Scenario for the Lyceum holiday, cherished day.docx - Scenario for the holiday “Lyceum cherished day. Extracurricular event “Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, which gave the world Pushkin and many more glorious names that glorified Russia Day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum in the library scripts


Scenario for the Day of the Pushkin Lyceum


to instill in the younger generation a sense of native language; through understanding the beauty of language, its richness, and inexhaustible possibilities to achieve competent oral and written speech. The language of the works of our classics, in particular, poems, poems, and fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, should become an inexhaustible ocean for the speech, intellectual, and moral development of students.

Scene. Pushkin is sitting at the table on which there is a sign “01/11/1825”.

In front of him stands a decanter of fruit drink and a cup. Arina Rodionovna sits next to her

and knits something. On the wall is the inscription “Mikhailovskoye”. Pushkin thoughtfully

looks at the decanter, pours the fruit drink, drinks it and says:


How long has it been a noisy day of separation,

It’s been a long time since Bacchus had a riotous feast.

I have no friends with me, crazy youth,

Now solitude is my idol.

And how gloriously we feasted:

Glasses, drained to the bottom,

They sang freedom and liberty,

Blessing Bacchus the Naughty.

"Love, hope, quiet glory

Deception did not last long for us,

The youthful fun has disappeared

Like a dream, like morning fog.” (Pushkin)

Now alone, a disgraced poet,

I’m sitting in my Mikhailovsky,

To the sounds of sad autumn

I while away the evening with the nanny alone.

Oh, where are you, friends of carefree youth,

Will I look forward to meeting you?

Will I hug you with heartfelt joy,

Shall I shake hands with you, my friends?

The bell is ringing. Pushchin enters.


Well, hello, Pushkin, dear friend,

Finally, we met you.

I see: all in useful works,

Poring over the next chapter? (there is a manuscript on the table

"Eugene Onegin")


I'm glad!

“...The poet’s house is disgraced

Oh, my Pushchin, you were the first to visit;

You sweetened the sad day of exile,

You turned it into the day of the Lyceum.” (Pushkin)


Come on, we'll have a drink at the Lyceum,

For friendship, for love and for freedom!

For the already thinning circle of friends,

Whom do we lose more and more every year?

Pushkin and Pushchin silently clink their cups

With fruit drink and drinking while standing.


Maybe we'll drink with you for the last time

And I won’t see you again.

Let's forget our sorrows for an hour,

Let's forget about sadness, about captivity.


(raising the cup of fruit drink high and smiling):

Fun! Be to the grave

Our faithful companion.

And let us both die

At the sound of full bowls! (Pushkin)

And they sing a song:


("Hussar Ballad")

We will remember youthful fun,

And then our souls will feel warm.

You and I don't need fame,

Let us keep the warmth of the lyceum friendship forever!

Our Bacchus is peaceful, forever young,

He was always at one with the lyceum students.

We will tune the strings in his honor

But we haven’t drunk wine for a long time, a long time ago.

Let it be with sad joy

Today we will see the bowls, the bottom of the bowl.

Don't forget, my friend is disgraced,

You have been dear to me for a long time, a long time ago.

Having finished the song, Pushchin hugs Pushkin and says goodbye to him with the words:

“Farewell, friend Pushkin, do not remember ill,” then leaves.

On the table there is a sign “April 1825”. Pushkin walks around the room,

mutters something, then sits down at the table, writes it down.

The bell is ringing. Anton Delvig enters.

Delvig (embracing Pushkin):

Hello, Frenchman, hermit poet,

How long have I not seen you!

I thought you were on vacation, "slacker"(picks up a stack of sheets)

And you don't take care of yourself at all.

Let's pour some fruit drink, not foamy wine.(he pours into cups, raises

And let's drink to our union, the Decembrists,his, clinks glasses with Pushkin

Let's drain the cup to the bottom! and drinks)


“And you came, inspired son of laziness,

The heat of the heart, lulled for so long,

And I cheerfully blessed fate.” (Pushkin)

Delvig and Pushkin, hugging and talking, leave the room.

Pushkin (alone again):

Oh my dear friends!

“I anticipate a pleasant meeting;

Remember the poet's prediction:

A year will fly by, and I will be with you again.

The covenant of my dreams will come true:

A year will fly by, and I will appear to you!..” (Pushkin)

Pushkin leaves.

A sign “10/19/2011” appears on the table. Russian language lesson.

The teacher sits at the table and reads excerpts from essays aloud.

Students are sitting in front of her. The excerpts are:

1. At Troikurov’s kennel there were racing dogs.

2. Plyushkin laid a bunch of dubra across the middle of the room and for a long time

I admired her.

3. The sailors were drifting on an ice floe.

4. It’s not easy to fly on casters, but he learned (about Meresyev).

5. Prince Nikhlyudov was a Swedish man and smeared himself with perfume.


I feel sorry for you, young generation:

You don't respect your native language at all.

Writing in Russian for you is torment,

For you, the mighty Russian is not great.

The rich language, Russian, was spoken

Tolstoy and Gogol, Dostoevsky and Leskov...

He was idolized, known and loved

Akhmatova, Nabokov, Chukovsky and Krylov...

And Pushkin, our great, glorious genius

(“Live now again among us”),

He, speaking in Russian, addressed generations,

I would have expressed this thought immediately:

Enter Pushkin, Pushchin, Delvig, Gorchakov, Kuchelbecker.

Pushkin: “Hello, young, unfamiliar tribe!”

The students stand up to greet the guests.


“How long will you, arrogant descendants,

Will you laugh at the Russian language?

Poems and prose are ugly wrecks

Your children will absorb with their mother's milk!

Then there will be no poets among them,

And I'm not talking about writers!

They are only enough to write couplets,

But I don’t even ask for sonnets and poems!

Wake up, you sleepy sloths!

God help you, my friends!

Place your right hands on the books,

Let your golden days come!”

Pushkin and the guests leave, arguing about something.

Celebration scenario for Lyceum Student Day


Hello, dear guests! We are glad that everyone gathered in this hall for our holiday.

We would live like those days,

We would live easily and boldly,

Test no limits

For misfortune and love,

And like the lyceum students

Gather by the fire

In October, purplish-leaved

19th day!

A.S. Pushkin wrote about his Lyceum years: “At the beginning of my life, I remember school...” And how can I forget it, if here he spent six extraordinary years, here his poetic talent developed, here at the Lyceum, he found friendship, learned the joy of first creative success.

The first Pushkin graduation was remembered by posterity for its talented students, and the opening day of the lyceum - October 19 - became for many a day of trust, sincerity, and understanding.

And I am so pleased now, having forgotten about the worries of our hectic life, to exclaim: “Happy holiday to you! Happy Open Hearts Day!”

Let us now mentally transport ourselves to Tsarskoye Selo of the 19th century.

Lyceum game. The scene should be fast and fun.


Everyone get ready quickly - we'll play lyceum!

(Directors and Minister may introduce themselves)

Razumovsky: Here is Minister Razumovsky.

Malinovsky: Here is director Malinovsky.

Engelhardt: Here is director Engelhardt.

Emperor Alexander 1: Take a step back.

Alexander, Tsar of Russia!

Has everyone who is needed been invited?

Girl: They're invited, they're here.

Emperor: Let me read the decree.

Here is the sanctuary of sciences!

Now we open the doors -

Youth are invited

It's a great place to learn

Work hard for Russia

To the temple of science quickly,

To the Imperial Lyceum.

The public walks in Tsarskoe Selo.

Something new... have you heard?

Yes, they called it a lyceum.

What does this lyceum mean?

We need to find out quickly!

Aristotle taught this.

He lived in Athens then.

And walking along the alleys,

He thought about Lika.

And in the Russian way, the Lyceum.

And there are plenty of alleys here.

They say they won't beat you!

How can you teach without this?

You are a savage! Shame on you? I feel bad for Russia!

Training is six years.

This is what their teachers' council decided.

Someone else told me that there is a separate dormitory for everyone.

They made the right decision. Wonderful. It's comfortable to be alone.

^ One of the fathers: Yes! Love letter

Write in the silence of the night...

And this is his wife: Not a spouse, but a punishment.

Well, let's go home quickly.

Reader: Everyone first very quickly

Pass the exam with the minister!

Razumovsky in his office.

Are all the kids here yet?

^ In chorus: Everyone has gathered. And in excitement.

Razumovsky: All children come to me quickly!

A group of boys. Everyone is very worried.

Passes the exam Volkhovsky. Shows Razumovsky the sheet. Razumovsky looks attentively.

Razumovsky: Well... Math is great!

Shows another sheet.

Razumovsky: The story is pretty good!

Third sheet.

Razumovsky: Literature - beautiful, catchy style! So... What's your last name?


Gorchakov gesticulates. The face is very smart.

Razumovsky: Well? The answers are perfect.

Very, very, very commendable!

I don’t regret bright words!

What is your last name?


^ Pushkin. Pushkin must pronounce 2-3 phrases in French.

Razumovsky: Well... You showed top class in French!

Pushkin holds out a sheet of paper.

Razumovsky: What about the Russians, your native ones? Not very good. Try.

Study more Russian.

He holds out another sheet.

Razumovsky: An excellent gift in history! Who are you?

I am Pushkin Alexander!

Razumovsky: So how many will they study?

Girl: ABOUT! Mister Minister! thirty!

Blue uniforms shone

And red collars

Under the Sun of Northern Palmyra

Students flocked to the lyceum.

October Blue Celebration Day

It was a friends birthday...

Hope, the future of Russia

Kunitsyn saw that lyceum.

Pushchin and Kuchelbecker were here

And Pushkin and Delvig - a quartet

Where is the place for friendly guardianship?

And the pranks of the lyceum years.

“My friends, our union is wonderful!”

Here Pushkin exclaims with delight,

And the punch plays in his hands,

And you can hear the pleasant whisper of muses...

“My friends, our union is wonderful!”

Yes, there is continuity of traditions!..

Another October, and another day,

And the new Pushkin Kunitsyn

The formation looks at the lyceum students.

But the goal is the greatness of Russia -

Still the same. Young hearts

Will make every effort

Be a lyceum student to the end.

And with every new anniversary

Strengthen the union of mind and hands.

Lyceum - the foot of the peak,

Republic of Natural Sciences.

My friends! Our union is wonderful!

We exclaim just like the poets.

9 muses lead us along the road.

And we are all proud of this road.

Students hold in their hands the letters that make up the word L I C E I S T

L is love! Love for life, for knowledge, for science!

And - this is intelligence!

C – purposefulness in life!

E – also respect for elders, father, mother, teachers!

And - and again we returned to I. And - this is an interest in everything new, intelligence.

S – the desire to be first, to be diligent.

T is for talent!

1: On October 19, 1811, in Tsarskoe Selo near St. Petersburg, thirty boys sat down at their desks and became lyceum students. These youths grew up to be poets, ministers, officers, rural couch potatoes and restless travelers. Over six years at the Lyceum, they became friends and carried this friendship throughout their lives. On October 19, 1811, an event occurred in Russia that largely determined its development for a hundred years to come.

2: Russia's path was glorious and thorny
With advanced thought and pen,
He was praised by the great lyceum student,
And we decided to remember the past.

^ 3: Today the Lyceum celebrates its holy anniversary.
The circle of friends grows every year,
They merge into a family as one.

4: My friends, our union is wonderful!
He, like the soul, is indivisible and eternal -
Unshakable, free and carefree,
He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.
Wherever fate throws us,
And happiness wherever it leads,
We are still the same: the whole world is a foreign land to us: Tsarskoe Selo is our Fatherland.

5: Famous, known to everyone Pushkin's lines. The poet will write them on October 19, 1825 in Mikhailovskaya exile, in the wilderness, completely alone, 300 miles from St. Petersburg. But he knows that there, in the distance, a circle of his lyceum comrades will definitely gather to celebrate the 14th birthday of the lyceum.

6: And as long as the last lyceum student is alive, this tradition will not be interrupted. And even when the last student from Pushkin’s class left this world, the holiday continued to be celebrated by lyceum students of subsequent generations, and its glory grew from year to year. And now many in our country consider October 19 to be the day when Russian poetry was born.

7: In those days when in the gardens of the Lyceum
I blossomed serenely
I read Akuleya willingly,
But I haven’t read Cicero,
In those days in the mysterious valleys,
In the spring, with swan wedges,
Near the waters shining above,
The muse began to appear to me.

9: Once upon a time, even before the beginning of our era, one of the outskirts of the Greek city of Athens was called Lyceum. There was a temple of Apollo, surrounded by a beautiful garden. And in the garden next to the temple there was the famous “gymnasium” - the school of the great teacher and philosopher of antiquity, Aristotle. This is where the first Russian lyceum gets its name. "1 The Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo was founded by decree of Alexander 1 in 1811. Great hopes were placed on it; it was supposed to prepare students for government activities and was equal to Russian universities.

10: Do you remember when the Lyceum appeared,
How the king opened the palace of Tsaritsyn for us,
And we came
And Kunitsyn met us,
Greetings between royal guests

11 :On October 19, the grand opening of the lyceum took place. Guests from St. Petersburg were arriving at the front porch of the large lyceum house. They went up the wide staircase to the second floor to the assembly hall. Here, between the columns, stood a table covered with red cloth with gold fringe. On the right side of the table, lyceum students lined up in three rows - 30 boys in identical blue uniforms, white trousers, and high boots.

12: Classes began and life began to flow smoothly. The program was extensive. The first 3 years were devoted to the study of languages: Russian, Latin, French, German, as well as mathematics, literature, rhetoric, history, geography, dancing, fencing, horse riding, and swimming.

^ 13: At the beginning of my life I remember school,
There were a lot of us, careless children,
An uneven and playful family...

14 :This is what Alexander Pushkin wrote about the Lyceum in 1830. The “Lyceum spirit” will be remembered for the rest of their lives by the lyceum students of the first – Pushkin graduation – it was the spirit of camaraderie and honor. Friendship without any meanness was sacred.

15: The rules of the lyceum read: “All students are equal as children of one father and family, and therefore no one can look down on others or be proud of anything. If anyone is caught in that vice, he occupies the lowest place in behavior until he corrects himself.”

16: Six years flew by like a dream,
In the arms of sweet silence,
And the fatherland is a calling
Ours thunders: march sons!
Farewell, brothers! Hand in hand!
Let's hug one last time!
Fate for eternal separation
Perhaps this is where we are related!
Keep, oh friends, keep
That friendship with the same soul!

^ 17: Graduates of the Lyceum glorified not only their name, but also the Lyceum and Russia. Here are their names:

18: Alexander Pushkin is a great Russian poet.

19: Fyodor Matyushkin - traveler-navigator, rear admiral, senator, Cape Matyushkin was named in his honor.

^ 20: Alexander Gorchakov – Secretary of the Russian Embassy in London

21: Konstantin Danzan - military officer, general.

22: Sergei Lomonosov – diplomat

2 3: Mikhail Yakovlev - Privy Councilor, Senator.

^ 24: Alexey Illichevsky is the head of a department of the Russian Ministry of Finance.

25: Semyon Yesakov is a colonel at the age of 30, awarded many awards for service to the Fatherland.

^ 26: Pavel Yudin - served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

27: And many others, whose names are written in golden letters in the history of Russia.

28: And today, on the day of the 197th anniversary of the founding of the Pushkin Lyceum, we proudly pronounce the words of the great Russian poet

29: Bless, jubilant muse,
Bless, long live the Lyceum!

^ 30: There is a feeling of kinship between Pushkin’s lyceum students and us, despite the eras that separate us.

31: They say that in reality
The lyceum students are gone,
But don't believe it people
Our lyceum releases them into the world.
Let our lyceum not Tsarskoye Selo,
Pushkin is not here, Delvig is not here,
But the charter of the lyceum brotherhood
It has been stored here for many years.

32: “Love of glory and the Fatherland should be your leaders,” Professor Kunitsyn taught his students - lyceum students. And today, at the beginning of the new millennium, Russia needs smart, honest and energetic citizens more than ever. Remember: love for glory and Fatherland should be your guides.

33: School is our second home. Love her, take care of her traditions, increase her glory. Remember that friends are given once. Love your school friends. Take good care of your lyceum friendship and carry it through your whole life.

34: Today the lyceum is buzzing like a hive,
We gathered all our friends for a visit.
We lived together as a lyceum family
We will welcome you with an open soul.

35: Remember that studying is the main work of a lyceum student. Don't humiliate yourself with idleness. Among people of honor, intelligence, education, and intelligence are always valued.

And together we will move forward.
And let under the banner of science
Our union is growing stronger and stronger!

How endless, how fast time is. Yes, time is getting faster and faster.

It’s already October, and winter is upon us. Today is the initiation into lyceum students.

And we remember moments today, The day was not chosen by chance: lyceum students

When the kids gathered in September. We came to the lyceum for the first time that day.

Two centuries have passed since those ancient days.

We remember the palace of Tsaritsyn,

We remember names and faces -

A wonderful union of true friends.

Lyceum student 1:

Today we welcome a new addition to our family. I would ask the 1st grade students to stand up. The solemn moment of taking the oath comes. Everyone stand up to take the oath!


When joining the ranks of the lyceum brotherhood, we take an oath:

Cherish the honor of a lyceum student


Strengthen the lyceum brotherhood


Love your profession


Strive for the ideals of goodness and justice


Come now, oh dear friends
Let's form our faithful circle
Congratulations to those who have re-entered the lyceum,
The Lyceum will remember your names.

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have

The spirit of enlightenment is preparing

And experience is the son of difficult mistakes

And genius is a friend of paradoxes.

And opening up a huge world

All in the same experimental way

We are walking along the road into the distance

With a big heavy backpack.

We are at the dedication holiday

We didn't come out to perform,

We just want to say:

Our commandments are five.

We will never forget them

We will always fulfill them.

True friendship will help us in business,

And there are so many interesting things to do

After all, the schoolboy’s first commandment is:

Kind heart, conscience and honor.

A good heart to everyone

The exact one will show the way

This is the right remedy

Don't forget about him.

We will try to comprehend everything in the world,

Turning studying into an adventure,

With knowledge comes skill,

To reach the heights of knowledge.

We will all learn to appreciate the dream,

Let's explore our native land, guys,

We will keep our love for Russia sacred:

Its history, fate and beauty.

Younger and older together

In good, good deeds

We are proud of our gymnasium:

Her fate is in our hands.

First graders sing the song “Top – Top”

Stomp-stomp, baby stomps

Up the steps of knowledge, not down!

We don’t suck on pacifiers or pacifiers,

And we are gnawing on the granite of science.

Chorus: Top-top! Top-top!

Not very easy

Top-top! Top-top!

First steps!

Top - top, don't waste time,

Get knowledge as soon as possible.

The path to the world of science is very difficult,

Remember this, don’t forget!

Soon, soon, soon we will grow up

And we will go to the lyceum to study.

Lyceum students, you are now

You will become teachers for us.

According to tradition, 1st grade dances the waltz.

And now our fabulous congratulations to the first graders.

Schoolchildren against "Wild Guitars"

Characters: Masha

Cat Matvey

Baba Yaga

Masha: Vitya, I have a surprise! Look! A package arrived from Vasilisa the Wise, and in it was this chest! And a note!

Vitya: This is a special chest!

It comes with a surprise and a secret!

He will always help in trouble,

Strength and knowledge will increase!

Baba Yaga flies in.

B.Ya.: But Baba Yaga is against it! What other knowledge! And so everyone became smart!

Sings (to the tune of “A grasshopper sat in the grass...”)

Children know everything these days!

You can't lure them into the net!

They will find answers to everything!

It's hard to fool them!

You can't lure them into the net!

Imagine, imagine!

It's hard to fool them!

Nasty kids!

Why are they looking into books?

We'd sit like mice!

In short, it's just terrible!

Imagine, imagine!

We'd sit like mice!

Imagine, imagine!

And these are just creepy!

What a present! We need to warn Kashchei!

Vitya: Baba Yaga is up to something! Masha, let's open the chest! Maybe he can tell you what to do.

(They take out a Magic Book from the chest)

Cat Matvey: Eh, little lambs are sweets,

Bars are rastabars!

We are the forest "Gems"

"Wild Guitars"!

We scream and strum

And we drum

And who will we find in the forest,

We won’t joke with that!

We'll tear you apart!

We'll tear you apart!

We'll tear you apart!

Hey, slow down! The soundtrack is stuck again!

Masha: Oh, yes, artists! Hilarious!

Vitya: Masha, wait! Uncle cat, can I ask?

Cat Matvey: What? Boy? Are you going to throw stones and shoot with a slingshot again? Better stay away, frrr!

Vitya: What are you talking about! I don't throw stones!

Cat Matvey: Girl? I love girls very much! Do you have sausage?

Masha: I don’t have any sausage! Shame on you! There's a school here! Children study here!

Cat Matvey: What school?

Cat Matvey: I heard that children are tortured at school!

Vitya: They don’t torture, they teach! All children are loved and respected here!

Matvey the cat: Do they teach these little ones? Children, don't go there! At school, they first hit me on the head with a ruler, and then leave me without lunch. Don't believe me? Ask your parents! Have you been hit on the head with a ruler? Did they leave you without lunch? Well, you're in luck! And now the children are wandering around without supervision, shooting with slingshots, dragging me by the tail!

Vitya: These are bad children, but here we are all good!

Cat Matvey: I don’t believe it! I do not believe!

Music starts playing!

Kashchei appears on a bicycle.

Kashchei sings to the tune of “I am a chocolate bunny...”

I am a handsome young man

I'm a rare bastard

Iron one hundred percent!

One hundred one hundred!

Excellent teacher

I work like a rescuer!

I always fight for it


So that the children all swear,

They kicked and pinched!

It's so funny

But but but!

When I see them with a book,

I just hate it!

I'll ruin it anyway!

Kashchei: What's here?

Cat Matvey: They say that I can’t sing!

Kashchei: Listen, Matvey! Once again I’ll hear your singing under the window - I won’t blow your head off! I didn't sleep all night because of you! My tooth hurt! What kind of crowd is this?

Baba Yaga: These are children. They want to study!

Kashchei: Study? Strange desire! So what does everyone want?

Baba Yaga: That's it, your Heartlessness!

Kashchei: Maybe I should grind them into powder?

Masha: Oh, we were so scared of you!

Kashchei: What? Yes, you know who I am!

Vitya: We know. You are Kashchei the Immortal, everything is written about you in books! And your teeth hurt because you are angry.

Masha: If you do a good deed, we will cure you!

Kashchei: I can’t! I was not taught to do good deeds!

Vitya: Ask the director to take you to school. Here they teach not only to read and write, but also to do good deeds.

Kashchei: Take me to your school, at least as a janitor. I will have eternal purity, because I am immortal!

Cat Matvey, Baba Yaga: Your Immortality, can we go to school too?

Kashchei: This is not for me, this is for the director. Your Wisdom, will you take my idiots to school?

Eh! Now let's dance!

Dance of grandmothers hedgehogs to music from the film " flying ship»

And we want to end our holiday with a song about our school.

Friends! Let's give each other hands

And together we will move forward.

And let under the banner of science

Our union is strengthening and growing!

Song based on “What is Autumn” by DDT Shevchuk

What is a school - these are walls,

Maybe it's the Head Teacher and the Director?

The school is a building and we will fill it

Kindness, care and love.

School, ours, a world of kindness.

In sports, win everyone.

What is school - it's children.

School is a different science.

The school is a home for many generations,

Everyone who cried leaving school.

Chorus: School, ours, you are the best,

School, ours, a world of kindness.

It’s a joy to receive knowledge here,

In sports, win everyone.

What is school - this is knowledge,

Class hours, lessons, dances.

We never forget school

We won't be able to say goodbye to her.

Chorus: School, ours, you are the best,

School, ours, a world of kindness.

It’s a joy to receive knowledge here,

In sports, win everyone.

Municipal state-financed organization culture

"Anapa centralized library system"

Children and Youth Library – branch No. 1


October 19 – Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum Day

Anapa, 2013

Do you remember: when the Lyceum appeared,

As a king, Tsaritsyn opened the palace for us.

And we came. And Kunitsyn met us

Greetings among royal guests.

A.S. Pushkin “It was time”

Over the 33 years of its existence, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum has graduated 286 people, including 234 in the civil sector, 50 in the military, 2 in the naval.

The Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum will remain forever in the history of Russia as one of the leading educational institutions of the first quarter of the 19th century.

Presenter (1): On October 19, 1811, in Tsarskoe Selo, 30 boys sat down at their desks and became classmates. A class as a class, boys as boys, who will become poets and ministers, officers and “state criminals”, rural homebodies and restless travelers...

Presenter (2): At the Lyceum they became friends, wrote poetry, published magazines, and played mischief. The time of their studies coincided with the events Patriotic War 1812, Battle of Borodino. They quickly grew up and matured. In 1825, some became participants in the Decembrist uprising on Senate Square in St. Petersburg.

Presenter (1): Nowadays, the word “lyceum” has again become modern and even fashionable. The need to call schools that are looking for new programs and new ways of teaching this way is natural and understandable: the charm of Pushkin’s poems has endowed this word with power. Now everyone knows: the Lyceum is a beloved, successful school that has educated many wonderful people.

But first of all, the Lyceum is the school where Alexander Pushkin spent his youth, where “his character developed - loving, ardent and independent.”

Reader (1):“A new institution,” recalled I.I. Pushchin, “which by its very name amazed the public in Russia - not everyone then had an idea about the colonnades and rotundas in the Athenian gardens, where Greek philosophers scientifically talked with their students.”

Presenter (2): The prototype of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was the Greek Lyceum. Lyceum, or lyceum, was the name of one of the three Athenian gymnasiums founded in 335 BC by Aristotle. It was located near the Temple of Apollo Lyceum in the northeastern suburb of Athens - Lyceum, in a beautiful picturesque place.

Like an ancient school, the Pushkin Lyceum is located in a small town - Tsarskoe Selo, green and elegant, among several parks. “Beautiful oak groves” would later become a source of poetic inspiration for Alexander Pushkin and his friends, an integral part of their six-year life in this educational institution.

Presenter (1): The creation of the lyceum was inextricably linked with the broad plans for the state transformation of Russia at the beginning of the reign of Emperor Alexander I. Pushkin’s line “Alexander’s days were a wonderful beginning” brings to us the atmosphere of the extraordinary social upsurge of those years. The young monarch, brought up in the European spirit by the freedom-loving Swiss Laharpe, encouraged any form of social activities, which resulted in numerous projects and regulations.

Presenter (2): The internal management of the Lyceum was carried out by the director, whose candidacy was approved by the emperor. The first director was State Councilor V.F. Malinovsky, a graduate of Moscow University.

Presenter (1): In 1802, along with eight new ministries, the Ministry of Public Education was established, educational districts, new universities are opening, which become centers of science. The Ministry of Public Education develops school regulations and implements educational reform. N.M. Karamzin wrote at this time...

Reader (2):“...Many sovereigns had the glory of being patrons of sciences and talents; but hardly anyone has published such a thorough, comprehensive plan of national teaching, of which Russia can now be proud.”

Presenter (2): Among the gardens and parks of the city of Pushkin, the bright building of the Lyceum rises. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin studied here. All his life he kept in his heart the best memories of his lyceum years, of Tsarskoye Selo, of his mentors and first friends. The poet's inspired muse was born at the Lyceum, and “old man Derzhavin” blessed her birth. In Tsarskoe Selo, Pushkin met the historian N.M. Karamzin, the poets V.A. Zhukovsky, K.N. Batyushkov, M.A. Dmitriev, P.A. Vyazemsky and the philosopher P.Ya. Chaadaev. At the Lyceum, friendship grew stronger with the future Decembrist Ivan Pushchin, with his faithful comrade Ivan Malinovsky, and an ideological and poetic intimacy with A.A. Delvig and V.K. Kuchelbecker, a participant in the uprising on December 14, 1825. In Tsarskoe Selo the first creative victories were won, “beautiful impulses of the soul were born”, here the “heart’s first love” flared up...

Presenter (1): In dedication to the Lyceum anniversary - October 19, 1825 - the disgraced Pushkin, who was then in exile in Mikhailovsky, wrote...

Reader (1):...Imagination is in vain

Around me my comrades are calling;

The familiar approach is not heard,

And my soul does not wait for a sweetheart.

I drink alone, and on the banks of the Neva

Today my friends call me...

But do many of you feast there too?...

Presenter (2): Here the poet remembers his friends and, above all, the singer and composer Nikolai Korsakov, who died in Italy, then turns to the navigator Fyodor Matyushkin. Behind these lines are the words that were repeated by generations of lyceum students, those words that are carved on the granite pedestal of the monument to Pushkin the lyceum student in the lyceum garden:

My friends, our union is wonderful!

He, like the soul, is indivisible and eternal -

Unshakable, free and carefree,

He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.

Wherever fate throws us,

And happiness wherever it leads,

We are still the same: the whole world is foreign to us;

Our Fatherland is Tsarskoye Selo.

Presenter (1): In exile, where the feeling of friendship is especially valued, where what is left in the distance is so felt, the poet remembers those whom he loved from his youth, whom he valued, to whom his heart was devoted. Pushkin embraced three friends in the wilderness of the Pskov province. Two of them, Pushchin and Delvig, came here to visit the poet, the third, Gorchakov, ended up here with his uncle. Alexander Sergeevich was grateful to I.I. Pushchin and A.A. Delvig, who came to him, and was glad to meet A.M. Gorchakov...

Reader (2):...And now here, in this forgotten wilderness,

In the abode of desert blizzards and cold,

A sweet consolation was in store for me;

Three of you, my soul's friends,

Here I hugged...

Presenter (2): Russian language and literature was taught by a graduate of Moscow University, Doctor of Philosophy and Liberal Sciences, Professor N.F. Koshansky. An additional responsibility of Nikolai Fedorovich was teaching lyceum students the Latin language.

Presenter (1): Invited from Switzerland, Professor D.I. de Boudry taught classes on French and literature. Professor F.L. taught German to the lyceum students. de Gauenschild, a native of Transylvania. Lectures on military sciences were read by Professor A.M. Pushkin, on history – by the author of several textbooks, Professor I.K. Kaidanov.

Presenter (2): The teacher of moral sciences was A.P. Kunitsyn, a graduate of the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Institute. He read logic, psychology, morality, various branches of law, political economy and finance. The lyceum students treated the professor with great respect. No wonder the poet in the poem “October 19” said...

Reader (1): Kunitsyn tribute to heart and wine!

He created us, he raised our flame,

They set the cornerstone,

They lit a clean lamp.

Presenter (1): The poet spent his youth in Tsarskoye Selo. He loved endless parks - man-made “lyceum gardens” - Ekaterininsky, Aleksandrovsky and Bablovsky with their artificial ponds, cascades, grottoes and embankments. All eras and styles shifted here, from lush, fancy baroque to strict classicism, from Turkish pavilions to “Chinese” and later Gothic. On the Cameron Gallery, as in a pantheon, the faces of ancient heroes, poets and philosophers are frozen.

“Beautiful gardens” filled with romance excited the young man’s imagination and awakened in him patriotic and lyrical lines of poetry. Throughout his life, Pushkin, as a pilgrim, returned to Tsarskoe Selo, to the walls of the lyceum, and, like his first love, he carried throughout his life the grateful memory of those who were with him in those distant years.

The poet conveyed this devoted feeling to the lyceum and its gardens not only to the lyceum students of subsequent years, but also to admirers of his genius who came here before and come today, visit the memorial museum - the Pushkin Lyceum, Pushkin parks, the lyceum garden, where there is a monument to the poet, sung by A. Yakhontov, I. Annensky, V. Paley, E. Gollerbach, V. Rozhdestvensky and the poets of subsequent years.

Reader (2): The dark-skinned youth wandered through the alleys,

The lake shores were sad,

And we cherish the century

A barely audible rustle of footsteps.

Pine needles are thick and prickly

Covering low stumps...

Here was his cocked hat

And the disheveled volume Guys.

A.A. Akhmatova “In Tsarskoe Selo”
Presenter (2): Lyceum students were given the opportunity to engage in fine arts and gymnastic exercises, drawing (teacher S.G. Chirikov), music and singing (F.B. Galtenhof), dancing (I.I. Ebergard), fencing (Valville).

Presenter (1): The education system at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was based on the long tradition of Russian noble education. This was reflected in the way the school day, schedule, vacation time, and disciplines were thought out. The lyceum accepted young people aged 10 to 12 years old who knew Russian well and at least one foreign language, as well as mathematics, physics and history.

Presenter (2): Along with the organization educational process literary creativity of pupils was encouraged: writing poetry, fables, epigrams, home performances and vaudevilles, publishing literary magazines, literary and musical evenings.

Poetry attracted many students, and this did not seem surprising. At the lectures of N.F. Koshansky, students received certain topics for their own class essays. This is exactly how Pushkin’s poem “Rose” appeared, the history of which Ivan Pushchin preserved for us...

Reader (1):“As I now see that afternoon class of N.F. Koshansky, when, having finished the lecture a little earlier than the lesson hour, the professor said: “Now, gentlemen, let’s try feathers!” Please describe the rose to me in verse.” Our poems didn’t go well at all, but Pushkin instantly read two quatrains that delighted us all...”

Presenter (1): The students studied for a total of 7 hours a day. Classes alternated with rest and walks. The latter took place in the Tsarskoye Selo Garden in any weather.

Presenter (2): A thoughtful daily routine contributed to the accelerated development of lyceum students, who by the age of 16-18 became physically strong, seasoned, hardworking, and morally healthy. Of great importance in the life of the Lyceum was its library, created in 1811. Initially, its fund was formed from books donated by the owners of the Alexander Palace. Then almost all the best domestic and foreign publications began to arrive.

Presenter (1): magazines were subscribed to: “Bulletin of Europe”, “Military Journal”, “Friend of Youth”, “Son of the Fatherland”, “Christian Readings” and others.

Presenter (2): In the four-story building of the Lyceum, inspectors and tutors lived on the first floor. The second housed a dining room, a hospital, a conference room, the third housed classrooms, a physics room, an office for newspapers and magazines, a place for recreation and fun, and the fourth housed dormitories (bedrooms for lyceum students).

Presenter (1): Each pupil had a small room with modest furniture - only the most necessary. Their “cells” contained an iron bed, a chest of drawers, a desk, a mirror, a chair, and a table for washing. On the desk there is an inkwell and a candlestick with tongs.

Presenter (2): A distinctive feature of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was a uniform uniform. Until 1812, the lyceum student's uniform consisted of a single-breasted caftan of dark blue cloth with a standing collar of red cloth and the same cuffs, with gold and silver embroidery and smooth gilded buttons. After 1812, instead of white trousers with over the knee boots, gray trousers were introduced, instead of triangular hats - caps, instead of uniform blue frock coats - gray civilian cut ones.

Presenter (1): The academic year at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum lasted 11 months - from August 1 to July 1. It was a closed establishment. During the entire period of study, students had no right to leave Tsarskoye Selo. During the holidays, together with their mentors, they went on walks, explored the suburbs, visited Pavlovsk, Kolpino, went boating, Sundays- on skates.

Presenter (2): Final exams took place in May 1817. Over the course of 17 days, mature lyceum students passed tests in 15 subjects.

Presenter (1): On June 9, 1817, after the exams, the first graduation from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum took place. At the gala evening, Emperor Alexander I personally distributed awards and diplomas to the graduates. In the Great Hall, the choir of students sang a touching “Farewell Song,” the verses of which were composed by Anton Delvig.

Presenter (2): The first graduating class of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum - it is called Pushkin's - was remarkable for its abundance creative personalities. Here are just some famous names: A. Delvig, V. Kuchelbecker, A. Illichevsky - poets and journalists; F. Steven – in the education system; A. Gorchakov – diplomat, later Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia; V. Voitsekhovsky, A. Kornilov, K. Danzas - army officers; M. Yakovlev - composer; F. Matyushin is a Russian navigator, an expert in the theory and history of the Russian fleet.

And now, to your attention, we offer a competition on knowledge of the works and biography of A.S. Pushkin, while we will take you on a journey along the circular route.

"In the footsteps of the great poet"

"Waiting hall"

(This competition is a draw. Teams take turns drawing out “passes” with questions written on the back. You have 30 seconds to answer. For a correct answer, the team receives 1 point, for an early answer - 0.5 points. The team with the most points enters the game first.)

"Travel tickets"

1. In the personal library of A.S. Pushkin there is a book by J. Byron with an autograph: “We dedicate Byron to Pushkin. An admirer of both." Next is the signature. Whose signature is on the autograph? ( Adam Mickiewicz )

2. Name Pushkin’s poem about the tree of poison? ( "Anchar")

3. Who did the Black Sea belong to the thirty-three heroes? ( Uncle)

4. Which of A.S. Pushkin’s characters could not distinguish “iamb from trochee”? ( Eugene Onegin)

5. The cause of death of the helmsman and swimmer in the poem “Arion”. (" The whirlwind is noisy")

6. The title of which work by A.S. Pushkin mentions a terrible disease? ( "A Feast in Time of Plague")

7. The poet who gave Pushkin his portrait with the inscription “To the victorious student from the defeated teacher.” ( V.A.Zhukovsky)

8. Insert the missing word into the quote: “The less we love a woman, the...she likes us” ( Easier)

9. Nickname of A.S. Pushkin, given to him in the Arzamas society. ( Cricket)

11. In which poem did God command the poet to “burn the hearts of people with a verb”? ( "Prophet")

12. The novel “Eugene Onegin” begins with the words: “My uncle is the most fair rules..." This is a paraphrased borrowing from another famous author, a contemporary of A.S. Pushkin. Name the original work and its author. ( Fable “The Donkey and the Man” by I.A. Krylov)

13. In the novel “Eugene Onegin” it is said about Lensky:

He sang separation and sadness,

And something is far away in the fog...

Representative of which literary direction, judging by these lines, was Vladimir Lensky? ( Romanticism)

Station "Kraevedcheskaya"

(The competition is held as a game of Dominoes. Teams are given “chips”, on one side of which, as usual, there are dots, and on the other - the number of questions. While selecting a chip for the next move, the team simultaneously selects a question.)

1. For what purpose did A.S. Pushkin arrive in the city of Orenburg in the fall of 1833? ( To collect materials about the Pugachev uprising)

2. Who was the censor of “The History of Pugachev”, the material for which A.S. Pushkin collected in Orenburg? ( NikolayI)

3. Name the work about which A.S. Pushkin said that he was his godfather. To whom did the poet give the plot of this work? (Comedy “The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol. Pushkin in Orenburg was mistaken for a ministry official who arrived on a secret inspection.)

4. Who was Pushkin’s “guide” in Orenburg? ( Vladimir Dal.)

5. Why in the story “The Captain's Daughter” is the fortress where Mironov was the commandant called Belogorskaya? ( The prototype of the Mironov fortress from the story was the Tatishchev fortress, and it was surrounded by “white” mountains)

6. Leaving Orenburg, Alexander Pushkin left Vladimir Dahl a manuscript with the inscription: “To the storyteller Cossack Lugansk, storyteller Alexander Pushkin.” Why did A.S. Pushkin call Vladimir Dahl by that name? (In the Orenburg region, Vladimir Dal worked under the pseudonym Cossack Lugansky, the pseudonym was derived from the name hometown V. Dahl - Lugansk. )

7. Which one folk tale A.S. Pushkin heard it in Orenburg and included it in the 11th chapter “ The captain's daughter", putting it into Pugachev’s mouth. ( The Tale of the Eagle and the Raven)

8. A.S. Pushkin told this tale to V. Dahl in Orenburg. Later, V. Dahl, having processed the fairy tale, included it in his collection. What was it called in V. Dahl’s collection? ( "The Tale of George the Brave and the Wolf.")

Station "Bibliographic"

(This competition involves 2 people from each team. The task of the competition participants: working with the library catalog, compile lists of literature on topics that the Presenter will offer them. Topics may be the following: “Onegin, my good friend” (about the novel “Eugene Onegin”), “Our Pushkin” (about the life of A.S. Pushkin). While the lists are being compiled, the presenter holds a spectator competition. Spectators who correctly answer the question bring 1 point to the asset of the team they support.)

“The soul in the treasured lyre will survive my ashes...”

1. In which poem by A.S. Pushkin Aleko killed Zemfira ( In the poem "Gypsies")

2. What is the name of Vladimir Lensky’s beloved? ( Larina)

3. Which composer wrote the romance “Doubt” based on the poems of A.S. Pushkin? ( M.I.Glinka)

4. In what city was A.S. Pushkin born? ( In Moscow)

5. Under what name did Vladimir Dubrovsky enter the house of the landowner Troekurov? ( Deforge)

6. What is the name of the son of the stingy knight? ( Albert)

7. What kind of bird did Prince Guidon’s beloved turn into? ( Into the swan)

8. With whom did A.S. Pushkin fight a duel in February 1837? ( With Georges Dantes)

9. In which poem by A.S. Pushkin did the six-winged seraphim appear to the hero? ( In the poem "Prophet")

10. Name the bladed weapon “...for the hands of the punishing Isis.” ( Dagger)


1. Bezrukova, I.G. In the footsteps of the great poet [Text]/I.G. Bezrukov // Read, learn, play. – 2005. - No. 4. – P.27-31

2. Karabanova, M.I. “The Fatherland for us is Tsarskoe Selo...” [Text]/M.I. Karabanova // Read, learn, play. – 2011. - No. 7. – P.12-16

3. Shcherbakova, A. Will remain in the history of Russia forever [Text] / A. Shcherbakova // Bibliopol. – 2012. - No. 8. – P.67-70

Prepared by: Head of the Department of Media Library and Periodicals – Konnova E.V.

Scenario of the literary evening “UNDER THE SHADOW OF FRIENDLY MUSES...”,

Scenario of the literary evening “UNDER THE SHADOW OF FRIENDLY MUSES...”,
dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.
Progress of the evening.
Presenter 1: Good evening, dear friends!!!
Today we will tell you the story of one class. The class as a class - almost thirty people; boys are like boys who studied together from 12 to 18 years old and never forgot about it after that. Let's go back one and a half to two centuries ago - to the very beginning of the 19th century.
(Vivaldi's melody sounds)
Presenter 1: Of course, each era has its own unique voice and style, but who cares, in the end, what century these classmates lived in! One hundred, two hundred years ago! Did they have electric lamps or candles burning in their classroom... Did they cross their country by train, plane or carriage, on post horses... wore jeans or camisoles, cocked hats... Wouldn't we, contemporaries of space rockets, television and computers, find , what to ask the guys of those years? What about us? Didn't they dream about the future as you dream? Didn't they look back into the past to learn about their ancestors, just as we do today?
Presenter 2: We invite you to go with us... to Tsarskoe Selo of the early 19th century (now the city of Pushkin, near St. Petersburg). In this amazingly beautiful place, at the behest of the emperor, they decided to open a higher education institution. educational institution- the first Lyceum in Russia, which was called the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. The future was to be brought up in it statesmen Russia.
Presenter 2: And so on October 19, 1811, 30 boys sat down at their desks and became classmates for 6 years. This was the very first enrollment at the Lyceum. These boys grew up to be poets, ministers, rural homebodies and restless travelers. Later, descendants will call the guys from this issue differently: “People of October 19,” “Pushkin Issue.” This is our story about them today.
(Chopin's waltz sounds)
(Lyceum students come out one at a time, light a candle, introduce their hero, light the candle, sit on chairs placed in a semicircle facing the audience)
Student 1: Volkhovsky Vladimir. 13 years old. Nickname “Suvorochka”, “Spartan”. Everyone in their class had a nickname, and the boys were not offended by them. Short and frail in appearance, Vladimir Volkhovsky had an iron character and an unbending will. Volkhovsky decided to become a military man while still at the Lyceum and prepared himself in every possible way for future hardships. In order to have more time, he slept little. While training his will, he refused meat, cake, and tea for weeks, which often caused the lyceum students to smile. Being the weakest, he did a lot of gymnastics.
When I studied lessons, I carried two heavy dictionaries on my shoulders. The guys laughed at him, sometimes in verse:
Suvorov is ours
Hooray! March, march
Screams astride a chair.
Vladimir Volkhovsky was the first student. Graduated from the Lyceum with a gold medal. Became a member of the secret society of Decembrists.
Student 2: Prince Alexander Gorchakov, 13 years old, nicknamed "Frant". The prince is a smart, cheerful, noble and extremely ambitious young man. He was so ambitious that it often drove his comrades away from him. What did this young man do to outshine Volkhovsky and take first place. Gradually, his tenacity and perseverance won respect among the lyceum students; they saw that “Frant” studied from morning to evening in order to be the first student. Upon graduating from the Lyceum, he received a small gold medal. Alexander Gorchakov has had a brilliant career. He became a diplomat and then Russian Foreign Minister.
Student 3: Wilhelm Karlovich Kuchelbecker. 14 years old. One of Pushkin's best friends. As often as the lyceum students called poor Wilhelm: “Küchlya”, “Vilya”, “Beckerküchel”, “Chicken Pies”. His appearance was especially often ridiculed: a long, skinny, awkward figure. And, of course, his passion for writing poetry. His comrades did not understand his peculiar literary views and tastes. By the end of their studies, the lyceum students began to respect Kuchelbecker, since he repeatedly published his poems and articles in magazines, and everyone could envy his education and knowledge. At the same time, his friends did not stop making fun of him. Before graduating from the Lyceum, “Kyukhlya” almost drowned. In the dining room at lunch, one of his comrades offended him so much that he jumped out from the table in complete unconsciousness, ran out into the park and threw himself into the pond near the Alexander Palace. The pond was shallow, and “Kyukhlya” was immediately pulled out, and the offender turned out to be Ivan Malinovsky.
Student 4: Ivan Vasilyevich Malinovsky was nicknamed a Cossack for 14 years for his valor and pugnacity. The son of the director of the Lyceum... Actually, he was kind-hearted and not at all ambitious. Ivan knew many proverbs and sayings, for which one of the guards called him Sancho Panza. He made a military career, becoming a guard colonel at the age of 27. But he refused the general's position and never regretted it, but became a landowner and leader of the nobility.
Student 5: Pushchin Ivan Ivanovich. 13 years old. Pushkin's closest friend. Because of his height, he was called by his classmates Ivan the Great or Big Zhano. He had good talents. Pleasant in communication. Polite and sincere, but with decent legibility and caution.
Subsequently he participated in the Decembrist uprising on Senate Square. Convicted. Sentenced to 31 years in prison and exile.
Student 6: Delvig Anton.13 years old. Nickname "Tosya". Close friend of Pushkin. He didn't like noisy games or fussing. Perhaps everyone, both friends and enemies, noted one remarkable quality of Delvig - his phenomenal laziness. Once during a lecture (in class Latin language) Anton, having not learned his lesson as usual, hid under the pulpit and there... fell asleep. This is how a poem about him appeared:
Give me your hand, Delvig! Why are you sleeping?
Wake up, sleepy sloth!
You are not sitting under the pulpit,
Put to sleep by Latin.
But his closest friends knew that Delvig was pretending more. This “lazy” and far from the best student later became an excellent poet and one of the leading publishers. It was he who wrote the farewell song of the Lyceum students:

In the arms of sweet silence,
And the Fatherland’s calling
It thunders to us: “Proceed sons...
Student 7: Pushkin Alexander. 11 years. He was sometimes called the Frenchman because he spoke French easily. And sometimes “Egoza” and even… “Monkey”. By the way, Pushkin liked this nickname; Alexander was proud of his agility, ability to jump and throw a ball. Pushkin himself spoke about himself in poetry like this:
In those days when in the gardens of the Lyceum
I prospered serenely
I read Apuleius on the sly,
And he yawned over Virgil,
When I was lazy and mischievous,
And I forgot my Latin class
For scarlet lips and black eyes;
When was someone called French?
My perky friends,
Then the pedants predicted,
That I will forever be a rake.
(watch video clip)
Presenter 1: These guys, among the thirty, studied together for 6 years at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum without a break; they didn’t even go home during the holidays.
Presenter 2: Tsarskoe Selo is a quiet green town with magnificent parks, fountains, and ponds. No wonder the royal family vacationed here in the summer in the Catherine Palace of amazing beauty, which shone with blue trim and gilding. (view illustrations)
Presenter 1: Adjacent to this palace was an outbuilding in which the Lyceum was located.
Presenter 2: Alexander was brought to this Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo by his uncle Vasily Lvovich (video clip about this)
Presenter 2: Lyceum students often recalled the entrance exams when they were worried and in awe. The exam took place in the summer.
Student 5: It seems that Pushchin was not the timid type, but here he somehow got lost - he looked at everyone and saw no one. I remember only one boy - lively, curly-haired, quick-eyed, also a little embarrassed - Alexander Pushkin. Based on the similarity of surnames (Pushchin - Pushkin), he was remembered better. And their bedrooms were nearby: Pushchin’s was No. 13, Pushkin’s was No. 14. They became great friends and became inseparable friends. Later Pushkin wrote the following lines about him:
My first friend, my priceless friend!
And I blessed fate
When my yard is secluded,
Covered in sad snow,
Your bell rang.
I pray to holy providence:
Yes my voice to your soul
Gives the same consolation
May he illuminate the imprisonment
A ray of lyceum clear days!
Student 7. Then over the summer and autumn they got used to each other, to the new place, so it was no longer so scary on October 19 in the palace at the opening of the Lyceum, when Emperor Alexander 1 himself was present with his family, and there were many guests.
Most of all, I remember Professor Kunitsyn’s speech, which captivated the children. Later, all the lyceum students fell in love with this professor, and Pushkin dedicated the following lines to him:
Kunitsyn tribute to heart and wine!
He created us, he raised our flame.
They set the cornerstone,
They lit a clean lamp...
Do you remember when the Lyceum appeared,
How the king opened the Tsaritsyn's palace for us,
And we came.
And Kunitsyn met us...
Student 1: And after lunch they all played snowballs in the garden near the palace. Snow fell early that autumn. Then ordinary days began in this 4-story town. (working with an interactive model) Inspectors and tutors lived on the first floor. The second floor is a dining room, a hospital, and a conference room. The third floor is educational: classrooms, a physics room, an office for newspapers and magazines, a place for relaxation and fun. On the fourth floor there are bedrooms. Each lyceum student has his own room with half a window. The room has an iron bed, a chest of drawers, a desk, a mirror, a chair, and a table for washing. On the desk there is an inkwell and a candlestick. Each room has a number. The boys played numbers for a long time, signed letters and notes with their numbers. “No. 14 does not agree with the opinion of No. 13” meant that Pushkin did not agree with Pushchin.
Student 2: There are many lessons. We got up at 6 o'clock in the morning, then prayed. From 7 to 9 classes, and at 9 tea with a white bun and the first walk until 10. From 10 to 12 more lessons, then the long-awaited lunch and a second walk. From 14 to 15, as the boys said, tedious penmanship, but also my favorite drawing. And finally, tea and a third walk. There were gymnastics, fencing, and dancing - everything to raise well-educated people.
Presenter 2: Yes, Pushkin always had excellent marks in Fencing.
Student 3: Lots of lessons, but a lot of fun too. Their birthdays were not missed. Various competitions were held. And in the first winter there was an illuminated ball. I also remember literary meetings in the apartment of their tutor Chirikov and funny incidents: how once Myasoedov, nicknamed Myasozhorov, described the sunrise in verse: “The ruddy king of nature flashed in the west...” Pushkin, having heard that Myasoedov’s sun was rising in the west, attached an ending to poem:
The ruddy king of nature flashed in the west,
And the astonished nations
Don't know what to start:
Go to bed or get up
Student 7: The boys especially loved to come up with nicknames. Pushkin had a lot of them: Dragonfly, Cricket, Spark, Monkey, A mixture of a monkey and a tiger. And Pushkin himself said about himself:
And I, the rake, am forever idle.
The descendant of blacks is ugly,
Raised in wild simplicity.
Love without suffering,
Young beauty likes me
A shameless frenzy of desires.

Lyceum students enter to the music. It is desirable that there be at least 8-10 people. Uniform: dark trousers, white shirts. Red ribbons are sewn to the collars. Collars are up.
Reader 1: In this temple of sciences they will educate honest citizens. The words and actions of a statesman should serve as an example for others. Acquire titles and honors only through honest means; the opposite is worthy of contempt.
The lyceum raised students in the spirit of love for the Fatherland, for Russia.
Reader 2: All the lyceum students who graduated from Pushkin considered themselves and subsequently showed themselves to be truly Russian.
Reader 3: The whole world is foreign to us. Our Fatherland is Tsarskoye Selo.
Reader 4: Yes! The lyceum regime is strict - everyone is called to class
Math lesson
Karpov enters. Hands out sheets of paper to everyone. Everything is decided. Pushkin alone does nothing.
KARPOV: Pushkin, solve the equation.
PUSHKIN: I can't.
KARPOV: Go and decide, and you all hurry up!
Pushkin is suffering at the blackboard.
KARPOV: I still stand sadly and look...
PUSHKIN: But the equation is zero.
KARPOV: For you, everything always equals zero. Yes! You're not good at 5 in math. You sit at the last desk, write your poems. Here's my only advice.
CHORUS OF VOICES: But we have him great poet.
Presenter 1: It’s good that corporal punishment was abolished at the Lyceum. They were punished only with “house arrest” - they were locked in a room and a “guy” was posted at the door on a watch.
Presenter 1: At the Lyceum, the boys had many “firsts”: first poetry, first love, first disappointment. They have been writing, talking, bragging and dreaming about love for a long time.
Presenter 2:
First love...She came to the lyceum student in the image of the graceful, irresistible Katenka Bakunina, maid of honor to the Empress. She was slender, graceful, with lively dark eyes and regular facial features. She loved and knew how to dance, and it was not for nothing that she was often elected queen of the ball. Her lovely face, wondrous figure and charming manner created a general delight among all the Lyceum youth.
Presenter 2:
The lyceum student in love hid his pure, platonic love from his comrades and, only when left alone “in the lyceum cell,” gave vent to his feelings on the pages of his diary.
Oh, honey, you are with me everywhere!
But I'm sad and secretly I'm sad!
Pushkin gave Katya Bakunina his poetic inspiration, all the fervor of his heart. For her, 22 poems are a kind of encyclopedia of young love.
Ball scene. Ekaterina Bakunina and Alexander Pushkin.
Enters, waltzing, Katenka Bakunina:
Oh, how I love balls! Wonderful music, wonderful dancing! Attention to me gentlemen! I especially like the balls at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. I came here with my mother many times: my brother Alexander Bakunin studied here.
I know well that many lyceum students were not indifferent to me, wrote me notes declaring their love, and made appointments.
Pushkin: Katenka, do you know how I feel about you?
Katenka Bakunina: How?
Pushkin: I am happy when I see you! No, yesterday I was not happy, in the morning I was tormented by anticipation. Standing at the window, I looked at the snow-covered road, it was not visible. Finally, I lost patience. Suddenly I meet you on the stairs. Sweet moment!
So I was happy
So I enjoyed it
I reveled in the quiet joy and peace.
And where is the fun quick day?
Has flown away with the wind of dreams,
The charm of pleasure has faded
And around me again
A shadow of gloomy boredom!
Did you dedicate these poems to me?
Pushkin (avoiding answering):
I asked the painter to paint your portrait, your beauty!
Are you talking about the poem “To the Painter”?
Yes. Now it has become a romance - Nikolai Korsakov set it to music.
Korsakov, I ask you, please, fulfill your romance!
Nikolai Korsakov sings the romance “To the Painter.”
The child harits and inspires,
In a fit of fiery soul,
With a careless brush of pleasure
Write to me a friend of your heart;
The beauty of lovely innocence,
Hope's sweet features,
A smile of heavenly joy
And the gaze of beauty itself.
Around the thin Hebean camp
Tie a Venus belt,
Hidden by Alban's charm
Surround my queen.
Transparent waves of the blanket
Throw it on your trembling chest,
So that she can breathe under him too.
I wanted to secretly relax.
Imagine the dream of bashful love,
And the one that I breathe,
By the lover's hand happy
I'll sign your name below.
These poems and music, in my opinion, express not only your feelings. They are beautiful! Shall we dance? (Addresses Pushkin)
With pleasure!
(Music sounds - “Waltz” by G.V. Sviridov. Pushkin and Bakunina dance.)
Student 5. In January 1815 there was a transfer lyceum exam with junior year to the senior level to see what the lyceum students have learned in 3.5 years. Relatives of the lyceum students came to this exam, and also invited the most famous poet of that time, Derzhavin. One of the tests is to read a poem of your own composition. When Derzhavin heard Pushkin reading his poem, he perked up and listened attentively to the young talent. Having finished reading, Pushkin ran away from the hall... Derzhavin was delighted, he demanded that this curly-haired boy be brought in to hug him. They searched for Alexander for a long time, but never found him. And after the exam, Derzhavin said that a true poet was maturing in this young boy, “the second Derzhavin.”
A very old Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin appears.
Old man Derzhavin noticed everything.
I didn’t hide my delight then.
After all, the miracle in Pushkin was noted
And, going into the grave, he blessed.
I want to hear everything again.
Come on, honey, stand closer.
Pass the phone quickly, (hearing aid)
And Sasha is a stronger mouthpiece.
Pantomime. Pushkin runs into the garden.
Presenter: Yes, the main hobby of the lyceum students was poetry... And yet the main asset of the lyceum students, which they took out of the walls of the Lyceum, was
friendship. She is put first.
Student 6: So the 6 years spent at the Lyceum have flown by. In May 1817, final exams took place. The mature boys took 15 exams over 17 days. Then the farewell formation. Farewell song to the words of Delvig:
Six years flew by like a dream,
In the arms of sweet silence.
And the calling of the fatherland
It thunders to us: march, sons!
O mother! We heeded the calling
Young blood boils in the chest!
We only have one desire -
Always keep love for you!
We took an oath: all my dear,
Everything without division is blood and labor.
Unwaveringly ready for battle,
Unshakable - truth in court...
Presenter 1:“Farewell Song” was written by Anton Delvig. Excellently written. Tepper's music was good too. The king did not listen to the singing. He left. They didn't sing for him. They sang as if they swore eternal friendship. They swore to preserve the best that the Lyceum gave.
Farewell, brothers! Hand in hand!
Let's hug one last time!
Fate for eternal separation,

Presenter 1: Then the director put cast iron rings on their fingers - a symbol of strong friendship. And the farewell oath ended with these words: “And the last lyceum student alone will celebrate October 19.” Yes, they took an oath that every year on October 19 they will celebrate Lyceum Day.
Pushkin: And I undertake to write poems dedicated to the “Lyceum brotherhood” for each anniversary of the Lyceum - October 19th.
Presenter 2: They had a whole life ahead of them, but none of them forgot the Lyceum and their friends. They kept this oath.
Stop each other
You look with a farewell tear!
Keep, oh friends, keep
That friendship with the same soul.
Well, there is a strong desire for truth,
The same young blood for glory.
In misfortune - proud patience
And in happiness – love is the same for everyone!
Six years flew by like a dream,
In the arms of sweet silence,
And the calling of the fatherland
Thunders to us: go, sons!
Farewell, brothers, hand in hand!
Let's hug one last time.
Fate for eternal separation,
Perhaps this is where we are related!
“...bless, jubilant muse, bless: long live the Lyceum!”
Student 7: In 1817, the first anniversary was celebrated after graduation from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. There are already 28 lyceum students (one of the boys, Rzhevsky, died of nervous fever)
Regardless of where the fate of these boys took them, they tried to meet on October 19th. In 1818, 14 people gathered. We remembered the good old days and sang lyceum songs.
In 1825, Pushkin could not attend this holiday: he was in exile in Mikhailovsky. On this day he wrote to his comrades the lines:
It's time for me... feast, oh friends!
I anticipate a pleasant meeting;
Remember the poet's prediction:
A year will fly by, and I will be with you again...
But in a year, Alexander Sergeevich will not see everyone. After the uprising on Senate Square in 1825, in which two lyceum students took part: Ivan Pushchin and Wilhelm Kuchelbecker - “Zhano” and “Kuchlya”. They were among the Decembrists. Soon “Kyukhlya” was captured and taken to the Peter and Paul Fortress. Pushchin’s friends tried to persuade him to hide abroad, but “Zhano” refused, he did not want to flee.
Student 6: The poem “October 19, 1827” was composed for the anniversary of the founding of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, and in the author’s reading at a meeting of lyceum students, it was perceived as a spontaneous improvisation. E. A. Engelhardt: “Pushkin made an impromptu speech at a lyceum meeting that was so sweet that I kept it in my prosaic memory:
God help you, my friends,
In the worries of life, royal service
And at feasts of riotous friendship,
And in the sweet sacraments of love!
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God help you, my friends,
And in storms and in everyday grief,
In a foreign land, in a deserted sea,
And in the dark abysses of the earth!

Student 7: Time flies. On the 15th anniversary, six were no longer alive. Among them, the most terrible loss for Pushkin was Anton Delvig. On the 25th anniversary of the Lyceum, Pushkin read his poems about Delvig:
And it seems that it’s my turn.
My dear Delvig calls me,
A living comrade of youth,
Comrade of sad youth,
Companion of young songs,
Feasts and pure thoughts.
There, in the crowd of shadows of relatives
A genius that has escaped us forever...
These were prophetic words. Soon Pushkin will die in a duel. He will be the seventh to leave after Delvig. Now the lyceum anniversaries took place without Pushkin.
Park and pond, domes and palace,
I remember the young singer,
He loved the beauty of swans
And my native Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.
Ascended under the branches of oak trees
Lace of poetic words,
The virgin, having broken the urn, is sad,
Pushkin's muse speaks here.

Memories in Tsarskoe Selo

Confused by memories,
I imagined this day to be a happy one,
When the Lyceum arose among you,
And I hear our games again, the playful noise,
And I see my family of friends again.
Once again a tender youth,
Sometimes ardent, sometimes lazy,
Vague dreams melt in my chest,
Wandering through meadows, through silent groves,
So I forget myself.

Student 2: On October 19, 1880, 1881, 1882, Alexander Gorchakov celebrated one, he was the last lyceum student of the first graduating class. Every single one of them fulfilled the oath they took in their youth. They were real friends.
My friends, our union is wonderful!
He, like a soul, is indivisible and eternal,
Unshakable, free and carefree,
He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.
Wherever fate throws us,
And happiness wherever it leads,
We are still the same: the whole world is foreign to us,
Our Fatherland is Tsarskoye Selo.

The song “October 19” by Yuli Kim is sung.
On the threshold of our days
Inevitably we meet
Let's recognize and hug
Our true friends.

Hello, time for proud plans,
Ardent vows and long meetings!
Holy friendly flame,
It’s not easy to save.
I wish I could live like in those days -
I wish I could live easily and boldly,
Don't calculate the limit
For fearlessness and love.

And, like the lyceum students,
Gather by the fire
In October, purplish-leaved
Nineteenth day.
But fate will take its toll,
He whistles dashingly like a driver,
Everything will be calculated in its own way, -
You won't know in advance.

A mad blizzard will break out,
The gray darkness will laugh.
And you want to save your friend,
You can't imagine how.
On the roads of our days,
At the crossroads of hostels,
You are our friend, you are our teacher -
Glorious Pushkin Lyceum.

Under your immortal shadow
I would like to learn completely
Reckless fun
I trust selfless
Freethinking depth.

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum!
Blue Lakes,
Dark green spruce,
White-trunked birches,
I brought hello
Kasmalinsky pine forest
And Siberian pines
Drops of fiery tears

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum!
You are available to the people:
For both children and adults,
And gray-haired old men.
You inspired the people
To holy freedom
Let me touch my heart
To dear springs.

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum!
Everything here breathes love:
Every bush, blade of grass,
Celestial fabric.
Here the Almighty sealed
Friendship of young men by blood
And spread out over you
Hand of protection.

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum!
Here in the hourly labors
The genius of Pushkin has grown,
He matured of his own accord.
And on that memorable day
On vowel exams
His voice is clear
He was shaking with excitement.

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum!
Russian Glory Monastery.
The cradle of Pushkinists,
The cradle of young dreams.
You are immortal for centuries,
Our reliable teacher,
The salt of Russian poetry
Like the basics!

Design: portrait of A.S. Pushkin, exhibition of books - works of A.S. Pushkin, on
on the table there is a desk, candlesticks, an inkwell with a quill pen.
Presentation is used throughout the holiday.
1. Children enter the hall to the music of Strauss and take their seats.
2. Fanfare sounds.
The presenters and 2 readers come out
1 reader
My friends, our union is wonderful!
He, like the soul, is indivisible and eternal -
Unshakable, free and carefree,
He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.
...Wherever fate throws us,
And happiness wherever it leads,
We are still the same: the whole world is foreign to us;
Fatherland to us Tsarskoe Selo...
Presenter 1.
These poetic lines will be written by the adult, wise A.S. Pushkin, remembering the years
studying at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, a school that became his home.
2 reader
At the beginning of my life I remember school;
There were a lot of us, careless children;
An uneven and playful family.
Humble, poorly dressed, But
looking majestic wife
She kept strict supervision over the school.
Presenter 2.
October 19 marked 2005 years since the opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. For all,
studied together with A.S. Pushkin and in subsequent years, this day became one of
main holidays.
Presenter 1.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said about the day of October 19: “The Lyceum is a cherished day.”
3. The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “October” sounds quietly.

Presenter 2:
Memory, draw before me
Magical places where my soul lives,
The forests where I loved, where the feeling developed,
Where infancy merged with first youth,
And where, nurtured by nature and dreams,
I knew poetry, gaiety and peace.
These lines by A.S. Pushkin dedicated Tsarskoye Selo, where he spent 6 years of his adolescence and
Presenter 1:
In 1811, 12-year-old Alexander was brought to Tsarskoye Selo to enter college.
The name of the educational institution is associated with classical antiquity. Lyceum
was the name of the ancient Greek philosophical school on the outskirts of Athens, near the Temple of Apollo
The emergence of the Lyceum is associated with plans for progressive transformation
state. On October 19, 1811, in the large hall of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum there was
The resolution was solemnly read out.

Presenter 2.
Resolution on the Lyceum.
The establishment of the Lyceum is aimed at the education of youth, especially
intended “to important parts of the Civil Service.” In accordance with this goal,
The Lyceum is made up of excellent students, as well as mentors, knowledge and
by their morality they deserve the general trust. Lyceum in rights and
its advantages are equal to those of the Russian University.
Presenter 1.
The day of October 19 has forever become special for lyceum students - a day
the birth of school and the beginning of friendship, a day of memories of youth, friends and
mentors. In 6 years, saying goodbye to the lyceum, its first students will take an oath to be friends
to a friend “And the last lyceum student will celebrate October 19.”
Presenter 2.
“Bless, jubilant muse,
Bless: Long live the Lyceum!”
Again the foliage burns like candles,
And the dark cathedral park.
Are you coming to the evening meeting?
With myself.

4. Strauss's music is playing.
They dance a waltz to the music.
The words sound in the background of music:
In the Lyceum Park near the pond
Birch foliage waltzes.
And Pushkin and Pushchin together...
The fall of the leaves has almost carried them away.
He brought up the lyceum bridges,
He brought in sculptures and benches.
Friends in the garden all alone
Read new poems.
Presenter 2.
In the Lyceum Park near the pond
Friends dream of love,
They think about fame
They read Pushkin's poems.
In the Lyceum Park near the pond
Friends meet again.
Birch foliage waltzes.
And the leaf fall has already carried everyone away.
Slide 1. Presentation (history of creation, traditions of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum)
Slide 2. 1 presenter: 205 years ago, on October 19, 1811, Tsarskoe Selo reigned
special excitement: the grand opening of the Lyceum was scheduled for this day.
Slide 3. 2 presenter: Every now and then carriages and crews drove up to the Lyceum building -
Prominent dignitaries and teachers of St. Petersburg, relatives of lyceum students gathered. On
Alexander I was supposed to be present at the celebration.
Slide 4. 1 presenter: Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum - privileged
educational institution - was called upon to prepare youth “especially intended for
the most important parts of the public service."
Slide 5. 2 presenter: Emperor Alexander the First personally approved in 1811
list of the first students of the Lyceum and personally distributed awards to them six years later and
Slide 6. Lyceum student: Do you remember when the Lyceum appeared,
How the king opened the palace of Tsaritsyn for us,
And we came. And Kunitsyn met us

Greetings among royal guests.
Lyceum student: The lyceum has become our home, our republic with its own laws,
brotherhood, friendship.
Lyceum student: The opening of the Lyceum took place on Thursday. On Monday, regular
classes, the usual lyceum life began. "Six years of connection."
Slide 7. 1 presenter: Daily routine at the Lyceum.
 Wake up at 6 o'clock.
 From 7 to 9 o’clock – class, that is, training sessions.
 At 9 – tea with white bread.
 Immediately after tea, first walk until 10 o'clock.
 From 10 to 12 – grade.
 From 12 to one – second walk. We definitely walked in any weather.
 Then repetition of lessons or auxiliary class for those who are behind.
 At half past 9 the bell rings for dinner.
 After dinner until 10 o'clock - rest, entertainment.
 On Wednesdays and Saturdays there was evening dancing and fencing.
 At 10 o’clock – evening prayer, sleep.
Slide 8. 2 presenter: Lyceum students were placed in separate rooms. To room 14
Pushkin settled.
Slide 9. The room had only what was necessary for relaxation and study.
Slide 10. 1 presenter: Soon all the lyceum students declared themselves “cattle brothers” and, as
As usual, they gave each other nicknames:
(Leaders read in turns)
1. Slide 11. Wilhelm Küchelbecker - Küchl
2. Slide 12. Anton Delvig - Tosya
1. Slide 13. Mikhail Yakovlev - Buffon
2. Slide 14. Ivan Malinovsky - Cossack
1. Slide 15. Alexander Gorchakov - Prince
2. Slide 16. Konstantin Danzas – Bear
1. Slide 17. Ivan Pushchin - Big Jeannot
2. Slide 18. Fyodor Matyushkin - Matyushko
1. Slide 19. Alexander Pushkin - Frenchman, A cross between a monkey and a tiger.
Lyceum student: We deal with bosses without fear, we joke with them, we laugh.
Lyceum student: Competitions are held in foreign languages: who accidentally speaks
in Russian, he is fined.

Lyceum student: Birthdays are not missed.
2 presenter: They were ordinary boys, they loved to play pranks.
Scene. (Pushkin, Pushchin, Malinovsky)
- I.
- I.
- And I started drinking gogolyumogol.
Pushchin: I got some rum, got some eggs.
Malinovsky: They pushed sugar.
Pushkin: And work began at the boiling samovar.
Pushchin: Questions and searches began here. The three of us showed up and announced that it was ours.
matter and that we alone are to blame.
Pushkin: The decree is as follows: for two weeks to kneel during the morning
and evening prayer.
Malinovsky: Shift us to last places at the table where we sat
Slide 21. 1 presenter: In January 1815, a public exam was scheduled at the Lyceum.
Lyceum student (reading a newspaper): The Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum has the honor
notify that on the 4th of the next month from 10 to 3 p.m.
public testing of pupils of the first reception on the occasion of transfer from junior
at an older age.
It was an exam - a review of what we had learned in more than three years, because we had achieved
Pushkin: Derzhavin was a legend during his lifetime. How did we find out that Derzhavin would be
us, we all got excited.
Presenter 2: The exam made Derzhavin very tired. Pushkin read “Memoirs in
Tsarskoe Selo”, standing two steps from Derzhavin.
Pushkin: I don’t remember how I finished my reading, I don’t remember where I ran away to. Derzhavin was in
admiration. He demanded me, wanted to hug me... They looked for me, but did not find me.
Lyceum student: They said that Gavrila Romanovich exclaimed: “I’m not dead!”
Lyceum student: Study for two more years.
Slide 22. Presenter 1.

On the opening day of the lyceum, in honor of one of its most outstanding graduates, it was customary to
hold reading competitions, various drawing rooms, Pushkin readings.
Presenter 2.
We are opening Pushkin readings.
……………………………………………………. is invited to the stage.
Presenter 1:
Fame came to Pushkin at the Lyceum.
After graduating from the Lyceum, Pushkin settled in St. Petersburg. Capital life with its theaters,
balls and literary societies captured the poet.
“The Mazurka rang out. It happened
When the mazurka thunder roared
Everything in the huge hall was shaking
The parquet cracked under his heel..."
So in his famous novel “Eugene Onegin” A.S. Pushkin wrote about balls.
We will try to attend such a ball too.
Presenter 2.
Today we have our own little ball,
I think Pushkin would dance with us
Let's do a happy dance now,
And we really ask for your support!
5. Polonaise.
6. Polka dance to the music of S. Rachmaninov “Italian Polka”
Presenter 1:
But at the balls they not only danced, but also all the guests played forfeits.
1. Read a poem about A. S. Pushkin’s favorite time of year
2. Play the piano
3. Solve the charade
 The first syllable breaks into the clouds,
just inflate it slightly.
You need to take two more syllables
and create a female name.

Overall an interesting game
it's called a riddle.
Answer: ball + Hell = charade.
 The beginning is called a tree,
the end my readers.
Here, in the book, the whole thing will be found,
and in every line there are them. Answer: (letters)
 With the letter L in the game of football
We often hear the word...
With D the meaning in the word is not the same
the measure has become simple... Answer: (goal year)
 First, name a house outside the city,
where we live only in the summer with my family.
Add two letters to the name at the same time,
What will happen is what is destined to be decided. Answer: (dacha problem)
4. Answer the quiz questions.
1. How many lyceum students were admitted to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum in 1811
2. To which of the lyceum students are Pushkin’s lines addressed: “My first friend, my friend
3. Who was A. Pushkin’s inseparable friend and his neighbor, who lived in a room at the Lyceum
№ 13?
4. At the Lyceum his name was “Cossack”; he was the son of the first director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.
Who are we talking about?
5. This lyceum student dearly loved A. Pushkin. At the Lyceum he dreamed of the sea, participated in
trip around the world. A cape off the northern shores of Eastern Europe is named after him.
Siberia. Name this person.
6. What time did the lyceum students get up?
7. What subject did Pushkin dislike most?
8. At what age did Pushkin enter the Lyceum?
9. What did friends call A. Pushkin at the Lyceum?
10.Whom did Pushkin impress in the exam?
11. What did friends call Wilhelm Kuchelbecker?
12.Who accompanied the poet all the years of his life?