Rose and magic. Secrets of wizards. Stories about Rose. Order of books in the series

Far, far away in a fairy-tale city, a magnificent Mask Ball takes place once a year. Hundreds of candles are reflected in the polished parquet floor, gentlemen circle dressed ladies - and there is a mask on each face. Some have the most ordinary one, and some have a magical one - one of those that firmly grows to the skin, but in return bestows magic on its owner.
Rose and her mentor, the royal alchemist, are looking for the thief of an ancient and very powerful mask in this city. The thief must appear at the famous ball to awaken her magic. But you need to catch the kidnapper before the holiday starts - otherwise it will be too late.
For average school age.

New project Holly Webb, author of the international bestsellers “Good Animal Stories” and “Maisie Hitchins. The Adventures of a Girl Detective." This series will open the reader's doors to the world of magic, where almost anything is possible. The main character, 11-year-old Rose, can only dream of magic, because in her world magic is available only to the rich. One day she becomes a servant in the house of the royal alchemist, where literally everything is saturated with magic, and realizes that she can not only feel it, but also work miracles herself. However, Rose will have to master magic on the run, running errands around the house and solving the mysterious disappearances of children in the city. "" Exciting adventures, magic and detective stories under one cover!

Series: "secrets of wizards"

Far, far away in a fairy-tale city, a magnificent Mask Ball takes place once a year. Hundreds of candles are reflected in the polished parquet floor, gentlemen circle dressed ladies - and each face is wearing a mask. Some have the most ordinary one, and some have a magical one - one of those that firmly grows to the skin, but in return bestows magic on its owner. Rose and her mentor, the royal alchemist, are looking for the thief of an ancient and very powerful mask in this city. The thief must appear at the famous ball to awaken her magic. But you need to catch the thief before the holiday starts - otherwise it will be too late.

Publisher: "Eksmo" (2017)

Format: 206.00mm x 134.00mm x 22.00mm, 350 pages.

ISBN: 978-5-699-93638-0


Webb, Beatrice Potter (1858-1943) and Sidney James, Baron Pasfield (1859-1947). Reformist leaders of the British labor movement, leaders of the Fabian Society. Beatrice Potter Webb is the daughter of a wealthy industrialist and member of the Poor Law Royal Commission. Sidney James Webb was, with Bernard, the founder of the Fabian Society in 1883, the author of an extensive work on trade unions, and a leading economist in the Labor Party; in 1913 he founded the New Statesman magazine. During the imperialist war, the Webbs were social chauvinists. He was the author of Decay of Capitalist Civilization (1923); for loyal service to Great Britain he was awarded a knighthood in 1929. The Webbs subsequently became ardent supporters of the Soviet government.



Robert William (b. January 28, 1922, Erbana, Illinois, USA), American biochemist. Graduated from the University of Illinois (1942). Worked in various scientific centers Cornell University: in the laboratory of V. Du Vigneault (1943-47), in experimental agriculture. station (1948-1957), in the laboratory of plants, soils and nutrition (1957-64), in the department of molecular biology and biochemistry (1965-66), since 1966 - at the Salk Institute. Basic work on deciphering the structure of individual transport ribonucleic acids(tRNA). In 1965 he established the structure of alanine tRNA. Nobel Prize(1968, together with M.U. ohm and H.G. Korana (See)).

Lit.: Wenkstern T.V., Primary structure transport ribonucleic acids, M., 1970.

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    Marvelous interesting books for middle school age children, which will allow readers to plunge into to Victorian London. Fast-paced plot, compelling story, beautiful storytelling. The book is easy and quick to read thanks to its simple and understandable style. Exciting adventures, magic and detective stories under one cover! A new project by Holly Webb, an international bestselling author.

    125x200 mm, hardcover.

    This series will open the reader's doors to the world of magic, where almost anything is possible. The main character, 11-year-old Rose, can only dream of magic, because in her world magic is available only to the rich. One day she becomes a maid in the house of the royal alchemist, where literally everything is saturated with magic, and realizes that she can not only feel it, but also work miracles herself. However, Rose will have to master magic on the run, running errands around the house and solving the mysterious disappearances of children in the city.

    Order of books in the series

    At the beginning of each book the order of the books in the series is indicated.

    Rose and the Secret of Magic (Book 1)

    Rose is a very reasonable girl and does not believe in any magic or magic. She believes in common sense, good reputation and ability to work hard. But all her ideas about life changed at once when the girl was taken as a maid in the house of the royal wizard. Not only the wizard himself lives there, but also his student and a real talking cat. It also turned out that the wizard’s house was alive, saturated with magic from the steps to the roof. And if Rose sees this, then she is also a sorceress. The girl has absolutely no need for such an unexpected gift, but what to do if magic is the only thing that can save her and her friend?

    Beginning of the story:

    Rose quietly looked out of the window and saw two little girls and their nanny walking down the street. The girls wore beautiful matching soft pink coats. I wonder how you can avoid getting your pink coat dirty? They are probably not even allowed to look at puddles and dirt! The little procession came to an intersection, and Rose stood on her tiptoes to watch them turn the corner. The bucket Rose was standing on shook and rattled ominously, and the girl quickly jumped to the floor, hoping no one heard it.

    The tiny stained glass windows of St. Bridget's Home for Girls were very high up. It was almost impossible to look outside, especially if you were a little girl. So if the teachers had known about Rose's simple trick, they would have done everything possible to stop any attempts to look out the window. After all, everyone knows that looking out of the window is terribly, terribly harmful to the piety of little girls! Perhaps the shelter would even ban buckets - well, just in case.

    Rose straightened her brown cotton apron and quickly walked down the empty hallway to the pantry to return the bucket to its place. She carefully placed it on one of the wooden shelves, in a row with the rest of the buckets, rags and brushes. Even if anyone sees Rose now, she will say that she scrubbed him off.

    Psst! Rose! The whisper caught Rose by surprise as she reached out to the door, and Rose spun around, fearfully pressing her back against the wall. A small hand beckoned to her from behind the large tin bathtub that stood under the bottom shelf.

    Continued in the book.

    Rose and the Magic of Cold (Book 2)

    An early and very cold winter has arrived in London. So cold that for the first time in many years, the city authorities decided to organize a Frost Fair. It was there that Rose, a wizard's apprentice, noticed a strange merchant. An atmosphere of panic reigns in London: after the story of an evil witch who kidnapped children, people realized that living side by side with magicians puts them in constant danger.

    A man with icy eyes was selling magical snow globes. Magic is a very, very expensive thing, and he gave away the balls for next to nothing, or even just gave them away. But the troubles and strangeness did not end there. The princess disappeared from the palace, despite all the guards, pages and ladies-in-waiting. Rose's mentor, the royal alchemist, was assigned to investigate this case. The fact is that all the windows in the princess’s chambers were closed, the fireplace was burning, but the room was as cold as if the walls of the palace were made of ice. This means that the princess was kidnapped using magic. Cold magic...

    Rose and the Magic of the Mask (Book 3)

    Far, far away in a fairy-tale city, a magnificent Mask Ball takes place once a year. Hundreds of candles are reflected in the polished parquet floor, gentlemen circle dressed ladies - and there is a mask on each face. Some have the most ordinary one, and some have a magical one - one of those that firmly grows to the skin, but in return bestows magic on its owner. Rose and her mentor, the royal alchemist, are looking for the thief of an ancient and very powerful mask in this city. The thief must appear at the famous ball to awaken her magic. But the kidnapper must be caught before the holiday begins, otherwise it will be too late.

    Beginning of the story:

    Some tea, Rose?

    Rose looked at Mrs. Jones blankly, and all the other servants in the kitchen did the same. It would seem that the most ordinary phrase - but the cook had not spoken to Rose for more than a month, ever since half the house was scared when they discovered that the younger maid was a sorceress.

    Sarah the dishwasher was sitting at the large wooden kitchen table. She looked from Mrs. Jones to Rose and then back to Mrs. Jones, her round blue eyes filled with worry. She then slowly handed the cup and saucer to Mrs. Jones.

    Rose swallowed convulsively, her throat feeling like it was choking with tears. And Sarah too? Will they really stop pretending she doesn't exist? The girl sniffed angrily. And why does she want to cry now - because they started treating her like a human being again? When they didn't notice her, she carefully pretended - including to herself - that she didn't care.

    Mrs. Jones slid the cup across the table towards her and quickly removed her hand so as not to touch the cup at the same time as Rose, but that was a good start.

    Rose sank gratefully into a chair next to Bill, the junior footman, who smiled encouragingly at her. He was not as afraid of her magic as the other servants.

    Continued in the book.

    Rose and the Magic of the Mirror (Book 4)

    Rose, a young wizard's apprentice, never even dared to think about taking something that belonged to someone else. Only this mirror is special. Instead of her reflection, Rose saw an unfamiliar girl in it.

    The owner of the mirror is an old, mischievous lady, and she won’t give you the mirror even for a minute. So Rose had to temporarily... steal it.

    But the girl had no idea that this unseemly act would lead to a long chain of incredible events.

    This series from Holly Webb will open the reader's doors to a world of magic where almost anything is possible. The main character, 11-year-old Rose, can only dream of magic, because in her world magic is available only to the rich. One day she becomes a servant in the house of the royal alchemist, where literally everything is saturated with magic, and realizes that she can not only feel it, but also work miracles herself. However, Rose will have to master magic on the run, running errands around the house and solving the mysterious disappearances of children in the city.

    Far, far away in a fairy-tale city, a magnificent Mask Ball takes place once a year. Hundreds of candles are reflected in the polished parquet floor, gentlemen circle dressed ladies - and there is a mask on each face. Some have the most ordinary one, and some have a magical one - one of those that firmly grows to the skin, but in return bestows magic on its owner. Rose and her mentor, the royal alchemist, are looking for the thief of an ancient and very powerful mask in this city. The thief must appear at the famous ball to awaken her magic. But you need to catch the kidnapper before the holiday starts, otherwise it will be too late.

    Rose's adventures in the magical world are perfect for children who love magic. They will also teach readers to believe in themselves and own strength. The heroine of the series, an independent, sensible, brave and sympathetic girl, can serve as a wonderful example. Holly Webb's stories are always positive and uplifting.

    Exciting adventures, magic and detective stories under one cover!

    About the authors

      Holly Webb is an English children's writer. Born in London in 1976, she now lives near Reading (Berkshire, southern England) with her husband John and three children - Tom, Robin and William. Before becoming a writer, she worked as an editor of children's books. I wrote my first book when the editorial team was coming up with ideas for authors. Using the time she spent on the train from home to work, Holly wrote a draft of the book in a regular notebook. The book went on sale almost simultaneously with the birth of her eldest son. And to spend more time with her family, Holly Webb began working from home - editing other people's stories and writing her own. As her popularity increased, she devoted herself entirely to writing. Holly Webb is now the author of a bestselling children's book series. To date, more than 100 books have been written. The total circulation of her books in Russia exceeded 2.5 million copies. Her stories about animals are very gentle, kind and cheerful. Many of them are based on personal experience or funny cases with her friends' animals. Holly loves cats, dogs, and other animals, except spiders and snakes. A writer who wins hearts helps to open up the reading process for a child (and make it fun). Holly Webb's books help children develop the habit of reading. Because it's really interesting.
