Project on the theme school school supplies. Holiday “Visiting school supplies. Distance learning for teachers according to the Federal State Educational Standards at low prices

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 3"

Project "History" school supplies»

Lapina Svetlana Yurievna,


Kolpashevo -2016

Project participants: pupils of the preparatory group, teacher - Lapina S.Yu.

Age group: preparatory

Project type: informational and creative

Project topic: History of school supplies.

Objective of the project: Generate interest in school.To familiarize children with the purpose and functions of school supplies so that children do not play with them at school, but use them for their intended purpose. educational process as a tool for achieving certain goals.


    Development of cognitive interests - the purpose of school supplies, their decoration, the history of their appearance, changes in appearance and functions.

    Development creativity– writing, drawing, application, design project “Timeline”

    Development of communication skills - discussion, expressing hypotheses, establishing agreements.

The duration of the project is 10 days.

Relevance of the project:

Our preschool institution is working in depth on the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school. Thus, the issue of familiarizing future first-graders with school supplies is an integral part of this issue.

Analysis teaching experience teachers and research results indicate that a preschool child entering school has insufficient understanding of the purpose and functions of school supplies.
If in before school age The leading activity is play, then at school age educational activities acquire such a role in the child’s life.
For a former preschooler and now a first-grader, school supplies, first of all, act as toys and, as with any toy, it is necessary to teach the child to “play.”

Long before school, it is necessary to develop basic self-organization skills in educational activities. These skills will later become “helpers” for the child in educational activities.
Also in preschool years the child needs to learn: any activity - play, work, classes - requires certain preparation. Therefore, it is important to foresee what, for example, will be needed for drawing, modeling, play or work, where and how best to sit, whether everything you need is at hand, how best to arrange the materials and aids needed for the lesson.

1 day


"Secrets of the school bag" (Conversation about the history of school supplies) book.

Why do we need school supplies?

How the first writings appeared. (book-papyri)

Offer for viewing encyclopedias and books on the history of writing.

Tips for parents in the corner

First books"

Day 2




"Secrets of the School Pencil Case"

What did you write before?

The history of the pen.

What are they using now?

Di« Help Vintik assemble the pen."

It is proposed to assemble one handle at a time.

Exhibition of “Ballpoint Pens”

Consultation for parents and educators on the topic “Pencil cases”

As for pencil cases, none of the existing designs can cause any harm to the child’s health.

Day 3



“Secrets of the school pencil case” (continued) eraser, paper clips.

What other items can be in the pencil case?

History of origin.

Di « Quick eraser"

- childshould remove unnecessary details of the pencil drawing with an eraser as quickly as possible.

D/i “Help Shpuntik assemble a chain of paper clips”

Development of fine motor skills.

Children are asked to assemble a chain of paper clips (who is faster)

Children are offered outlines of school supplies.

Folder: “Requirements for pencil cases.”

4 day





“Secrets of the school pencil case” (continued) pencils (colored and plain), sharpener.

History of origin.

What are pencils for?

How to use a sharpener?

D/i “Sharpen your pencils”

Development of fine motor skills.

D/i “Help Malvina collect pencils”

Learn to distinguish between colored and simple pencils.

Drawing "Rainbow".

Development of creative abilities.

Coloring pages.

Information in the parent corner “Preparing your hand for writing”

5 day





Riddles about school supplies.

Learn one of the riddles.

Role-playing game"SCHOOL" TARGET:

Learn to select the attributes necessary for the game;

Learn to distribute roles and act according to the role assumed;

Learn to carry out game actions according to verbal instructions;

Learn to model role-playing dialogue;

Expand and deepen children's knowledge about school and school supplies.

EQUIPMENT: school supplies necessary for studying, pointer, attributes, tasks, bell.

Who invented the ballpoint pen?

( Information

for the parent's corner)

Day 6



“Secrets of the school bag” (continued) scissors, paper.

Where did the paper come from?

Paper making.

Be careful with paper.

Instructions for using scissors.

Application "Figures"

Using scissors and paper, cut out any items from school supplies and glue them onto cardboard in the form of a briefcase.

Exhibition various types paper.

“When taking care of a child, do not forget about him...”

The ideal school backpack (information for parents)

Day 7

"Secrets of the school bag" Ruler, squares.

D/i “Help Pinocchio measure objects”

Teach the skills of measuring objects using a ruler.

Drawing segments of a certain length.

Exhibition of various types of rulers and squares, protractor, pattern.

Offer it to parents at home.

Reading the poem “Briefcase”

V. Danko

Day 8




"Secrets of the school bag" paints, gouache, brushes.

Types of brushes.

Purpose, use in people's lives.

Drawing "To school"

Exhibition of brushes (for drawing, for glue, paint brushes, wide-narrow, thin-thick)

“How to teach a child to draw”, “Developing creative personality"(information in the corner)

Day 9




“Secrets of the school bag” (summarization)

Rebuses, puzzles, crosswords about school supplies.

D/s for the development of attention “Toys, school, sports”

If you hear a word that refers to toys, clap your hands; if you hear a word related to school supplies, put your hands on the table, like in school; and if the word refers to sports equipment, spread your arms to the side.

Cut-out pictures depicting school subjects.

Invite parents to visit the school where the child is going to go to first grade.

10 day




“Secrets of the school bag” (summarization)

D/i “Help Dunno collect his briefcase”

- instill respect for school property and personal school supplies.

D/i “Divide words into syllables” (speech development)

EQUIPMENT: school supplies necessary for studying.

Tips for parents in the corner “Just getting your child ready for school”

Crossing the school threshold, recent preschoolers begin a new, very important period of personality development. This is a new way of life, which involves new system relationships with other people, implementing new forms of activity, performing new tasks, changing the regime so that adaptation to school is painless.

Irina Savchuk
Project “From the history of school supplies”

Short project

Subject: «»

preparatory group "Malinka"

MADOU "Child Development Center Kindergarten No. 79"

Educators: Savchuk I. V.

Age group: preparatory

View project: informational and creative

Subject project: History of school supplies.

Target project: Generate interest in school. Familiarize children with the purpose and functions school supplies for in order to school children did not play with them, but used them for their intended purpose in the educational process as a tool for achieving certain goals

Duration project 10 days: from 05/15/18 to 05/27/18.

Relevance project: is our preschool the institution is working on the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school. Thus, the question of familiarizing future first-graders with school supplies is part of this question.

Analysis of teachers’ teaching experience and research results indicate that the child is preschooler, entering school, has insufficient understanding of the purpose and functions school supplies.

If in preschool age, the leading activity is play, then in school At age, educational activities acquire such a role in a child’s life.

For the ex preschooler and first-grader, school supplies, first of all, act as toys and, as with any toy, it is necessary to teach the child to “play”.

Long before schools it is necessary to develop basic self-organization skills in educational activities. These skills will later become “helpers” for the child in educational activities.

Also in preschool years a child needs learn: any activity - play, work, classes - requires certain preparation. Therefore, it is important to foresee what, for example, will be needed for drawing, modeling, play or work, where and how best to sit, whether everything you need is at hand, how best to arrange the materials and aids needed for the lesson.

Joint activities between adults and children. Enrichment of the developmental environment Interaction with parents and social partners.

cognition Book.

Why are they needed? school supplies?

How did the first writings appear? (papyrus book) Suggest for viewing encyclopedias and books with history of writing. Tips for parents in the corner

“First Books”



What did you write before?

- History of the pen.

What are they using now?

Di “Help Vintik assemble the pen”

It is proposed to assemble one handle at a time.

Exhibition "Ballpoint pens" Consultation for parents and educators on the topic “Pencil cases”

As for pencil cases, none of the existing designs can cause any harm to the child’s health.


Eraser, paper clips.

What other items can be in the pencil case?

- history of origin.

Di "Quick Eraser"

The child should use an eraser to remove unnecessary details of the pencil drawing as quickly as possible.

Di “Help Shpuntik assemble a chain of paper clips”

Development of fine motor skills.

Children are asked to assemble a chain of paper clips. (Who is faster)

Children are offered strokes school supplies. Folder- movement: "Requirements for pencil cases".



Creation. Pencils (colored and plain, sharpener.

How did pencils appear?

What are pencils for?

How to use a sharpener?

Di "Sharpen your pencils"

Development of fine motor skills.

Di “Help Malvina collect pencils”

Learn to distinguish between colored and simple pencils.

Drawing "Rainbow".

Development of creative abilities.

Coloring pages. Information in the parent corner "Preparing your hand for writing"



Riddles about school supplies.

Learn a few riddles.

Role-playing game « SCHOOL» TARGET:

Learn to select the attributes necessary for the game;

Learn to assign roles and act accordingly assumed role;

Learn to carry out game actions according to verbal instructions;

Learn to model role-playing dialogue;

Expand and deepen children's knowledge about school and school supplies.

EQUIPMENT: school supplies necessary for studying, pointer, attributes, tasks, bell. Who invented the ballpoint pen?

(Information for the parent corner)


labor Scissors, paper.

Where did the paper come from?

Paper making.

Be careful with paper.

Instructions for using scissors.

Application "Figures"

Using scissors and paper, cut out any objects from school supplies and glue it on cardboard in the form of a briefcase. Exhibition of various types of paper. “When taking care of a child, do not forget about him...”

Ideal schoolbag(information for parents)

Cognition. FEMP. Ruler, squares.

Di “Help Pinocchio measure objects”

Strengthen the skills of measuring objects using a ruler.

Drawing segments of a certain length. Exhibition of various types of rulers and squares, protractor, pattern. Offer it to parents at home.

Reading the poem “Briefcase”

V. Danko



creativity Paints, gouache, tassels.

Kinds tassels.

Purpose, use in people's lives.

Drawing "IN school» Exhibition tassels(for drawing, for glue, paint brushes, wide-narrow, thin-thick) “How to teach a child to draw”, "Developing a creative personality" (information in the corner)


cation "Secrets school bag» (generalization)

Rebuses, puzzles, crosswords about school supplies.

D/and on the development of attention “Toys, school, sport”

If you hear a word that refers to toys, clap your hands; if you hear a word related to school supplies, – put your hands on the table, as in school; and if the word refers to sports accessories– spread your arms to the side. Cut pictures with the image school subjects.

Invite parents to visit school where the child is going to go to first grade.



"Secrets school bag» (generalization)

Quiz « School. School supplies» . EQUIPMENT: school supplies necessary for studying. Tips for parents in the corner “Just collecting the child in school"

Stepping over school threshold, in recent preschoolers starts new, a very important period of personality development. This is a new way of life, which involves a new system of relationships with people around, the implementation of new forms of activity, performing new tasks, changing the regime in order to adapt to school was painless.


Aizman R.I. Preparing a child for school / R. I. Aizman. M., 1991.

Arnautova E. P. Teacher and family. M.: 2001.

E. Arnautova. Successive connections of the preschool educational institution, schools and parents of future first-graders. – M.: Sphere. 2006.)

Arkhipova I. A. Preparing a child for school. – Ekaterinburg, 2004

Bezrukikh M. M. Steps to school: book For teachers and parents. M.: Bustard, 2001.

Upbringing positive attitude To school in children preparatory to school groups within the project;Coming soon school; (from the experience of Almetyevsk preschool educational institution No. 48 October 2006)

Gavrina S. E. and others. Tests for preschoolers. – M.; 2008.

Gavrina S. E., Kutyavina N. L., etc. Developing attention. – M., 2003.

Golovneva L. A. 365 test tasks and exercises to prepare for school / L. A. Golovneva. St. Petersburg, 2000.

Dubrovina I. V. The child’s readiness for school / I. V. Dubrovina. M., 1995. 80 p.

Kabanova M.N. Getting ready for school / M. N. Kabanova. St. Petersburg, 2001.

Karkacheva N.A. In a box with pencils. //Our holidays. No. 1 for 2008

Nefedova E. A. Getting ready for school / E. A. Nefedova, O. V. Uzorova. M., 1999.


Age grouppreparatory

Project type: informational and creative

Project topic: History of school supplies.

Objective of the project: Generate interest in school. To familiarize children with the purpose and functions of school supplies so that children do not play with them at school, but use them for their intended purpose in the educational process as a tool for achieving certain goals.

The duration of the project is 10 days.

Relevance of the project: our preschool institution is working in depth on the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school. Thus, the issue of familiarizing future first-graders with school supplies is an integral part of this issue.

An analysis of the teaching experience of teachers and research results indicate that a preschool child entering school has insufficient understanding of the purpose and functions of school supplies.
If at preschool age the leading activity is play, then at school age educational activity takes on such a role in the child’s life.
For a former preschooler and now a first-grader, school supplies, first of all, act as toys and, as with any toy, it is necessary to teach the child to “play.”

Long before school, it is necessary to develop basic skills of self-organization in educational activities. These skills will later become “helpers” for the child in educational activities.
Even in preschool years, a child needs to learn: any activity - play, work, classes - requires certain preparation. Therefore, it is important to foresee what, for example, will be needed for drawing, modeling, play or work, where and how best to sit, whether everything you need is at hand, how best to arrange the materials and aids needed for the lesson.

Joint activities between adults and children.

Enriching the development environment

Interaction with parents and social partners.

1 day


"Secrets of the school bag"(Conversation about the history of school supplies) book.

Why do we need school supplies?

How the first writings appeared. (book-papyri)

Offer for viewing encyclopedias and books on the history of writing.

Tips for parents in the corner

“First Books”

Day 2




"Secrets of the School Pencil Case"

What did you write before?

The history of the pen.

What are they using now?

D/i " Help Vintik assemble the pen."

It is proposed to assemble one handle at a time.

Exhibition of “Ballpoint Pens”

Consultation for parents and educators on the topic “Pencil cases”

As for pencil cases, none of the existing designs can cause any harm to the child’s health.

Day 3



“Secrets of the school pencil case” (continued) eraser, paper clips.

What other items can be in the pencil case?

History of origin.

Di "Quick Eraser"

- The child should use an eraser to remove unnecessary details of the pencil drawing as quickly as possible.

D/i “Help Shpuntik assemble a chain of paper clips”

Development of fine motor skills.

Children are asked to assemble a chain of paper clips (who is faster)

Children are offered outlines of school supplies.

Folder: “Requirements for pencil cases.”

4 day





“Secrets of the school pencil case” (continued) pencils (colored and plain), sharpener.

History of origin.

What are pencils for?

How to use a sharpener?

D/i “Sharpen your pencils”

Development of fine motor skills.

D/i “Help Malvina collect pencils”

Learn to distinguish between colored and simple pencils.

Drawing "Rainbow".

Development of creative abilities.

Coloring pages.

Information in the parent corner “Preparing your hand for writing”

5 day





Riddles about school supplies.

Learn one of the riddles.

Role-playing game "SCHOOL" TARGET:

Learn to select the attributes necessary for the game;

Learn to distribute roles and act according to the role assumed;

Learn to carry out game actions according to verbal instructions;

Learn to model role-playing dialogue;

Expand and deepen children's knowledge about school and school supplies.

EQUIPMENT: school supplies necessary for studying, pointer, attributes, tasks, bell.

Who invented the ballpoint pen?


for the parent's corner)

Day 6



“Secrets of the school bag” (continued)scissors, paper.

Where did the paper come from?

Paper making.

Be careful with paper.

Instructions for using scissors.

Application "Figures"

Using scissors and paper, cut out any items from school supplies and glue them onto cardboard in the form of a briefcase.

Exhibition of various types of paper.

“When taking care of a child, do not forget about him...”

The ideal school backpack (information for parents)

Day 7

"Secrets of the school bag"Ruler, squares.

D/i “Help Pinocchio measure objects”

Teach the skills of measuring objects using a ruler.

Drawing segments of a certain length.

Exhibition of various types of rulers and squares, protractor, pattern.

Offer it to parents at home.

Reading the poem “Briefcase”

V. Danko

Day 8




"Secrets of the school bag"paints, gouache, brushes.

Types of brushes.

Purpose, use in people's lives.

Drawing "To school"

Exhibition of brushes (for drawing, for glue, paint brushes, wide-narrow, thin-thick)

“How to teach a child to draw”, “Developing a creative personality” (information in the corner)

Day 9




“Secrets of the school bag” (summarization)

Rebuses, puzzles, crosswords about school supplies.

D/s for the development of attention “Toys, school, sports”

If you hear a word that refers to toys, clap your hands; if you hear a word related to school supplies, put your hands on the table, like in school; and if the word refers to sports equipment, spread your arms to the side.

Cut-out pictures depicting school subjects.

Invite parents to visit the school where the child is going to go to first grade.

10 day




“Secrets of the school bag” (summarization)

D/i “Help Dunno collect his briefcase”

- instill respect for school property and personal school supplies.

D/i “Divide words into syllables” (speech development)

EQUIPMENT: school supplies necessary for studying.

Tips for parents in the corner “Just getting your child ready for school”

Crossing the school threshold, recent preschoolers begin a new, very important period of personality development. This is a new way of life, which involves a new system of relationships with other people, the implementation of new forms of activity, performing new tasks, changing the regime so that adaptation to school is painless.


Aizman R.I. Preparing a child for school / R.I. Eisman. M., 1991.

Arnautova E. P. Teacher and family. M.: 2001.

E. Arnautova. Continuity of connections between preschool educational institutions, schools and parents of future first-graders. – M.: Sphere. 2006.)

Arkhipova I. A. Preparing a child for school. – Ekaterinburg, 2004

Bezrukikh M. M. Steps to school: book. For teachers and parents. M.: Bustard, 2001.

Fostering a positive attitude towards school among children in the pre-school group within the framework of the project; Back to school soon; (from the experience of Almetyevsk preschool educational institution No. 48 October 2006)

Gavrina S.E. and others. Tests for preschoolers. – M.; 2008.

Gavrina S. E. , Kutyavina N.L. et al. Developing attention. – M., 2003.

Golovneva L A. 365 test tasks and exercises for preparing for school / L. A. Golovneva. St. Petersburg, 2000.

Dubrovina I. V. Child’s readiness for school / I.V. Dubrovina. M., 1995. 80 p.

Kabanova M. N. Getting ready for school / M.N. Kabanova. St. Petersburg, 2001.

Karkacheva N. A. In a box with pencils. //Our holidays. No. 1 for 2008

Nefedova E. A. Getting ready for school / E.A. Nefedova, O.V. Uzorova. M., 1999.



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Project of joint activities of the teacher with children of the preparatory group

Summary of a project for joint activities between a teacher and children for older children preschool age(6-7 years)

Project topic: History of school supplies

Description: I offer you a summary of a project for joint activities between a teacher and children for children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old). Project topic: History of school supplies

This material will be useful to teachers of the preparatory group. Currently, the need has become urgent to rethink the essence of the education process, to search for new approaches to the education of preschool children that contribute to the fullest development of children.

The solution to this important problem forces us to pay attention to the educational potential of children’s project activities.

Project goal: to expand children's understanding of school supplies

Type of project: informational, research, creative, medium-term.

Project topic: History of school supplies.

The goal of the project: to expand children's ideas about school supplies.

· Development of cognitive interests - the purpose of school supplies, their decoration, the history of their appearance, changes in appearance and functions.

· Development of creative abilities - writing, drawing, appliqué, design project “Timeline”

· Development of communication skills - discussion, expressing hypotheses, establishing agreements.

Form of the final event: children's design

Project duration: 2-3 weeks

Integration educational areas (Educational areas indicated)

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas (forms of organization)

Enriching the development environment for independent activity children

Interaction with parents and social partners

Stage 1 Motivational and diagnostic


Compiling the “School Supplies” collection - the collection is collected together with children and parents, any images are accepted (clippings, photographs, postcards, unusual school supplies, etc.).

Problem discussion: Where did school supplies come from, why are they so different, how appearance an object speaks about its purpose

Creating a playful creative space: (children can write text on a wax tablet, look at the collection, create images using items from the collection, etc.)

Participation in the creation of a collection, making wax tablets

Stage 2 Organizational



Examination of images and objects from the collection: classification of images and objects on various grounds (purpose, material), analysis of images and objects on the following questions:

· What do we know about school supplies?

· What do we want to know?

· How can we find out?

Excursion to a stationery store

Uniting children into working groups: researchers, artists, writers

Placing “secret storage” in the environment

Participation in the creation of “Secret Vaults”

Participation in the excursion

Stage 3 Content-practical



Reading fiction

Artistic creativity

Subtopic“What the most ancient school supplies looked like”

How are ancient school supplies similar? different countries? What are they decorated with?

Looking at images of vintage school supplies.

Finding an answer to the question “Have accessories always been the same as they are now?” Looking at Images

· Conversation “History account”

· Watching the animated series “Fixies” - the History of Things series: “The History of a Ballpoint Pen”, “About a Ballpoint Pen”, “Caution: Paint and Glue”

· Fantasy games “What does a pencil, ballpoint pen, etc. tell about, according to the children’s choice

Subtopic: How did my grandparents and my parents study at school?

· Reading was “Philippok”

· Conversation “How my parents studied at school”

Objectives: To teach children coherent retelling,

· Making a screen “My parents and grandparents are schoolchildren”

· Exhibition of children’s drawings, together with parents “My first lesson”

Subtopic How school supplies are decorated

· Conversation “Beautiful school supplies”

· Reading the poem “School Sketches” by V. Berestov To activate children’s knowledge about school supplies.

· Making riddles about school supplies,

· Decoration of pencils “My cheerful pencil”

· Paper construction “Pencil stand”

· Didactic game “Toy-school-sport”

Objectives: Develop attention, coordinate word and movement. (If you hear a word that refers to toys, clap your hands; if you hear a word that refers to school supplies, put your hands on the table, like at school; and if the word refers to sports supplies, spread your arms to the side)

· Didactic game “Collect a briefcase”

Objectives: Develop attention, consolidate knowledge about school supplies.

Subtopic What are the differences between different pencils?

· Conversation “How different they are”, during the conversation showing graphic works artists created with different materials and real art materials or slides with their images

· Children's experimentation “Determination of softness and hardness of pencils”, “Comparison of charcoal pencil, pastel, sanguine and simple pencils”

· Drawing animals with pastel and sanguine

DVD "The Fixies" - series

History of things:

Entering the bill, modern Abacus.

Presentation on “Antique and modern calculating instruments and writing instruments”

Introduction of "Philippok"

Screen “My parents and grandparents are schoolchildren”

Exhibition of drawings “My first lesson”

Introducing the poem “School Sketches” by V. Berestov, riddles

Materials for decorating pencils

Paper construction materials.

Equipment for didactic games

Introducing various artistic materials to create graphic works.

books with illustrations by E. Charushin

Search DVD "Fixies" - series History of Things:

Preparation of the presentation “Antique and modern calculating instruments and writing instruments”

Searching for your school photos, photos of relatives,

Participation of parents in joint activities with the child: writing stories, creating drawings, designing an exhibition of drawings

Search for different, beautiful pens, pencils, etc.

Parents take part in decorating pencils with their children and organizing a pencil exhibition.

Helping parents find equipment for educational games

Help in finding art materials and slides for display, reproductions of graphic works by artists

Stage 4 Final



Artistic creativity Reading fiction

Children's design: Creating timelines “Pencils” “Pens”, “Counting tools” Discussion of children's projects

Illustrations for creating “Time Tapes”

Help in creating “Time Tapes”


1. , Veraksa activities for preschoolers. A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010.

2. Nechaev inventions.

3. Stories about what surrounds you. . Publisher: Children's Literature, 1962.

4. Kutsakova and artistic work in kindergarten. Program and lesson notes. - M.: Sfera, 2010. – 240 p.

5. Kutsakova and mastering. Manual labor in kindergarten and at home. A manual for teachers and parents. For classes with children 4-7 years old. - M., Mosaika-Sintez, 2008.

6. Mulko ideas about man in history and culture: Toolkit for preschool educational institution. - M.: Sfera, 2009.

7. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Basic general education program for preschool education. Ed. , .- 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2011.

8. Pavlova didactic games for familiarization with the outside world. For working with children 4-7 years old. - M. MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2011

9. Ushakova for preschoolers with literature and speech development. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2011.

10. Reader for preschoolers 5-7 years old. Manual for educators kindergarten and parents. / Comp. etc. – 1st edition. M., AST. 1997.

11. Tolstoy, publishing house: Amphora, 2010

12. Shtanko activities with children of senior preschool age // Journal "Preschool Management educational institution". - No. 4, 2004

Short description

The purpose of this extra-curricular event is to create comfortable conditions for the adaptation of first-graders, develop their communication skills and form a positive attitude towards the educational process.


Kutuzova Irina Fedorovna
MBOU Secondary School No. 78, Novosibirsk
Class: 1
Extracurricular event: “Visiting school supplies” holiday
Preparatory work:
a) Announce the drawing competition “School Days”
b) Choose the best notebooks for the subjects.
c) prepare masks-caps: Pencil, Notebook, Sharpener, Bookmark, Satchel, Eraser.
d) Competition for an original bookmark.

-There is a big holiday at school today,
We all gathered as a friendly family.
-Yesterday we were told - kids,
Sometimes they called them pranksters...
-Today we are already sitting at our desks,
And our name is first-graders.
-You guys have already studied for 2 months - a whole academic quarter. During this time, you got to know each other and began to live according to school rules.
And in the lessons we learn to write letters and numbers, read and analyze words. What supporting objects help you work in class? What should we call them? (School supplies)
-Now we find ourselves visiting school supplies. So, Attention!
(Children come out with masks and hats)
1) If you sharpen me
Draw whatever you want:
Sun, sea, mountains, beach...
Hello, I am PENCIL
-I liked the drawings…..,……,….
Thank you guys!
(Hands out prizes)

And now I want to test how you can draw with your eyes closed.
(Children draw on the board with their eyes closed)
***Scarf for the competition***

2) I can be in a cage
Or I can line it up
It's not easy to write about me.
What am I? (Notebook)

Rewards the guys who have the best notebooks.

And now the game "The Missing Chair"
(At a distance of 2-3 m, they place chairs, put a notebook. Blindfolded players sit on a chair, take a notebook in their hands. On command, they stand up, take 5 steps forward, then turn around themselves, return to their chair and sit on it, taking notebook).

3) -Why from under the sharpener?
Are there shavings and sawdust curling?
The pencil doesn't want to write -
So she sharpens it. (Sharpener)

"Let's sharpen our brains." We must answer:
a) How to name baby animals: Horse -...., bear -...., camel -...., pig -....., chicken -...
b) Denis has three pencils: Yellow, red and blue. Yellow is shorter than red, and red is shorter than blue. Which is the shortest?

4) -When and why? Why and where?
You want to find answers to everything.
And I will be your faithful assistant -
After all, the textbook and you are friends.

I am a beautiful bookmark
You need me for order.
Don't turn the pages in vain,
Where is the bookmark, read there!
a) Awarding the guys for the best bookmark.

b) Game "Caterpillar"

5) - How boring, brothers,
Ride on foreign soil!
Someone would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run on my own. (Knapsack)

a) Competition “Who can fold the briefcase faster.”
6) - If you give me a job -
The pencil was in vain. (Eraser)
a) Sketch “Who offended whom?”
b) Game "Roosters"
c) Game "Stream"
- The holiday is coming to an end.
-We didn’t manage to visit all the school supplies. Name them.
-Don't forget your helpers at home. Be careful and thrifty with them.

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Visiting School Supplies.docx

Kutuzova Irina Fedorovna

MBOU Secondary School No. 78, Novosibirsk

Class: 1

Extracurricular event: “Visiting school supplies” holiday

Preparatory work:

a) Announce the drawing competition “School Days”

b) Choose the best notebooks for the subjects.

c) prepare masks-caps: Pencil, Notebook, Sharpener, Bookmark, Satchel, Eraser.

d) Competition for an original bookmark.


Today is a big holiday at school,

We all gathered as a friendly family.

Yesterday we were told - kids,

Sometimes they called them pranksters...

Today we are already sitting at our desks,

And our name is first-graders.

You guys have already studied for 2 months - a whole academic quarter. During this time, you got to know each other and began to live according to school rules.

And in the lessons we learn to write letters and numbers, read and analyze words. What supporting objects help you work in class? What should we call them? (School supplies)

Now we find ourselves visiting school supplies. So, Attention!

(Children come out with masks and hats)

    If you sharpen me

Draw whatever you want:

Sun, sea, mountains, beach...

Hello, I am PENCIL

I liked the drawings…..,……,….

Thank you guys!

(Hands out prizes)

And now I want to test how you can draw with your eyes closed.

(Children draw on the board with their eyes closed)

***Scarf for the competition***

    I can be in a cage

Or I can line it up

It's not easy to write about me.

What am I? (Notebook)

Rewards the guys who have the best notebooks.

And now the game "The Missing Chair"

(At a distance of 2-3 m, they place chairs, put a notebook. Blindfolded players sit on a chair, take a notebook in their hands. On command, they stand up, take 5 steps forward, then turn around themselves, return to their chair and sit on it, taking notebook).

    Why from under the sharpener

Are there shavings and sawdust curling?

The pencil doesn't want to write -

So she sharpens it. (Sharpener)

"Let's sharpen our brains." We must answer:

a) How to name baby animals: Horse -...., bear -...., camel -...., pig -....., chicken -...

b) Denis has three pencils: Yellow, red and blue. Yellow is shorter than red, and red is shorter than blue. Which is the shortest?

    When and why? Why and where?

You want to find answers to everything.

And I will be your faithful assistant -

After all, the textbook and you are friends.

I am a beautiful bookmark

You need me for order.

Don't turn the pages in vain,

Where is the bookmark, read there!

a) Awarding the guys for the best bookmark.

b) Game "Caterpillar"

    How boring it is, brothers,

Ride on foreign soil!

Someone would give me a pair of legs,

So that I can run on my own. (Knapsack)

a) Competition “Who can fold the briefcase faster.”

6) - If you give me a job -

The pencil was in vain. (Eraser)

a) Sketch “Who offended whom?”

b) Game "Roosters"

c) Game "Stream"

The holiday is coming to an end.

We didn't have time to visit all the school supplies. Name them.