Presentation on the topic "pathways of influence of organisms on the environment." How do organisms affect their environment? Examples and additional information

Living organisms greatly influence their environment by the very fact that they live in it:they breathe eat, secrete metabolic products grow and multiply move in space exhibit different forms of activity.

As a result of this, the gas composition of the air, the microclimate, the soil, the purity of water, and other features of habitats change. And although the impact of each individual organism on the environment may be small, the scale of the total activity of living beings is enormous. The influence of organisms on the environment is called their environment-forming activity.

The influence of plants on climate and water regime.

Photosynthesis - the main source of oxygen in the earth's atmosphere. Plants create breathing conditions for billions of living beings, including humans.

The absorption and evaporation of water by terrestrial plants affects the water regime of their habitats and the climate in general. In an hour, up to 2.5 g of water is released from each square decimeter of foliage.

By humidifying the air and delaying the movement of wind, vegetation creates a special microclimate that softens the living conditions of many species.

Soil-forming activity of living organisms.

The joint activity of many organisms creates soil. By shedding its leaves, vegetation forms a layer of organic matter on the surface of the earth. This layer of plant litter serves as a source of food and habitat for a huge number of small organisms - bacteria, fungi, animals, which destroy it and process it into inorganic molecules. The released minerals are again used to feed the plants. Some of the organic matter turns into soil humus. These are complex compounds that improve the structure of the soil, its moisture and air permeability. This improves the conditions for the development of plant roots. Thus, the process of soil formation primarily depends on the nutritional activity of many living creatures using the energy of dead organic matter.

Each lump of soil contains millions of cells of various microorganisms. In addition to them, for every square meter of soil there are hundreds of thousands of small animals, visible only in a microscope, and thousands visible with the naked eye. The activity of earthworms is especially important for soil life. Their normal numbers in forests and meadows range from several tens to several hundred individuals per square meter. Earthworms loosen and mix soil layers, improve conditions for the germination of plant roots, and draw plant residues deeper. Excretions from their intestines form durable organic-mineral lumps that improve the structure of the soil and increase its fertility.

Environment-forming activity of beavers

Animal activity can sometimes determine the features of the landscape. Beavers make real dams. Large burrowing animals, such as gophers or marmots, provide a mosaic of plant and soil cover, since soil emissions form a microrelief that redistributes precipitation and the species composition of plants.

The influence of aquatic organisms on the quality of natural waters. The quality of water in reservoirs largely depends on filter-feeding animals. Many of them lead a sedentary lifestyle or “float” in the water column, filtering food particles from the environment. Numerous elasmobranch mollusks, such as oysters and mussels in the seas, and in fresh waters - mussels, toothless mussels, and zebra mussels, use cilia on their oral lobes to move water to the mouth opening and sort the suspension. In this case, particles that are unsuitable for food form into lumps and settle to the bottom. Small crustaceans, such as daphnia, filter out the food suspension with thick brushes of bristles on their limbs. Midge larvae in streams filter food with tufts of bristles on the head, and mosquito larvae filter food with brushes on the upper lip. Some fish actively filter water through their gill apparatus, such as silver carp and whale shark.

Fresh water filters

Filtration feeding is observed in 40 thousand species of aquatic animals. As a result of this activity, biological self-purification of water bodies occurs, and the quality of water depends on it. One pearl barley 5-6 cm long at a temperature of 20 ° C purifies up to 16 liters of water per day. In ponds and lakes where there are many small crustaceans, the entire volume of water is passed through their filtering apparatus in just one day. One square meter of shallow sea water, densely populated with mussels, can purify up to 280 m³ of water per day. Thus, the purity and transparency of natural waters are the result of the activity of living organisms.

The ability of organisms to change their environment is widely used in economic practice. To improve the microclimate, moisture conditions and protect fields from drying winds, forest belts are planted in steppe regions, and parks and gardens are created to purify the air in cities and resort areas. At water treatment plants, special tanks are built where the high activity of small filter feeders is maintained. Using the soil-forming activity of animals and microorganisms, organic waste processing plants produce fertilizers for application to depleted soils.

The living conditions of people on Earth depend on the environment-forming role of billions of living organisms. The composition of the air, the quality of water, soil fertility and microclimate are the result of their total activities.

Respiration, excretion, growth, reproduction and other forms

activity. The total results of this impact are enormous and manifest themselves on a planetary scale.

Environment-forming activity of organisms.

Filtration nutrition.



After 5 days, the substrate is completely processed by the larvae into loose sterile humus, which is very valuable as an organic material.

fertilizer. Grown larvae are removed from the substrate using automated methods and used as protein feed on poultry farms and fish farms. Thus, a species that was previously considered only harmful has been transformed into an economically valuable one.

2. To purify industrial and municipal wastewater from organic substances, the activity of bacteria and small filter feeders (ciliates, rotifers, etc.) is used. One of the types of treatment facilities is aeration tanks. These are long containers 5 m deep and 10 m wide through which waste liquid flows. From the bottom of the aeration tank it is supplied

air in the form of small bubbles rising to the top. The air current creates favorable oxygen conditions for microorganisms and protozoa, which multiply in huge numbers. They purify water by forming flakes of so-called “activated sludge”. From the aeration tanks, water flows into settling tanks, where “activated sludge” settles to the bottom and is then used again to charge the aeration tank.

3. Green spaces in the city greatly improve the microclimate. In city parks on a hot day, the temperature is 6-8“ lower than on the streets. Even near lawns it is 2-3° cooler than on the sidewalk, due to the evaporation of moisture by plants. The composition of urban air also changes noticeably. One tree produces enough oxygen to breathe for 4 people. In addition, plants absorb impurities of some poisonous gases and emit volatile substances - phytoncides, which are destructive to bacteria contained in

air. One hectare of a park of deciduous trees retains up to 100 tons of dust per year. In cities with intensive industry

4. It is estimated that in the Volgograd Reservoir, small bivalve mollusks zebra mussels filter 840 billion m3 of water from April to November, which is 24 times the total volume of the reservoir. At the same time, they deposit 29 million tons of inedible suspended matter onto the ground, on average more than 8 kg per square meter.

5. The average number of mammal burrows per 1 hectare is about 1000 in deciduous forests, 7500 in the forest-steppe, 5000 in the steppe, and 1500 in deserts. Every year, burrows are renewed or dug in a new place. The dug up areas are colonized by weeds that can only germinate in disturbed areas. These plants, which are now widespread on arable soils, existed long before the advent of agriculture and owe their origin to the activity of burrowing animals.

□ Questions. 1. It is known that leguminous plants improve conditions for the subsequent grain harvest. What do they change in the environment? 2. Give examples of wild

animals and plants for which human activity has clearly improved their habitat. 3. Give your examples of how organisms transform their environment.

4. Are the water bodies where you live polluted? Are there many aquatic inhabitants in them? Is there

Are filterers among them? 5. Pesticides are often added to the soil to control plant pests. How can this affect the processes of decomposition of plant residues? 6.

What impact do forest belts around fields have on the growing conditions of agricultural crops? 7. The self-purification capabilities of reservoirs are greatly reduced when warm industrial waters are discharged into them. Why? Why is this phenomenon called thermal pollution of water bodies?

Q Topics for discussion. 1. Plants can be grown without soil, hydroponically, i.e.

solutions of nutrients, and obtain large yields. Does this mean that disturbances in the soil-forming activity of living organisms are no longer a matter of concern for people? 2. Gnus (mosquitoes and midges) in some areas greatly annoys humans. Discuss what would happen to the environment if these insects were completely eradicated using pesticides. 3. If there are so many filter-feeding organisms in nature and

So great are the possibilities for self-purification of water bodies, then why did the problem of water pollution arise? 4. Are green spaces being properly used to improve the environment in the area where you live?

§6. Adaptive forms of organisms


Soil Water density,


By the appearance of different species of animals and plants, one can understand not only what environment they live in, but also what kind of life they lead in it.

If we have in front of us a four-legged animal with highly developed muscles of the thighs on the hind legs and much weaker muscles on the front legs, which are also shortened, with a relatively short neck and a long tail, then we can confidently say that this is a ground jumper, capable to fast and maneuverable movements,

inhabitant of open spaces. This is what they look like and know

Egyptian jerboa Marsupial jerboa


Rice. 28.

Convergent similarities of jumping animals from different continents

Rice. 29.

Mole cricket and mole

The famous Australian kangaroos, desert Asian jerboas, African jumpers, and many other jumping mammals are representatives of various orders living on different continents (Fig. 28). They live in steppes, prairies, and savannas - where fast movement on the ground is the main means of escape from predators.

The long tail serves as a balancer during fast turns, otherwise

the animals would lose their balance.

The hips are strongly developed on the hind limbs and in jumping insects - locusts, grasshoppers, fleas, and psyllid beetles.

A compact body with a short tail and short limbs, of which the front ones are very powerful and look like a shovel or rake, blind eyes, a short neck and short, as if trimmed, fur tell us that this is an underground animal that digs holes. and galleries (Fig. 29). This could be a forest mole, a steppe mole rat, an Australian marsupial mole, and many other mammals leading a similar lifestyle.

Burrowing insects - mole crickets - are also distinguished by their compact, stocky body and powerful forelimbs, similar to a reduced bulldozer bucket. In appearance they resemble a small mole.

All flying species have developed wide planes - wings in birds, bats, insects, or straightening folds of skin on the sides of the body, like in gliding flying squirrels or lizards.

Organisms that disperse through passive flight, with air currents, are characterized by small sizes and very diverse shapes. However, they all have one thing in common - strong development

surface compared to body weight. This is achieved in different ways: due to long hairs, bristles, various outgrowths of the body, its

lengthening or flattening, lightening the specific gravity. This is what small insects and flying fruits of plants look like (Fig. 31).

External similarity that arises among representatives of different unrelated groups and species as a result of a similar lifestyle is called


It affects mainly those organs that directly interact with the external environment, and is much less pronounced in

the structure of internal systems - digestive, excretory, nervous (Fig. 30).



The shape of a plant determines the characteristics of its relationship with the external environment, for example, the way it tolerates the cold season. At the trees

Anteater Marsupial Anteater

European mole

Life forms of placental and marsupial mammals

Goatbeard Cottongrass

Rice. 31.

Tulip linden tree

Ailanthus Thistle

Seeds and fruits of plants distributed by the wind

trees and tall shrubs, their most vulnerable parts - the regeneration buds - are susceptible to winter winds and frosts. In perennial grasses with shoots that die off during the winter, they are hidden under snow and a layer of litter. In bulbous and rhizomatous plants, they are also protected by a layer of soil. Annuals endure unfavorable seasons in the state of dormant seed.

The form of a vine - with a weak trunk entwining other plants, can be found in both woody and herbaceous species. These include grapes, hops, meadow dodder, and tropical vines. By entwining the trunks and stems of erect species, liana-like plants bring their leaves and flowers to the light (Fig. 32).

In similar climatic conditions on different continents, a similar appearance of vegetation arises, which consists of different, often completely unrelated species.

The external form, reflecting the way it interacts with the environment, is called the life form of the species. Different species can have a similar life form if they lead a similar lifestyle.

Rice. 32.

Liana plants: / - dodder;

2 - hop

The life form is developed during the centuries-long evolution of species. Those species that develop with metamorphosis naturally change their life form during the life cycle. Compare, for example, a caterpillar and an adult butterfly or a frog and its tadpole. Some plants can take on different life forms depending on their growing conditions. For example, linden or bird cherry can be both an upright tree and a bush.

Communities of plants and animals are more stable and more complete if they include representatives of different life forms. This means that such a community makes fuller use of environmental resources and has more diverse internal connections.

The composition of life forms of organisms in communities serves as an indicator of the characteristics of their environment and the changes occurring in it.

Engineers who design aircraft carefully

study different life forms of flying insects. Models of machines with flapping flight have been created, based on the principle of movement in the air of Diptera and Hymenoptera. Modern technology has constructed walking machines, as well as robots with lever and hydraulic methods.

movements, like animals of different life forms. Such vehicles are capable of moving on steep slopes and off-road.

□ Convergence.□ The body shape of animals and plants reflects Life form. presses their adaptability to a certain way of life. Even unrelated species can be similar in appearance if they lead similar lifestyles in similar environments.

■ Examples and additional information

1. High in the mountains you can find amazingly shaped plants -

pillows. Their highly branched shoots are so short and tightly packed that the plants resemble dense hemispheres. In low conditions

temperatures and strong winds, this form of growth protects delicate buds from adverse influences.

In the harsh polar deserts, where almost no flowering plants grow,

clumps of mosses and lichens, huddled along cracks in the frozen ground, have a scent-like shape.

2. According to the laws of physics, a body moving quickly in water or air

must overcome drag, the strength of which depends on the density of the medium, the speed of movement and the shape of the body. According to calculations, in water such resistance is the least if the length of a fast-moving body is approximately 5:1 to its diameter.

Indeed, these are precisely the proportions that are characteristic of the fastest-swimming animals - dolphins, swordfish, tuna, whales, and extinct aquatic lizards - ichthyosaurs. Cephalopods -

When squid swim, they fold their tentacles and also take on a torpedo shape. By the shape of the body of a swimming animal, one can accurately determine the maximum speed of which it is capable.

3. For the first time, the similarity of forms of different species of animals in connection with a similar way of life was pointed out in the 19th century. K. F. Roulier, professor at Moscow University. In his lectures on zoobiology, he described the general features

“water”, “air” and “terrestrial” animals, pointing out adaptations for swimming, flying, jumping, climbing and digging.

The founder of the doctrine of the similarity of forms in plants was the famous German botanist and traveler A. Humboldt. At the beginning of the 19th century. he described the external similarity of plants on different continents in similar climatic conditions.

4. According to Allen’s rule, established back in the 19th century, there is a connection between the body structure of warm-blooded animals (birds and mammals)

50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Temperature. WITH

Rice. 33.

50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Temperature, “C

External appearance (length of limbs and ears) of the Arctic fox and African fennec fox and the temperature of their environment

hoarders) and the climate in which they live. In animals of cold climates, all protruding parts of the body (ears, tail, limbs) are much shorter than in related species in warm regions. These structural features reduce the total surface of the body through which heat loss from the body occurs (Fig. 33).

5. Any group of organisms has its own adaptive forms. By appearance you can easily determine in what conditions they live.

this type. For example, among locust insects, the inhabitants of dense cereal vegetation are distinguished by their green color, slender,

laterally compressed body with smooth integument, pointed head shape. The inhabitants of open desert areas have a stocky, wide body, covered with tubercles and wrinkles, colored to match the color of the ground, the head angle is obtuse, and the hind thighs are very powerful (Fig. 34).

□ Questions. 1. Convergent similarity of species makes work easier or more difficult

taxonomists? Why? 2. The founder of modern taxonomy, Carl Linnaeus, who lived in the 18th century, first classified whales as fish and corrected his mistake only a few years later. Explain on what basis he could come to a false conclusion.

Rice. 34.

Two types of locusts: inhabitant of grass and rocky soil

conclusion and what could serve as evidence of the true systematic position of cetaceans. 3. Among small soil animals, life forms of surface and deep inhabitants are distinguished. How will the composition of the life forms of such animals change in places of mass recreation, where a lot of people walk? 4. What are the general adaptive

features can be noted in the external form of a camel and an ostrich? 5. Under what conditions is it adaptive?

tumbleweed plant shape? 6 . In a humid tropical climate, woody forms predominate among the vegetation; in temperate and cold climates, the proportion of herbaceous perennials with underground regeneration buds increases. Explain why this is happening.


□ Themes FOR DISCUSSION. 1. Does Allen's rule apply to humans? 2. What changes

Do they reflect more serious changes in natural communities in the composition of species or in the composition of life forms? How do you propose to organize a monitoring service in nature reserves in this regard? 3. Propose a design for a device floating in water

based on the analysis of life forms in plankton representatives (see Fig. 16). 4.

Environmental engineering develops principles for creating artificial communities and restoring damaged ones. You need to create a recreational park. Where should you start planning events - with the selection of life forms or plant species? Why? 5.

Your task is to restore forest on lifeless clay dumps in mining areas. What forms of plants and animals will you select for these purposes?

Daily and seasonal changes in nature

§ 7. Adaptive rhythms of life

Life on Earth developed under conditions of regular day and night and alternating seasons due to the rotation of the planet around its axis and around the Sun. The rhythm of the external environment creates periodicity, i.e., repeatability of conditions in the life of most species. Both critical periods, difficult for survival, and favorable ones are repeated regularly.

Adaptation to periodic changes in the external environment is expressed in living beings not only by a direct reaction to changing factors, but also in hereditarily fixed internal rhythms.

Circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms adapt organisms to the cycle of day and night. In plants, intensive growth and flower blooming are timed to a certain time of day. Animals change their activity greatly throughout the day. Based on this feature, diurnal and nocturnal species are distinguished.

The daily rhythm of organisms is not only a reflection of changing external conditions. If you place a person, or animals, or plants in a constant, stable environment without a change of day and night, then the rhythm of life processes is maintained, close to the daily one (Fig. 35).

The body seems to live according to its internal clock, counting down time.

The circadian rhythm can affect many processes in the body. In humans, about L00 physiological characteristics are subject to sub-

exact cycle: heart rate, breathing rhythm, hormone secretion, digestive gland secretions, blood pressure, body temperature and many others. Therefore, when a person is awake instead of sleeping, the body is still tuned to the night state and sleepless nights have a bad effect on health.

However, circadian rhythms do not appear in all species, but only in those in

in whose lives the change of day and night plays an important ecological role.

The inhabitants of caves or deep waters, where there is no such change, live according to different rhythms. And among land dwellers, the daily frequency

Circadian rhythms: 24 hours Days 1 2 3

G "SH / \
(fei And m"

Rice. 35.

Daily rhythms of bean leaf movement and rat activity under constant lighting conditions in the laboratory

not found in everyone. For example, tiny shrews alternate between activity and rest every 15-20 minutes, regardless of day or night. Due to their high metabolic rate, they are forced to eat around the clock.

In experiments under strictly constant conditions, Drosophila fruit flies maintain a daily rhythm for tens of generations. This periodicity is inherited in them, as in many other species. So profound are the adaptive reactions associated with the daily cycle of the external environment.

Disturbances in the body's circadian rhythm during night work, space flights, scuba diving, etc. represent a serious medical problem.

Annual rhythms. Annual rhythms adapt organisms to seasonal changes in conditions (Fig. 36). In the life of species, periods of growth, reproduction, molting, migration, and deep rest naturally alternate and repeat in such a way that the critical time of year organisms

found in the most stable state. The most vulnerable process

Reproduction and rearing of young animals occurs during the most favorable season. This periodicity of changes in physiological state throughout the year is largely innate, that is, it manifests itself as an internal annual rhythm. If, for example, Australian ostriches or the wild dog dingo are placed in a zoo in the Northern Hemisphere, their breeding season will begin in the fall, when it is spring in Australia.

The restructuring of internal annual rhythms occurs with great difficulty, over a number of generations.

Preparation for reproduction or overwintering is a long process that begins in organisms long before the onset of critical


Sharp short-term changes in weather (summer frosts, winter thaws) usually do not disrupt the annual rhythms of plants and animals.

The main environmental factor to which organisms respond in their annual cycles is not random changes in weather, but photoperiod-

changes in the ratio of day and night.

The length of daylight hours naturally changes throughout the year, and it is these changes that serve as an accurate signal of the approach of spring, summer, autumn or winter.

The ability of organisms to respond to changes in day length has received

name, photoperiodism.

As the days shorten, species begin to prepare for winter if

lengthens - to active growth and reproduction. In this case, what is important for the life of organisms is not the change in the length of day and night itself, but

Fighting males

Deer lose their antlers

because of the females

Skin and fur fall off II's horns

Calves lose spotting

The calves are growing up

The appearance of calves. Spotted coloration - protective

Rice. 36. The annual cycle in the life of deer

Moving .. in search of a .Vw.

New horns appear - antlers covered with skin and wool

and his signal value, indicating impending profound changes in nature.

As you know, the length of the day greatly depends on geographic latitude. In the northern hemisphere, summer days are much shorter in the south than in the north. Therefore, southern and northern species react differently to the same amount of day change: southern species begin to reproduce with shorter days than northern ones.

77. Pesticides are often added to the soil to control plant pests. How can this affect the processes of decomposition of plant residues?

78. Several thousand oak seedlings were planted in the steppe area. After 40 years, the trees rose to a height of about 20 m, their crowns grew and closed. Indicate what changes have occurred in the area.

79. Choose the correct statement. The biological self-purification of water bodies is based on:

a) the current system of the reservoir; b) type of soil; c) type of vegetation of the reservoir;

d) filtration feeding of aquatic animals.

80. Explain why ravines are more often formed in non-forest natural zones: steppes, semi-deserts, deserts. What human activities lead to the formation of ravines?

81. A predatory species of starfish that feeds only on elasmobranch mollusks was accidentally introduced into a closed sea bay on the bottoms of ships. Predict how the water quality in the bay will change as the number of new settlers grows. Explain the reasons for the changes.

82. Strong “blooming” of water, sometimes observed in ponds, is often accompanied by the death of fish. Explain this phenomenon.

83. On the steppe territory of the Soviet Union in the 30s–50s. XX century a powerful forest planting system was created. Describe how the microclimate of these areas has changed after the activities.

84. Scientists believe that overgrazing of livestock and frequent fires in steppe and semi-desert regions of the earth are the main causes of desertification of these territories. Explain why there is an increase in aridity with such management.

85. Meadows growing in a forest zone, left to their own devices, quickly become overgrown with forest (within several years or tens of years). However, this does not happen in places of permanent agriculture. Explain why.

86. Leguminous plants are known to improve conditions for subsequent grain harvests. What do they change in the environment?

87. Give examples of wild animals and plants for which human activity has clearly improved their habitat.

88. Give examples of how organisms transform their environment.

89. The self-purification capabilities of reservoirs are greatly reduced when warm industrial waters are discharged into them. Why?

90. Midges (mosquitoes and midges) in some areas greatly annoy humans. Explain what will happen to the environment if these insects are completely destroyed using pesticides.

1.6. Adaptive forms of organisms

91. What is a life form? In what case will two species of different origin have a similar life form?

92. What is convergence?

93. Define Allen and Bergman's rules. Do these rules apply to humans?

94. From the list above, select pairs of organisms that have a similar life form: shark, swallow, wolf, ash, European mole, hop, hazel, killer whale, mole cricket, marsupial wolf, elderberry, swift, oak, grapes.

95. Which plants and animals in your area are moisture- or dry-loving? Give examples.

96. Explain why fish that spawn in fast currents have sticky and heavy eggs, while pelagic fish (living and spawning in the water column far from the shore) have eggs that contain a lot of fat or have a surface with numerous outgrowths.

97. Bionics is a science that uses in technology forms and solutions that organisms have already “created” during evolution. Name the organisms from which engineers “spied” technical solutions when designing: the Ostankino television tower, walking machines, a submarine, caterpillar tractors, a parachute.

98. Answer what is the role of pubescence of stems, leaves, fruits and seeds of plants.

99. List the structural features that allow a camel to live in a hot desert.

100. Explain why on small oceanic islands wingless forms predominate among insects, while on the nearby mainland or large islands winged forms predominate.

101. Explain the following features of the hair of a muskrat (an animal from the order of insectivores): the fur is dense, thick, well lubricated with fatty secretions, the guard hairs at the top are wider than at the base, the underfur is convoluted, the hair on the belly is thick, like on the back; The strong tail is not covered with hair.

102. List the adaptations that land plants have that live in conditions of excessive moisture (constant rain, high air and soil humidity, periodic flooding).

103. Plants of swamps (cranberries, rosemary, cotton grass), living in conditions of high humidity, have a number of characteristics characteristic of plants in arid places (hairiness, waxy coating, small leathery leaves). Explain these structural features of the leaves of marsh plants.

104. Under what conditions is the adaptive form of the tumbleweed plant?

Any organism is an open system, which means it receives matter, energy, information from the outside and, thus, is completely dependent on the environment. This is reflected in the law discovered by the Russian scientist K.F. Roulier: “the results of the development (changes) of any object (organism) are determined by the ratio of its internal characteristics and the characteristics of the environment in which it is located.” This law is sometimes called the first environmental law because it is universal.

The influence of living organisms on the environment.

Organisms influence the environment by changing the gas composition of the atmosphere (H: as a result of photosynthesis), participate in the formation of soil, relief, climate, etc.

The limit of the influence of organisms on the habitat is described by another ecological law (Kurazhkovsky Yu.N.): each type of organism, consuming the substances it needs from the environment and releasing products of its vital activity into it, changes it in such a way that the habitat becomes unsuitable for its existence .

      1. Ecological environmental factors and their classification.

The set of individual elements of the environment that influence organisms at at least one stage of individual development are called environmental factors.

According to the nature of origin, abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors are distinguished. (Slide 1)

Abiotic factors - these are the properties of inanimate nature (temperature, light, humidity, composition of air, water, soil, natural radiation background of the Earth, terrain), etc., which directly or indirectly affect living organisms.

Biotic factors - these are all forms of influence of living organisms on each other. The effect of biotic factors can be both direct and indirect, expressed in changes in environmental conditions, for example, changes in soil composition under the influence of bacteria or changes in the microclimate in the forest.

Mutual connections between individual species of organisms underlie the existence of populations, biocenoses and the biosphere as a whole.

Previously, human influence on living organisms was also classified as biotic factors, but now a special category of factors generated by humans is distinguished.

Anthropogenic factors - these are all forms of activity of human society that lead to changes in nature as a habitat and other species and directly affect their lives.

Human activity on the planet should be identified as a special force that has both direct and indirect effects on nature. Direct impacts include human consumption, reproduction and settlement of individual species of animals and plants, as well as the creation of entire biocenoses. Indirect impact is carried out by changing the habitat of organisms: climate, river regime, land conditions, etc. As the population grows and the technological level of mankind grows, the proportion of anthropogenic environmental factors is steadily increasing.

Environmental factors vary in time and space. Some environmental factors are considered to be relatively constant over long periods of time in the evolution of species. For example, gravity, solar radiation, salt composition of the ocean. Most environmental factors - air temperature, humidity, air speed - are very variable in space and time.

In accordance with this, depending on the regularity of exposure, environmental factors are divided into (Slide 2):

    regularly periodic , changing the strength of the impact due to the time of day, season of the year or the rhythm of the tides in the ocean. For example: a decrease in temperature in the temperate climate zone of northern latitude with the onset of winter, etc.

    irregularly periodic , catastrophic phenomena: storms, rainfalls, floods, etc.

    non-periodic, arising spontaneously, without a clear pattern, one-time. For example, the emergence of a new volcano, fires, human activity.

Thus, every living organism is influenced by inanimate nature, organisms of other species, including humans, and, in turn, affects each of these components.

In order of order, the factors are divided into primary And secondary .

Primary environmental factors have always existed on the planet, even before the appearance of living beings, and all living things have adapted to these factors (temperature, pressure, tides, seasonal and daily frequency).

Secondary environmental factors arise and change due to the variability of primary environmental factors (water turbidity, air humidity, etc.).

Based on their effect on the body, all factors are divided into direct action factors And indirect .

According to the degree of impact, they are divided into lethal (leading to death), extreme, limiting, disturbing, mutagenic, teratogenic, leading to deformities during individual development).

Each environmental factor is characterized by certain quantitative indicators: force, pressure, frequency, intensity, etc.

        Patterns of the action of environmental factors on organisms. Limiting factor. Liebig's law of the minimum. Shelford's law of tolerance. The doctrine of ecological optimums of species. Interaction of environmental factors.

Despite the variety of environmental factors and the different nature of their origin, there are some general rules and patterns of their impact on living organisms. Any environmental factor can affect the body as follows (Slide):

    change the geographic distribution of species;

    alter the fertility and mortality of species;

    cause migration;

    promote the emergence of adaptive qualities and adaptations in species.

The action of a factor is most effective at a certain value of the factor that is optimal for the body, and not at its critical values. Let us consider the patterns of the factor’s action on organisms. (Slide).

The dependence of the result of the action of an environmental factor on its intensity; the favorable range of action of the environmental factor is called optimum zone (normal life activities). The more significant the deviation of a factor’s action from the optimum, the more this factor inhibits the vital activity of the population. This range is called zone of oppression (pessimum) . The maximum and minimum transferable values ​​of a factor are critical points beyond which the existence of an organism or population is no longer possible. The range of action of a factor between critical points is called zone of tolerance (endurance) of the body in relation to this factor. The point on the x-axis, which corresponds to the best indicator of the body’s vital activity, means the optimal value of the factor and is called optimum point. Since it is difficult to determine the optimum point, they usually talk about optimum zone or comfort zone. Thus, the minimum, maximum and optimum points are three cardinal points , which determine the body’s possible reactions to a given factor. Environmental conditions in which any factor (or set of factors) goes beyond the comfort zone and has a depressing effect are called in ecology extreme .

The considered patterns are called "optimum rule" .

For organisms to live, a certain combination of conditions is necessary. If all environmental conditions are favorable, with the exception of one, then this condition becomes decisive for the life of the organism in question. It limits (limites) the development of the organism, therefore it is called limiting factor . That. limiting factor - an environmental factor whose significance goes beyond the limits of survival of the species.

For example, fish kills in water bodies in winter are caused by a lack of oxygen, carp do not live in the ocean (salt water), and the migration of soil worms is caused by excess moisture and lack of oxygen.

Initially, it was found that the development of living organisms is limited by the lack of any component, for example, mineral salts, moisture, light, etc. In the mid-19th century, the German organic chemist Eustace Liebig was the first to experimentally prove that plant growth depends on the nutrient element that is present in relatively minimal quantities. He called this phenomenon the law of the minimum; it is also called after the author Liebig's law . (Liebig barrel).

In modern formulation law of the minimum sounds like this: The endurance of an organism is determined by the weakest link in the chain of its environmental needs. However, as it turned out later, not only a deficiency, but also an excess of a factor can be limiting, for example, crop loss due to rain, oversaturation of the soil with fertilizers, etc. The concept that, along with a minimum, a maximum can also be a limiting factor was introduced 70 years after Liebig by the American zoologist W. Shelford, who formulated law of tolerance . According to According to the law of tolerance, the limiting factor in the prosperity of a population (organism) can be either a minimum or maximum environmental impact, and the range between them determines the amount of endurance (tolerance limit) or the ecological valence of the organism to this factor

The principle of limiting factors is valid for all types of living organisms - plants, animals, microorganisms and applies to both abiotic and biotic factors.

For example, competition from another species may become a limiting factor for the development of organisms of a given species. In agriculture, pests and weeds often become the limiting factor, and for some plants the limiting factor in development is the lack (or absence) of representatives of another species. For example, a new type of fig was brought to California from the Mediterranean, but it did not bear fruit until the only species of pollinating bees for it was brought from there.

In accordance with the law of tolerance, any excess of matter or energy turns out to be a pollutant.

Thus, excess water even in arid areas is harmful and water can be considered as a common pollutant, although it is absolutely necessary in optimal quantities. In particular, excess water prevents normal soil formation in the chernozem zone.

The broad ecological valency of a species in relation to abiotic environmental factors is indicated by adding the prefix “evry” and the narrow “steno” to the name of the factor. Species whose existence requires strictly defined environmental conditions are called stenobiont , and species adapting to an ecological situation with a wide range of changes in parameters - eurybiont .

For example, animals that can tolerate large temperature fluctuations are called eurythermic , a narrow temperature range is typical for stenothermic organisms. (Slide). Small changes in temperature have little effect on eurythermal organisms and can be disastrous for stenothermic organisms (Fig. 4). Euryhydroids And stenohydroid Organisms differ in their response to fluctuations in humidity. Euryhaline And stenohaline – have different reactions to the degree of salinity of the environment. Euryoic organisms are able to live in different places, and wall-mounted – exhibit strict requirements for the choice of habitat.

In relation to pressure, all organisms are divided into eurybates And stenobat or stopobats (deep sea fish).

In relation to oxygen they release euryoxybionts (crucian carp) and stenooxybiont s (grayling).

In relation to the territory (biotope) – eurytopic (great tit) and stenotopic (osprey).

In relation to food - euryphages (corvids) and stenophages , among which we can highlight ichthyophages (osprey), entomophagous (buzzard, swift, swallow), herpetophagous (The bird is the secretary).

The ecological valencies of a species in relation to different factors can be very diverse, which creates a variety of adaptations in nature. The totality of environmental valences in relation to various environmental factors is ecological spectrum of the species .

The body's tolerance limit changes during the transition from one stage of development to another. Often young organisms turn out to be more vulnerable and more demanding of environmental conditions than adult individuals.

The most critical period from the point of view of the influence of various factors is the breeding period: during this period, many factors become limiting. The ecological valence for reproducing individuals, seeds, embryos, larvae, eggs is usually narrower than for adult non-reproducing plants or animals of the same species.

For example, many marine animals can tolerate brackish or fresh water with high chloride content, so they often enter upstream rivers. But their larvae cannot live in such waters, so the species cannot reproduce in the river and does not establish a permanent habitat here. Many birds fly to raise their chicks in places with a warmer climate, etc.

Until now we have been talking about the limit of tolerance of a living organism in relation to one factor, but in nature all environmental factors act together.

The optimal zone and limits of the body's endurance in relation to any environmental factor can shift depending on the combination in which other factors act simultaneously. This pattern is called interactions of environmental factors (constellation ).

For example, it is known that heat is easier to bear in dry rather than humid air; The risk of freezing is significantly greater in low temperatures with strong winds than in calm weather. For plant growth, in particular, an element such as zinc is necessary; it is often the limiting factor. But for plants growing in the shade, the need for it is less than for those in the sun. The so-called compensation of factors occurs.

However, mutual compensation has certain limits and it is impossible to completely replace one of the factors with another. The complete absence of water or at least one of the necessary elements of mineral nutrition makes plant life impossible, despite the most favorable combinations of other conditions. It follows that all environmental conditions necessary to support life play an equal role and any factor can limit the possibilities of existence of organisms - this is the law of equivalence of all living conditions.

It is known that each factor has different effects on different body functions. Conditions that are optimal for some processes, for example, for the growth of an organism, may turn out to be a zone of oppression for others, for example, for reproduction, and go beyond the limits of tolerance, that is, lead to death, for others. Therefore, the life cycle, according to which an organism primarily performs certain functions during certain periods - nutrition, growth, reproduction, settlement - is always consistent with seasonal changes in environmental factors, such as seasonality in the plant world, due to the change of seasons.

Among the laws that determine the interaction of an individual or individual with his environment, we highlight rule of compliance of environmental conditions with the genetic predetermination of the organism . It claims that a species of organisms can exist until and to the extent that the natural environment surrounding it corresponds to the genetic capabilities of adapting this species to its fluctuations and changes. Each species of living things arose in a certain environment, adapted to it to one degree or another, and the further existence of the species is possible only in this or a similar environment. A sharp and rapid change in the living environment can lead to the fact that the genetic capabilities of a species will be insufficient to adapt to new conditions. This, in particular, is the basis for one of the hypotheses for the extinction of large reptiles with a sharp change in abiotic conditions on the planet: large organisms are less variable than small ones, so they need much more time to adapt. In this regard, radical transformations of nature are dangerous for existing species, including humans themselves.

Living organisms influence their environment by the very fact that they live in it: they breathe, feed, excrete metabolic products, grow and reproduce, move in space, and exhibit various forms of activity. As a result of this, the gas composition of the air, the microclimate, the soil, the purity of water, and other features of habitats change. And although the impact of each individual organism on the environment may be small, the scale of the total activity of living beings is enormous.
Photosynthesis is the main source of oxygen in the earth's atmosphere. Plants create breathing conditions for billions of living beings, including humans.
The absorption and evaporation of water by terrestrial plants affects the water regime of their habitats and the climate in general. In an hour, up to 2.5 g of water is released from each square decimeter of foliage.
By humidifying the air and delaying the movement of wind, vegetation creates a special microclimate that softens the living conditions of many species.
The influence of aquatic organisms on the quality of natural waters. The quality of water in reservoirs largely depends on filter-feeding animals. Many of them lead a sedentary lifestyle or “float” in the water column, filtering food particles from the environment. Numerous elasmobranch molluscs, such as oysters and mussels in the seas, and in fresh waters - pearl mussels, toothless mussels, and zebra mussels, use cilia on their oral lobes to move water to the mouth opening and sort the suspension. In this case, particles that are unsuitable for food form into lumps and settle to the bottom. Small crustaceans, such as daphnia, filter out the food suspension with thick brushes of bristles on their limbs. Midge larvae in streams filter food with tufts of bristles on the head, and mosquito larvae filter food with brushes on the upper lip. Some fish, such as silver carp and whale shark, actively filter water through their gill apparatus.
Filtration feeding is observed in 40 thousand species of aquatic animals. As a result of this activity, biological self-purification of water bodies occurs, and the quality of water depends on it. One pearl barley 5-6 cm long at a temperature of 20 ° C purifies up to 16 liters of water per day. In ponds and lakes where there are many small crustaceans, the entire volume of water is passed through their filter apparatus in just one day. One square meter of shallow sea water, densely populated with mussels, can purify up to 280 m³ of water per day. Thus, the purity and transparency of natural waters is the result of the activity of living organisms.
The ability of organisms to change their environment is widely used in economic practice. To improve the microclimate, moisture conditions and protect fields from drying winds, forest belts are planted in steppe regions, and parks and gardens are created to purify the air in cities and resort areas. At water treatment plants, special tanks are built where the high activity of small filter feeders is maintained. Using the soil-forming activities of animals and microorganisms, organic waste processing plants produce fertilizers to apply to depleted soils.
The living conditions of people on Earth depend on the environment-forming role of billions of living organisms. The composition of the air, the quality of water, soil fertility and microclimate are the result of their total activities.