The most undesirable qualities of a man. Bad qualities of a person - a list that many people don’t like. Bad qualities of men list

If we talk about the most negative qualities of a man in my understanding, then it’s worth clarifying right away that I exclude despotism and drunkenness from the very beginning. That is, a man who is often hungover is not an option. Just like I will never allow a man to hit me, i.e. a domestic despot and tyrant is also excluded. But that's it negative qualities the male gender does not end.


Usually, I try to give the man the right to choose. At least at first. When he invites me somewhere, I answer “to your taste.” This gives me the opportunity to immediately understand how much he knows women and what he is like. And it gives him a chance to prove himself with the best side. But does he really need it?

That date was not the first. It was just our first date away from home. Usually, we met at his house, where he fed me grapes and sang songs with a guitar. It was his songs that attracted me at first. But you can’t sit and listen to his wonderful singing forever. I wanted variety. And under the pressure of lengthy persuasion, he finally agreed to go to the cafe.

As usual, I said “choose to your taste.” But beforehand, on the way, I told him how much I wanted something sweet. And already sitting in the cafe, she hinted, shivering, that she was cold. And here I sit, looking forward to coffee and cake. And he suddenly tells the waitress: “We need two beers and pistachios.” I was dumbfounded. He knew very well that I didn’t drink beer.

To my “delight,” he pursed his lips in puzzlement:
“Well, what do you want then? Maybe some tea?”
I nodded.
The waitress, as usual, asked: “Anything else?” To which I wanted to mention the cake, but did not have time.
He preempted my answer with his clear “No, nothing.” I finished my lonely coffee while watching him eat the pistachios.

“Well, why didn’t we stay at home? I would make you coffee for free and better,” he suddenly became indignant, “and there are still grapes left.”

But I didn’t want any more grapes. And we broke up with him not after these gatherings, but literally after a couple of days. When a possible meeting with his friends at a bowling alley cafe, which suddenly loomed on the horizon, was postponed indefinitely, and he sat down at home again.

Lack of initiative

Modern men are mostly lazy. They are not able to surprise, make a surprise, or come up with something romantic. They just don't want to. We spoiled them. Why come up with ways to take a fortress if the fortress was opened of its own free will?

We met at work. Surprisingly, we not only worked together, but also lived in neighboring houses. Therefore, the first date was simply a walk around the area. Well, I didn't mind getting some air. And walking around the yard, then around the neighboring one, we entered the entrance. Of course, kisses in the entrance and romantic conversations under the moon reminded me of my school years and first love.

The next day he accompanied me home again. The fact is that he was constantly working, aiming to become a senior employee and was forced to stay late. Our weekends coincided periodically. And he promised me the next time, during such a coincidence, a walk in the park with his dachshund. And I love dachshunds.

Only, the next time, when I was already getting ready for the promised walk, he said that today he simply needed to see his brother. And that next weekend we will definitely take a walk in the park with the dachshund.

The week flew by quickly; as always, he finished late. And I sat and waited for a walk in the park to happen. And then the weekend came. And what do you think? He suddenly had a business. It was vitally important for him to see his friend. Allegedly, he had serious problems. I'm already wary.

And when for the third week in a row, walking around the house and standing in the entrance, I felt that I was turning into an overgrown girl, I decided to pose the question point blank. Well, is it really too much to ask? Perhaps he was afraid that there, in the park, I would attack him? I don't know.
But, unfortunately, after my questions, there was no increase in initiative on his part.
But that's not why we broke up.

Sense of ownership

Quite natural for a man, isn’t it? But in moderation. Yes, a man has the privilege to claim his rights over a woman when the relationship is already serious and stable. But my uninitiative gentleman turned out to be, on top of everything else, a terrible owner.

I decided to visit a friend. It was evening and we stayed up until 10 o'clock. I was about to leave. Suddenly the phone rang. It was he.
"Where are you?" - an indignant question.
“Visiting a friend” - I didn’t lie.
"What the heck? It's already 10 pm! My girlfriend should be home at 9,” he stunned me. An angry tirade.
"Are you out of your mind?" - That’s all I could ask.
“Give the phone to your friend. I’ll come for you now, and so that this will be the last time,” the voice on the phone finally finished me off.

Of course, I didn’t give the phone to my friend. I'm not that kind of girl. It is still important for me to have my own space and a certain amount of freedom. Moreover, considering that our romance was at most a month old. It didn't last much longer.

In fourth and fifth place I would put the lack of a sense of humor and tediousness.

I am sure that if a man is endowed with intelligence, a sense of humor and a sense of proportion, then such unpleasant stories should not happen. Although, for sure, even such unlucky suitors will certainly find their Malvina. Which will give the phone to a friend, and be content with cooled coffee and pistachio.
Reznik Christina for the website website

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We will not now consider men who are already married or alcoholics and drug addicts. We will talk about character qualities that usually appear before marriage..., but to a lesser extent and do not cause any special problems in life. But in marriage they become aggravated and take on ugly and incompatible normal life forms.

1. The man is a “narcissist”

This is a person who loves himself and envies himself. A man who imagines himself in all respects, who believes that he is the center of the world, and everything else is around him and for him, is unlikely to be able to become support and hope for a woman. He is not able to take care of anyone and take anyone into account. He will always underestimate his lady, being sure that he deserves the best and that the best will come to him if he only blinks. He will act as if he is doing a favor to the whole world that lives in him, and the world should be immensely happy about this. A “narcissist” is capable of loving only one person in life - himself, and it does not matter at all whether he has any merits or not. I don’t know if it’s even possible to build a relationship with such a person.

2. The man is pathologically ambitious

The expression “pathologically” distinguishes a person who is normally ambitious from someone who has morbid ambitions. A woman, like a car, a house, a job, children, a dog, he needs only for a certain status and must certainly be better than everyone else. He will not tolerate any shortcomings in his wife and will be ashamed of his own children if they do not turn out to be brilliant, and he will shoot the dog or sell it if he loses at the exhibition.

No woman can stand living with such a man. He is intolerant, rude, demanding, and can even use physical force to make the woman and children obedient. His family is far from the first place in importance. What is more important is your career, your social circle, “useful” connections, and influential acquaintances. He will never satisfy his ambitions, and therefore will never “calm down.”

3. Male tyrant

At first glance, he can pass for a “real man.” But in fact, he is capable of turning the life of any person next to him into constant torment, especially if it is his wife. But sometimes a woman blinded by love cannot see the tyrant in a man or mistakenly hopes that he will change, and therefore starts a close relationship with him. And then he lives in constant tension and fear. But he’s even more afraid to leave. But a tyrant man entangles his victim in nets and, not only lets him go, does not even allow him to move freely.

Tyranny is a way of self-affirmation, in this way a person tries to overcome his inferiority complex, to prove to everyone, and above all to himself, that he is worth something in this life. Depending on how strong a personality the tyrant is, one holds the country in fear and tries to conquer the whole world, while the other is content with turning the lives of those close to him into hell. There is no point in hoping for its correction. He doesn't know how to live any other way.

4. Jealous man

Jealousy, within reasonable limits, is characteristic of all men, but when it goes beyond what is reasonable, the life of his woman turns into hard labor. The paranoid roarer is another type of man you should stay away from. Everything seems like betrayal to him, every detail in behavior, every gesture, every word he can interpret in favor of his suspicions. Jealousy is a manifestation of an inferiority complex, a desire to possess property. Even if at first jealousy seems like a sure sign of a great, deep feeling, it has nothing to do with love and respect. This is a serious illness. It doesn’t matter at all whether a woman gives reasons for jealousy or not. He himself will find someone to be jealous of and why. A woman who has linked her life with a jealous, paranoid man cannot count on a quiet life and even risks ending up in a criminal record.

5. Greedy man

If a man is stingy, then an alliance with him does not bode well. A quality that may initially seem positive turns out to be a terrible vice. Economy - frugality - greed - stinginess. This is a simple chain of transformations. You cannot create a normal family with a miser, because this quality manifests itself in everything. He is as stingy with feelings as he is with money. He is incapable of loving anyone, not even himself. He constantly limits himself and his family. Eating so as not to starve, dressing so as not to be naked, no gifts, no leisure. He has no friends and does not communicate with relatives, so he has no one to invite to visit and no one to go to. All this is expressed equally regardless of the size of his income. They say that a stingy man is sorry to even waste his own sperm once again, so he rarely has sex. He will ask his wife to account for every penny spent, if he allows her to touch the money at all. Attention! Over the years, stinginess worsens.

Many women idealize the person with whom they decide to connect their lives, and over time they become very disappointed in him. You shouldn't expect too much from people, because every person has their own strengths and weaknesses. But there are those that are worse than others.

The wife may not even realize that her husband treats her badly. Because of this, I think it's worth talking about the qualities that all bad husbands have in common to help many women understand that they don't deserve to be treated that way. Here are some qualities of bad husbands:

1. They are jealous and controlling.

Trust is an essential requirement for a healthy relationship. When a man doesn't trust his wife, he often becomes jealous and suspicious of everything she does. This type of husband forces his wife to sacrifice her dreams, career, life and freedom. This makes him feel like he has everything under control.

2. They are cold and inconsiderate.

The husband does not put his wife as a priority. He doesn't care about her feelings, let alone her wishes. They live selfishly and do not value their wife's qualities, making her feel abandoned and lonely.

3. They are quite critical

Nothing his wife does is good enough. This type of husband will always find something to criticize and complain about. He sees only the negative sides of what is happening. He will not take responsibility for his actions and will always blame his wife for everything.

4. They love porn

Pornography addiction is the cause of many problems in relationships. This is disrespect for his wife, it shows a lack of commitment to the relationship and indicates his terrible character.

5. They are rude and impolite

Bad husbands use terrible language. They are always angry and behave in a rude, grumpy manner, and worse, they are prone to violence and insult.

6. They don't cooperate

Some do not contribute to the family's income. Others believe that by attracting income, they are already doing so much for the family. This attitude results in the husband stretching out on the couch watching TV or going out with friends without bothering to help his wife with any housework or childcare.

7. They are characterized by lies and infidelity.

They also do not deal with the truth because the truth is usually quite dark due to their biases or infidelity. To make things even worse, these husbands will produce a web of lies to support or cover up with other lies until they are completely entangled. They are immature and do not recognize their wives and family as the basis of life that every person should be truly happy. These men's wives end up unhappy, dissatisfied and insecure.