Presentation: Ten days of April in human history. Presentation "April 7th - World Health Day" presentation on the topic April 7th World Health Day presentation

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1. April 7 is World Health Day. 190 countries of the world take part in its celebration. This holiday has become traditional since 1950. On April 7, 1948, WHO - the World Health Organization - was created, and it was its appearance that served as the impetus for the annual celebration of Health Day. This holiday is designed to help people appreciate how much health means in a person’s life.

2. “The only beauty I know is health” Heinrich Heine

3. The main factors of health: regimen, nutrition, movement, hardening.

4. Nutrition is directly related to the intensity of life, human performance, the body’s resistance to the external environment and infectious diseases. Its connection with a person’s mood has been proven. Proper nutrition reduces fatigue, improves well-being, reduces irritability and agitation. To maintain good health, each person's diet should be limited in volume and complete in its range of products. Recommendations for a balanced diet are very individual, but there are principles that everyone should adhere to. Everything in a person is rhythmic: the work of internal organs, tissue cells, breathing rate, heart pulsation. It has been proven that normal gastric secretion can only be maintained if there are clearly defined intervals between meals. Maintaining a rhythm of meals is largely the key to a good appetite. Experts believe that the main meal should be taken during the day, and a smaller portion after 18 hours. You should not eat meat in the evening; spicy foods in the evening, as well as strong tea and coffee, are not healthy.

5. High physical activity and sufficient physical activity contribute to the preservation and strengthening of human health. Surveys have shown that those who engage in additional sports have more harmonious physical development. They have a higher lung capacity and greater muscle strength.

6. Hardening is one of the forms of strengthening human health. 1000 years ago, the great physician of the Ancient East, Avicenna, wrote: Be friends with gymnastics, Always be cheerful, And you will live 100 years, and maybe more. Potions, powders - the wrong path to health. Heal yourself with nature - in the garden and open field.

7. There are many ways of hardening. A very simple and effective way of hardening is walking barefoot. The fact is that the soles of our feet are a somewhat unusual part of the skin of our body. There are points there - projections of our internal organs. By pressing on them, you can relieve pain and have a healing effect on certain organs.

8. A significant role in maintaining health is played by the fight against bad habits: smoking and alcohol. There is such a joke. A tobacco seller praises his product at a fair: “Buy tobacco, wonderful tobacco! My tobacco is not simple, but with a secret. My tobacco won't make you an old man, a dog won't bite you, and a thief won't break into your house. One guy bought some tobacco and started asking the seller: “Why won’t I be an old man?” -Because you won’t live to old age. Why doesn't the dog bite? - So you will walk with a stick. - Why doesn’t the thief break into the house? “Because you’ll be coughing all night.” Remember: He who smokes tobacco is his own enemy. Tobacco is no friend to the mind. A smoker is his own gravedigger.

9. Drinking alcohol is also a bad habit of the body. No wonder they say: “If you reach for vodka, your life will be short.” Drunkenness leads to 6 evils: poverty, discord, illness, loss of reputation, shame and weakening of mental activity. Alcohol requires the sacrifice of not only adults, but also their future. For example, in the attic of the barn, where moonshine was secretly distilled, there were 160 chicken eggs for subsequent incubation. Imagine the surprise of the owners when only 78 chickens hatched from the eggs. 40 of them soon died, and 25 turned out to be monsters. The embryos were poisoned by vapors of alcohol and essential oils. All this applies to humans. In families that drink, 38% of children are underdeveloped and sick. Children are stillborn 2 times more often. Alcohol shortens life by an average of 17 years.

10. Rules for a healthy lifestyle.

11. Happy Health Day!!!



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The presentation was prepared by teacher Mirontseva Larisa Nikolaevna APRIL 7 WORLD HEALTH DAY

“The only beauty I know is health” Heinrich Heine

Main health factors:

The most important element of a healthy lifestyle is rational nutrition. Strict adherence to the rhythm of food intake. Unlearn to satiate yourself with food to the limit. Food should be eaten with attention and pleasure, chewed slowly, and tasted. Subconsciously, the design of dishes and table setting have a beneficial effect on digestion. Eat raw plant foods

High physical activity and sufficient physical activity contribute to maintaining and strengthening human health.

Hardening is one of the forms of strengthening human health.

There are many ways to harden

A significant role in maintaining health is played by the fight against bad habits: smoking and alcohol.

Drinking alcohol is also a bad habit of the body.



world health day

World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7, the day of the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. Since that historical moment, about two hundred countries around the world have become members of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Celebrating Health Day every year has become a tradition since 1950.. It is designed to help people understand how much health matters in their lives and decide what they need to do to improve the health of people around the world.

Every year World Health Day is dedicated to global issues, facing the health of the planet and takes place under different mottos: “In the safety of your blood, saving the lives of many”, “Activity is the path to longevity”, “Pregnancy is a special event in life. Let’s make it safe”, “Let’s protect health from climate change”.

In 2009, the main theme of World Health Day was medical safety. institutions and the willingness of health workers to provide assistance to people affected by emergencies. Events have been held around the world to promote safe healthcare design and improve emergency preparedness.

In 2010, the words “1000 cities - 1000 lives” were chosen as the motto., because the focus of the Day will be urbanization and health. Activities will be held around the world to ensure that cities create conditions for health-improving activities on the streets. Street competitions will be held, reports of which will be published in order to promote a healthy lifestyle in cities.

RuNet's birthday

April 7th marks a significant date for all users of the Russian-language Internet - the Birthday of the Runet (RuNet). In 2009, the Russian segment of the World Wide Web turned 15 years old.

On April 7, 1994, the domain - .Ru - was registered for Russia and included to the international database of country code top-level domains. Before this, on December 4, 1993, at a meeting of the largest Russian providers of that time (Demos Plus, Techno, GlasNet, SovAm Teleport, EUnet/Relcom, X-Atom, FREEnet), the Agreement “On the procedure for administering the zone.RU” was signed.

Thus, Russia was officially recognized as a state represented on the Internet. According to the agreement, responsibilities for the administration and technical support of the national domain .RU were transferred to the Russian Research Institute for the Development of Public Networks (RosNIIROS), which until 2000 registered all domains in the RU zone.

Already on the first day of the zone’s existence,, and subsequently delegated, the first domain names. Prior to this, all domestic Internet resources, starting from 1991, were located in international domains and in the .SU zone. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, work began on creating domains for the newly independent states, and over time, 15 domains for the former Soviet republics appeared.

As REN TV reported:

“...only a few know that the first Internet bridge in the Soviet Union was carried out back in 1976. Details of the domestic development are still kept strictly secret.

On the birthday of the Runet, its developers gather at the museum of the Mars military enterprise. ... Thirty years ago, the first electronic message in the Union arrived from Ulyanovsk to Moscow. Valentin Tipikin at that time was a simple engineer. He recalls that they didn’t even think about weekends and holidays on Mars - they were in a hurry with the secret development. The first test took place on December 31st. Two hours before the New Year, an email was sent to Moscow with a picture of a bottle of champagne. And within a few seconds we received an answer..."



The first electric tram was launched in Moscow.

By the beginning of the last decade of the 19th century, horse-drawn railways could not cope with the flow of passengers. In addition, the condition of the equipment - rail tracks and rolling stock - was so deplorable that the need to replace it was obvious to everyone.

In 1898, the re-equipment of the Dolgorukovskaya line of the horse-drawn railway began from Strastnaya Square along Malaya Dmitrovka Street and further to Butyrskaya Zastava, as well as two experimental suburban lines: Petrovskaya - from Tverskaya Zastava to the Petrovsky Palace, and Butyrskaya - from Butyrskaya Zastava along Verkhnyaya and Nizhnaya Maslovka to Petrovsky Park.

By the end of January 1899, on the first section from Petrovsky Park along Verkhnyaya and Nizhnyaya Maslovka to Butyrskaya Zastava, all major construction work was completed. A trial run of the electric tram line has begun, as well as training of operating personnel.

And regular tram service began on March 26, old style, or April 7, new style.

Tram cars ran at intervals of 14 minutes. The operating hours were set from 8 am to 8 pm. A ticket along the entire line cost 6 kopecks.

In 1907, tram service appeared in St. Petersburg.

At the general meeting of the Union of Artists in Petrograd, At the Academy of Arts, under the slogan “Everyone is in defense of art,” a resolution was adopted, which states that art should exist regardless of one or another political system of the country.

German troops entered Kharkov.

In the USSR, a decree was issued to expand the system of labor camps, which were soon transferred to the subordination of the Main Directorate of Camps (GULAG) created at the end of the month within the OGPU.


In the Chisinau direction, our troops, after two days of stubborn fighting, captured the district center of the Moldavian SSR, the city of Ogreev - an important German stronghold on the approaches to Chisinau.

In the Odessa direction, our troops captured the regional center of the Odessa region Belyaevka, and also with battles occupied more than 60 other settlements and among them the large settlements of Kapokleevka, Budenovka, Ermeevka, Mannheim, Karstal (28 kilometers northwest of Odessa), Mayaki, Marinovka, Novaya Zmetovka, Kubanka, Starya Dofinovka, Novaya Dofinovka (16 kilometers northeast of Odessa), Chabanka, Grigoryevka and railway stations Koshkovo, Kremidovka.

The Konigsberg region was formed as part of the RSFSR on the territory of East Prussia, which in 1945 seceded from Germany to the USSR according to the decision of the Berlin (Potsdam) Conference of the victorious powers in World War II.

The charter of the World Health Organization came into force. Nowadays this day is celebrated as World Health Day.


Premiere on Central Television of the five-episode action-packed film “His Excellency’s Adjutant.” The first episode was shown on Tuesday, the following on Thursday, Saturday and was completed on Monday and Tuesday of the following week. The film was directed by Evgeny TASHKOV, starring Yuri SOLOMIN, Vladimir KOZEL, Anatoly PAPANOV, Viktor PAVLOV, Nikolai GRITSENKO, Igor STARYGIN and Sasha MILOKOSTNY.

A fire on the unique nuclear submarine K-278 Komsomolets, which led to the death of the ship and 42 crew members.


Former police officer from Yakutsk Viktor GUZHOV barricaded himself in room 525 Hotel "Central" on Tverskaya Street in Moscow and, announcing the taking of hostages, demanded a meeting with the Minister of Internal Affairs. After the storming of the room, no hostages or weapons were found.

Born on this day

Sergey Vasilievich ZUBATOV
(1864 - 15.3.1917),
gendarme colonel. Shot himself.

Elena Nikolaevna GOGOLEVA
(1900 - 13.11.1993),
actress of the Maly Theater, People's Artist of the USSR.

Mikhail Mikhailovich SOMOV
(1908 - 30.12.1973),
oceanographer, polar explorer, Hero of the Soviet Union (1951).

Leonid Vasilievich KIRENSKY
(1909, Amga village, Yakutia - November 3, 1969, Moscow),
physicist, academician, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Sergey Vladimirovich PETROV
(1911, Kazan - 10/31/1988, Leningrad),
poet, translator.

Nikolai Alekseevich SHILO
(1913 - 8.6.200,
geologist, academician (1970), Hero of Socialist Labor.

Kirill Trofimovich MAZUROV
(1914 - 19.12.1989),
party and statesman, member of the Politburo.

Anatoly Mikhailovich AKIMOV
(1915 - 10.8.1984),
football player, goalkeeper, two-time USSR champion with Spartak, Honored Master of Sports.

Leonid Veniaminovich KELDYSH
theoretical physicist, academician (1976).

Shazam Sergeevich SAFIN
(1932, village of Kochki-Pozharki, Nizhny Novgorod region - 23.3.1985, Moscow),
classical style wrestler, 1952 Olympic champion in 1st middle weight, Honored Master of Sports.


Anatoly Sergeevich GOROKHOV

Nikolay Vasilievich PUZANOV
(1938, Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region - 2.1.200,
biathlete, 1968 Olympic champion in the 4x7.5 km relay, Honored Master of Sports.


Mark Grigorievich /Izrailevich/ RUDINSHTEIN
film producer, film festival organizer.

Valentina Ivanovna MATVIENKO
Governor of St. Petersburg.

Alexander Gennadievich KRASNOV
cyclist, 1980 Olympic champion in the 4 km team pursuit race.

(1962 - 1.7.2002),
singer and composer.

Marianna Aleksandrovna MAKSIMOVSKAYA
presenter of the program “A Week with Marianna Maksimovskaya” on the REN TV channel.

Mikhail Semenovich POLITSEYMAKO
theater and film actor, TV presenter. Son of Marina POLITSEYMAKO and Semyon FARADA.

On this day it was gone


Alexey Mikhailovich ZHEMCHUZHNIKOV
(23.2.1821 - 190,
poet, one of the creators of Kozma Prutkov.


TIKHON /Vasily Ivanovich BELLAVIN/
(31.1.1865 - 1925),
11th Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

The patriarchate, as fate would have it, was restored to the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) in the early days of Soviet power. The Church then had to not only restore its lost authority, but also endure unprecedented trials. The patriarch himself fully felt them. In 1922, when Tikhon spoke out against the forced confiscation of church valuables, he was arrested and interrogated. The reprisal that was being prepared against him had to be postponed due to the very likely international isolation and major internal problems.

One of the last acts of the patriarch was the preservation of the church (old) calendar. Few people know that in October 1923 the Russian Orthodox Church announced the transition to a new style of chronology, but a month later canceled it. The transition to a new style was one of the demands of the authorities on the patriarch upon his release. In return, more favorable treatment of the church and its institutions was promised. The patriarch politely explained the reason for his refusal to implement the reform of the church calendar in his statement to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee for two reasons: firstly, the Russian people value traditional immutability.

Departure from it has already given rise to an Old Believer schism.. Secondly, the church year is so closely intertwined with the life of the people and the life of the peasant, who determines the beginning of all field work by it, that its abolition could cause chaos and great unrest.

But Patriarch Tikhon concluded his message with words that became a direct accusation of the new government:“The Church is currently experiencing an unprecedented external shock. She is deprived of material means of subsistence, surrounded by an atmosphere of suspicion and hostility, dozens of bishops and hundreds of priests and laity without trial, often without even explanation, thrown into prison, exiled, dragged from place to place... Churches are closed, they turn to clubs and cinemas ... The clergy is subject to unbearable taxes, suffers all kinds of restrictions in their homes, and their children are expelled from the service and from educational institutions simply because their fathers serve the Church.”


Dmitry Iosifovich GULIA /
(21.2.1874 - 1960),
founder of Abkhaz literature, people's poet of the Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Father of the writer Georgy GULIA. He was the founder and editor of the first Abkhaz newspaper “Abkhazia” (“Apsny”), organized the first Abkhaz theater troupe, and headed the Academy of Abkhaz Language and Literature. He wrote the textbooks “Abkhazian alphabet” and “History of Abkhazia”, translated Russian classical poets into Abkhazian.

Leonid Vitalievich KANTOROVICH
(19.1.1912 - 1986),
mathematician and economist, academician, Nobel laureate in 1975 “for his contribution to the theory of optimal resource allocation” (together with Tjalling KOOPMANS).

Givi Georgievich NODIA
(2.1.1948 - 2005),
Georgian football player, forward for Dynamo Tbilisi and the USSR national team. Second prize-winner of the 1972 European Championship, top scorer of the 1970 USSR Championship, member of the symbolic G. Fedotov Club (113 goals).

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Solve examples: 1) – 0.25 ∙100 2) 1.8: 0.9 3) -2.4: (-2) 4) 5.8: (-2) 5) -0.6 ∙ (- 2) 6) 100: (-0.2) 7) 34: (- 1.7) 8) 2.8 ∙ 0.2

Decipher the word: 1.2 20 -25 0.56 -2.9 -500 2 o u r d

World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7 since 1950. On this day in 1948, the Constitution of the World Health Organization came into force.

The theme for 2014 is “A small bite is a source of great danger.” Disease vectors are known to include small organisms such as mosquitoes, bedbugs, ticks and freshwater molluscs that can transmit disease from one person to another and from one place to another. Accordingly, they thereby pose a threat to our health both at home and during travel. Therefore, the World Health Day 2014 campaign aims to spread awareness about some of the major vectors, the diseases they cause, and how we can protect ourselves from them. Source: ©

Solve: 1) -15.2 + 17.3 2) -25.6 – 15.4 3) – 6.2 + 9.7 4) -5.1 + (-12.4) 5) 3.2 – 8.5

Decipher: 3.5 2.1 -17.5 - 41 - 5.3 n r e u t

April 7 - Russia, Birthday of the Runet Runet (Russian-language Internet, Russian Internet, Internet in Russian) is part of the Internet in Russian. Distributed to all continents, including Antarctica, but most concentrated in the CIS and, especially, in Russia.

On April 7, 1994, the domain - . Ru - and is included in the international database of national top-level domains. Source: ©

Solve: 1) 5 ∙ 0.2 7) 100: (-2) 2) -10 ∙ 0.2 8) 1/8 ∙ 4 3) 6: (- 0.1) 9) – 25 ∙ 2 4) 2 ∙ (-0.3) 10) ½ ∙ 10 5) ½ ∙ 5 11) ½ ∙ (-20) 6) 1/3 ∙ 9 12) -500: 10

Decipher: 3 1 - 0.6 2.5 - 50 - 2 0.5 - 60 5 - 10 v b g e l s h a n i

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a bright Christian holiday, which the Orthodox Church celebrates on April 7 (new style), and in Orthodoxy it is one of the twelve holidays. In ancient times, the feast of the Annunciation was given different names: the Conception of Christ, the Annunciation of Christ, the Beginning of Redemption, the Annunciation of the Angel to Mary. Nothing is known about where and how the Feast of the Annunciation first appeared. It is only known that in 560 Emperor Justinian indicated the date for the celebration of the Annunciation - March 25 (April 7, new style). The name of the holiday - Annunciation - conveys the main meaning of the event associated with it: the announcement to the Virgin Mary of the good news about the conception and birth of the Divine Infant Christ. This holiday belongs to the twelve permanent holidays and is celebrated every year on the same April day. Source: ©

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April 7 is World Health Day. 190 countries of the world take part in its celebration. This holiday has become traditional since 1950. On April 7, 1948, WHO - the World Health Organization - was created, and it was its appearance that served as the impetus for the annual celebration of Health Day. This holiday is designed to help people appreciate how much health means in a person’s life.

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nutrition movement mode hardening Main health factors: Main health factors:

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The most important element of a healthy lifestyle is rational nutrition. Strict adherence to the rhythm of food intake. Unlearn to satiate yourself with food to the limit. Food should be eaten with attention and pleasure, slowly chewed and tasted. Subconsciously, the design of dishes and table setting have a beneficial effect on digestion. Eat raw plant foods.

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High physical activity and sufficient physical activity contribute to maintaining and strengthening human health. Surveys have shown that physical development occurs more harmoniously among those who engage in additional sports. They have a higher lung capacity and greater muscle strength.

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Hardening is one of the forms of strengthening human health. 1000 years ago, the great physician of the Ancient East, Avicenna, wrote: Be friends with gymnastics, Always be cheerful, And you will live 100 years, And maybe more. Potions, powders - the wrong path to health. Heal yourself with nature - in the garden and open field.

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There are many ways of hardening. A very simple and effective way of hardening is walking barefoot. The fact is that the soles of our feet are a somewhat unusual part of the skin of our body. There are points there - projections of our internal organs. By pressing them, you can relieve pain and have a healing effect on certain organs

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A significant role in maintaining health is played by the fight against bad habits: smoking and alcohol. There is such an anecdote. A tobacco seller praises his product at a fair: “Buy tobacco, wonderful tobacco! My tobacco is not simple, but with a secret. My tobacco won't make you an old man, a dog won't bite you, and a thief won't break into your house. One guy bought some tobacco and started asking the seller: “Why won’t I be an old man?” -Because you won’t live to old age. Why doesn't the dog bite? -So you will walk with a stick. - Why doesn’t the thief break into the house? “Because you’ll be coughing all night.” Remember: He who smokes tobacco is his own enemy. Tobacco is no friend to the mind. A smoker is his own gravedigger.