Generic and species concepts. Genus and species. Generic and specific concepts What is a generic concept in Russian

Genus is a logical characteristic of a class of objects, the scope of which includes other classes of objects that are types of a given genus. Thus, the class of triangles is a genus in relation to the classes of acute triangles, right triangles and obtuse triangles.

A species, accordingly, is called each class of objects that is included in the scope of a broader generic class.

There is a higher genus (summum genus) and a lower species (infima species). A higher genus is a genus that can no longer serve as a species for another genus. Accordingly, a lower species is a species that includes not smaller species, but individual individuals (individuum (Latin) - indivisible, individual). In addition, the concept of closest genus is used. A class that is directly divided into species is called the nearest genus (genus proximum) in relation to these species. For example, the closest genus for the concepts “pine”, “spruce”, “cedar”, “fir” is the concept “coniferous tree”. (Relationships between genus and species are based on Aristotle’s principle of hylymorphism. The essence of this principle is that each specific thing has form and matter. Moreover, matter is understood as a certain substrate, and form is a way of connecting the elements of this substrate. What is in one in one respect it is a form – in another it can be matter and vice versa.)

A generic concept is a concept that expresses the essential characteristics of a class of objects that is a genus of any species. A generic concept is a subordinate concept, which includes smaller specific concepts.

A species concept is a concept that expresses the essential characteristics of a class of objects that is a species of any kind. A specific concept is a subordinate concept that is part of another, more general concept, which is called generic. Thus, the concept of “European” is specific in relation to the concept of “man,” which in this case is taken as a generic concept. All objects reflected in the species concept have all the characteristics of the generic concept, but at the same time they also have their own specific characteristics. The same concept (with the exception of the highest generic and lower specific concepts) can be both specific and generic at the same time, depending on which concept it is considered in relation to. Thus, the concept of “European” is specific in relation to the concept of “man” and at the same time generic – in relation to the concept of “Greek”.

2. 5. Types (classes) of concepts

All concepts can be divided into separate types.

1. Single and general

Single (individual) concepts are those that relate to one specific object, event, or individual phenomenon. The scope of such concepts has only one element. For example, “Petersburg”, “Patriotic War of 1812”.

General concepts are those whose scope includes more than one element, for example, “even number” (there are infinitely many elements in the scope), “St. Petersburg universities” (there are several elements in the scope).

2. Collective and separative

Collective concepts are those concepts that display the characteristics of a collection, a collection, a group of homogeneous objects that represent a single whole, for example, “regiment”, “meeting”, “humanity”. What is stated in a collective concept applies to all objects designated by this concept, but cannot be applied to individual objects included in this whole. For example, in the message that “the meeting of tenth grade students was very noisy,” the concept “meeting of tenth grade students” is used in a collective sense. This message cannot be extended to every student. It is possible that some students were not making noise. Collective concepts differ from general concepts in that they cannot characterize a separate object, but only their totality.

A dividing concept is a concept that characterizes each individual member of a class, but cannot be applied to the class as a whole. For example, “Second-year students passed an exam in philosophy.” Although this refers to all students, everyone took the exam.

3. Concrete and abstract

If the element of volume is an object (material or ideal), phenomenon, situation, then the concept is specific. If the element is a property or relationship, the concept is abstract. For example, the concepts: “friendship”, “parallelism”, “performance” are abstract, since they represent relationships or properties. The concepts of “idealism”, “perpetual motion machine”, “revolution” are concrete, because objects and events, even if they do not exist, are conceived in them.

4. Positive and negative

Positive is a concept that reflects the presence of a particular quality in an object (for example, “beautiful”, “tall”, “healthy”).

Negative is a concept that reflects the absence of a particular quality in an object (for example, “ugly,” “short,” “unhealthy”). It should be noted that from a logical point of view, the concept “stupid” is negative, and the concept “stupid” is positive, because it indicates the presence, not the absence, of a characteristic, although this characteristic may be bad from someone’s point of view.

5. Relative and non-relative

Relative concepts are those whose content contains a feature that directly indicates a relationship to some other subject. For example, “neighbor” is a relative concept, because a neighbor is a person living next to some other person, or an object occupying the place closest to some other object. All relative concepts generalize objects that are considered not in themselves, but as having entered into some kind of relationship, as performing certain functions.

The content of non-relative concepts includes only signs-properties that are inherent or not inherent in the object in itself and are essential for it in itself. By examining an object, regardless of anything else, we can discover in it, for example, the properties of a living being with a spine, a constant body temperature and mammary glands. Based on these properties, we can consider an object an element of the volumes of concepts: “animal”, “vertebrate animal”, “warm-blooded animal”, “mammal animal”, each of which is irrelevant.

Any concept can be characterized immediately according to all the indicated headings. For example, the concept of “working class” is general, collective, specific, positive, irrespective. It is general because the working class is different, for example, the working class of England. It is collective, since the element of the volume is, for example, the working class of England in the 19th century. , which has many hired workers. This concept is concrete, since it is not a property or a relationship that is thought of, but an object. It is positive and irrespective, because there is no negative sign in its content, and the signs of its content do not indicate an attitude towards anything.

In the poem by our contemporary poetess L. Tatyanicheva “The Seasons” there are the words: summer, autumn, winter, spring, seasons. In all meanings of these words there is a common thing that unites them - “season”: summer- "the warmest season, next after spring"; spring - "time of year, next after winter"; winter- "the coldest season, following autumn"; autumn - "time of year, next after summer":

Everything in the world has its turn. There is a wise time for everything. And don’t rush to make a vow to yourself that you will consider it a disaster to live to see your gray hair. Four time of year- And everyone has equal rights. Look at the winter afternoon: Space. Blue. U summer- Autumn is ahead, and winter - Spring.

One can give a very large number of examples when in speech or in fiction some words are “subordinate” to others, some words are “main” and others are “subordinate”.

What is the difference between, for example, the words: flowers - jasmine, daisies, forget-me-nots, violets, lilies of the valley, lilac? Or: trees - oak, birch, maple, ash, aspen? Words become similar if they name the same objects. In our examples, the same concept - “flower” - is called by different words: jasmine, chamomile, forget-me-not, violet, lily of the valley, lilac. Here we observe the concept of subordination of one word to another and subordination between words, that is, we have approached the relationship of subordination of a specific concept to a generic one.

Logicians and philosophers first started talking about genus and species, then biologists, and then linguists.

In logic and philosophy, genus is a logical characteristic of a class of objects, which includes other classes of objects that are species of this genus. Species - each class of objects that is included in the scope of a wider class of objects called a genus, for example, coniferous trees are a species in relation to the entire class of trees, but they become a genus in relation to the class of pines (pines are a type of coniferous trees).

In biology, a genus is a group of animal or plant organisms that includes closely related species. A species is a collection of individuals that have the same characteristics, a unit of classification of animals and plants, subordinate to the genus as the highest unit.

In the Russian language, you have already become familiar with gender and aspect as grammatical categories and. Gender characterizes a noun as belonging to one of three classes: masculine, feminine or neuter. Aspect denotes in Russian the nature of the verb action (perfective aspect, imperfective aspect).

But what are specific and generic words? Let's try to explain this with a number of examples.

We talked about the semantic function of synonyms for substitution and clarification. The substitution function is implemented when synonyms, replacing each other, are used in the text to mean the same thing. The clarification function is used to reveal various aspects, properties, and characteristic features of designated objects or phenomena of reality.

There are also relations between words that are based on the generic relations of lexical units.

In S. Voronin’s story “Taiga Junction” the following words are used: trees - linden, maple, oak. Words linden, maple, oak name different varieties of plants. And the word tree- as the name of perennial plants in general: We will fill the entire site with trees: lindens, maples, oaks - he dreamed. - We'll plant lilacs. This is where we are standing now. If the first word trees means any tree, regardless of the variety - coniferous or deciduous, spruce or that birch, then the following words: lindens, maples, oaks- are used as specific names for a type of tree. For example, Linden- is a deciduous tree with heart-shaped serrated leaves and fragrant honey-bearing flowers; maple- a tree with wide, curly leaves in most species; oak- a large deciduous tree with strong wood and acorn fruits. The presence of a common feature “tree” - a perennial plant with a solid trunk and branches extending from it that form a crown - unites them and distinguishes them with its specific meanings: maple- not just a tree, but a tree with wide, curly leaves; oak- not only a large deciduous tree with strong wood, but also with acorn fruits.

Such features of lexical units that distinguish one word from others, located in a certain system, will constitute their type. Common characteristics for all species concepts form a genus. Such combinations of words that are in generic relations are called hyponyms. Hyponymy is closely related to synonymy of lexical units. Hyponymy is characterized by the subordination of some units to others. The concept of “linden” is subordinate to the concept of “tree”, since this word contains the common characteristics of all trees. The concepts “linden”, “birch”, “oak” are in a relationship of subordination, since they are equally subordinate to the generic concept “tree”, for example: vegetables - cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, beets, cabbage, potatoes; fruits - apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, cherries; berries - lingonberries, strawberries, cloudberries, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, currants. Such concepts are based on logical-semantic relations (logic is the science of laws and forms of thinking).

Gender-specific relations of lexical units are a common phenomenon in fiction. Let's look at some examples:

Do you have any other documents? - asked Alekhine...

- What are you interested in?.. Paybook... things... food test... party card... award certificates(V. Bogomolov. My heart hurts)? ...The salmon slides into the salty pool of the ocean, where his whole life passes... We, reader, will talk only about salmon, fish - chum salmon, pink salmon, chinook salmon, coho salmon, salmon and others(V. Pikul. Wealth).

If the hero of the work used the word documentation in the meaning of “a business paper confirming some fact or right to something*, then his partner in the act of communication uses the words and phrases: pay book, clothing, food certificate, award certificates etc., combines them as specific forms of the same word documentation, that is, we observe hyponymy in texts where the common features of these words are considered, and they form a certain group of words subordinating the specific concept to the generic one.

So, we can conclude.

Hyponyms arise because objects have several distinctive and common features for all words of a certain system that are in certain semantic relationships.

Hyponymy in fiction expands and deepens the synonymous capabilities of language. Writers select the necessary words from the synonymous wealth of the language to obtain additional information and to specify certain objects.

Careful work on the syllable of the writer and speaker, the search for the right word requires special attention to the selection and use of the necessary word. This creates its own speech culture.

Today, there are many positions on understanding the ancestral ties between people. The model, which will be given below, is intended not to replace, but to complement the vision of forum visitors on this issue.

Let's outline the main concepts used in the topic.

Genus- a group of people united by common hereditary characteristics and attributing their origin to one ancestor.

Ancestor(aeol, haik, forefather, progenitor, ancestor, initiator) - the ancestor from whom the family originates.

Archetype- the initial model of the genus, based on the personality of the ancestor.

Patriarch (Matriarch)- a person endowed with power within a kind of person.

Birth program- this is a set of predispositions, natural reactions and internal tasks projected onto a person by a genus for a given person, which are determined by his status in the hierarchy of the genus.

Birth canals- channels connecting relatives with structures in the family and with each other.

What is a genus?

It is generally accepted that a clan consists of relatives. And a person’s relatives are all the people with whom he is connected by blood ties. For us, this is mom, dad, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, and so on.

Let's take a different look at the genus, and by this word we will understand direct relatives, united by common hereditary characteristics and attributing their origin to one ancestor. And we will call such people: Relatives.

Principles of inheritance.

A person has two lines of inheritance: personal (continuity of qualities, attachments, karma, curses, blessings and other characteristics from incarnation to incarnation) and generic (everything is the same, only within the framework of the genus in which he is currently incarnated).

Each family has its own history, therefore, the qualities that it can cultivate in a person are different. A person can be associated with several genera at once. What kind of heritage a person will take from depends on many different factors, but first of all on the person himself.

Another concept that we will introduce in relation to generic ties becomes relevant - this direct line of succession. This term refers to a chain connecting all the ancestors of one particular person who passed on the most qualities to him. It conveys the main characteristics of the genus, its predispositions and other attributes.

Genus structure.

We need to consider the genus as a formation that has its own hierarchy and structure, identify the basic patterns and understand how it works.

Let's highlight the main components of the clan: the core, the Strength of the clan, the generic program, the birth canals and the person himself.

The nucleus is the main structural formation of the genus. It contains all the information about the genus, its characteristics and hereditary characteristics that are passed on to relatives. The core is formed according to the personality of the ancestor and develops according to the principles laid down in the archetype, as well as with the participation of all relatives.

We will call the power that comes from the Core and nourishes relatives the Power of the clan. The larger and more complex the nucleus, the more actively it can nourish its relatives. The power of the clan is the energy that permeates the entire clan and flows through all its channels. By analogy with human blood, it nourishes each “cell”, depending on its significance for the species itself. More useful relatives, or people high in the hierarchy of the clan, receive more of this power, ordinary members receive less.

The strength of the clan grows in proportion to the number of relatives and the “quality” of their investments in its formation and support (bright personalities, strong owners, people who have achieved recognition, and so on). A strong family can claim a warmer “place in the sun” in the overall system of the world and more confidently resist external influences.

The information going from the Core to the living descendant of the clan is called the Generic Program. It projects onto a person a set of predispositions, natural reactions and internal tasks that are determined by his position and status in the hierarchy of the clan. It reflects the main directions of human development within the clan, features of interaction within the family and with other people, immediate goals and objectives (also within the clan) and much more. The ancestral program manifests itself in a person in the form of subconscious desires and internal aspirations.

We can say that these are the expectations of the clan in relation to a particular relative. The birth program may vary for different relatives. At the intersection of different generic programs, conflicts often arise.

The power of the clan comes to relatives from the core through the Channels of the clan. The closest analogy is the umbilical cord, a blood vessel. They serve to communicate between relatives with different clan structures and among themselves. There are many similar channels in this family, so we will divide them into two groups:
birth canals— the direct line of human inheritance runs through them. We also include connections with close relatives as birth canals;
we'll call the rest structural channels of the kind.

Relationships and interactions within the genus and between them.

To fully understand, we just need to connect these parts together and see how they work in a single system. From this position, the genus can be considered as an independent organism that interacts with people.

The main function of the clan has always been to stimulate a relative to produce descendants and create conditions for their favorable growth. The second, but no less important, task can be considered survival.

The core controls the number of relatives based on the characteristics of the archetype. Without new members, the clan will wither; if it grows too much, it will not be able to nourish everyone sufficiently. We can say that it is engaged in internal selection within the genus and maintains the system in balance. In the external sphere, the core reacts to threats to the species from a position of survival.

Through clan channels, the influence of a particular clan spreads to relatives and those people with whom they are in the family. This happens again according to the subjective position of the archetype. For example: if it was formed on the basis of a militant and authoritarian personality, then the influence will be spread by similar methods. This kind of family will not tolerate unnecessary interference from another, but will itself “reap to the end.”

It is worth recalling that in one family (mother, father, children) the spheres of influence of at least two clans intersect. It often happens that genders conflict. Most often this manifests itself in the “unreasonable” dislike of mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law and other, older relatives, one of the couple.

With children, things are sometimes much more complicated. It happens that the child is not needed for either birth. Then the child does not receive sufficient nourishment, and his personality is formed independently. Moreover, he often gets “kicks” from childbirth, because in their model he is a dependent. One can imagine how such children grow up. It also happens that both clans want to attribute a particular child to themselves. Then rivalry begins, and sometimes a full-scale war...

The foreign policy of a clan is formed not only from the reactions inherent in the archetype, but also on the basis of the attitude of living relatives. It is not uncommon for the personal attitude of one or more relatives to provoke the entire clan into aggression or, conversely, support of a particular person.

How does a new genus appear?

There are two main factors that influence it: the desire of the clan and the personality of the individual relative who is to become the ancestor. I will list some of the reasons for the occurrence of new births from the most common scenarios:

1). The genus itself is the initiator of the emergence of a new formation:

The original clan strives to spread its influence through its subsidiary structures. This is typical for strong dynasties;

The clan is forced to form an independent structure in order to preserve its heritage, provided that there are no defeats that prevent such actions.

2). The initiator of the birth of a new family is one of the relatives or other external forces:

One or more relatives separates geographically from the main group, for example, moves to live in another country;

One of the relatives has a strong desire to found a new Family. Provided that there are the necessary skills and resources needed to do this;

External forces create conditions when a person moves to another structure, similar to a clan, or establishes his own separate clan. In this case, they provide a person with resources for transition, even if the race is not able to do this;

And other reasons.

Now let's look at the process itself in its natural version.

The genus connects an additional birth canal to a relative and starts the process of forming a new nucleus. It grows and becomes more complex throughout a person’s life. As long as the ancestor is alive, the entire structure being built belongs to the base genus. After his death, ties are severed and the new branch gains full autonomy.

Additionally, the clan strengthens the new core with other relatives with whom it was associated. Most often, these are people who are directly related to the future ancestor or who have already died. The “quality” of connected relatives remains at the discretion of the family. This is done for a reason. Agree that it is easier to grow a tree from a branch than from a separate leaf.

If the separation occurs under the patronage or at the suggestion of higher powers, then they also participate in the formation of the branch. A magician can also do this if he separates a person from the old family.

This happens in a healthy, strong family.

If it was damaged or weakened, then independent separation does not happen, and more often than not, it does not even begin. In this case, a person has to turn to external forces (gods, magicians, etc.) to make what he wants possible. In our practice, there were a large number of directly paradoxical cases related to debates between relatives and the clan as a whole. To the point that the relative himself wants to leave, the family wants to let him go, but cannot do so. So it turns out that a person is subjected to constant pressure and negative influences from the family. While defending himself, he causes even greater damage to structures, which aggravates his situation...

What influence did the gender, as a structure of social organization, have on interaction with other forces?

Let's take a closer look at this issue and go back in time to do this. At a time when tribal structures as elements of the social organization of people were just emerging, in the era of tribal communities. These groups of people had a number of features that contributed to the establishment of family ties and their unification into one structure:

All relatives believed that they traced their existence to one ancestor, most often from a totemite - a totem animal or other object of worship of a given community. Which, accordingly, made all members of the community, in their understanding, brothers and sisters. Their family ties were cemented both by common biological ancestors and by specially performed rituals. This was especially true for new members. For example, women who were brought from another community. Only after the ceremonies did such people cease to be considered strangers.

Again, depending on the totemite (animal ancestor and patron of the clan), characteristic qualities and abilities were cultivated in young relatives from generation to generation. For example, those who worshiped the deer valued speed, the children of the lynx developed agility and cunning, and the children of the bear - physical strength and straightforwardness. The pronounced “features” of the totem were also used as the ideology of the community.

The life of the community was led by the oldest (wisest), the miners were led to hunt by the most experienced or dexterous and hardy, and during the war the men were led by the strongest and most warlike. The hierarchical system was vague or was not tied to specific individuals at all. One thing remained unshakable - the supremacy and power of the divine ancestor. All relatives, regardless of status in the community, were his children. Prayers and sacrifices were offered to him, marriages were proclaimed with his “tacit consent,” and important decisions were carried out under his “supervision.”

At the head of the clan in those days was a totem animal, which was an archetype for people living in the community. Totemite grew stronger together with his family, whose faith and worship fed him with strength. Sometimes he could endow his “relatives” with capabilities that went beyond human capabilities. Traces of these relationships can be found in some shamanic practices and among small nations that have preserved their original culture.

Time passed, the clans multiplied, divided and fragmented. The attention of the living shifted to the actions of individual people, mainly strong warriors or wise leaders. Their glory was attributed to the virtues of the clan, at first on a par with the totemites, and then completely supplanted the memory of them. Kinship was increasingly verified by common ancestors, who were placed at the head of the clan. The place of the ancestors was taken by strong personalities from the clans.

Often there was an assignment to the ancestor, from old memory, of divine roots or other “kinship” with the existing pantheons.

Totemites lost their influence and over time completely left the clan structures, occupying the niche of individual patronage of people. They became totems (totem animals) again.

Personalities in the family.

The basis of the genus in its modern form is the ancestor - the person who, for one reason or another, laid the foundation for a new genus. It sets the main direction of development, ways of making decisions within the clan and outside it, and the specifics of relationships within the clan. An archetype is formed based on the personality of the ancestor.

Nothing stands still, everything moves and develops. Just as at one time the totemite gave up rule to the human ancestor, so the latter is gradually making room for a new form of management in the clan. Let's call such people matriarchs and patriarchs.

In essence, this is a transferable ruling position and is separate for each branch. The matriarch or patriarch, depending on the direction of the clan, exercises power locally (adjusts the clan program, distributes resources, exerts influence, etc.). The clan itself is also guided by his attitude. For example, if the m/patriarch is not happy with a living relative, then the clan may impose restrictions on him in receiving Power or other measures. This position can be occupied by both currently incarnated (living) members of the clan and those who have recently died.

Let's summarize.

We have looked at a model for understanding the genus, and in some cases, interaction with it, we learned what it consists of and how it works. The article described the main processes in the genus and trends in its development. It should be noted that everything written above refers to a family that does not carry defeats or other negativity. We can say that we have seen how a healthy body works.

“Diseases” of the clan and the difficulties that a person may encounter in such a clan, as well as problems at the intersection of the interests of a person and the clan or several clans deserve detailed consideration in a separate article.

The concept of genus and species.

Parameter name Meaning
Article topic: The concept of genus and species.
Rubric (thematic category) Logics
Operations of generalization and restrictions are closely related to concepts important for logic sort of And kind. Concept A is originally from in relation to the concept B, if A should be obtained as a result of the generalization of B. The concept B is a type of concept A, if B should be obtained as a result of the restriction of A.

It is possible to perform operations of generalization and limitation of concepts only with those concepts that are connected by genus-specific relations.

You cannot perform these operations with concepts that represent a connection between a part and the whole.

For example: faculty - university; star - constellation, etc.

2.6. Exercises

1. Indicate which groups of words express concepts and which do not.

Student, dawn, man laughs; a person who laughs, action or inaction; action is action or inaction.

2. Determine what operations are performed with concepts and whether they are performed correctly:

parliamentary republic → republic → form of government;

society → class society → intelligentsia;

Faculty of Law – Faculty → University;

sea ​​→ Baltic Sea → Gulf of Finland;

Polaris → constellation Ursa Minor → constellation.

3. Generalize and limit the concepts:

theft, university, planets, school, Criminal Code, education, judge.

4. Indicate the closest genus for the following concepts:

autocracy, slander, student, crime, collective, concept.

5. Indicate the closest form for the following concepts:

act, team, crime, division, MSU team, democracy.

3.Types of concepts

All concepts can be divided according to the following criteria:

I. By the nature of the signs.

II. According to the number of elements of the scope of concepts.

III. By the nature of the volume elements.

3.1.By the nature of the signs.

a) Positive and negative.

Positive It is customary to call a concept in the main content of which only positive features are found.

Negative It is customary to call a concept in the main content of which there is at least one negative feature.

The concept of “crime” is positive, since its content includes only positive signs: “prescribed by criminal law”, “to be an act” and “to be socially “dangerous”; the concept of “person” is positive, since the signs are: “to have reason, speech, ability for instrumental, purposeful activity" - these are positive signs.

The concept of “autocracy” is negative, since being a type of monarchy, with this form of government none truly representative institutions, ᴛ.ᴇ. there is a negative sign.

b) Relative and absolute.

Absolute It is customary to call a concept in the main content of which only signs - properties - are found. For example, a square is a rectangular equilateral quadrilateral.

Relative It is customary to call a concept in the main content of which at least one feature is found - attitude.

For example: debtor - creditor, plaintiff - defendant, mother - child, etc.

3.2. By the number of volume elements.

a) empty

b) single

Empty It is customary to call a concept whose volume is an empty set ᴛ.ᴇ. does not contain a single item.

This is a perpetual motion machine, a round square, a mermaid, etc.

Single It is customary to call a concept whose scope includes exactly one element. This is “Luna”, “the first cosmonaut”, “the current president of Russia”.

General It is customary to call a concept whose scope includes more than one element. This is “Earth satellite”, “president”, “cosmonaut”, etc.

3.3. By the nature of the volume elements

a) Collective and separative.

collective it is customary to call a concept whose volume elements themselves constitute sets of homogeneous objects.

For example, the concept of “crowd” is collective, since the elements of volume are individual crowds, which, in turn, consist of homogeneous objects - people.

The concept of “library” is a collective one, since the elements of the scope of this concept consist of homogeneous objects - books.

Dividing it is customary to call a concept whose volume elements do not represent sets of homogeneous objects.

For example, a person, a student, a chair, logic, crime, etc.

b) Abstract and concrete.

Abstract are called concepts whose elements of scope are properties or relationships.

Examples: “Justice,” “whiteness,” “crime,” “parenthood” are all abstract concepts.

Specific are called concepts whose elements of volume are the objects themselves.

Examples: “chair”, “table”, “shadow”, “crime”, “music” - these are all concrete concepts.

The concept of genus and species. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "The concept of genus and species." 2017, 2018.

Definition through genus and species difference, rules of definition.

Understanding-f.m., reflect. objects in their creatures. signs, def. connection of creatures. characteristics of an object, abstracting it from an array of other objects, unsuitable. such signs. (S).

One of the main forms of scientific knowledge

Log. oper. over concepts called action on this form of thinking is, to some extent, a change. it, in order to achieve some goal or result.

Definition- log. support that reveals the content of the concept.

Division- judgment. revealing content concepts.

Differentiable(definition) concept - that, cat. define.

Differentiating- understood, cat. def. co-edge of the defined concept, it contains brief, “compressed” information about the defined concept.

To log. reasoning Often such a need arises. This support allows us to reveal the main thing in the subject, ex. identify it from other objects. This is its great value. There are real- def. (right...) and nominal- the same thing, but vice versa.

By the method of identifying the content of the concept definition. business on the:

obvious- prowling. noun signs of the object, and

implicit- def. through relationships it will come to its opposite, contextual, ostensive and other types of definition..

Most common: explicit def. through genus and species exc.- comp. from two concepts - defined and defined, operational. incl. includes two devices: the subspecies of the defined concept is understood under the generic concept. with a wider V and an indication of species ex., characteristic, ex. this item from other types of the genus (check-security (genus), obliging the bank to pay the check in advance the specified amount (specific exc.)). The sign is not always the same. This is def. called classic. More definitions from myself!!!

Genetic determination- a variety of the latter, indicates the origin of the object, the method of its formation (anthill - construction of ants).

Def. must be ist. by content they are correct in structure .

Determination rules:

1. Definition must be proportionate those. V definition is understood. was equal to V of the defining concept, they must be equal in volume, no V should exceed the other. (a repeat offender is a criminal, with many walks, if he’s just a criminal, then this is a violation of proportionality, an error of too broad a definition)

2. Definition should not conclude circle in itself. Those. we should not resort to def. through. understood, defined, understood, which we need to define (Rotation is defined as movement around an axis, the axis is a straight line, around which rotation occurs). Variety- tophtalogy, definition through the defined (idealist - a person with idealistic beliefs).

3. Definition should be clear. Those. should indicate known signs, not needs. in definition, en contents. ambiguity. Error defining X through Y (Independents are the opponent of levelers)