Presentation on the topic of labor training. Master class on labor training. "Bouquet for Teacher's Day" The work was carried out by a primary school teacher at the bio-kombinatovsky secondary school in the Shchelkovo district. to consolidate new material

Abstract to the material

Presentations on technology (labor) are an effective means of enhancing children's learning process in lessons where they need to be creative when working with various materials. Most elementary school students have a strong visual and figurative thinking, so it is important for them to imagine in advance the object that they must make. Seeing the finished product or stages of work on it on the slides of the presentation of a labor (technology) lesson, schoolchildren can more accurately imagine the progress of their own work and perform it with better quality.

Teaching a technology lesson to any classroom is not easy. The teacher spends a lot of time explaining the process of creating a product, so children sometimes do not have enough time to complete their own work. Downloading presentations on the most complex technology topics (labor, labor training) means saving time on explaining the material. There is no need to draw diagrams on the board or show the same stage of work several times. Having a presentation on technology in class, you can return to the desired slide at any time and show the children a separate stage of working on the product.

A huge number of presentations with notes on all topics of technology lessons (labor, labor training) are collected in this section for elementary school, for boys and girls in high and middle school. Using multimedia development in the lesson, the teacher not only fills the lesson with clarity, he instills interest in the subject. Students are interested in making an unusual craft, making a high-quality product from fabric or thread that they have never even heard of before.

When creating a technology project, the finished presentation serves as an example of how the work will be performed. Before you create anything, you need to understand the topic in order to avoid mistakes. By viewing options for finished work, students will be able to assess their strengths and complete their own project, perhaps more interesting than the one proposed.

Every teacher is worried when preparing open lessons for colleagues or for participation in competitions. From our collection you can download free presentations and notes of an open lesson on technology and labor for elementary school and middle or high school, and make your own small adjustments to them to use for a specific class.

Download presentation for technology (labor) lesson on various topics can be found in the corresponding sections, where all work is divided into classes. Each development of a technology lesson, which we offer to download from sections of the site for free, will bring joy to a child’s life and variety to the educational process. Create with children from paper and fabric, from plasticine and dried leaves, from wood and other materials. Any topic will be interesting if the teacher can present it in the form of a small holiday.

Labor, technology - 1st grade

Crafts lesson with presentation in 1st grade is a favorite lesson for elementary school students, where they love to show their creativity by seeing an amazing product produced in a short period of time. They look forward to the moment when the beautifully crafted product that they can make appears on the slides shown on the screen...

Labor, technology - 2nd grade

Presentations on work in grade 2 are becoming an integral part of learning today. No one doubts their effectiveness anymore, since the result of the impact of such visual material on students is immediately visible. Younger schoolchildren, having seen beautiful work on the screen and the process of its creation, try to cope with the tasks set by the teacher as efficiently as possible. However...

Labor, technology - 3rd grade

Presentations on technology for grade 3 can radically change the usual lesson, in which primary schoolchildren learn to make beautiful products with their own hands from paper and puff pastry, from cardboard and plasticine, from pine cones and fabric. The lessons are planned in such a way that students will master many techniques. Tell us about each one in detail, get you interested in art...

Labor, technology - 4th grade

Presentations on technology for grade 4 are a miracle that make it possible to make a labor lesson interesting and productive. Seeing the end result of their work, studying the step-by-step process of making a product in diagrams, looking at a huge number of examples of work done from different materials, students want to learn. They become interested in a subject where they can use their own hands...

Presentation Spring, the awakening of nature A presentation with a summary on the topic “Spring, the awakening of nature” will help organize and conduct an interesting lesson about the surrounding world in 1st grade. All the material located on the slides is selected...Why are cars needed - presentation? A presentation on the topic “Why are cars needed” will allow a 1st grade student to get answers to questions that he often asked his parents or...Presentation Why are cars needed? trains A presentation for a lesson on the world around us on the topic “Why are trains needed” gives students an idea of ​​why this complex technique that moves around...

Type of work Collective work Master class Interior decoration Event Teacher's Day Technique Trimming on plasticine Material Corrugated paper Plasticine Collective work Master class Interior decoration Teacher's Day Trimming on plasticine Corrugated paper Plasticine

Purpose of the work: Improving the practical skills of children in the manufacture of products from different materials. Development of imagination, fantasy and spatial thinking. Development of fine motor skills of fingers. Cultivating aesthetic taste, work accuracy, respect for the work of a teacher.

Flowers bloom for beauty, For thoughts, pure and beautiful, For eternal, righteous love And for hearts, beautiful, clear. The beautiful aroma of flowers lifts our spirits, And beauty will heal us From languid boredom and idleness. Flowers, like sparks from a fire, will always warm our souls. Nature gave us flowers to make our lives better

Of course, it takes time for a small seed to grow into a sprout, and then a bush on which luxurious dahlias will burst into flames in the fall. But our flowers are of the fastest growing variety. We will make them in just 40 minutes during the master class. Get acquainted with a new technique, or rather, with a variation of an already known one. It's called: trimming on plasticine.

15.Now cut 3.5 cm squares for the second row of petals. There may be a little less of them. Cut out petals from the squares in the same way. Stick the petals of the second row 34 mm above the first in a checkerboard pattern. Make sure that these petals also bend down and do not stick out to the sides. This is easy to do by tilting the stick. Then the flower will acquire the desired spherical shape.

\ For teachers of technology and labor training

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Quiz game on labor training for students in grades 5-8 “Housewives” + presentation

The quiz game was sent by: Antonova Marina Nikolaevna, technology teacher, [email protected]


Purpose of the quiz game:

  • Educational:
  • Consolidation of knowledge in the sections of the technology subject “Cooking”, “Mechanical Science”, “Floriculture”, “Electrical Engineering”, “Sewing”, “Material Science”, “Handicraft”.
  • Control of knowledge obtained in various sections of technology.
  • Developmental:
  • Development of skills to update knowledge, thinking functions (analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization).
  • Educational:
  • Develop the ability to work in a group, goodwill, respect for each other, mutual assistance, cooperation, increase cognitive interest in the subject (activation of the cognitive process).

Students are divided into brigades (teams) or classes from 2-8 teams of their choice, choose a captain, you can come up with team names, a motto, an emblem.

Start of the game (see presentation):

Slide 1.



CLICK THE MOUSE - criteria and question numbers appear

The team randomly selects a section and question number.

CLICK THE MOUSE - the answer to the question appears.

Each team receives one point for each correct answer.

MOUSE CLICK - on a controlled button returns to slide 2 (Question Criteria).

The team randomly selects the section and question number again if the answer is given correctly. If not, the turn goes to the other team.

CLICK THE MOUSE - a question appears.

CLICK THE MOUSE - the answer to the question appears

MOUSE CLICK - on a controlled button returns to slide 2 (Question Criteria), etc.

Questions for the quiz game:


Slide 3. What, according to popular beliefs, meant the beginning of all life? Egg.

Slide 4. A word that doesn’t make your mouth feel sweet, no matter how much you repeat it. Halva.

Slide 5. In the Middle Ages, knights wore this vegetable on their chests as a talisman. Onion.

Slide 6. A diplomat and a method of preparing herring. Ambassador.

Slide 7. The product that gave old man Hott-bych a cold. Ice cream.

Slide 8. Raw materials for making a carriage for Cinderella. Pumpkin.

Slide 9. This lightly bitten fruit became the symbol of Macintosh computers. Apple.

Slide 10. What comes with eating? Appetite.

Slide 11. One jug of milk was placed in the refrigerator, the other was left in the room.

Slide 12. Where will the cream settle faster? In a refrigerator.

Slide 13. What is the name of the small sandwich? Tartine.

What language is the word "kitchen" borrowed from? From German.

Slide 14. Where did tea first come from in Russia? From China.

"Mechanical Science"

Slide 15. Who came up with the first design for a sewing machine for making clothes? Leonardo da Vinci.

Slide 16. Which part of the sewing machine is in the black box? It has the same name as one of the bicycle parts. Pedal.

Slide 17. Who invented the first sewing machine using top and bobbin threads? Walter Hunt (1834).

Slide 18. In which city in Russia was the first sewing machine factory founded? In the city of Podolsk.

Slide 19. Which plant became the center of sewing machine manufacturing in Russia? PMZ (Podolsk Mechanical Plant).

Slide 20. In what direction does the flywheel rotate relative to the worker in different types of sewing machines? The flywheel of different cars rotates the same way - towards itself.

Slide 21. What is the function of the grooves on the needle blade? Protects the thread from rubbing against the fabric.

Slide 22. How do you select a needle and thread for machine work? Depending on the thickness and properties of the fabric.

Slide 23. What main part of a sewing machine is named after the garment? Sleeve.

Slide 24. Which part sets all the working parts of a sewing machine in motion? Main shaft.

Slide 25. What position should the needle be in when threading the upper thread? In the highest position.

Slide 26. Which plant became the center of sewing machine manufacturing: a) GAZ; b) VAZ; c) PMZ? PMZ (Podolsk Mechanical Plant).

"Electrical engineering"

Slide 27. It is in every room and on the ceiling. Lamp.

Slide 28. It comes in 127 and 220 V. What is it? Voltage.

Slide 29. Thermal light source. Bulb.

Slide 30. How many fuses are connected to an electrical circuit? Two.

Slide 31. What types of electrical wiring are there according to the method of laying the wires? Open and hidden.

Slide 32. Measures current strength: a) wattmeter; b) electric energy meter; c) ammeter. Ammeter.

Slide 33. Measures voltage: a) voltmeter; b) ammeter; c) wattmeter. Voltmeter.

Slide 34. Technical devices that use the electromagnetic action of electric current: a) electric motors; b) generators; c) lighting fixtures. Electric motors and generators.

Slide 35. What is the name of the science of receiving, transmitting and using electrical energy? Electrical engineering.

Slide 36. What is shown in the picture? Power lines.

Slide 37. The electric energy meter measures: a) current strength; b) mains voltage; c) energy consumption for a certain time. Energy consumption over a certain time.

Slide 38. Electrical energy is measured in: a) volts; b) watts; c) kilowatt-hours? Kilowatt-hours.


Slide 39. What clothes are made from. Material.

Slide 40. Curved ruler for drawing curved lines. Pattern.

Slide 41. Which parts are cut first, big or small? Big ones.

Slide 42. Clothes consisting of sleeves. Kimono.

Slide 43. An enterprise where everyone is treated differently. Studio.

Slide 44. What measurement determines the size of a shoulder product? Chest circumference.

Slide 45. Rebus. Seams.

Slide 46. What is the name of the most necessary parts in any clothing (they can be overhead, internal, slotted, fastened with a zipper, most often located on trousers, aprons, skirts)? Pockets.

Slide 47. On which side of the figure are measurements taken? On the right.

Slide 48. What threads are used to make copy stitches? Contrasting.

Slide 49. Why are allowances given? For making seams.

Slide 50. Rebus. Thimble.


Slide 51. Tulip from the family: a) lily; b) peony; c) legumes. Liliaceae.

Slide 52. Which plants in terms of life expectancy include irises:

  • a) annuals;
  • b) biennials;
  • c) perennials.
  • Perennials.

Slide 53. The planting depth of daffodil bulbs depends on:

  • a) the size of the bulb;
  • b) weather;
  • c) caring for plants.
  • Bulb sizes.

Slide 54. Do bulbous plants produce bulbs that ripen in summer or fall? In summer.

Slide 55. Enveloping seeds with soil mixtures (peat, humus, clay) with adhesives (potato paste) and mineral fertilizers is called.... Pelleting.

Slide 56. One of the oldest branches of plant growing, providing the population with flowers. Floriculture.

Slide 57. Which flower means "pearl" in Greek? Daisy.

Slide 58. The image of what flower was minted on coins on the Greek island of Rhodes? Roses.

Slide 59. What plant of the Asteraceae family was brought from Mexico in 1796 and was named in honor of botany professor Johann Zinn? Zinnia.

Slide 60. How many flowers should there be in a bouquet? Odd number.

Slide 61. How do dahlias reproduce? Root tubers.

Slide 62. In 1830, D.P. Oznobishin’s book “Selam, or….……” was published in Russia? Language of flowers.

"Materials Science"

Slide 63. What kind of weave in fabrics complicates cutting and processing of products and why? Satin and satin.

Slide 64. The finest thread unwound from the cocoon of the mulberry and oak silkworm is called -... Natural silk.

Slide 65. What threads run across the edge? Weft or cross.

Slide 66. Wind, and fabric, and marshmallow. Marshmallow.

Slide 67. Both fabric and a collection of cards. Atlas.

Slide 68. What is the name of the narrow strip along the fabric? Edge.

Slide 69. What kind of thread interlacing is shown in the picture? Linen.

Slide 70. What are synthetic fibers made from? Coal, oil, natural gas.

Slide 71. What kind of weave of threads forms a fabric with the same front and back sides: a) twill; b) linen; c) satin? Linen.

Slide 72. What are the names of the strong long threads running along the fabric? Basis or equity.

Slide 73. What is the process of weaving threads of yarn together to make fabrics called? Weaving.

Slide 74. What are artificial fibers made from? Made from wood and cotton pulp.


Slide 75. What is the art of tying knots called? Macrame.

Slide 76. How many knitting needles are needed to knit a sock in stockinette stitch? Five.

Slide 77. How is "patchwork" translated into Russian? Patchwork technique.

Slide 78. What is painting on natural silk called? Batik.

Slide 79. What is the name of lace, consisting of knots and “picots”, forming either circles or arcs? Tatting.

Slide 80. What is the name of the special device for stretching fabric? Slide 81. Used in embroidery. Hoop.

Slide 82. It is transferred to fabric. Drawing.

Slide 83. Durable paper for transferring drawings from the original. Tracing paper.

Slide 84. It can be artistic, scientific, technical. Creation.

Slide 85. What are embroidery threads called? Floss.

Slide 86. What is a wound seam called? "Rococo".

The results of the game are summed up.