Entertainment. New Year's crosswords Crossword on the theme of English holidays

Target: systematize and expand students’ knowledge on the topic.

1. Organize the repetition of lexical and regional studies material on the topic “Holidays of Russia and Great Britain”, through the active participation of children in gaming activities.

2. Improve oral speech skills and the ability to understand speech by ear.

3. Foster respect for traditions and customs as part of culture different countries peace

Equipment: Cards with tasks, pictures with images of holidays, certificates, diplomas, markers, paper, felt-tip pens, a sign for each team.

During the classes

I. Organizational stage. Greetings from the presenter.

(Illustrations for the holidays on the board)

Good afternoon, children

Do you like holidays? What are your favorite holidays? Today we will be speaking about Russian and Britain holidays, but we are doing it extraordinary.

The class is divided into 2 teams.

I’m very glad to see you in our intellectual competition. Two teams will take part in a game of the most quick-witted and the cleverest. It's time to introduce yourselves. Who is the captain of the 1st team? And who is the captain of the 2nd team? (Captains' choice)

Well, I wish you success. Be active and honest.

II. Main stage.

The competition consists of several competitions. Teams receive points for correct answers. At the end the results are summed up.

1. First competition.(First competition warm-up)

Answer the questions

The first team to raise the sign answers.

1. What Russian holidays do you know?

2. What Britain holidays do you know?

3. What is Boxing Day? What do people usually do on that day?

4. Where do people celebrate New Year in February?

Position English holidays, starting from the very first of the New Year:

1. St. Valentine's Day

2. Second competition.

1. This is a holiday when people buy a tree and decorate it with ornaments, toys, lights and sweets. (Christmas)

2. Everything and everyone is Irish on that day. (St. Patrick's Day)

3. This holiday is celebrated on the 4th of July. It is a national American holiday. (Independence Day)

4. Friends & relatives come to you on that day and bring you presents. (Birthday)

5. Ghosts and witches come on that day. The traditional colors of that holiday are orange & black. (Halloween)

6. This holiday is celebrated in April. And the Bunny brings a basket of candy to children. (Easter)

7. Red heart is the emblem of this day. (St. Valentine's Day)

8. We begin to celebrate this holiday in December & the end of this holiday in January is the beginning of the year. (New Year)

3. Third competition

Party arrow
Sweetheart freezing
Roast turkey stockings
Arrow party
Carols admire
Frost chants
Stockings present
Hide beloved
Gifts roast turkey
Admire hide

4. Fourth competition.

Make the postcards on different holidays.

5. Fifth competition.

Have carnival Thanksgiving Day
Make wreaths Guy Fawkes Day
Exchange gifts May Day
Wear costumes Valentine's Day
Eat traditional food Halloween
Watch parades Christmas
Watch a firework display St Patrick's Day

Match holidays and dates.

Thanksgiving Day 1 st January
Guy Fawkes Day 9 th May
May Day 31 st October
Valentine's Day 8 th March
Halloween 17 th March
Christmas 14 th February
St Patrick's Day 5 th November
New Year's Day 25 th December
April's Fool Day 4 th Thursday of November
Easter 1st May
Victory Day 1 st April
Mother's Day March or April

6. Sixth competition

1. We make colorful…. For Christmas day.

a. gifts b. displays c. decorations

2. In Britain, people love to watch the ….. on Guy Fawkes Night.

a.preparations b. lamps with fireworks

3. When we…. the house for Christmas, it looks really beautiful.

a. build b. decorate c. make

4. On Thanksgiving Day we have a big festive….

a. meal b. festival c.game

5. It’s exciting when you…. gifts. You never know what you are going to get!

a. have b. exchange c.wrap

The final stage. Summing up the game.

It’s time to finish our competition. And now we will know the winner.

The winning team is awarded diplomas, and the losing team is awarded certificates of commendation.

What do you like best? What’s was difficult?

Hello! In studying in English all means are good, and if these means also bring pleasure, then this is generally the ideal way. One such exciting technique is crossword puzzles in English for adults and children. Today, crossword puzzles are the most common word-solving game. Such games are in almost every printed publication; there are even entire collections. They are very popular among people of all generations - children, pensioners, adults.

Although archaeologists have found the first charades, which were dated back to the 1st-4th centuries AD, the birth of the crossword puzzle is generally considered to be 1913. More than a hundred years ago, Arthur Wynne created the first crossword puzzle in the form that is familiar to us today. This game was published in one of the New York newspapers, and immediately became mega-popular among the publication's readers. Our first crossword puzzle appeared in 1925 in the Leningrad magazine “Rezec”.

The original purpose of such games was to develop erudition. The first crosswords were very complex, requiring considerable knowledge to complete solution puzzles. But to increase reader demand, they were very quickly simplified by changing the setting. Now puzzles have become one of the ways to have fun, and not to show off your knowledge and erudition. Naturally, this format suited all segments of the population, regardless of age and profession.

Interesting fact:

The puzzle of Yerevan resident Ara Hovhannisyan was recognized as the largest crossword puzzle in the world, listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The crossword size is 2.45 m high and 2.3 m wide, and the cell size is only half a centimeter. Those interested are offered a task of 150 pages and 25,970 words.

Why are English crosswords needed?

It is an indisputable fact that solving crosswords, scanwords, puzzles and charades develops memory, thinking, erudition and hard work. This is the best way, with maximum benefit for the mind, to pass the time and just have a good rest. English crosswords are very popular among language learners.

Exercise: translate the words into English and fill in the boxes

There are other types of puzzles, more traditional, on various topics that will help consolidate not only vocabulary, but also grammar:

If you like to solve various puzzles, then do not miss such a good opportunity as solving English crosswords. This way you will make significant progress in learning English. And if you have any difficulties, you can always look at the answers.

English crosswords for children

English crosswords for children

It’s no secret that children love to play, solve various riddles, puzzles, puzzles. Children's crosswords are also used to teach English to very young students. Kids very quickly succumb to the excitement that arises in the process of solving, and remember new material without coercion or overload.

Crosswords for kids can also be grammar-focused, but they are mainly designed to help kids remember new vocabulary. Such games help kids visually remember how a word is written in English, how it sounds, expand their vocabulary, or reinforce a school lesson.

Crossword puzzles with pictures are perfect for the youngest students, where there is no written task, but only images that need to be named in English and written down.

This is how, for example, a Crossword for preschoolers on the topic “Animals” might look like:

Preschoolers and elementary school students will really like such bright charades, they will broaden their horizons and give them a lot of positive emotions.

Children's crosswords can be of various difficulty levels. It’s worth starting with small puzzles of up to 10 questions or pictures with large answer boxes. To start letting your child solve crossword puzzles, he must already know the letters of the English alphabet and the name of the objects that will be discussed.

If the child already knows how to read and write in English, then he can be given more complex tasks, with questions or words that need to be translated. Be sure to check the answers and do not give your child questions to which you do not know the answers yourself. Let him fill in the answers himself. For older children, more complex puzzles can be used.

In teaching English, crossword puzzles are an indispensable means of learning and consolidating foreign words. When regularly solving puzzles, active, rather than passive, memorization is activated, which increases the efficiency of assimilation of information several times. Therefore, I recommend that you, as well as your children, solve English charades with benefit and pleasure. In addition, you always have the opportunity to check the answers

Start solving crosswords in English with the whole family right now! Good luck!


1. We celebrate this holiday on the 1st of January. It is...

a) New Year c) Mother’s Day

b) Christmas d) Easter

2. The symbol of this holiday is Valentine card. It is...

a) St. Patrick's Day c) St. Nicholas Day

b) St. Valentine’s Day d) St. Mark’s Day

3. The English people have their traditional dinner with stuffed turkey and pudding on…

a) Mother's Day c) New Year

b) Father's Day d) Christmas

4. We celebrate this holiday on the 1st of April. It is...

a) St. Patrick’s Day c) April Fool’s Day

b) St.Valentine’s Day d) Halloween

5. On this holiday children go from house to house in funny clothes and say “Trick or treat”. It is...

a) Halloween c) Mother's Day

b) Easter b) Father's Day

6. The symbols of this spring holiday are chocolate eggs, rabbits. It is...

a) New Year c) Easter

b) Christmas d) Birthday

7. Father Frost and Snow Maiden come on the holiday of…

a) Christmas c) April Fool’s Day

b) New Year d) Easter

8. On this holiday people decorate the fir-tree. It is...

a) April Fool's Day c) Halloween

b) New Year d) Father’s Day

9. On this holiday girls usually bake the cookies and put the papers with their wishes for the boys into the cookies. It is...

a) Mother’s Day c) St. Valentine’s Day

b) Father’s Day d) St. Patrick’s Day

10. On this holiday people in the family try to let their mother have a rest. It is...

a) Mother's Day c) New Year

b) Father's Day d) Christmas

11. On this holiday people like to play jokes on other people. It is...

a) Halloween c) Easter

b) April Fool’s Day d) New Year

12. On this holiday children spend the day with their fathers. It is...

a) Mother's Day c) Halloween

b) Father's Day d) Christmas

ANSWERS: 1. — a 2. — b 3. — d 4. — c 5. — a 6. — c 7. — b 8. — b 9. — c 10. — a 11. — b 12. — b


1) When do we have our spring holidays?

a) at the beginning of March c) at the beginning of May

b) at the end of March d) at the end of May

2) How long do our spring holidays last?

a) one week c) three weeks

b) two weeks d) four weeks

3) What is the weather during our spring holidays?

a) snowy and frosty c) rainy and foggy

b) hot and sunny d) warm and sunny

4) How many lessons a day do we have during our spring holidays?

a) 5 lessons c) 1 lesson

b) 3 lessons d) no lessons

5) From what side of the world do the birds come back in spring?

a) north c) east

b) south d) west

6) What is the warmest month in spring?

b) April d) June

7) In what spring month do we have the holiday – Women’s day?

b) April d) June

8.) In what spring month do we have the holiday – All Fools’ day?

b) April d) June

9) In what spring month do we have the holiday – Victory day?

b) April d) June

10) What is the last school month?

a) February c) August

b) September d) May

11) What color do the leaves have in spring?

a) gray c) brown

b) blue d) green

12) What season has three months two of which begin from the letter “M”?

a) autumn c) spring

d) winter d) summer

ANSWERS: 1. — b 2. — a 3. — d 4. — d 5. — b 6. — c 7. — a 8. — b 9. — c 10. — b 11. — d 12. — c

Fill in the blanks

2. All Fools’ Day is celebrated on the 1st of ………

3. On Easter we eat the ………

4. On Easter we go to the ………

5. On Easter we paint the ………

7. In spring we have ……… holidays.

8. The ……… in spring is sunny or cloudy, cool or warm, windy.

10. Spring holidays are ……… holidays.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Eggs, April, spring, weather, Easter, short, church, jacket, paski, last

ANSWERS: 1. — Easter 2. — April 3. — paski 4. — church 5. — eggs 6. — jacket 7. — spring 8. — weather 9. — last 10. — short

Festive New Year's crossword puzzles for children, keep the kids busy interesting crossword puzzle about New Year.

To solve this crossword puzzle, you need to carefully consider what is shown in the picture with the crossword puzzle and substitute the necessary words.

View answer

Answers: 1. Holiday, 2. Garland, 3. Toy, 4. Candy, 5. Star, 6. Tinsel, 7. Christmas tree

1. To avoid succumbing to boredom, you need to dress brighter! I'll strain my mind a little. In the New Year I will wear my best...?
2. A bright light flashed in the sky and blossomed like a bouquet of stars.
3. Multicolored flies up with a roar...
4. On this day everyone has fun, eats deliciously, laughs and dances and makes noise. It comes on birthdays, on New Years, and there are many more, and everyone has their own.
5. There is noise everywhere on this holiday! An explosion followed by cheerful laughter! A very noisy toy - New Year's...?
6. An orange “ball” hanging on the tree, with its aroma and sweet taste!
7. Where cats and soldiers dance and sing, and gifts are given to princes and pirates?
8. On New Year’s Day you can’t live without them; Santa Claus will make the kids happy. And for every poem, he will be your reward!
9. Together with grandfather he will come to the children for the New Year.
10. Draws without hands, bites without teeth.
11. A white swarm curled and curled, sat down on the ground and became a mountain.
12. This friendly chain is running around the Christmas tree. He claps his hands loudly and squeals with joy.
13. Green beauty, children really like it.

View answer

Answers: 1. Costume, 2. Fireworks, 3. Fireworks, 4. Holiday, 5. Firecracker, 6. Mandarin, 7. Carnival, 8. Gift, 9. Snow Maiden, 10. Frost, 11. Snow, 12. Round dance, 13. Christmas tree.

1. In a Russian folk tale there were two of them, one had a purple nose, and the other had a blue one. Who was it?
2. Grandfather and grandmother went and made a snow woman in their old age, and she came to life and became their daughter. What is the name of the fairy tale?
3. She lived with the dwarves, and the prince saved her.
4. Is he not a simple person and lives only in winter, and disappears in the spring because he melts quickly? This is the name of the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen.
5. Russian folk tale called the winter hut of animals, in it main character built a hut. What was the name of the main character?
6. What did the Needlewoman drop into the well in the fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich” by Vladimir Odoevsky?
7. In this fairy tale, there were two girls, one was patted over the head by her mother, and the other was offended and forced to work, and then they were completely abandoned in the forest in the cold. What is the name of the fairy tale?
8. Samuel Marshak’s tale about how a girl was sent in winter to get snowdrops, and she met them, how many were there?
10. An invisible village in which Father Frost and the Snow Maiden live and their assistants - snowmen and snowmen. It is indicated in the title of Andrei Usachev’s book.
9. This Russian folk tale is about how frost wanted to freeze an animal, guess which animal?
11. She was the queen who bewitched the boy and made his heart cold. What was the name of the queen from Andersen's fairy tale?
12. How did the guys write a letter to Santa Claus and make a snowman and ask him to deliver the letter? What did the guys ask from Santa Claus? That was the name of Vladimir Suteev’s fairy tale.

A crossword puzzle on the topic "Holidays" is intended for English lessons in elementary school. See also the crossword puzzle "Holidays 1" for high school with a lot of holiday names.

The names of the holidays are taken from Vereshchagina’s textbook for 3rd grade. The wording of the crossword puzzle tasks is compiled in the form of definitions based on the text of the textbook.

  1. ………"s Day is on the 14th of February. People make or buy cards and send them to the people they love.
  2. ……… is on the 25th of December. Presents for children are in their stockings.
  3. April ………"s Day is on the 1st of April. Children play tricks on other people and have a lot of fun.
  4. ………"s Day is in March. It is a holiday for English women.
  5. ……… Year's Day is on the 31st of December. Some people in England have parties on that day.
  1. St. ………"s Day is a national holiday in Ireland. It is on the 17th of March.
  2. ……… Day is in November. People in America eat roast turkey and pumpkin pie.
  3. ……… Day holiday is on the first Monday in May.
  4. ……… is on the 31st of October. Children go from house to house and say "Trick or treat".
  5. ……… Day is in April or at the end of March. Children get chocolate eggs or rabbits on that day.
  6. ………"s day is in June. It is a holiday for English men.