The most memorable day at school (Essay on a free topic). What do you remember about your school years? Essay on the topic Our school life


My best day at school.

Every family has holidays that are celebrated by the whole family and become traditional. For me, such a holiday has always been the Day of Knowledge, September 1st. As far as I can remember, my dad always bought us a watermelon and a cake on this day, my mother was very elegant, and there were bouquets of flowers all over the apartment... Of course, my mother was a primary school teacher. She still works at the school – for 36 years. But this holiday appeared in our family even earlier - my grandmother was also a teacher, who worked at school first as a primary school teacher, and then as a director for more than 30 years. So I am a 3rd generation teacher.

I had to study in 3 different secondary schools, one music school, a pedagogical school and a pedagogical university. And this is so many Days of Knowledge! But I’ve been working for all 11 years in the same school, and the best was the Day of Knowledge on September 1, 1999, the day when I, who graduated from a pedagogical school 2 months ago, celebrated my 19th birthday 3 weeks ago and on the same day, who became a part-time student at a pedagogical university, 2 weeks ago, who crossed the threshold of the school as a young specialist, met her very first 1st grade in her life. It seems like 10 years is a long time, but I remember this day like yesterday.

For 2 whole weeks I worked at the school as a teacher-organizer, but I already knew that another class was opening in which I would be the teacher. But these 2 weeks were not in vain - in the educational department I took part in developing the script for the Day of Knowledge, and, of course, became a “participant in the events”, a “hero” - Malvina. The trial training had already passed, I knew who I would meet. But I had little idea how I could combine “teacher” and “artist.” For this day, everything was ready “in pairs”: a dress suit, a teacher’s suit, 1 piece, and Malvina’s suit with frills and bows. The script is a congratulations to the students of my class and congratulations to all the first-graders of the school... It would seem that everything was thought out, but it did not fit into the framework. I decided to rely on fate.

The surprises began right in the morning - the day turned out to be cloudy, and the question of canceling the line was being decided: it was better to congratulate the students in class than to get soaked in the rain. But this issue was not resolved either - the rain had not yet started! I came in full dress, as befits a teacher. But, “in life”, wearing a smoothly combed ponytail and using virtually no makeup, she “added” carefully fixed curls and brightly colored eyelashes to her costume - a tribute to Malvina.

I met the children and disappeared. The first change of clothes began - I put on a lilac dress, knee socks, bows... Done! But then it started to rain - it was necessary to cancel the line. I didn’t have time to put on my suit anymore, I just took off my bows and knee socks. My appearance, to put it mildly, surprised both children and parents. I already looked no more than 15 years old, and here... But by the time the congratulations began, I was already standing next to the children. However, the announcement that was made by the administration after a short congratulation surprised me too - the line was canceled for everyone except... first-graders. They were invited to the assembly hall for a performance. That is, I disappeared once again, entrusting my kids to my mother (fortunately, 1 B and 1 C were even standing next to each other on the line, like my mother and I, the teachers of these classes) and rushed to change clothes. I no longer cared much about whether I needed to touch up my lips and eyes, where to attach the bows or where the mirror was – no time for that! However, remembering the role and getting into character also takes time, but it was gone. But there was no time to worry!

I must say, in my opinion, I performed well - I didn’t forget the words, and the character turned out well. But most of all, my future wards applauded me - they recognized me by my dress, as, fortunately, did their parents. And how envious the other first-graders were when 1 V was taken away by Malvina! They looked at the stage with hope, but neither Pinocchio, nor the fox Alice, nor the cat Basilio came out to them to say “I am your teacher” and take them away. Then there was also a lot of interesting things: meeting the children, the parents, the first flowers, the first lesson, congratulations...

In conclusion, I would like to say that these guys graduated from 11th grade in May. While studying in elementary school, they saw their teacher in the role of Pinocchio, and the Buffoon, and the clown, and the Snow Maiden, and even the “goddess of music and choral singing,” not to mention the “simple presenter.” They are used to everything.

And I still remember this day as my best day at school!

Zakharova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 33”

with in-depth

My best day at school.

My best day at school was the day when the literary ring was held. Parallel classes took part in it. Each class had to show a short scene from any work. It is very interesting! The children put on beautiful and funny costumes. And they performed like real artists. The students' performance was evaluated by a jury. After the performance, the winners were awarded certificates. Our class took first place! I was very happy! I had a lot of positive emotions. I would like to see events like this held more often. And the children willingly participated in them. I like my school!

Diana Demidova, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.

My best day at school.

I had many days at school that I can call the best. For example, these are the days when I or my classmates have a birthday. They give us different gifts: a beautiful photo frame, a phone stand. And Valentine's Day is also a wonderful holiday. I really love receiving Valentine's cards. And once we had a relay race. There were six third graders. I wanted to win so much, I even trembled when I ran. And we won! My friends and I were so happy!!! And, of course, the best day at school is when our beloved teacher, Ekaterina Vladimirovna, praises us. After all, without her the day is never the best!

Garipova Albina, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


My best day at school.

One Monday, my birthday, I came to school. Louise and I went to the library before classes. And when they came to class, they saw that the entire board was painted with multi-colored crayons, and in the center it was written: “Happy Birthday!” I was so surprised and happy! Then at recess all the girls and I played tag. And on this day, our lesson schedule changed a little: music and Russian were swapped, because we had a rehearsal in music, and we went to another room. And the inscription on the board was allowed not to be erased all day.

Polina Zakharova, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.

My best day at school.

My best day at school was New Year's. Then I came to school and put on my ball gown, and then we went to the New Year's party. There were various competitions, we danced around the Christmas tree, danced, sang songs. Then we were given New Year's gifts, which we were really looking forward to. These were the most memorable moments of that day. Looking forward to the Christmas tree this year!

Isaeva Adelina, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


My best day at school.

I had many good days at school, but I especially remember the next day. This was in 3rd grade, 4th quarter. All year I tried to study in such a way as to become an excellent student. Not all subjects were easy for me, but I tried hard. And now the day has come to announce the grades. I was very nervous. When it was my turn, I found out my grades: all A's and only one B in English. Of course, I was very happy! I will try to study just as well this year. And even better, to fix this four.

Kalabina Margarita, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


My best day at school.

My best day at school is Saturday because the lessons are the most interesting on that day, especially technology. Technology is interesting because we make some toys. Also in technology, I like to carry out information projects. The next lesson is the world around us. I like to retell or answer questions on it. And first on Saturday is an English lesson. I like to learn new English words in class and learn them.

That's why Saturday is my best day at school.

Ruslan Azizov, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


My best day at school.

It was the first day I went to school.

In the morning, my parents and I approached our school. My first teacher Ekaterina Vladimirovna met us there. That's when I saw my classmates for the first time. They were just like me, dressed in school uniforms, and we all had bouquets and colorful balloons in our hands. Various people congratulated us at the line: the director, teachers, high school students. After the line we went to our class. And after school we were invited to a celebration where first-graders from all schools in our city gathered.

It was a lot of fun at the holiday. We danced there and played different games. There was even a clown there. We were given many different gifts. Although I was a little tired, I was very happy to finally become a student!

Karimov Bulat, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


My best day at school.

My best day at school is February 23rd. On this holiday, Defenders of the Fatherland Day, women give gifts to all men. Lessons on February 22 are short. On this day, the girls give us gifts, and after school there is a tea party in the classroom. I liked this day because it was very fun and interesting to play games with my classmates.

Brundukov Vladislav, student of 4th grade D, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 33 with in-depth

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


My best day at school.

My favorite subject at school is physical education. One day my class and I went outside and we wanted to play football. Everyone was divided into teams. Shamil, Danil, Rishat and Rustem played with me. I stood on the goal and fought off all the shots. The other team also played well. And then the fun began: they started taking penalties. I parried all five blows. Luckily their goalkeeper made a mistake and missed one shot. We won!

Sharifzanov Bulat, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


My best day at school.

My best day at school is September 1st. Then everyone was dressed very nicely. Mom and I took flowers and went to school. Everything happened there in the backyard. The girls performed first. They danced and sang. Then everyone went to class and I met some of the boys. We were given books and workbooks. And we gave flowers to our teacher, and then we studied a little. We started getting ready to go home. All was good!

I also remember how we rode the excursion tram. We took something to drink with us. I sat next to Almaz. I liked the clowns there. They were very funny and came up with various interesting competitions. And then everyone started dancing right on the tram. Overall, it was just a great day!

Danilov Maxim, student of 4th grade D, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


My best day at school.

My best day at school is the last day of school before the New Year. On this day there is only one lesson or all the lessons are short, and then we all celebrate the New Year at school: we dance around the Christmas tree in the festive hall, and then we receive gifts. But to be honest, I like it when there are few lessons. And the holidays are still ahead!

Osipov Valery, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


My best day at school.

My best day at school is the first of September. This is the Day of Knowledge. I missed my beloved school and classmates throughout the holidays. And we also have the best teacher in the world! On this day everyone is beautiful and kind. I love all the subjects that we study at school. It's so great to study here!

Rakhmatullin Almaz, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


My best day at school.

My best day at school is September 2nd. Because on the second of September we start studying. On this day we have our first lesson and are given our first homework. There are few lessons on the second of September. This is very good. The first two days at school are so good: you see your friends and teachers again. That's why this is my best day at school.

Egorova Natalya, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


My best day at school.

I consider September 1st to be the most joyful and exciting day at school. After the long summer holidays, it is so wonderful to go to school again along a familiar road, to meet your favorite teacher and classmates at the school gates. Everyone is full of energy and ready to gain new knowledge. It's so nice to start the new school year with a clean slate, and it seems that this year I will study even better.

Despite the fact that there are many other holidays at school, I consider September 1 the main holiday of the school, teachers and students.

Fatikhova Luiza, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


My best day at school.

I really like studying at our school. Of course, there are not only better and funnier days. After all, this is a school. Sometimes there are days that are more difficult, harder. And the best day at school for me is the day when I received the highest mark, 5/5, for the test in the Tatar language. I was the only student in the class who received this grade. And I was very happy because, starting from the first grade, the Tatar language was difficult for me, despite the fact that I myself am from a Tatar family. This result gave me even more incentive to study my native language. I realized that my mother's help and my desire to have an excellent grade in this subject lead to decent results. At the moment, I remember that very day very well and consider it the best at school.

Mukhametshina Milyausha, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


My best day at school.

I spent the best day at school on April 1st. On this day, from the very morning, everyone was pranking and joking with each other. The girls of our class staged a small concert. And I took an active part in it. We dressed up like Grandmothers-Hedgehogs from the cartoon. The music started playing, and we ran out of the classroom, some on a broom, some with a pipe from a vacuum cleaner. The spectators were stunned by our appearance, and while we danced, we sang funny ditties. Everyone really liked our comic number, we received a long round of applause. Then there were other numbers, but ours turned out to be the coolest. After the concert we took pictures in our costumes. Now we have a memory of this day forever - our photo.

Alena Andryukova, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


My best day at school.

The best day at school, in my opinion, is Valentine's Day. On this day, all school students are in a romantic mood.

High school students have a unique opportunity to express their feelings through radio broadcasts, and elementary school students express their sympathies in all kinds of “Valentines”. The student who collects the most "Valentines" wins the title "Valentine" or "Valentina". The rest are looking forward to next year to win the honorary title.

This day is also pleasant for me because it continues my birthday, which I celebrate on February 13th.

Happy upcoming Valentine's Day to everyone!

Kamilla Yamaleeva, 4th grade student D, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 33 with advanced

learning English" in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.

Tryasucheva Sofia

Sofia participated in the All-Russian competition "Student of the Year 2011/2012". One of the assignments was to write an essay about the most remarkable event in school life. Sophia wrote about a wonderful day that she will never forget. This day is September 1, 2011, when she went to school for the first time.



Creative work on the topic:

“The most wonderful event of my school life”

I want to write about one wonderful day from my school life that I will never forget. This day is September 1, 2011, when I went to school for the first time. I was looking forward to the first day of autumn. And now the long-awaited day has arrived!

This morning I woke up very early. I wanted to go to school as quickly as possible. I put on my new school uniform and new shoes. My mom gave me a beautiful hairstyle with big white bows. Dad bought a beautiful bouquet of flowers for my first teacher. I took my school backpack, and the whole family went to school.

It was a sunny, warm morning. There were a lot of people at the school - children and adults. Everyone was dressed up, cheerful, with bouquets of flowers. I was in a great mood, but still a little worried. I saw the guys from my class, and together we approached our first teacher Tatyana Vyacheslavovna, who greeted us with a smile on her face. She gave us yellow ties and badges that said 1st “B” grade. Mom tied a tie for me and attached a badge to my white blouse. I immediately felt like a first-grader. Then all the children lined up in pairs. Music started playing. The ceremonial line has begun. First, teachers and older students spoke, and then they invited us, first-graders. The guys read poems about school, and now it was my turn.

"Our first very-very

Ring, ring the bell!

Come home moms

It's time for us to go to class!" - I read these lines expressively.

Immediately after this I saw a great fairy-tale hero - Puss in Boots. He walked hand in hand with a little boy who was holding a bell. And then my very first bell rang! How much joy I experienced at that moment! After finishing the line, the teacher and the guys and I went to our class. The class was very beautiful. It was decorated with colorful balloons. Colorful posters with congratulations for September 1 hung on the walls. And on the desks were new textbooks. Our first ever lesson, “Journey to the Land of Knowledge,” has begun. All the children and I listened carefully to the teacher. First we met the guys. We had a toy in our hands - a small red heart. We passed it on to each other and said our first and last names. Then Tatyana Vyacheslavovna presented all the children with a First-Grade Certificate, congratulated us on the start of the school year and wished us success in our studies. During the lesson, we counted how many boys and girls there were in our class, answered the teacher's questions, solved problems, solved riddles and colored with colored pencils. The lesson was very interesting and all the students liked it! After the end of the lesson, we presented our bouquets of flowers, which lay on our desks throughout the lesson, and our parents came for us. They also congratulated us and took photographs with the first teacher and the children as a souvenir. And as a farewell, we were given a balloon, which just wanted to fly into the sky, on the way home. I left school with a joyful feeling. I loved it at school! And our kind first teacher, and the ruler, and the lesson, and the guys. "For the first time in first class!" - I repeated many times. Back to school tomorrow! Hooray! And at home there was a birthday cake waiting for me, which we bought to celebrate the most wonderful event of my school life.

Tryasucheva Sofia,

student of 1st "B" class

MBOU Astrakhan "Secondary School No. 49"

One of the most memorable days in my life was the day I went to school for the first time. I really wanted to go there because some of my friends had already become schoolchildren, and I was drawn to them. For a long time I fantasized about how I would sit at my desk, listen to the teacher, learn to read

And write.

But when the day finally came, I was scared. Mom woke me up in the morning and said that it was time to go to school, a new uniform and a bouquet of flowers were waiting for me for the teacher. I told her that I didn’t want to go and would rather stay at home. Mom was very surprised, because she knew how much I wanted to go to first grade. She had to persuade me and explain that there was nothing wrong with it, and I would make a lot of new friends at school.

When I approached the school, there were already a lot of people there, they were all fussing and making noise. Then we were lined up in the schoolyard on a line. I was paired with a girl, Tanya (she and I are still friends). The lineup was very solemn,

The director congratulated everyone on the start of the new school year, the older children sang songs dedicated to the school season. At the end, an eleventh-grader walked across the yard, with a girl sitting on his shoulder and ringing a bell. This was my first call.

After the ceremony ended, we were taken to class. It turned out that he was on the second floor. Our classroom was large and bright, there were flowers in pots on the windowsill, and various tables and a map of the world hung on the walls. The teacher, Maria Anatolievna, seated us at our desks and began teaching the first lesson. She talked about our school, about what we would study during the first school year. And then she invited everyone to introduce themselves and tell about themselves in two or three sentences. After the lesson we were given books and sent home.

Essays on topics:

  1. School is probably the most fun time of my life. When I went to kindergarten, I dreamed of going to...
  2. I'm Katya. I want to talk about one of my days at school. I'm in the 6th grade. My class is not...
  3. School is a second home, as people say. The first teacher is the second mother. Class teacher from fifth to...

In one of the Russian language exercises in 2nd grade, it was asked to remember your first day at school, write an essay, sharing your memories and impressions.

I was looking forward to September 1st. I've been preparing for this day all summer. And so, when it came, I was very worried. There were so many people on the line that I was confused. When we came to class after the line, I didn’t know where to sit, since my classmates took all the seats. I sat on the last desk. But then the teacher seated us all differently.

We all experienced special joy when we released balloons into the sky and made wishes.

My first day of school was great and I will never forget it!

Adamyan Rimma

The very first day of school was very memorable for me. My mother and grandmother and I came to school in a good mood and waited for the line to start. There was music and there were a lot of flowers and balloons. The first bell rang for us first-graders on the line. And then the teacher took us to class. In class we got to know each other, played, and ate a loaf that the high school students gave us. For me, the first day of school was a holiday!

Dobrinsky Vyacheslav

On my first day at school, I met my teacher and my classmates. I really enjoyed my first lessons, especially the math lesson. During recess, I went out into the corridor and looked around our school. I noticed that it was spacious and bright.

On the first day, everything seemed unusual. I got a lot of new impressions. I immediately liked studying. I will remember my first day of school forever, I will tell my children about it. After all, from the first day I found new friends at school and a lot of interesting things for myself.

Bilalov Ilfat

Holding tightly to my mother’s hand, with fear and trembling, I entered the school yard for the first time. First class... Ceremonial line. How hard the heart beats, how many incomprehensible and interesting things are around! I am met by my first teacher in my life, Anna Vladimirovna. The first lessons were very interesting, easy and fun for us. I was surrounded by the smiling faces of my classmates. Looking at the guys, I knew that this would be the friendliest class!

Small Lily

When I was still a preschooler, I really wanted to go to school. On the first day of school I was very worried. I put on a suit, took flowers, and my mother and I went to school. My first teacher met us near the school. She led me to a class where there were already other children. Everyone was making noise, laughing, and rejoicing. The teacher taught our first lesson - the Knowledge Lesson. Unfortunately, the first day of school ended very quickly; I will remember it for the rest of my life!

Each student has different memorable days at school. My most memorable day at school is the first of September in first grade. And this is the most joyful day in school life. Of course, there are still many pleasant events that happened or will happen in my school life, but I will always remember this day.

As a child, I really loved playing “school” with my mother. Either I was a teacher or she. My mother worked at a school, and when I was little I often came to work with her. And from very early childhood I knew what school was like. But for some reason the first of September turned out to be an exciting and memorable day in my school life. On this day I woke up early.

I couldn't sleep. I was going through. I didn’t know who my first teacher would be, what my classmates would be like, or whether we would become friends. I waited with trepidation for the moment when the teacher would teach us to read and write. And with delight she sorted through the contents of the briefcase, which contained school supplies.

Mom braided my hair. I wore a nice school uniform. And I went to school with a large bouquet of flowers. My mother introduced me to my first teacher.

I remember the first school line. There were a lot of children, parents and teachers. All the children were smartly dressed. Girls have big white bows, boys have ties. High school students sang songs, read poems, and danced. Schoolchildren were congratulated on the first day of autumn. The first-graders were especially congratulated. A high school student carried a first-grader on his shoulder, who had a ringing bell in her hand. The director read out a solemn speech.

My first teacher's name is Elena Vladimirovna. She greeted all the first-graders very warmly. She told me about school. She took us to the office. Our class became very friendly with her. At every lesson she told interesting stories. She explained the school curriculum very well. She never scolded us, probably because there was no reason. This is how a teacher should behave so that children are interested in going to school. We had a very friendly class.

I will always remember my first September in first grade. This is the most wonderful day.