Rating of encyclopedias for girls. Great encyclopedia. Human body Structure and functions of male genital organs

Modern man is highly developed and intellectual, he plays musical instruments, paints, builds megacities, mines minerals, explores outer space... But has he always been like this? On the pages of our book you will get acquainted with Charles Darwin's theory about the emergence of man, you will study not only his external and internal structure, but also mental activity and psychology, you will find answers to many questions - in a word, you will learn almost everything about man. Which organ is the heaviest? How many bones does an adult have? Why does goose bumps occur? Where is the vestibular apparatus located? How to train your memory? How does our blood circulate? How does anatomy differ from physiology? What are the different types of temperament? What are lymph nodes needed for? What is the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for, and what is the right hemisphere responsible for? And, of course, how is a new person born? Having received answers to these and other questions, you will understand how we are structured and how all cells, tissues, organs and systems manage to interact synchronously and in an organized manner over many years - like a well-coordinated mechanism. For middle and high school age.

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Elena Yurievna Vecherina
Cool encyclopedia for girls. Great tips on how to be the best in everything!


Hello, our dear reader! This book, "Encyclopedia for Girls", was written especially for you. It’s a pity that we can’t meet you in person, talk, discuss your joys and problems. But we will try to help you solve the most important issues that concern you. You are not alone in your interests and doubts. Girls grow up and become smarter faster than boys and begin to think about many life issues before them. Every day you gain experience. By observing the world around you and living your daily life, you grow up. The process of turning a child into a teenager, a little girl into a young girl is very interesting and complex. Yes, yes, don't laugh! Now you are playing the role of a real butterfly, ready to flap its wings and fly. Romantic, right? But butterflies need a lot of strength and will to resist gusts of wind and fly where they want, and not where a cruel hurricane carries them.

This book was created to help you overcome difficulties and resolve problems. Of course, life is very inventive in coming up with surprises and surprises. It is impossible to predict everything. Therefore, we focused on the most pressing issues facing every girl.

First, let's talk about how girls differ from boys, and about the changes that your body undergoes as you grow up. Maybe this is no longer a secret for you. But still, don’t skip the pages dedicated to this topic. You will surely discover a lot of new things. In addition, we will talk not only about the physical characteristics of girls and boys, but also about their psychological differences. Do you want to know what's in a guy's head? Read the corresponding section of the encyclopedia.

Let's also talk about the rules of behavior of a real lady, about relationships with parents and peers. And for dessert, let's save the conversation about the relationships between boys and girls. Everything is fair and without complexes.

The following chapters tell you how to take care of yourself, do your hair, make-up, take care of your figure, and dress stylishly.

You will find all the most necessary information on how to become a good housewife in the seventh chapter. And then together we will find out how to spend our free time with pleasure and benefit.

Finally, let's talk about first aid and self-defense. Yes, yes, a modern girl should be able to stand up for herself.

So, ask questions. Let's find answers to them together and overcome all difficulties.

How are girls different from boys?

You can tell a girl from a boy immediately after birth. This can be done based on the primary sexual characteristics - the external genitalia. Otherwise, boys and girls remain virtually identical in appearance for several years. They also have similar voices. At preschool age, boys and girls begin to differ from each other in their behavior and preference for games. This difference between them is formed as a result of different upbringing. At middle school age, with the onset of puberty, the differences between boys and girls become most pronounced.

Features of physical development

From the age of 10–12 years, girls begin puberty. At this time, significant changes occur in the body, as well as in appearance. The work of the reproductive and other glands increases, the level of hormones changes. Under the influence of hormones, the development of secondary sexual characteristics and the restructuring of the body begins. Similar processes occur with boys, only a little later - from 12–14 years.

During adolescence, the body begins to change greatly. The skeleton grows rapidly and the bones become elongated; the pelvis in girls becomes wide. Muscle mass increases, so gradually, but at a rapid pace, strength increases. During this growth process, some muscles may not match each other in development. As a result, teenagers' movements become clumsy, impetuous, and sometimes sweeping.

The growth of muscle mass and skeleton in girls and boys proceeds differently. For example, up to 10–11 years old, boys are distinguished by greater growth and muscle strength. At the age of 10–11, girls begin to outstrip boys in physical development. After 3–4 years, the picture changes again, and the boys again become taller and stronger. During puberty, body weight in girls increases by 25 kg, and in boys by 35 kg. Skeletal growth in girls is completed by the age of 16, and in boys it continues until the age of 20–21. This increased growth of the body is associated with the pituitary gland, which produces growth hormone and regulates the activity of glands that produce other hormones. Sex hormones also enhance the growth of the body. At the end of puberty, the difference in height between boys and girls is 10–12 cm, and in body weight – 8–14 kg.

Along with height and body weight, the circumference and volume of the chest and muscle strength in adolescents increase. They are measured by doctors to assess the physical development of children. Chest circumference is measured with a regular measuring tape. Muscle strength is determined using a device - a dynamometer. It is squeezed in your hand until it stops and the result appears on the scale. At the beginning of puberty it is higher in girls, and at the end - in boys. Muscle strength increases in both girls and boys, but the increase in muscle strength in boys is significantly greater.

All people according to their physique are divided into 3 types: asthenics, normosthenics and hypersthenics. The first are tall and thin, the second are of average height, with normally developed muscles and a subcutaneous fat layer. The third type is short people with a wide chest and pronounced muscles.

Body growth in adolescents occurs unevenly, with periods of stretching. At this time, tubular bones and internal organs grow very intensively. Therefore, boys and girls periodically become tall and thin. Then comes the time to build muscle mass. The body grows more muscle. During this period, adolescents gain weight and gain little height. At the same time, internal organs lag behind in development and experience increased stress. They do not have time to grow behind the skeleton and muscles.

This is especially true for the heart and its vessels. Therefore, adolescents often experience dizziness, changes in heart rate, changes in blood pressure, and even sometimes fainting (loss of consciousness for 1-2 seconds). These phenomena somewhat complicate the teenage period, but then quickly pass. During adolescence, that is, from 10 to 16 years, the mass of the heart muscle increases by 2 times, and the volume of pumped blood increases by 2.4 times.

Secondary sexual characteristics develop gradually in both girls and boys. In girls, the buttocks first begin to round, the pelvis becomes wider, and the nipples of the mammary glands enlarge. This happens at 9-10 years of age. Then the mammary glands begin to grow and pubic hair appears - at 10–11 years. In boys during this period (10–11 years), the testicles begin to develop rapidly and an increase in the size of the penis is noted. At the age of 11–12 years, girls’ external genitalia begin to grow significantly (the growth of pubic hair increases, the labia minora and majora become enlarged). At 12–13 years of age, girls' mammary glands enlarge more significantly and darkening of the nipples is observed. The latter is associated with increased production of pigment by nipple skin cells. Boys aged 12–13 years begin to grow pubic hair with an upper horizontal line. At the age of 13–14, girls experience hair growth in the armpits. Boys at this age experience hardening around the nipples and growth of the testicles and penis. At 12–14 years old, girls experience their first menstruation.

Menstruation is a regularly occurring (every 28 days) bloody discharge from the genital tract (and vagina). Menstruation begins when the ovaries, which contain eggs, work intensively. Every month, one egg matures in the ovary and is released from it - this is called ovulation. Menstruation and ovulation occur monthly, which is called the menstrual cycle. Sometimes it lasts not 28 days, but 26 or 30 days. This is also the norm. The main thing is that its duration from month to month deviates by no more than 2 days. The menstrual cycle in girls is established under the influence of sex hormones and pituitary hormones.

Menstruation causes a lot of trouble for girls and requires them to follow certain hygiene rules. Normally, menstruation is painless and lasts 5–6 days. During this period, about 1/3 cup of blood is released from the vagina. To avoid soiling their underwear, girls need to use sanitary pads these days. Sanitary tampons are not suitable for everyone. They are inserted into the vagina and in many girls this will be prevented by the hymen. When trying to insert a hygienic tampon into the vagina, defloration may occur - rupture of the hymen, as during sexual intercourse. Therefore, preference should be given to sanitary pads. They come in different sizes and thicknesses and you need to choose the ones that suit you.

If menstruation is irregular, painful, very scanty, or vice versa, very heavy, then you need to consult a doctor. It will help normalize the menstrual cycle.

With the onset of menstruation, a girl can become pregnant through sexual intercourse. However, this is highly undesirable. Her body is not yet ready to bear a child, give birth and take on such responsibility as raising a child. It is believed that the earliest period at which a relatively normal pregnancy is possible is 14–15 years. However, girls at this age have not yet matured psychologically. They do not have life experience, education, profession and financial resources to raise a child and live independently.

At the age of 15–16, boys begin to grow hair in the armpits and fuzz appears above the upper lip. At the same age, their voice begins to break - it becomes rougher. In girls aged 15–16, menstruation becomes regular and their voice becomes higher pitched. At this age, both boys and girls are characterized by skin problems (acne). At the age of 16–17 years, puberty ends in girls and skeletal growth stops. In boys, puberty continues. The voice becomes even lower, the shoulders broaden. Hair growth is noted on the face and torso. Pubic hair growth is observed according to the male type - hair grows in a vertical line. At 20–21 years of age, boys complete puberty.

During puberty, female and male figures are formed. For girls, the following proportions are the norm: not very broad shoulders, a wide pelvis and a pronounced waist, developed mammary glands. In girls, subcutaneous fat is better expressed than in boys, especially on the stomach, thighs, and buttocks. Boys normally have broad shoulders, a narrow pelvis and an undefined waist. Such proportions are perceived by members of the opposite sex as the most attractive and indicate health.

Boys can also have offspring from the onset of puberty. However, just like girls, they cannot yet be fully responsible for their family or raise a child. Although their body, unlike the girl’s body, does not suffer physically. But the mental responsibility is very great and difficult to bear.

Sometimes puberty begins a little earlier than usual or is delayed. This may be due to the individual characteristics of the body and heredity. However, if menstruation has not begun at the age of 15, then you need to consult a doctor: a gynecologist and an endocrinologist. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to cure it. Timely onset of puberty is very important for health.

Early puberty is typical for girls living in the southern regions. Increased hair growth (sometimes even on the face) is also normal for them. This refers to the national characteristics of Eastern and Asian peoples and is the norm.

The structure of the female genital organs

The female genital organs (genitals) are divided into external and internal. The genital organs are formed in the early intrauterine period, but are fully developed by the time they reach puberty. The girl's genitals differ not only in anatomical structure, but also in functional terms. The development of a girl’s reproductive system occurs gradually and in accordance with the overall development of the body.

The external genitalia include the labia majora and minora, the clitoris and the vestibule of the vagina.

Pubis- This is a triangular-shaped elevation above the articulation of the pubic bones. The subcutaneous fat layer is especially developed on the pubis. The pubis delimits the external genitalia in front. Labia majora cover and protect other genital organs. They are longitudinal folds of skin. Their edges form a genital slit. In the thickness of the labia majora there are sebaceous and sweat glands.

Located under the labia majora labia minora. Their skin is delicate and resembles a mucous membrane. Moving upward, the labia minora connect to each other. At their confluence there is clitoris. This is one of the most sensitive areas of the female body. Below the clitoris is the external opening of the urethra.

The external genitalia are separated from the internal genitalia by a thin septum - hymen. It can be of various shapes, most often ring-shaped or crescent-shaped. It contains two or more holes. Through these openings the secretions of the internal genital organs and blood are released during menstruation. At the moment of the first sexual intercourse, the edges of the hymen are torn - the girl ceases to be a virgin.

The internal genital organs of a woman include the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Ovaries (gonads)– this is the beginning of all beginnings. This is a very small, round-shaped organ, slightly larger than a bean, compared to the female body. If you cut it in half, you can see several “holes” even with the naked eye, and when you zoom in, it generally resembles good cheese. These “holes” are nothing more than follicles - peculiar containers filled with liquid in which eggs are located. An amazing fact, but all the huge number of eggs are formed in advance, even when the girl is in the womb. After this, the eggs go into a kind of hibernation, in which they remain until the girl reaches puberty. At birth, a girl already has about 50,000 eggs in each ovary. But thousands of them die during their lives, and only one tenth of them remains. On average, menstrual function in women lasts 30–35 years. Every month, only one egg is released from the ovaries for fertilization, that is, 360–420 eggs mature over a lifetime. Why is such an excess needed? It's a kind of insurance. Some eggs will still die under the influence of hormones, and some will die under the influence of external factors (such as the environment, bad habits, medications). And maybe one egg from this huge supply will give rise to a new life!

The male gonads are the testes. They are paired organs and are located in the scrotum. The testicles produce the male sex hormone testosterone and male reproductive cells - sperm.

Speaking about ovaries and eggs, one cannot fail to note the fact that, unlike female ones, male reproductive cells - sperm - are formed throughout life, being completely renewed approximately once every 3 months.

The egg moves through the fallopian tubes, which at one end come close to the ovary and at the other to the uterus. At this point, the fallopian tube expands, like a funnel, and ends with a corolla of cilia. Their task is to catch the egg released from the ovary. It is in the fallopian tube that fertilization occurs. When the uterus is underdeveloped, the tubes are often longer than normal. And with inflammatory phenomena, adhesions occur in them, which can lead to infertility. Therefore, girls and young women must wear warm tights during the winter cold.

The egg (fertilized or not) moves further along the fallopian tube and enters the uterus. This organ is spherical in girls and pear-shaped in women. With its narrow end - the cervix - the uterus is lowered into the vagina, and its wide bottom is facing the abdominal cavity. If you mentally divide the entire uterus into three equal parts, then during its normal development, approximately two thirds will be on the body and one third on the cervix. It’s hard to imagine, but this organ, which contains a child, in a calm state is slightly larger than a matchbox.

A girl's uterus is much smaller than a woman's. Only one third is in the body, and two thirds is in the cervix, but the uterus grows with the girl.

The walls of the uterus are formed by muscle fibers, which allows it to increase almost 500 times during pregnancy, and then contract, helping the baby to be born. The outside of the uterus is covered with peritoneum, a special tissue rich in blood vessels and nerves. This tissue lines all abdominal organs. Inside the uterus there is a special mucous layer with a thickness of 1 to 7 mm, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In medicine, this layer is called the endometrium. Inside the endometrium there are many special glands that secrete mucus, and in its deepest part, adjacent to the muscle layer, there are blood vessels.

As the menstrual cycle progresses, the endometrium is destroyed and rebuilt, again and again preparing to receive a fertilized egg. It is to him that women owe bloody discharge during regular menstruation.

Cervix inserted into the vagina. The cervical canal, only about 8 cm long, connects the uterus to the external environment. The inside is also lined with mucous membrane. Vagina is a hollow organ 10–12 cm long. Its walls consist of muscle tissue and are covered with a pale pink mucous membrane. Usually the walls of the vagina are closely adjacent to each other, but special folds on their surface allow the vagina to stretch quite well. This is very important during childbirth, when the fetus moves out.

There are no glands in the vaginal mucosa, but it is always moist due to the secretion of lymph from the tissues and contents from the uterine cavity.

After the onset of puberty, every month a girl and a woman releases an egg from the ovary and moves it through the fallopian tubes. If fertilization does not occur, then, once in the uterine cavity, the egg dies and is rejected along with the upper layer of the uterine mucosa. Menstrual bleeding occurs.

Upon fertilization, the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus (usually in the fundus), and pregnancy begins. In this case, menstruation does not occur. Over time, many “craters” form on the surface of the ovary - traces of released eggs that remain for life.

Along with the external genitalia, the mammary glands are also examined. In the postpartum period, they produce milk necessary to feed the baby. At the top of each mammary gland, excretory ducts collect. They open onto the surface of the nipples.

The mammary glands are more often called female breasts. It reacts strongly to hormonal changes occurring in the body, including those associated with the menstrual cycle. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, the mammary glands become engorged, become more sensitive and sometimes even painful.

Peculiarities of thinking and perception of the surrounding world

As you probably already know, boys and girls have differences in their mental structure and thinking. This difference is explained by gender, which is genetically determined, and upbringing. Even from early childhood, girls are already more vulnerable and whiny. Boys are taught to be courageous, persistent, and not to cry. Parents love both sons and daughters equally, but they raise them differently. They want their children to grow up to be full-fledged men and women, hence the differences.

From the age of 2-3 years, children already realize who they are - boys or girls. Therefore, they choose appropriate toys and imitate the behavior of mom or dad. This helps them grow, mature, and learn a certain role in life.

At first, the mental development of girls occurs more quickly than that of boys. Girls develop hearing, speech and spatial orientation better and faster. Therefore, girls usually start speaking earlier than boys. In preschool age, girls have more abilities than boys in counting, writing, and better logical thinking. But boys perceive the shape of objects better, they have expressed imaginative thinking and musical abilities. They are physically stronger. Girls at this age are weaker. Boys are also more mobile and active; they cannot sit in one place. They have a huge need for movement.

Girls at this age have increased sensitivity to loud sounds, greater emotionality and skin sensitivity. They are more diligent during classes.

Girls react very violently to praise or criticism. Boys show less emotion. They are more reserved. Girls often change their mood, and they react especially strongly to criticism. It is very important for them what words and in what tone it is spoken. It is very easy to offend them. Girls are characterized by unexpected, impetuous actions, while boys in preschool age act more deliberately. However, the latter more often show aggressive emotions and have a very difficult time withstanding comments during the learning process. Some girls love to be the center of attention. They are generally very emotional. They often need emotional support from adults, especially mothers. In preschool age, girls learn well and adapt well to the educational process. When under emotional stress, they quickly get tired and show physical activity.

You can also find differences in the communication abilities of children from preschool age. Boys, unlike girls, are not inclined to teach or give instructions to others. They do not strive to show concern for others. Girls, on the contrary, want to look after someone, educate them, and love to look after someone. At this age, boys adapt well to new circumstances. Girls in a new situation need help from adults. When communicating with peers, girls show less initiative than boys. For boys, doing something is more important than talking. Boys tend to argue in general, while girls argue more often among themselves. Boys simply treat violations of the rules in the game and strive to independently understand the conflict situation. In controversial situations, girls often turn to adults for help. They tend to complain about other children. Girls show a penchant for the humanities and a narrower range of interests than boys. There is still great emotionality and strong reactions to criticism and praise. However, girls show greater conscientiousness in their work. They are more efficient and easily switch to another topic in conversation. Girls need the care of their parents, especially their mothers, to a greater extent than boys.

At all times, there have been different canons of beauty. The fashion included either pale-faced city women, or plump ladies, or thin women with long legs. Nowadays, a slender, fit figure is in fashion, which can be found in healthy girls of any build.

The perception of girls and boys also differs. Girls perceive space better and distinguish between colors and their shades. But boys have a better sense of time. For girls, time sometimes just flies. And they cannot determine how many hours have passed. Boys can answer this question almost exactly. Boys perceive objects in a holistic way. Details matter little to them. Girls can see all the details of an object and describe them. Girls are also distinguished by the fact that they quickly begin any work.

Boys have faster thought processes than girls. They are more inquisitive and look for logic everywhere. They show an early interest in research, and boys are often distinguished by their mathematical abilities. Girls are less inventive, they are less interested in the design of toys and other objects. Boys achieve great success in describing any path. This task is not so easy for girls. Boys tend to generalize and analyze what is happening. But girls have better speech development.

Interestingly, the speech of boys and girls is also different. Boys use verbs more often, and girls use adjectives and nouns more often. Boys are much better than girls at describing the sequence of events. The girls' story contains many descriptions and details. Boys often find original uses for words.

Boys are more observant. They place increased importance on facts. Girls are less observant and have good attention spans.

Memory works differently in boys and girls. Girls are better at learning information by heart, while boys strive to comprehend the essence of objects and events. It is very important for boys to understand the meaning of processes and phenomena. Girls have a faster memorization speed.

Boys have a developed imagination; they often come up with original ideas. But girls can easily come up with a way to implement these ideas.

Due to the peculiarities of thinking, girls and boys choose different toys. Boys prefer technical toys and try to find out how they work. That's why boys' toys break more often. Girls are more careful and follow their maternal instinct when choosing toys.

Boys prefer to complete tasks on their own, while girls like to do something according to a model. Boys rarely turn to adults for help, girls do this much more often.

Boys usually adhere to the rules when playing; they love to compete and be winners. Girls easily break the rules of the game, come up with new rules and do not strive for competition. During the game, girls show strong emotions. They are very happy about reconciliation and are saddened by failures.

Boys try to understand the device in everything, so they often break toys. They are more effective. They are characterized by insights and discoveries. They are less dependent on the opinions and influence of adults and are more independent and rational. If a boy doesn’t like something, he will say so directly. Boys show more initiative and prefer team games and activities.

Boys do not pay attention to their appearance and find it difficult to look after themselves. They are less likely to engage in social activities.

Girls are characterized by neatness, precision, diligence, and patience. They can do anything according to the will of others. It's difficult for boys. Girls are very susceptible to external influences, especially the influence of adults. They are not decisive and are prone to compromise. When assessing events, girls are guided not by facts, but by their own emotions. Girls are characterized by quieter behavior and are often victims of conflicts. They have a less wide range of interests. They love literature, especially poetry. Girls are less spontaneous and prefer to plan their activities. They often need directions when completing tasks. In life they often need psychological support. But they do self-service with ease. At first glance, it may seem that girls are more dexterous and skillful, but girls and boys are simply very different, although they, of course, have a lot in common.

One day this happens: your child asks a question about how the body works. How we breathe, digest food, why our heart beats so often, or why mom has so many freckles. Books will help you answer them - those that tell about the body in a clear, easy and fascinating way. Open them with your little ones or give them to your teen to read.

1. Why?

At the end of the book there are pages for your “whys”: there moms and dads can write down the “pearls” and questions of their kids.

For whom: for children from 3 years old

2. Bones and skeletons

Children will be able not only to read, but also to compare the sizes of bones and body parts. And also look at the amazing illustrations of Steve Jenkins: he works using the collage technique and collects pictures from paper. A book about skeletons can easily become a child’s favorite reading.

For whom: for children from 4 years old

3. Anatomy

An illustrated anatomy atlas that clearly explains how the human body works. The special feature of the book is its carved illustrations. We open the valve and look at what the digestive system or the eye consists of. The illustrations are detailed but not scary. And also anatomically accurate, because the book was checked by physiologist and candidate of biological sciences Olga Sergeeva.

“Anatomy” has a large format and bright design. This book is interesting to read and a pleasure to give as a gift: it will definitely appeal to big and small readers.

For whom: for children from 7 years old

4. How a person works

All the facts are presented in a fascinating and accessible way: the book will appeal not only to little children, but also to their parents.

For whom: for children from 5 years old

5. How the body works

Children will learn about amazing facts that they encounter every day. What tells us that we are hungry? Why do we feel a sick feeling in the pit of our stomachs when we are very nervous? And who has more genes - the bulb or the person? Interesting and educational.

For whom: for schoolchildren from 10 years old

6. If you want to be healthy

The book contains information on how to harden yourself, do exercises and sit at the computer. And artists Anastasia Balatenysheva and Anastasia Kholodilova drew cute illustrations and a diagram that will help you brush your teeth correctly.

For whom: for children from 3 years old

7. My body: from head to toe

Author of the photo: tochka_.


During adolescence, the human body undergoes a rapid breakthrough in physical and mental development. Disproportionately long arms and legs, angular and awkward body movements, changes in body shape, unusual sexual tension and its release - this is not a complete list of what worries children of adolescence.

Perhaps you are frightened by the changes taking place in your body, and the overwhelming bodily sensations seem to confront you with a fact: childhood is gone forever and in order to become different - an adult, you must stop being the same - a child.

Many of you begin to doubt the correctness of your physical development, are afraid of seeming funny, and also painfully perceive criticism addressed to you. It probably seems to you that all people do is discuss your clumsiness, ugly face and awkward figure, your parents treat you like a small child, although you have already grown up.

All these experiences that cause self-doubt are compensated by the fact that adolescents intensively begin to search for confirmation of their physical “normality” and “adulthood”. Girls pay close attention to the size of their breasts and get upset if their peers have larger breasts. In addition, some perceive the delay of menstruation compared to their peers as the greatest tragedy.

According to research by sexologists, adolescents who discuss issues of sexual life with their parents and study literature on sex are less likely to experience unpleasant situations associated with pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, are more reasonable in choosing contraceptives, and begin sexual activity much later than those who enter adulthood guided by own thoughts and advice from friends.

Secret 1 “Where does childhood go…”

You become an adult, and your world is changing rapidly. Previous interests and hobbies seem childish and naive, completely new desires and needs appear, even your body becomes different. And all this happens so quickly! Most likely, a lot of things worry you and even scare you. Surely you want to ask a thousand questions - about puberty, relationships with friends, girlfriends and adults, as well as first love and everything that worries every teenager. The time has come to find answers and together understand all the difficulties of adolescence. So let's get started.

Let's talk about adolescence

Doctors believe that adolescence begins at 10-11 years of age. Until this moment, you were an obedient and affectionate child, there were no problems with you. But recently everything has changed, and you yourself notice it. Literally everything around causes you irritation, dissatisfaction and a feeling of protest. It seems to you that adults treat you like a small child, although you are already a completely independent person who has the right to your own life. Misunderstanding on the part of others becomes the cause of unexpected reactions and actions. This is a completely normal phenomenon characteristic of adolescence. Be prepared for the difficult transition period to last another 4-5 years.

The time of growing up is the most important stage in the life of every person. At this time, great changes occur in the body, which are commonly called puberty. Your inner world also does not stand still, it develops and improves. It is during adolescence that the foundations of morality are laid, views on life are developed, and aesthetic and ethical values ​​are determined. With the end of this period, you will again become calm and balanced, as before, the only difference is that you will learn to think and act “like an adult.” Sooner or later everything will return to normal, although now, without a doubt, it is not easy for you. No one is immune from mistakes, but in adolescence they are often of decisive importance. Actions committed at the time of personality formation can affect the rest of your life. Therefore, our common task is to help you overcome all the difficulties of adolescence so that you can enter the big world of adults with dignity and confidence.

Why is adolescence considered difficult and problematic? The fact is that over these few years you cease to be a child and become an adult; a peculiar transition from one state to another is observed (hence the term “transitional age”). The main changes affect the endocrine system. At 10-14 years of age, the functioning of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland intensifies. The hormones they secrete activate your metabolism, and you begin to grow quickly. Moreover, this process does not always proceed evenly. As a result, your limbs may appear too long, your figure may appear awkward and angular, and your movements may appear abrupt and clumsy. All this will pass with time, and by the age of 15-16 you will gain femininity and playfulness.

However, changes in the functioning of the endocrine glands affect not only your appearance. During adolescence (usually at 14-15 years, but sometimes a little earlier or later), the function of the adrenal cortex increases, the hormones of which take an active part in the formation of the stress response. This is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, but leads to some side effects that are not very pleasant for you and those around you . Constantly being in a state of stress caused by hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex, you become overly irritable and aggressive. It is with changes in the functioning of the endocrine system that sudden and seemingly causeless mood swings are associated, as well as increased sweating, a slight increase in body temperature and an unstable appetite that bother you.

Hormones produced in large quantities by the adrenal cortex have a stimulating effect on the function of the gonads. The increased activity of the latter, in turn, determines the process called puberty. After its completion, you will become biologically adult and capable of motherhood.

Puberty leads to the harmonization of the development of the body and eliminates all problems in its functioning. However, this does not happen immediately. At first the process does not go very smoothly. The fact is that your body produces too many sex hormones, and this causes an excess of sexual energy, which, for certain reasons, you cannot yet realize. As a result, all this powerful potential, not finding a natural outlet, spills out in the form of outbreaks of aggression, irritation, insolence, stubbornness and disobedience. Sports and regular physical activity will help you channel your excess energy in the right direction.

Our relationship with you

It’s no secret to me that at your age you already consider yourself quite old and independent and believe that you can completely do without the advice of your elders. Endless parental demands, complaints and lectures only cause you irritation. You no longer want to be a “mama’s daughter” and strive to be guided in everything only by your own opinion. This behavior is typical for most teenagers, and there is nothing unnatural about it. Difficulties in relationships with parents, like all other problems of adolescence, are temporary. But sometimes they can lead to undesirable consequences, especially if both parties to the conflict do not behave as they should.

A teenager is, of course, no longer a child, but also not quite an adult. His actions are not always dictated by common sense, and some actions are performed solely as a sign of protest, out of a desire to prove his independence. You can deny the validity of this statement as much as you like, nevertheless it is true. If you do not listen to the advice of your parents, who, of course, have a lot of life experience, you risk making a serious mistake and ending up in a very unpleasant situation.

The problems of adolescence are sometimes completely needlessly underestimated by adults. The difficulty lies not only in the fact that adolescents perceive difficulties more acutely, but also in the fact that, due to their limited capabilities, they are often unable to cope with them. Finding yourself in such circumstances, you will most likely humble your pride and turn to your parents for help, since, be that as it may, they are the people closest to you.

Further events can develop in two ways. It’s great when mom and dad, as in your case, are ready to understand the child’s problem and provide him with support. But, unfortunately, this does not always happen. Many of your friends have probably encountered a situation where parents, having learned about the difficulties of their son or daughter, expressed dissatisfaction and indignation, showered their child with reproaches, and subsequently never tired of reminding him of the stupidity he had once committed. It is not surprising that in the future the teenager refuses to share his innermost secrets with them, preferring to trust them to strangers. As a result, problems cannot be solved, and the conflict between fathers and children only gets worse.

From the example considered, it is clear how important it is to maintain trust and mutual understanding in the family. Many teenagers, often unreasonably, are afraid to tell their parents about their problems, believing that they will be severely punished. You have probably heard more than once from your friends: “They will kill me for this!”, “Mom will kick me out of the house!” or something like that. Of course, nothing like that will happen. No matter what you do, loving parents will never wish you harm, they will always try to understand and forgive you. Also, don't forget that in most cases they are the only people who can really help you cope with your difficulties.

Your relationships with friends and classmates

Remember that carefree time when you were little. You spent most of your time in the yard, playing with your many friends who lived next door. You really had no shortage of friends and girlfriends. But where have they gone now? Why, now that you have grown up, has it become more difficult for you to find a common language with other kids?

In fact, everything is very simple. In childhood, such things as common views on life, similar hobbies and mutual understanding do not matter much. Kids can freely communicate with each other, even if they were strangers a few minutes ago. Selflessly indulging in play, children do not think that their parents belong to different social strata and that they themselves have nothing in common with each other. There is simply no place for such difficulties in a child's world.

But everything becomes different when childhood passes. You suddenly begin to realize that you no longer have anything to talk about with your old bosom friends. Games that unite all children without exception, regardless of their origin, gender, nationality and prospects for the future, have lost their former meaning. Now other values ​​have come to the fore - similarity of interests, trust, devotion - in a word, everything that for an adult constitutes the concept of “friendship”.

One thing is absolutely clear: you need to be able to make friends. In order for others to treat you well and want to communicate with you, you must have certain qualities. Do you doubt that you have them? Then try to look at yourself from the outside and find something with which you could attract people. Everyone has positive qualities, including you.

Or maybe the problem is that you yourself refuse to notice the good in other people? Try to mentally put yourself in their place. Do you like it when your interlocutor speaks exclusively about his own interests, recognizes only his own opinion as correct, and at the same time speaks contemptuously about everyone around him? Most likely, no one will want to communicate with such a person. Take note of this and try to never behave in this way.

For some adults, loneliness is a pleasure, a rare and wonderful opportunity to be alone with yourself, with your thoughts. However, for most teenagers it is natural to spend a lot of time with friends, and not to sit at home in front of the TV in the company of oneself. Guys your age usually have a hard time with loneliness, feeling rejected and unwanted. In order not to find yourself in such an unpleasant situation, you need to learn to take the initiative, get to know people and find a common language with them. And you shouldn’t strive to please everyone without exception, because you won’t be able to achieve this anyway.

The main problems of many teenagers are timidity, shyness, and lack of confidence in everything. It is these character traits that often make it difficult to meet people and make friends. It can be especially difficult to communicate with representatives of the opposite sex. Imagine that a handsome boy you don’t know well comes up to you and tries to talk to you. You would be happy to carry on the conversation, but timidity fetters your tongue, makes you blush with embarrassment and utter incomprehensible phrases. You are simply afraid of looking funny and stupid, and others sometimes mistake your shyness for arrogance, and this discourages them from continuing to get to know you.

The main thing you need in this case is to overcome shyness and learn to love yourself regardless of other people's opinions. You certainly have qualities worthy of respect. Look at them in yourself and try to make everyone around you notice it too. Don't be afraid to face your shyness and challenge it. You will never get rid of shyness by persistently avoiding situations in which it manifests itself. If every time you meet that same boy you feel like falling into the ground with embarrassment, go up to him yourself and start a conversation first. It sounds terrible, but it is the only way to overcome shyness. Even if he refuses to talk to you (and there is probably no reason for this ), nothing bad will happen. By repeating this technique several times, you will get rid of shyness once and for all.

Your attention to your own appearance

Having reached adolescence, you will definitely encounter problems that will remain relevant to you throughout the entire period of growing up. Rapid growth, unusual angularity of movements, changes in bodily forms, unusual sensations associated with sexual tension and its release - all this can become serious problems for you, and in many ways unconscious and therefore worrying you even more.

The teenage period in your life is a time of internally contradictory and often conflicting state of loss of the usual and acquisition of a new physical self. On the eve of a breakthrough in physical development, boys and girls often become “dirty”: they stop washing themselves, brushing their teeth, cutting their nails, changing their underwear and taking care of their clothes. Why is this happening? You probably don't understand this yourself. Let's try to figure it out.

The fact is that a vague feeling of anxiety sometimes makes you subconsciously resist everything that threatens your childhood. You are still afraid of entering adulthood and therefore actively resist when something or someone tries to violate your integrity. For boys, this “antihygienic” period is more conflict-prone than for girls. The duration of the described pore varies depending on the pace of puberty, but usually after 1-1.5 years the teenager’s behavior returns to normal, and he pays due attention to the cleanliness of his body and the neatness of his clothes. But at the same time, you may begin to look for defects where in fact there are none. “My nose is too long”, “I have very short legs”, “I have wide hips”, “I have too small (too large) breasts”, “I’m ugly” - such thoughts have probably already crossed your mind. Is not it?

Most likely, you are simply ashamed or even frightened of the changes in your body that come with puberty, often being in full confidence that you are “ugly”, “funny”, etc. The sensations that a child experiences during this period were perfectly described by G. X. Andersen in the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling”: “... the poor duckling was seized by an incomprehensible anxiety. He spun around in the water like a top, stretched out his neck and also screamed, so loudly and strangely that he scared himself. Ah, he could not take his eyes off these beautiful, happy birds, and when they were completely out of sight, he dived to the very bottom, swam up again and for a long time could not come to his senses... He did not envy their beauty; It never occurred to him that he could be just like them.”

So, any physical changes awaken in you anxiety and doubt: “Am I developing correctly? Am I falling behind my peers?” Comparing yourself with peers who feel the same, you first of all see their appearance, not their experiences, and therefore you come to the conclusion that you are not like everyone else. In addition, you, like all other girls your age, often compare yourself with recognized “beauty standards”: models, actresses, girls from commercials, etc. d. In comparison with them, you, of course, feel like a “ugly little thing” and begin an irreconcilable struggle with your “shortcomings,” which often captures your entire attention. The main goal of this battle is to disguise an imaginary or real flaw: with the help of clothing, cosmetics, etc.

Test No. 1. Know your character traits

Do you want to better understand your character? Then answer 12 questions - 3 in each group. Just remember that you need to answer briefly - “yes” or “no”.

Group I

❤ Do you often lie?

❤ Do you put up with your shortcomings?

❤ Do you easily change your mind?

Group II

❤ Do you often talk about yourself?

❤ Do you feel free with strangers or in someone else's company?

❤ Do you trust litas to people?

III group

❤ Did you like hearing praise addressed to you?

❤Are you satisfied with yourself?

❤ Do you often discuss other people’s shortcomings with your friends?

IV group

❤ Do you always keep your promise?

❤Are you persistently moving towards your goal?

❤ Do you show initiative in collective affairs?

Now analyze each group of questions: if there are more positive answers, write down the number “1”, and if negative answers predominate, write down “O”. Write your results on the line: you will get a 4-digit answer code.

So, the digital combinations say that you:

0000 - uncommunicative, slow, you don’t know how to set goals for yourself;

1000 - secretive, unprincipled, undemanding to oneself;

0010 - active, but uncommunicative;

0001 - honest, self-confident, but a little secretive;

0100 - polite, simple-minded, but somewhat passive;

0110 - honest, stubborn and very caring;

0011 - arrogant and not always sincere, but persistent in achieving the goal;

1001 - closed, lazy, admiring yourself;

1010 - very active, honest;

1100 - truthful, modest, persistent in achieving goals, but you easily change your beliefs;

0101. - open, purposeful, sociable;

1011 - unsociable, overly proud, but firm in her convictions;

1101 - weak-willed, simple-minded, lazy and narcissistic;

0111 - principled, sociable, but somewhat arrogant;

1110 - simple-minded, hardworking, but you easily give way to others in competition;

1111 - energetic, sociable, but inconsistent.

What's happening to the boys

When a boy turns 11-12 years old, you often hear a strange phrase from adults that he has begun puberty. The word seems unfamiliar, sounds ugly and a little scary. Perhaps you notice that your recent playmates have begun to behave differently, and now for some reason it is more difficult for you to find a common language. And the boys themselves feel that something is happening to them, inexplicable in words. Of course, this worries them, because all people are afraid of change. In fact, there is nothing wrong with your peers, they are just becoming men. A boy in adolescence is no longer a child, but not yet an adult, and this explains all the unusual and exciting phenomena.

When and how does puberty begin?

From 12 to 15 years of age, the main event occurring in a boy’s body is the intensive formation of secondary sexual characteristics. At the end of puberty, the boy becomes a young man. At the age of 15, his genitals will be ready for reproductive function, that is, at this time he will theoretically be able to become a father.

Note, however, that the key word here is “theoretically.” Despite the new ability to bear children, it is unlikely that anyone would dare call a 15-year-old boy truly mature. He still has to grow and grow - both socially and intellectually. A boy will become a truly adult no earlier than 22 years old. By the way, in Europe a person is recognized as fully mature at 23 years old, and in Eastern countries, especially in Japan, men are prohibited from getting married before the age of 35. But let's forget for a while about Europeans and Japanese and return to the problems of adolescence. What happens during this period in the boy’s body?

So he begins to undergo changes. It is worth noting that not all of these changes are pleasant for the boy. Probably every man has something to tell about troubles during his own puberty. At least one of the many circumstances that we are going to talk about has caused a lot of trouble and anxiety.

The main thing that worries at least 90% of teenagers is their appearance. All 12-13 year old boys are the biggest maximalists in the world, and the first thing that comes under the fire of their criticism is their own appearance. Such excessive attention to oneself aggravates the shyness that is already characteristic of adolescence. The result is extreme self-doubt and depression.

You yourself have probably noticed how difficult it is for boys your age to communicate with peers, even with those whom they once considered their friends. The thing is that every person goes through puberty completely differently from others. Sometimes a boy is significantly ahead in development of his peers, who still look like children compared to him. This circumstance can cause ridicule from friends (and children can laugh very cruelly) and hurt. But it won't last long. Soon the rest of the guys will begin to experience the same thing, and they will no longer have time to laugh.


Puberty in boys begins with intensive growth: the body increases in length, mainly due to accelerated growth and development of long bones. Moreover, the formation of bones can occur unevenly, as if in jumps.

First, during adolescence, the head, feet and palms enlarge. They are the first to become the same as those of an adult man. Then the bones of the upper and lower extremities begin to grow, that is, the arms and legs lengthen. And the last thing to grow, unfortunately, is the torso. Therefore, teenagers look awkward: short torso, disproportionately long arms and legs, huge feet and palms. Thus, the palms of a teenage boy reach “adult” sizes 4 months earlier than, for example, the bones of the forearms. This is why some young men are embarrassed by their own hands and try to hide them behind their backs or in their trouser pockets. But very little time passes - a few months or a little more, and everything returns to normal: the palms no longer stand out for their size.

At the age of 12 to 16 years, changes also occur in the internal organs of boys. For example, the heart becomes 2 times heavier during this period. But, interestingly, its work slows down a little: it cannot immediately cope with the sharply increased blood volume and number of blood cells. This is why in adolescence, blood pressure is often elevated and body temperature is often low or high.

The volume of the lungs also increases, while the respiratory rate decreases. And by the age of 15, muscle strength doubles. This occurs due to the body’s increased production of the male hormone testosterone and enormous protein synthesis. Therefore, at this age, a teenager is objectively as strong as an adult man.

Changing body shape

Teenage boys have their own undeniable advantage over girls: they very rarely suffer from excess weight. The fact is that in men, in general, the body fat layer is insignificant by nature, so obesity in boys is observed in exceptional cases, for example, due to metabolic disorders or as a result of a genetic predisposition to obesity. Rather, parents of teenage boys are worried about another problem - they are too thin. However, the weight will gradually return to normal, and the muscles will become clearly defined, with a characteristic, purely masculine attractiveness. By the age of 15, no one will doubt the physical strength of a young man. The situation is more complicated with endurance (women are generally much more resilient and patient than men), but this deficiency can be corrected with the help of fairly simple exercises.

A teenager's figure is shaped very individually. Of course, one cannot help but admit that a very specific ideal of a male figure has become firmly established in the minds of many: broad shoulders and narrow hips. Not all teenagers fit this criterion. Most boys' shoulders remain narrow for a very long time, and only in comparison with them the pelvis seems excessively wide. However, this is not a disadvantage, and certainly not a misfortune. Physical education will help to quickly cope with this problem.

Changes in voice

One of the many problems that arise in boys during adolescence is the metamorphosis that occurs with the voice. All children, regardless of gender, have a high-pitched voice. However, if your voice changes are so insignificant that they go unnoticed, for boys everything is much more complicated. During puberty, their larynx becomes enlarged.

Inside it are the vocal cords - muscle cords stretched tightly, like the strings of a musical instrument. They are actually strings, while the larynx is a resonator that enhances the sound. Along with the growth of muscle tissue, the growth of the vocal cords also occurs, which causes a change in the usual tonality of the sound. In girls, this problem does not exist, since their vocal cords do not grow as rapidly as in boys: in the latter, during the growth spurt, they simply do not have time to grow evenly. They say that young people’s voices “break” during this period.

How does this happen? At first, the boy’s voice becomes hoarse, as if he had a cold, although in fact he is absolutely healthy. Then the most unpleasant thing begins: the tone of the voice also changes, sometimes rising to falsetto, sometimes falling to sub-bass notes. As a result, many teenage boys become very embarrassed during communication. They are embarrassed by their own “harassing” voice and try to talk as little as possible. It is especially difficult for those young men who are engaged in professional vocals: for them, the metamorphoses that occur with their voice can be fatal.

Body and facial hair

Now let's talk about “vegetation” on the body and face. In the period from 13 to 15 years of age, fluff appears in the genital area of ​​boys, as well as dark, single hairs, which subsequently become harder and darker. They become curly and spread throughout the entire pubic area. Then they cover the entire lower abdomen. In general, in adult men, the upper border of the hairline has the shape of a diamond, one end of which is directed towards the navel. Hair growth in other parts of the body depends on the genetic predisposition of each person. Some people have smooth skin on their bodies, while others have thick “fur” covering their backs, chests, and even shoulders. However, men are not particularly concerned about this problem. Another thing is women. You can even feel sorry for them, especially those who, due to hormonal disorders, begin to grow mustaches.

Unlike the fair sex, many men consider mustaches to be a very important component of their appearance. At the age of 13 (sometimes a little later), delicate fluff begins to appear on the upper lip, and then single hairs. If you don’t shave them off at first, after a certain time they will turn into ragged stubble, which is also unevenly distributed in tufts.

Structure and functions of male genital organs

And now, perhaps, we will move on to the most important thing: increasing the size of the penis, testicles, as well as wet dreams, masturbation and other “delights” of the life of a teenage boy. But first, let's dwell on the structure of the male genital organs. Like women's, they are divided into internal and external. The male external genitalia are the scrotum, which contains the testicles, and the penis.

Small paired organs - testicles - have a round shape and produce male reproductive cells (sperm). Sperm develop within the tubules inside for 2 months. In general, during this period of time, an adult male produces at least 2 million viable germ cells.

The testicles are located in the scrotum, a wrinkled, leathery pouch. These gonads are located outside the abdominal cavity. Next to the testicles there are very thin and long tubes in the form of spirals - this is a kind of analogue of the female appendages. It is known that their length reaches 6 m. In the tubes, spermatozoa “reach condition”, that is, complete maturation. On average, germ cells stay in them for about 2 weeks.

From these spirals emerge the vas deferens - hollow tubes. Their length is about 40 cm. These tubes, consisting of muscle tissue, in the pelvic cavity, are located in the bladder area and pass into the urethra. Thanks to muscle contractions, mature sperm enter the penis.