Presentations for teacher certification for category 1. Presentation "carrying out certification of teaching staff" presentation on the topic. Open classes, photo exhibitions

Evgenia Gaidaichuk
Presentation for certification

Hello, Dear Commission and Colleagues!

Allow me to present to your attention the results of my professional activities, based on the following regulatory documents, which are presented on the slide.

In the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education "Speech development" highlighted as the main educational area. In this regard, the development of a child’s speech becomes one of the pressing problems in pedagogical activity.

The leading activity of preschool children is play. When properly organized, the game creates conditions for the development of the child’s physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities and ensuring the social success of the preschooler.

Thus, it is important to recognize the process of gaming activity as one of the determining factors in the education and development, ideological and moral formation of a person and a child.

IN inter-certification period I monitored preschoolers at the beginning and end of the school year. To diagnose the pedagogical process, the manual of N.V. Vereshchagina was used.

I have compiled a summary table of the results of monitoring children’s mastery of 5 educational areas for the period from 2016 to 2017.

Analysis of the results of pedagogical research at this stage showed that in all educational areas at the beginning of the school year, the average and low level mainly prevails, and the level of mastery of the educational area "speech development", relative to other areas, below. Based on these data, I plan the educational process in the direction of developing the speech of preschoolers through play activities.

The slide reflects the goals and objectives that I set for the 2016-2017 academic year.

One of the most important principles of my work is the activity approach. It forms the cognitive activity of preschoolers, the practical and creative abilities of children, develops imaginative thinking, observation, independence, and has a positive effect on expanding the horizons of children through the inclusion of children in cognitive and research activities.

She began her work with the creation of conditions, this is, first of all, the improvement of the developing subject-spatial environment.

Considering that the leading activity of preschool children is play, the group has created corners for role-playing games: house, daughters and mothers, builder, hospital, hairdresser, theater corner, traffic rules corner, "Reader's Corner", "Creative Corner".

I use ICT in educational activities, and also test and implement innovative gaming technology "lapbook".

To achieve positive results, I use various types of games listed on the slide.

Further work was organized in the form of educational game situations.

The free activity of pupils in the educational environment created by the teacher ensures that each child chooses activities based on his interests and allows him to interact with peers or act individually.

Games with natural materials (plant seeds, leaves, various flowers, pebbles, shells) I use it when conducting such educational games as “Whose kids are these?”, “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “Who is more likely to lay out a pattern of different leaves?”. I organize children during a walk, directly in contact with nature: trees, shrubs, flowers, seeds, leaves.

In educational activities during routine moments I include speech didactic games and entertaining exercises: phonetic, lexical, grammatical, games with words and movement. In order for the children to show interest in a game again, I think about how to finish the game. This could be playing forfeits, honoring winners, announcing a new version of a familiar game, etc.

I start some games with articulation exercises, pronouncing all kinds of tongue twisters, tongue twisters, and rhyming lines to develop the speech apparatus.

Story-based role-playing games.

Also, one of the areas of my work was interaction with parents. To increase the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of child speech development, I used such forms of work with parents:

Design of an information stand for parents about the age characteristics of children in the reception group;

consultations: “The role of parents in the speech development of a preschooler”, “The influence of speech disorders on the formation of a child’s personality”, "Developing your child's speech", “How games affect a child’s speech development”, "How to play with children";

Holding a poetry festival including "reading competition";

Individual conversations with parents based on monitoring results;

Joint production of games and aids for speech development;

Conducting parent meetings;


The result of work in this area is the stable positive dynamics of children’s mastery of the educational program in all five areas.

The development of the scientific and creative potential of the students allowed them to take part in the competitions shown on the slide.

I consider it important to transmit the accumulated teaching experience. Carried it out in the following forms:

1. In an educational institution, I share with colleagues my experience in designing a subject-spatial environment.

2. I participate in professional competitions:

3. I participate in online competitions.

I have a teacher’s blog, where I post material about my work experience.

In my future work, I set myself the task of developing a system of activities aimed at developing speech in preschool children.


▫ What does this have to do with national projects and the instructions of the President to the Government on their implementation (not the first and not the last, since national projects are designed until 2024, and they are not implemented by themselves) and the adopted Law on Awareness - I repeat, because you probably don’t Please read my text to the fourth paragraph - citizens about measures of social protection (support), social services, other social guarantees and payments. Between the link you found and the text I wrote there is ONLY one common word - awareness. But these are COMPLETELY different things! Your opinion about the emptyness of the President’s words about the need for people to be more informed about national projects, their implementation, about the possibility of participation in them, especially private business, is significant only for you or for those who have nothing to do with these national projects
▫ Thank you 😉 I completely agree with you, if you rush, then everything can be ruined, our teacher Dima helps me
▫ Sharifa Aitkulovna, please.
▫ According to the president, a third of the country’s residents simply do not know about the state program that has been implemented for a year and a half and about the subsidies that can be received within its framework. Putin proposed to specifically allocate money to increase the recognition of the project among people. Separately, he expressed dissatisfaction with the results of the implementation of the economic block of national projects. It was assumed that they would allow developing Russia's industrial potential, creating high-tech production and ultimately increasing the rate of GDP growth. Due to the fact that we spent quite a long time, without rushing anywhere, I would say, gathering our thoughts, in fact, almost a year was lost, the president said. That's it..., he said it like he cut it off! Poor awareness of the population about the effective and coordinated work of the national projects of 2019 was the main reason that significant success could not be achieved. But these national projects were supposed to lead to breakthrough economic growth and qualitatively improve the lives of Russians. Only real changes for the better in people’s lives did not happen due to the fault of the people themselves, who did not have information on this issue. Now everything will be different. The government will allocate Billions of rubles to inform us, the dark ones, about what is being done for us at the top. Another quote: We are talking about a situation where federal officials need to interact with the regions in which the bulk of problems are solved and in which money is invested. However, in practice it turned out that after the signing of an agreement on subsidies between the government and the regions and the allocation of funds, our federal colleagues in departments consider relations with colleagues in the regions to be completed. Putin emphasized that officials at both levels need to continue their daily joint work.... Well, then there are still a lot of empty words about nothing. You will see everything for yourself using the link above.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 397" Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan

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Course preparation Name of courses Number of hours Year of completion Place of passage certificate Name of courses Number of hours Year of completion Place of passage certificate Advanced training under the program of additional professional education “System-activity approach in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards of Additional Education” 72 2015 Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University" Diploma of KFU UPC 022509, Registration No. UPC 20-010360

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My achievements Certificate of Honor from the Education Department of the Education Department of the Executive Committee of the Municipal Formation of Kazan for the Aircraft Construction and Novo-Savinovsky districts of Kazan, 2015 Administration of the MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 397" of the Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan , 2013 Participation in Republican scientific and practical seminars, 2013-2015; Participation in the experimental work of the kindergarten Certificate of Honor from the Education Department of the Education Department of the Executive Committee of the Municipal Formation of Kazan for the aircraft manufacturing and Novo-Savinovsky districts of Kazan, 2015 Administration of the MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 397" Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan, 2013. Diploma of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of the Novo-Savinovsky district in Kazan, laureate for participation in the city competition to promote the use of reflective elements “Caring Mom”, 2014. My achievements

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Participation in methodological events Year Topic Form of participation 2011 From word to word Report 2014 Didactic games for teaching children the Tatar language Exhibition 2014 What children play with: good and bad toys Exhibition 2014 Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education on the problem of interaction between family and preschool educational organization Speech

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Availability of publications Topic of publication Level Where printed Year of publication My family International Collection of materials from the IV International Festival of Authors' Scientific and Methodological Developments "Pedagogical Initiative", published by the Center for Education and Upbringing, Cheboksary [email protected] 2014

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1.Original dance of a small group in the category “Composition with objects” - Arina Zheltova, 1st place. 2. Open championship of the Republic of Tatarstan in sports aerobics - Arina Zheltova, Saida Shaidullina, Aliya Zilyaeva, 1st place 3. IV Children's creativity competition "Space Vernissage" - 3rd place. Ilnur Salyakhov 4. Regional movement “Young and Successful” of the Republic of Tatarstan - laureate, 5. Annual participation of children in the festival of children’s creativity “Rosinka” 6. Annual participation in the propaganda team “Young Propagandist” 7. Participation in the review competition “Yash Artist” My achievements pupils

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Individual topic of professional development Children's experimentation as a means of developing the cognitive activity of preschool children in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

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Today, in preschool education, the problem of organizing the main leading type of activity in understanding the surrounding world during preschool childhood is especially acute - experimentation. This activity equally influences the development of the child’s personality as well as gaming. Children's experimentation provides the child with the opportunity for self-development, self-realization and the opportunity to be himself. The peculiarity of this cognitive activity is that the child learns an object in the course of practical activities with it; the practical actions carried out by the child perform a cognitive, orientation-research function, creating conditions in which the content of a given object is revealed. In the educational process, experimentation is a teaching method that allows the child to model in his mind a picture of the world based on his own observations, experiences, establishment of interdependence, patterns, etc. Relevance of the topic

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Goals and objectives of the topic Goal: Creating conditions for the formation of the foundations of a holistic worldview of a preschooler through experimental activities. Objectives: Expand children's ideas about the world around them through familiarity with basic knowledge from various fields of science. Develop the ability to observe, analyze, compare, identify characteristic, essential features of objects and phenomena, and generalize them based on these features. To form ways of cognition in preschoolers through sensory analysis. Involve parents in children's experimental research activities. Develop an emotional and value-based attitude towards the nature of the native land.

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Creation of the center for experimental search activities “Pochemuchka”; Develop a long-term plan for research activities; Develop rules of conduct and compliance with safety precautions when working in the experimentation corner for children; Develop lesson notes with elements of experimentation; Develop game and didactic materials on experimentation; Develop a card file “Experiments and Experiments” (by age groups); Creating a sustainable interest in experimental activities among students and their parents. Planned result

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Health-improving work Morning gymnastics Gymnastics after sleep Physical education Finger games Outdoor games Tempering activities (ventilation, quartzing, Chizhevsky chandelier, daily walks, etc.) Number of days missed by a child due to illness per year Year Year Year Academic year 2012/13 2013/ 14 2014/15 Group average 7 6.9 6.7

Pochkay Elena Aleksandrovna year Day, month, year of birth Work experience 16 years 1st qualification category (years) “There are many good professions in our country Only the strong, let them choose for themselves Our work as an educator, the work of a teacher Not easy, but important and joyful work”

“It all started quite recently... In fact, so long ago... I decided! I will be a teacher! There is simply no other option... And now in the year 95 I am submitting documents to the teacher class... There are many wonderful teachers there, who will teach us everything..." Our teachers: Mashina Valentina Ivanovna Motylkova Tatyana Yuryevna Velichko Lyudmila Konstantinovna Shamanina Lyubov Vasilievna Golovnykh Vera Innokentievna 1996......

“Pedagogical class is over….And now I’m a teacher…. I came to work in my native kindergarten...... Where I went as a child... Our kindergarten is my second home...” “Childhood, childhood, where are you running? Childhood, childhood, where are you in a hurry? I haven’t had enough of playing with you yet. Childhood, childhood, where are you going? Wait!” This is Me 1996...

Nowadays, a teacher needs to know a lot. And you need to improve your qualifications. Refresher courses for the period preceding certification: city, OSOU DPO “Irkutsk Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers”, topic - “Upbringing, education and development of children of senior preschool age in various types of institutions”, 632 hours;

G., Usolye - Siberian MU "IMC", topic - "Introduction to information and educational technologies of the 21st century", 36 hours; g., OGAOU DPO "Irkutsk Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers", topic - "Physical culture and health of preschool children", 72 hours.

Environmental project "Trees of our site" Senior group Compiled by Elena Aleksandrovna Pochkay Environmental project "Properties of water" for children 4-5 years old Compiled by Elena Aleksandrovna Pochkay Project "Wild animals of our region" For children 3-5 years old Compiled by Elena Aleksandrovna Pochkay Project activities

The main area of ​​work: “Formation of friendly relationships among children of primary preschool age based on familiarization with the family.” “You and I are growing up in a family circle. The foundation is the parental home. All your roots are in the family circle, And you enter life from the family. In the family circle we create life, the foundation is the parental home.”

My personal contribution to improving the quality of education: 1. I was the leader of the creative group for the development of long-term planning “Introducing preschoolers to the nature of their native land” in 2010, as a result of which methodological material was developed and systematized for teachers of preschool educational institutions and GMOs. 2. Participant in the project “We will never forget Victory Day” 2010, as a result of which she developed a number of notes on this topic. 3.Took part in the seminar-workshop “The Role of Didactic Games in Solving Educational Problems” in 2012, where she presented the d/game “This colorful world” and a presentation for parents on the topic “Didactic games, or why play with a child.”

5. At IPKRO, 2012, she gave a report and visual demonstration of work experience on the topic “Fun games for preserving the psycho-emotional health of children.” 6. Was a participant in the city media competition (television) “Snow Maiden - 2011.”

7. Posted my electronic portfolio on the international Internet project MAAAM.RU 8. Published a methodological development on the educational project MAAAM.RU 9. I am a participant in the monthly competition “Best lesson notes”. Summary of an integrated lesson in mathematics. Second junior group, “Adventure in the winter forest.”

For Happiness there are many conditions in the world To love and to be loved in the world of people We have chosen a world where creators are its children Creators and sources of bright ideas We believe in ideas, dreams of beauty Lessons, undertakings will not be in vain And if we managed to find each other Let them wait we have success on this path.

Portfolio of a preschool teacher for certification

Chukmareva Maria Nikolaevna, teacher, MBDOU Pychassky kindergarten No. 2
Target: exchange of experience, systematization of accumulated experience
Tasks: provide your experience in teaching;
promote the development of creative activity of teachers.
Purpose: this publication will be useful for preschool teachers when preparing for professional competitions or when passing certification

Portfolio content

Section 1: General Information
This section of the presentation provides visitors with general information about my work experience.

How time flew by
We have become older and a little wiser.
There is no nobler and more honorable business in the world,
What is it like to love and please children!

From school itself, I decided for myself what I should be in the future - definitely a teacher! Therefore in In 2001, I entered the Uva Pedagogical School to major in speech therapy group teacher, and in 2012 I completed my studies at the Glazov Pedagogical Institute named after. V.G. Korolenko." Qualification: teacher - psychologist

Additional Information
PC skills: Ms Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, working with a projector. I am always interested in learning something new and using it in my work. And there is still a lot to learn!
Interests, preferences, hobbies: reading fiction and pedagogical literature, crocheting, plasticine painting, listening to music, drawing.
Of course, these are not all my hobbies, but these are the types of hobbies that I approach with great trepidation and pleasure.

Section 2
Resource support

List of scientific and methodological support:
In my work I use methodological materials and educational literature,
I use ICT in the educational process, participate in professional and creative pedagogical competitions, conduct teacher councils, seminars and workshops, pedagogical consultations; I take an active part in the development of projects, regulations, and writing articles. I have my own personal pages in online communities and share my teaching experiences and teaching materials

Use of ICT in the educational process
This slide offers a list of used Internet resources that help me in my teaching activities.

Section 3
Methodical piggy bank

This slide shows what I am working on in depth and what teaching materials I have been able to develop.

Documents and materials on self-education.
This slide offers a list of documents for advanced training. I attend advanced training courses with pleasure, because our noble cause involves learning something new and using new knowledge in our own practice


Methodological topic for self-education:
“Plasticineography - as a means of developing fine motor skills and creative abilities in children of senior preschool age” I managed to achieve positive results on this topic; this can be traced to the results of my own achievements and the achievements of my students.

Section 5: Social activities
Like many teachers, I take an active part in the life of the kindergarten. I perform at matinees, sporting events, in a vocal ensemble, and at republican events

Summing up, I would like to emphasize once again that I am proud that I have been entrusted by fate to contribute to our future!!! To paraphrase a famous saying “A spark will ignite a flame!”, I can end my article with the words: “Doing little will get you a lot”.
Thank you for your attention!

Presentation on the topic: Portfolio of a kindergarten teacher