Holiday scenario: Initiation into first graders. We are students now! Scenario for the holiday “Initiation into first-graders” for a correctional school of the VIII type Scenario for an entertaining initiation into first-graders by station

Holiday scenario

"Initiation to first graders"

Date of:9.10.2015


Target: To develop students' cognitive interest and desire for intellectual activity.

The progress of the holiday

Presenter . Hello adults!

Hello children!

Today is an unusual day in the world -

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

And don’t be sad, girls, boys,

According to games, ventures and fairy-tale books,

It all starts with school life,

We are going to the Land of Knowledge!

Presenter . But first, let's get acquainted. I have a ball in my hands, as soon as I throw it, you must shout your name loudly - loudly. Agreed? (children's answer ). Then I pay attention.

Presenter . You probably haven't eaten?

Speak barely

I deftly throw the ball again,

Shout the names loudly!

Children shout their names

Presenter . I just heard

That they called you Misha,

Do the guys know you?

Why was it called Galya?

You must be Arman

Is your name Makpal?

Come on, come on together, come on at once

Let's shout the name again.

Presenter . Another thing! Tell me, why have you all gathered here today? (children's answer ) . Of course, today you are inducting first-graders. Dear Guys! Today is a solemn and important day for you: you have studied at school for 1 month. Just yesterday you were called children, kids, and today you have your first exam and you need to pass it with dignity. You need to show what you have learned during this time. And from today they will say about you: “These are students, schoolgirls, schoolboys and schoolgirls.” The school will become a second home for you, you will find many new friends. In a room called the classroom, you will receive special gifts every day. But these are not toys or candies. This is knowledge. Who will help you with this? (Children's answer: Teacher ).

Presenter . Only schoolchildren can travel through the Land of Knowledge. Who are the schoolchildren? (Children who are in school)

How else can they be called? (Students)

That's right, students learn in class. You and I have to find out what a lesson is and what kinds of lessons there are.

Presenter . Well, guys, keep quiet!

The lesson begins.

To become a student

This is what we need to know.

You are sitting in class

Quiet, quiet, like a mouse.

If you want to say

Either get out or get up

You have to hold your hand like that.

Amazing! Do you remember everything?

Presenter . But before you go to class, you need to pack your briefcase. Do each of you know what to take to school and what things are best left at home? Let's check it now!

Game "Collect a briefcase"

Presenter . So, children, if I name an object that needs to be taken to school, you clap your hands. If this subject is not needed in school, you stomp your feet.

Presenter . Textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

Clockwork locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

Brushes and paints,

New Year's masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

Stapler and notebooks,

Schedule, diary.

Student ready for school!

Presenter . Well done! But to be a real first-grader, you need not only to be able to pack a briefcase and not be late for school, but also to cope with various tasks. I suggest checking if you are ready to be first graders? Which subject requires different logic calculations and who is the most exact science? (children's answer) Of course, mathematics. And it's time for the first test. These are math problems. You need to listen carefully and guess it. I accept the answer by raising my hand. Agreed? (children's answer ).

Presenter . 1 . Stumps have 5 mushrooms

And under the tree - 3. How many mushrooms will there be?

Come on, look! (8)

2. In the clearing, by the stump,

The hedgehog saw two fungi

He found another one.

Who has the answer ready?

How many fungi did the hedgehog find? (3)

3. One birch grew

It has 8 branches.

There's an orange on each one.

How many oranges were there on the birch tree? (0)

Presenter . Well done! You passed the first test with flying colors. Guys, do you know the game is called"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!" (children's answer ). Now I will teach you, I will ask you questions, and if you agree with me, you will answer, “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” Agreed? (children's answer). Let's rehearse. Come on, shout out loud, “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!” Now I see that we are ready. Begin…

The presenter plays a game with the children: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

Who is neat and cheerful and rushes to school early in the morning?

Who always has their pens, books and notebooks in order?

Who is in bed all day and who is too lazy to study?

Tell me guys, who does exercises in the morning?

Who promises not to be lazy, but only to study well?

Presenter. Guys, are you ready to go to school? (children's answer ) Do you know how to behave at school?(children's answer) Now we will check this. We answer “no” or “yes”! We just think first.

Presenter. Can you sing songs at school?
Presenter. Can you make some noise at school?
Presenter. Will we read at school?
Presenter. How about drawing on the desk?
Presenter. Can I run in the hallway?
Presenter. Write with chalk on the fence?
Presenter. Solving equations?
Presenter. Do you have to answer everything at the board?
Presenter. Will we get deuces?
Presenter. Attend physical education?
Presenter. Speak English?
Presenter. Is it late to come to school?

The presenter conducts the game “Behave correctly”

Presenter . Well done! You know how to behave at school, but tell me, are you getting ready for school? (children's answer ) Do you know vowel sounds?(children's answer ) We'll check it now. Find the vowels in your name. (asks children 2 or 3 what letters they have) Now listen to me carefully and be sure to answer!

Presenter. Those who have the letter “A” shouted hurray in unison!

Whoever has the letter “O” - well, every single one of them, shout back to me - in a friendly, cheerful HELLO!

Who has the letter “I” - point to yourself!

Who has the letter “I” together we will sing MI-MI

Who has the letter “E” - let’s say “BE” together

And now the boys and girls also clap our hands loudly

The presenter conducts the game “Vowels”

Presenter . Guys, won't you skip school? (children's answer ). After all, you need to walk in it in any weather. Can you handle it? (children's answer )

Presenter. If I say RAIN - you clap your hands, as if droplets are knocking on the roof of the school.SNOW - spin like snowflakes. STORM - sit down, covering your head (hands above head in soaking To) . SUN – stand on your toes and stretch your arms up towards the sun.

Music plays, the presenter plays the game “Seasons”

Presenter . Let's see how you can count and dance. While the music is playing, you are dancing, and as soon as it stops at me, look at what number I will tell you - according to how many people you are going to form one team.

Music plays, the presenter plays the game “Team”

Presenter . Guys, do you like to watch cartoons? (children's answer ). I watch them all the time too. Now they will play songs from your favorite cartoons, whoever guesses it comes to me for a game. I will accept the answer by raising my hand. It's clear?(children's answer ).

2 songs from the cartoon are played, whoever guesses goes to the host for the game “A First-Grader’s Dream”

Piglet. The game is called "A First-Grader's Dream"Vasya and Petya had a dream that they were in space, in zero gravity. Everything was scattered throughout the ship, and the first-graders seemed to be tied to their chairs. And tomorrow is school! Who will get ready faster?Your task, without looking up from your chair, is to collect only school supplies in a backpack. Do you understand? (children's answer)

Music plays and the first-grader's dream game is played.

Presenter. Well done boys! Ready first graders in front of us.

Presenter . Girls, what grades do you want to get in school? (children's answer ). Do you know what 5s look like? (children's answer ). Now we will check this. Those girls who can guess the cartoon based on its song will come out here. Agreed? (children's answer )

Music plays and the game “Pyaterochka” is played.

Presenter . You must lay out five of the ribbons. Is the task clear? (children's answer). Then let's go.

Music is played and the game “Pyaterochka” is played

If there are parents in the room.

Presenter. I want to appeal to my parents. Your child went to school. Do you have a lot of worries and troubles? (parents' response )

Presenter. So the child went to study,
School life is coming for you.
It will bring you new worries and troubles,
It will force you to rebuild your whole life.
And now we’ll tell our fortunes in front of everyone here,
Today we will find out what will happen to families...

Several parents come out. The presenter asks a question, the participant pulls out a card with the answer from the bag and reads the answer. Answers: mom, dad, the child himself, Vaska the cat, neighbor, the whole family, grandparents.
1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?
2. Who is responsible for keeping track of the first-grader’s uniform?
3. Who will get up at 6 am?
4. Who will eat breakfast first?
5. Who will have to collect the briefcase?
6. Who will read the primer every day?
7. Who will cry, left without strength?
8. Who is to blame if a child gets a bad grade?
9. Who will attend the meetings?
10. Who should take a first-grader to school?

Presenter. Words of congratulations are provided to your teachers.

Presenter. And now the most solemn moment has come. It's time for you to take your first grade oath.

First-grader's oath

I swear in front of everyone to try be healthy,

It’s okay to go to school at 17!

I swear!

And carry “good” and “excellent” in your backpack.

I swear!

I swear that I will try very hard

No more fighting with my friends!

I swear!

I swear to be a well-mannered child,

Don't run around the school, but walk.

I swear!

And if I break my oath,

Then I give away my baby tooth,

Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,

And I won’t play!

I swear!

I will always be a perfect child

I swear!

It's hard to raise your children,

There is a lot you need to know for this.

I would like to wish my parents:

Always help children with everything,

Get the child ready for school in the morning,

Give good parting words in time,

Have time to read a smart book,

And don’t forget to take a walk on your day off,

To avoid everyone's illnesses,

We still need to toughen up the children,

Everyone also attends meetings,

Help the school as much as possible.

And most importantly - without a doubt -

I wish you patience!

Dear parents! It's your turn to take the oath as parents of first-graders!

Oath of parents of first-graders

I swear (be I the mother or be I the father)

Always say “Well done” to your child!

I swear!

I swear to leave in due time,

I swear I won't be late for class.

I swear!

I swear I will not “build” my child’s education,

I swear to master a foreign language with him.

I swear!

I swear I won’t scold him for getting bad marks.

And help him do his homework.

I swear!

And if I break my oath,

Then I give away my last tooth,

Then I promise my child

Feed daily with boiled condensed milk!

I swear!

Then I will be an ideal parent

And I will never forget my oath!

I swear!

Our holiday has come to an end. I wish you to study at 4 and 5, to remain as inquisitive and cheerful.




Leading: Good afternoon dear friends!

Yesterday they only called you “baby”

Sometimes they called him a prankster.

Today you are already sitting at your desk,

Everyone's name is you - first grader!

Serious, diligent, truly a student,

The primer is one page at a time.

And there are so many wonderful books around...

It's a great thing to learn!

Dear guys, dads and moms, guests of the holiday. We are pleased to welcome you to this hall. Today our first graders have their first school holiday– a holiday for first-graders “STUDY WELL AT SCHOOL!” I wonder if everyone is here? Let's check!

Are the diligent girls here?

Girls. Here!

Presenter 2. Are these smart boys here?

Boys. Here!

Presenter 1. Are there caring mothers here?

Moms. Here!

Presenter 2. Skillful dads here?

Dads. Here!

Presenter 1. Are there strict but fair teachers here?

Teachers. Here!

Are dear guests here?

Guests. Here!


Leading: Dear first graders! You have already studied at our school for a whole quarter. You came here without knowing its rules and laws. And today, when you have already plunged into the “sea of ​​knowledge”, experienced the first difficulties and did not flinch, did not ask to go home - you can be called real students. We hope that school will become a second home for you, where you will learn to read and write and make many new friends. And now I want to introduce you again. So that everyone sitting in this room understands that we have 2 new cool teams at our school.

1st grade B - class teacher!

Let's greet them with thunderous applause (solemn music)

Leading. We all have high hopes for you, dear first-graders. Who knows, maybe today a future cosmonaut, poet or teacher will perform on this stage, or maybe we will see a future singer or doctor.

Presenter 1. So, look at them carefully and remember.

Sh: I entered in the fall

To school in 1 "A".

I'm considered a schoolboy

From the first day.

TO: We are not just children now,

We are now students.

And now on our desks

Books, pens, diaries.

ABOUT: This is my first time in class

Now I'm a student.

The teacher entered 1 B -

Stand up or sit down?

L: Now I'm a student

I write with ink

I'm afraid to move

I'm sitting and not breathing.

A: New form put it on yourself

A brand new pen in a brand new briefcase,

New books, counting sticks,

New notebooks, new worries.

(Confusion and Nehochukha run out to cheerful music. Confusion confuses the letters and runs around the stage. Nehochukha lies down on the bench and “sleeps.”)

LEADING: Guys! What kind of strange guests do we have? (sneaks up to Confusion) Gotcha! Who are you?

CONFUSION:(turning up his nose) I am Confusion!

LEADING: So did you mix up all the letters?

CONFUSION: Well me, so what?

LEADING: And the fact that I tried in vain. Our guys will quickly correct all your dirty tricks!

Leading: Ah, well, guys! How should you stand up to make the word “school”?

(Children restore the word and leave.)

CONFUSION: But I know that many of you don’t listen to your moms and dads and don’t want to learn your lessons. You're probably not interested in school at all. No?

CHILDREN: Interesting!

CONFUSION: Oh well! But I know a boy who can’t do anything and doesn’t want anything. I don't want to!

DON'T WANT: Uh-huh?


DON'T WANT: I ​​don't want to.

CONFUSION: Get up, I say! Well, tell me your favorite poem.

DON'T WANT: I ​​don't want to.


I don't want: I am the great I don't want,

I do not want anything.

And I'll tell you frankly,

I don't teach lessons.

I don't go, friends, I'm going to school,

I sleep all day long,

Because because

I do not want anything.

CONFUSION: That's it. And no one will change it.

HOST: And you, Don’t want, instead of saying “I don’t want,” try saying: “I want! I’ll be happy to!”

I DON'T WANT: I'll never be able to do this.

HOST: Guys, let's help Nehochukha! He will say the word “I”, and you will say “I want”, and Unwanted will say further what he wants to do.


CHILDREN: I want...


Host: You see, I don’t want to know how well our guys think, and Confusion won’t confuse them!

CONFUSION: Nothing, nothing. I did another dirty trick - I threw out the words from the poem. You will never guess what these words are.

If you know everything,

You'll get it at school...(5)

I have the briefcase

Not big and not small.

There is a problem book in it,

Notebook and... (pencil case).

There is a clatter of feet in the corridor,

Then he calls everyone to class... (bell).

Presenter: Indeed, a cheerful, perky bell calls us to every lesson! Now we'll call him! Oh, where is he?

DON'T WANT: Ha, ha, ha. You won't hear the call anymore. We hid it! In order for us to give it away, you need to pass some tests. Walk through some stations! And the first station is mathematical!


CONFUSION: I will ask questions where a number must be present! You name it for me!

1. Measure seven times and... cut once.

2. The mind is good, but... better.

3. What number is included in the title of the fairy tale about piglets?

4. How many heroes are there in Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Sleeping Princess”?

5. How many legs does an octopus have?

6. What is the shortest month of the year?

7. What does the teacher give the student for his answer in class?


DON'T WANT: Now let's check how you can solve riddles!

If you sharpen it,

Draw whatever you want

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this? (pencil)

White hare in a black field

Jumped, ran, did loops.

The trail behind him was also white.

Who is this Hare? (chalk)

Who walks with a bag of books

Going to school in the morning? (student)

Who is smarter than everyone else in the world?

Who knows and can do everything,

And at any free hour

Who will teach us everything? (book)

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line.

Feel free to write on me.

You can also draw.

What am I? (notebook)

Kolya and Lena are having fun

This means... (change)


CONFUSION: Well, you can sing! We won’t give you the cheerful call until you sing a song for us!



DON'T WANT: And all the poems are about school

we love you very, very much!

Readers take the stage to the music.

Student 1.

School! The best friend,

Our second home!

Here we comprehend the course of science

We are a friendly family.

Student 2.

I grew up when I entered this house.

But furtively under his desk

I continue... to play with toys.

Student 3.

We all come with bows.

Now we iron the trousers ourselves!

Look, there are arrows.

Maybe 5, maybe 6.

Student 4.

I'm in a hurry, I'm rushing to school.

Hooray! I'm a schoolboy! I'm studying?

And here is my class.

My 1st "A".

This is my third month here, friends.

There is never a dull moment at school.

After all, we were put in first class

Teach all sciences.

Student 6.

We live together in class.

We read, sculpt and sing.

Only write in cursive

It's difficult, I have to tell you.

Student 7.

Together we will try -

It's not a waste of time and energy.

We will successfully overcome

Student 8.

At 1B everyone loves the business!

From bell to bell,

And even a long break

A little short for us!

Student 9.

We are getting used to order.

We place the notebook correctly.

And we get up every time

When the teacher enters the classroom.

Student 10.

How much do we learn in school?

How many books will we read?

We're on this path

Many more years to go!

DON'T WANT: What great guys! They know everything, they can do everything! They even sing! So you'll have to give them a call! Okay, I'll bring it now!

Presenter: Well done guys! You have become real schoolchildren!

And I want you to take the oath of a true disciple!

Repeat after me!


We, students of school 34, swear and promise:

IN academic year don't be lazy

Study diligently, diligently,

Strive to the heights of knowledge,

High results - achieve!



We, the parents of the students, swear and promise!

Understand your children

Check their lessons

Always attend school

Help teachers.



We, teachers, swear and promise!

Teach children everything

There should be examples in everything,

Serve the school faithfully,

Love your job!



And according to tradition, at the end of our holiday we light the SACRED FIRE OF KNOWLEDGE. Let each of you, looking at this fire, make your deepest wish and it will definitely come true!

Ved.: Our holiday is over, it’s time to go home.

But this, friends, is not a hindrance!

And at the hour of parting we wish you

Success in studies and in life!

Music for the departure of first graders!

The holiday is held during the first lesson on September 1 when children enter school. The holiday scenario involves an absentee trip for children with their loved ones fairy-tale hero Pinocchio at the stations "Poznavatelnaya", "Zhivopisnaya", "Schetnaya", "Bukvograd" and "Syurpriznaya".



Scenario for the holiday “Initiation into first graders” in 1st grade.

(Prepared by teacher primary classes Matsigura A.V.

Municipal educational institution "KSOSH No. 55", Kraskovo village, Lyubertsy district, Moscow region)

Teacher. Everyone has one time in their life

There is your first, your memorable class,

And the first textbook, and the first lesson,

And the first loud school bell.

And the first mentor is your first teacher, -

Who opened the door to the path of discovery for you.

  1. And guys, everyone has their first school holiday in their life. This is your holiday today. And it is called – Day of Knowledge. I would really like to congratulate you on your holiday, on entering first grade at our school and wish you excellent success, interesting lessons, make new loyal friends at school, a lot of joy and smiles.
  2. Today is a great day for you guys. You are setting off on a long but very interesting journey through the Land of Knowledge. Just as travelers make discoveries while traveling, so you, dear first-graders, will learn something new every day and make amazing discoveries for yourself. School life is so interesting that you will be endlessly surprised. And how many new things you will learn in 11 years of study!
  3. So, which of you would like to start your journey today and get to the Land of Knowledge?
  4. Our journey begins. Listen to the poem and guess who our guide will be.

Wooden pointed nose

He climbs everywhere without asking.

Even a hole in the picture

Made with his nose... (Pinocchio).

  1. Buratino did not come empty-handed, he brought you a letter. Let's see what's there.

The teacher takes out an envelope with postcards, white trailers and distributes them to the children.

  1. Guys, it turns out there are gifts for you here: these are train carriages. Why do you think Pinocchio decided to bring them to us? Of course, so that we can travel on this wonderful train.
  2. But in order to hit the road, the driver needs to know exact information about each passenger: his first and last name. You must say what your name is. A balloon will help us. We will pass the ball from hand to hand; whoever has the ball in his hands will have to give his first and last name.

The game “Let's get to know each other” is played.

  1. Attention! Our train departs from the first track! Go!
  2. Attention! The train arrives at the first stations "Cognitive."At this station we will get acquainted with the school.
  3. What is school and why is it needed? A school is a big house where children study. The school has a lot of rooms - offices. The office we are in is ours. Look how cozy, bright, clean and beautiful it is here! He waited for your arrival with great impatience, preening and dressing up. Our office hopes that you guys will take care of it and not offend anyone.
  4. There are flowers in our office (or classroom). They also look at you and think that you will love them and take care of them.
  5. Our classroom has furniture: a board on which we will write, cabinets and bookshelves where books, crafts, and drawings will be stored. There are also a lot of tables in our class. But these are not ordinary tables, but school tables, otherwise called desks. Now all our desks are silent. And once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived a very smart desk, because many students sat and studied at it. One day this desk gave advice to all the students. Now this desk is no longer there, and teachers pass on its advice to their students.

Desk tips.

  1. Wake up early in the morning, wash yourself thoroughly,

To avoid yawning at school, don’t nod off your desk.

  1. Dress neatly so that it is pleasant to look at

Iron the uniform yourself, check it, you’re big now.

  1. Accustom yourself to order, do not play hide and seek with things.

Treasure every book, keep your briefcase clean.

  1. Don't giggle in class, don't move your chair back and forth,

Respect your teacher and don’t disturb your neighbor.

  1. Don’t tease, don’t be arrogant, try to help everyone at school,

Don’t frown in vain, be bolder and you will find friends.

  1. That's all my advice. They are wiser and simpler.

Don't forget them, my friend. You are on your way to the land of Knowledge.

Teacher. Guys, what desk tips did you remember?

Here are some more tips.

  1. You shouldn't leave your book and notebook at home.

There is a law in our school: no slobs allowed.

  1. In class, don't chatter like an overseas parrot.
  2. Stand up together every time the teacher enters the classroom.
  3. The teacher will ask if you need to stand up.

When he allows you to sit down, sit down.

If you want to answer, don’t make noise,

Just raise your hand.

Now let's practice how to sit at a desk correctly; To raise a hand; try to stand up, and now sit quietly. We will learn these rules every day when we come to school.

Guys, think about what every student should have? Of course, a briefcase. And the briefcase should contain various school supplies. Guess which ones.


  1. In this narrow box you will find pencils,

Pens, quills, paper clips, buttons, whatever suits your fancy.(pencil case)

  1. I'm black, red, yellow, blue,

With a hard filling in the middle.

I'm friends with a sharp knife

And I’ll depict what I want!(pencil)

  1. Now I'm in a cage, now in a line, you can write on me.

You can also draw. What am I?… (notebook )

  1. I know everything, I teach everyone,

And I myself am always silent.

To make friends with me,

We need to learn to read and write.(book)

It's time for us to hit the road. Getting closer to the next oneZhivopisnaya station.At this station we see paints, brushes, colored pencils. I just want to take them and draw something. Pinocchio asks you not to waste your time and paint your trailers so that they become as beautiful as our little train.

Students paint their trailers.

Raise your hands, how many of you already know how to count? Who knows the numbers? Who knows how to solve problems?

Count from 1 to 10 and back.

Solve problems in verse.

  1. A pike swam in the lake and took the worm off the hook.

The pike cooked cabbage soup and invited 5 ruffs.

Pike cabbage soup is good. How many fish ate cabbage soup? (6)

  1. Toys perched on Tanya’s sofa:

5 nesting dolls, Pinocchio and cheerful Chipollino.

  1. The stumps have 5 mushrooms and there are 3 under the tree.

Just look how many mushrooms there will be! (8)

  1. There is a birch tree. There are 4 branches on it. There are 2 apples on each branch. How many apples are there in total?

Now we must get off the train and rest. Pinocchio will help us conduct a physical education session.

Pinocchio stretched, spread his arms to the sides,

He bent down once, he bent down twice, but apparently he couldn’t find the key.

To get the key, we need to stand on our toes.

Look left, right and sit quietly at your desk.

We continue our journey. Nextstation "Bukvograd".This is not just a station, but a whole city where all our letters live. How many of you already know how to read? Who knows the letters? Now I will check how you know the letters. Listen to my riddle and guess.

  1. Here are two columns diagonally, and between them there is a belt.

You know this letter, huh? In front of you is the letter... (A).

  1. Look at this letter - it's just like the number 3.
  1. This letter is wide - and looks like a beetle.
  1. Look who blocked the road.

Is he standing with his hand outstretched, his leg bent with the steering wheel? (B)

Now the bravest one will read the words written on the board.







How to call all these words in one word? Family is the closest people who surround you, they love you and will always come to your aid. Therefore, you should also be kind to your relatives and should love them.

Now open those Greeting Cards, which Pinocchio brought. Take your pens and try to write what you already know how to write. For example, some numbers, letters, or maybe whole examples and words. You can write your first and last name. If you don’t know how to write yet, then draw some kind of picture.

So guys, our journey is coming to an end. Look at the path you've taken. Do you remember which stations we visited? But at these stations we will stop with you every day during lessons. During the drawing lesson we will visit the “Picturesque” station, during the literacy lesson - “Lettergrad”, and in mathematics - the “Counting” station.

Did you enjoy the trip? Which of you would like to travel further around the Land of Knowledge? But in order to go to school, attend classes and gain new knowledge, you need to become real schoolchildren, students. That's why I, together with Pinocchio, decided to surprise you. Let's quickly head to our last station"Surprise."

Now, guys, the most exciting moment is coming. I will touch each of you with a magic wand, and you will turn from ordinary boys and girls into real students of 1st “A” class. I will also give each of you the very first, best book in the world - “The ABC” and a medal that will confirm your new position as a first-grader - a student of school 55.

Students are awarded medals and ABCs.



Khanymey village, Purovsky district

Open extracurricular activity

"Initiation to first graders"

1 class

Primary school teacher

Karpova Galina Anatolevna



Decoration: the classroom is decorated with balloons, drawings, and handicrafts made by first-graders; children's songs are played.

The progress of the holiday

The readers come out (the letters in their hands are SCHOOL)

In the fall I came to school

To first grade

It wasn't easy for me

It's hard now

We are not just children now,

We are now students.

And now on our desks

Books, pens, diaries.

This is my first time in class

Now I'm a student.-

The teacher entered the class

Stand up or sit down?

Now I'm a student

I write with ink

I'm afraid to move

I'm sitting and not breathing.

We put on a new uniform,

A brand new pen in a brand new briefcase,

New books, counting sticks,

New notebooks, new worries.

Presenter 1. Hello, friends! Hello, dear teachers, moms and dads, grandparents, guests. Let the holiday “Initiation as a disciple” be considered open. The boys studied at school for three whole months, learned a lot and learned a lot. Today we are dedicating them to real first-graders of our school.

We invite our first-graders (children enter the hall in pairs, boys lead girls to the music “School Years”)

Presenter 2 . But to become real first-graders, you will need to pass several tests, pass the so-called exam.

Presenter 1. Who knows, maybe today a future cosmonaut will perform on this stage, a future poet or teacher will read a poem, a future singer or doctor will sing a song.

The readers take the stage.

1.School! The best friend,

Our second home!

Here we comprehend the course of science

We are a friendly family.

2. I grew up when I entered this house.

But furtively under his desk

I continue... to play with toys. (Holds a toy in his hands.

3. We all come with bows.

Now we iron the trousers ourselves!

Look, there are arrows.

Maybe 5, maybe 6

4.I'm in a hurry, I'm rushing to school.

Hooray! I'm a schoolboy! I'm studying?

And here is my class.

My first class.

I studied here for a quarter.

I learned so much that, friends,

I give you my word -

I've become a "scientist"!

There is never a dull moment at school.

After all, we were put in first class

Teach scientifically.

6. We live together in class and have fun.

We read, sculpt and sing.

Write poetry and rhyme -

It's very difficult, I must tell you.

7. Everyone in class is busy

From bell to bell,

It's just a pity that the change

The school is very short.

8. We get used to order.

We place the notebook correctly.

And we get up every time

When the teacher enters the classroom.

9. How much do we learn at school?

How many books will we read?

We're on this path

Ten years still to go!

The readers leave the stage.

Children perform V. Shainsky’s song “They Teach at School.”

Presenter: Today our first-graders face great challenges. They must show ingenuity, the ability to make friends, attention, courage and dexterity. Dear first graders, don't worry, your older friends, your teacher and your parents will be next to you. The one who passes all the tests will be awarded the proud title of “Apprentice”. So, hit the road, an exciting journey awaits you. And now you will find out what we will take on the journey:

There's a ladder in the field,

The house is running down the stairs. What is this?

Children: These are train carriages.

Presenter: Now you will receive paper trailers. Draw on them yourself and the people closest to you - your family.

Children perform the task to the music of V. Shainsky’s song “Blue Car”; the finished carriages are attached to the board with “snake” magnets.

Presenter: The train is ready. A cheerful little train will take us from Romashkovo.

Let's go, friends! The first stop is “Veselaya Polyanka”. Look at this wonderful tree. (The presenter draws the children’s attention to the applique on the board). This is the tree of friendship. And on its pieces of paper are the names and surnames of our first-graders. I will take off one leaf at a time. Whose first and last name I name, let him come to the board and tell about himself: what he loves, what he is interested in, how affectionately they call him at home.

Children come to the board and briefly talk about themselves.

Presenter: Look how many mushrooms are in our clearing! Among them there is the largest one - the fly agaric. There are riddles hidden on it.

1. Thirty-three sisters

Not very tall.

If you know their secret,

Then you will find the answer to everything. (Letters)

2. I don’t know how to read and write,

I’ve been writing all my life. (Pen)

3. He writes when dictated,

He draws and draws.

And this evening

He will color the album for me. (Pencil)

4. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line,

Feel free to write on me

You can also draw

My name is... (Notebook)

5. I carry a new house in my hand,

The doors of the house are locked.

The residents here are made of paper,

All terribly important. (Briefcase)

Presenter: Guys, when do you think is better to pack your briefcase - in the morning, before school or in the evening?

Children: It's better in the evening, otherwise you might be late for school.

Presenter: Well done! A true student must learn to assemble a briefcase quickly and accurately. Attention, we are playing a “pack a briefcase” game.

Presenter: Let's compete to see who can assemble the briefcase faster.

Three students participate in the game. At the command “Start,” they collect the briefcase to the music; put in it: “ABC”, a folder with notebooks, an album, a pencil case, colored pencils, plasticine. The winner is awarded. The game can be repeated.

Presenter: Of course, you know how to put together a briefcase. Of course, it would be nice to learn to behave well at school too

Performing the scene:"Two friends."

1st student: Once my best friend and I

So tired - no strength.

During recess in a small heap

I kneaded a friend.

2nd student: We fell asleep during class

The desk is softer than the bed.

We yawned so much that our cheekbones

There was no one to set things right.

1st student: Oh, teacher, what have you done?

He didn't say a word

And, without delving into the essence of the matter,

I immediately called my dad

2nd student: Oh, what a thrashing that was!

Oh, what a scolding it was!

This is hardly the best way

Understand a child's soul!

1st student: If it’s time in class

Flows very slowly

We, having forgotten the strict textbook

We draw whatever comes to mind.

2nd student: To work on the problem faster

Our brains thought

We sometimes chew gum,

What's tastier than pies?

Student 1 and 2: We are tired of studying

Oh, I wish I had a day off soon

Soon the torment will end for everyone!

Mom, I want to go home!

Presenter: Children, would you like to have a little fun?

SHOW YOUR PARENTS HOW YOU LEARNED TO DANCE AT REcess, but when the bell rings, sit quietly in your seats.

Children move to the music “Dance of the Ducklings”.

Presenter: Well done! You heard the bell and very quickly took your seats. The journey continues.

Let's tell you a little about ourselves.

1. Let them call us “seven-year-olds.”

2. Let them not mark us.

3. We don’t keep diaries.

4.But still we...

In chorus. Students!

1. We love the clean, bright class. This time!

2. We read the words there. That's two!

3. Well, and thirdly, I’m already writing notes to Lizka myself. And the granny says: “My grandson is a child prodigy.”

4. Well, what a kid I am,

If I'm at my brother's

I took it apart and assembled it myself

Micro calculator

Literaturnaya station.Let's do a literary warm-up.

Give the missing name of a literary character:

Brownie..., dad..., old man..., uncle..., postman..., doctor..., baron..., signor..., prince..., king...

Children name literary heroes: Kuzya, Carlo, Hottabych, Styopa, Pechkin, Aibolit, Munchausen, Tomato, Gvidon, Saltan.

And our guys already know very beautiful poems and know how to recite them.

Speech by Sasha Lezin.

Station "Mathematical".

Math is hard

But I will say with respect:

Math is needed

Everyone, without exception.

I propose very interesting tasks.

1. Birds flew across the sky: a magpie, a sparrow, a butterfly and a bumblebee. How many birds were there? Children: Two.

2. From under the fence 4 legs and 4 paws are visible. How many living creatures are there under the fence? Children: 2 people and a dog

3. How many girls are there in your class; boys? 13 and 13

Presenter: Well done! You are good at math, but at school they will teach you how to solve more difficult problems. But of course you don’t write very well yet. It happens with us too!

We are now students

We have no time for partying:

They put hooks on the house

-First task.

Here are my mother and I above the table

Let's sing together.

We lead down, we lead, we lead

Let's round it off smoothly!

But nasty hooks

With sharp noses

From under my hand

They crawl out on their own.

We don't watch TV

We don't read fairy tales.

We sit and sit for 3 hours

- Let’s round it off!

Evening. Late.

Let's go to bed.

We immediately fall asleep.

And in a dream we lead, we lead

- Let’s round it off!

Presenter: But don’t worry, you will definitely learn to write properly!

Presenter: Station "Merry Colors".Guess the riddle:

What a wonderful beauty!

painted gate

Appeared on the way!..

You can't drive into them or enter them.

Children: It's a rainbow.

Presenter: Name the colors of the rainbow in order.

Children name, remembering the words “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.”

Presenter: Let's draw a rainbow.

Boys and girls draw

Teacher: Oh! Words appeared on the rainbow! Let's read them.

The words were pre-drawn with a candle.

Children: Mom, sun, peace, homeland, happiness.

Teacher: What words dear to the heart. I would like to add one more thing.

Shows a sign that says “School.”

The school is a glorious school house,

You will feel good in it.

Step by step every year

We will begin our journey towards knowledge.

Presenter: Dear first-graders! You passed all the tests with honor, we initiate you as students and accept you into our friendly school family!

Response from first graders:

1.On a sunny holiday, cheerful

The heart beats joyfully.

"Elementary School Student" -

This sounds great!

2.Becoming smarter and older,

We will conquer all sciences.

What a great holiday this is

We say “thank you” to everyone.

3. The loud bell will ring:

“It’s time for us to go to class!”

Students from all over our school

They shout loudest: “Hurray!”

And now your teacher will sprinkle you with water from the “cup of knowledge.”

Presenter 1. Attention! And now the oath

Disciples' Oath

I swear to everyone to be diligent,

And go to our class regularly.

I swear! (All children repeat in chorus.)

And in the backpack you can wear “good” and “excellent”.

I swear!

I swear that I will try very hard

No more fighting with my friends!

I swear!

I swear to be a raised child,

Don't run around the school, but walk.

I swear!

I swear not to be afraid of the thorny road

And I swear to cherish the title of schoolboy.

I swear!

And if I break my oath,

Then I give away my baby tooth,

I swear!

I will always be a real child,

I swear!

Presenter 2. Now you are not just schoolchildren. You are real students, first graders. Be proud of this title of Leader. We hope that not only your teachers, but also your parents will help you keep the words of your oath.

Parents of students take the stage.

Parents' oath

I swear (be I the mother or be I the father)

Always say to the child: “Well done!”

I swear!

(All parents present in the hall say in chorus.)

I swear to leave in due time,

I swear I won't be late for class.

I swear!

I swear I will not “build” my child’s education,

And understand and master the Teacher’s thoughts.

I swear!

I swear I won’t scold him for getting bad marks.

And don’t interfere with his homework.

I swear!

And if I break my oath,

Then I give away my last tooth,

I swear!

Then I will be a real parent

And I will never forget my oath.

I swear!

Presenter: But our students have already understood how to behave at school and have drawn conclusions for themselves, listen to them:

1.Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself well

So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at the desk.

2. Accustom yourself to order,

Don't play hide and seek with things.

Treasure every book,

Keep your briefcase clean.

3. Dress neatly

So that it was pleasant to watch.

Don't giggle in class

Don't move the chair back and forth.

4. Don’t tease, don’t be arrogant,

Try to help everyone at school,

Don’t frown in vain, be bolder -

And you will find friends.

5. Tell everyone about the school,

Cherish the honor of the school,

And don't yawn in class

6.That's all our advice,

They are wiser and simpler.

If you carry out the order,

Get ready for the second class!

In memory of our holiday we will make a coat of arms of our class

Svetlana Sumkina
Scenario of the holiday “Initiation into first-graders” for correctional school VIII species

Initiation into first graders

Target: formation of positive motivation for learning, interest in academic subjects, school.


o continuation of work to create a friendly children's team and a favorable microclimate;

o promoting children’s adaptation to school;

o developing interest in learning at school,

o correction of the emotional-volitional sphere of students.


Computer, electronic presentation, projector;

For the game “Collect a briefcase” - 2 briefcases, 2 sets of educational supplies, several toys, 2 scarves;

Portable magnetic board, subject pictures (duck, poppy, owls, stork, donkey, magnetic letters (a, y, m, s, o, magnetic numbers (1, 1, 2, =, +).

The progress of the holiday

1 slide(music by Shainsky “First-grader”)

1. Greeting guests of the holiday.

Hello, dear guests of our holiday!

Guess who this holiday is dedicated to?

IN kindergarten they walked,

They had little trouble

And now everyone has grown up.

The school year has arrived.

Come on, answer together

Don't yawn here and there

Come here now for a holiday...

All: First graders are coming!

Meet us!

2. Exit of first-graders.

(The teacher introduces the first graders, the children come out and stand in front of the guests).

Dear guests, let's give the floor to our first-graders, because they are so eager to show everyone what they have learned over these two months.

3. Word to first graders

1 student

Look at me:

That's how happy I am!

I'm already in first grade

And I'm friends with the guys.

2 student

We want to learn quickly

Make friends with the alphabet book,

From page to page

We'll read it by spring.

3 student

We'll learn before summer

And always in all subjects

We'll get five.

4 student

Wonderful days have come

We go to first grade

And a lot of interesting things

Let's find out for the first time.

5 student

We have important concerns -

We are schoolchildren now.

And we all have

Notebooks and briefcases.


You are now not just children, you are now students. And to become real disciples, you need to pass tests. You and I will go on a journey on this fun train.

2 slide

Each station has its own tasks waiting for you.

Well? Let's hit the road? (sound of train moving)

4. Traveling through stations.

3 slide

Station "Mysterious"

Guess the riddles, find the answers on the screen.

1. Guess what kind of thing -

A sharp beak, not a bird,

With this beak she

Sows and sows seeds

Not in the field, not in the garden -

On the pages of your notebook.


2. If you hone it,

You can draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this?.


3. I look like a box

You put your hands on me.

Schoolboy, do you recognize me?

Well, of course I am.

(Pencil case)

4. Multi-colored sisters

Bored without water.

Uncle, long and thin,

He carries water with his beard.

And his sisters with him

Draw a house and smoke.

(Brush and paint And)

5. I'm in a line, I'm in a cage,

I'm expecting a good grade.

I'm silent in class

I want to be an excellent student.


6. If you give her a job -

The pencil was in vain.


7. I’m ready to blind the whole world -

House, car, two cats.

Today I am the ruler -

I have.


8. This book is not easy,

I study letters using it.

(ABC, primer)

9. How boring, brothers,

Ride on someone else's back!

Someone would give me a pair of legs,

So that I can run on my own.


10. Huddle in a narrow house

Multi-colored kids.

Just release it into the wild -

Where was the emptiness

There, look, there is beauty!

(Colored pencils)

What are all these items called? (Teaching supplies)

Game "Collect a briefcase"

Who can assemble a briefcase faster with their eyes closed? Be careful not to put anything extra. (Among the educational supplies prepared for each participant there are toys. The children must assemble their briefcases by touch. The competition is held in pairs)

And again - on the road!

4 slide (sound of a moving train)

5 slide

Skazochnaya station

1. Say the name of the fairy-tale hero

Cat. (Leopold, in boots, Matroskin)

Grandfather. (Frost, Mazai)

Woman. (Yaga)

Uncle. (Fedor, Styopa)

Crocodile. (Gena)

Postman. (Pechkin)

Doctor. (Aibolit)

Red. (Cap)

Koschey. (Immortal)

Fly. (Tsokotuha)

Vinnie. (Pooh)

2. Find out the fairy-tale hero

He walked through the forest boldly,

But the fox ate the hero.

The poor thing sang goodbye.

His name was. (Kolobok)

6 slide

What a very strange thing this is

Wooden man?

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key.

He sticks his long nose everywhere.

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

7 slide

Someone grabbed onto someone tightly,

Oh, I can’t pull it out, oh, it’s stuck tightly.

But more helpers will soon come running,

Friendly common work will defeat the stubborn person.

Who is stuck so tightly? Who is this...


8 slide

He treats mice and rats,

Crocodiles, hares, foxes,

Bandages wounds

African monkey.

And anyone will confirm to us:

This is the doctor. (Aibolit)

Slide 9

Well done boys. So far you have easily overcome all the challenges. Let's move on.

10 slide (Sound of a moving train)

11 slide

Station "Musical"

First-graders perform the song “What They Teach at School” by V. Shainsky.

Write different letters with a thin feather in a notebook

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Good books to love and be educated

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Find east and south, draw a square and a circle

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

And never confuse islands and cities

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Put dots and dashes, and don’t fight in the yard

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Be strong friends, cherish friendship from childhood

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

12 slide (Sound of a moving train)

Slide 13

Station "Bukvarnaya"

Look at the screen and find familiar letters. Whoever recognizes the letter must find it on the table and hang it on the board under his picture.

(On the magnetic board, subject pictures are pre-hung, the names of which begin with the indicated letters: a, o, y, m, s.)

Who remembers what word we made up in reading lesson from three letters? (o-sa) Write this word on the board.

And now back on the road - to new challenges!

Slide 14 (Sound of a moving train)

15 slide

Station "Mathematical"

Let's check how you learned to compose and solve examples.

There's a puppy sitting on the porch

Warms his fluffy side.

Another one came running

And sat down next to him.

How many puppies are there?

How many puppies were there? (1)

How many puppies came running? (1)

How many puppies are there? (2)

Give an example of how the number 2 came about.

(One student makes an example 1+1=2 on the magnetic board)

You passed this test with honor. You can hit the road.

16 slide (Sound of a moving train)

Slide 17

Station "Dance"

First graders perform the "Dance of the Little Ducklings." (2 verses)

18 slide(Sound of a moving train)

Slide 19

Shkolnaya station

We are back at school and must remember how real students behave at school. Let's play the game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends." I will ask questions, and you answer “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” if this is about you, and if not, stomp your feet.

Who marches to school in a cheerful band every year?

How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order?

Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?

How many of you come to class an hour late?

Who completes their homework on time?

Which one of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?

Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?

Which of you, I want to know, loves to sing and dance?

5. Instruction from older students

1 lesson

Here, my friend, is the desired hour,

You are enrolled in first grade.

You. friend, listen to us,

We give you an order.

2 lessons

Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself well

So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at the desk.

3 lessons

Train yourself to order

Don't play hide and seek with things

Treasure every book,

Keep your briefcase clean.

4 lessons

Dress neatly

To make it pleasant to watch,

Don't giggle in class

Don't move the chair back and forth.

5 lessons

Don't tease, don't get cocky,

Try to help everyone at school.

Don't frown in vain, be bolder -

And you will find friends.

6th grade

That's all our advice,

They are wiser and simpler.

You, my friend, don’t forget them,

Goodbye. Good luck!

Listening to the advice of the older guys, we will take the first-grader oath. I will read the text of the oath, and you repeat the word we swear in chorus every time I stop.

6. Oath of first graders

We, 1st grade students of the Malyshev boarding school, swear:

Be diligent and diligent;

Always do your homework carefully;

Be attentive in class;

Do not offend classmates;

Respect parents, teachers and educators;

Behave well in the school canteen, in the locker room, during recess;

Don't snitch or tease;

Always be in a good mood.

We swear, we swear, we swear!

Congratulations, guys. You passed all the tests with honor and were accepted into the ranks of the students of our school.

20 slide