Presentation on the topic "daily routine". Daily routine presentation for a lesson on the topic Presentation on the topic my daily routine

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Compiled by: primary school teacher of Municipal Educational Institution GYMNASIUM No. 23 Kovaleva A.F. Daily routine in the life of a schoolchild

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Statistics on the relevance of the topic Only 20-25% of first-graders who cross the school threshold each year remain healthy after the first year of school By the end of the first quarter, 30% of students lose weight 10% of students complain of headaches, fatigue, drowsiness, lack of desire to study A third of students have various postural disorders 10% of children have visual impairments of varying severity 20% of children are at risk due to a tendency to myopia Only 24% of students meet the nightly sleep standard Every day children do not get enough sleep from 1.5 hours to half an hour

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Following a daily routine allows the child to maintain physical and psychological balance, which makes it possible to maintain emotional balance. This age is characterized by emotional instability, which leads to chronic fatigue and fatigue. These persistent symptoms lead to a decrease in the child’s performance. Low performance is characterized by: A decrease in the number of correct answers in class and at home after the child has learned the lesson material; An increase in the number of errors along with a well-learned rule; Absent-mindedness and inattention of the child, rapid fatigue; Changes in the child’s handwriting due to deterioration in the regulation of physical functions.

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A routine is the alternation of various types of activity and rest during the day, the establishment of optimal norms for the duration of activity and rest for schoolchildren of different ages, a means of developing in a child the habit of managing his time, the ability to choose for himself the most acceptable rhythm of life and work, the need to fill his time with useful things. activities.

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Regular moments for a second shift student 9-10 years old 3rd-4th grade Waking up Morning exercises 7.30 Washing, making bed 7.30-8.00 Morning breakfast 8.00-8.30 Preparing lessons 8.30-10.00 Free activities and walks 10.00-12.00 Lunch 12.00-12.30 Road to school (walk) 12.30-13.00 Classes at school 13.00-17.00 Way home (walk) 17.00-17.30 Dinner and free activities 17.30-20.30 Getting ready for bed 20.30-21.00 Sleep 21.00-7.30

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The diet of schoolchildren depends on the characteristics of schooling, the student’s workload, sports, social work and other points. The recommended typical diets for schoolchildren can be schematically presented as follows: For students of the second shift 8:00–8:30 – breakfast; 12:30–13:00 – lunch at home (before leaving for school); 16:00-16:30 - hot meals at school; 19:30-20:00 - dinner at home. Typical diets may vary depending on the time of attendance at additional classes, sports sections, and hobby groups. An approximate daily set of products developed by the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, differentiated by age, can be used. The daily routine also includes a diet

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Approximate 3-day menu for school-age children 1st day 2nd day 3rd day Breakfast Scrambled eggs Salad Tea Bread and butter Fresh fruit Milk porridge Grated carrots Tea Bread and butter Fruit Lazy dumplings Salad Tea with milk Bread and butter Fresh fruit Second breakfast (at school) Millet porridge Carrot-apple salad Tea Cutlet with mashed potatoes Fresh cucumber Cocoa Fish cutlet with stewed vegetables Fresh tomato Tea with lemon

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The way you cook food also affects your health. When feeding children, it is necessary to use those methods of cooking that do not require large amounts of oil, fat, salt, sugar (boiling, baking, stewing). A modern schoolchild, according to nutritionists, should eat at least four times a day, and there must certainly be a hot dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Schoolchildren should drink at least one to one and a half liters of liquid per day, but not soda water, but fruit or vegetable juices. Second shift 8.00 - 8.30 12.00 - 12.30 15.00 - 15.20 17.30 - 18.00 Breakfast at home Lunch at home Hot meals at school Dinner at home

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In order for the human brain, this most complex mechanism, to function normally, its cells, of which there are over one hundred billion!) need to receive a large amount of energy. The brain is known to take 20% of all energy received from food. For dinner, 2 hours before bedtime, dairy, fruit and vegetable, cereal and other dishes are recommended that do not overload the digestive system. Spicy seasonings, coffee, cocoa, tea, chocolate and other products that excite the nervous system are excluded. Overeating and hunger impair sleep. It is better to start the meal with appetizers (salad, vinaigrette, cheese, smoked sausages, etc.) that stimulate the appetite. Food needs to be chewed well. Poorly chewed food increases the formation of mucus in the stomach, reduces the acidity and digestive properties of gastric juice. Unpleasant conversations, reading newspapers and other distractions also inhibit the secretion of the digestive organs and worsen appetite. Eat at the same time every day. Irregular and disorderly eating disrupts the functioning of the glands of the digestive organs, impairs the absorption of food and contributes to the development of various diseases. Overeating causes a feeling of heaviness, drowsiness, and decreased ability to work. Long-term overeating leads to obesity and early old age.

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Dinner is not needed, it would be lunch. Health depends not only on what we eat, but also on how and when we eat. When should we eat? How should you eat? Often, but little by little Rarely, but a lot hearty dinner lunch breakfast Dry snack hot light absent plentiful

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Wake up the child at the last moment before leaving for school, explaining this to yourself and others with great love for him. Feed the child dry food and sandwiches before and after school, explaining to yourself and others that the child likes this kind of food. Demand from a child only excellent and good results at school if he is not ready for them. Parental “no”

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Do homework immediately after school lessons. Deprive children of outdoor play because of poor grades at school. Forcing a child to sleep during the day after school and depriving him of this right. Yelling at your child in general and while doing homework in particular. Force them to rewrite the draft many times into a notebook. Parental “no”

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Do not take recreational breaks while doing homework. Wait for mom and dad to do homework. Sitting in front of the TV and computer for more than 40–45 minutes a day. Watch scary movies and play noisy games before bed. Scold your child before bedtime. Do not engage in physical activity during free time from lessons. Talking to a child about his school problems is both evil and edifying. Do not forgive the child’s mistakes and failures. Parental “no”

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A child who follows a daily routine copes with school loads much easier, has time to rest, and does not become overtired.

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Memo How to conduct wellness minutes when doing homework A wellness minute is carried out every 10 - 15 minutes of doing homework. The total duration of a wellness minute is no more than 3 minutes. If the child completed a written task, it is necessary to perform hand exercises: squeezing and unclenching fingers, shaking hands, etc. .d. After sitting for a long time, the child needs to do stretching, squats, and turns the body in different directions. If the child is inactive, do not ignore this. Such children need your personal example. Make sure that your home has basic sports equipment: a ball, a jump rope, a hoop, dumbbells, etc. If you are at home at this moment, do all the exercises together with your child. Only then will he understand their importance and necessity.

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The child needs constant support from his parents. Your sincere interest in his school affairs, a serious attitude towards achievements and difficulties will help the student. Don't forget to remind them about school rules and the need to follow them. Create a daily routine together and then keep track of it. When a person studies, he may fail at something, this is natural. The child has the right to make mistakes. Don't miss the challenges. If necessary, seek help from specialists: psychologist, speech therapist, ophthalmologist. Support your child in his desire to succeed. In every job, be sure to find something to praise him for. Praise can increase intellectual achievement.

It is of great importance for the proper development of the body and the prevention of diseases. schoolchild's daily routine.

It is difficult and impossible to give a diagram daily routine, acceptable for every student. This depends on many reasons: on the conditions at school and at home, on the capabilities of parents who are busy at work. But using general recommendations, you can create your child’s daily routine yourself, taking into account your and your child’s capabilities.

A properly organized daily routine for a teenager is based on a certain rhythm, a strict alternation of individual types of activities. When individual elements of the daily routine are performed in a certain sequence, at the same time, certain “habits” are created in the central nervous system, which facilitate the transition from one type of activity to another. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to a certain time of getting up and going to bed, preparing homework, eating, i.e. follow a certain, established daily routine. All elements of the regime must be subordinated to this basic principle.



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My daily routine Project of Olesya Shatova, a student of the 2nd “K” class of Lyceum No. 1367

The correct daily routine for a schoolchild is not an accidental requirement. The routine helps to properly organize work and rest, which is very important for a child’s growing body. But since a child is always a bright individual, the daily routine must be created based on his personal and age characteristics. The most important basics of the daily routine are classes at school and at home, active recreation, which should be spent preferably in the fresh air, a correct and complete healthy diet, free personal time to do what you like, healthy and restful sleep.

Here is my approximate routine for one of the school days

7.20 – rise In the morning the alarm clock rang! I don’t need an alarm clock, Because without a bell I can get up so early! 7.30 - exercises I do exercises, but only in the morning. Everything is fine with your health, which is what I advise you. And then I’ll go squat and dance on the carpet. This is how I do my exercises, Good morning in the yard.

7.40 – hygiene procedures Magic water on a pink face, A stream from a fairy tale On the nose and eyes, Splashes from a tub on the cheeks and ears, Rain from a watering can on the forehead and neck. Rain from a warm cloud onto little hands.

7.50 – 8.10 getting ready for school (dressing, combing your hair, repeating lessons) To become more literate, You need to read books, And repeat your lessons, To get an A!

8.10 – 8.30 road to school In the morning, on the way to school, I breathe fresh air, I wait for my mother at the door, and then I go with her. We'll chat a little, Let's laugh, because then We'll never get bored on our way to school in the morning.

After the bell the bell rings, The lesson is going on right on time, You need to know a lot in order to become useful in life. 8.30 – 13.05 lessons at school (+ breakfast) 13.05 – 14.00 - lunch

14.00-16.30 – extended day group (doing homework, walking and playing)

16.30-18.30 – classes in the dance group “GRAND ZHETE”

18.30-19.30 - way home 19.30-20.00 - dinner We will eat a delicious dinner, watch TV, or play games, or read a book.

20.00-21.30 – finishing lessons, free time

21.30-22.00 - getting ready for bed, sleep And the hands said: “We are very tired, we dressed, fed and washed, and also drew. Do you know how tired we are? And each finger said: “I’m tired too! I worked too, I helped! And hold the spoon and wash your eyes! Let us sleep now!” And the ears suddenly whispered: “And we are tired too! We listened to everyone carefully all day. We learned so much... We would be glad if we slept!” And the little eyes said: “Oh, we are so tired! So tired that we were pinching! We’ve seen so much today, and now we want to sleep, let’s close us!” Our legs said to us today: “We are so tired today, we jumped so much today that we don’t want to be kicked around again. We want to lie down and rest so that we can hit the road again tomorrow.”

Thank you for your attention!

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Teacher: Merezhka S.V. GPA teacher: Tatarina S.S. GBOU school No. 676 Teacher: Merezhka S.V. GPA teacher: Tatarina S.S. GBOU school No. 676

Everyone knows that everyone needs a regimen in life. Goal: To promote the formation of ideas about the daily routine and its main components. Develop interest and desire to create your own regime. Instill the ability to correctly distribute work and rest time, teach to value time.

Daily routine. 7 hours - 8 hours - getting up, exercising. Morning hygiene procedures, breakfast. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. - classes at school. 13:00 - 14:00 return home, lunch. 14h-16h rest, walk. 16:00-18:00 Preparation of lessons. 18:00-19:00 dinner, help around the house. 19h-21h reading. Games at home. 21h. Getting ready for bed, sleep.

This is important. I have become accustomed to order. I do exercises in the morning. A shower is always useful for us - In the mornings and evenings.

Useful Food is always good for us - In the mornings and evenings.

Necessary When I sit at my desk, I keep my back straight. Studying is your main job, make every effort to study according to your abilities.

Necessarily. I did my homework and went to play football in the yard. So as not to yawn at your desk. Go to bed on time. Sleep in a well-ventilated room for at least 10 hours.

An improperly organized regime leads to decreased performance, delayed growth, proper development and impaired health. Development of fatigue

Remember, you must sleep at least 8 hours a day. You need to eat at about the same time 4-5 times a day, but not less than 3 times. Spend at least 2 hours a day outdoors. Alternate study with rest. Move more. Be sure to follow hygiene procedures.

Remember, if you miss a minute, you lose an hour.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Daily routine in the life of a schoolchild"

Objectives of the meeting: - Show parents the need to observe hygiene rules and follow the schoolchild’s daily routine. - Convince parents of the need to form the habit of following the regime in their child...

KSU "Gymnasium No. 21"

Daily routine in the life of a schoolchild middle management

Made up

class teacher 7th grade

Emelyanova O.V.



They become good people

more from exercise

than from nature.


Topic relevance statistics

  • Only 20-25% of first-graders who cross the school threshold each year remain healthy after the first year of school
  • By the end of the first quarter, 30% of students lose weight
  • 1 0% of students complain of headaches,

fatigue, drowsiness, lack of desire to study

  • A third of students have various postural disorders
  • 10% of children have visual impairments of varying severity
  • 20% of children are at risk due to a tendency to myopia
  • Only 24% of students meet the nightly sleep standard
  • Every day children do not get enough sleep from 1.5 hours to half an hour

  • Following a daily routine allows the child to maintain physical and psychological balance, which makes it possible to maintain emotional balance. This age is characterized by emotional instability, which leads to chronic fatigue and fatigue. These persistent symptoms lead to a decrease in the child’s performance.

  • Low performance is characterized by:
  • A decrease in the number of correct answers in class and at home after the child has learned the lesson material;
  • An increase in the number of errors along with a well-learned rule;
  • Absent-mindedness and inattention of the child, rapid fatigue;
  • Changes in the child’s handwriting due to deterioration in the regulation of physical functions.

Mode -

this is the alternation of various types of activity and rest during the day, the establishment of optimal norms for the duration of activity and rest for schoolchildren of different ages, a means of developing in a child the habit of managing his time, the ability to choose for himself the most acceptable rhythm of life and work, the need to fill his time with useful activities.

Features of the body

  • All people are divided into “larks” (25 – 30%), “night owls” (25 – 30%). But experts also determine the type of so-called “pigeons” (40–50%), which can behave differently in different circumstances.
  • It must be said that in childhood, almost all people are “pigeons” and a tendency towards the first types is developed later, depending on various circumstances: the way of life in the family, the predisposition of the body, etc.

Features of the body

  • The maximum increase in performance occurs between 11 and 13 hours. The second rise starts at 16:00 and ends at 18:00, but it is of lower intensity and duration.

It is important for each child to create his own individual daily routine, taking into account the characteristics of the body and personal plans during the day.

As an exception, the daily routine may change during weekends or vacations

Considering the work schedule of Kazakhstan schools

The schedule needs to be shifted by 30 minutes. forward

The daily routine also includes a diet

The diet of schoolchildren depends on the characteristics of schooling, the student’s workload, sports, social work and other points. The recommended typical nutritional regimens for schoolchildren can be schematically presented as follows:

For students of the first shift 7:20–7:30 – breakfast; 11:35-11:45 - hot meals at school;

14:30–15:00 – lunch at home (or at school); 19:30-20:00 - dinner at home.

Typical diets may vary depending on the time of attendance at additional classes, sports sections, and hobby groups.

Approximate 3-day menu for school-age children

1st day

2nd day


3rd day

Fried eggs



Bread and butter

Fresh fruit

Milk porridge

Grated carrots


Bread and butter


Second breakfast (at school)

Lazy dumplings


Tea with milk

Bread and butter

Fresh fruit

Millet porridge

Carrot-apple salad


Cutlet with mashed potatoes

Fresh cucumber


Fish cutlet with stewed vegetables

Fresh tomato

Tea with lemon

  • The way you cook food also affects your health. When feeding children, it is necessary to use those methods of cooking that do not require large amounts of oil, fat, salt, sugar (boiling, baking, stewing).

A modern schoolchild, according to nutritionists, should eat at least four times a day, and there must certainly be a hot dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Schoolchildren should drink at least one to one and a half liters of liquid per day, but not soda water, but fruit or vegetable juices.

Parental “no”

  • Wake up the child at the last moment before leaving for school, explaining this to yourself and others with great love for him.
  • Feed the child before and after school dry food, sandwiches, explaining to yourself and others that the child likes this kind of food.
  • Demand from a child only excellent and good results at school if he is not ready for them.
  • Do homework immediately after school lessons.
  • Deprive children of outdoor play because of poor grades at school.
  • Forcing a child to sleep during the day after school and depriving him of this right.
  • Yelling at your child in general and while doing homework in particular.
  • Force them to rewrite the draft many times into a notebook.

Parental “no”

  • Do not take recreational breaks while doing homework
  • Wait for mom and dad to do homework.
  • Sitting in front of the TV and computer for more than 40–45 minutes a day.
  • Watch scary movies and play noisy games before bed.
  • Scold your child before bedtime.
  • Do not engage in physical activity during free time from lessons.
  • Talking to a child about his school problems is both evil and edifying.
  • Do not forgive the child’s mistakes and failures.

How to Spend Wellness Minutes While Doing Homework

  • A wellness minute is carried out every 10 – 15 minutes of doing homework
  • The total duration of a wellness minute is no more than 3 minutes
  • If the child was completing a written task, it is necessary to perform hand exercises: squeezing and unclenching fingers, shaking hands, etc.
  • After sitting for a long time, the child needs to do stretching, squats, and turns the body in different directions.
  • If your child is inactive, do not ignore it. These children need your personal example.
  • Make sure that your home has basic sports equipment: a ball, a jump rope, a hoop, dumbbells, etc.
  • If you are at home at this moment, do all the exercises together with your child. Only then will he understand their importance and necessity.

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Wake up 7.30 Every day, as soon as you wake up, think - I have a priceless human life, and I am not going to waste it. I will use all my energy to develop myself, open my heart to other people. I will think only good things about others, I will not allow myself to get angry or think bad things about anyone, I am going to be useful to people as much as I can.” In the morning the alarm clock rang. I don’t need an alarm clock, Because without a bell I can get up so early!

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Exercises 7.40 I do exercises, in the mornings, in the evenings. Everything is fine with your health, which is what I advise you. And then I’ll go squat and dance on the carpet. So I do exercises, Early in the morning at dawn. I boldly turn my head, I bow to you to the ground. Healthy spirit, stronger body, Good morning, fellow countrymen!

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Washing 7.50 The toothbrush scurries about, Like a boat on the sea, Like a steamboat on a river It goes over the teeth, Up and down, back and forth. We will remove plaque and stains. So that your teeth don’t hurt, So that your teeth turn white like winter snow. Magic water on your pink face, A trickle from a fairy tale On your nose and eyes, Splashes from a tub on your cheeks and ears, Rain from a watering can on your forehead and neck. Rain from a warm cloud onto little hands. What a neat guy! Kiss me, mommy!

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Breakfast 8.00 We ate breakfast, said goodbye, and quickly got ready for school. Hello school! Hello class! The teacher is waiting for us.

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Road to school 8.15-8.45 In the morning, on the way to school, I breathe fresh air, I’m waiting for my friend at the house, I’m walking with her now. We'll chat a little, We'll laugh, because then We'll never get bored with the long road to school.

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To become more literate... You need to read books and solve all the problems in order to get an A! Lessons 9.00-13.05 The bell rings after the bell, The lesson goes on right on time, You need to know a lot in order to become useful in life.

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Goodbye, school house! We will come again tomorrow! In order to have time to do homework assignments, help with housework, read, take a walk, do physical exercises on your own or your favorite sport - in a section, you need to be able to properly manage your time. 13.05-13.45

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We ate afternoon tea, walked around, worked again: We took out our textbook and notebook from our briefcase. 15.30-16.30 13.50-14.10

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We'll go to the store ourselves and sweep the floor in the apartment. To make it easier for mom, we will help her with everything. 16.30-18.00

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18.00-21.00 We will eat a delicious dinner, watch TV, or play games, or read a book.

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The toothpowder is waiting and the water is babbling: “Don’t forget, my friend, to wash your face before going to bed!” May sound sleep come. Everyone in the world needs him. 21.00-21.10

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And the hands said: “We are also very tired, we dressed, fed and washed and also drew. Do you know how tired we are? And each finger said: “I’m tired too! I worked too, I helped! And hold the spoon and wash your eyes! Let us sleep now!” And the ears suddenly whispered: “And we are tired too! We listened to everyone carefully all day. We learned so much... We would be glad if we slept!” And the little eyes said: “Oh, we are so tired! So tired that we were pinching! We’ve seen so much today, and now we want to sleep, let’s close us!” Our legs said to us today: “We are so tired today, we jumped so much today that we don’t want to be kicked around again. We want to lie down and rest so that we can hit the road again tomorrow.”