One-time psychological consultations. Psychological consultation. What does a psychotherapist treat?

Moscow service psychological assistance to the population (MSPPN) today provides Muscovites with the widest range of psychological services.

Moscow residents can receive free psychological help throughout the calendar year. Every Muscovite has access to:

  • 5 psychological consultations;
  • 2 sessions psychological diagnostics;
  • 3 training programs;
  • 2 consultations with a psychotherapist;
  • 8 sessions of psychological rehabilitation;
  • 2 consultations with a rehabilitation psychologist (initial and final).

All free services can be used by Muscovites with temporary (from six months) or permanent registration, as well as full-time students of capital universities and citizens working in Moscow.

In addition, married residents can receive family counseling, provided that the marriage is officially registered. Couples who are not married but have children together can also contact the psychological service. In this case, one of the partners must have permanent Moscow registration or a permanent place of work.

“Our specialists are ready to help any person who finds themselves in a difficult life situation. We do this free of charge, confidentially and at a high professional level, - says the director of the MSPP Nina Petrochenko. — We have created a system of working with the population that allows us to approach each person individually and select the most suitable effective method psychological assistance."

Any resident of Moscow can receive qualified help from a psychologist both in person and remotely— it all depends on the client’s wishes.

Citizens who would like talk personally with a specialist, can visit the nearest service branch (they are located in all districts of the capital). In order to come for a consultation, you need to call the administrator of the selected department and agree on a meeting time.

For those who are used to spending more time on the Internet, prefer to communicate in absentia, or simply do not have time to visit a psychologist, there will be an organized remote consultation using audio and video communication, by e-mail or even on the psychological support forum of the MSPP.

You can also discuss your problems and difficult life situations with a psychologist by telephone for emergency psychological help. To do this you need to dial a simple three-digit number 051 . It is easy to remember and dial from a landline phone. To call from a mobile phone, you need to add the area code to the number 8 (495) 051 . The psychologist's services will be provided absolutely free, but remember that the telecom operator will charge you for the call.

In addition to consultations, at the Moscow Psychological Assistance Service, residents of the capital can receive psychological rehabilitation course. A set of modern relaxation and anti-stress techniques perfectly helps restore psychological and physiological health, cope with anxiety and fears, normalize sleep and state of mind.

For those who want to understand themselves, experts will conduct psychological diagnostic sessions which will allow you to assess your strengths and weaknesses and choose the best way psychological assistance.

In addition, Muscovites can get acquainted with scientific news and current problems in the journal “Psychology for Life”. Service specialists share their recommendations with readers in this publication, as well as on the MSPPN channel on YouTube and on social networks.

Press service of the Department of Labor and social protection population of Moscow

The human psyche is as real as his body. But if people strive to cure and eliminate somatic diseases and bodily discomfort, then the solution to mental problems is often postponed indefinitely. Alas, time does not always heal - in some cases it only drives the problem inside and aggravates it.

A psychotherapist helps a person get rid of psychological discomfort, from what depresses, takes away strength, and prevents them from living happily. It happens that the problem can be solved in just 3-4 sessions - and it’s worth it, given the affordable price of seeing a psychotherapist. That is why more and more people are turning to such specialists today.

Price for seeing a psychotherapist

When choosing a doctor, it is worth considering that now in this specialty they work as people with medical education, and graduates of psychology faculties who have passed professional retraining. The price of seeing a psychotherapist in Moscow may vary depending on the specialist’s background, the clinic where he receives the appointment, and experience.

The cost of consulting a psychotherapist with a medical education may be slightly higher, but it is recommended to give preference to such specialists, because they consider a person as a whole - as a combination of psyche and body. This allows them to work on two levels at once and carry out complex treatment, if necessary, together with other specialists. Whereas doctors who have not received such education may look at the problem too narrowly.

IN medical centers“” receives only qualified specialists with medical education, who have undergone additional training and have serious experience in dealing with various complaints.

The price of seeing a psychotherapist may vary depending on the reason for contacting and the method of work chosen by the specialist. At the same time, the cost of the initial and repeated appointments does not differ.

The medical centers provide treatment for addictions, symbol-drama therapy, hypnotherapy, family and individual psychotherapy. You can check the price at the reception or by phone. In addition, if you wish, you can undergo a consultation or examination with a psychiatrist, for example, to obtain certificates.

  • search and resolution of problems and conflicts that caused the formation of addiction;
  • formation of motivation to perform coding and get rid of addiction;
  • work at the rehabilitation stage to prevent breakdowns and relapses.

Types of impact:

  • sedative: aimed at stabilizing the psychological state, softening, weakening emotional reactions to traumatic events, manifestations of withdrawal syndrome, changing the environment and lifestyle;
  • corrective: before coding or the start of detoxification, the patient is helped to understand the disease and adequately assess the severity of addiction. Corrective influence is the first step towards the formation of motivation;
  • stimulating: helps restore social activity, normalizes lifestyle, develops motivation to fight addiction.

Therapy can be directive or non-directive. In the first case, the therapist takes a leading position, encourages, motivates the patient, forms an action plan for him, new settings, etc. With a non-directive approach, the psychotherapist plays the role of a “guide”, while the person independently makes decisions regarding coding, rehabilitation, restoration of social activity, etc.

Psychotherapeutic treatment options at the NarcoDoc clinic:

  • individual sessions. A psychotherapist works with one patient and conducts several conversation sessions. We recommend such sessions at the initial stages, in preparation for coding, to build motivation;
  • . Used at the rehabilitation stage, it can be used during detoxification before coding. Sessions are conducted for a group of patients, due to which each of them receives more emotional support: from the doctor and from people facing the same problems;
  • family therapy. The work is carried out with the patient and his loved ones, helps resolve conflicts, improve mutual understanding, and form relationships that help overcome addiction.

A private psychologist in Moscow helps people get out of difficult life situations and solve various psychological problems. Psychologist services are provided at a time convenient for the client. The duration of one consultation is 60 minutes, the cost is 3000 rubles.

Service cost

ServicePrice*Duration, min
Consultation with a psychologist3500 rub.60
In-person consultation3500 rub.60
Skype consultation3500 rub.60
Classes with a psychologist3500 rub.60
Divorce consultation3500 rub.60
Breakup counseling3500 rub.60
Counseling for depression3500 rub.60
Consultation (if paid 4 hours in advance)2500 rub.from 4 hours

*Price may vary depending on the time of consultation

Why are psychological services so important?

The modern world requires a person to live at a frantic pace and make quick decisions. Success is determined by external attributes; in a team you need to behave evenly. Meanwhile, few people manage to withstand the race up the career ladder, the search for a more prestigious job, and failures in their personal lives without losses. Consulting a psychologist will help you prioritize your priorities.

Uncertainty about own strength, external data, fears, phobias, psychosomatic diseases - an incomplete list of problems that accompany people. External circumstances - death loved one, breakdown of relationships, misunderstanding of generations in the family provoke or aggravate a difficult situation. The services of a specialist will provide a real way out of the situation.

Withdrawal into oneself, reluctance to contact outside world, alcohol, smoking, drugs, eating do not bring the desired result. On the contrary, they bring new problems, troubles grow like a snowball.

In difficult, confusing circumstances, it is necessary to understand that only by turning to a psychologist for services can you really find a way out of the current situation. The specialist offers clients the following services:

  • psychological counseling - providing tools for solving pressing problems that the client is not able to find on his own, can be done online;
  • psychodiagnostics - a psychologist identifies the true causes of problems, sometimes it is enough to use the service once to get out of difficulties on your own;
  • psychotherapy - a psychologist identifies circumstances that lie in the client’s subconscious; they are not obvious at first glance. The psychotherapist works with the patient for a long period of time;

Psychologist services for adults

A private psychologist provides assistance to people of different ages, social groups. Adults seek the services of a psychologist for a wide variety of reasons:

  • Divorce is one of the most common situations; separation of spouses reveals a huge number of problems. Advice from relatives and friends does not give a positive result, since interested people act as arbiters, and their recommendations are subjective. A professional psychologist draws up an overall picture and helps resolve the situation for both men and women.
  • Excess weight, overeating, food addiction - the problem is familiar to many firsthand. A distorted attitude towards food leads to severe forms of medical diseases - bulimia, anorexia. The psychologist finds motivation individually for each client to change eating behavior; sometimes it is necessary to work with childhood traumas in order to get rid of the problem.
  • Low self-esteem, often due to critical comments from relatives and close friends, prevents one from adapting to society, finding a decent job, or a reliable life partner. Psychological services are aimed at self-disclosure, self-acceptance, and increased self-esteem.
  • Representatives of both sexes experience difficulties in intimate life; sometimes family problems appear after the birth of a child. Many find it quite difficult to discuss these issues. A confidential reception and a conducive environment help the client to relax and talk through his problems out loud. The psychologist’s task is to choose the right way to correct the situation.

Quite often people turn to psychological services when the visitor’s condition is close to critical, then there is a lot of work to be done and it will take a lot of time. Read the reviews of clients on the website who have completed a course of psychological assistance, follow their example.

Get a paid consultation with a psychologist at an inexpensive price. It may only take you a day to figure out how to move forward. You can find out how much a session costs on the website.

Leave a request for a specialist service or call. Agree on the time, place of the appointment, and type of consultation. Timely assistance will make your life easier.


I don’t really want to write about my problem; it’s of an intimate nature. But my soul asks to express my gratitude to Elena Viktorovna! Thank you for your professionalism and delicate approach to the issue. Now my sexual life is back in order.

It seemed to me that it suddenly became scary to travel on the subway and trains. Traveling to and from work has become torture. The employee recommended seeing a psychologist. Already at the first consultation, I felt trust in Elena Viktorovna. She found the root of my problem. I became confident that I would completely get rid of panic attacks. Thank you!

The desire to lose weight led me to bulimia. Several days of dieting and abstaining from food almost led to gluttony, then I artificially induced vomiting, drank laxatives and diuretics. I realized that something was wrong with me. I decided to make an appointment with a psychologist. This is where I was diagnosed with bulimia. The treatment is going well. Thank you, Elena Viktorovna.


Life has always suited me. Good job, wonderful family. And then, as if out of the blue, a feeling of loneliness arose. It simply interfered with my life, but my loved ones noticed the changes. My husband tried to talk to me, but I just cried. We decided that we should try to make an appointment with a psychotherapist. I am glad that I ended up with Elena Viktorovna, she is a wonderful specialist.

Divorce had a peculiar effect on me. I started to eat up the problem with pies. The weight crept up. I tried to restrain myself, but nothing worked; laxatives were used. The complexion has deteriorated, the hair has become dull. A friend strongly advised me to go to a psychologist. The diagnosis of bulimia is out of the blue. But the situation is now improving. Words of gratitude to Elena Viktorovna.

Veronica E.

It so happened that I was left alone. I always spent time with my family and suddenly I felt completely alone. She couldn’t be alone in the apartment. Seeing a psychologist gave me hope of getting rid of my own fears. Elena Viktorovna is a true professional. I am sincerely grateful to her for her work.

Tatyana Nikolaevna

Lord, how much money I spent on medications for eczema, how much time I spent going to doctors! I signed up to see a psychologist simply out of desperation, not really believing in a positive result. After a long time, I will say that they really provide real help here. Deliverance did not happen suddenly, but Elena Viktorovna’s method works! Thanks a lot.

Help from a psychotherapist

I am sure that most men have, in one way or another, experienced the state in which I found myself two years ago. Or rather, I found myself in it much earlier, just two years ago I felt that nothing in life made me happy at all. Outwardly, everything is fine: work, apartment, car, family, son... You just go to work as if you were going to execution, and in the evening there is no desire to return home... Weekends, of course, brightened up this state, but then everything went in circles. I stopped communicating with old friends, gave up sports, and even supported my beloved CSKA by inertia. I haven’t been to the stadium for a whole season... Those who know will understand.
When my wife timidly advised me to go to the psychotherapist whom her psychologist recommended, I did not create a scandal, only because my son was nearby. I agreed for the sake of formality, so that she would fall behind. I decided to go once and forget about this story. And so there was no mood, and then there was some kind of psychotherapist... So I ended up with Elena Viktorovna. After 8 months my therapy ended. I can’t say that my life has changed, like in a fairy tale, but hopelessness has disappeared. The taste for life has returned. Gathered my classmates at home. I play volleyball again on Saturdays. The whole family is planning vacation trips. The most important thing is that I’m going with my son to England for CSKA’s away game against Arsenal! My son is delighted, and I am very glad that everything turned out this way. But I didn’t want to go to a psychologist)))

Mikhail Sokolsky

Sessions with a neuropsychologist

When we were advised to work with a neuropsychologist, the first task was to find a good specialist. And so the difficult search began. My child refused to work with the specialists that I found for her, she simply answered that I don’t like them. She categorically said “NO”. If she doesn't like a person, she won't even look in his direction. And by some miracle they recommended Elena Viktorovna to me! And my daughter started studying with pleasure. From the first minute my daughter liked it, my torment in the search ended and we started studying. We studied twice a week. And the child saw results with every session. Even the school teacher saw the changes, and we had already entered the 3rd grade. Elena Viktorovna pulled my daughter out of this and calmed my nerves. Elena Viktorovna, I want to thank you for everything you do (help us and our children)! Our family is very grateful to you. Thank you for everything!!!

Elena is an excellent specialist

Elena is an excellent specialist. At the very first consultation, she accurately identified my problem, helped me deal with it and look at myself and the surrounding reality in a new way. In the process of working with Elena, I was able to overcome self-doubt and the feeling of guilt that constantly haunted me for anything. Thanks to this, I began to have a completely different attitude towards many things, achieved a number of successes where I had never thought of any success, and even my posture improved.

The best thing that happened to me

The best thing that happened to me in a while last years- this is a meeting with Elena. I have suffered from the eating disorder bulimia for over 10 years. And I almost lost hope for recovery and normal human life. life is life in harmony with yourself. Who is in similar situation, I think they will understand me. I tried to work with some psychologists, but there was no contact. It was Elena who turned out to be the wonderful specialist who helped me let go of my childhood grievances, accept and love myself. Start enjoying life and every new day. Feel your fullness, significance, first of all, for yourself and awareness. My life is beginning to change, or rather it is becoming mine, the one I have dreamed of for so long! And every day I thank Elena for her help! Thank you!!!

I would like to thank Elena for helping me understand myself and my child.

I would like to thank Elena for helping me understand myself and my child. Elena gave practical advice, which I listened to. Elena delved into the problem, asked questions, tried to find out everything about the child. From my words, she created a picture of my life, trying to understand me, my emotions, the emotions of my child. Elena explained everything in a language I could understand. After her consultation, I began to look at this situation from a different perspective. She also recommended a book that I am going to read in the near future. Thank you very much Elena.

I want to thank you, Elena Viktorovna

I would like to thank you, Elena Viktorovna, separately for your professionalism! Even in a short period of time, your positivity and professionalism immediately makes itself felt! I wish you success in defending your dissertation! I definitely want to read it in the near future!

Elena Viktorovna helped more than once

Elena Viktorovna more than once helped me, as a teacher, to find an approach to students and understand the psychology of child behavior. She has always shown herself to be an excellent specialist who is able to find an individual approach to each individual. I still turn to her for personal advice to this day. It is always a pleasure to work with someone who is dedicated to his work and is able to advise in various areas.


My daughter was studying

My daughter studied with Elena Viktorovna before first grade. My daughter had behavioral difficulties - increased activity, impulsiveness, difficulty concentrating, we were very worried about this before starting schooling. As a result of the classes, my daughter became more collected and attentive. It was easier for her to study first in pre-school courses, and then in first grade. The child attended classes with pleasure, and I am very pleased with the result!

We turned to Elena Viktorovna

We turned to Elena Viktorovna on the advice of our friend, who took her son to her. At some point the teacher kindergarten I noticed that our daughter gets tired quickly in class, sleeps poorly in the garden, and can cry for no apparent reason. We noticed this at home too. The kindergarten psychologist recommended consultations with a neuropsychologist. We started looking for a specialist. Here my former classmate told us about her own experience. We started taking our daughter to classes with Elena Viktorovna and studied for about a year. The child liked to study. After just three weeks, improvements were visible. We are pleased with the results of the lessons.


Sessions with a neuropsychologist

IN high school My husband and I are faced with the fact that our eldest son has absolutely no desire to study. He always complained about being tired, that he was bored at school, he was very tired, headaches, etc. We began attending classes with neuropsychologist Elena Viktorovna. Sasha was 12 years old at the time. We convinced him that it would help him in different areas of his life. Having difficulty getting there and grumbling all the way, after classes the child became positive, sociable, and hopeful. Headaches and fatigue went away. He began to believe in himself. Elena Vladimirovna’s advice and recommendations still help me maintain the right focus. It was good time for my son.

I want to express my deep gratitude to you

I want to express my deep gratitude to you for the help you provided me. You are an excellent specialist, I wish you success. Thank you.


A psychotherapist is a doctor who treats mental illness using non-drug methods. It affects the psyche through the psyche of the patient. IN Lately Cases of mental disorders associated with anxiety and panic attacks have become more frequent. The number of psychosomatic pathologies is growing, where it is impossible to do without the help of a psychotherapist.

When do you need the help of a psychotherapist?

You need the help of a psychotherapist if:
  • suffer from panic attacks, fears, depression;
  • experience pain associated with somatic diseases;
  • there is drug or alcohol dependence;
  • bothered by obsessive thoughts and actions;
  • relationships in the family and society are disrupted;
  • diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, epilepsy (treatment is carried out together with a psychiatrist).
Since any disease has, to one degree or another, a connection with a psychological component, consulting a psychotherapist will speed up recovery. The help of a specialist will not be superfluous in treatment chronic diseases reproductive system, digestive tract, nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

What does a psychotherapist treat?

The goal of the psychotherapist is to identify intrapsychic conflicts. The specialist changes the patient’s behavioral principles to “adaptive” ones, i.e. correct, normative, and forms a positive emotional experience.

A psychotherapist treats the following diseases:

  • emotional and personality disorders (anxiety, panic, depression);
  • communication disorders;
  • character disorders;
  • neuroses;
  • addictions;
  • schizophrenia;
  • bipolar disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • psychosomatic and somatic diseases.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

Diagnosis of a patient’s condition begins with a conversation, examination, observation of a person’s behavior and experimental methods. After determining the cause of the disease, the doctor uses one or a combination of the following methods for treatment:
  • psychoanalysis;
  • hypnosis;
  • auto-training (self-hypnosis);
  • behavioral and humanistic therapy;
  • psychodrama (awareness of problems through stage performance);
  • rational psychotherapy (persuasion, argumentation);
  • body-oriented psychotherapy (impact on the psyche through the body, muscle relaxation);
  • NLP (neurolinguistic programming);
  • Gestalt therapy (awareness and completion of unmet needs);
  • integrative psychotherapy (synthesis of different systems of psychotherapy).
At SM-Clinic, consultations are conducted by qualified psychotherapists who are fluent in using the latest methods psychotherapeutic assistance. Our specialists regularly improve their level of competence.

It is quite difficult to evaluate the results of psychotherapy sessions. A direct relationship has been established between the number of sessions and the patient’s well-being. In a study of over 2,000 patients, it was shown that 14% of patients showed improvement after the first session, 53% after 8 weekly sessions, 75% after 26 such sessions, 83% after 52.

Indications for consultation

Consultation with a psychotherapist is necessary if the following conditions are present:
  • panic attacks;
  • stable sleep and appetite disturbances;
  • neuroses, depression, nightmares;
  • difficulties in communicating with family, at work, with loved ones;
  • obsessive ideas, thoughts;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • unexplained aggression, irritability, or apathy;
  • sudden changes in mood and behavior;
  • unexplained pain in the body.
A consultation with a psychotherapist will also be valuable if the patient has somatic (arthritis, anorexia, asthenia) or mental illness (schizophrenia, epilepsy, etc.).

How to determine that you need the help of a psychotherapist?

You will need to consult a psychotherapist if:
  • your character has changed dramatically, you have become more withdrawn;
  • stable fatigue and lack of confidence in one’s strength appeared;
  • are tormented by pain that you cannot explain;
  • mood changes for no apparent reason, strong emotional swings;
  • insomnia, loss of appetite appeared;
  • you want to harm yourself, thoughts of suicide arise;
  • suffer from panic attacks.
At SM-Clinic, psychotherapist appointments are conducted in a comfortable environment. The doctor takes an individual approach to the treatment of each patient. To make an appointment for a consultation, call and select a visit time that is convenient for you.

Cost of seeing a psychotherapist

The cost of the consultation, as well as other details of interest, can be found on the website or by phone. Contact our specialists and you will receive qualified assistance from the best doctors!