Scenario of the puppet theater fair. Scenario of the holiday “Kostroma Fair”. He knows a lot of fun


Holiday script for parents and 1st grade students.

To decorate the hall, you need to decorate the curtain, put tables in a row, covered with beautiful tablecloths or curtains, lay out “products” on the tables, write several signs like “Livestock for sale”, “Tea room”, “Rolls, bread, bagels”.

Preliminary work: listening to Russian folk songs, learning folk games, elements of Russian dance; learning poems, songs and performing them.

Material: souvenirs, signs “Sale of livestock”, “Rolls, bread, bagels”, “Tea room”, handkerchiefs. Painted boxes for peddlers. Play equipment "Merry Carousel". Musical folk instruments: rumbas, rattles, wooden spoons, tambourines, etc. Screen, Parsley doll.

Celebration progress:

The holiday begins with the parents making “collars”, the children walk through them, walk around the hall, and take their places.


Oh, you are beautiful girls and kind fellows! We invite everyone to a fun fair! Welcome guests, buffoons and honkers gather here, and a cheerful performance begins with games, fun, round dances and songs.

Round dance "There is a viburnum on the mountain"

2 buffoons run out

To the music of the R.N.P. "Peddlers"

6 peddlers enter with trays (in the trays there are fruits, buckets, toys, combs, handkerchiefs, beads), walk around the hall and stop facing the guests.

Sketch “Ulya and Phil”:

U: Great, Phil!

F: Great, Ulya!

F: Mother sent pancakes.

W: Where are they?

F: I put them under the bench.

U: What an eccentric you are, Filya!

F: How would you be, Ulya?

U: I would put them in the oven, you come and eat.

U: Great, Phil!

F: Great, Ulya!

U: What, did your mother send you gifts?

F: Mother sent a sundress.

W: Where is he?

F: I put it in the oven.

U: What an eccentric you are, Filya!

F: How would you be, Ulya?

W: I would hang him.

(music sounds, children disperse in a circle and come back together)

U: Great, Phil!

F: Great, Ulya!

U: What, did your mother send you gifts?

F: Mother sent a ram.

W: Where is he?

F: I hung it.

U: What an eccentric you are, Filya!

F: How would you be, Ulya?

U: I would take him into the barn, give him water to drink, and give him hay.

(music sounds, children disperse in a circle and come back together)

U: Great, Phil!

F: Great, Ulya!

U: What, did your mother send you gifts?

F: Mother sent her sister


W: Where is she?

F: And I took her into the barn, gave her water to drink, and gave her hay.

U: What an eccentric you are, Filya!

F: How would you be, Ulya?

U: I would put her on a chair and give her some tea!

(music sounds, children disperse in a circle and come back together)

Let's stand, girls, side by side

Let's sing ditties!


Yes, and we, perhaps, will get up,

Let's not leave our friends behind!

We'll sing ditties for you

Wonderful though

That the old ladies will go dancing,

The old people will dance!

I'll go out, I'll go out and dance

In new shoes,

All the guys say

That I'm like a picture!

I have a rose in my pocket -

The rose is crumbling,

I have such a character

Like stinging nettles!


I put my foot on my toes,

And then on the heel.

I’ll start dancing Russian

And then squat!

Vova was lazy in the morning

Comb your hair

A cow came up to him

combed her tongue


There are clouds in the blue sky,

It will rain or hail.

Olya asks to be held

On the way to kindergarten!

Petya deftly catches fish

Maybe make a raft,

Just "hello" and "thank you"

Can't speak!

Sasha and Vova played

All the toys were scattered

They started arguing and shouting

Who should collect toys?

Alla was sitting at the table,

I thought at the plate,

Pinocchio sat down next to her,

I ate all the compote and porridge.

Parents don't have an hour

No talking to the child

And who communicates at school?

It's developing quickly!

Oh, we've sung enough

Give me a new change!

Oh, thanks to the accordion player

Here's to a fun game!

Scene “Buffoon with a Bear”

Make way, honest people,

Little bear is coming with me!

He knows a lot of fun,

There will be a joke, there will be laughter! (The bear bows to the audience.)

- Show me, Mikhailo Potapych, how our girls get ready for kindergarten?

(The bear paints his lips, twirls, preens.)

- What kind of boys are in our group?

(The bear fights and growls.)

-How did Vanya oversleep and be late for the garden?

(The bear is “sleeping”, jumps up, runs.)

- How does our principal get around the school?

(The bear walks importantly across the stage.)

- How does Dunyasha dance?

(The bear puts out his leg.)

- Yes, not the same Dunyasha that was before, but the present one!

(The bear turns its back.)

- Well done! Now bow and walk to the music! (The bear bows and leaves.)

2nd buffoon

There are a lot of eccentrics in the world, and there are a lot of them in our city. Where are my weirdos? Hey weirdos!

1st buffoon:

I went to the fair and bought myself a pipe. I will play a funny song, and you help me,

Song-drama "Treacle with Ginger"


What kind of people are these? Is he shedding bitter tears?


Yes, nasty rooks, they stole the rolls.


You can live without rolls, if only the tea was hot!

2nd buffoon:

Come on, guys, come on, girls!

Come out side by side. Let's start playing!

Game "Carousel"

6 chairs are placed with their backs in a circle. 7 children are invited. Music is playing and children are running in circles. The music ends. Children sit on chairs.

Game with parents.


Parents run hand in hand with their children, sitting on a chair and placing the child on their knees

(everyone sits down)

Hey guys, well done!

Everyone is such a daredevil!

We'll cook now

More challenging games for you!

To the accompaniment of a cheerful Russian folk melody, the Parsley doll appears above the screen.


Hello, naughty girls and boys! Do you like to play? Then now I’ll play “Confusion” with you. I will confuse you, but you must answer correctly: girls or boys. Agreed?

Parsley asks the children riddles:

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Of course, they only weave...

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in your pocket...

Skates were drawing arrows on the ice...

We played hockey in the morning...

We chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...

Test your strength in front of everyone,

Of course, they only love...

Cowards are afraid of the dark -

All as one, they...

Silk, lace and ringed fingers -

Going out for a walk...

Well done! Goodbye! And cheerful buffoons are coming to replace me again!

1st buffoon:

And everyone came to the fair from all over the world!

Here are the galloping girls and the merry boys!

2nd buffoon:

Can you jump? Come on, brave souls, come out! Whoever can jump on two legs more times will have any product to choose from!

Children play the game "Jumping rope".

A cheerful Russian melody sounds, the presenters twirl the rope (or jump rope) and give the children various tasks: jump in pairs, squat, three, sideways, and others.

1st peddler

Hey, get some rubles, buy bagels

Hurry up, don't skimp, splurge
Young man, what are you selling?

Ivanushka (with accordion)

I don’t sell, I sing songs.

Let's start, guys!

Dramatization of Russian folk song

“Where have you been, Ivanushka?”

1st buffoon: Oh, yes, Ivanushka, he’s built a rich house...

Noise orchestra "Topotukha"


Hostess: “Oh, the box is full, there are chintz and brocade,” as the song says. But our peddlers' boxes are already empty.

1st buffoon:

So the sun has set -

Our fair is closed!

2nd buffoon:

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!

A Russian folk melody sounds. Buffoons and children leave the fair.

The holiday ends with tea drinking from a samovar with bagels and sweets.

Scenario of folklore entertainment at the preschool educational institution "Fair of Miracles" (senior preschool age)

HEROES: 2 buffoons, 2 presenter in the district. sundresses and kokoshniks, a screen with Petrushka and the Beehive doll in Russian folk costume.

CHILDREN: Peddlers, an old man with a cow-panel, 4 godfathers - girls.

Prepared tables on the sides with children's crafts and sweets.

Children of 2 groups take their seats, children who dance "Golden Fair" , standing behind the scenes.

1 ACT: (2 teachers from different groups)

To the fair! To the fair!

Hurry up everyone here!

There are jokes, songs, sweets

We've been waiting for you for a long time, friends!

2 EDUCATION: Hey, don't stand at the door!

And from all corners of the earth

Everyone has come to the fair!

A Russian folk melody sounds and Skomorokhs run out from different directions.

Thomas: Hello, brother Erem!

Erema: Hello, brother Thomas!

Thomas: Where are you going?

Erema: I’m going to the fair.

Foma: When going to work, the last one is behind, but when going to a fair, the first one is in front! Who said anything about the fair?

Erema: Kuma said.

Foma: How does the godfather know?

Erema: Kuma knows everything that is going on in the world. Another time the matter has not yet been done, and the godfather is already whispering about it in his godfather’s ear. And if two godfathers whisper, the whole world will know. Have you been to the fair, Brother Thomas?

Foma: I have.

Erema: Is it big?

Foma: I didn’t measure it.

Erema: Who did you see at the fair?

Thomas: I saw how a hornless, tailless cow was led on a chain. Her eyes are narrow and her forehead is wide.

Erema: It was a bear.

Foma: What kind of bear is there?! I've known a bear before, he's not like that. The bear is gray, has a long tail, and has a large mouth.

Erema: Yes, it’s a wolf.

Foma: Brother, you’re all talking wrong. I knew the wolf before. The wolf is small, has slanting eyes, long ears, jumps from hill to hill, and runs away from dogs.

Erema: This is a hare. And stop telling stories, brother Thomas. Let's go to the fair instead.

The intro of the song plays "Golden Fair" . Foma and Erema dance squat (or any others). Children come out from behind the scenes to dance to the music (5 pairs)


Thomas: Most respected gentlemen!

Come join us here!

Exhibit your product

To our fair market!

3 peddlers come out: 1) beads and ribbons hang on their hands

2) there are gingerbread cookies

3) spoons, accordions

1 Peddler:

Hey people, young and old,

Marvel at my product!

Beads, threads, lace,

There is braid and fringe,

And for the red girls

There are satin ribbons! (shows his product)

2nd peddler: And my goods are a sight for sore eyes,

One meal.

Printed gingerbread cookies,

Very fragrant.

As soon as you approach,

Take it right away.

Try it, come on over,

Don't swallow your tongue!

3 peddler: Who wants wooden spoons?

Suitable for eating porridge from a bowl,

And also sing and dance

Yes, play along with the harmonica.

They amuse, have fun,

There's no reason to be bored!

Children come out to Russian folk music and stand in a semicircle.


1 VED: The fair is noisy, rejoicing,

Calls to the street

To ours, to the cheerful one

People are in a hurry.

2 QUESTIONS: You’ll find something to suit your taste here

Gifts for anyone:

And to the boy without a mustache

And to the gray-haired grandfather.

1 EDUCATION: It was here at the fair that four godfathers met...

4 girls come out, each approach the peddlers, examine the goods, then a scene "Four godfathers" .

1st godfather. Hello, godfather.

2nd godfather. I was at the market.

1st godfather. Congratulations on the fair.

2nd godfather. I bought a rooster.

  1. godfather What, godmother, are you deaf?
  2. godfather I want a roast rooster.

They disperse.

3rd godfather. Hello, godfather.

2- godfather. I was at the market.

3 godfather. No way, godfather, are you deaf?

2nd godfather. I bought a chicken and a rooster.

3rd godfather. Goodbye, godfather.

2nd godfather. She gave me five rubles.

They disperse.

4th godmother. Good afternoon, godfather. Listen.

2nd godfather. I'm taking hubby something to eat.

4th godmother. Hey godfather, are you deaf?

2nd godfather. Roasted rooster. They disperse. Sounds R.N. music.

Foma: Hey, people, don’t yawn, start singing a song about autumn!

Erema: Where the song flows, life is easier there!

Everyone stands in a semicircle and sings a song:


2 VED: Well, your songs are good,

Now let's dance from the heart.


Foma: And how at that fair you can’t count everything,

Erema: Come, don’t be shy,

Grab the carousel!

A GAME: "CAROUSEL" (all children)

Children: Barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Stop the carousel

One, two, one, two,

The game is over! (in the opposite direction, and then everyone goes to their places)

Foma: Now what are we going to trade?

Erema: We'll sell potatoes!

Foma: Or maybe it’s better to play with her?

Erema: I won’t even object to you!

Foma: This is not an easy matter at all:

Two people will play with a spoon.

Erema: Take the potatoes, put them in a spoon,

Then you run with it a little.

Foma: You can’t drop it, you can’t tremble,

Erema: You can breathe,

Together: But very carefully!


(everyone can play)

The peddlers stand at their places at the tables and stand up one by one:

1 EDUCATION: Let's reveal a secret to you, friends,

Let's say everything without further ado

You found yourself today

In the Miracle City of Masters.

4 peddler: At Uncle Jacob's

The product will have enough of everything.

Tara - bars, rastabars,

We will sell all items!

5 peddler: The pies are hot, just out of the oven!

Hot, hot, a couple for five rubles!

Sweets made with honey, let's put them in a hat!

6 peddler: And my goods are the best!

It's called a walnut!

Harder than hundred-year-old oaks,

Gets rid of extra teeth!

7 peddler: We guys are daring.

We guys are naughty.

We invite everyone to the fair,

We sell nesting dolls!

8 peddler: Shawls, combs,

Painted cockerels.

Small expense

Come, honest people!

EDIT 1: Come on in, girls, choose your scarves

2 QUESTIONS: Go to the fair,

Have fun people!

4 girls with scarves come out to dance



EDIT 1: An old man was selling a cow at the market

At least many people needed a little cow.

But apparently people didn’t like her.

A cow enters to the music, led by an old boy.

A customer comes out - a girl.

1 Buyer. Old man, will you sell me your cow?

Old man. I'm selling it, I've been sitting with it since the morning.

1 Buyer. How much are you asking for her, old man?

Old man. Yes, it’s a sin to profit, I wish I could get what’s mine back!

1 Buyer. Your little cow is too thin.

Old man. She's sick, damn it. Just a disaster!

1 Buyer. Does a cow give a lot of milk? A?

Old man. Yes, we haven’t seen milk yet! (waves hand) girl leaves

EDIT 1: The old man was selling all day at the market

Nobody gave a price for the cow.

One boy took pity on the old man.

A boy comes out. There is a cap on his head and a balalaika in his hands.

Boy from the ball. Dad, your hand is not easy

I'll stand next to your cow

Maybe we'll sell your cow

Sings while playing the balalaika, music "Oh, you, canopy"

Come, honest people

Grandfather is selling a cow.

And the cow is good

Gives a lot of milk.

2nd buyer. Will you sell the cow?

Boy from the ball. Buy if you're rich!

Look at the cow, not a cow, but a treasure!

2nd buyer. Looks too skinny

Boy from the ball. Not very fat, but good milk yield!

2nd buyer. Does a cow give a lot of milk? A?

Boy from the ball. If you don’t milk it in a day, your hand will get tired!

Old man. Why am I, Burenka, selling you? (strokes)

You need such a cow yourself!

EDIT 1: The guy praised the cow.

Grandfather kept it for himself. (r.n. music sounds)

2 EDIT: The puppet theater came to our Miracle Fair. And Petrushka decided to cheer us all up today. He always ridiculed the lazy and careless. Let's see who he will laugh at today.

Ved: And before there was always a theater at the fair. And Petrushka always amused everyone. He ridiculed the lazy and careless. And Parsley also came to our Miracle Fair. Let's see who he will laugh at today.

Sounds R.N. M., Petrushka comes out on the screen. Dancing on the screen.

Parsley: Hello, guys! Looks like I'm at a fair! How elegant and beautiful everyone is, and you have wonderful painted decorations on your tables.

Ulya: (appears) Painted, painted! Hello, Petrushka!

Parsley: Hello, Ulya! (hug)

Ulya: Petrushka, where have you been?

P: At grandma's.

U: At your grandmother's? What did your grandmother give you?

P: Oh, delicious pancakes.

U: Where did you put the pancakes?

P: I put them under the bench!

U: Ahh! What are you doing? What about under the bench? What an eccentric you are, Petrushka! You would like pancakes in the oven, and in a warm one, and then with butter... And you, Parsley...

P: In the oven? But I didn't think. Okay, next time I'll do that.

While listening to the music, they dispersed in different directions, then after a couple of seconds they converged again.

U: Hello, Petrushka!

P: Hello, Ulya! (hug)

U: We haven’t seen each other for a long time. Where have you been?

P: At grandma's.

U: Again at grandma’s. What were you doing there?

P: Grandma gave me a new shirt.

U: Where's your shirt?

P: And I put it in the oven, as you taught me.

U: How so? I told you about pancakes. And you put your shirt right in the stove.

What an eccentric you are, Petrushka! You'd better put your shirt in the closet.

P: In the closet? Okay, next time I'll do that!

U: Goodbye, Petrushka!

Sounds R.N. m., disperse to the sides and converge again after a couple of minutes.

U: Oh, hello, Petrushka!

P: Hello, Ulya!

W: Where were you this time?

P: At grandma's.

U: Again at grandma’s. What did your grandmother give you?

P: My grandmother gave me a calf.

U: Probably pretty?

P: Nice, affectionate.

U: Where is your little calf?

P: Well, as you taught me, I hung it in the closet.

U: Oh, oh! Did you hang it in the closet? What are you doing? Parsley, what an eccentric you are! You would put the calf in a barn, give it some water, feed it some hay...

P: Oh, again I did everything wrong. Well, this time, Ulya, I remembered everything. I'll do everything right! Goodbye, Ulya!

U: Goodbye, Petrushka!

Sounds R.N. m., diverge... converge. They come out dancing.

U: Hello, Petrushka! Long time no see!

P: Oh, a long time ago... I was at my grandmother’s again!

U: Oh, again at grandma’s, what did grandma give you this time?

P: She introduced me to a beautiful girl, Nastyushka.

W: Probably pretty.

P: Nice, beautiful, red ribbon in her hair.

U: Why don’t I see her? Where is she, your Nastyushka?

P: I took her to the barn, gave her water to drink, and fed her with hay.

U: Oh, what have you done? She’s not your calf... What an eccentric you are, Petrushka! He would bring Nastenka, sit him down at the table, and give him tea and cheesecakes. Run quickly after Nastyushka.

P: Oh, I’ll run and do everything right: I’ll put the pancakes on the stove, I’ll hang the shirt in the closet, I’ll take the calf to the barn, and I’ll put Nastenka at the table!

U: Well done, finally you, Petrushka, have wised up and understood everything. Well, guys, is Parsley good? Did you do everything right? Well, goodbye, Petrushka!

P: Goodbye!

Music sounds, Petrushka and Ulya bow, Ulya leaves, and P. dances, then Ulya takes him away.

Foma and Erema come out from behind the screen, dancing:

Foma: Yerema and I together

We live a very fun life.

Erema: I am Erema, he is Thomas,

Where he goes, I go too!

Foma: Dear viewers! Our dear parents!

Erema: Come, choose, buy for 5 rubles!

Parents go into the hall, buy crafts, the rn sounds. music.

EDIT 1: All goods are sold out,

But one was completely forgotten.

He puffs like a locomotive

It is important to keep your nose up.

Make some noise, calm down,

Invite the seagull to have a drink.

And then, flashing his sides,

Will dance with us.

White steam billows out.

The samovar is dancing wildly!

DANCE “Puff, puff, samovar” (shared with parents)

(Foma takes a samovar from cardboard, stands in the center of the circle,

Erema dances with everyone, showing moves)

Foma: Everything is ready! It's boiling! And he invites everyone to tea!!

EDIT 1: Oh yes, we have a fair!

It turned out just great!

2 VED: We'll treat you for this! (Parents go to their group for tea)

1st herald:

2nd herald:

Well, your goods are good,

Now let's dance from the heart.

Matryoshka painted

Decorated the whole world

He boasts about his clothes -

Another appears!

3rd child:

Let's reveal a secret to you, friends,

Let's say everything without further ado

You found yourself today

In the Miracle City of Masters.

4th child:

Today we arrived for the holiday

Masters of various crafts!

5th child: (with tray)

Like the magical Firebird,

Doesn't go out of my mind

Sorceress, craftswoman

Golden Khokhloma!

6th child:

Our dishes for cabbage soup and porridge

Doesn't break, doesn't break

And it is not damaged!

1st herald:

It’s time for everyone to admit this a long time ago -

Everywhere Russians are held in high regard as masters!

Our free amazing people,

He has been creating a miracle fairy tale for centuries!

2nd herald:

Well, your goods are good,

Now let's dance from the heart.

What's a fair without a carousel?

A game "Carousel" (with song “There’s a viburnum on the mountain” ) .

(A girl comes out with a scarf on her shoulders).

1st herald: Where did you, beauty, get such a scarf?

Girl: Yes, the needlewomen brought their goods to the fair, and I dressed up.

1st herald: And many of us wanted to become smart.

2nd herald:

Come on in, girls, choose your scarves

Posadsky, painted, royal!

1st herald:

Go to the fair

Have fun people!

Dance with scarves.


Uncle Yakov has enough goods for everything. Taras - bars, rastabars, we will sell all goods!

The pies are hot right out of the oven! Hot, hot, a couple for three rubles! Sweets made with honey, let's put them in a hat!

And my product is the best! It's called a walnut! Harder than hundred-year-old oaks, eliminates excess teeth!

We guys are daring.

We guys are naughty.

We invite everyone to the fair,

We sell nesting dolls!

Child. All goods are sold out

But one was completely forgotten.

He puffs like a locomotive

It is important to keep your nose up.

Make some noise, calm down,

Invite the seagull to have a drink.

And then, flashing his sides,

Will dance with us.

White steam billows out.

The samovar is dancing wildly!

Dance “Puff, puff, samovar” , phonogram

Samovar: Everything is ready! I'm boiling! And I invite you to tea!

Buffoon: Oh yes, we have a fair!

Gypsy: It turned out just great!

Together: We'll treat you for it! (Treat)

HOST: The sun has set

Our fair is closed!

Thomas. Now what are we going to trade?

Erema. We'll sell potatoes!

Thomas. Or maybe it’s better to play with her?

Erema. I won't even object to you!

Thomas. This is not a simple matter at all:

Two people will play with a spoon.

Erema. You take a potato, put it in a spoon,

Then you run with it a little.

Thomas. You can't drop it, you can't shake it,

Erema. You can breathe

BOTH. But very carefully!


Thomas. Yerema and I together

We live a very fun life.

Erema. I am Erema, he is Foma,

Where he goes, I go too!

BOTH. We sing not according to the words,

We sing in verses.

We don't sell for money,

We take candy!

Thomas. Dear viewers! Our dear parents!

We invite you to our fair,

We offer to buy children's crafts!

Erema. Come, choose, buy for 5 rubles!

PHONOGRAM - (children sell crafts to parents for candy

How pretty is that girl

Chernobrova, round face,

Below the waist is a braid,

I'll give everything to you, beauty!

Here's a scarf, throw it over your shoulders!

The girls are red, don't yawn,

Disassemble the half shawls

And get up in a round dance,

Let the people have fun!

sellers come out (children) with goods, communicate, try on outfits, someone looks in the mirror.



Most respected gentlemen!

Come join us here!

Exhibit your product

To our fair market!

Important product

Every merchant will praise him!

You're welcome!

We take a nickel from good fellows,

And we give it to the red girls for free!

Hey people, don’t yawn, start singing a song about autumn!

Where the song flows, life is easier there!

GIRL: (at counter tables)

Garden pears

Honey apples

There are watermelon and grapes

Everyone is welcome to treat themselves!

Here's an overseas pineapple

Stock up!

We guys are daring.

We guys are naughty.

We invite everyone to the fair,

We sell nesting dolls!

And my product is a sight for sore eyes,

One meal.

Printed gingerbread cookies,

Very fragrant.

As soon as you approach,

Take it right away.

Try it, come on over,

Don't swallow your tongue!

And the dishes are good

This is how the soul rejoices!

Buyers admire the product

And they are still interested!

Third child: - Scarves, combs, painted cockerels. A small expense, come, honest people!

Girl: we should have handkerchiefs, lead a round dance, make people laugh!

The participants of the performance take the stage to the music of “Fair”.

2 presenter.

We open our fair performance with wonderful singing.

Listen to Russian songs and eat bagels!

The song “Karagot” is performed.

3 presenter.

And how at that fair you can’t count everything,

There are toys and sweets and carousels!

The boys pretend to ride on a carousel.

4 presenter.

Barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Stop the carousel

One, two, one, two,

The game is over!

1 presenter.

And now - attention, attention!

We invite you to fun competitions!

Competitions are held for strong boys to the music “Kamarinskaya”.

There's viburnum on the mountain

There is a viburnum on the mountain,

There are raspberries under the mountain.

Well, who cares, viburnum!

Well, who cares, raspberry!

The girls were walking there

The Reds were walking there.

Well, who cares, let's go for a walk!

Well, who cares, let's go for a walk!

Kalinushka was broken,

Kalinushka was broken,

Well, who cares, they broke it!

Well, who cares, they broke it!

Knitted in bunches,

They knitted them into bunches.

Well, who cares, let's knit!

Well, who cares, they knitted!

thrown onto the path,

thrown onto the path,

Well, who cares, they threw it!

Well, who cares, they abandoned it!

Scenario. Holiday "Puppet Story"

Holiday script for primary school children. Children will learn about the history of dolls in Russia, take part in making dolls - amulets, watch a puppet theater performance, and play folk games.

TARGET: studying the history of Russian folk dolls.
develop children's creative abilities;
cultivate respect for Russian culture;
teach how to make a doll with your own hands.

Leading: Guys, guess the riddle:
I change her outfits
I put you to bed and take you for a walk.
I’ll comb my hair and, if necessary,
I'll tie a beautiful bow.
Who am I playing with?
Tell me friends?

Of course it's a doll! Today you will hear a puppet story.
Raise your hand, who has a doll? What is a doll? What is it for?
Explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language explain that a doll is a children's toy in the form of a human figurine.
There are a great many dolls in the world. - What a variety of dolls surrounds us now. Walk into any Toys store and your eyes will widen with abundance. You can choose a toy that suits your taste and budget.
- Guys, what do you think, did your grandmothers and great-grandmothers play with the same dolls?
-Where did they get them?
The very first dolls were made from ash, clay, wood, bone, bast, wax, and flax.

In ancient times, a doll was a protection for a person from illnesses, misfortunes, and evil spirits.

We begin our story with a rag doll
Since ancient times, a traditional toy in the life of the Russian village, even in the poorest peasant families, has been a rag doll. In other houses, up to a hundred of them accumulated.
“As a child, my favorite toys were dolls. From an early age we knew how to make dolls. They made them from rags, rumples, and used handkerchiefs. Some dolls were sewn together, while others were simply twisted and tied with threads. The dolls were never painted with a face. Such dolls were called faceless. According to ancient beliefs, evil spirits cannot inhabit a doll without a face (i.e. without a soul). A “faceless” doll was considered an inanimate object and could not harm the child. They dressed the dolls as they walked themselves. A sundress is a must. At the back, all the folds were stitched. On top of the sundress is a jacket and an apron. They had to tie it up with a belt... Even the breasts of an adult female doll were made. They made both male and child dolls. They played with dolls, fed them, put them to bed, and played out their entire adult lives on dolls. Look how we made dolls
Each newborn child had a bright doll in the cradle, protecting the baby from the “evil eye.” Even before the child was born, they made a doll and put it in the cradle so that the doll would “warm” it for the unborn baby. When the baby was born, the doll did not part with him even then. In order for the baby to sleep soundly and peacefully, the mother would say: “Sleep - insomnia, don’t play with my baby, but play with this doll.” The doll distracted evil spirits, protecting the child.
Ten-handle- a doll intended for a young woman (a girl who recently got married). Such a doll was often given to the bride for her wedding so that she could do everything and everything would go well in her family.
Traditionally, this doll was made from grass, straw, bast and beautifully decorated

grain- a doll that symbolized prosperity in the house. This doll was made after the harvest. At the heart of this doll is a bag filled with grain. Also, this doll could be made by a woman so that she could have children. This doll symbolized wealth and well-being in the family. It lived in areas where cereals were grown.
An important moment in a person's life is a wedding. For this occasion, there was a special ritual doll “Couple”, sometimes such a doll was called “Lovebirds”. The female and male figures have a common hand - a symbol of a strong marriage union. The wedding “Couple” was made from three red rags of the same size. The doll was given to newlyweds at a wedding, attached to a towel. When the first child was born in a young family, they began to use a towel, and the doll was given to the child or kept for life as a talisman of family and marriage.
Game “Puppet movements” - (do as I do) (in a circle, the driver turns away, the children repeat the movements after the leader, the driver must guess who is driving...)

And you can make dolls yourself; all you need is a few pieces of scraps, thread, and imagination.
Now our craftswomen will show a master class.
Those wishing to participate are invited to participate

MASTER CLASS (one student from each class makes a doll, 12 people in total)

Children demonstrate made dolls

7th grade girls talk about dolls:
1.Home Maslenitsa
During Maslenitsa week, such a doll was hung outside the window. This was a sign that the mother-in-law was expecting her son-in-law and daughter to visit for pancakes. Most often, such dolls were made from straw and bast. The face was covered with linen cloth and dressed in traditional attire.

The doll 2. birch bark was widespread in the North of Russia; the doll was made of birch bark rolled into a tube. A prayer (or conspiracy) was placed inside. It was a strong amulet. As a rule, this doll was made for a child and given to him by his own grandmother (that’s why it was sometimes called “grandmother’s doll”).

4. Bell doll. This doll is cheerful, playful, and brings joy and fun to the house. By giving a Bell, a person wishes his friend to receive only good news and maintains a joyful and cheerful mood in him.

The game “Myrshym” is a Kazakh folk game with candy on the cheek. The driver must guess who has candy on the cheek..
Host: listen to the history of porcelain dolls

For girls from wealthy families, dolls were ordered abroad. French dolls became famous throughout the world already in the 16th century. But besides playing, they had another important role - they introduced the ladies to the latest fashion trends. Aristocrats ordered such fashionistas for their daughters in order to instill in them good taste.

At the end of the 19th century, dolls appeared in Russia that were no worse than foreign ones. They had porcelain heads with lovely faces and beautiful hair, and they wore skillfully sewn folk costumes from different provinces of Russia. Such dolls were called ethnographic. They were bought with pleasure not only in Russia, but also by guests from abroad. These dolls weren't cheap. Their costumes were very real: sundresses, shushuns, ponevas, shower jackets. The decoration was the special beauty of folk clothing. Ribbons, braid, braids, gimp, sequins, beads, and floss of different colors were used for it. The beads and buttons were made by glaziers. The doll's shoes were sewn by a shoemaker. The royal daughters also played with dolls in national clothes. Clothes for such dolls were sewn by the best tailors of the Bed Chamber in the Kremlin.

The most expensive dolls with porcelain heads, in costumes made of brocade and silk, decorated with beads, gold and silver braid, and intricate lace, are now included in museum collections in Russia, France, America and other countries.

Wooden dolls continue the puppet story
The bright matryoshka doll, known throughout the world, has become a doll symbol of Russia.
– not a single tourist will leave us without this painted Russian peasant girl

And today our guests are tumbler dolls. The dance is performed by 1st grade girls.

Game "Matryoshka"
2 teams stand in lines and, on command, tie scarves to the one in front. Whose team is faster?

Modern dolls continue the story

Dolls of the 70-80s of the last century.
Your mothers played with these dolls; you probably still have them at home. Plastic dolls with nylon hair. The dolls' eyes closed and their arms and legs moved.
Such a doll could be washed, her hair done, dressed, undressed.

Barbie doll
In 1959, in the month of May, the famous Barbie doll was born. Her height is 29 cm, and she weighs only 135 grams.

Is it difficult for you to imagine life without cinema, television, computers? But once upon a time there was none of this. Back then, people really loved watching puppet theater shows.
Shhh..Guys! Today we will find ourselves in the magical world of talking dolls. It is not customary to make noise or talk loudly here, because these dolls are artists, and they are preparing to go on stage

Parsley appears
Who are you talking about so quietly? Look, be quiet! I didn’t even hear that the audience had already gathered. Hello guys!
Children say hello.
Hey, the blond one from the front row.
You didn't recognize me at first sight:
And I am Petrusha! Everyone’s favorite toy!
The cap is sharp, the tongue even sharper.
Oh, and I’ll laugh at you -
So much so that you will burst out laughing!
(Music “Wandering Artists” performed by the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”)
The storyteller enters with a large bright suitcase.

ABOUT! Who else is this?
Would you like to play with me?
Storyteller: I am a storyteller, I go to cities and villages, showing people funny performances, good fairy tales, performances...
And today we have a performance to surprise everyone!
I want to tell children about the theater, No matter how I know this.
After all, the theater begins with me -
I am the most favorite children's character.
People have been watching my performances for 100 years.
Eh, without Parsley and a joke, not a joke.
And theater, not theater! Right, guys?!
ABOUT! Yes, as I see it, Braggart, Parsley.
Parsley: What kind of suitcase do you have?
Storyteller: Dolls live in such a magical suitcase, and where the storyteller opens it, the fairy tale settles there, and real miracles begin.
He takes out the dolls. This is a doll - a “puppet”.
Parsley: Why does this doll have such a strange name?
Storyteller: These toys were invented a long time ago in distant Italy.
“Marion” is Italian for little Maria – that’s what funny dolls were called at that time.
And for this doll to come to life, say it with me
Magic words:
“Ding-dong, ding-dong, To the cheerful chime,
Our doll come to life, start dancing!” Guys, who wants to bring a doll to life? (children show action with a doll)

Game program.

On the site, decorated with balls, there is a screen, in a prominent place - the “Fair” sign. Crafts, various antique utensils, a box of treats are laid out on the tables, and there are cheerful announcements on the walls: “Sort out the goods - one and a half pairs of bast shoes!”, “Bagel bagels - for any audience!”, “Colorful scarves - prices are biting!”, “For pots and jars are only two fifty rubles!”, “Pork lard! I bought it, ate it, and it was gone!”, “Ram’s horns are exorbitant!” etc.

Characters: Musician, Petrushka doll, Peter, who is also the voice of the Petrushka doll.

Non-native music sounds. A Musician comes out from behind the screen.

Musician. Attention attention!

Let's start the fun party!

Hurry up, honest people,

The fair is calling you all!

With shopping arcades,

With high mountains

With games and dancing,

With songs and fairy tales!

Who will go to the fair?

Will find a lot of useful things

And who won't go?

He'll die of boredom!

Let's get up, let's go to the fair!

Children stomp in place to the music. The Parsley doll appears above the screen. The sounds of a horn are heard.

Parsley. Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

I'll show you a show

To everyone's surprise!

Musician. And who are you?

Parsley. I'm a naughty boy!

The main guide at the fair.

You will listen to me with your mouth open.

But first, as usual,

Let's get acquainted.

My name is Parsley -

Fun toy!

Musician. And I'm a Musician

I have great talent

To blow the pipe

Yes, sing songs.

The musician invites the children to come up with an interesting rhyme for their name. The best “poet” receives a coin token. For example: “My name is Natasha, I like to eat porridge.” Or: “My name is Andrey, I chase pigeons.”

We came to the fair

Have fun from the heart

Take a walk, play,

Show yourself

Save some money

Yes, buy something.

Come on, Petrushka,

funny toy

Show us the fun

So that everyone bursts out laughing.

Parsley. Musician, play the pipe,

I'll sing you nonsense.

Like on our street

A pot of porridge rolled!

Let's break the pots

Have fun with yourself!

Musician. I invite everyone to the circle. I'll stand in the center and roll the potty (a rope with a round, light object tied at the end) under your feet, and you bounce above it. Whoever touches the pot, that is, breaks it, is eliminated from the game.

The game “Potty” is played to the accompaniment of cheerful folk music, and everyone participates. There can be 2-3 winners, they are awarded coin tokens.

Come on, Petrushka, ask some riddles,

Make the kids happy.

Who can guess the riddles?

He will play with me.

Parsley. I'm a master at making wishes. I'll give you a nickel for the answer.

Musician. What did you say, wit?

Parsley. I'll give you a nickel for the answer.

Musician (wracks his finger) That's the same! And our mysteries are connected with things often found at fairs.

For the correct answer, Petrushka awards a coin token. The six winners form a team to compete in the next game.

What do they pour into a frying pan and then bend it in four? (Crap.)

They toss, roll, and drag through the winter. (Felt boots.)

It’s black, not the earth, fluffy, not the snow, warms, not the stove. (Fur coat.)

He puffs like a steam locomotive, but his nose is wet. (Samovar.)

The ring is not simple - the ring is gold.

For everyone to enjoy. Simply delicious! (Bagel.)

Parsley. Here are other mysteries:

Not salty, not sweet,

Not sour, not bitter...

Let's go down the hill!

At the fair, a man was selling a cow,

But no one took her.

Why? Yes, that's because:

I couldn’t speak, but I ate hay!

Musician. Stop lying

It's time to guess the riddles.

Parsley. Antlers and rings are walking by the river. (Sheep.)

It changed color in winter, and then confused the trail. (Hare.)

Under the white fur coat there is a brown one, under the brown one there is a gloomy muzzle. (Bear in a den.)

The horns are branched and the hooves are fast. (Elk.)

She jumps deftly through the trees, and in the hollow is her storage room. (Squirrel.)

In the morning he sings songs, the sun rises in the sky. (Rooster.)

For correct answers, the Musician awards tokens. The children who answer the riddles will form the second team for the game. Parsley hides behind the screen.

Musician. Well done kids, read the books.

What did you tell them, Petrushka, about the slides?

Or have you forgotten about them?

Hey, scoundrel, where did you go?

The people had already gathered for a long time.

Wait, you'll be back -

You will get cuffs from me.

Peter comes out from behind the screen, dressed the same as Petrushka.

Peter. Who called me? (Rolls up his sleeves)

Musician. Who are you?

Parsley. For whom - Peter, for whom - Parsley! (Goes to the Musician)

Musician (to the side) This, brothers, is a mess!

Actually, I didn't call you,

Just ask the guys over there.

Peter(after the children answer). If so, for the first time I forgive. (Straightens out his sleeves)

And I invite everyone to the slides.

The game “Gorki” is played to the accompaniment of cheerful folk music, in which two previously selected teams take part. To play you need two chairs.

We choose the two strongest from each team. These are “cab drivers” - they will carry sleds up the mountain. They clasp their hands crosswise and take the first player, that is, the sled, up the mountain and leave it on the mountain - behind the chair. They run back down the mountain, take the next player and leave him on the mountain again, etc. When all the players are on the mountain, we all ride together like a train down the mountain to the starting place. The team that skates faster becomes the winner, and each participant in the game receives a coin token.

Musician (after the game to Peter). It's fun to ride on your roller coaster.

Is it possible to learn a craft at a fair?

Peter. At our fair there is a City of Masters.

They will teach you a craft there - be healthy!

Musician. We would love to go there with the guys too,

Learn something and show off your skills.

Peter. So what's the deal?

Let's go boldly

Until the sun went down.

Work day after day

And in the evening - to rest.

Musician. Yes, you, Petrusha, are smart!

Don't look at what's healthier.

You know the proverbs -

Apparently you read books?

Peter. Nowadays, in order to become a specialist,

And to work well,

There's no point in being lazy.

Musician. I also knew a lot of sayings about work,

Yes, that’s just the beginning, but I forgot the end.

Peter. You start, and the guys will continue.

Musician. And that's true!

Look, they'll put money in their pocket.

The day is boring until the evening... (if there is nothing to do).

They judge not by words, but... (by deeds).

Don't blame your neighbor when... (sleep until lunch).

Business before pleasure).

There is time for business... (for fun - an hour).

Patience and a little effort).

If you want to eat rolls... (so don’t sit on the stove).

You won’t be able to pull the fish out of the pond without difficulty...

Bitter work... (yes, sweet bread).

He who loves to work will... (can’t sit idle).

Labor feeds a person, but... (laziness spoils).

Peter. Well done boys. What professions do you know?

Children who answer the question go out to participate in the game.

You named good professions. And at our fair they teach different crafts, and we will now find out which ones. (Hands out cards to the game participants indicating their profession.) Using pantomime, depict your profession, and we will try to recognize it. The piglet tokens go to the person who guessed correctly and correctly indicated their profession, or, as they used to call it, a craft. So, the first participant...

The pantomime game “City of Masters” is performed to the accompaniment of Russian folk music. Children show the professions of a cook, driver, blacksmith, seamstress, wig-dresser, doctor, milkmaid, loader, etc.

Musician. Thank you, Peter

We learned everything.

We will do everything in the world

Not just like that, but out of mind.

Peter. Labor has always been held in high esteem (Bows and goes behind the screen.)

Musician. Petya, Petya, where are you going?

They just seem to have become friends...

And Petrushka disappeared somewhere...

Parsley (appearing). Didn't you catch me?

Musician. Here he is! How it fell from the sky!

Parsley. I didn't climb to heaven

I dressed up in outfits.

Musician (looks at Petrushka). And what is that outfit?

Parsley. I tried everything on:

Boots, and slippers, and pants, and hats,

Different shirts: simple and satin,

Fur coats and belts with tassels.

Musician. Parsley, where are the updates!

Parsley throws a bag from behind the screen. The musician shakes out 2 fur coats, 4 felt boots and 4 galoshes, fastened in pairs, 2 belts.

So they are not new at all!

Parsley. And I got them cheaper. (Whispers in the Musician's ear.) One guy gave them to me for that. Musician. Was there nothing else?

Parsley. It was, but sometimes it was big, sometimes it was small...

Musician. And you can still walk in this.

Just who are we going to dress up?

All products are in two pairs -

Who will we divide by?

Parsley. And I know one funny game,

I invite all the guys to take part in it.

The game is called “Fur coat, felt boots run, but galoshes lag behind.”

Hey, Musician, divide the guys in half.

Musician. Half lengthwise or crosswise? (Thinks.)

No, cut it in half yourself.

Parsley. What good are you?

All you can do is blow the trumpet

Let the songs wheeze!

Guys, settle for “first or second”!

First to the left, second to the right, at least two.

Form into two columns!

Musician. Yes, you are a general!

Apparently you've been in the army?

Did you do drills?

Parsley. No, I did push-ups myself. I explain the rules of the game: the first pair of participants in each team puts on one fur coat for two: in one sleeve the hand of one player, in the other - of the other, takes the belt and runs to the Musician, runs around him and runs to the place. At this time, the second pair is preparing. They try on felt boots: on the left foot of one participant and the right foot of another. The first pair passes the belt to the second, and she runs the same way. The third pair puts on galoshes and runs around the Musician in the same way, not forgetting to take the belt. So all the participants: the fourth couple in a fur coat, the fifth in felt boots, the sixth in galoshes. If someone doesn’t have enough lara, he runs alone in the piece of clothing that he got. The main thing is not to lose the belt, and at the end of the game the first pair lifts it up.

The game takes place to the music. Members of the winning team receive heel tokens

Musician Yes, Petrushka, it was a fun game.

Parsley. Yeah. Let's do the math and go to auction

Buy pies

Legs of lamb

For me and our company.

Musician. The fair is closing soon.

Parsley. Shake the treasury, honest people!

Let's hit the richest one in the side with a shovel!

Musician. What, what? (Shakes his fist.)

Parsley. Understood! We'll give the richest a shovelful

Sweets, bagels and a valuable gift!

Folk music is playing. The participant who receives the most heel tokens is awarded a gift. Each participant in the game receives a sweet prize and a comic certificate, for example:

the loudest, the poorest, the most skilled, the most well-read... The guys can use the “money” they earn to buy crafts displayed on the tables.

Hey Musician, buy me a bucket.

Musician. Why do you need it?

Parsley. I want to cry - it’s time to part.

Musician. So is one bucket enough?

I'll take two buckets for you.

Parsley. No, I won't cry that much.

Musician. Then don’t cry at all,

Wipe away your tears with a handkerchief. (Wipes Petrushka’s eyes and nose.)

Close your fair and come to us

Drink tea and eat pies.

Guys, let's invite Petrushka

To our feast?

Parsley (after answer). Then all I have to do is say goodbye to the people

Let's rush to your pies.

Go home, honest people!

The fair opened its doors to you,

And now, friends, goodbye,

Our fair says goodbye to you.

Parsley disappears behind the screen. The music is louder.