Presentation on the topic smart city. Presentation: Modern society and smart technologies. New type of architecture

The Russian capital is reaching a new level of development of electronic services. This is the main goal of the Smart City program, the development of which has now begun. The new strategy will be based on key modern technologies. The materials of the class hour (thematic lesson) “Moscow is a smart city” introduce students to the prospects for the development of the capital in the coming decades.

The material can be used when conducting a class hour (thematic lesson/s) for students in grades 9–11.

Lesson option [PDF ] [DOCX ]
Presentation [PDF ] [PPTX ]
Student assignments (worksheet) [PDF ] [DOCX ]

Target: familiarizing students with the prospects for the development of Moscow as an information metropolis in the context of the Smart City program.


  • fostering a responsible attitude towards choosing one’s own future and the future of the capital;
  • developing the ability to express one’s point of view in a reasoned manner;
  • formation of a culture of an active resident of the capital.

Worksheet (task no. 1)

Predict what will be discussed in class.

The Russian capital must reach a new level of development of electronic services. To replace the state program ending this year “ Information city» on behalf of the Moscow Mayor, a Program is being developed "Smart city"».

Go to official website of the Moscow Mayor.

Using the tips on the slide, enter the term “Smart City” into the search bar.

Exercise. Explore the search results. Analyze the titles of news articles.

Who is this project addressed to? Who is most interested in it? What does the term "Smart City" mean?

Worksheet (task no. 2)

Worksheet (task no. 3)

* The worksheet presents two options for task No. 3. Option 1 is performed if students have access to the Internet, option 2 - if they do not have access.

Worksheet (task no. 4)

* The worksheet contains two options for task No. 4.

Option 1. Read the materials posted on the official website of the Moscow Mayor by clicking on the link “How a smart city works.” What do you think the implementation of the Smart City Program will give to Muscovites? Tell us about your personal experience of using communication resources (opportunities) in Moscow.

Option 2. Look video clip"How a smart city works." Name the main directions of implementation of the Smart City Program. What do you think the implementation of the Smart City Program will give to Muscovites? Tell us about your personal experience of using communication resources (opportunities) in Moscow.

Select one of the options.

Until the end of June 2018, a discussion of the Draft Strategy “Smart City 2030” is taking place in Moscow. The main document will be finalized taking into account all comments from citizens and the business community.

Worksheet (task no. 5)

Check out the infographic “Moscow – a digital city”.

Worksheet (task no. 6)

Could the authors of stories about the future of the capital in 1914 imagine the changes that the Smart City Program is preparing for our city?

Worksheet (task no. 7)

Like all development strategies, the Smart City Program, along with its benefits, also has obvious risks.

Worksheet (task no. 8)

The Smart City program assumes that citizens who are ready to accept the new look of the capital will participate in it and use its achievements.

Worksheet (task no. 9)

What resources are needed to implement the Smart City program? How do international experts see the future of Moscow?

Worksheet (task no. 10)

Let's summarize our lesson.

Complete the sentence:

The Smart City program will allow Moscow to become a modern, convenient, ___________, ____________, ______________ city.

In our time, man
has a negative effect
to Nature, namely:
World ocean.
Soil degradation
Forest retreat.

Kolpino, Our time.
The main features of aesthetic
"pollution" in Kolpino:
Monotonous architecture
Blandness of the building
with dramatic landscaping
balconies and loggias.
Construction of non-scale
landscape buildings.

Goal: Improving the aesthetic appearance of the city of Kolpino
through environmental aspects
1. Develop alternative species
2. Introduction and application of hydroponics
(aeroponics) in the design of balconies
3. Rebuilding houses into a “zero house” or
improvement of existing buildings.
4. Create a system of education for the population and
retraining of specialists in
use of modern technologies.

Properties of the “zero house” or
embedded technologies:
Roof installation for melt water collection.
Double glazing.
Built-in wind turbines.
Carbon dioxide control system in
room, air purification.
5. Underfloor heating system
6. Autonomous power plant
7. Bioelectricity system from products
human life

Biogas -> Electricity.
Biogas is used in
as fuel for
electricity, heat
or a pair, or as
automobile fuel.
Biogas is the gas produced
hydrogen or
methane fermentation
Factors influencing the fermentation process
pH level
C:N:P Ratio
Surface area of ​​raw material particles
Substrate supply frequency
Stimulant Supplements

Hydroponics is a method of growing
plants on artificial media without soil.
Aeroponics is the process of growing plants in
air environment without the use of soil, with
which nutrients to the roots
plants are delivered in the form of an aerosol.

What is a “zero house”?
Zero energy home.
These are considered to be:
1. “Pearl River” (China).
2. Bahrain World Trade Center
(Manama, Bahrain).
3. Hearst Tower (New York, USA).
4. New York Bank of America Tower (New York,
5. Mary Ax (London, UK).
and Others..

Rebuilding houses into a “zero house” or
You can paint your houses bright
paints. Every house will
unique and interesting.
Ideally you can
demolish and build "zero"

City complex
"Crystal Green"
This park ensemble is equipped
large pond in shape
resembling a swan - a symbol of the city
Kolpino. Including:
1. “Col – Pul” - living space
2. “Celder Cub” - school (2 pcs.)
3. “Little Diamonds” - biological laboratory
(2 pcs.)
4. “Two Sister” (2 pcs.)
5. Data processing center (DPC)

"Col Pul"
-building including
residential apartments
underground parking.
Functionality: Using
this building we can
temporarily relocate
the population is still passing
reconstruction of buildings.

New type of architecture

"Celder Cub" and
"New School"
New type of architecture
Their main advantage:
Availability of a ramp (for children with
limited capabilities).
The appearance of an elevator (for children with
limited capabilities).
Pool equipment.
Gym rooms.
Internal gardens.
Updated architecture type

"Little Diamonds"
Objectives of the Little Diamonds laboratory:
training for children and adults
modern eco-technologies
Development and implementation of optimal
plant varieties
- Greenhouse under a glass roof
- 30 lectures and laboratories

"Two Sister"
Two externally similar buildings, but
inside They differ in the interior.
One "Sister" senior (Russian
Baroque), another "Sister" younger
(deconstructivism, high tech).
Their purpose:
Theater performances.
Musical performances.
Presentations of new technologies.
Discos or Balls.
Art exhibitions.

"Data Center"
Information Processing Center.
It contains:
Semicircular attics.
Maintenance premises.
Pond cleaning pump.

Institute of Modern
technologies "Eureka"
Development and implementation of applied
- eco-transport
- Engineering systems
- autonomy, etc.)
- Design
- decisions (bureau), etc.

Residential complex
Features of the complex:
- autonomous bioelectric power station
- Residential premises with
automatic water supply
for balcony plants

TRC "Oka"
Shopping and entertainment complex:
- shops, boutiques
- Healthy food station
- Educational and entertaining

“SMART CITY” ST. PETERSBURG Presentation prepared by Students group No. 237332/0001 Belousova, Polyakova, Tatarenkova, Timofeeva 02/12/2018

Introduction “Smart City” is an urban planning concept for integrating several information and communication technologies and the Internet of Things for managing city property. The goal of creating a smart city is to improve the quality of life using urban informatics technology to improve service efficiency and meet the needs of residents.

In April 2017, the Governor of St. Petersburg G. S. Poltavchenko launched the city innovation program “Smart St. Petersburg”, aimed at ensuring a high quality of life for the population and sustainable development of the city by radically improving the quality of management of city resources using ICT and increasing the efficiency of interaction between citizens, business representatives and government authorities. 12.02.2018

The Smart St. Petersburg project office is a working group created to initiate the priority St. Petersburg program. St. Petersburg "Smart St. Petersburg", aimed at achieving the goals defined by the Strategy for the economic and social development of St. Petersburg for the period until 2030.

Functional areas of Smart City projects Smart Energy - smart energy meters - end-use management - electric transport infrastructure - integration of distributed generation - cogeneration, renewable generation - intelligent transport systems - payment systems for using infrastructure - smart parking

Functional areas of Smart City projects Smart Transport - smart parking - information alerts for citizens - low-emission vehicles - green public transport - smart water meters - leak detection and mitigation - emergency management - innovative cleaning methods

Functional areas of Smart City projects Smart City Environment - smart video surveillance and security - smart lighting - smart waste management - urban planning and land use management - efficient hospitals - social services

Functional areas of Smart City projects Smart Home - smart applications and IT services - energy-efficient building design - energy-efficient restoration of old buildings - integrated automation - remote control of buildings and apartments - smart appliances

What is available in the city of St. Petersburg from the Smart City system? Housing and communal services with intelligence It is the Northern capital that is called by many a leader in the field of “smart housing and communal services”. This happened thanks to the existence in the city of an established automation system for water, heat and electricity supply networks. According to experts, smart technologies in housing and communal services can reduce tariffs for citizens by approximately 30% only by setting up thermal systems

What is available in the city of St. Petersburg from the Smart City system? In the Petrograd region, they introduced a system for monitoring the work of wipers based on location-determining trackers. Among the tasks of the project are to determine the boundaries of cleaning the territory, the route of the worker and the time spent on clearing the territory, as well as synchronizing the work of people and cleaning equipment. Already the first experiment of implementing trackers, the increase in cleaning efficiency exceeded 30%.

What is available in the city of St. Petersburg from the Smart City system? Telecom infrastructure One of the most important components of any “smart city” is the presence of a developed telecom infrastructure. For example, the development of such a socially significant area as city video surveillance has made it possible to provide all 18 districts of the city with video cameras over the past three years. And if all these cameras are combined into one network that can track a person without literally letting him out of the frame, then it will be possible not only to find criminals, but also to prevent the crimes themselves

What is available in the city of St. Petersburg from the Smart City system? Medicine Over the past year, a personal account and patient index have been introduced in St. Petersburg, and the ability to view laboratory test data has appeared on the doctor’s portal. The practicality of medical information systems is complemented by a significant economic effect from their implementation.

What is available in the city of St. Petersburg from the Smart City system? WHSD The roads of St. Petersburg have also become quite “smart” and will continue to “smarter” in the future. One example of the implementation of smart technologies is the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter (WHSD), and in particular the toll system on this highway. Paying in cash took too much time; traffic jams formed at the entrances and exits to the WHSD, and not only those who paid in cash, but also those with transponders—contactless payment means—could not get through.

What is available in the city of St. Petersburg from the Smart City system? Additional difficulties arose due to drivers who stood in the wrong lane without understanding the rules of travel. Then the WHSD administration tried to increase the number of transponders for users. The driver information system has changed, lanes for travel using transponders have been added, and additional travel discounts have been provided. As a result, the majority of road users switched to using transponders, and traffic jams during peak hours at a number of toll points have significantly decreased.

What is available in the city of St. Petersburg from the Smart City system? Wifi In St. Petersburg, active work is underway in this direction, including with the support of the city. “On May 30, 2017, a free Wi-Fi network became available for the first time in the St. Petersburg metro on the Pravoberezhnaya Line. On all other lines, commissioning work will be carried out before the end of 2017. As in other Maxima networks. Telecom" uses a common identification system that does not require re-authorization for previously registered users.

What is available in the city of St. Petersburg from the Smart City system? Ecology Among the important implemented measures on urban ecology in St. Petersburg are German developments in innovation in the field of waste, sewerage and sanitation of industrial production. The construction of the Northern sewer collector in St. Petersburg has been completed. The latter project contributed to the gradual closure of 76 direct wastewater outlets into the Neva.

What is available in the city of St. Petersburg from the Smart City system? Since its full launch, according to Vodokanal of St. Petersburg, more than 98% of wastewater in the city has been treated: in one hour, about 240 thousand cubic meters are pumped out of the river and distributed to nine stations serving different areas of the city. However, one third of the city’s water supply network is still assessed as worn out, which affects the quality of drinking water consumption by the population. Its composition, according to doctors, is ultra-fresh and needs to be enriched with microelements.

Development prospects Starting in 2018: Reconstruction of large municipalities will begin (their list is not reported). They will introduce digital technologies for managing energy and water resources. Requirements for remote health monitoring will be introduced; In 2019: Pilots on smart parking were launched in 10 cities (including St. Petersburg), and pilots on the use of Maa were launched in 5 cities. S.

Development prospects In 2020: Standard requirements for informatization of public transport have been introduced; There is a requirement for public authorities to use BIM technologies; In 2021: Pilots for the implementation of transport modeling were launched; 40% of all real estate projects under construction are built using BIM technologies; Intellectual property protection centers and technology parks have been created with the support of city administrations.

Development prospects In 2022: A package of smart city standards has been approved at the national level. And in 2024: Public transport will become unmanned; Most processes related to documentation occur using remote devices and are in electronic form; A digital platform for “smart” cities has been introduced. The Internet will be used to manage the city. Government decisions will be discussed on electronic platforms

Conclusion Thanks to the development of a “smart” city, the value of human labor and its innovative activities will increase; human productivity through the use of robots and artificial intelligence will become high, this can lead to the development of large individual production; the cost of goods will decrease due to increased productivity and efficiency, through the use of robotics and artificial intelligence; Transport communications and logistics will become simpler and cheaper.

List of sources used “St. Petersburg as a Smart City”. » Expert "North-West", July 2017 Article "Intellectual Cities". b. d. http: //www. tadviser. ru/index. php/ Article: Intelligent_cities.

Class hour “Moscow is a smart city” (Knowledge Day – September 1.)


1. To support children’s feeling of celebration from meeting with school, to create the mood for educational activities.

2. Help you quickly adapt to school life after the summer holidays.

development of cognitive interests;

development of creative abilities;

nurturing a sense of kindness and empathy, the ability to come to the rescue;

fostering a culture of behavior;

leave an unforgettable impression of the first lesson, thereby demonstrating the children’s desire to study at school;

instilling a love of knowledge, of school, of the process of learning about the world through educational activities.

Equipment: music recordings, presentation, “wishing tree” poster, a box with tips, leaves for the tree, balloons.

Progress of the class hour.

1.Introductory remarks.

September has come, summer has ended -

The holiday of knowledge, learning, and grades has arrived!

Happy holiday, friends!

School doors will open again

Tomorrow school days will begin.

And today is a festive hour!

First of September.

On this day, all roads lead to school.

Dressed up students, excited parents and teachers.

This day in our country is a public holiday - Knowledge Day.

According to good tradition, the first bell in the new school year calls for a Knowledge lesson.

He invites all the children to a huge and mysterious world - the world of Knowledge.

It reminds us that everyone who has crossed the threshold of school today has become a year older.


Dear guys!

On the threshold of autumn, we meet this special day, called the Holiday of Knowledge.

It is close to people of all generations.

A turner and an astronaut, a doctor and a grain grower, a builder and an officer, an academician and a geologist - we all “come” from school.

The challenges of the coming century will be solved by those who sit at school today.

The school will reveal to you all the secrets that the best minds have struggled to solve for centuries.

You came to school to learn how to actively live, think, search, create.

Today, without waiting for your apprenticeship to end, learn to work.

Your task is to master the knowledge accumulated by humanity.

Is there still such a signal in the world that, like our “first September” call, is capable of rousing tens of millions of people on a quest for knowledge?

We celebrate today as the Holiday of Knowledge.

Hello school! Good luck!

2. Moscow is a smart city"

Presentation slides 1-24

Quiz “Smart city - smart students”

Game "Class Characteristics"

Let's try to introduce our class. We need to characterize him, but with one condition. The characteristic must consist of adjectives that begin with all letters of the alphabet. Anyone who raised their hand can answer. So, what is he like, our 3B?

The teacher names the letter of the alphabet, the children raise their hands and name adjectives.

Sample answers from children:

A - neat, active.

B - thrifty, cheerful.

B - attentive, loyal, cheerful, strong-willed.

G - hospitable.

D - kind, friendly, businesslike.

E - the only one, natural.

F - cheerful.

3 - perky, healthy, wonderful.

And - interesting, sincere.

K - cultured, handsome.

L - inquisitive, dexterous.

M - peaceful, musical, fashionable, courageous.

N - normal, gentle.

O - obligatory, courageous, excellent, responsible.

P - positive, friendly, obedient, wonderful, diligent,

principled, progressive, cutting-edge, inquisitive.

R - joyful, decisive.

S - independent, free, cordial, serious, modern,

calm, strong, modest, funny, strict.

T - hardworking, talented, creative, intelligent, tolerant.

U - smart, successful, amazing, respectful, confident,

enthusiastic, persistent, balanced.

F - fantastic, philological, football.

X - brave, good, economical.

C - purposeful, civilized.

H - honest, sensitive, humane, clean.


Sh - generous.

E - energetic, erudite, elegant, emotional.


I am clear, bright.

And now, I would like to get to know each of you better.

Game "How many do we have?"

Raise your hand if the question concerns you.

How many girls do we have?

How many boys do we have?

Do we have Sashi?

Do we have Dashi?

Do we have Masha?
Who has sisters?

Who has brothers?

Who's right-handed?

Who's left-handed?

Who loves blue?

Who loves red?

Or maybe someone likes black? (Quiet.)

Who was born in spring?

Who was born in autumn?

Who loves winter?

Who loves summer?..

It turns out how different and interesting you guys are!

3. Journey to the land of Knowledge.

Did you have a good rest over the summer? I hope you've grown up? Did you play every day? Were you out for a walk? Have you read the books? Have you lost the knowledge you gained in the first two classes? Now we will check it! I invite you to take a journey along the road of Knowledge!

Now we will conductan emergency course to test your readiness to get D's and A's.

Don't yawn, add a rating where you need it!

If you haven’t learned the poem again,

You will undoubtedly get only... (two) for your homework.

I spent the whole day solving a problem on the wallpaper, you're in the apartment,

But I forgot to rewrite everything and you will get... (two).

You learned English so well that you barely made it to school,

But he answered excellently, and in the diary they will give ... (five).

Be diligent, careful, look at the teacher,

If the work is error-free, then the diary will be decorated... (five).

Of course, it will be useful to know the entire multiplication table.

If only you have enough patience, you will get... (five).

1) Now let's make our first stop. It's called "Guess It."

1. There is a cheerful, bright house,

There are a lot of agile guys in it,

They write and count there,

Draw and play (school)

2. In black and white

They write every now and then.

Rub with a rag-

Blank page (board)

3.If you hone it,

You can draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this? (pencil)

4.In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, quills, paper clips, buttons,

Anything for the soul (pencil case)

5. I carry a new house in my hand,

The house door is locked.

The residents here are made of paper,

All terribly important (briefcase)

6. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line,

Write in me,

You can also draw

What am I? (notebook)

7. I know everyone, I teach everyone,

But I myself am always silent.

To make friends with me,

We need to learn to read and write (book)

"Say the word"

Who walks with a bag of books

Going to school in the morning?.. (Student.)

And today he will meet you

Bright and spacious... (class).

There is a clatter of feet in the corridor.

Who calls everyone to class? (Ring.)

If you know everything.

Then they will put it in the diary... (five).

If you barely know,

Then you will only get... (two).

What kind of student you are.

Your... (diary) will be shown to everyone.

Always be in order

Your school... (notebooks).

Who lost his pencil?

He forgot that there is... (pencil case).

2) Second stop – “Tongue Twisters”.

Let's compete: who can pronounce the tongue twister better? (Slide)

The cat caught mice and rats

The rabbit was gnawing on a cabbage leaf.

The old lady listened

How the cuckoo crowed at the edge of the forest.

All purchases at the counter are packed in bags.

Yegor walked through the yard,

Egor carried an ax with him,

Yegor went to repair the fence.

It’s a hassle to catch a cunning magpie,

And forty forty is forty troubles.

3)Next stop “Count it”

Let's see if you have forgotten how to count over the summer, listen carefully.

Task 1.

Answer the questions:

What geometric shapes do you know?

How to find the perimeter of a polygon? (ALL SIDES FOLDED)

How to determine how much one number is greater than another?


How much is 43 greater than 11. (32)

Task 2.

There are 6 very difficult problems to solve, but remember that today's math is fun.

1. There are chickens in the yard. All chickens have 10 legs. How many chickens are there in the yard? (5)

2. There are 7 light bulbs in the chandelier, 5 of them have burned out. How many light bulbs need to be replaced? (5)

3. Misha has 3 pairs of mittens. How many mittens for your left hand? (3)

4. Two summer residents walked from the village to the city, and five more summer residents met them. How many summer residents went from the village to the city? (2)

Well done, let's move on.

4)Next stop “Fairytale City”

You read a lot in the summer, and now I’ll check how you know fairy tales.

Task 1.

You are asked to answer questions.


1. What did Emelya travel on? (On the stove)

2. Who did the ugly duckling turn into? (Into the swan)

3. Witch's air transport? (mortar, broom)

4. The heroine of a fairy tale who lost her glass slipper? (Cinderella)

5. Poultry that can lay golden eggs? (Chicken Ryaba)

6. The material from which the steadfast soldier from Andersen’s fairy tale was made? (Tin)

7. A character from a Russian fairy tale who caught a pike with a bucket? (Emelya)

8. An animal that is very difficult to pull out of the swamp? (Hippopotamus)

9. A chair for a king? (Throne)

10. Aibolit’s profession? (Doctor)

11. Did the writer Nosov send him to the Moon? (Dunno)

12. Favorite animal of the old woman Shapoklyak? (Rat Lariska)

13. Who was the prince from the fairy tale about Chipolino? (Lemon)

Task 2.

- Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky wrote many fairy tales for children:


- Is there an error here, and if so, what number is it? (3)

-Well done, I see that you are friends with books.

5) And here is the stop - “Sportivnaya”.

Let's have a physical moment.

Teacher. Although you have already become adults, we will not forget about rest and play in lessons. Let's remember the game from Bulgaria “Yes - no”. In this country, when they say “yes,” they shake their heads from left to right, and when they say “no,” they shake their heads up and down. Let's play this game, you and I: answer questions with gestures, parents can join.

- Did you come to school today? (Yes.)

- Today is August 1st? (No.)

-Did you relax during the holidays? (Yes.)

-Are you dirty? (No.)

- Are you 3rd grade students? (Yes.)

- Do you study at school No. 2? (Yes.)

- Is it raining today? (No/Yes.)

- Are you tired? (No.)

6) Stop “Grammoteisk”.

Make words from syllables. (Slide)

Ly cha ma pru na sha kry zhi shi chai sha nik ro ka meet with

(meeting, spring, roof, kettle, magpie, skis, car, etc.)

What spellings did you see here?

Task 1.

Answer the questions:

- Name the main parts of the sentence. (Subjects and Predicates)

- What parts of the word do you know? (ROOT, PRESIDENT, SUFFIX, ENDING)

- What sounds are there in the Russian language? (VOWS AND CONSONANTS)

Task 2.

- In the Russian language there are expressions in which a person compares himself to animals. Remember them and name them.

Works like... (ant)

Cracking like... (magpie)

Sings like... (nightingale)

Annoying like... (fly)

Red like... (cancer)

Stomps like... (elephant) Puffs up like... (turkey)

Dumb like... (fish)

Stubborn like... (donkey)

-Well done, let's move on.

7) Stop “Ecological”

Our forest animals have prepared riddles for us.

Task 1. (Slide):


- Guess the riddles:

He builds his nest in the field,

Where the plants grow.

His song and flight

Entered into poems.

(lark - 4)

What kind of spring black bird

It almost sits on the tractor’s nose.

(rook - 1)

This bird will never

Doesn't build nests for itself,

Leaves eggs for neighbors

And he doesn’t remember the chicks.

(cuckoo - 2)

What bird flies at the speed of a car?

(swift - 3)

Task 2.

- The names of the colors are written on the board (Slide):


- Find the extra flower and justify your answer. (2)

Task 3.

Answer the questions:

1. What is the name of our country in which we live? (Russia)

2. What area do we live in? (Bryansk)

3. What is the name of our river? (Gum)

4. How many schools do we have in our village? (2)

5. What is the address of our school? (1 microdistrict)

Task 4.

- After rearranging the letters, you should get the names of the animals (Slide):



8) Stop “Musical”

In the wonderful world of branches and shadows,

Everything that is alive breathes music!

And everyone who wants will hear

Its melody in the rustling forest.

A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat? (If it's long, long, long...)

A song about keeping a head, which was not of particular value to a little bear (Winnie the Pooh song)

Song about a wooden man. (Bu-ra-ti-no)

A song about animals with long ears who work as lawn mowers. (Song about hares from the film “The Diamond Arm”)

Continue the song:

Nature has no bad….. (weather)

Come on, a song for us... (sing the cheerful wind)

The rivers have cooled down, and... (the earth has cooled down and the houses are a little ruffled)

Past the white apple of the moon... (past the red apple of the sunset)

There was a birch tree in the field... (Curly stood in the field)

9) This is the end of the road. We approached the tree of wishes. Just look, there’s a little casket hanging on it. What's in it? Tips for 3B grade.

1. Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself well

So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at the desk.

2. Dress neatly

To make it pleasant to watch,

Stroke the shape yourself, check it -

You're big already.

3. Accustom yourself to order,

Don't play hide and seek with things

Treasure every book,

Keep your briefcase clean.

4. Don’t giggle in class

Don't move the chair back and forth,

Respect the teacher

And don't bother your neighbor.

5. Don't tease, don't be arrogant,

Try to help everyone at school,

Don't frown in vain, be bolder

And you will find friends.

6.That's all our advice,

They are wiser and simpler,

Don't forget them, my friend.

You are on your way to the Land of Knowledge!

- A wishing tree grows here. Each of you has a piece of paper on your desk. Write your wishes on it, what you would like to achieve in 3rd grade or what you expect from this school year. You can start your sentence with the words: “In 3rd grade I...”. And don't forget to sign your first and last name. We will hang these leaves on the tree, and at the end of the year we will take it out and together with you we will see whether your dreams have come true...

Teacher: Our journey along the road of Knowledge has come to an end. Many discoveries and secrets await you ahead. There will be difficult roads, sometimes pits and falls, but we will definitely rise. I wish you guys not to go astray, achieve excellent results, and try not to upset your parents.

Smart city "Intelligent Grid" - based on "smart technologies", an automatically balancing, self-monitoring energy network, capable of receiving energy from any source (coal, sun, wind) and converting it into the final product for consumers (heat, light, warm water) with minimal human participation.

Smart city Supply and demand / Energy efficiency Possibility of introducing continuous loading systems Possibility of introducing time-based tariffs Possibility of introducing Smart Home technology Possibility of implementing energy efficiency programs

Smart city Possibility of connecting distributed generation Introduction of distributed energy resources Management of distributed generation Organization of electric vehicle charging points Widespread use of electric vehicles Tariff setting and legislative framework

The construction of “Smart Grids” can be divided into 3 stages: Stage 1 involves increasing the importance of accounting Particular attention is paid to two-way interaction with consumers based on smart metering technology Introduction of analysis tools

Smart city stage 2 is preparation for the implementation and use of intelligent technologies Partial automation with self-healing functionality Active use of analytics aimed at optimizing the flow of electrical energy System for working with consumers Increasing the efficiency of detecting and eliminating faults, restoring network operation

Smart City Main functions of "Smart City" Collection of information on the status of equipment from Vodokanal facilities, Gorgaz facilities, Gorsvet facilities, heating network facilities to servers for processing and distributing information using all available communication channels: radio channel, cellular communications of GSM and CDMA standards, telephone line, cable Internet network, local backbone. Collection of technological information specific to each specific object: temperature, pressure, levels, flow rates, currents, voltages, etc.

Smart city Analysis of the received information with making decisions about possible equipment breakdowns, leaks, short circuits, breaks, and the activation of security and fire alarms before emergencies and emergencies. Providing access to the received information to consumers, control centers of utility services, mobile (temporary and mobile) control centers of various services, including troubleshooting teams, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire service, and city authorities.

Smart city Operational dispatch control of actuators Possibility of promptly changing the parameters of technological processes - lighting schedules, cyclograms of pump operation, specified emergency limits of technological process parameters. Rapid assessment of the consequences of network failures throughout the city and decision-making.

Smart city 2. making a decision on emergency shutdown and introducing a reserve directly by the facility controllers to prevent complete breakdown of actuators and mechanisms. 3. Equipment reliability, operability in a wide temperature range, operation in conditions of low power supply reliability. 4. A single, reliable, not requiring high speeds and expensive special equipment, having a high degree of reliability and noise-resistant exchange protocol between controllers and servers.

Smart city 7. Unified exchange protocol between servers and control centers. 8.Use of various communication channels. 9. Access control. 10.Ease of perception of information, quick access to all operational commands. 11.System scalability. Possibility of gradual step-by-step 12. Low cost of operating equipment and communication channels.

Smart city Expected results Being implemented in stages, objectively, it does not destroy the existing structures of public utilities. It consists of small local mini-systems, resistant to failures, operating in adverse conditions and instantly independently responding to all pre-emergency and emergency conditions. Promptly informs responsible services about pre-emergency and emergency situations.

Smart city Provides a mechanism for operational remote control of all executive units, provides the ability to remotely change all process parameters. Conducts a comprehensive analysis of the operational situation in the city, its statistical analysis and maintains reporting in the required form.

Smart city Easy to operate, not demanding on the qualifications of dispatch personnel. Configured for scalability. Promptly provides all information not only to stationary, but also to mobile (mobile) control centers, for example, to a mobile or handheld computer via cellular communication or directly to the display of a mobile phone. Maintains archival documentation of all data and all events.

Advantages of the Smart City automation control and accounting system: Reduced initial costs for organizing, operating and maintaining data transmission channels and communication equipment. Increasing the number of controlled objects with minimal costs for organizing and maintaining communication channels. Reduced energy consumption and costs

Smart city Freeing up control room premises and creating a single dispatch service serving many buildings in a certain territorial area or the city as a whole. Mobile building control anytime, anywhere, without delay. Using "obvious", intuitive controls

Smart city Considering the individual life support systems included in the building automation system, we can say that it provides the following advantages: the climate control system leads to energy savings by 10-15%, the lighting, power supply and heating control system reduces costs by 5-7 %

Smart city Thus, energy savings of an intelligent building can reach %, while the quality of service work is significantly improved, which significantly increases the competitive advantages of the facility. On an area of ​​sq.m. savings amounted to approximately RUR/year. Total savings – about RUR/year. The implementation of building automation systems included in the intelligent building complex pays for itself in 3-5 years. Smart Belgorod Belgorod has become the first Russian city to join the International Consortium of Smart Cities and is successfully implementing an energy-saving project. These are modern technologies that allow rational use of energy sources and minimize the impact on the environment. A “smart grid” is a system capable of receiving energy and converting it into a final product with minimal human intervention.

Smart City Masdar is a project of a future city located in the emirate of Abu Dhabi of the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi of the United Arab Emirates involves the construction of the world's first city powered by solar energy, other renewable energy sources and having a sustainable ecological environment with minimal carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, as well as a system for the complete recycling of waste from urban activities using solar energy and renewable energy sources