Robert Pattinson: gay or not? Loud coming outs of stars: how it affected their future lives Robert Pattinson came out

The personal life of Robert Pattinson after the release of the Twilight saga received close attention from everyone who was looking for the latest news and hot facts. In 2018, the situation has not changed much. The media and fans of the actor are interested in many things: the reasons for breaking off the engagement with Talia Barnett, was there a coming out, and who is the actor spending time with now?

In childhood and adolescence, the actor, born on May 13, 1986, had no signs of worldwide fame or whirlwind romances. He was overly compassionate for a boy and shy, for which he was repeatedly ridiculed by his peers.

Claire's mother, who worked in the fashion industry, brought her son into the same field. It was the modeling start that made Robert liberated and gave him the foundations that were useful in his future career.

The actor's modeling background came in handy. Now he is the official face of the house of Dior


At the age of 15, Robert Pattinson made his debut on the stage, and a little later the actor began to try himself in films.

Robert's first roles were not successful:

  • in the film “The Ring of the Nibelungs” (2004), the filming was episodic;
  • in the film “Vanity Fair” (2004), the director chose to cut out the minor character played by Pattinson, not considering the artist’s performance successful.

Cedric Diggory became the first bright character in Pattinson's career

The next appearance on the big screen was remembered by many viewers. This was the role of Cedric Diggory in the third and fourth parts of Harry Potter. After this, Pattinson began to be invited to audition for big films.

Over the next three years he appeared in the following films:

  • "Toby Jugg's Stalker"
  • "Diary of a Bad Mother";
  • "Small Remains";
  • "Summer house";
  • “What to do.”

2008 became a landmark year in the career of Robert Pattinson. He was cast in the lead role in the film Twilight. The five-part saga about love and vampires captivated millions of people around the world and caused continued interest in Robert Pattinson's personal life. Having learned about the affair with the main character of the film, fans were actively looking for the latest news about what was happening between them.

Still from the movie "Twilight"

Interestingly, the actor did not just play the main role. Having a talent for writing music, Pattinson managed to take part in the creation of some of the soundtracks for the film.

Subsequently, the actor starred in other films, he got roles different from the image of the main romantic hero. These were also serious dramatic roles, after evaluating which critics agreed that Robert really has talent and is capable of different roles.

Pattinson in The Lost City of Z

Pattinson, having a memorable and attractive appearance for a man, is ready to do a lot for the sake of roles, including appearing before fans in an unattractive light. So, for the film “The Lost City of Z” he had to lose 15 kg and grow facial hair.

At the film's premiere, still in character, he looked quite haggard.

Personal life

A serious quarrel that ultimately led to a breakup was Kristen’s betrayal. This happened during the filming of the actress in the film “Snow White and the Huntsman” in 2012. Passion flared up between Stewart and the director of the film.

The affair with Kristen Stewart was passionate

The affair did not continue, but Robert and Kristen’s attempts to get together in the future were not successful.

Over the course of a year, the actor’s fans could observe a succession of girls in his entourage, until the news appeared online that Robert Pattinson had come out.

It was a shock for many. One of the online publications published an interview with Robert, in which he confessed his romantic feelings to Brandon Owens. The news was picked up and disseminated by most publications. Later it turned out that this was a canard, and the original source was a resource that had already repeatedly independently fabricated sensational news about the stars.

Relationship with Talia Barnett almost reached the crown

After Kristen, the next serious romance in Robert’s life was his relationship with singer Talia Barnett. They developed beautifully, the artists were together at many social parties, and were repeatedly caught by paparazzi in everyday situations. An engagement took place between the young people, and everyone froze in anticipation of the wedding.

The latter was not destined to come true. At the beginning of the fall of 2017, attentive fans noticed that Talia was missing an engagement ring in her home photos. The artists themselves no longer appeared together in public, but instead of answering direct questions, both remained silent. Only in October did they admit that they had not been seeing each other since the summer.

Robert Pattinson with Bella Hadid

In 2018, attention to Robert Pattinson's personal life has not faded, and now the paparazzi are trying to capture him with a new girl. They succeed, but the companions do not accompany Pattinson for long. There is no talk of serious relationships in the actor’s life today.

  • Pattinson got into Twilight “through bed.” His first audition took place with Kristen Stewart in the director's bedroom.
  • After Pattinson was approved for the role, fans of the saga who read it online signed a petition. They demanded that Robert not be taken as the main character of the film. The director did not follow the lead, seeing the necessary talent in the actor.

Robert Pattinson is a British actor, model, and producer. World popularity came to him after working in the cult vampire saga. On the wave of tremendous success, the artist managed to continue his film career, carefully selecting roles. Pattinson does not focus on one role, but expands the boundaries of creative possibilities. His memorable appearance, charisma and talent for transformation allowed him to quickly take a place in the front row of world cinema stars.

Childhood and youth

Robert Pattinson was born on May 13, 1986 in a suburb of London. Father Richard is a businessman, his business is related to the transportation of vintage cars from the USA. And Claire's mother was engaged in a modeling career.

Robert Pattinson studied at a specialized school for boys. But at the age of 12 he was expelled. His parents had to transfer him to a private school in Barnes. It is known that in his early years Robert Pattinson was shy and uptight.


Nevertheless, he dreamed of an acting career. His mother helped him. The son tried his hand at a modeling career and managed to overcome his shyness. Photos of the handsome young man began to appear more and more often on the pages of glossy publications.

At the age of 15, Robert Pattinson’s creative biography began. He made his debut on the theatrical stage of Barnes Studio. His first roles in the plays “Whatever Happens,” “Macbeth” and “Tess of the Derbervilles” were successful.


In 2004, Robert Pattinson made his television debut in an episode of the film “Ring of the Nibelungs.” Soon he got a role in the film “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.” An interesting point: before filming began, Pattinson had not read a single page of the highly rated wizard series. But then he turned out to be a passionate Potter fan.

After the release of the film, leading roles appeared in the artist’s filmography. The first is in the drama “The Pursuer of Toby Jagg.” Robert got the image of a military pilot confined to a wheelchair.

Soon, viewers saw Robert in the sparkling comedy film “The Diary of a Bad Mother.” The wave of success made representatives of the modeling business remember the tall, handsome man (Robert’s height is 185 cm, weight 72 kg). Robert Pattinson appeared on the podium again.

A breakthrough and world fame awaited the actor in 2008. The main male role in the fantasy melodrama "" brought resounding success. In this world-famous saga, the Briton got the image of a brutal vampire with a languid gaze that captivated millions of spectators.

Critics agreed that it was thanks to Robert that the film became a worldwide success. The film spawned the creation of many fan communities for the leading actors on both Instagram and Twitter.

The attractive artist was named by several publications as the sexiest man of the year, and the Dior brand entered into a long-term contract with Robert.

Pattinson's films "Water for Elephants!" and “Remember Me” are the latest successful works in which he managed to prove to skeptics that his star status is not accidental. In these paintings he got dramatic images.

Personal life

Robert Pattinson's personal life has long been associated with the name of his Twilight partner. The actor proposed to his beloved and even purchased a house for his future family and children.

However, in 2012, a scandal broke out, followed by a high-profile separation. It all happened because of Stewart's infidelity with Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders. In a fit of anger, Pattinson sold the mansion. Later, the couple tried to renew their relationship, but the actors did not succeed.

To forget about the painful passion, Rob began to look for a new lover. The beauties who were noticed next to him replaced one another. , model Imogen Kerr and daughter Dylan all made brief appearances with the star. But the novels turned out to be short.

Embed from Getty Images Katy Perry, Robert Pattinson and Talia Barnett (FKA Twigs)

After some time, the star’s fans were shocked by the scandalous and unexpected news about their favorite. One website posted an interview in which the artist admitted to an affair with Brad Owens, a fashion model. Fans almost believed the news resource, because earlier, in 2011, at the MTV Awards, Robert openly kissed his co-star. Then the behavior of the artists was regarded as a comic bet that the actors played among themselves.

However, the sensational news about Robert's gayness, picked up and disseminated by American tabloids, turned out to be an ordinary fake.

Meanwhile, the personal life of the famous Briton improved. He began dating the beautiful Talia Barnett, aka singer FKA Twigs. The couple has been in a relationship since mid-2017. The young people began to spend time together less often, and the engagement ring given by Robert disappeared from the girl’s ring finger. Already in the fall, Pattinson announced that he had broken up with his chosen one. Barnett never managed to become the wife of a Hollywood star.

Changes on the artist’s “personal front” were not long in coming. In July 2018, ubiquitous reporters noticed Robert leaving the apartment belonging to his colleague.

Embed from Getty Images Robert Pattinson and Sienna Miller

And after 3-4 weeks he was already walking around London, tenderly hugging the model. This relationship turned out to be long-lasting, and the actor tried to hide his feelings for his chosen one from the paparazzi, so as not to “devalue” them.

It is unknown whether Pattinson planned to call the girl down the aisle, but in mid-2019 they started talking about the artist’s new hobby - the actress, star of the project “”. The performer is in the new film about, so the couple has a lot of time ahead to communicate and get to know each other well. Young people do not hide from the paparazzi while walking around Los Angeles and visiting restaurants.

Robert Pattinson now

The actor's high status allows him to choose those scripts that meet his requirements. Robert wants to move as far as possible from the role that was assigned to him after “Twilight,” so he chooses roles that are artistically “richer.”

Embed from Getty Images Robert Pattinson and Quentin Tarantino in 2019

These are two 2018 projects, “Maiden” and “High Society,” as well as the thriller “The Lighthouse,” in which, together with his colleague, Pattinson played out a chilling, creepy story that happened at the end of the 19th century in Maine.

Now another film with Robert’s participation is being prepared for release - the biographical drama “The King”, in which Pattinson played the role of the Dauphin of France. The star has many premieres ahead, including the films “The Principle”, “The Devil Forever” and the already well-known “Batman”.


  • 2005 – “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”
  • 2007 – “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”
  • 2008 – “Twilight”
  • 2008 – “Transitional age”
  • 2008 – “Echoes of the Past”
  • 2009 – “Twilight. Saga. New moon"
  • 2010 – “Remember me”
  • 2010 – “Twilight. Saga. Eclipse"
  • 2011 – “Water for elephants!”
  • 2012 – “Dear Friend”
  • 2012 – “Twilight. Saga: Breaking Dawn"
  • 2013 – “Mission: Blacklist”
  • 2014 – “Rover / SUV”
  • 2016 – “The Lost City of Z”
  • 2017 – “Good Time”
  • 2018 – “Maiden”
  • 2019 – “Lighthouse”
  • 2019 – “King”

More recently, there were rumors that Robert Pattinson became gay because he could not come to terms with the fact that his ex-girlfriend and co-star Kristen Stewart was happy with her friend Alicia Cargile.

Earlier, an Indian website posted a post claiming that Robert Pattinson was vacationing with a fashion model in the Bahamas. But this post was soon deleted.

The site claimed that the actor said the following words to their journalist: “I have a big crush on this guy. At first I was very confused by this, because I don’t want the number of my fans to decrease. But after thinking about it, I felt it was better to come out of the shadows and publicly confirm that I am gay.”

These claims were debunked by Gossip Cop, whose outlet debunked the Robert Pattinson rumors. However, this is not the first time the media has discussed the actor's sexuality.

In the film “Echoes of the Past,” where the actor appeared in the role of Salvador Dali, he had to play a gay sex scene. In an interview with German publications, Robert said that these scenes are authentic, and he was in a state of euphoria during their filming.

Many sources claim that Robert Pattinson began to suffer from depression after learning that Kristen Stewart and Alicia Cargile's relationship was moving forward. Most likely, the actor felt devastated after Kristen Stewart's official announcement about her sexuality.

Back in July, Kristen Stewart spoke to the press about her sexuality and feelings. Then the actress noted that the relationship with Robert was something trivial for her, and real sensuality was revealed after meeting the girl.

Recently, the media wrote that the relationship between Robert Pattinson and Talia Barnett had reached a dead end. Allegedly, the actor is not ready to settle down, and the girl cannot explain to him all her desires.

But these are just rumors. In fact, the couple decided to postpone the wedding due to the conflicting work schedules of the newlyweds. Therefore, there is no need to doubt Robert Pattinson's sexuality. Even his former flame assures him that he is not gay.

In Russia, a state monopoly may be formed on the production and sale of ethyl alcohol. The corresponding draft law has already been submitted to the State Duma for consideration.

If the reading of the bill is successful, then in the future only companies with a predominant state share in the authorized capital will be able to produce and distribute alcohol.

The explanatory note to the bill states that such an initiative will help preserve the lives and health of citizens. According to the authors, a state monopoly is an excellent way to rid the domestic market of the spread of surrogate alcohol.

Despite the work of the EGAIS system, the problem with illegal alcoholic beverages has not yet gone away, so the authors of the bill propose moving to more radical measures.

It is worth noting that the introduction of a state monopoly on alcohol will help not only in the fight against illegal products, but will also bring a pleasant shift in financial terms.

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree according to which co-financing of large families in 50 regions of the country will continue next year, despite the fact that 8 entities from the list do not meet the selection criteria. A detailed list of regions can be found on the Cabinet website.

Government funding will support Russian regions with poor demographic statistics. The assistance will affect the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which the total fertility rate is below the national average, as well as regions with migration and natural population decline.

Among these regions were the Stavropol Territory, the Perm Territory, the Altai Territory, as well as the Volgograd, Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Tula, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Murmansk, Oryol, and Kirov regions.

Until now, the Russian armed forces have received 60% of the equipment and military equipment as part of the task to supply goods to ensure the defense and security of Russia. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General Sergei Shoigu, spoke about this.

According to the general, the majority of performers successfully fulfill the conditions of the state defense order. After summing up the results of the third quarter of 2016, it turned out that enterprises of the military-industrial complex fulfilled their obligations for the repair of weapons by 47%, and for their supplies by 60%.

At the same time, a number of enterprises are behind schedule for scheduled repairs.

It is worth recalling that earlier the Russian government decided to introduce criminal penalties for abuses in the state defense procurement industry.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has developed an innovative budget rule. It is expected that the innovation will help consolidate percentage points of GDP.

According to the document “On the Main Directions of Budget Policy,” which was published recently, the process of introducing a new budget rule will take several years. According to the plan, consolidation will begin next year, and will approach the final stage - towards the end of 2019.

It is known that the new rule will help reduce the primary shortage of oil and gas by 2020. With an oil price of forty dollars per barrel, the state budget will become more resistant to external influences. It is assumed that in the future the price of oil will be fixed at this level and will become the basis of the “fiscal rule”. In addition, thanks to consolidation, the number of loans will decrease, which will stabilize the economic situation in Russia.

The main objects of the new financial process will be state-owned companies, representatives of the shadow economy, the oil and gas industry and the alcohol trade.

It is worth recalling that the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has already proven the ineffectiveness of economic policies that propose maintaining the state budget deficit by increasing spending.

The head of the Russian government, Dmitry Medvedev, instructed the ministries, the Russian Export Center and Rostec to prepare proposals for the creation of a body to support export projects in the information and communication technology industry. The official website of the Cabinet of Ministers reports about this.

It is known that in addition to preparing proposals, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Russian Export Center and the Bank of Russia should work on issues of guaranteeing the proper level of competitiveness of Russian technology exporters. Agencies should support effective domestic export projects and use financial instruments to stimulate lending to enterprises at preferential rates.

Dmitry Medvedev also instructed the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to form a working group to consider the process of bringing together the rules of budget and tax accounting. In addition, now the department’s tax projects must use the methodology developed by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs for assessing the fiscal burden on business.

On behalf of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the Ministry of Economic Development, must create conditions by November 15 to help Russian trade missions effectively interact with the REC.

Also next year, departments should carry out work to accelerate the process of international integration of the domestic accreditation system.

A new leader has emerged in Omsk on the flooring market: a branch of the large Russian company Bobrov has opened. A well-known supplier of products from manufacturers of the highest global level, Bobrov is ready to offer its customers an assortment of more than 3,000 items of household, contract coatings and related products.

The opening of a branch in Omsk by the Bobrov company means the expansion of its activities and the implementation of its own mission: satisfying the desires and requirements of the buyer, ensuring a high standard of living and self-realization for the employees of their organization.

Omsk received not only a new player on the market. A number of new jobs have appeared in the city, a new and ambitious team in which each employee will be able not only to realize their skills, but will also have the opportunity to learn, improve their professionalism and develop their creativity. The Bobrov company is a technically progressive, efficient, socially responsible company that supplies products not only to private buyers, but also to design and construction firms, wholesalers and corporate representatives.

Russia intends to take an active part in the international specialized exhibition EXPO 2017 “Future Energy”, which will be held in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana.

“We saw what a huge amount of work was done by the Kazakh organizers. I want to assure you, dear Nursultan Abishevich, that Russia will take an active part in these large-scale events, in this large-scale international exhibition EXPO 2017, and is ready to become a co-organizer of more than 100 events in its program,” said Vladimir Putin in Astana at the XIII Forum of Interregional Cooperation of Kazakhstan and Russia.

During the forum, Chairman of the Board of the national company “Astana EXPO-2017” Akhmetzhan Yesimov told the heads of Russia and Kazakhstan about the progress of preparations for the exhibition.

“Currently, construction work is nearing completion. In October we will begin handing over the international pavilions to participating countries. The area of ​​the Russian pavilion is 1008.6 square meters,” he noted. At the same time, A. Yesimov said that Rosatom and Kazatomprom will present the corporate pavilion “Nuclear Energy” at the exhibition.

A special place at EXPO 2017 will be occupied by the “Best Practices Zone”, where the latest technologies in the field of green energy will be demonstrated. The international selection committee reviewed 133 applications from 25 countries. 22 projects have been approved, including the development of Russian innovators “Superconductor”.

The main flow of foreign visitors is expected from the Russian Federation, primarily from border regions.

The organizers of EXPO 2017 have already held presentation roadshows in these regions, as well as in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Kazan.

Within the framework of the forum, the national company “Astana EXPO-2017” signed memorandums of cooperation with 7 regions: Tatarstan, Altai Territory, Astrakhan, Omsk, Orenburg, Tyumen and Sverdlovsk regions. The parties agreed to jointly attract tourists to EXPO 2017, study and develop investment projects, renewable energy sources, and environmentally friendly technologies.

After 7 years of working at the magnificent Le Meurice Hotel, Christophe Robin dreamed of moving to the main vibrant historical district of Paris, embodying the capital he loved so much.

Christophe sought to simultaneously embody the spirit of Paris and the “à la française” style, while also creating an open and accessible space. The new premises make it possible to fulfill his desire to combine two areas of his activity in one place that is most suitable for this.

The Boutique is a new exclusive outlet for a unique line of hair care products: Beauty consultants will help you determine what your hair needs. In addition, if desired, women can try the products in a huge custom-made sink with a mother-of-pearl interior (imitating Botticelli's "Birth of Venus").

Salon - here Christophe and his team, using the art of coloring, bring to life the natural beauty of every woman: Warm and soulful ambiance, indirect lighting, individual niches for each client, stucco cornices and romantic red velvet curtains create an atmosphere of well-being and comfort.

New exclusive products created by experts using the secrets of folk artisans:

Nourishing Herbal Shakes: Robin has developed a line of 5 organic herbal cocktails to create infusions that promote well-being and delight the senses. They contain unique blends of plants and spices that can be enjoyed at any time of the day, hot or cold, to suit your taste and mood:

To remove toxins with lemon zest

Toning with hibiscus

Antioxidant with Rooibos

Calming with verbena and lemongrass

Digestive aid with cinnamon

The line is complemented by 4 wooden brushes with natural boar bristles

The wood used to make these brushes is sanded and polished by hand to ensure the highest quality. These round brushes are ergonomically designed, ready to use and do not require any pre-running. To achieve optimal stiffness suitable for all hair types, we use only selected exclusive bristles and pre-twist them to ensure the best effect without pre-breaking in.

As the Istra VNets portal reports, the head of the Istra district administration, Andrei Dunaev, has officially joined the ranks of freelance inspectors of the State Technical Supervision Service. The certificate was presented to him by Sergei Orlov, who for many years headed the territorial department of Gosadmtekhnadzor No. 10 in the Istra district, and now works on the staff of the central office of Gosadmtekhnadzor of the Moscow region.

According to Andrei Dunaev, now, as part of maintaining order in the territories under his jurisdiction, he will monitor emerging violations, compile administrative materials on them and send them to the supervisory agency. The head of the Istrinsky district warned the leadership of the settlements that the fines issued based on the above-mentioned materials go to the budget of the settlements in a hundred percent amount.

According to the Istra VNets portal, the head of the Istra district, Andrei Dunaev, on the evening of September 28, spoke with residents of the Snegiri settlement at the local House of Culture. The auditorium was filled - there was not a single empty seat, which had already become customary during meetings of the district leadership with the population. During the current meeting, the head of Snegiri, Konstantin Karakovsky, noted that improvement activities in the settlement are in full swing. Roads are being repaired, grass is being cut, street lights are being changed. In the short term, it is planned to create a pedestrian zone on Mira Street, and a park on Station. Also during the meeting, Andrei Dunaev assured the resident of a dilapidated house on Shkolnaya Street that all the people from this house would be resettled in the New Snegiri residential complex - this is in a slightly longer term, and in the Malaya Istra residential complex in Vysokovo.

The weekly column of Reedus, dedicated to the most noticeable stories in the media of the week, opens with the unexpected coming out of Hollywood actor Robert Pattinson: after a noisy breakup with his girlfriend, singer Talia Debrett Barnett, hiding under the pseudonym FKA Twigs, the Twilight star told the world about of their non-traditional sexual orientation.

Pattinson's revelations were published by two portals - Now88News and Times of Education. Seven thousand Facebook users shared this news, completely ignoring the disclaimers published on the main pages of these sites: all the news is fake, and those who took it at face value are fools.

However, it was not difficult to believe in Pattinson’s coming out - and it’s not even about the actor himself: the authors of the same articles provided the materials with a large number of small optional details, including the names of possible partners of the star of the vampire saga:

The actor admitted that he had a secret holiday romance with 31-year-old Brad Owens, a model: “I fell madly in love with this guy, and at first I couldn’t understand my own feelings, and I also didn’t want to let my fans down.” ... But after weighing all the pros and cons, I felt that it would be better to come out and admit that I am gay.

As soon as the fake news about Pattinson’s orientation spread across social networks, one of the world’s largest LGBT resources made a statement: the LGBTQNation portal released a refuting material entitled “Deception! Robert Pattinson has STILL not admitted that he is gay."

Domestic portals also took notice:, for example, was outraged by the author’s vague understanding of the fake financial relations between gay publications and models:

Gay Times magazine has offered Twilight star Robert a multimillion-dollar modeling contract, but Robert hasn't accepted it yet because he doesn't want to be distracted from his acting career. PinkNews journalists took the time to contact Gay Times for comment and received the laconic response “WTF?”, which roughly corresponds to our “are you crazy?”

Fake homewrecker

The main news of the past week in the world show business was the collapse of “Brangelina”: 41-year-old Angelina Jolie with Brad Pitt, who has exceeded fifty dollars.

Jolie's lawyer put an end to the discussion: we are not talking about any betrayal; the actress demanded a divorce because, in her opinion, Pitt had a bad influence on their children. In her statement, she even called her husband a dangerous father.

In turn, Cotillard called the rumors about her affair with Pitt groundless. Moreover, the actress is “absolutely devastated” and generally “very upset” by the fact that she was “drawn into Pitt and Jolie’s divorce.”

The arrest took place in front of journalists: the police caught up with Shprygin in the toilet room, he offered no resistance, and the riot police did not handcuff him, although they detained him wearing masks.

According to available data, Shprygin became actively involved in the international scandal with the unrest in Marseille, together with other functionaries of the VOB he was expelled from France, and a few days later he defiantly violated the court order and ended up in this country again. Shprygin was detained again and expelled abroad. Reacting to these events, Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said that the All-Russian Fans Association has discredited the Russian Football Union and the issue of expelling the organization from the union is on the agenda.

At the same time, information appeared in a number of Russian media that riot police detained Shprygin for organizing a fight between Spartak and CSKA fans. In particular, Life reported on the initiation of a criminal case under Article 213.2 “Hooliganism.”

As a source familiar with the situation told Reedus, this statement is untrue, since, firstly, Shprygin is a fan of Dynamo, and secondly, he currently has zero authority among football fans, including fans of organizing such fights.

According to Mutko, Shprygin was detained at the request of law enforcement agencies in Germany and France. At the moment, searches are taking place within the walls of the All-Russian Fans Association, a source in law enforcement agencies told Reedus.

In an exclusive interview with a popular Indian publication, the star of the film “Twilight” came out and said that he was in love with a man - his name is Brad Owens.

“I fell head over heels in love with this guy. At first I was confused by emotions and feelings, I was afraid of losing attention from the gentle half of the fans. But after much thought, I concluded that the time has come to communicate this publicly.”

Robert Thomas Pattinson is in no hurry to refute the scandalous statement, which makes fans believe in the authenticity of the yellow press interview and confirm long-standing rumors about the actor’s gayness.

Fake material

As the fake story about the vampire saga star's sexuality spread across social networks, the LGBTQ Nation portal published a refutation: “Lies! Robert Thomas Pattinson has not yet confirmed that he is gay, and his lover Brad Owens (fashion model). Photos of partners are fabricated,” and expressed dissatisfaction regarding the incompetence of the author of the fake in the matter of financial relations between gay publications and the modeling business:

“The glossy publication Gay Times made an offer to Robert to try himself as a highly paid model, but Pattinson refused, fearing to harm his acting career.”

Employees of the PinkNews publication turned to the manager of Gay Times and received a comprehensive answer “WTF?”, which in our language expresses “are you crazy?”

The day before the published coming out, Know88Nevs and Education Time published identical articles about the deaths of Chris Brown and Jaden Smith, one text reported that Michael Jackson was alive, and he cleverly convinced the whole world of his death. Both portals deal with fake news and work with Hyundai, Unison and other trusted companies.

Candid confessions of Kristen Stewart

Pattinson's co-star in the film "Twilight" and ex-lover Kristen Stewart admitted to being gay. The star couple was not in a relationship for long, but all fans were already predicting a wedding. After a sudden breakup, Kristen began to build a relationship with producer Alicia Cargile, offering her her hand and heart, she reciprocated.
