Ramzan Kadyrov full name. Ramzan Kadyrov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov

Major General of Police. Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic 2006-2007. Son of the first president of the Chechen Republic within the Russian Federation, Akhmat Kadyrov.

Ramzan Kadyrov was born on October 5, 1976 in the village of Tsentoroy, Chechen Republic. The boy was the second and youngest son in the family of Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich and Aimani Nesievna. The family also raised an older brother, Zelimkhan, and older sisters, Zargan and Zulay. The Kadyrovs belong to one of the largest Chechen families, the Benoi. In religious terms, they are confessors of the wird of Sheikh Kunta-Haji, who belongs to the Qadiri branch of Sufi Islam, to which all the highest clergy of Chechnya belong.

The future politician’s most important authority during his childhood was his father, Akhmat Kadyrov, whose praise was a great reward for Ramzan. In his youth, Ramzan studied at an ordinary rural school, and at the same time studied the military science of the mountaineers.

During the First Chechen War, together with his father, he was in the ranks of the Chechen separatists and fought against the Russian Armed Forces. Further, since 1996, he worked as an assistant and personal bodyguard of his father, at that time one of the leaders of the separatist and anti-Russian movement in Chechnya, who declared “jihad” on Russia.

In the fall of 1999, Ramzan, together with his father, who opposed the growing influence of Wahhabism, went over to the side of the federal authorities. During this period, the young man entered the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law, Faculty of Law, from which he successfully graduated. After receiving a law degree, he was enrolled as a student at the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Further, Ramzan Kadyrov began to actively engage in government activities. In 2000, he became a member of a special company under the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, ensuring the security of buildings of government agencies and senior management of the Chechen Republic. In 2002, he was appointed commander of one of the platoons of this special company, then headed the presidential security service.

During this period, Kadyrov's influence on the territory of Chechnya increased significantly, thanks to his active work and successful negotiations with fighters of illegal armed groups in Chechnya, who in most cases renounced their beliefs and joined the security service of the top leadership of the Chechen Republic. Together with his people, he personally fought the remnants of the separatist military formations. During this period, the young politician survived at least five assassination attempts.

In 2004, Kadyrov's father died during a terrorist attack while celebrating Victory Day. After this, the son of the ex-head of Chechnya was appointed to the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic. According to Russian law, Ramzan Kadyrov, who was 28 years old at that time, could not succeed his father and lead Chechnya, since the candidate for this position must be over thirty years old. In 2005, the young politician took the post of acting chairman of the government of the Chechen Republic.

In 2006, Ramzan Kadyrov’s education and his ability to overcome negative phenomena in Chechnya associated with the actions of illegal military formations allowed the future politician to become an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. In the same year, Ramzan Akhmatovich defended his dissertation at the Institute of Business and Law in Makhachkala and became a candidate of economic sciences. In addition, Kadyrov received several more honorary titles, became an honorary academician of the Scientific Academy of the Chechen Republic and an honorary professor of the Modern Humanitarian Academy.

On March 1, 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed the candidacy of Ramzan Kadyrov for consideration by the Chechen Parliament. The next day, his candidacy was supported by 56 out of 58 deputies of both chambers of the Chechen parliament. On April 5, 2007, the inauguration ceremony of Ramzan Kadyrov as President of the Chechen Republic took place in Gudermes, where former Chechen Prime Minister Sergei Abramov, heads of several regions of the Southern Federal District, and President of the Republic of Abkhazia Sergei Bagapsh were present.

From the first days, the presidency gave positive results in terms of stabilizing the tense situation in the republic, as a result of which terrorist attacks decreased and residents felt the long-awaited peace. In addition to resolving the military situation, the head of the republic was actively involved in restoring infrastructure and constructing a number of architectural objects. The main source of large-scale construction was subsidies from the Russian budget and resources from the public fund named after Hero of Russia Akhmat Kadyrov.

Also, the first period of Ramzan Akhmatovich’s reign is characterized by the Islamization of the republic. Kadyrov opened the Russian Islamic University and the Heart of Chechnya mosque in Grozny in support of Sufi Islam, which is the traditional religion in the republic.

In 2011, Ramzan Kadyrov was re-elected to the next presidential term in the Chechen parliament and continues to successfully lead the republic. According to Kadyrov himself, the key role in his political career is the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin, to whom he regularly expresses his personal loyalty.

On December 26, 2015, Ramzan Akhmatovich defended his dissertation at the Dagestan State University for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences on the topic “Organization and management of the investment and construction sector and the restoration of the construction industry in a region with a destroyed economy.”

Five years later, on March 25, 2016, due to the expiration of his term of office, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Ramzan Kadyrov as acting head of the Chechen Republic. In the next elections on September 18, 2016, Kadyrov won, according to official data, with 97.56% of the votes with a turnout of 94.8%.

In addition to high achievements in economic sciences, Ramzan Kadyrov is a master of sports in boxing, and also holds the post of head of the Chechen Boxing Federation and heads the Ramzan football club of the same name, whose branches are located in all regions of the republic.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko June 21, 2019 awarded Ramzan Kadyrov the Order of Friendship of Peoples for his significant personal contribution to strengthening friendly relations and comprehensive cooperation with Belarus. Kadyrov arrived in Minsk to participate in the opening ceremony of the II European Sports Games.

Head of Chechnya August 31, 2019 met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Ramzan Kadyrov informed the head of state about the socio-economic situation in the region and spoke about the opening of the largest mosque in Europe. Putin emphasized that Chechnya’s development is proceeding at a rapid pace thanks to the efforts of its people and leader. At the end of the negotiations, Kadyrov invited the president to visit the republic.

Family of Ramzan Kadyrov

Father - Kadyrov Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich, President of the Chechen Republic.

Mother - Ramzana Kadyrova Aimani Nesievna Kadyrova holds the post of head of the Akhmat Kadyrov Foundation (Ramzan is one of the co-founders of the foundation), which conducts extensive charitable activities in the republic and at the same time, through companies in which the foundation is a co-founder, controls many large real estate properties in Chechnya.

Ramzan Kadyrov is married to fellow villager Medni Musaevna Aidamirova (born September 7, 1978), whom he met at school. Medni works as a fashion designer and in October 2009 founded the Firdaws fashion house in Grozny, which produces Muslim clothing. They have twelve children: four sons - Akhmat (born November 8, 2005, named after his grandfather), Zelimkhan (born December 14, 2006), Adam (born November 24, 2007) and Abdullah (born October 10, 2016); six daughters - Aishat (born December 31, 1998), Karina (born January 17, 2000), Hedi (born September 21, 2002), Tabarik (born July 13, 2004), Ashura (born December 12, 2012) and Eishat ( born January 13, 2015). Two adopted sons (orphans from an orphanage) were adopted by Kadyrov in 2007.

Awards and titles of Ramzan Kadyrov

Awards of the Russian Federation:

Hero of the Russian Federation (December 29, 2004) - for taking measures to suppress the activities of illegal armed groups from 2000 to 2004.
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (August 9, 2006) - for courage, bravery and dedication shown in the performance of official duty. The award was presented by Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev, who arrived in the Chechen Republic. R. Kadyrov noted that “this is a very high award for me and for our republic.”
Order of Courage (2003).
Order of Honor (March 8, 2015) - for achieved labor successes, active social activities and many years of conscientious work.
twice Medal “For Excellence in the Protection of Public Order” (2002 and 2004).
Medal "For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census."
Certificate of honor from the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (2009).

Awards of the Chechen Republic:

Order named after Akhmat Kadyrov (June 18, 2005) - for services to the restoration of state power and personal contribution to the defense of the fatherland. A statement from the press service of the President of the Chechen Republic noted that the reason for awarding the order was Kadyrov’s activities in “maintaining law, order and public safety in the Chechen Republic.”
Order "For the development of parliamentarism in the Chechen Republic" (September 2007)
Medal "Defender of the Chechen Republic" (2006) - for services in the formation of the Chechen Republic

Regional awards:

Order “For Fidelity to Duty” (Republic of Crimea, March 13, 2015) - for courage, patriotism, active social and political activity, personal contribution to strengthening the unity, development and prosperity of the Republic of Crimea and in connection with the Day of Reunification of Crimea with Russia
Medal “For the Defense of Crimea” (Republic of Crimea, June 7, 2014) - for offering a helping hand during the difficult spring days for the residents of Crimea in 2014

Foreign awards:

Medal “10 years of Astana” (Kazakhstan, 2008)
Medal “20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2011
Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus, August 16, 2018)

Public and departmental:

Order of Al-Fakhr, 1st degree (Council of Muftis of Russia, March 18, 2007). In his congratulatory speech, the Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, noted: “You have preserved the integrity of the people and Russia.” In turn, Kadyrov stated that he “will serve honestly and righteously for the benefit of the Chechen people and Russia.”
Medal “For participation in the counter-terrorist operation on the territory of the Chechen Republic” (February 2006)
Medal "For Service in the Caucasus" (February 2006)
Medal "For Merit in Ensuring Law and Order" (2017)
Medal “For Strengthening the Penitentiary System” (2007)
Medal "Valor and Courage" (2015)
Medal “For contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex” (2011)
Gold Star - “Honor and Dignity” with the title “Honored Defender of Human Rights” (2007)
Diamond Order of the National Fund of the Russian Federation “Public Recognition” (2007)
Honorary Badge "Peace and Creation" (2007)
Honorary Medal “For Merit in the Protection of Children of Russia” No. 001 (September 30, 2014) - for personal contribution to the protection of children
Honorary Badge of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation “For Merit in the Organization of Elections” (2014)
Medal “For the Return of Crimea” (2014)
Medal “For Merit in Ensuring National Security” (Security Council of the Russian Federation, December 25, 2014) - for services in ensuring national security
Memorial sign “For effective and fruitful work in the fight against extremism and terrorism” (2016)


Memorial sign “For cultural achievements” (September 10, 2007). A memorial sign on behalf of the Minister of Culture of Russia Alexander Sokolov was presented by the head of the Department of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Yuri Shubin on the last day of the Tenth Regional Arts Festival “Peace to the Caucasus” in Grozny
Winner of the “Russian of the Year” award in the nomination “In the name of life on earth” for 2007 (February 28, 2008)
Awarded the titles “Honorary Citizen of the Chechen Republic”, “Honored Worker of Physical Culture”, “Person of the Year 2004” in the Chechen Republic, “Honored Builder of the Chechen Republic”, Honorary President of the Afghan Veterans Movement of the Southern Federal District, President of the Chechen League of KVN
Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2006).
On March 5, 2008, the Chechen branch of the Russian Union of Journalists accepted Kadyrov as a member of the Union, but the next day the Union secretariat canceled this decision as contrary to the charter.
Owner of a maroon beret of special forces units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Ramzan Kadyrov is a famous political figure, leader of the Chechen Republic, a bright personality in modern history. Of course, an incredibly large number of contradictions are forming around it. Many publications and media condemn his actions and accuse him of crimes, while others, on the contrary, praise his achievements.

Of course, personal life is not ignored either. They discuss the biography of Ramzan Kadyrov and his mistress, who never existed, joint photos with celebrities and other facts. Overall there is a lot of information worth talking about.

Ramzan Kadyrov was born in the mountain village of Tsentaroy in 1976. He was the youngest child in the family. At that time, my father was already involved in important political and government affairs. From early childhood he was brought up with particular severity, taught to honor traditions and respect elders. His mother had a great influence on his development as a politician.

The authority in the family, of course, belonged to the father. If he praised Ramzan for some action, then for the guy it was an incredible reward. Ramzan tried in every possible way to gain the trust of Akhmat Kadyrov, not only with words, but also with actions. He spent his school years in an ordinary rural school in the Caucasus, and also attended classes in military affairs. He rode a horse very well, and from an early age he learned to shoot and wield knives.

After graduating from school, he and his father joined the armed forces to defend the independence of Chechnya. From that moment on, he chose military affairs, which played a big role in the life of a politician. After hostilities he enters one of the local universities. In 2004 he successfully graduated from the Faculty of Law. Then he enters the Academy under the President of the Russian Federation, where he is taught public administration.

In 2004 he received a PhD in Economics. His active political activity was always noticeable, as he never stinted in his statements.

Ramzan Kadyrov has a large number of honorary titles; he is a professor and academician. All this reflects his versatility and ability to master all instruments of public administration.

Among Ramzan Kadyrov's sporting achievements, one can note the title of Master of Sports in boxing. He has always been distinguished by good physical fitness and is ready to repel the enemy at any moment. Today throughout Chechnya there are centers where young people are taught boxing, which are called “Ramzan”. The republic attaches great importance to sports education of youth.

Civil service

In 1999, Akhmat Kadyrov and his son defected to Russia. This opened up enormous prospects for young Ramzan. His career in the political sector took off; already in 2000 he received the position of head of a special forces company of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. At that time, the unit represented was engaged in state security and the protection of high-ranking officials. Two years later he received a promotion, becoming the leader of an entire platoon. In 2003, by direct appointment he moved to a leadership position in the presidential security service.

Thanks to his enormous connections in Chechnya and his influence on various terrorist groups, Ramzan Kadyrov became one of the levers in negotiations with the separatists. Thus, the number of entities represented has decreased significantly. In 2004, Akhmat Kadyrov passed away, Ramzan immediately received the position of I.O. Chairman of the Board of the Chechen Republic. His father was killed by terrorists, so he declared war on everyone who was involved in this incident, including Shamil Basayev.

In 2007, Ramzan Kadyrov becomes the legal leader of the Chechen Republic, as he reaches the age at which he can work in this position. He continued his father's work.

An incredibly large amount of work was carried out to restore the infrastructure of cities affected by hostilities, and the number of terrorist groups decreased significantly.

In 2011, regular elections for the leadership of the Chechen Republic were held, and Ramzan Kadyrov was again re-elected. His successful career, the trust of the people, all of this together played a great influence. Also, the support from Vladimir Putin was incredibly important. We can say that it was thanks to the actions of Putin and Akhmat Kadyrov that he achieved such heights.

Regarding political issues and the lives of government officials, information about informal relationships with the opposite sex often comes up. Ramzan Kadyrov was also no exception, as photos of him with his mistresses appeared online. Of course, all these were fabricated actions that were not based on accurate information.

According to statistical studies, many Russians believe that only thanks to the actions of Ramzan, the situation in Chechnya has stabilized today. Political work is in full swing, personnel changes are taking place, which help eliminate incompetent specialists. Very often, articles appear in the media about the president’s cruelty; he is accused of various crimes and even murders.

Kadyrov’s personal security is also involved in criminal cases. But this does not prevent him from remaining a professional politician who has done a lot for his country and homeland.

Mistress of Ramzan Kadyrov

This is probably the most discussed topic that interests many readers. First of all, in all his interviews on personal topics, the politician said that “mistresses are harmful to health,” so you should not believe rumors that he has a hidden passion.

Since he is a Muslim, according to tradition, he can have four wives and there is no point in having a woman on the side, especially having such a status in society.

In this way, you can refute all articles that discuss Ramzan Kadyrov, his photos with his mistresses and his personal life.

Personal life

Ramzan Kadyrov is a person who respects all religions, and is himself a zealous Muslim. He honors the traditions of his people and very often appears at various events in folk clothes. The politician’s personal life was extremely successful. He met Medni Aidamirova, who was his fellow villager. In 2004 they became legal spouses.

The country's first lady is actively involved in the creation of designer clothing; she founded her own brand, “Firdaws”. That is, this is the first official brand of Chechen clothing, which is truly distinguished by its quality and interesting style. The main block of models is represented by interesting and luxurious dresses for women. The entire Kadyrov family is actively involved in state and public affairs. They make a huge contribution to the development of the social and material well-being of the Chechen people.

The fact that Ramzan Kadyrov has mistresses or maybe a second wife does not frighten Medni, since according to the laws of religion, men are allowed to have four wives. Of course, all this requires the permission of the spouse, but she cannot prevent it. Ramzan Kadyrov himself has said more than once in his interviews that he can have a second wife only if she is more beautiful than Medni, but he has never met such a girl.

Information appeared in the media that Ramzan has a second wife, who is only 18 years old. Her name is Fatima, but there was no official registration of the marriage, since this is prohibited by law. In fact, nothing prevents Ramzan Kadyrov from having wives and mistresses, since he knows how to hide it well, and the personal life of a politician should not interest anyone. He is one of those men who respects their wives and tries to stick to traditions.

The head of the Chechen Republic has repeatedly become the hero of articles. He was given the status of a plunderer of women's hearts, having connections with celebrities of Russian show business, including Sobchak and Kandelaki. But all this was not confirmed, since he only had friendly relations with these women and nothing more. If you come across an article on the Internet about Ramzan Kadyrov’s mistresses, where there are his photos, then you should not believe them. These are all the machinations of the yellow press, which are trying in every way to desecrate the name of the politician.

Major General of Police. Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic 2006-2007. Son of the first president of the Chechen Republic within the Russian Federation, Akhmat Kadyrov.

Ramzan Kadyrov was born on October 5, 1976 in the village of Tsentoroy, Chechen Republic. The boy was the second and youngest son in the family of Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich and Aimani Nesievna. The family also raised an older brother, Zelimkhan, and older sisters, Zargan and Zulay. The Kadyrovs belong to one of the largest Chechen families, the Benoi. In religious terms, they are confessors of the wird of Sheikh Kunta-Haji, who belongs to the Qadiri branch of Sufi Islam, to which all the highest clergy of Chechnya belong.

The future politician’s most important authority during his childhood was his father, Akhmat Kadyrov, whose praise was a great reward for Ramzan. In his youth, Ramzan studied at an ordinary rural school, and at the same time studied the military science of the mountaineers.

During the First Chechen War, together with his father, he was in the ranks of the Chechen separatists and fought against the Russian Armed Forces. Further, since 1996, he worked as an assistant and personal bodyguard of his father, at that time one of the leaders of the separatist and anti-Russian movement in Chechnya, who declared “jihad” on Russia.

In the fall of 1999, Ramzan, together with his father, who opposed the growing influence of Wahhabism, went over to the side of the federal authorities. During this period, the young man entered the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law, Faculty of Law, from which he successfully graduated. After receiving a law degree, he was enrolled as a student at the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Further, Ramzan Kadyrov began to actively engage in government activities. In 2000, he became a member of a special company under the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, ensuring the security of buildings of government agencies and senior management of the Chechen Republic. In 2002, he was appointed commander of one of the platoons of this special company, then headed the presidential security service.

During this period, Kadyrov's influence on the territory of Chechnya increased significantly, thanks to his active work and successful negotiations with fighters of illegal armed groups in Chechnya, who in most cases renounced their beliefs and joined the security service of the top leadership of the Chechen Republic. Together with his people, he personally fought the remnants of the separatist military formations. During this period, the young politician survived at least five assassination attempts.

In 2004, Kadyrov's father died during a terrorist attack while celebrating Victory Day. After this, the son of the ex-head of Chechnya was appointed to the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic. According to Russian law, Ramzan Kadyrov, who was 28 years old at that time, could not succeed his father and lead Chechnya, since the candidate for this position must be over thirty years old. In 2005, the young politician took the post of acting chairman of the government of the Chechen Republic.

In 2006, Ramzan Kadyrov’s education and his ability to overcome negative phenomena in Chechnya associated with the actions of illegal military formations allowed the future politician to become an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. In the same year, Ramzan Akhmatovich defended his dissertation at the Institute of Business and Law in Makhachkala and became a candidate of economic sciences. In addition, Kadyrov received several more honorary titles, became an honorary academician of the Scientific Academy of the Chechen Republic and an honorary professor of the Modern Humanitarian Academy.

On March 1, 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed the candidacy of Ramzan Kadyrov for consideration by the Chechen Parliament. The next day, his candidacy was supported by 56 out of 58 deputies of both chambers of the Chechen parliament. On April 5, 2007, the inauguration ceremony of Ramzan Kadyrov as President of the Chechen Republic took place in Gudermes, where former Chechen Prime Minister Sergei Abramov, heads of several regions of the Southern Federal District, and President of the Republic of Abkhazia Sergei Bagapsh were present.

From the first days, the presidency gave positive results in terms of stabilizing the tense situation in the republic, as a result of which terrorist attacks decreased and residents felt the long-awaited peace. In addition to resolving the military situation, the head of the republic was actively involved in restoring infrastructure and constructing a number of architectural objects. The main source of large-scale construction was subsidies from the Russian budget and resources from the public fund named after Hero of Russia Akhmat Kadyrov.

Also, the first period of Ramzan Akhmatovich’s reign is characterized by the Islamization of the republic. Kadyrov opened the Russian Islamic University and the Heart of Chechnya mosque in Grozny in support of Sufi Islam, which is the traditional religion in the republic.

In 2011, Ramzan Kadyrov was re-elected to the next presidential term in the Chechen parliament and continues to successfully lead the republic. According to Kadyrov himself, the key role in his political career is the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin, to whom he regularly expresses his personal loyalty.

On December 26, 2015, Ramzan Akhmatovich defended his dissertation at the Dagestan State University for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences on the topic “Organization and management of the investment and construction sector and the restoration of the construction industry in a region with a destroyed economy.”

Five years later, on March 25, 2016, due to the expiration of his term of office, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Ramzan Kadyrov as acting head of the Chechen Republic. In the next elections on September 18, 2016, Kadyrov won, according to official data, with 97.56% of the votes with a turnout of 94.8%.

In addition to high achievements in economic sciences, Ramzan Kadyrov is a master of sports in boxing, and also holds the post of head of the Chechen Boxing Federation and heads the Ramzan football club of the same name, whose branches are located in all regions of the republic.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko June 21, 2019 awarded Ramzan Kadyrov the Order of Friendship of Peoples for his significant personal contribution to strengthening friendly relations and comprehensive cooperation with Belarus. Kadyrov arrived in Minsk to participate in the opening ceremony of the II European Sports Games.

Head of Chechnya August 31, 2019 met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Ramzan Kadyrov informed the head of state about the socio-economic situation in the region and spoke about the opening of the largest mosque in Europe. Putin emphasized that Chechnya’s development is proceeding at a rapid pace thanks to the efforts of its people and leader. At the end of the negotiations, Kadyrov invited the president to visit the republic.

Family of Ramzan Kadyrov

Father - Kadyrov Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich, President of the Chechen Republic.

Mother - Ramzana Kadyrova Aimani Nesievna Kadyrova holds the post of head of the Akhmat Kadyrov Foundation (Ramzan is one of the co-founders of the foundation), which conducts extensive charitable activities in the republic and at the same time, through companies in which the foundation is a co-founder, controls many large real estate properties in Chechnya.

Ramzan Kadyrov is married to fellow villager Medni Musaevna Aidamirova (born September 7, 1978), whom he met at school. Medni works as a fashion designer and in October 2009 founded the Firdaws fashion house in Grozny, which produces Muslim clothing. They have twelve children: four sons - Akhmat (born November 8, 2005, named after his grandfather), Zelimkhan (born December 14, 2006), Adam (born November 24, 2007) and Abdullah (born October 10, 2016); six daughters - Aishat (born December 31, 1998), Karina (born January 17, 2000), Hedi (born September 21, 2002), Tabarik (born July 13, 2004), Ashura (born December 12, 2012) and Eishat ( born January 13, 2015). Two adopted sons (orphans from an orphanage) were adopted by Kadyrov in 2007.

Awards and titles of Ramzan Kadyrov

Awards of the Russian Federation:

Hero of the Russian Federation (December 29, 2004) - for taking measures to suppress the activities of illegal armed groups from 2000 to 2004.
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (August 9, 2006) - for courage, bravery and dedication shown in the performance of official duty. The award was presented by Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev, who arrived in the Chechen Republic. R. Kadyrov noted that “this is a very high award for me and for our republic.”
Order of Courage (2003).
Order of Honor (March 8, 2015) - for achieved labor successes, active social activities and many years of conscientious work.
twice Medal “For Excellence in the Protection of Public Order” (2002 and 2004).
Medal "For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census."
Certificate of honor from the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (2009).

Awards of the Chechen Republic:

Order named after Akhmat Kadyrov (June 18, 2005) - for services to the restoration of state power and personal contribution to the defense of the fatherland. A statement from the press service of the President of the Chechen Republic noted that the reason for awarding the order was Kadyrov’s activities in “maintaining law, order and public safety in the Chechen Republic.”
Order "For the development of parliamentarism in the Chechen Republic" (September 2007)
Medal "Defender of the Chechen Republic" (2006) - for services in the formation of the Chechen Republic

Regional awards:

Order “For Fidelity to Duty” (Republic of Crimea, March 13, 2015) - for courage, patriotism, active social and political activity, personal contribution to strengthening the unity, development and prosperity of the Republic of Crimea and in connection with the Day of Reunification of Crimea with Russia
Medal “For the Defense of Crimea” (Republic of Crimea, June 7, 2014) - for offering a helping hand during the difficult spring days for the residents of Crimea in 2014

Foreign awards:

Medal “10 years of Astana” (Kazakhstan, 2008)
Medal “20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2011
Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus, August 16, 2018)

Public and departmental:

Order of Al-Fakhr, 1st degree (Council of Muftis of Russia, March 18, 2007). In his congratulatory speech, the Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, noted: “You have preserved the integrity of the people and Russia.” In turn, Kadyrov stated that he “will serve honestly and righteously for the benefit of the Chechen people and Russia.”
Medal “For participation in the counter-terrorist operation on the territory of the Chechen Republic” (February 2006)
Medal "For Service in the Caucasus" (February 2006)
Medal "For Merit in Ensuring Law and Order" (2017)
Medal “For Strengthening the Penitentiary System” (2007)
Medal "Valor and Courage" (2015)
Medal “For contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex” (2011)
Gold Star - “Honor and Dignity” with the title “Honored Defender of Human Rights” (2007)
Diamond Order of the National Fund of the Russian Federation “Public Recognition” (2007)
Honorary Badge "Peace and Creation" (2007)
Honorary Medal “For Merit in the Protection of Children of Russia” No. 001 (September 30, 2014) - for personal contribution to the protection of children
Honorary Badge of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation “For Merit in the Organization of Elections” (2014)
Medal “For the Return of Crimea” (2014)
Medal “For Merit in Ensuring National Security” (Security Council of the Russian Federation, December 25, 2014) - for services in ensuring national security
Memorial sign “For effective and fruitful work in the fight against extremism and terrorism” (2016)


Memorial sign “For cultural achievements” (September 10, 2007). A memorial sign on behalf of the Minister of Culture of Russia Alexander Sokolov was presented by the head of the Department of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Yuri Shubin on the last day of the Tenth Regional Arts Festival “Peace to the Caucasus” in Grozny
Winner of the “Russian of the Year” award in the nomination “In the name of life on earth” for 2007 (February 28, 2008)
Awarded the titles “Honorary Citizen of the Chechen Republic”, “Honored Worker of Physical Culture”, “Person of the Year 2004” in the Chechen Republic, “Honored Builder of the Chechen Republic”, Honorary President of the Afghan Veterans Movement of the Southern Federal District, President of the Chechen League of KVN
Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2006).
On March 5, 2008, the Chechen branch of the Russian Union of Journalists accepted Kadyrov as a member of the Union, but the next day the Union secretariat canceled this decision as contrary to the charter.
Owner of a maroon beret of special forces units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

This personality is known to everyone in Russia. At the age of 28 he became a Hero of the Russian Federation. The biography of Ramzan Kadyrov is full of heroic pages. However, the people’s attitude towards him is twofold: he is seen as a peacemaker and restorer of what was destroyed, but at the same time, as a dictator. Today he heads a young company that continues the work of his father, Akhmet Kadyrov.

Childhood and youth

Begins on October 5, 1976. He was born in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, which was part of Soviet Russia. His father was a prominent figure in Chechnya, and his family came from the famous Chechen family Benoy. From childhood he was brought up in the best national traditions. loyalty to family and customs, courage and courage were the main concepts on which his upbringing was based. He was a smart and hardworking child, trying his best to earn the praise of his father, who was his greatest authority. Like all Soviet children, at the age of seven he went to a rural school. However, along with his studies at school, he learned the military science of the highlanders: he learned to ride a horse and wield bladed weapons and firearms. In 1992, he graduated from school, but he did not have time for further study. He and his father, taking up arms, joined the ranks of Chechen militants who opposed the federal troops. From now on, the biography of Ramzan Kadyrov reaches a new level.

Struggle for independence

So, having embarked on the warpath for the independence of Chechnya, Kadyrov Jr., together with his father, fought against the Russian armed forces. Akhmat Kadyrov was one of the leaders of the Chechen military formations, and his son was always next to him and was his faithful assistant and bodyguard. However, since 1999, having made the right conclusions regarding the future fate of their homeland and in order to avoid further bloodshed, father and son Kadyrovs went over to the side of pro-Russian forces. In 2003, when Akhmat Kadyrov became president of the Chechen Republic, his son headed his security service.

Political career

The biography of Ramzan Kadyrov as a political figure dates back to May 10, 2004. A day earlier, on May 9, Kadyrov Sr. was killed as a result of a terrorist attack. Ramzan was immediately appointed deputy prime minister of the republic. He actively participated in negotiations with militants, and was also involved in restoration work in Grozno and other cities and villages. During the same period, Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov received the title of Hero of Russia. Since 2006, he began to head the regional branch of the United Russia party. That same year he was appointed prime minister of the Chechen Republic. And in April 2007, 31-year-old Ramzan Kadyrov was elected president. With the coming to power of the young politician, the situation in the republic has noticeably stabilized.

Personal life and family of Ramzan Kadyrov

In 2004, Ramzan married his fellow villager Medni. They had known each other since school. They had six children - five daughters and a son, but Ramzan adopted two more teenagers, and now he has a total of eight children. Medni Kadyrova is a designer of Muslim women's clothing; she enjoys great authority among Eastern women.


The official biography of Ramzan Kadyrov consists of many pages on which the activities of the young politician are described in chronological order, all his merits and awards are listed. Nevertheless, there are rumors among the people about his ruthlessness and dictatorial inclinations. Perhaps in this way he is trying to establish order within his republic.

Ramzan Kadyrov became a father for the 12th time. Chairman of the Chechen Parliament Magomed Daudov announced the birth of a son to the head of Chechnya on his Instagram. According to him, the newborn was named Abdullah. Translated from Arabic, it means “servant of God” (or “slave of God”). This name was borne by many famous Muslim figures, including the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad. This is the fourth son of the head of Chechnya.

“I sincerely wish that he, like his brothers and sisters, grows up worthy of his grandfather, our national leader, the first president of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov,” Daudov wrote.

The Kadyrov family with Dmitry Medvedev. Photo: Instagram.com

The head of Chechnya is married to Medni Aidamirova, whom he met at school. They have three sons: Akhmat, Zelimkhan and Adam. They recently took part in a martial arts tournament in Grozny, which caused a big scandal.

Ramzan Kadyrov also has six daughters: Aishat, Khutmat, Khadizhat, Tabarik, Ashura, Karina. In addition, the Kadyrov family adopted two boys in 2007 - the Daskaev brothers, who were abandoned by their relatives.

Ramzan Kadyrov takes a selfie with children in the elevator. Photo: Instagram.com

Almost all of Kadyrov’s children are experts in the Koran, hafiz. They know by heart all 114 suras that make up the Muslim Holy Book. Tabarik, Khutmat, Akhmat, Adam, Eli, Aishat and other children memorized the Koran.

Khutmat is also known for being invited to film a video clip for the Koranic verse "Ar-Rokhman" ("The Merciful") along with the world famous reciter of the Koran, Hafiz Sheikh Mishari Rashid al-Afasi.

And Khadizhat Kadyrova won the “Apprentice 2016” competition in Chechnya. The ninth-grader said that she considers Gagarin, Putin and her grandfather to be the greatest people.

Ramzan Kadyrov has repeatedly stated that he raises his children in strictness:

I even tell their teachers to demand more strictness from my children than from others. They have no privileges and should not have them. I think so. My children go to a regular school in our family village of Tsentaroe.

Kadyrov periodically makes checking the diaries of his children public. At the end of the inspection, Kadyrov personally signs each report card.

Another selfie with family. Photo: Instagram.com

Kadyrov also spoke about the future of children:

I want my daughters to become good housewives. Let the boys choose for themselves. My father gave me the opportunity as a child to choose for myself what I want in this life. Every father should give this choice to his children. The boys have a common hobby - martial arts, and the dream for all three is to become professional athletes.