Grammar work program. Working program "English grammar"

In this section you can download programs for learning English. The section presents a variety of programs designed to study, practice and improve English.

Each program is accompanied by a brief description of the main goals and functions of the program. To view all the features of the program, you need to download it, install it if necessary, and view the help or help for the program.

All programs are arranged in alphabetical order.

Business Letters

The program contains several hundred business letters on a wide variety of topics. By looking at the sample letters you are interested in, you will better understand the structure of a business letter and the rules for writing such letters. The program implements search. Despite the fact that the program interface is English, the controls are quite simple and do not cause difficulties.
Download(508.5 KB)

BX Language Acquisition

The BX Language Acquisition program is designed for learning foreign words compiled into dictionaries of a special format. Words in the dictionary are divided into exercises consisting of a certain number of tasks (words).
Download(1378.8 KB)

English Grammar in Use

A program that alternates theoretical lessons and practical exercises in English. The exercises are accompanied by pictures, so it will be easy for you to learn the material.
Download(687.5 KB)

English Test

The program is a test that will show you your real level of English proficiency. The program deeply tests your knowledge of the English language, calculating the level based on the testing assessment rules of the international TOEFL test.
Download(5163.7 KB)


A program for monitoring knowledge of the English language. The program displays sentences in English, and the user needs to choose the grammatically correct one from the proposed options.
Download(398.4 KB)


A program for monitoring knowledge of the English language. The program allows you to create lessons and then use them for training.
Download(419.7 KB)

EZ Memo Booster

The program is designed to increase the user's vocabulary by finding a Russian equivalent for each English word, or vice versa.
Download(1017.4 KB)

Irregular Verbs

The purpose of the program is to help the user learn English irregular verbs. When starting the program, you must click on the "Start" button, after which all forms of five randomly selected irregular verbs will be displayed on the screen. After 20 seconds (the time can be changed), some verb forms disappear from the screen, and the user needs to fill in the blanks with the correct forms. The program is small in size and very effective for learning English irregular verbs.
Download(23.9 KB)

Language Memory Bomber

The program is designed for memorizing foreign words using visual images and distracting techniques with a built-in speech synthesizer that allows you to hear the sound of the word in the sections: Lesson, Exam and Card.
Download(2269.9 KB)

Language Study

The Language Study program is designed to learn new English words and repeat those already learned. When you start the program, there will always be a window with English words and translation on the screen. Window sizes, fonts, and much more can be changed in the settings.
Download(641.5 KB)


A program for training spoken and written English using repeated repetition of material. With or without time. It is possible to create your own lessons - for learning grammar, for learning words, for working on mistakes. Built-in ability to record responses from a microphone.
Download(1149.5 KB)

Sentence Exerciser

Sentence Exerciser is a set of English grammar tests. Different exercises cover different topics and rules. Basically, in the exercise you will need to choose the correct answer from several options, but not just click the mouse, but write the answer, and, as you know, when writing, words are remembered much better.
Download(176.4 KB)

Word translation trainer

The simulator is designed for learning the spelling of words in English. Testing knowledge of writing translations in both directions (from Russian to English, from English to Russian) using statistics on the success of translation of a particular word.

Gadgets are not only exciting games, but also unlimited opportunities to improve your knowledge. Want to know the best apps for learning English and get valuable tips on how to learn the language on your phone and tablet? We will tell you how to turn your favorite gadget into a fun English tutorial in one or two clicks.

Our articles help improve your English. But a good teacher can handle this even better. At the Inglex online school, we combine strong teachers and the comfort of online classes. Try English via Skype on .

Universal apps for learning English

Let's start with English self-teaching apps. Of course, they will not replace your textbook or ours, but they will help diversify your learning. These apps have options to work on all English language skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking. Let's name the 2 most popular applications.

1. Lingualeo

Perhaps one of the best applications for learning English. Most of the exercises are completely free to work with. A paid account is inexpensive and allows you to take special grammar courses and also gives access to additional types of exercises. A free account will allow you to learn new words, hone your spelling skills, watch videos with subtitles, analyze song lyrics, etc.

What's good about Lingualeo? The authors have created a system that itself determines your weaknesses and strengths and develops a training program for you. All you have to do is follow the recommendations provided. Is it difficult to force yourself to study? The authors of the application took care of this too: a motivation system has also been developed for you. You need to feed Leo the Lion Cub with meatballs every day - complete tasks. If you study for 5 days in a row, you will receive a small but nice prize, for example, activation of a premium account for a day. The application works stably, there is a version for Android and iOS.

2. Duolingo

With this free app you can learn not only English, but also German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. It can be used as an additional guide with exercises for those learning English from scratch. An Internet connection is only needed to download the next stage. The course is divided into stages according to the principle “from simple to complex”. If you know the basics of the language, pass the initial stages early and move straight to the next level.

What's good about Duolingo? All skills are trained here: written and oral speech (you will be asked to pronounce the phrases you have learned), reading and listening. The program works stably. There is a version for Android and iOS. Do you often forget about classes? The famous green owl will encourage you to study every day. Don't refuse her!

You watch television to turn your brain off, and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on.

You watch TV to turn off your brain, you work on the computer when you want to turn on your brain.

Applications for remembering English words

There are hundreds of different apps for learning English words on the Internet for Android and iPhone. We have selected the most popular and interesting programs that we recommend using in the process of learning the language. These apps work in much the same way: each word is trained in several different ways. We recommend that you study them daily and do not forget to periodically review the vocabulary you have learned. In one of our articles we said, try using the suggested techniques.

1. Easy Ten for or iOS. And also Fun easy learn English for Android or Words for iOS

Each of these applications contains several thousand words in English. All words are divided into groups and subgroups, each subgroup contains 5-10 words. This vocabulary will be developed through several types of tasks. You will need to select a picture for the word, translate it into Russian, write it under dictation, insert the missing letters into it, etc. Thus, you repeat the word several times, remember its sound and spelling.

2. Anki flashcards

This application for learning English words is available in versions for Android and iOS. Flashcards are a modern analogue of classic flashcards for learning English words on your tablet and phone. You get rid of the need to search for words yourself, because you will be offered ready-made sets for downloading. At the same time, you can make your own sets of flashcards if you want to learn specific words. It is much more convenient to work with such a proposal than with a stack of pieces of paper. Moreover, the application has a spaced repetition function: the program will make sure that you do not forget to repeat the learned vocabulary.

How to break the language barrier using a gadget

The best way to learn to speak English is with an interlocutor. Breaking the language barrier using a gadget is quite difficult. However, there are tricks that can help you keep your speaking skills up to par.

1. We talk on Skype

What progress has come... Now online communication is available both through a computer and through a smartphone or tablet. If the characteristics of the device allow and the communication quality is acceptable, you will be able to communicate with the interlocutor. Where to find a “victim” to talk to?

  • search on special sites like or;
  • look for an interlocutor among sociable friends or colleagues who are learning the language;
  • communicate with the teacher at our school. Of course, in this case it is better to conduct lessons using a computer, but if circumstances force you, you can also study on a mobile device

2. Repeat phrases after native speakers

Found an interesting video in English? Want to talk like the people in the video? Then turn on the recording and repeat the phrases after the characters. Sentences spoken several times will be stored in your memory, and later you will be able to use them in speech.

How to improve your listening comprehension of English using a gadget

1. Listen to podcasts and audio lessons

3. Listen to songs in English

This is rather entertainment, but your favorite songs can help you learn to understand English by ear. If you listen to a song and study its lyrics at the same time, the entertainment will turn into a fun listening exercise. In addition, you can learn a couple of new words, which will not be superfluous at all. You can study the lyrics of the songs on the sites or

How to learn English grammar on a tablet and phone

1. We work on special applications

Grammar in your pocket is not the name of the next bestseller from the “How to learn English in 3 hours” series, but our reality. To use all the rules of English “automatically”, you need to practice them as often as possible. And special applications for learning English will help you with this, for example, Johnny Grammar for iOS.

2. Testing our knowledge

All kinds of tests and online exercises give us a unique opportunity to test ourselves and discover weaknesses in our knowledge of grammar. We wrote an article. Create bookmarks for yourself and periodically visit these resources, test your knowledge and receive guidance for action. And for application lovers, we can recommend doing tests in Learn English Grammar, English Grammar Practice, Practice English Grammar, LearnEnglish Grammar.

3. Use a grammar book

The time of bulky textbooks is gradually passing. Today you can use electronic versions of famous publications and learn English using a mobile device. Not navigating the sea of ​​benefits? We have written a review for you, choose a suitable assistant from there. Moreover, there are special textbook applications that you can use on your smartphones and tablets.

4. Watch video tutorials

Do you watch videos on YouTube? Use this resource for good purposes: watch wonderful videos from native speakers, for example, this channel. Teacher Ronnie presents grammar simply and tastefully, you will be able to understand a difficult topic and at the same time practice your English listening skills. So, learning English grammar on your phone and tablet will definitely not seem boring to you.

How to improve your reading skills using mobile devices

1. Read the news

Reading news in English is a relatively simple but very rewarding task. Compared to reading fiction, it takes little time, but you can not only read in English, but also learn new words, as well as the latest events in the world. We recommend using the Newsroom apps: News Worth Sharing or BBC News for Android and Newsy or BBC News for iOS.

2. Read books

On public transport we often see people sitting with their noses buried in a book. This is a smart way to isolate yourself from others and make productive use of your time spent on the road. We recommend doing the same, and at the same time choosing the right “reading material” - books in English. For convenience, we recommend installing the reading application Moon+Reader for Android and iBooks for iOS. Where can I get the books themselves? Our article “” contains links to free libraries with adapted books and works in the original.

3. Read magazines

Do you like to read glossy magazines? You can do this on a smartphone or tablet and in English. Android owners should install the Google Play Press app to access a variety of English-language magazines. iOS owners have the Kiosk application pre-installed on their device, which allows you to download newspapers and magazines from this section.

4. Read articles on the Internet

We think that today it is almost impossible to find a person who does not use his mobile device to access the Internet. And this is good, because on the World Wide Web you will find wonderful, interesting, useful articles in English. Choose the topic yourself, the main thing is to read, preferably for at least 10-15 minutes every day. We recommend that people with an initial level of knowledge pay attention to the website, there are a lot of simple texts collected there. With an intermediate level and above, you can read articles on the website

5. Read interesting posts

And this “reading” is suitable for those who have a minimum of free time. Follow English learner accounts on Instagram or Twitter and read their posts. You will find both notes in English and tips for learning the language useful. For example, you can subscribe to our







Guidelines for I-II year students

non-linguistic faculties


Compiled by: Doctor of Philology, Professor V.M. Aristova, senior lecturer I.A. Kolyada, senior teacher G.G. Korsakov

Approved at a meeting of the English Department of Kaliningrad State University on September 25, 1996.

Reviewer: Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Kaliningrad State Technical University, Candidate of Philological Sciences A.F. Petrukhin.

Published by decision of the editorial and publishing center of the Council of Kaliningrad State University

Kaliningrad State University, 1996.


Teaching and monitoring programs in English grammar are intended for university students of non-linguistic faculties. The main goal of the manual is the practical development or repetition of grammatical models of the English language in comparison with the grammatical norms of the Russian language to ensure the formation of students' educational activities in the process of performing grammatical actions.

The training program /A/ provides an algorithm for grammatical phenomena, which makes it possible to extremely formalize the presentation of the material, activate the independent work of students and, using the monitoring program /B/, provide feedback. The tasks are carried out mainly by compiling matrices - choosing the correct correspondences, translation equivalents or analogues.

Working on material of the receptive /A/ and reproductive /B/ types allows the student to assess the degree of perception and assimilation of a grammatical phenomenon by checking his answer using the key. Assignments can be completed through independent / classroom or extracurricular /, pair and group work.

Steps to complete the work: read program A, paying attention to the underlined English words and their Russian translation, equivalent; close the right side of the sheet and translate the English sentences from memory; close the left side of the sheet, translate the Russian model into English, repeat the translations if necessary; proceed to program B; check the correctness of the tasks for the /B/ keys.

Score: 20% failure - 4 points; 40% - 3 points; 60% - 2 points.

/ suffix - s, - es /

Reading suffixes

a dress - dresses

a Negro - Negroes

a dish - dishes

a photo - photos

a match - matches

Changes in spelling and exceptions to the general rule

a shelf - shelves

shelf - shelves

a child - children


a leaf - leaves

leaf - leaves

bull - bulls

a city - cities

city ​​- cities

leg legs

roof - roofs

a penny - pence

penny - pence

person people

a tooth - teeth

tooth teeth

a woman - women

woman's woman

a goose - geese

goose - geese

Latin/Greek plural forms

axis - axes

formula - formulae

formula - formulas


core - kernels

criteria - criteria

criterion - criteria

given - data

matrix - matrices

matrix - matrices

Identical forms of the noun in singular. and in many numbers

Nouns that have only a singular form

means, means

row, rows


view, types

device, devices

Nouns that have only plural form

goods - goods, goods

spectacles - glasses

shorts - shorts

tongs - tongs

Plural of nouns

I. Put the nouns in the plural. In parentheses write the transcription of the plural:

a book - books [s]

a scenario - ...

a delicacy - ...

a Negress - ...

a democracy - ...

a science - ...

a memorandum - memoranda [c]

an addendum - ...

a maximum - ...

a phenomenon - ...

a bacterium - ...

a stratum - ...

an analysis - ...

a terminus - ...

an abscissa - ...

II. Insert the correct verb form to be in present time:

1. The phenomena observed... discussed here.

2. Goods delivered yesterday ... of high quality.

3. The news ... not very encouraging.

4. The foremost criterion ... agreed with observation.

5. The data ... of great importance.

6. Addenda to the dictionaries ... of great help.

III. In what form will the following words be presented in dictionaries?

Keys, juntas, ponies, poodles, policies, sagas, sonnies, maxima, genii, analysis, loaves, authorities, localities, lodges, comedies.

IV. Which demonstrative pronoun should be placed before a noun?

1. ... analysis

1. These

2. This

3. ... galaxies




Group I –– one, two syllables adjectives, adverbs




Group II –– two- And polysyllabic adjectives and adverbs

the most difficult



/the most difficult/

the most possible



/most possible/

Group III frozen forms - suppletive education

/good, good/


ill, bad, badly

the worst, worst

/bad, bad/


the least, least

/small, little/



I am older than my sister.

Older than...

Your accent is better than mine.

Better than...

This desk is the worst in the class.

The worst...

I've been waiting longer than you.

Longer than you...

Remember some phrases and phrases:

The more we live, the more we know.

What, what...

The more dangerous it is, the more I like it.

Her husband is much older than she.

Much older...

One has many more books to choose here.

Much more...

He has much more money than I have.

This process took much less time.

Far less...

You've made far less mistakes today.

Is your mother any better?

A little better?

She looks any younger in this dress.

A little younger...

Things are no better than before.

Not better...

Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs

I. Select the desired form from the right column, make a matrix.

II. Form comparative and superlative degrees:

Sad, grey, lovely, mountainous, bad, old, free, dry, near, brilliant, heavy, productive, white, unusual, much, few, ill, good, little, great, early, tragic, happy, careful, cheap.

III. Use paired conjunctions for comparison, translate:

1. The tea in the cup is ... not ... in the kettle.

2. Ann is ... young ... her friend.

3. Today I feel much better... yesterday.

5. Drive as can.

6. The days in winter are ... ... long ... in summer.

2. Not

Verb to be /to be, is, appear; must /

Changeable shapes: am, is, are, was, were.

Immutable forms: being, been.

1. Independent verb:

is, to be, to happen

He is in Leningrad.

Is in...

He has just been here.

She will be here tomorrow.


2. Modal verb/verb equivalent must/

must, obliged/by agreement

Petrova was to meet him.

Should have...

I am to do it.

Must (should) ...

3. Linking verb in a nominal predicate:

exist, be, represent

The sun is a star.

Yes, it is

Our task was to study well.


4. Auxiliary verb in:

does not translate

a) group times Continuous:

She was preparing for lessons, when I came in.

Getting ready...

She is working in the garden.


b) passive voice:

to be / in the past and bud. vr./

Ann was sent to Moscow.

Was /sent/ ...

The house will be built here.

Will be built/...

He is asked every lesson

He /is asked/...

The school is being built.

... /building/...

The article has been read.

... /read/...

He was always laughed at.

They always laughed at him.

His work is often referred to.

His work is often referenced.

This room was not lived in.

This room was not lived in.

Verb to be

I. Determine the function of the verb to be. Create a matrix and translate it into Russian:

II. What grammatical unit is formed using the verb to be. Make a matrix. Give your examples.


Verb to have /have, possess; must, must/

Personal forms: have, has, had. Non-personal forms: having, had.

1. Semantic verb.

I have three books.

A year has 365 or 366 days.

To have, to possess, to exist.

I have...

In the year there is...

2. Modal verb

/equivalent to verb must/

I have to go there.

I had to leave.

I have to, I have to.

Must go...

I had to leave.

3. Auxiliary verb in perfect tenses

We have just finished it.

I shall have met him by 6.

Does not translate.

Just finished.

I'll meet you already...

4. Part of a phrasal verb

to have a smoke

to have breakfast


Take a walk



Have breakfast

Have lunch

Have dinner, etc.

I was having tea when she came.

They have had a long walk before going to bed.

I shall have a try to pass this examination.

Let's have a snack.

Let's have a smoke.

Will you have a bath?

I have just had my dinner that is why I am not hungry.

I was drinking tea...

They walked for a long time...

I'll try to pass...

Let's have a bite.

Let's have a smoke.

Take a bath?

I just had lunch, so I'm not hungry.

Verb to have

I. Determine the function of the verb to have. Create a correspondence matrix and translate.

1. I have to read this text.

1. Semantic verb

2. I have read this text.

2. Modal verb

3. She has seen this new film.

3. Auxiliary verb

4. We had a good time yesterday.

4. Part of a phrasal verb-predicate

5. He will have seen the film by tomorrow.

6. He is having dinner now.

7. He will have to see the film.

8. I had to see this film.

9. I shall have two shelves.

10. I shall have to clean two shelves.

11. My mother has three sisters.

II. What grammatical unit is constructed using the verb to have? Make a matrix and give examples.

III. Put the predicates in the correct order:

Perfect Continuous

(to have been + ing)

You were asking

I shall be asking

We shall be asking

I shall have asked

We shall have asked

I shall have been asking

We shall have been asking

to express:

Active tenses

I. Determine the time of bail. Make a matrix. Translate.

1.Changes happen very quickly here.

2. He is working on some kind of invention.

3.Everything has gone off fairly well.

4. We have always got letters from him.

5. They have been living here more than ten years.

6. He collected species of Caribbean flora.

7. I was driving along the country road.

8. I was sure they had known each other before.

9. He will have been flying by this time tomorrow when you come.

10. If you send me a letter, I’ll answer.

11.By 1986 he had been teaching at the University for ten years.

12. He will be playing football from 5 till 6.30 tomorrow.

13.We shall have finished discussing this problem by Friday.

14. This custom seems strange to us.

10. Pres. Perf. Cont.

11. Past. Perf. Cont.

12. Fut. Perf. Cont.

II. What tense would you choose when translating the underlined verbs? Use the previous right column to create a matrix.

1. I always I try to look new production at the theatre.

2. He just received good grade in mathematics.

3. Yesterday they were there all day discussed this question.

4. Tomorrow by 4 o'clock this experiment will be completed.

5. Since then we have never been with him again haven't met.

7. Tomorrow from morning until evening I Will work in the garden.

8. In 1988 it will be 20 years since I have lived in Kaliningrad.

9. I'm done did before they came to us.

10. If you you'll come follow me, we will go to the sea together.

11. He is still did not buy this book.

12. You saw This movie?

Passive voice / (to be + Past Participle)

Remember the forms of the passive in all tenses, paying attention to the fact that only the verb to be is an indicator of the person, number and tense of the verb of the passive construction:


Some difficulties in translating the passive into Russian:

Passive voice

I. Determine the time, pledge. Make a matrix.

1. is being written

2. has been done

3. had been sent

4.were being built

5. are forgotten

6. will have been got

8. was being read

10. shall have been sent

11. will be said

12. shall be discussed

13. have been spent

14. are being tried

1. Pres. Ind. Passive

2. Past Ind. Passive

3. Fut. Ind. Passive

4. Pres. Cont. Passive

5. Past Cont. Passive

6. Pres. Perf. Passive

7. Past Perf. Passive

8. Fut. Perf. Passive

II. Find the correct translation. Make a matrix.

Modal verbs and their substitutes

Modal verbs


I can (can)

to be allowed to

I can (permit)

maybe (probability)

should (to be)

- (have to)

- (should)

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 137


for extracurricular activities


(entertaining grammar, students age 6-10 years, 135 hours)

Head of the methodological association of primary school teachers, MBOU Secondary School No. 137


Minutes of the meeting of the Moscow Region

R.P. Kokoreva

Novosibirsk 2011

I. Explanatory note

Successful acquisition of knowledge in the primary grades of a general education school is impossible without children’s interest in learning. The main form of education at school is the lesson. The strict framework of the lesson and the richness of the program do not always allow us to answer children’s questions, show them the richness of the Russian language, and reveal many of its “secrets”. In this case, the “Gramatey” course comes to the rescue, which is a natural continuation of the lesson, its addition. The course program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education.

The inclusion of entertaining elements is mandatory for classes with primary schoolchildren. At the same time, the widespread use of game elements should not reduce the teaching, developmental, educational role of “entertaining grammar” classes.

When selecting material for classes, the teacher should focus on connections with program material in the Russian language, taking into account the need for continuity between the primary and secondary levels.

The program of this course allows you to show students how fascinating, diverse, and inexhaustible the world of words, the world of Russian literacy is. This is of great importance for the formation of genuine cognitive interests as the basis of educational activities. In the process of studying grammar, schoolchildren can see the “magic of familiar words”; understand that ordinary words are worthy of study and attention. Cultivating interest in “entertaining grammar” should awaken in students the desire to expand their knowledge of the Russian language and improve their speech.

Knowledge of the Russian language creates conditions for successful mastery of all academic subjects. Without good command of words, no cognitive activity is possible. Therefore, special attention in “Gramateki” classes should be paid to tasks aimed at developing students’ oral and written speech, and at cultivating their sense of language. The educational potential of the Russian language as an academic subject will be realized to a greater extent if we strengthen the work on instilling ethical standards of speech behavior in younger schoolchildren.

It is advisable to work on developing communication ethics with younger schoolchildren, starting from the first year of study. To do this, it is necessary to use role-playing games in the classroom. It is advisable to carry out work on developing correct speech behavior in all classes. In addition, the Grammar course allows you to work not only on phonemes and parts of speech, but also on the development of correct speech.

To successfully conduct classes, various types of work are used: game elements, games, didactic and handout material, proverbs and sayings, physical education lessons, rhymes, counting rhymes, rebuses, crosswords, puzzles, grammatical fairy tales. Most didactic material is given in poetic form, which makes it easier to assimilate and remember. All this opens up the wonderful world of words for children, teaches them to love and feel their native language.

The need for the elective course we have developed lies in the desire of children to learn something new about the Russian language.

II. Purpose and objectives of the course.

Purpose of the course: to expand, deepen and consolidate junior schoolchildren’s knowledge of the Russian language, to show students that grammar is not a set of boring and difficult rules to memorize, but an exciting journey through the Russian language at different levels of learning.

Course objectives:


    developing interest in the Russian language as an academic subject;

    acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in Russian grammar;

    awakening the need in students to independently work on knowledge of their native language;

    development of motivation to study the Russian language;

    development of creativity and enrichment of vocabulary;

    improving students' overall language development;

    deepening and expanding knowledge and ideas about the literary language.


    fostering a culture of handling books;

    formation and development of students’ diverse interests and culture of thinking.


    develop ingenuity and intelligence;

    introducing schoolchildren to independent research work;

    develop the ability to use a variety of dictionaries;

    teach the organization of personal and collective activities when working with a book.

1 class "Travels in the Land of Words"

2kl. "Spelling Secrets"

3kl. "Entertaining word formation"

4kl. "Entertaining linguistics"

The organization of activities of junior schoolchildren in the classroom is based on the following principles:


    scientific character;

    consciousness and activity;



    connection between theory and practice;

    individual approach to students.

An elective course allows you to most successfully apply an individual approach to each student, taking into account his abilities, and more fully satisfy the cognitive and life interests of students. Unlike in-class activities, students write little and talk a lot during extracurricular activities.

IV.Forms of conducting classes

  • practical exercises with elements of games and game elements, didactic and handout materials, proverbs and sayings, counting rhymes, puzzles, crosswords, puzzles, fairy tales.

    analysis and review of texts;

    independent work (individual and group) on working with a variety of dictionaries;

Students' interest is supported by introducing a creative element into classes: independently composing crosswords, charades, and puzzles.

Each lesson has three parts:

  • theoretical;


V.Basic methods and technologies

    technology of multi-level training;

    developmental training;

    collaborative learning technology;

    communication technology.

The choice of technologies and methods is determined by the need to differentiate and individualize learning in order to develop universal learning activities and personal qualities of the student.

VI. Description of the course's place in the curriculum

The program is designed for 4 years, 135 hours. In grade 1 - 33 hours, grades 2-4 - 34 hours. Classes are held once a week for 35 minutes (in grade 1), 45 minutes in grades 2-4. The program course is designed for students in grades 1–4.

VI. Planned results.

1st class

Personal results:

    realize the role of language and speech in people's lives;

    emotionally “live” the text, express your emotions;

    understand the emotions of other people, sympathize, empathize;

    express your attitude towards the characters of the works you read and their actions.

Metasubject results

Regulatory UUD:

    define and formulate a goal activities with the help of a teacher;

    study express

    study work

Cognitive UUD:

    find answers

    draw conclusions

Communication UUD:

    draw up

    listen And understand speech of others;

    study work in pairs, groups

2nd class

Personal results:

    realize the role of language and speech in people's lives;

    to live emotionally text, express your emotions;

    understand emotions of other people, sympathize, empathize;

    pay attention on the characteristics of oral and written statements of other people (intonation, tempo, tone of speech; choice of words and punctuation marks: period or ellipsis, full stop or exclamation point).

Meta-subject results

Regulatory UUD:

    define and formulate the purpose of the activity with the help of the teacher;

    study express your assumption (version) based on working with the material;

    study work according to the plan proposed by the teacher

Cognitive UUD:

    find answers to questions in the text, illustrations;

    draw conclusions as a result of joint work of the class and the teacher;

    transform information from one form to another: detail retell small texts.

Communication UUD:

    draw up your thoughts in oral and written form (at the level of a sentence or small text);

    listen And understand speech of others; use listening techniques: fix the topic (title), keywords;

    agree with classmates, together with the teacher, about the rules of behavior and communication, assessment and self-esteem and follow them;

    study work in pairs, groups; perform various roles (leader, performer).

3-4th grades

Personal results

    emotionality; skill realize And determine(name) your emotions;

    empathy is a skill realize And determine emotions of other people; sympathize other people empathize;

    sense of beauty - skill feel beauty and expressiveness of speech, pursuit to improve your own speech;

    Love And respect to the Fatherland, its language, culture;

    interest to reading, to conducting a dialogue with the author of the text; need in reading;

    interest to writing, to creating your own texts, to written communication;

    interest to language learning;

    awareness responsibility for the spoken and written word.

Meta-subject results

Regulatory UUD:

    on one's own formulate topic and objectives of the lesson;

    to make plan solving a learning problem together with the teacher;

    work according to plan, checking your actions with the goal, adjust your activities;

    in dialogue with the teacher, develop assessment criteria and determine the degree of success of one's own work and the work of others in accordance with these criteria.

Cognitive UUD:

    convert And transform information from one form to another (make a plan, table, diagram);

    use dictionaries, reference books;

    realize analysis and synthesis;

    install cause-and-effect relationships;

    build reasoning;

Communication UUD:

    use adequately speech means for solving various communication problems; master monologue and dialogic forms of speech.

    express And justify your point of view;

    listen And hear others, try to accept a different point of view, be ready to adjust your point of view;

    agree and come to a common decision in joint activities;

    to ask questions.

VII. Thematic planning. Contents of the program.

1st class "Travels in the Land of Words"

Thematic planning(33 hours)

Lesson topic

Number of hours

In a world of silence and unknown sounds.

To the land of words. First meetings.

To the secrets of magic words.

Choosing friends in the Land of Words

To the countless treasures of the Camp of Words.

Wonderful transformations of words.

Visiting the Alphabet.

To the secrets of sounds and letters.

Meeting with Rainbow.

To the Land of Talking Rocks.

To the depths of centuries on the Time Machine.

In the Kingdom of Errors.

To the Land of Syllables.

An unexpected stop along the way.

In the amazing city of Neslov.

Miracles in the Land of Words.

To words that are diverse, identical, but different.

At the carnival of words.

At the Twins Theater.

Competition for those who know.

New performance.

An unusual lesson.

Pathfinders entertain guests.

In the Club of Merry Men.

To the words - relatives. Why were they called that?

An excursion into the past.

Flight to the future.

Final lesson.

Total 33 hours

Topic 1. In a world of silence and unknown sounds. (1 hour) Acting out silent scenes. Fairy tale "World without words." Onomatopoeia and the “yum-yum theory.” Games “Additives”, “You know it yourself - tell us.”

Topic 2. To the Land of Words. First meetings. (1 hour) Games “Words are brothers”, “Relay race”. Solving riddles. Scene "Who's the odd one out." Puzzle "Berries". The story “Words of Snow.”

Topic 3-4. To the secrets of magic words. (2 hours) Fairy tale "Magic words". Solving riddles, listening to poems and stories about magic words. Sketch "When words lose their magical power."

Topic 5. Choosing friends in the Land of Words. (1 hour) Fairy tale "Games of Dwarfs". Games “Good - Evil”, “Only Good”. Competition for attention and penmanship. Parade of Kind Words.

Topic 6. To the countless treasures of the Land of Words. (1 hour) Puzzle "How many relatives." A conversation about the spiritual wealth and richness of the Russian language. Getting to know the explanatory dictionary. Competition for the best interpretation of words. Games “Name by relationship”, “Who is bigger?”, “Chain of words”.

Topic7. Miraculous transformations of words. (1 hour) Fairy tale by A. Shibaev “The letter got lost.” Games “Funny letters”, “Hidden word”. Staging of a poem by A. Shibaev.

Topic 8-9. Visiting the Alphabet. (2h) Reading an excerpt from S. Marshak’s book “A Fun Journey from A to Z.” Introducing a spelling dictionary. Pyramid “Everything on A”. The fairy tale "Commotion". Games “Magic Well”, “Help R”.

Topic 10. To the secrets of sounds and letters. (1 hour) Solving riddles. Training exercises in pronouncing sounds. Fairy tale "Forest Carnival". A dramatization of V. Suslov’s poem from the book “Difficult Letters.”

Topic 11. Meeting with the Rainbow. (1 hour) Fairy tale "Words that can draw." The Secret of Lady Rainbow. Examination of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”. Game "Correct the artist's mistake."

Topic 12. To the Land of Talking Rocks. (1 hour) The teacher's story about the secrets of picture writing, about how our ancestors learned to write and count. Puzzle "Enchanted words"

Topic 13 . To the depths of centuries on the Time Machine. (1 hour) The teacher's story about how the first relatives of the alphabet were born. Solving puzzles.

Topic 14. In the Kingdom of Errors (1 hour) Writing a fairy tale. Listening to poems and stories and working on correcting mistakes. Game "Magic Apple Tree". Acting out situations.

Topic 15 . To the Land of Syllables. (1 hour) Attention game “Correct the mistakes.” Choral declaration. Solving the puzzle. Ball game "Continue the word."

Topic 16. An unexpected stop along the way. (1 hour) Pronouncing words syllable by syllable. Games “Find another word”, “Go through the gate”, “Find a pair”. Teacher's story about speech.

Topic 17. In the amazing city of Neslov. (1 hour) Working with a dictionary. Dramatization of the story “An Unfamiliar Word.” Games “Turn letters into words”, “Guess the word”. Solving riddles. Puzzle "Crossroads".

Topic 18-19.Miracles in the Land of Words. (2 hours) Solving puzzles. Multiple meaning words. Guessing words by their meaning. Acting out scenes. Puzzle. The words are synonyms.

Topic 20.To words that are diverse, identical, but different. (1 hour) Words are homonyms. Solving riddles, charades, puzzles. Dramatizing stories. Puzzle.

Topic 21-22.At the carnival of words (2 hours). Teacher's story about double words. Words are homophones. Listening to poems and working on their content. Games with words - doubles.

Topic 23. At the Twins Theater. (1 hour) Puzzle "Start and Finish K". Working with a dictionary. Jokes are puns. Scenes “There is”, “Whose nose”. Riddles competition.

Topic 24.Competition for those who know. (1 hour) Rules "Knots for memory". Crossword "Competition of those who know." Puzzle “give an interpretation to each word.” Games with homonyms, homophones.

Topic 25.New performance. (1 hour) A dramatization of an excerpt from N. Nosov’s fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends.” A fun “say the word” attraction. Words are synonyms (teacher's story). Scene "Solid Sign". Game "Find Friends".

Topic 26.Unusual lesson.(1 hour) Puzzle "All words starting with A." Words are antonyms (teacher's story). Game "Guess - ka!" with words - antonyms.

Topic 27.Pathfinders entertain children. (1 hour)“Knots for memory” (repetition of rules). Riddles, games, proverbs, poems with antonyms. Listening to fairy tales and stories.

Topic 28.In the Club of Merry Men (1 hour). Puzzle "Start with A". Selection of synonyms and antonyms. Game of homonyms.

Topic 29-30.To the words - relatives. Why were they called that? (2 hours) Teacher's story about related words. Game "Wonderful Garden". Selection of related words. Fairy tale “That’s how relatives are!” Working with a word-formation dictionary. Solving puzzles. Tautology. Game "Dominoes".

Topic 31.An excursion into the past. (1 hour) Outdated words - archaisms and historicisms (teacher's story). In the “museum” of ancient words.

Topic 32.Flight to the future. (1 hour) Teacher's story about neologisms. Guess game. Knots for memory. Puzzle "Vostilet".

Topic 33.Final lesson. (1 hour) Solving puzzles, riddles, charades. Games with words: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms. Dramatization of stories, stories.

students by the end of 1st grade

Students should know:

The difference between a sound and a letter (we hear and pronounce sounds, but we write and see letters).
Signs of vowels and consonants.
Letters of the Russian alphabet.
Related words. Antonyms, ambiguous words. System connections of words.

Students should be able to:

Correctly pronounce sounds, highlight sounds in a word, perform sound-letter analysis of words.
Recognize hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonant sounds in words.
Divide words into syllables. Choose related words.
Combine words into groups.
Check and correctly write words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, with paired voiced and voiceless consonants at the root of the word and at the end.
Compose a text based on the teacher’s questions. Work with dictionaries.
Solve riddles, puzzles, puzzles, charades.

2nd grade “Secrets of spelling”

Lesson topic

Number of hours

How did you manage without a letter?

Ancient writings.

How did our writing originate?

My name is Phonema.

Are there letters for all phonemes?

« Faulty» places

Secrets of the phoneme

Dangerous consonants

Vowels on stage

"Phones command letters"

When is it written and when is it not written?

Your old friends

Rules about unpronounceable consonants

The magic remedy is “self-instruction”

Construction work of morphemes

Where are words stored?

Let's talk about all the consoles at once

Words - “relatives”

Who commands the roots?

“Don’t mince your words!”

"Transplanted" roots

Final lesson

Total 34 hours

Topic 1. How did you manage without a letter? (1 hour)

Teacher's story “And the bears started it all.” The words are in a figurative sense “a disservice, a disservice.” Signals are symbols. The Legend of Theseus. Learning songs - “reminders”.

Topic 2. Ancient writings.(1 hour)

Drawing letter. Game "Guess the symbol". R. Kipling's fairy tale “How the first letter was written.” Hieroglyphs are “sacred signs.

Topic 3. How did our writing originate? (1 hour)

Frozen sounds. Phoenician alphabet. Greek alphabet. Cyrillic or Glagolitic? Creative task “Create your own alphabet.”

Topic 4 -5. My name is Phoneme.(2 hours)

Meaning-distinguishing sounds. Game "Race". Poem by B. Zakhoder “The Whale and the Cat”. Phonemes are vowels and consonants. Games with phonemes. Acting out the poem “Confusion” by N. Matveev.

Topic 6 - 8.Are there letters for all phonemes? (2 hours)

Teacher's story "How sounds are born." Voiced and deaf “twins”. Game "Building a house". About imagination. Poem by B. Zakhoder “My Imagination”. Voiced and deaf “loners”. Hard and soft phonemes. Mysterious letter. The letter is a clue. The letter is a helper. Letters are actors.

Topic 9 - 10."Dangerous" places. (2 hours)

"Mirror and non-mirror words." Who needs vigilance? An excerpt from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's fairy tale "The Little Prince". Spelling vigilance. Training exercises.

Topic 11.Secrets of the phoneme. (1 hour)

Alternation of phonemes. The key to the secrets of the phoneme. Learning songs - “memories”.

Topic 12 – 13.Dangerous consonants. (2 hours)

Sounds - “wizards” sonorant sounds. Consonants in weak and strong position. Doubtful consonant. Game "Dangerous Neighbors". Training exercises "Who's last?" Sounds “live” according to the law, the compilation of the “Code of Laws”.

Topic 14.Vowels on stage. (1 hour)

Good “wizard” - emphasis. Game "Put the accent". Vowels without hassle!

Topic 15.“Phones command letters.” (1 hour)

Phonemic rule. Welcome, b! Entry is prohibited, but... not always! Games with words. Solving puzzles. Training exercises.

Topic 16.Your old friends. Practical lesson (1 hour)

Games with words with combinations zhi-schi, chu-schu, cha-scha, chk, chn, schn, nsch. Training exercises.

Topic 17 – 18.Rules about unpronounceable consonants. (2 hours)

Songs are “reminders”. Training exercises. Non-phonemic rule. Game "Insert words". Analysis of the poem “About the Sun” by S. Marshak.

Topic 19 – 20.The magic remedy is “self-instruction.” (2 hours)

Introduction to the term “self-instruction”. Rules for drawing up self-instructions. Work on drawing up self-instructions. Work according to self-instruction. Game "Settle the House". Training exercises. Game "Find a suitable transport." Brief retelling.

Topic 21.Memory and literacy. (1 hour)

Types of memory. Memory training using excerpts from literary works. Exercise for memory development. Learning the “reminder” song. Retelling plan.

Topic 22.Construction work of morphemes (1 hour)

"Building blocks" for morphemes. Prefixes "meanings". Game "Form words". "Meanings" of suffixes. "Meanings" of the ending.

Topic 23.Where are words stored? (1 hour)

Piggy banks of words. How to find a word in the dictionary? Linguistics is the science of language. Working with dictionaries.

Topic 24 – 26.Let's talk about all the consoles at once. (2 hours)

Games with consoles. Are there many consoles in the world? Working with a poem by S. Yesenin. Rules for writing prefixes. The secret of error-free writing. Training exercises. Dangerous consonants in prefixes. "Breakers" of the rules. The insidious prefix s-. The most difficult (pre- and pre-). The song is a “reminder.” Games and exercises with consoles.

Topic 27.Words - “relatives.” (1 hour)

Correct roots and ugly roots. Secrets of related words. Game "Third Man". Game "Who is bigger?" Work with text. Training exercises.

Topic 28 – 30. Who commands the roots? (2 hours)

Vowel alternation in the root. Full-vowel and half-vowel combinations. Game "Recognize them by sight." Training exercises. Working with texts. Spelling with a girl's name. Vowels command. Consonants command. Commands the emphasis. Meaning commands.

Topic 31 – 32.“Don’t put your words into your pocket!” (2 hours)

The root and main rule. We change the form of the word. Game "Word Ball". Untestable vowels. Test words. The game is collecting words. Retelling the text. Training exercises.

Topic 33.“Transplanted” roots.( 1 hour)

Old acquaintances. Where did the familiar words come from? Working with a dictionary. Training exercises.

Topic 34.Final lesson. Olympics.( 1 hour)

Basic requirements for knowledge and skills

students by the end of 2nd grade

Students should know:

Signs of consonants and vowels. Composition of the word. Signs of related words. Types of retelling.

Students should be able to:

Parse words according to their composition.

Write NOT with verbs.

Make up stories based on the pictures. Retell the text

Grade 3 “Entertaining word formation”

Thematic planning. (34 hours)

Lesson topic

Number of hours

Fairytale kingdom of words.

Journey to the Land of Words.

Wonderful transformations of words.

Visiting words-relatives.

Good words.

An excursion into the past. Outdated words.

New words in the Russian language.

Meeting with foreign friends.

Synonyms in Russian.

The words are antonyms.

Words are homonyms.

Winged words.

In the kingdom of mistakes.

In the Land of Writers.

The art of eloquence.

A celebration of creativity and play.

Difficult words.

Anagrams and metagrams.

Charades and loggriffs.

Where do our names come from?

Entertaining word formation.

KVN in Russian language.

Total 34 hours

Topic 1. Fairytale kingdom of words. (1 hour)

A conversation about the beauty and richness of folk speech. Using examples of works of oral folk art, the richness of the Russian language, folk imagination, and wisdom of the people are shown. Competition for knowledge of proverbs and sayings.

Topic 2-3. Journey to the land of words. (2 hours)

Introduction to thematic groups of words. Game "Words are brothers." Compiling a thematic dictionary about mushrooms. Game "Relay Race". Solving riddles. Working with N. Nadezhdina’s story “Snow Words.” Game “Find the Extra Word”

Topic 4-5. Miraculous transformations of words. (2 hours)

An idea of ​​the transformation of words and the ability to find “escaped” letters from words are given. Game "Find the lost letter." Game "Sad transformations". Charades. The story is a mystery.

Topic 6-7. Visiting the words of relatives. (2 hours)

Introducing different groups of related words. Selection of related words with a given root. Consolidating knowledge of the distinctive features of words - relatives. Work on the poem “About a strange garden with an extraordinary harvest” E. Izmailov. A selection of relative words from poems.

Topic 8-9. Kind words (2 hours)

A conversation about the richness of the vocabulary of the Russian language with “kind words”. Work with V. Korkin’s poem “Good Morning”. Game “Do you know how to say hello?” Working with texts on this topic.

Topic 10. Excursion into the past (1 hour)

Acquaintance with words - historicisms and archaisms. Selecting ancient words from the text. Creative work. Explanation of obsolete words.

Topic 11-12. New words in the Russian language. (2 hours)

Teacher's story “Where do new words come from?” Neologisms in the Russian language. Finding neologisms in texts. Guess game.

Topic 13. Meeting with foreign friends. (1 hour)

Getting to know borrowed words. The story “Where the alien words came from.” Work on a poem by S. Ya. Marshak. Signs of words - aliens. Game "Six and Six".

Topic 14-15. Synonyms in Russian (2 hours)

Getting to know synonymous words. Work on A. Barto’s poem “Word Game.” Conversation “What do synonymous words mean?” Finding synonymous words in the text.

Topic 16. Antonym words (1 hour)

Getting to know words - antonyms. Cases of using antonyms in Russian. Isolating antonyms from L. N. Tolstoy’s story “Swans”. Work on V. Orlov’s poem “Dispute”. Game "Choose the right words." Work on the selection of antonym words. Teacher's story about the role of antonyms in the Russian language.

Topic 17. Homonym words (1 hour)

Homonyms in the Russian language and their role. Work on the story “There is” by I. Turichin. Game "Prove...". Reading the story “Oatmeal” by N. Sladkov.

Topic 18. Winged words (1 hour)

A conversation about the meaning of “catchphrases” in the Russian language. Selection of “catchphrases” in text titles. Working with expressions used figuratively and their meaning. Work with poems by N. Silkov “Bit my tongue” and V. Orlov “Neither fluff nor feather.”

Topic 19-20. In the kingdom of mistakes. (2 hours)

Game "Correct the mistakes." Working with works containing spelling errors. Game "Pronounce it correctly." Dramatization by P. Rebrov “Who is right?”

Topic 21-22. In the Land of Writers. (2 hours)

Conversation about rhymes. Working with riddles. Writing your own riddles based on given rhymes. Competition of riddles in drawings. Writing fairy tales about friendship, good and evil.

Topic 23-24. The art of eloquence. (2 hours)

Introduction to the concept of “eloquence”. Reading sample texts and analyzing them. Retellings. Own exercises in creating different speeches.

Topic 25. A celebration of creativity and play. (1 hour)

Creative tasks for developing spelling vigilance. Didactic games aimed at developing cognitive interest in the Russian language. Intellectual game "Clever and Clever".

Topic 26-27. Difficult words. (2 hours)

Acquaintance with the etymology of difficult words, with the exact meaning of words. Doing exercises to memorize the spelling of words. Work on texts of fiction and works of oral folk art.

Working with recognizing “dangerous places” in words. Selective dictation. A tale about vocabulary words. Solving a crossword puzzle and illustrating vocabulary words.

Topic 28-29. Anagrams and metagrams. (2 hours)

Acquaintance with the history of the invention of anagrams and metagrams, with the authors who used anagrams and metagrams in their work. Introducing the concepts of “anagram” and “metagram”. Working with examples (Milan-burbot, actor-grater).

Topic 30-31. Charades and loggriffs (2 hours)

An introduction to the origins of charades and loggriffs. Compiling and solving charades and loggriffs. Illustration of answer words.

Topic32. Where did our names come from? (1 hour)

Getting to know the origins of names. Creative work “Draw your name.” Didactic game “Make a name.”

Topic 33. Entertaining word formation (1 hour)

Games for transforming words: “The letter got lost”, “Replacing a letter”, “What word is intended?”. Charades.

Topic 34. KVN in Russian language. (1 hour)

Team competition to test knowledge of the Russian language.

Basic requirements for knowledge and skills

students by the end of 3rd grade

Students should know:

Rules for spelling words with studied spellings.
Signs of parts of speech (noun, adjective, pronoun, verb).
The main members of the proposal.
Composition of the word.

Students should be able to:

Distinguish between prefixes and prepositions. Write prepositions separately from words, and write prefixes together.
Parse sentences according to sentence members.
Indicate the intonation of enumeration in writing.
Parse words according to their composition.
Check the spelling of unstressed vowels, paired voiced and voiceless consonants, unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word.
Write words with double consonants correctly.
Determine gender and number of nouns and adjectives.
Determine the number and tense of verbs.
Write NOT with verbs.
Work with a dictionary. Group and select words according to certain rules.
Distinguish between hard (b) and soft (b) separating signs and write words with them.
Make up stories based on the pictures.

Grade 4 “Entertaining linguistics”

Thematic planning (34 hours)

Lesson topic

Number of hours

What is orthoepy?

What is phonography or sound recording?

Sounds are not letters!

Sound line.

Bows and scarves.

"Pygmalion" teaches spelling.

Kitty Kitty! Meow!, or Something about onomatopoeia.

Lexicology (27 hours)

Names of things.

About encyclopedic and linguistic dictionaries.

There are many roads in the kingdom of meanings.

How and why do new words appear?

Polysemy of the word.

“Where does the cuttlefish come from?” About dictionaries that tell about the history of words.

About the same thing - in different words.

How do names come about?

Words are antipodes.

Phraseological phrases.

Dictionaries of “foreign” words.

Captain and cabbage.

“He is all about freedom.”

We speak it in verse.

Words invented by writers.

Words that are leaving and words that are new.

Dictionary of Pushkin's language.

Dark Chernavka.

Paronyms, or “mistaken words.”

Columbus's mistake. "False friends of the translator."

Which dictionary will help you avoid mistakes?

The dictionary is literate.

Scientific etymology.

What are the names?

Old Russian names.

Middle name and last name.

Should you stop for a zebra?

Total 34 hours

Phonetics and spelling (7 hours)

Topic 1. What is orthoepia? (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the norms of literary pronunciation. Deepening and expanding knowledge and ideas about the literary language. Introduction to the concepts of “spelling” and “spelling”. Teaching the correct pronunciation of words, observing spelling norms.

Topic 2. What is phonography or sound recording? (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the concepts of “phonography” and “sound recording”. Acquaintance with the history of writing, with the stage of development of writing - phonography. Expanding knowledge of letters and sounds.

Topic 3. Sounds are not letters! (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the science of phonetics, the rules of reading and recording transcription. Teacher's story about the difference between “letters” and “sounds”. Compilation of transcriptions.

Topic 4. Sound line. (1 hour)

Acquaintance with phonetic phenomena “sound recording”, “onomatopoeia”. Introduction to the terms “onomatopoeia”, “alliteration”, “assonance”. Development of phonemic hearing.

Topic 5. Bows and scarves. (1 hour)

Introduction to the science of orthoepy and pronunciation standards. Getting to know the pronunciation of the words bows and scarves. Acting out situations with these words.

Topic 6. "Pygmalion" teaches spelling. (1 hour)

Continue your acquaintance with the science of orthoepy and pronunciation standards. Introduction to the characters and content of Bernard Shaw's comedy "Pygmalion". Correct placement of stress in words.

Topic 7. Kitty Kitty! Meow!, or Something about onomatopoeia. (1 hour)

Familiarization with onomatopoeic words or onomatopoeias. Introduce the formation of onomatopoeia. Comparison of onomatopoeia in different languages. Development of speech culture. Completing assignments on the topic “Orthoepy and phonetics.”

Lexicology (27 hours)

Topic 8. Names of things. (1 hour)

Introduction to the term “vocabulary” and the lexical meaning of words. Acquaintance with explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. Enriching students' vocabulary.

Topic 9. About encyclopedic and linguistic dictionaries. (1 hour)

The concept of the lexical meaning of words is given. Acquaintance with linguistic dictionaries of the Russian language, with the features of a dictionary entry. Comparison of the role of encyclopedic and linguistic dictionaries. Learning to use various dictionaries.

Topic 10. There are many roads in the kingdom of meanings. (1 hour)

Acquaintance with polysemantic words, homonym words. The methods and reasons for the formation of several meanings for a word are considered. Practical work “Difference between polysemantic words and homonym words.”

Topic 11. How and why do new words appear? (1 hour)

Continued acquaintance with the lexical meaning of words. Work with various explanatory dictionaries, with the history of the appearance of new words in the Russian language.

Topic 12. Polysemy of the word. (1 hour)

A story about the property “ambiguity of a word”, about the structure of a dictionary entry in an explanatory dictionary. Identification of distinctive features of polysemy and homonymy. Working with explanatory dictionaries. Game "Direct and figurative meaning of words."

Topic 13. “Where does the cuttlefish come from?” About dictionaries that tell about the history of words. (1 hour)

The concept of “etymology” and the structure of a dictionary entry in an etymological dictionary are considered. Work with various etymological and historical dictionaries. Definition of the primary sources of the word.

Topic 14. About the same thing - in different words. (1 hour)

The peculiarities of a synonymous series of words are studied. Working with synonymous words and their correct use in speech.

Topic 15. How do names come about? (1 hour)

Development of speech skills. Conversation about the main functions of language. The concept of “nomination system” is introduced. Working with etymological and historical dictionaries.

Topic 16. Words are antipodes. (1 hour)

Topic 17. Phraseological phrases. (1 hour)

Studying the features of phraseological combinations. The concept of “phraseological units” is introduced. A conversation about the correct use of phraseological units in speech. Finding phraseological units in an excerpt from A. Rybakov’s story “The Adventure of Krosh.”

Topic 18. Dictionaries of “foreign” words. (1 hour)

The peculiarities of the structure of a dictionary entry in a dictionary of foreign words are considered. The concept of “sustainable turnover” is introduced. Working with a dictionary of foreign words and determining the meaning of these words.

Topic 19. Captain and cabbage. (1 hour)

Getting to know the history of the origin and formation of words captain and cabbage, beef and cowboy, tailors and swindlers. Working with a dictionary . Comparing the meaning of words.

Topic20. “He is all about freedom.” (1 hour)

The linguistic features of the works of A. S. Pushkin are explored. The concept of “literary language” and “living folk speech” is introduced. Finding lines of folk speech in the works of A. S. Pushkin.

Topic21. We speak it in verse. (1 hour)

The concepts of “catchphrases” and “aphorisms” are introduced. Finding aphorisms and catchphrases in the works of A. S. Pushkin. Work on enriching the vocabulary of students.

Topic22. Words invented by writers. (1 hour)

Work continues on the linguistic features of A. S. Pushkin’s works. The concepts of “individually authored neologisms” and “occasional neologisms” are introduced. Finding individual author's neologisms in the works of A. S. Pushkin.

Topic 23. Words that are leaving and words that are new. (1 hour)

Studying the features of outdated words - archaisms. Introducing new words. Work on understanding and the ability to correctly use archaisms in speech. The types of neologisms and types of archaisms are considered.

Topic 24. Dictionary of Pushkin's language. (1 hour)

The peculiarity of the construction of the “Dictionary of the Pushkin Language” is considered. Introduction to the creation of the “Dictionary of the Pushkin Language”. A conversation about the meaning of this dictionary. Working with a dictionary.

Topic 25. Dark Chernavka. (1 hour)

The peculiarity of Old Russian names is considered. Acquaintance with the history of Russian names, with the first Russian names, using the example of the works of A. S. Pushkin. Show the meaning of Old Russian names.

Topic 26. Paronyms, or “mistaken” words. (1 hour)

Introduction to the concept of “paronyms”. The types of paronyms and methods of their formation are considered. A conversation about the correct use of paronyms in oral and written speech.

Topic27. Columbus's mistake. "False friends of the translator." (1 hour)

Introduction to the phenomenon of interlingual paronymy. The types of paronyms and methods of their formation are considered.

Topic 28. Which dictionary will help you avoid mistakes? (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the dictionary entry of the “Dictionary of Paronyms”, with the types of dictionaries of paronyms. Methods of forming paronyms. Work on the ability to correctly use paronyms in oral and written speech.

Topic 29. The dictionary is literate. (1 hour)

Introduction to the dictionary entry of the spelling dictionary. A conversation about the meaning of the spelling dictionary. Working with a spelling dictionary .

Topic 30. Scientific etymology. (1 hour)

Introduction to the dictionary entry of the etymological dictionary. The meaning of the etymological dictionary, the history of the origin of the words “ox”, “wolf” and “bagpipe”, “cufflink” and “comma” are considered. Working with the etymological dictionary.

Topic 31. What are the names? (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the science of “onomastics”, with the traditional names of animals in Rus'. The methods and reasons for the formation of homonyms among proper names are considered. Working with dictionaries.

Topic32. Old Russian names. (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the history of the formation of Old Russian names. Working with an etymological dictionary.

Topic33. Middle name and last name. (1 hour)

A conversation about the history of the appearance of patronymics and surnames in the Russian language. Introduction to the science of anthroponymy. Explanation of the origins of surnames using the example of a poem by S. Mikhalkov.

Topic 34. Should you stop for a zebra? (1 hour)

Acquaintance with methods of nomination, affix word formation and word composition. Using an existing item name. The concept “ metaphorical nomination."

Basic requirements for knowledge and skills

students by the end of 4th grade

students should know:

Distinctive features of the main linguistic units;

Basic terms and concepts related to vocabulary, syntax, phonetics, morphology, spelling;

Words, phrases, sentences, text;

Basic spelling and punctuation rules;

About some norms of the Russian language: pronunciation, word usage;

students should be able to:

Clearly articulate words, perceive and reproduce speech intonation;

Select antonyms, synonyms, phraseological units;

Distinguish between words - paronyms, homonyms, archaisms, neologisms;

Use spelling, word-formation, phraseological, etymological dictionaries

VIII. Equipment and staffing of the program

To carry out the educational process under the “Entertaining Grammar” Program, the following supplies are required:

    availability of linguistic dictionaries;

    availability of cards with games and tasks;

    availability of texts for work in classes;

    a selection of video clips;

    selection of printed publications and media materials, Internet;

    computer, printer, scanner, multimedia projector;

    set of TsOR in Russian language.

Classes under the Program are taught by a primary school teacher or a teacher of Russian language and literature, or any other specialist in the field of philology with sufficient experience in working with children or with a pedagogical education.


    Volina V.V. Fun grammar. M.: Knowledge, 1995.

    Volina V.V. Entertaining alphabet learning. M.: Education, 1991.

    Volina V.V. Russian language. We learn by playing. Ekaterinburg TOO. Publishing house “ARGO”, 1996

    Volina V.V. Russian language in stories, fairy tales, poems. Moscow “AST”, 1996

    Granik G. G., Bondarenko S. M., Kontsevaya L. A. Secrets of spelling. Moscow “Enlightenment”, 1991

    Fun grammar. Comp. Burlaka E. G., Prokopenko I. N. Donetsk. PKF “BAO”, 1997

    Magazines: “Primary School”, “Funny Pictures”, “Murzilka”.

    Kanakina V.P. Work on difficult words in primary school. Moscow “Enlightenment”, 1991

    Levushkina O. N. Vocabulary work in primary grades. (1-4) Moscow “VLADOS”, 2003

    Marshak S. Cheerful ABC. Fun account. Rostov-on-Don book. publishing house, 1991

    Polyakova A.V. Creative educational tasks in the Russian language for students in grades 1-4. Samara. Sam Ven Publishing House, 1997

    Transformations of words. Tutorial. Comp. Polyakova A.V. Moscow “Enlightenment”, 1991

    Rick T. G. Good morning, Noun Adjective! M.: RIO “Samovar”, 1994.

    Rick T. G. Hello, Noun! M.: RIO “Samovar”, 1994.

    Rick T. G. Hello, Uncle Verb! M.: RIO “Samovar”, 1995.

    Totsky P.S. Spelling without rules. Elementary School. Moscow “Enlightenment”, 1991

    A collection of riddles. Comp. M. T. Karpenko. M., 1988

    Odintsov V.V. School dictionary of foreign words / ed. V.V. Ivanova- M: Education 1984.

Continuing the topic of using mobile devices in learning English, we cannot ignore such an important and necessary section as grammar.

For those who are trying to learn and master the English language, there are a huge number of applications that can help in this difficult and time-consuming process.

We tried to select for you the best English grammar apps.

These apps can help you improve your grammar skills, although they are still not a complete replacement for a real teacher.

  • Grammar Up: The app offers quizzes with thousands of multiple-choice questions covering over 20 grammar topics. It helps users improve grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, etc. The application is available for iOS and Android in two versions - paid and free, depending on the completeness of the application.
  • Grammar Express: Tenses: This app from Webrich Software Limited offers over 100 pages of grammar lessons, over 1000 examples of grammar rules, over 1000 multiple-choice questions and explanations. The app records your progress as you begin taking tests, so you can track your weaknesses and improve them. The application is available for iOS and Android in paid and free form. Grammar Express: Tenses is one of a series of applications. You can also download Grammar Express: Articles/Prepositions/Degrees/Actives and Passives, etc.
  • Practice English Grammar: Free app for iOS and Android to help you improve your skills no matter what level you are at. PEG includes questions, flashcards, educational games, grammar articles, and the ability to use offline.
  • Learn English Grammar: A grammar practice app designed to help improve your English grammar skills. The application offers thousands of questions to practice and consolidate your grammar skills. Four levels - from beginner to advanced. The application is released in British and American versions, using British English and American English respectively. The content is designed to reflect the differences between British and American English in usage, spelling and pronunciation. Available for iOS and Android.

Check out your mobile apps and download those that will contribute to learning English grammar and improving your language proficiency.