down next to me.

    Not all sub-clauses of the same rule. You need to learn a little.

  • Prefixes PRE and PRI and examples of words with them:

    most cheerful, wise, beautiful, most holy, most pure, despise, transform, most amusing, block, interrupt, surpass, present, stop;

    sew, gallop, run, attach, approach, look after, tie, attach, weld, glue, roadside, seaside, station, seaside, household, lie down, press, pin down, sail, fly.

    For the spelling rules for these prefixes with examples, see:

    In some words, both the prefix pre- and the prefix pre- can be used, but the words differ in their meaning. See the picture.

The writing of these prefixes follows a general rule; both prefixes occur under stress: cf. tether, attack, sound, whistle, arrived, dowry, summoned And interrupted, betrayed. The application of a general rule requires taking into account the different meanings of these prefixes.

Console at has the following basic meanings:

1. proximity, direct adjacency to something, for example: Primorye, Baltic States, coastal, roadside, border, Ural, Volga;

2. approximations, additions, eg: run, move, attach, attach, attribute, buy;

3. incompleteness of action, for example: open, lift, sit down, cheer up, extinguish;

4. bringing an action to a certain result, for example: prepare, accustom, caress, shame, reconcile, try on;

5. in verbs with suffixes -yva (-willow), -va– the meaning of the accompanying action, for example: to say, to dance, to sing.

Console pre in combination with adjectives and adverbs denotes a high degree of quality, for example: kind, very nice, most unpleasant, disgusting, very calm, enough. Prefix in verbs pre denotes an action that occurs to a high degree ( to be filled, to exalt, to prosper), or has values ​​close to the meanings of the prefix re (interrupt, refract, block, endure). In words like exceed, satiate, overabundance, console pre denotes excess, going beyond the limits of something.

In some words the meaning of prefixes pre And at it is not entirely clear or their identification is doubtful, for example: despise, teach, pursue, present, convey, elderly, free, fit, handsome, fancy, order, hello. The spelling of such words is determined in dictionary order.

Note 1. Prefixes in verbs differ exaggerate, increase and in paired verbs that are close in meaning downplay And downplay. Verbs exaggerate And downplay with attachment pre have the meaning ‘to imagine something. in bo ́ larger (smaller) sizes than in reality’. Verb increase means ‘to multiply, increase even more’, and downplay– ‘reduce somewhat’.

Note 2. The spelling of other similar or similar-sounding words with prefixes also differs pre And at, eg: abide(Where) - arrive(Where), betray(whom what) – give(to whom; to what), limit - chapel, successor - receiver, receiver; bow (knees, head) And bow down - bow down)‘bending over (bending over), bringing closer, leaning against something’; transgress(What) - start(for what), implement(what) – pretend(what) and pretend; transitory - coming, endure - endure, indispensable - inapplicable, repose - attach, immutable - attach.