Prefix-suffixal method of formation. Prefix-suffix method. Formation of words by prefix-suffix method. Some interesting cases

Basic methods of word formation.

Laws of word formation with examples:

1) Take into account lexical meaning words (handcuffs<= рука (ручники по смыслу не подходят)-приставочно-суффиксальный)

2) The derivative and productive stems must differ by a minimum of morphemes (for free => for free - prefix)

3) Take into account parts of speech (behind our FOREST - non-productive, but to go FOREST - transition from one part of speech to another)

I) Suffixal

  • Adverbs ending in -o, -e (lightning-fast)
  • Verbs with the suffixes -yva-, -iva-, -va- (consider – consider)
  • Nouns with the suffixes -eni-, -ni-, -i-, -ti- (position – put)

II) Transition from one part of speech to another (I think it’s not worth explaining, since everything is clear)

III) Prefix (if the word exists in the language and explains the original word)

  • Verbs (affects-acts...)
  • Adverbs (forever – always...)
  • Noun (superman – man...)
  • Adjective (hyperactive – active….)
  • Pronoun (never – when, nowhere – where..)

IV) Prefix-suffixal (the main thing is that the word logically explains the original)

  • Verbs (scatter - run...)
  • Adjective (helpless - help...)
  • Noun (snowdrop - snow, pomorie - sea...)
  • Adverbs (in my opinion - my..., firstly - first..., again - new..., to the right - right)

V) Suffixless (only nouns by cutting off the ending and suffix from the generating word)

  • Image. from the verb (meaning of action) (heating - to heat, looking - to look, running - to run....)
  • Image. from adjectives nouns with “-ь” (width - wide, distance - distant...)

VI) Addition of stems (easy, but not to be confused with suffixation: Agricultural<= земледелие, суффиксальный )

VII) Addition and suffixation (there is no such thing on the Unified State Examination).

VIII) A method that is also not in the Unified State Examination. Postfixal is an affixal way of word formation, which uses a postfix as a means of word formation: bathe - bathe.

More about word formation methods

Word-formation analysis answers the questions:

  • What word is this word derived from?
  • How is this word formed?

The following methods of education are distinguished:

1) petitionerprostrateApetitioner(suffixal method, using the suffix –nits-);

3) underwindowsNickAwindows o (prefix-suffix method, using the prefix sub- and suffix –nik-);

4) explosionexplosion at (same general part, method of formation – without suffix);

5) heels And floor ny ← five floor her (addition of two roots).

Rule #1.

Work only with the initial form of the word (for inflected parts of speech - nominative case, singular and, if possible, masculine gender, for verbs - indefinite form).


re-read l ← re-read t (suffixal method). Error! –т and –л- are formative suffixes, i.e. these are forms of the same word.

Right: re-read, n.f. re chita th – chita t ( prefix method).

Rule #2.

If a word has a prefix, then try first of all to find a cognate word with a prefix.


input ← move (additional method). Error! Progress – not the closest cognate word!

Right: entranceentrance it (no suffix method).


When analyzing word formation, remember that there are historical alternations of vowels and consonants:

E/o/i/a/zero sound (with br at - with bir at - with ber y);

Error: vishwhish nya (suffixal method, suffix –enn).

Right: cherries ny ← cherry I (suffixal method, suffix -n).

Hissing w, sh, ch, ts alternate with g-k, z-s, d-t ( start ah, empty it, Pushcha y);

B/bl, p/pl, v/vl, f/fl, m/ml ( love it, love yu, in love ennobled).

When choosing a cognate word, remember the following:

Part of speech from what part of speech can it be formed how
noun noun prefix, suffix,


adjective suffixed, unsuffixed
adjective noun suffixal, prefix-suffixal
adjective prefixal
verb suffixal
verb verb prefix, suffix
noun suffixal,


adverb noun, adjective, adverb, numeral, pronoun suffixal,


participle suffixal
participle, participle verb only suffixal only

Ways of word formation:

1) First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the method of transition from one part of speech to another.

Transition- This is a non-morphological method of word formation, which consists in changing the morphological characteristics of a word. Outwardly, this is manifested by the preservation of all morphemes and endings characteristic of the original part of speech, but by a change in the question asked of this word.

To the past (which?) Sunday we went to the circus. – It is necessary to remember (What?) past.

In the first case, by the way past the question is asked which?, i.e. the question is an adjective, and in the second What?– noun question. This means there has been a transition in the second sentence.

2) Prefix method.

Remember!The prefix does not change the part of speech!

Common models:

times/ras, over, super, ultra, extra + noun/adjective = noun/adjective.

anti, dez, counter, not, nor + noun/adjective = noun/adjective.

prefix + any unprefixed verb = verb.

3) Suffixal method (more often forms a new part of speech).

4) Prefix-suffix method.

5) Addition

When adding, usually two roots, parts of roots, words in a certain case are distinguished in a word, or the word is an abbreviation (MSU, Unified State Examination).

Algorithm of actions.

1) Write down the word in the initial form and highlight the ending or formative suffix (-ть, -ч or –ти for verbs).

2) Select the closest related word (it should include as many morphemes as possible of the word being analyzed) and highlight the ending or formative suffix.

3) Identify the common part of two words (matching morphemes)

4) Determine the method of formation using a morpheme that is not included in the general part.

Analysis of the task.

From the sentences, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way.

And I, first in kindergarten and then at school, bore the heavy cross of my father’s absurdity. Everything would be fine (you never know what kind of fathers anyone has!), but I didn’t understand why he, an ordinary mechanic, came to our matinees with his stupid accordion. I would play at home and not disgrace myself or my daughter!

Let's talk. If you need to find a word formed using a prefix and suffix, then they must be present in the word that needs to be written down. Let's try to find these words. There weren't that many of them: at first, absurdity, incomprehensible. Now let’s select the closest cognate “relative” to these words.

First - the beginning (they differ in both prefix and suffix, i.e. prefix-suffix method),

Absurdity – awkward (formed using the suffix –ost, method of formation – suffixal),

It’s unclear - it’s clear (they differ only in the prefix, which means this is a prefix method).

Thus, the correct answer is the word at first.


1. From this sentence, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way.

I suddenly felt scared, as if the earth had broken off under me and I found myself on the edge of a bottomless abyss.

2. From this sentence, write down a word formed by a prefix.

But in the “virtual” he can appear as a prince on a white horse.

3. From these sentences, write down words formed in a suffixless way (using a zero suffix).

Insulting shouts and threats were heard. Barclay's adjutant had to draw his saber to pave the way to the carriage.

1) bottomless

2) appear

Chin Duvet Cover Seaside Interlocutor Constellation Sill Boletus Boletus Stowaway Modern Plantain Check the lexical meaning! Check the lexical meaning! Words formed by the prefix-suffix method are not used without a prefix!

3. Select only the previous step of the word-formation chain. In the word under study, only the morpheme (morphemes) that participate in word formation should be highlighted. For example: Steamer = steamer + n Myopia = myopic + awn Coming = come + box Tied = tie + an + n

Indicate the method of forming the word SOPHISTICATED. n. – sophistication Noun, formed from an adjective (denotes quality). This is the quality of something being “refined.” Compare the words “refined” and “refinement.” The suffix -ost- has been added. Suffix method.

Indicate the method of formation of the word KNOW A verb formed from “to know” Without the prefix DO- is used, but takes on a different meaning “to be friends, to be familiar.” Without the suffix -sya is not used, which means the prefix is ​​added along with the suffix. Prefix-suffix method.

Determine the method of word formation Lean Renewal Trembling Slowly Make friends Efficiency Supper Immoral Soulless Story 1. Suffixal 2. Suffixless 3. Prefixial 4. Prefixal-suffixal

Determine the method of word formation Take a closer look Skater Running in Respect Pedestrian Not enough In German Privolye Raincoat-tent loudspeaker 1. Prefix 2. Suffix 3. Prefix-suffix 4. Completion 5. Completion with suffix

Divide the words into groups in accordance with the method of formation: traffic controller rumble yearbook echo bow occasionally aggravate employee touching trumpet hew touch 1. Prefix 2. Suffix 3. Prefix-suffix 4. Composition 5. Composition with suffix

Divide the words into groups in accordance with the method of formation: 1. Prefixal 2. Suffixal 3. Prefixal-suffixal 4. Compounding 5. Compounding with suffixation touching make way stepped construction messy babble wrinkle illumination guardianship trade rust add temptation

Check: Prefix Bow Blow Trumpet Hew Touch Touch Rust Draw Suffixal Regulator Yearbook Touching Touch Stepped Construction Smudge Wrinkle Illumination Prefix-Suffixal Echo Occasionally Aggravate Employee Make way Suffixless Babble Guardianship Rumble Seduction

From sentence 21, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. 21) Few people know about a man who is equal in feat to Christ, who walked “on water as well as dry land.” Answer: on dry land Adverb Formed from adj. dry with the prefix po- and the suffix –у.

From sentence 21, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. (21) After this, they look for work again: either to bring dry grass, or to go get water... Answer: again Adverb Formed from adj. new with the prefix s- and suffix –a.

From the sentences, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. (13) In the menacing light of dueling rules, the word quickly turned into lead. (14) What about Pushkin? (15) What an irreparable and senseless death... Answer: senseless Adjective Formed from noun. meaning with the prefix bes- and the suffix –en. (does not exist without prefix)

From the sentences, write down the word formed without a suffix. (26) The whole castle was scratched. (27) The bookcase, the surface of the table, the bed - everything bore fresh traces of a search. (28) The linen was folded neatly, but not in the order in which Mashenka left it when leaving home. Answer: search Noun with the meaning of action. Formed from verbs. search.

From the sentences, write down the word formed without a suffix. (3) My son was seriously ill, and we were lost in search of one rare medicine. (4) He was nowhere to be found. (5) Gaidar went to the phone and called his home. Answer: search for a noun with an action meaning. Formed from verbs. search.

From the sentences, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. (12) Focus on him! (13) And let no one notice your bad mood, you’ll see it will get better. (14) You will straighten not only your shoulders, you will straighten yourself internally. Answer: straighten the Verb in the imperative mood. Derived from adj. direct with the prefix ras- and suffix –i. (does not exist without prefix)

From the sentences, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. (26) Now, of course, it is not fiction that shapes our linguistic taste. (27) The tone is now set primarily by television and radio. (28) This applies to the pronunciation of sounds, stress, and intonation. (29) And modern announcers like American intonation. 1

From sentence 11, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. (11) In works of art, a spiritual person is looking for an interlocutor, an ally - he needs art to support his own spirit, to strengthen his own faith in goodness, truth, beauty. 5

From sentences 7 – 8, write down the words formed by prefixes. (7) Looks like an eagle, acts smoothly, measuredly. (8) The same eagle, as soon as he left the room and approaches the office of his boss, is in such a hurry as a partridge with papers under his arm that there is no urine. 7

From sentences 7 – 9, write down the word formed by the prefix method. (7) You hear, see, read such things - and you want to ring the alarm bell again and again, cry out, beg, persuade: BEWARE OF THE OFFERER! (8) This is the most common, most malignant disease of our speech. (9) Once upon a time, a rare expert on the Russian language and a wizard of words, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, branded it with a precise, murderous name. 8

From the sentences, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. (3) On a ship illuminated by powerful lights. (4) And in this foggy world tired constellations arose... (5) I left the wheelhouse onto the wing of the bridge. 9

From the sentences, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. (12) Gossip was forced to be careful. (13) In the menacing light of dueling rules, the word quickly turned into lead. (14) What about Pushkin? (15) What an irreparable and senseless death... 10

From the sentences, write down the word formed by the prefix method. (6) TV produces passivity! - the farmer got excited. - (7) Just think, my daughters, instead of practicing the violin or piano, instead of reading and developing their imagination, instead of collecting butterflies or medicinal herbs, instead of embroidering, they see whole evenings, staring at it gray spot. 1

From the sentences, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. (17) From the depths of history comes a fascination with alchemy, which for a long time remained the guardian of chemical knowledge. (18) The idea of ​​telepathic communication came to the attention of a number of our outstanding compatriots, intriguing V. Bekhterev and K. Tsiolkovsky. (19) And the famous chemist A. Butlerov, in collaboration with the writer S. Aksakiv, even published the magazine “Rebus”, in which telepaths and spiritualists found refuge. 3

From the sentences, write out the verb that is formed in a suffixal way. (3) I saw Pleshcheyevo - lake near Pereslavl-Zalessky. (4) And Lake Patzcuaro in Mexico. (5) and Lake Synevyr in the Carpathians. (6) Pyhäjärve can compete with both Patzcuaro and Synevyr in its beauty. (7) We were about to leave Pyhäjärve, and when the day of departure arrived, we came to say goodbye to the lake. 4

From sentence 5, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. (5) But this is not the fate, and the fate of the writer is different, who dared to call out everything that is every minute before the eyes and what indifferent eyes do not see - all the terrible, stunning mud of little things that entangle our lives, all the depth of the cold, fragmented, everyday characters with which our earthly, sometimes bitter and boring road is teeming, and with the strong power of an inexorable chisel, which dared to expose them prominently and brightly to the eyes of the people! 5

From sentence 7, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way. (7) Meanwhile, I had my own soul, and I knew about it from a very distant time, almost from childhood, when I slowly shed tears that I was born different from everyone else. 6

From the sentences, write down the word formed by the prefix method. (4) The absurdity of such “sober thinking” is obvious to any person who has ever found himself under bullets. (5) I will remember my first fight for the rest of my life. 9

The most productive in Russian is formation of new words using prefixes, suffixes, postfixes. However, firstly, they do not exhaust all possible ways of the morphological method of word formation, and secondly, within each of these methods more specific varieties can be distinguished. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

1. Prefix method- formation of new words using prefixes.

For example, verb swim across formed from the verb swim using the attachment re- (re-swim - t← ply - t).

    A derivational prefix is ​​attached to the entire word. Moreover, derived words formed by prefixes always belong to the same part of speech as the producing words.

    The prefix method is used in the formation of all significant parts of speech.

    For example: discomfort□ ← comfort □ ; you go-t← go - t; super-gifted-th← gifted - th; to this day← now.

But it is most productive in the formation of new verbs.

Wed: for -pe-t← ne - t; to-pe-t← ne - t; with -pe-t← ne - t; re-pe-t← ne - t.

2. Suffix method- formation of a new word using derivational suffixes.

For example: verb resin formed from a noun resin using the verbal suffix -i- (smol- And-t← resins - A).

    The suffix method is one of the most common in the language. With its help, all significant parts of speech are formed in the Russian language. In this case, the part of speech of the derived word can be the same as that of the producing word (cf.: birch- nope□ ← birch - A; census yva-t← census - t; ser- ovat-th← gray - th), may be different than that of the word producing (cf.: ser- e-t← gray - th; ser- awn□ ← gray - th; ser- O← gray - th).

3. Postfix method- formation of a new word using derivational postfixes.

    In the Russian language, as noted, derivational postfixes include:

    a) return postfix -;
    b) postfixes of indefinite pronouns -this, -either, -something.

    Therefore, reflexive verbs, indefinite pronouns and pronominal adverbs are formed in a postfixal way.

    For example: teach - t-Xia← teach - t; How - Ouch-That← how - Ouch; When- or← when .

Note. If we consider a postfix as a type of suffix, then this kind of formation can be attributed to the suffixal method of word formation.

4. Zero suffixation- formation of a new noun by meaningful use of the absence of a suffix.

Note. In some manuals this method is also called suffixless.

For example: height -Ø□ (“high space”) ← height/ok - th; zadir -Ø-a (“one who bullies”) ← bully - t.

    The absence of a suffix is ​​significant for a new word in the same way as the absence of a materially expressed ending is significant in the presence of a zero ending.

    For comparison, let’s compare the formation of words with the same root:

    1. ascending enij-e← sunrise/s - t; incision- To-A← cut/a - t; daring stv-O← deleted - Ouch;

    2. sunrise -Ø□ ← sunrise/s - t; cut -Ø□ ← cut/a - t; prowess -Ø□ ← prowess - Ouch.

    In the first case ( climbing, cutting, daring) when forming a verbal noun, a materially expressed suffix is ​​used, in the second case ( sunrise-Ø, incision-Ø, prowess-Ø) - zero suffixation.


In modern Russian there are a large number of words formed by zero suffixation:

1) Verbal nouns of the masculine gender of the 2nd declension with the meaning of an abstract action or its result.

Login ← enter, departure ← fly out, twitter ← twitter.

2) Verbal nouns of the feminine gender of the 1st declension with the meaning of an abstract action or its result.

Retribution ← to pay, merit ← to deserve.

3) Verbal nouns of the feminine gender of the 3rd declension with the meaning of an abstract action or state.

Scold ← scold, tremble ← tremble.

4) Verbal nouns of the general gender in -a, -ya, denoting a person by his characteristic action.

Bully ← bully, roar ← roar.

5) Masculine nouns of the 2nd declension, formed from adjectives, with the meaning of an abstract feature or the name of a person based on a distinctive feature.

Primitive ← primitive, original ← original.

6) Feminine nouns of the 1st declension, formed from adjectives, with the meaning of the subject according to the attribute.

Thick ← thick, steep ← steep.

7) Feminine nouns of the 3rd declension, formed from adjectives, with the meaning of an abstract feature.

Blue ← blue, wilderness ← deaf.

    When forming verbal nouns using zero suffixation, the productive stem is usually truncation (the verbal suffix is ​​cut off).

    For example: merit -Ø- A← merit - t; story -Ø□ ← story/a - t; twitter -Ø□ ← twitter/a - t.

5. Prefix-suffix method- the formation of new words by simultaneously attaching a prefix and suffix to the base of the word that produces the word.

    Nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs are formed in the prefix-suffix way.

    For example: under -glass-nick□ ← glass □ ; under -chef-th← chief □ ; de-weapons← weapons- j-e; in his own way← its - th.


1) The meaning of a derivative word formed by the prefix-suffix method is often derived from the combination of a noun in the indirect case with a preposition, and the derivative word uses a prefix homonymous to the preposition.

Wed: windowsill□ (“under the window”) ← window - O; under -glass-nick□ (“under the glass”) ← glass □ ; without -lun-ij-e(“without moon”) ← moons - A.

2) Do not forget that the suffix -j- may not be expressed in a word by a special graphic sign:

without-people-[ j ]-e← people - And.

3) Adverbs that are written with a hyphen are formed in the prefix-suffix way:

a) from adjectives - with the prefix po- and the suffixes -oom, -em, -i:

like an adult wow← adult th; in a good way to him← good th; comradely← comradely th; wolf-like[j ]-And← wolf th;

b) from ordinal numbers - with the prefix v-, vo- and the suffix -y, -i:

firstly ← first th; in-third-their ← tert th.

4) Their meaning is usually motivated by the combination of a noun with a preposition, and the derived adjective uses a prefix homonymous to the preposition:

without legs-Ø- th(“without legs”) ← legs - A; without -horn-Ø- th(“without horns”) ← horn □ .

Compare the formation of similar adjectives, where, along with the prefix, not a zero, but a materially expressed suffix is ​​used:

without -ticket-n-th(“without a ticket”) ← ticket □ ; without -harm-th(“without harm”) ← harm □ .

6. Since in this manual -sya is considered not as a type of suffix, but as a postfix, we can distinguish several mixed ways of word formation of verbs with the postfix -sya:

    prefix-postfixal method- the formation of new words by simultaneously attaching a prefix and a postfix to the base of the word that produces the word;

    You are crying-t-Xia← plaka - t; in -chita-t-Xia← read - t.

    suffixal-postfixal method- formation of new words by simultaneously attaching a suffix and a postfix to the base of the word that produces the word;

    Word formation (WF) is the linguistic process of forming new word forms using various stable models. Also, word formation is an area of ​​scientific knowledge that is devoted to the study of this process. Let's look at ways to form words in .

    In contact with

    The entire array of word forms of our language is classified into primitives (their meaning cannot be explained) and derivatives (their meaning is explained by the structure - the internal form of the lexeme). Eat two different ways to form words:

    • diachronic(historical formation);
    • synchronistic(the actual formation of new word forms).

    As mentioned earlier, the creation of new ones is based on fixed word-formation models. The methods of formation of verbs and nouns are very diverse. The CO model is a kind of language algorithm for producing new word forms or establishing the internal structure of old ones.

    Goals and functions of the CO

    Why does the process of forming new units in our language exist, what functions does it perform? First, new tokens are created in order to simplify syntactic structures, which model this or that object of reality (a lighter is something that lights a flame). Secondly, word formation is capable of fixing meanings in different syntactic models (washing is a verbal noun denoting a whole process of actions). Thirdly, the formation of new words is aimed at conveying stylistically or emotionally charged shades (spirit - soul - soul).

    In addition, word formation performs the following important functions:

    1. Nominative - designation, name of any objects and processes.
    2. Compressive – creating abbreviations from a number of words, simplifying the language.
    3. Constructive - changing a word in order to correctly construct syntax.
    4. Expressive – conveying a subjective, personal attitude towards something.
    5. Stylistic – expression of the stylistic coloring of a word form.

    Educational means

    The structure of each word can be represented as follows: stem (the part that reveals its meaning) and inflection/ending (the element located at its absolute end and expressing grammatical characteristics). During formation, the inflection always changes, but the stem does not.

    Exists two types of bases in CO: generating and derivative. Generative - simpler in meaning, it is basic for the formation of a derivative basis.

    Important! The derivative is always secondary and justified by the meaning of the producer.

    The stem consists of morphemes - elements (root, prefix, suffix, ). Morphemes indicate CO patterns. Some of the morphemes are word-forming; they are the means of creating words:

    • prefix (prefix) – an element located before the root;
    • suffix – an element located after the root of the word form;
    • postfix (s) – an element located after the suffix and expressing reciprocity/reciprocity.

    Also, the combination of a prefix and a suffix plays the role of a CO means - in this case, they are added simultaneously.

    Types of word formation

    In our language there are a large number of options for forming word forms. Let's list them:

    1. Prefixal (prefixive way of forming words).
    2. Suffixal.
    3. Prefix-suffixal (prefix-suffixal).
    4. Postfixed.
    5. Suffixless.
    6. Fusion (of words or their stems, abbreviation).
    7. Substantivization (transition of a word to another part of speech).
    8. Complex types.

    Now let's look at each of them in detail.

    Prefixal or prefixed way of forming words– a variant of word form formation in which the prefix () becomes the word-forming morpheme. The prefix method is characteristic, as a rule, of verbs and verbal parts of speech, but is also involved in the formation of other words.

    Suffix CO– a type of word form formation in which the suffix becomes the word-forming morpheme. Suffixation is a nominal property, but is used in the formation of many other parts of speech.

    Examples of prefix CO: green - turn green, eye - peephole.

    Prefix-suffix CO– a combined process in which a prefix and a suffix become word-forming morphemes. The prefix-suffix method is typical mainly for nouns, as well as adverbs.

    Examples of prefix-suffix CO: three - three of us, blanket - duvet cover.

    Postfix CO– postfix acts as a word-forming morpheme. The postfixal method of word formation is characteristic of verb forms and characterizes their reflexivity or reciprocity of action.

    Examples of postfixal CO: return – return, push – push.

    Without suffix CO– truncation of word morphemes. The suffixless method is used to transform verbs and some adjectives into nouns. What is typical for this variant is that the stem of the generating adjective changes, but the verb does not.

    Examples of suffixless CO: deaf - wilderness, walk - step.

    Fusion (addition) in word formation occurs in various variations:

    • merging stems or whole words using connecting vowels (“o” and “e”);
    • abbreviation - the formation of complex abbreviated words by connecting parts of phrases. This type is most typical for nouns.

    Examples of fusion in CO: nature + know = natural history, genetically modified organisms - GMOs.

    Substantivization– word formation of nouns, the process by which participles and adjectives are transformed. This process is also called the transition from one part of speech to another.

    Examples of a word transitioning to another part of speech: working people - the worker gets up early.

    Complex prefix and complex suffix CO– these are combined processes of word formation, during which the prefix or suffix act as word-forming elements or the fusion of stems occurs.

    Examples of complex varieties of CO: snow + cleaning + -n = snow removal, heat + travel + -ohm = by motor ship.

    Important! CO methods are stable models that are characteristic of specific parts of speech and are applied according to a fixed algorithm.

    Word-formation analysis

    CO parsing is the process of dividing a word into parts with the establishment of internal connections. Its implementation is aimed at finding out from to what word form and how the word was formed, as well as what models were used.

    CO word parsing is performed using the following algorithm:

    1. Put the word in question in its initial form.
    2. Identify lexemes that could motivate the creation of the word under study. They must be connected with it in meaning, and the meaning of the word being analyzed can be explained through them.
    3. Define derivative and generating bases.
    4. Indicate the means and method of CO in the lexeme under study.
    5. Determine what processes were associated with the formation of a new word form (truncation of the stem, etc.).

    Example of word-formation parsing:

    1. Wealth is the initial form of “wealth”.
    2. Wealth (noun) – comes from the adjective “rich.”
    3. Wealth (derivative) ← rich (producing).
    4. The means of CO is suffixation, the method of CO is suffixation.
    5. No other processes were involved.

    Methods of word formation

    2 Basic ways of forming words in Russian


    So, word formation represents a set of linguistic processes and stable algorithms for the formation of word forms. There are many types of word formation that are based on the use of different morphemes to create a new word.

    What is the prefix-suffix method of word formation? You will find the answer to this question in this article. In addition, we will tell you about what other types there are, how they differ from each other, and give several specific examples.

    General information

    “Form the word ...” in a prefix-suffix way - this is exactly the beginning of most exercises on the presented topics. But before you begin the practical task, you need to study the theoretical part.

    First you need to understand what word formation is. This term hides a whole section of linguistics. It studies all existing ways of forming words. Knowing them in theory and applying them in practice, you can quite easily understand how the Russian language is constantly being enriched.

    Ways to form words

    The prefix-suffix method is one of the most difficult. It should also be noted that in addition to it, there are others in the Russian language. And before introducing the prefix-suffix method to your attention, we need to talk about other methods that play an equally important role in word formation.

    So, in the Russian language there are the following methods by which new words are formed:

    In this article we will talk in more detail only about the first three. After all, such methods are interconnected and cannot be considered separately.

    Prefix method of word formation

    We will talk a little further about what features the prefix-suffix method of word formation hides. Now I would like to tell you about how the Russian language is enriched thanks to the purely prefix method.

    This method is characterized by adding a prefix (or so-called prefix) to the base. Here are some examples:

    • the word “comrade” is formed using the prefix co-, added to the productive stem “comrade”;
    • the word “enemy” is formed using the prefix non- added to the productive stem “buddy”;
    • the word “super-early” is formed using the prefix super- added to the productive stem “early”;
    • the word “to give” is formed using the prefix pri-, added to the productive stem “to give”;
    • the word “distribute” is formed using the prefix raz- added to the productive stem “give”.

    Features of the prefix method

    When forming words in this way, you should know that:

    Suffixal method of word formation

    To form prefix-suffix words, you must know the basic rules of the suffix and prefix method. The latter was discussed above. As for the suffixal method, according to the name, words in the Russian language are formed using it by adding one or another suffix to the generating stem. Here are some examples:

    • the word “countryman” is formed by adding the suffix -yak- to the productive stem “land”;
    • the word “birch forest” is formed by adding the suffix -nyak- to the productive stem “birches”;
    • the word “gray” is formed by adding the suffix -ost- to the productive stem “gray”;
    • the word “worker” is formed by adding the suffix -nik- to the productive stem of “work”;
    • the word “room” is formed by adding the suffix -n- to the generating stem “rooms”.

    Features of the suffix method

    The presented method of word formation is one of the most common. Using this method, almost all significant parts of speech are formed in our native language. It should also be noted that with the suffix method, the part of speech of the new word may be the same as that of the producer, or it may differ. For example, nouns with the suffixes -eni- and -ani- are usually formed from verbs (appear - appearance).

    Prefix-suffix method

    It is not for nothing that the two previous methods of word formation were presented to your attention, because the one named is to simultaneously attach both a suffix and a prefix to the generating stem. It should be especially noted that the mentioned method of word formation is the most difficult.

    Prefix-suffix method: examples of word formation

    Despite the fact that this method of word formation is recognized as one of the most difficult, thanks to it our language has become more diverse and beautiful. After all, there is an incredible number of combinations of prefixes and suffixes that can be attached to almost any productive stem. To make sure of this, let’s present a few examples:

    • the word “untalented” is formed using the suffix -n- and the prefix bez-, added to the productive stem “gift”;
    • the word “gift” is formed using the suffix -ok- and the prefix po-, added to the productive stem “gift”;
    • the word “to refrain” is formed using the suffix -a- and the prefix pri-, added to the productive stem “pev”;
    • the word “five” is formed using the suffix -om- and the prefix v-, added to the productive stem “five”;
    • the word “blind” is formed using the suffix -ovat- and the prefix pod-, added to the productive stem “blind”;
    • the word “inevitable” is formed using the suffix -n- and the prefix not-, added to the productive stem “avoid”.

    Features of the prefix-suffix method

    As you can see, forming a word using a prefix-suffix method is quite difficult. And to do this correctly, you need to know all the features of the morphemes used.

    By the way, using this method, not only nouns and verbs are formed, but also adverbs and adjectives:

    • glass - cup holder;
    • weapon - disarm;
    • svoy - in your own way;
    • boss - sponsored.

    When using this method of word formation, you should also pay attention to the following nuances:

    1. The meaning of a new word, which was formed using the prefix-suffix method, is quite often derived from the combination of a noun, which is in the indirect case, and a preposition. In this case, in a derivative expression a prefix is ​​usually used that is homonymous to the latter. For example:

    • window sill, that is, under the window;
    • cup holder, that is, under the glass;
    • moonless, that is, without the moon.

    2. We should not forget that the suffix -й- may not be expressed in a word by a graphic sign. For example:

    • people-i - without-people-[th]-e.

    3. All adverbs that are written with a hyphen are formed using the prefix-suffix method. For example:

    • from by means of the prefix po- and the suffixes - him-, -mu- (adult - in an adult way, wolfy - in a wolf-[th]-and way, good - in a good way, comradely - in a comradely way);
    • from ordinal numbers through the prefixes vo- and v-, as well as suffixes -ih- and -ih- (third - in-third-i, first - in-the-first).

    4. As mentioned above, the meaning of derived words that were formed in the prefix-suffix way is usually motivated by the combination of a noun with a preposition. Moreover, the derived adjective uses a prefix that is homonymous to the preposition, and also has a zero suffix. For example:

    • without-horn-0th, that is, without horns;
    • without-legs-0, that is, without legs.

    However, there are also derived adjectives that, along with the prefix, also have a materially expressed suffix. For example:

    • without harm (derived from the preposition and noun “without harm”);
    • without-ticket-n-y (derived from the preposition and noun “without a ticket”).

    Fixing the material

    Now you know how words are formed using prefix, suffix or prefix-suffix methods. In order to consolidate this topic, you need to complete the following several exercises:

    1. If possible, then form nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs using the prefix-suffix method from the following stems: sword, village, work, cry, read, harm, story, window, door, wilderness, trembling, flight, height, incision , sunrise

    2. Determine the generating words for the following: innocent, illiterate, beardless, hairy, voiceless, talkative, sofa, polar, bony, long-distance, current, fatherly, judicial, onion, today, tolerant, tired, reader.