Russian business law. Science and innovation in Russian regions General scheme of innovation infrastructure

Innovation infrastructure of the Russian Federation and its development


Currently, the creation of a national innovation infrastructure in Russia is a key task not only for the scientific and technical sphere, but also for increasing the competitiveness of the domestic economy. Commercialization of technologies is part of an integral mechanism for the creation and implementation of innovations within the national innovation infrastructure. In this work, we will consider the concept and tasks of innovation infrastructure, elements of the innovation infrastructure of the Russian Federation, the essence and principles, classification of scientific organizations, characteristics and types of small innovative enterprises (companies), and also indicate the goals and objectives of the innovation strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020.

1. Concept and tasks of innovation infrastructure

innovation infrastructure science

Innovation infrastructure is understood as a set of organizations that facilitate the implementation of innovative projects, including the provision of management, logistics, financial, information, personnel, advisory and organizational services.

Innovation infrastructure is the link between the results of scientific research and the market, state and business sector of the economy.

Typically, at least the following types (subsystems) of innovation infrastructure are distinguished:

financial: various types of funds (budgetary, venture capital, insurance, investment), as well as other financial institutions, such as, for example, the stock market, especially in terms of high-tech companies;

production and technological (or material): technology parks, innovation and technology centers, business incubators, etc.;

informational: actual databases and knowledge and access centers, as well as analytical, statistical, information, etc. centers (i.e. organizations providing services);

personnel: educational institutions for training and retraining of personnel in the field of scientific and innovative management, technological audit, marketing, etc.;

expert consulting: organizations engaged in providing services on issues of intellectual property, standardization, certification, as well as consulting centers, both general and specializing in certain areas (finance, investment, marketing, management, etc.).

In all of the above cases, subjects of innovative activity are provided with access to certain types of resources and services they need, namely:

to financial resources directly, or through obtaining a share in the market value of entities;

to buildings, structures, equipment, devices, etc.;

to the necessary information;

to human resources of the required qualifications, or systems that ensure the improvement of their qualifications;

various types of special services that can be provided to a given subject of innovative activity.

The objectives of the innovation infrastructure are expressed as follows:

selection of projects based on an objective examination system;

creating favorable starting conditions for the development of small innovative technology-oriented firms;

support for mechanisms of interaction with large centers;

formation of a material and technical base for the creation and development of small innovative firms;

creation of information networks ensuring the development of small firms, the possibility of their connection to international networks;

entrepreneurship training in the scientific and technical field.

Elements of innovation infrastructure

With the help of various elements of innovation infrastructure, the following main tasks are solved:

Information Support;

production and technological support for innovative activities;

holding exhibitions of innovative projects and products;

providing consulting assistance;

training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for innovative activities.

The key elements of the innovation infrastructure are:

) technology park structures:

science parks, technology and research centers;

innovation, innovation-technological and business-innovation centers;

technology transfer centers;

business incubators and technology incubators;

virtual incubators;

technopolises, etc.

) information technology systems:

databases of scientific and technological information, technical-legal and technical-economic information, other databases.

Let us consider separately the presented elements of innovation infrastructure.

Information technology systems

One of the key elements of innovation infrastructure is information technology systems. These systems are based on databases containing a wide variety of information about the subjects and results of innovation activities.

The rapid development of Internet technologies and other new information technologies can significantly increase the efficiency of solving the problem of information support for innovative activities. The use of telematics networks for interactive remote access to databases of information technology systems contributes to more efficient implementation of innovative processes.

Examples of the successful functioning of this element of innovation infrastructure are the information technology systems ARIST, CORDIS, EPIPOS, supported by EU countries.

Thus, the scientific and technological information service ARIST is an information tool for obtaining information about innovative technologies existing on the market. It is used to connect innovative organizations with relevant technology with potential clients. ARIST provides a range of information services, which can be divided into three groups:

Scientific and technological information to analyze what stage a particular innovative technology has reached.

Technical and legal information - topics such as industrial property (patents, trademarks, utility models, national and foreign technical standards), as well as legislation and regulations of different countries are analyzed.

Techno-economic information includes supply and distribution market studies.

Technopark structures.

Currently, there are many different forms of technology park structures in the world:

science parks, technology and research parks,

innovation, innovation-technological and business innovation centers,

technology transfer centers,

business incubators and technology incubators, virtual incubators,

technopolises and others.

Between some of these forms there are fundamental differences associated with different functional purposes, specific organizational forms, and the range of tasks to be solved, while between other technology park structures the difference is more of a terminological nature, sometimes associated with the peculiarities of the development of innovation infrastructure in a particular country.

We can distinguish three main groups of technology park structures:

. incubators,

. technology parks,

. technopolises.

Let us consider the distinctive features, characteristic features of each of these forms and the experience of their functioning in different countries.

Incubators -These are multifunctional complexes that provide a variety of services to new innovative companies that are at the stage of emergence and formation.

In other words, incubators are designed to “hatch” new innovative enterprises, assisting them at the earliest stages of their development by providing information, consulting services, renting premises and equipment, and other services.

The main objective of the incubator is to create a favorable environment for the development and support of small businesses by creating organizational and economic conditions that stimulate their activities (providing information, consulting services, renting premises and equipment, and other services).

The incubator usually occupies one or more buildings. The incubation period of a client company usually lasts from 2 to 5 years, after which the innovative company leaves the incubator and begins independent activities.

The incubator, as a form and element of innovation infrastructure, is in constant development, the logic of which largely helps to understand the history of the emergence and spread of incubators.

Under technoparkmeans a compactly located complex, the functioning of which is based on the commercialization of scientific and technical activities and the acceleration of the advancement of innovations in the sphere of material production.

Distinctive features of the technology park:

the complexity of the legally independent firms and organizations included in the technological park in the scientific and production cycle of creating innovations (scientific institutions, universities, industrial enterprises, service departments, etc.);

compact location;

limited space;

availability of quality infrastructure;

location in ecologically clean picturesque areas;

high efficiency of innovation activities.

The concept of a technology park is quite close to the concept of an incubator in the field of innovation. Both of these elements of innovation infrastructure are complexes designed to promote the development of small innovative companies and create a favorable, supportive environment for their functioning. The difference between them is that the range of client companies of technology parks, unlike incubators, is not limited only to newly created innovative companies at the earliest stage of development. The services of technology parks are used by small and medium-sized innovative enterprises that are at various stages of commercial development of scientific knowledge, know-how and high technology. In other words, technology parks are not characterized by a strict policy of constant renewal and client rotation, typical of incubators in the field of innovation.

The main structural unit of the technology park is the center. Typically, the structure of a technology park includes:

innovation and technology center;

The educational center;

consultation center,

information Center,

marketing center,

Industrial Zone.

Each of the technology park centers provides a specialized set of services, for example, services for retraining specialists, searching and providing information on a specific technology, legal advice, etc. The technology park may include an incubator as a separate structural element.

Technopolis,which is often also called a scientific city or science city, “city of brains”, is a large modern scientific and industrial complex, including a university or other universities, research institutes, as well as residential areas equipped with cultural and recreational infrastructure.

The purpose of building science cities and technopolises is to concentrate scientific research in advanced and pioneering industries, to create a favorable environment for the development of new knowledge-intensive industries in these industries. As a rule, one of the criteria that a technopolis must satisfy is its location in picturesque areas, harmony with natural conditions and local traditions.

Currently, the successful development of innovation infrastructure in many countries is associated with integration processes that make it possible to achieve synergistic effects by combining and coordinating the activities of various elements of the innovation infrastructure. In our country, the creation of various innovation unions and associations plays a positive integrating role in the development of innovation infrastructure.

One example is the beginning of the creation of a territorially isolated complex - the Skolkovo innovation center, which creates an unprecedented legal regime that minimizes administrative barriers and tax burdens for resident companies. A technical university is being created within the Skolkovo Innovation Center with the goal of achieving the level of the world's leading universities in the future. A system of state co-financing of innovative projects of private companies is being formed through the management company of the Skolkovo innovation center, the federal state autonomous institution "Russian Fund for Technological Development" and other development institutions. In relation to companies with state participation, a system is being formed to support the development and implementation of innovative development programs by them.

The essence and principles of formation of organizational structures of innovative enterprises

Solving the problems facing innovative enterprises (IEs) (independent or part of associations, concerns and other high-level organizational forms) is carried out within the framework of certain organizational structures. They provide for the presence of a certain composition of divisions or individual functionaries who are in established relationships and interactions, and within the framework of intrastructural activities of one type or another, aimed at performing certain functions and achieving the private and general goals of the functioning of the individual entrepreneur.

The organizational structure of an individual entrepreneur is a set of scientific, design, design, technological and information units (laboratories, departments, sectors, groups) that carry out the main creative activities to create an intellectual product - innovations of a certain profile and specialization, as well as production, auxiliary and management units, ensuring the implementation of thematic R&D plans and the implementation of created innovations. The organizational structure of any individual entrepreneur must correspond to its target and functional structure at each period of time. In practice, such a complete coincidence of structures may not exist. This is explained by the fact that in the conditions of dynamic market relations some goals and functions disappear and new ones appear in accordance with new ideas, tasks, solution methods, etc. .

The fundamental factors under the influence of which the organizational structure of an individual entrepreneur is formed are:

features of the field of knowledge, science and technology, production;

degree of independence of the individual entrepreneur or place in the structure of the association;

directions of performed R&D and specific tasks of the thematic plan;

the level of specialization and degree of cooperation of a particular individual entrepreneur and its place in the social division of labor, as well as the technology for carrying out and the level of automation of scientific, design, economic and managerial work;

deadlines for solving scientific and technical problems;

structure of available resources of individual entrepreneurs (labor, material, information and financial) and trends in their development.

The most important principles for building and improving IP structures are:

the primacy of goals, functions, tasks and the secondary nature of the units that solve them;

rational division and cooperation of labor (external and internal) and expedient specialization of departments and performers, which in turn creates conditions for the scientific organization of labor of workers at all levels, acceleration of document flow and the passage of information of all types vertically and horizontally, shortening the cycle and reducing the costs of creation innovation;

hierarchical interaction of structural units with the minimum possible number of hierarchy levels to ensure the shortest paths for information flow from top to bottom and bottom to top;

ensuring controllability, for which each hierarchical level should optimally have 5-6, but no more than 8-9 organizational cells;

specialization of each structural body at any level to perform a possibly narrow range of functions provided for by the regulations.

Classification of scientific organizations by sectors of science and types of organization

Organizations for which scientific research and development constitute the main activity are not always characterized by belonging to a particular sector of the economy, or by organizational and legal form of ownership. In this case, the following classification of scientific organizations applies by sectors of science and types of organizations, united by organizational characteristics, nature and specialization of work.

Sector Type of scientific organization State Organizations of ministries and departments that ensure government administration and meet the needs of society as a whole (public administration, defense, public order, health care, culture, leisure, social security, etc.), including federal and local authorities. Non-profit (non-profit) organizations wholly or mainly financed and controlled by the government, excluding organizations related to higher education. They primarily serve the government and do not aim to make a profit, but are primarily engaged in research into public and administrative functions. Entrepreneurial All organizations and enterprises whose main activity is the production of products or services for sale (other than services in the higher education sector), including those owned by the state. Private non-profit (non-profit) organizations, mainly serving the above-mentioned organizations. Higher education Universities and other higher education institutions, regardless of funding sources or legal status. Research institutes, experimental stations, clinics under the direct control or management of higher education institutions or associated with them. Organizations directly serving the sphere of higher education (organizations of the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation) Private non-profit (non-profit) Private organizations that do not aim to make a profit (professional societies, unions, associations, public, charitable organizations, foundations), except for foundations, more than half publicly funded, which belong to the public sector. Private individual organizations.

Small innovative companies (enterprises) in the Russian Federation

Among the organizational structures of innovation management, small enterprises stand out. It is not large businesses that find themselves in the most difficult situation, but a small innovative company (enterprise) (MIC, SIP) - a knowledge-intensive enterprise belonging to the so-called high tech companies, which produces goods or services of a certain scientific and technical level.

Types of small innovative companies.

Small innovative companies are of the following types:

. MIC in the administrative structure of large research institutes and NGOs.They are the very first, trial market form of small knowledge-intensive companies. The organizers were almost always the leadership of the parent organization, the MIC actually functioned as one of the administrative departments of the parent organization, being part of its bureaucratic apparatus, and its employees carried out orders from the parent organization through the accounts of the MIC, inflating their wages by 5-10 times. .

. "Shadow" MIC- were organized and registered by employees independently, without the consent of the administration of the parent organization, in which the overwhelming number of their founders and owners worked. Formally, the activities of such MICs are criminally punishable. However, “shadow” MICs had two advantages compared to the MICs described above:

They carried out the initial accumulation of financial resources for further, independent activities;

Scientific and technical personnel received an idea of ​​what private enterprise is.

However, the most important drawback remained - the lack of social risk.

. MIC of a self-sustaining administrative unitseparated from large research parent organizations, which were entirely their former departments or laboratories. Such MICs have almost completely ceased their activities, firstly, due to the cessation of government funding and, secondly, due to a change in the point of view of the leadership of the parent organization.

. Knowledge-intensive "free-floating" MICs- purely commercial enterprises, the creation of which was a truly responsible decision for the people who made it, since at the initial stage it assumed the complete absence of fixed assets, raw materials, working capital, combined with the refusal of social guarantees that existed when working in the parent organization.

Small innovative enterprises need constant support from state authorities, local governments and non-profit organizations. First of all, a broad legal environment is needed for the functioning of SIE. Legislative and regulatory acts form a system of economic, financial, material and other incentives that guarantee the necessary support for certain categories of small businesses. General rules for their behavior in a market economy are established, and at the same time bans on illegal business are introduced. At the same time, legislative acts establish measures to protect business entities from the negative influence of the external environment, including from illegal actions of authorities at various levels.

Government support is provided at the federal, regional and local levels. State support measures at any level are based on the Federal Law “On State Support of Small Business in the Russian Federation” dated June 14, 1995 (as amended on March 21, 2002).

In order to stimulate the innovative activity of small and enterprise enterprises, the methods of government influence are divided into direct and indirect. Direct methods of state regulation of SIE development are manifested in various forms of financing, in stimulating cooperation of small innovative enterprises with universities, large enterprises and research and production complexes, in the preferential right to receive orders for the development and production of products and the provision of services for government needs. Direct methods include targeted programs to support small businesses in the innovation sector. Indirect methods of government influence include legislative and legal acts, which are very diverse and relate to many areas of SIE activities. Indirect methods include liberalization of taxation, in particular the use of tax benefits (reduction of tax rates, “tax holidays”, etc.).



administrative and organizational (registration, licensing and certification procedures);





personnel (training and retraining);


production and technical;


Many authorities are responsible for implementing support for small businesses. These include the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Russian Agency for the Support of Small and Medium Businesses and its regional branches, the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and departments (committees, commissions, etc.) to support small businesses, which are part of the structure of local governments. In addition, numerous non-profit unions and associations support small businesses.

6. Goals and objectives of forming the innovation infrastructure of the Russian Federation in market conditions

Russia sets itself ambitious but achievable long-term development goals, which include ensuring a high level of well-being of the population and consolidating the country's geopolitical role as one of the leaders setting the global political agenda. The only possible way to achieve these goals is the transition of the economy to an innovative socially oriented development model. The global economic crisis of 2008-2009 complicated the implementation of the set goals, led to a reduction in private business spending on innovation and slowed down the development of the Russian innovation system. Nevertheless, the difficult economic situation in the short term does not mean the need to revise long-term development goals, but rather causes increased requirements for the pace and quality of economic development in the period up to 2020.

The goal of the strategy is to transfer the Russian economy to an innovative development path by 2020, characterized by the following main indicators:

the share of industrial production enterprises carrying out technological innovations will increase to 40-50% in 2020 (in 2009 - 9.4%);

Russia's share in the world markets of high-tech goods and services (including nuclear energy, aircraft, space technology and services, special shipbuilding, etc.) will reach at least 5-10% in 5-7 or more sectors by 2020;

the share of exports of Russian high-tech goods in the total global export of high-tech goods will increase to 2% in 2020 (in 2008 - 0.35%);

the gross added value of the innovation sector in the gross domestic product will be 17-18% in 2020 (in 2009 - 12.7%);

the share of innovative products in the total volume of industrial products will increase to 25-35% in 2020 (in 2010 - 4.9%);

domestic spending on research and development will increase to 2.5-3% of gross domestic product in 2020 (in 2009 - 1.24%), of which more than half will come from the private sector;

the share of Russian researchers in the global number of publications in scientific journals will increase to 3% in 2020 (in 2010 - 2.13%);

the number of citations per publication of Russian researchers in scientific journals indexed in WEB of Science will increase to 2.1 links in 2020 (in 2006 - 1.51 links per article);

at least 4 Russian universities will be among the 200 leading world universities according to the QS World University Rankings (1 in 2010);

the number of patents registered annually by Russian individuals and legal entities in the patent offices of the EU, USA and Japan will exceed 2.5-3 thousand in 2020 (63 in 2009);

The share of funds received through research and development in the structure of funds received by leading Russian universities from all sources will reach 25%.

Overall economic growth and the pace of innovative development will be increasingly interconnected. On the one hand, innovative development will become the main source of economic growth through increasing the productivity of all factors of production in all sectors of the economy, expanding markets and increasing the competitiveness of products, through the creation of new industries, increasing investment activity, growing household incomes and consumption volumes, etc.

It is estimated that innovative development will provide an additional 0.8 percentage points of annual economic growth above the “inertial” development scenario, starting in 2015. On the other hand, economic growth will expand opportunities for the emergence of new products and technologies, will allow the state to increase investments in human capital (primarily in education and basic science), in support of innovation, which will have a multiplying effect on the pace of innovative development.

The main objectives of the innovation strategy are:

development of human resources in the field of science, education, technology and innovation;

increasing innovative business activity and accelerating the emergence of new innovative companies;

the widest possible introduction of modern innovative technologies into the activities of government bodies;

formation of a balanced and sustainably developing research and development sector;

ensuring the openness of the national innovation system and economy, as well as Russia’s integration into the global processes of creating and using innovations;

intensification of activities to implement innovation policy carried out by government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

Solving the problem of developing human resources in the field of science, education, technology and innovation includes the implementation of the following activities:

creation of effective material and moral incentives for the influx of the most qualified specialists, active entrepreneurs, creative youth into the sectors of the economy that determine its innovative development, as well as into education and science that ensure this development;

increasing the population's sensitivity to innovation - innovative products and technologies;

increasing the number of innovative entrepreneurs;

creating an atmosphere of risk tolerance in society;

promotion of innovative entrepreneurship and scientific and technical activities;

adaptation of the education system in order to form in the population, from childhood, the knowledge, competencies, skills and behavior patterns necessary for an innovative society and innovative economy, as well as the formation of a system of continuous education.

An innovative model of business behavior should become dominant in the development of companies in order to increase efficiency and take leadership positions in markets, as well as in the technological modernization of key sectors of the economy that determine the role and place of Russia in the global economy, and in increasing labor productivity in all sectors.

The widest possible introduction of modern innovative technologies into the activities of government bodies will ensure, among other things, the formation of e-government, the transfer to electronic form of most services to the population and the expansion of the use of the state order system to stimulate innovation. The state must ensure the formation of a favorable innovation climate, including the creation of conditions and incentives for innovation, as well as favorable conditions for the use of innovation in all types of activities.

The formation of a balanced and sustainably developing research and development sector, with an optimal institutional structure, will ensure expanded reproduction of knowledge, as well as increased efficiency and effectiveness of the infrastructure that ensures the commercialization of scientific research results.

Ensuring the openness of the national innovation system and economy, as well as Russia’s integration into the global processes of creating and using innovations, will make it possible to intensify international bilateral and multilateral scientific and technical cooperation.

Intensification of activities to implement innovation policy carried out by government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities will, among other things, ensure the formation of territories for innovative development and the development of innovation clusters.

The implementation of the Strategy is based on the following principles:

identifying problems and ways to solve them using a set of innovative tools in areas characterized by insufficient entrepreneurial activity;

close interaction between the state, business and science both in determining priority areas of technological development and in the process of their implementation;

creating incentives and conditions for technological modernization based on increasing the efficiency of companies using a set of measures of tariff, customs, tax and antimonopoly regulation;

ensuring investment and personnel attractiveness of innovative activity;

transparency of spending funds to support innovation activities;

orientation to international standards when assessing the effectiveness of scientific and educational organizations, innovative business and innovation infrastructure;

stimulating competition as a key motivation for innovative behavior (including in the research and development sector);

coordination and interconnection of budgetary, tax, foreign economic and other areas of socio-economic policy as a necessary condition for solving key problems of innovative development.

In this work, we examined the concept and tasks of innovation infrastructure, elements of the innovation infrastructure of the Russian Federation, the essence and principles, classification of scientific organizations, characteristics and types of small innovative enterprises (companies), and also identified the goals and objectives of the innovation strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020. As a result, Currently, the key problem is the generally low demand for innovation in the Russian economy, as well as its ineffective structure - an excessive bias towards the purchase of finished equipment abroad to the detriment of the introduction of its own new developments. These trends determine the need to adjust the policies implemented to date in the field of innovation. The strategy, based on the positive results achieved as a result of innovation policy in previous years, corrects its most significant shortcomings, and also takes into account new directions of innovation support policy formed in recent years.

Task No. 2

Underline the correct answer.

1. Royalty is:

a) payments in the form of interest;

b) cost-reimbursable prices;

c) prices with guaranteed maximum payments;

d) fixed price.

2. Innovation marketing is a process that includes:

a) price planning;

b) market research;

c) sales planning;

d) all together.

2.3. Obtaining an economic effect from investing in a new product is a task:

a) engineering;

b) reengineering;

c) brand strategy;

d) benchmarking.

2.4. The purpose of innovation management in an enterprise is

a) determination of the main directions of scientific activity of the enterprise;

b) determination of the main directions of economic activity of the enterprise;

c) determination of the main directions of the enterprise’s production activities;

d) all answers are correct.

Task No. 3

List the sources of financing for innovation activities. Financing innovation activity is the direction and use of funds for the design, development and organization of production of new types of products, services, for the creation and implementation of new equipment, technology, development and implementation of new organizational forms and management methods. Sources of financing the innovative activities of organizations can be divided into the following groups (Table 1).

Table 1. Sources of financing the innovative activities of organizations.

List of used literature


N.R. Kovalev, V.A. Pirozhkov “Innovation Management”, Ekaterinburg 2006

V.V. Zharikov I.A. Zharikov V.G. Odnolko A.I. Evseychev. Management of innovation processes: a textbook. - Tambov: Tamb Publishing House. state tech. Un-ta. -180 pp., 2009

Innovative management: educational and methodological complex/ S.P. Barabenko, M.N. Dudin, N.V. Lyasnikov. - M.: ZAO Tsentropoligraf, 2010. - 287 p. - (Higher education)


Innovative management: Textbook for universities / S.D. Ilyenkova, L.M. Gokhberg, S.Yu. Yagudin and others; edited by Prof. S. Ilyenkova. - 2nd edition, revised and expanded M.: UNITY-DANA, 2003 -343 p.


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2. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of innovations.

Final task:

1) Consider current problems in the region related to the opening of innovative enterprises

2) Draw up a project using the most convenient method of financing for you.

3) Select the best innovation option using the following initial data:

Indicators Options
Product cost
Investment in innovation
Introduction of innovation

We take the interest rate level to be 35%.

Зi=Ci+i*Ki →min

4) Describe state regulation of innovation activity?



1. A relatively new organizational structure for innovation activity, which represents the cheapest and most effective way to combine joint efforts. 2. A set of main, auxiliary and service departments of an organization that ensure the processing of the “input” of the system into its “output” - the finished product. 3. A new organizational form of innovation activity,

meaning union, combining active competition with relationships

partnerships and individual creativity. 4. A legally formed unit of business activity. 5. A type of structure of an innovative organization in which general designers or project managers responsible for the competitiveness of objects are added to the linear-functional structure. Within the structure, connections are open. 6. A temporary association of large firms within the framework of inter-firm cooperation, involving joint financing, strategic R&D, development of technologies and standards over a certain period of time. 7. A “risky” company, which is a small but very flexible and effective enterprise created for the purpose of testing, finalizing and bringing “risky” investments to industrial implementation. 8. A compactly located complex, the functioning of which is based on the commercialization of scientific and technical activities and the acceleration of the promotion of innovations in the sphere of material production. 9. This type of innovative organization is focused on creating improving innovations. 10. Organizational functions related to the process of organizing a system of relationships and interdependencies. 11. This organizational structure is a collection of completely specialized divisions, each of which carries out strictly defined parts of R&D, corresponding to their profile and specialization. 12. This type of structure is suitable for multi-product concerns, divided into production facilities by product type.


13. An organizational structure that unites industrial enterprises, banks, trade organizations, interconnected by a single technological cycle to increase the competitiveness of products and services. 14. A form of organization of a financial industrial group, which involves the creation of a parent and subsidiary companies, where the parent owns a controlling stake in the subsidiaries. 15. A new organizational form of innovative activity, meaning an alliance, a combination of active competition with partnership relations and individual creativity. 16. A specially created complex in one region, near the center of scientific ideas, including firms and institutions covering the full innovation cycle. 17. The structure of the enterprise, including a set of scientific, design, design, technological and information departments, as well as auxiliary and management departments. 18. A set of stable connections of an object that ensure its integrity and identity with itself. 19. A company with subsidiaries and branches in various countries. 20. An obligatory component of the technology park. 21. This type of innovative organization is focused on creating basic innovations. 22. Expansion of areas of activity, range of products produced by monopolistic associations. 23. A type of structure when the enterprise forms complex groups of 10-15 people to perform individual work and manufacture component parts of products.

24. The structure of the enterprise, in which work planning and control

execution is carried out vertically from the manager to the production units performing management functions.

Certification test:

1. Innovation is:

a) innovation;

b) innovation;

c) innovation process;

d) innovative activity;

e) innovative potential.

2. The innovation process is:

a) the process of transforming scientific knowledge into innovation.

b) activities aimed at commercializing scientific research;

c) development of innovative potential;

d) implementation of innovation policy.

3. The introduction of the term innovation is associated with the name:

a) Hobson;

b) Keynes;

c) Schumpeter;

d) Marx.

4. Innovation management:

a) a set of personnel management methods;

b) a set of methods and forms of innovation management;

c) independent science.

5. The introduction of a new product is defined as a radical innovation if:

a) covers technological changes in the product;

b) concerns the use of an improved technological process;

c) the intended scope of application, functional characteristics, construction or materials and components used are significantly different from previously used products.

6. The method for assessing the economic efficiency of investment projects can be:

a) the net present value method;

b) method of index of profitability and profitability of the project;

c) payback period method;

d) internal rate of return method;

e) method for calculating the break-even point of the project.

7. Choose the correct answer. Innovation infrastructure is:

a) the art of managing and coordinating labor, material and other resources throughout the life cycle of a project by applying a system of modern management methods and techniques to achieve the results defined in the project in terms of the composition and scope of work, cost, time, and quality of the project;

b) a system of interconnected and complementary organizations of various directions and various organizational and legal forms, as well as the order of their interaction, which ensure the implementation of the stages of the innovation process, starting with the technological development of a completed scientific development;

c) a calculation system aimed at selecting and justifying IP development goals and preparing decisions necessary for their unconditional achievement.

8. The functions of the state in the innovation sphere are:

a) accumulation of funds;

b) stimulation of innovation;

c) coordination of innovation activities;

d) legal support;

e) staffing.

9. With an offensive strategy, the costs of innovation:

a) tall;

b) average;

c) low.

10. Investment risk management methods can be:

a) diversification;

b) transfer (outsourcing);

c) probability of occurrence;

d) hedging;

e) logical addition of risks.

11. Regarding the internal environment, an innovation strategy can be:

a) grocery;

b) functional;

c) resource;

d) organizational and managerial;

d) situational.

12. Match the concepts with their definitions:

A. Innovation management B. Diffusion of innovation C. Basic research D. Applied research D. Development E. Scientific organization 1) the process by which an innovation is transmitted through communication channels between members of a social system over time; 2) represent original works aimed at obtaining new knowledge and finding ways to use the results of fundamental research; new methods for solving certain problems; 3) a set of principles, methods and forms of management of innovation processes, innovation activities, organizational structures and their personnel engaged in these activities; 4) an organization (institution, enterprise, firm) for which scientific research and development is the main activity; 5) experimental or theoretical research aimed at obtaining new knowledge; 6) these are works aimed at creating new products or devices, new materials, introducing new processes, systems and services, or improving those already produced or put into operation.

13. State innovation policy is:

a) a set of actions of government bodies that have a specific goal, a means of achieving the goal;

b) determination by government bodies of the Russian Federation of the goals of innovation activity;

c) determination by government bodies of the Russian Federation and government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the goals of the innovation strategy and mechanisms for supporting priority innovation programs and projects;

d) choice based on taking into account the goals, state of the external environment and the potential of directions of innovative activity of the state.

14. Science and innovation infrastructure facilities include:

a) concerns and associations;

b) public academies;

c) technology parks.

Planning of innovation processes.

16. Select from the list what applies to the subjects of the innovation market:

a) enterprises;

b) patent;

In the organisation;

d) scientific and technological progress;

e) license;

f) institutions;

g) universities;

i) individuals (scientists and specialists).

17. Sources of financing for an innovation project do not include:

a) own funds;

b) working capital;

c) borrowed funds;

d) sponsorship funds.

18. Regarding the external environment, an innovation strategy can be:

a) offensive;

b) defensive;

c) adaptive;

d) situational.

19. An innovative project is:

a) form of targeted management of innovation activities;

b) a set of documents;

c) innovation.

20. The following is not the main direction of state innovation policy:

a) support for fundamental research aimed at obtaining results that revolutionize science and technology;

b) acquisition of intangible technology in the form of patents, know-how, trademarks, programs, etc.;

c) financing exploratory R&D to create new equipment and technology with advanced technical solutions for the subsequent transfer of results to the environment of material production;

d) creation of a legislative and information base that ensures the economic interest of producers in implementing innovations.

21. Mark the wrong answer. The life cycle of an innovation project includes the stages:

a) formation of an innovative idea;

b) project development;

c) review of the project;

d) project implementation;

e) completion of the project.

22. Risk in innovation activities can be:

a) clean;

b) speculative;

c) hidden;

d) financial.

23. Depending on the depth of changes introduced, innovations are divided into:

a) radical;

b) scientific;

c) codification;

d) improving;

e) process;

e) subject.

24. What innovations take into account innovative potential and degree of novelty:

a) strategic;

b) substitutes;

Microsoft office 2016 product key is a word handling program that is a piece of the Microsoft Office suite. This program enables you to make excellent, proficient looking reports utilizing the most excellent record arranging apparatuses. It assists you to make, alter, spare, share, and get to records online from any web program.

You will discover that the Microsoft Windows 2016 for both frameworks is very comparable, despite the fact that there are some Mac-just components, which we’ll go top to bottom later. There have not been any significant updates when contrasted with its forerunner, Word for Mac in 2011. After the Microsoft Windows itself, the most widely known and utilized app of Microsoft is presumably Microsoft Word, in some form. Effortlessly the most well-known Word Processor since its first beginning more than 30 years back, you would be unable to locate a home or office without it. Although at no time in the future free with Microsoft's working frameworks (just a free trial is packaged now because of more up to date rivalry laws), its commonality to general society and organizations similarity with files of billions of reports – guarantees that those requiring a Word Processor.

Microsoft Office 2016 Product Key is a vital refresh to what is, for most clients, a significant business tool. Changes to the program’s UI make it simple for anybody to switch from Word to a Mac to Word on some other stage with an insignificant transitional bend. Word’s joint effort highlights make it feasible for business clients to take a shot at the registering stage of their picking without making noteworthy repentance. Microsoft Word takes care of business without acting as a burden, If Word is your essential apparatus for completing work. Microsoft Word will be word handling programming that enables clients to make and alter content archives. Consumers can begin with clear files or work from pre-arranged layouts for activities with appropriate configurations. Microsoft Word is frequently bundled with the Microsoft Office Suite, yet it is likewise sold autonomously.

Microsoft Office 2016 product key is the best product which is produced by Microsoft. Without any doubt, it is the most used and reliable application for official and documentation management. The brand new Microsoft Office 2016 for Windows includes updated editions of MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint and MS OneNote. And all these modules have been updated with new features and function used in this version. It simultaneously works on laptop, tablet or smartphone. Microsoft Office 2016 Product Key is already tested and we are providing perfectly working product key. If you work with Office 365 and you simply want to upgrade to Microsoft Office 2016 product Key than you are in the right place. It really is the best version of the Microsoft is the office suite. It had been released for Mac and launched for Microsoft Windows Laptop or computer. It’s the best computer software for professionals and Students as well. Microsoft Office is the working version to manage office documents effectively.

Microsoft Office 2016 pro product key has the best user experience. Among its exceptional and noteworthy features the simplified built-in file sharing, latest updates, and the very friendly user interface. Microsoft office 2016 is useful and handy as compared to its prior version. Office 2016 allows its user to work on the same simultaneously, using some built-in tools to help you along. It stimulates you to share documents online, in a collaborative workspace.

Microsoft Office 2016 Product Key

Microsoft Office 2016 Product Key is the newest publication of the company’s well-known production collection. This brand fresh segment in the long-running authorization comes with new hard and new structures. There are substantial and numerous improvements featured in this latest release. Some of these signs of progress include the user interface and the unstable of preceding efficiency workspace purpose to that of the most active and capable level.

Key Features of Microsoft Office 2016 Product Key Generator

  • Better and joined file sharing competencies
  • Superior user interface concerning aesthetics and purpose
  • Presence of new and communicating themes
  • Arranging documents completed much quicker due to function accessibility
  • Improved and faster checking of grammar of documents
  • Advanced DPI presence permits users to formed 300% pure forms
  • Relaxed and fluid copyrighted user interface
  • Provisions Windows 7, 8 and 10
  • Better mathematical utilities for more real additions
  • Improved Timeline performance with the various instances situation.

This production set structures both the best facilities in the previous forms and some new and better competences as well. Collected, they make this publication the best concerning actual user practice. Within the production, set is Word 2016, PowerPoint 2016, Excel 2016, OneNote, Outlook, Visio, and Project 2016. Between its extraordinary and notable structures are shortened and combined file sharing, huge updates to logical systems, and the current user interface.

Office staff and workers best use Microsoft Office 2016 Crack. There are numerous enhancements to core utilities used to ease document treating, formation, and management. The mathematical utilities have better and additional combined within the comparisons for use in PowerPoint, Excel, and Word. There is also the Timeline screening which has also improved, and it now derives with the choice to view various instances. The production set also structures a higher DPI presence which allows users to yield and make crisp and strong documents on more top screen determination.

Main Pros & Cons


  • Increase file sharing utilities enables occupied with documents freely within a network domain. This also permits quicker document processing and handling amongst members of a team.
  • Enhancements in the file-sharing competences permit more effective and more efficient info organization.
  • Advanced DPI presence permits users to yield crisp and clear documents. This makes the engendered documents look more specialized and more effective.
  • The user interface is a lot humbler to effort with. The regularly used roles accessible concluded the ribbon and can be more modified to costume user favorites.
  • The interface also structures a new look to document processing which is appropriate for the up-to-date trends.


  • Some utilities have mistreated, but these utilities are only used rarely.

Most Common Users:

Users contain document processing staff and information administration staff. The efficiency suite permits better management of papers as well as emails to additional progress the usefulness and efficiency of office workplaces and workgroups. The file-sharing choice also allows team associates to share and transfer their documents within the area freely.

Author Note:

Microsoft Office 2016 Activator is efficiency suite designed to function as competently and as capable as thinkable. This is to provide to the needs of the up-to-date document processing business. The better-quality features, as well as the new competencies, make this set worth since and installing.

HOW to ACTIVATE Microsoft Office 2016 WITH Product Key?

  • First of all, download Microsoft Office 2016 Activator key Generator
  • Now Take and Install Setup of MS Office
  • Detach Internet Connection.
  • Execute the Activator
  • Generate Product Key
  • Use whichever one of Office 2016 Product Keys to Activate MS Office 2016
  • Done?? Enjoy!

Office 2016 Product Key Working 100%





Microsoft Office 2016 Professional Product Key






Key Features of Microsoft office 2016 product key

  • You can adjust your spelling mistakes across the board, to guarantee you haven’t left any stone unturned. This should be possible by running a full Word spell check from the Review tab, proofing gathering, Spelling, and Grammar catch (or press the F7 console alternate route).
  • It enables us to convey mass messages, yet therefore with one of a kind components.
  • Spare valuable time with this viable Word highlight. Word Replace can look for all events of a particular word, expression or set of characters and supplant them with an option.
  • In case you’re sending an essential report or draft test, you need to have the capacity to secure your substance without editing quite a bit of it. Embed a watermark particular to your destinations through the page design catch.
  • It’s essential to utilize the space in your header and footer to spare space in different ranges of your record. This additionally makes your history have an expert look that can incorporate the page numbers over the entire report
  • One of the ideal approaches to give your Word record that additional front line is to embed hyperlinks on pictures and content to make your statement intuitive (by right tapping on the content/image and clicking hyperlink, you can then choose where you wish to guide the client too) where conceivable.
  • The Office 2016 applications impart fundamentally the same as components for attempting to a scope of illustrations including pictures, Clip Art, Shapes, Graphs, and Charts. It’s anything complicated but to mistake SmartArt for the comparably named WordArt.

Office 2016 Home and Student version

  • 1 GHz processor
  • 2GB RAM
  • 3 GB of accessible plate space; better to have some additional space for temp records
  • Screen determination of a base 1280 x 800
  • Windows 7 SP1 or above working framework; Works best on most recent working framework as indicated by Microsoft
  • The programs utilized ought to be the most recent renditions or the adaptations promptly going before the latest variants
  • At any rate.Net 3.5; favored 4.5 LCR
  • A Microsoft account (that has a OneDrive record joined to it).

You can find original product key from my website Actually Microsoft does not recommend to sell original product key, so we highly recommend you to purchase it, if you have a sum of money in your purse 😛

We have bought some product key for office 2016






Microsoft Word 2016 Product Key


Microsoft Office 2016 product key




Microsoft Office 2016 professional product key




-: set more modern goals and communicate them to employees

+: improve communications

S: Strategic planning is

-: process of selecting goals

-: structure selection process

+: decision selection process

S: . Goal achievement indicators

+: profit level

-: total sales

-: foreign investments

S: Strategic plans are being developed

-: individually

-: within a separate division

+: company-wide effort

S: Modern organizations, as a rule,

+: multi-purpose

-: single-purpose

-: purposeless

S: The planning process is influenced

+: external environment

-: internal environment

-: company culture

S: The basis for the existence of an organization is

-: employee motivation

-: corporate culture

S: Goals are adjusted

-: until the degree of achievement of goals is identified

-: after identifying the achievement of goals

+: in the process of identifying the achievement of goals

S: Realization of goals involves

-: assigning goals to each performer

-: monitoring the fulfillment of goals

S: Basic requirements for goals

-: specificity

-: measurability

+: reachability

S: Organization in management represents

+: specific form of union

-: combining functions

-: combining solutions

S: The management structure is

+: number of levels and divisions

-: the number of employees

-: number of management procedures

S: . When creating a management structure, take into account

-: standard of controllability

-: forward and backward connections

S: The predominance of horizontal connections is characteristic of

-: matrix structure

+: linear structure

-: functional structure

S: Qualification requirements for managers in a matrix structure

+: high

-: less high

S: Product orientation in a linear structure

-: strong

-: none

S: .Production preparation includes

+: generalization of research results

-: start-up and testing of process equipment

S: .Functional cost analysis solves problems

+: analysis of the usefulness of product properties and the costs of providing them

-: analysis of the usefulness of properties

S: . Venture capital firms and exploratory firms solve the same problems

S: .Project development should be focused on specific market needs

S: .Preparation of innovative changes is carried out at the level

+: senior management

-: middle management

S: What is the essence of comparative expertise?

+: checking the validity of specific decisions on project financing

-: checking the validity of the project

S: .The presented project formulates a research problem known in science, but proposes new approaches to its solution. What decision can an expert make?

-: the project deserves unconditional support

+: the project deserves support

S: Are the concepts “payback period” and “payback period” synonymous?

S: What efficiency is given the most attention at the micro level?

+: commercial

-: mixed

S: .An innovative solution can be made if the calculated value

-: less than required by the investor

+: equal to that required by the investor

S: .If the integral effect is positive, the profitability index

+: greater than one

-: less than one

S: .Venture firms are profitable

S: .Exploring companies are engaged in

+: promoting innovations to the market

-: promoting goods to the market

S: Do technology parks have development prospects in Russia?

S: Violent firms operate in an environment

+: large standard business

-: small standard business

S: .Commutation companies are engaged in

-: large standard business

S: Is it advisable to have the position of an innovation manager in patent companies?

S: Patient companies are profitable

S: .Organizational management chart depends on the form of innovative entrepreneurship

S: .The infrastructure objects of science and innovation are

+: scientific and technical information centers

-: public academies

S: Which phase of strategic planning is the most difficult?

+: strategy formulation

-: strategy Development

S: .For firms basing their activities on the principles of entrepreneurial competition, a strategy is characteristic

+: offensive

-: defensive

S: How many blocks does the preparation of initial information for making management decisions on the formation of scientific and technical policy include?

S: Firms that have gained large market shares in high-growth industries (“stars”) choose a strategy

+: growth; Firms that have gained large market shares in high-growth industries (“stars”) must choose a growth strategy

-: abbreviations

S: .When developing a strategy from top to bottom

+: the strategic plan as an order descends to all levels of management

-: the strategic plan as an order descends to the lower levels of management

S: Can the company use the services of consultants when developing a strategy?

S: A firm following an imitation strategy has costs for innovation

-: high

S: .Which innovations take into account the scope of the enterprise’s activities

+: technological; Innovation of the system structure of the enterprise (managerial, production, technological

-: Innovation of the system structure of the enterprise (managerial, production, technological

S: .The introduction of a new product is defined as a radical innovation if

+: the intended field of application, functional characteristics, construction or materials and components used differ significantly from previously used products

-: intended area of ​​application

S: .Mastering a new method of plastic production refers to

+: process

-: system

S: .On what basis is the classification of innovations into single and diffuse?

+: by prevalence

-: according to safety

S: Is the development of a new method of plastic production considered product innovation?

S: What innovations characterize the prevalence

+: diffuse

-: radical

S: .Venture business is typical for

+: small firms

-: large companies

S: .The objects of infrastructure of science and innovation include

+: technology parks

-: technopolis

S: . Switchboard firms are engaged

-: big business

+: medium and small businesses focused on meeting local and national needs

S: .Indicate which of the following applies to innovation at the entrance to the enterprise

+: change in the selection and use of raw materials and equipment

-: equipment change

S:. developed

-: classification of innovations by type of novelty for the market

-: classification of innovations into product and process

+: theory of long waves, or large cycles of market conditions

S: How many cycles does innovation management include?

S: What kind of information should an innovation manager have?

+: comprehensive information about scientific research carried out by type of work in various sectors of science

-: comprehensive information about scientific research

S: Are the concepts of scientific, technical and innovative activity equivalent?

S: Can the functions of an innovative manager be performed by a traditional manager?

S: Do the tasks of managing innovation activities differ from the general tasks of managing an organization?

S: Is the position of an innovation manager required in a small enterprise?

S: Can strategy emerge after an idea associated with an innovation?

S: Can a company choose a strategy for organizing a risky project, having a weak market position?

-: management

+: control

-: management object

-: management function

S: Which management functions reflect the process of division of managerial labor

+: specific

-: binders

-: socio-psychological

S: Is the situation of “conflict of interest” taken into account when selecting experts?

S: Under what conditions does the expert doubt that the stated work will be completed on time?

+: the clarity of presentation is unclear, there is no scientific and methodological elaboration of the solution to the problem

-: clarity of presentation is unclear

S: How is the technical and economic level of products assessed from the consumer’s perspective?

-: the ratio between benefits and costs of purchasing new products

+: the ratio of the level of excellence and the costs of providing it

S: What is certification?

+: determination of product compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation

-: determination of product compliance with requirements

S: .Firms that specialize in creating new or radical transformations of old market segments are classified as

+: explerents

-: for patients

S: . What is the goal of an innovation manager?

+: reducing risk in the life of the company and creating comfortable conditions for employees

-: increasing risk in the life of the company and creating comfortable conditions for employees

S: . Do technology parks stimulate the development of small innovative entrepreneurship? +:yes