Sergei Shoigu biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Business of the Shoigu family Illegitimate son of Shoigu

Sergey Shoygu

Place of birth: Chadan, Tuva Autonomous Okrug

Occupation: Statesman, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Marital status: Married

The former Minister of Emergency Situations and the current Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu was aptly nicknamed by the people: “Man!” Short, stocky, with an Asian squint, he never liked loud speeches, and always preferred action to words.

Childhood years, family of Sergei Shoigu

In truth, his last name should not be Shoigu, but Kuzhuget. This is exactly what this Tuvan family was called. But when, after the annexation of Tuva to Russia in 1944, local residents began to be issued passports, the NKVD employee who dealt with this issue was surprised at the number of people with that last name.

And he decided “for variety” to swap the first and last names of the father of the Minister of Defense - so Shoigu Kuzhuget became Kuzhuget Shoigu. The Shoigu surname was also inherited by the boy born to Kuzhuget and his Russian wife Alexandra in 1955. The son was named Sergei.

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The father of the future minister was making good progress along the party line, but his son did not want to become a good boy. At school he got straight A's, was nicknamed Shaitan among his friends, and took part in wall-to-wall fights. To distract Seryozha from dangerous fun, at the age of 12 his parents sent him on an archaeological expedition. The teenager was so fascinated by excavations that from 5th to 10th grade he went to archaeologists every summer.


And yet, at the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute, where Shaitan ended up after school, he chose the profession of a builder. During the course, Sergei had to face corruption for the first time - because of his father’s high position: a teacher approached the student and offered a high mark in exchange for a car voucher. “I remember the feeling of disgust that I experienced,” says Sergei Kuzhugetovich.

In his first year, he met his future wife Irina. The wedding took place in the fifth year, and soon the couple had a daughter, Julia.

Sergei Shoigu with his wife Irina

Sergei’s professional career was greatly facilitated by his father-in-law, the manager of a large construction trust in Krasnoyarsk. Over the course of 11 years of his biography, Shoigu went from a master to the head of a trust. However, if it weren’t for his business acumen and natural ingenuity, he would hardly have turned out to be a manager.

Then, together with his subordinates, he began to annually assemble voluntary rescue squads to help people in trouble. For weeks, rescuers slept in damp tents and warmed themselves with the warmth of a fire and alcohol. Sergei could not even imagine how this hobby would turn out for him!

The beginning of the career of Sergei Shoigu

Meeting the first secretary of the Achinsk City Committee Oleg Shenin turned Shoigu’s whole life upside down. The party functionary liked the young, energetic manager, and he took him to the Abakan City Committee. A year later, 35-year-old Sergei Shoigu became an inspector of the Krasnoyarsk regional committee and, undoubtedly, would have risen higher along the party line, but the Soviet Union had collapsed.

This event found him already in Moscow, where fate brought the Siberian together with Prime Minister Ivan Silaev. He offered Shoigu the post of head of the Committee for Elimination of Consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident. However, the deputies rejected the candidacy of the former party inspector.

Sergei Shoigu is the most useful official

It is not known for certain who remembered that Shoigu was involved in rescue operations in Siberia. But it turned out that just such a person was needed to lead the corps of detachments that worked in Spitak, destroyed by the earthquake, and in Chernobyl, contaminated by radiation.

The election of the head of the corps was held democratically, based on voting. A laconic guy from Tuva won them unconditionally, and President Yeltsin provided the rescuers with funding from the state budget. “I had absolutely no idea what it was, but the case seemed interesting, dynamic to me - in general, life was not boring, and I agreed,” Shoigu himself recalled about this event.

In August 1991, when a conspiracy matured in the Kremlin, the corps sided with Yeltsin. During the days of the coup, rescuers occupied the building of the Emergency Situations Commission, created after the earthquake in Armenia. And after the victory, the corps was renamed the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Emergency Situations. The commission's communications systems, infrastructure and strategic reserves were transferred to the new structure.

Sergei Shoigu - work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The first serious test of the rescuers’ “combat readiness” happened just 2 months later. A 700-ton pipe tilted at a plant in Ufa. The consequences of its collapse were comparable to a serious earthquake. With a targeted explosion, rescuers neutralized the threat, and the entire operation was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Later there was the liquidation of a plague outbreak in Tuva, the importation of a humanitarian convoy into besieged Tkvarcheli, and an earthquake in Neftegorsk.

Sergei Shoigu - Minister of Emergency Situations

Over time, the list of tasks only grew: floods, fires, plane crashes, terrorist attacks... As if expanding the concept of an “emergency situation,” Yeltsin sent Shoigu to the zone of armed conflicts: Abkhazia, Ossetia, Tajikistan. Over the 3 years of its existence, the committee has grown to become a ministry. This became a precedent: there was no such agency in any country in the world.

On matters of service, the newly-minted minister was supposed to be where the help of his subordinates was vitally needed. It is not surprising that Sergei Kuzhugetovich has a reputation as the most useful government official. Over the years, prime ministers and presidents have changed in Russia, but Shoigu and his Ministry of Emergency Situations have remained in favor with both the authorities and the people.

It was thanks to Shoigu’s popularity that the Unity movement, whose leader he was, won its first elections. The movement later turned into the United Russia party, and Shoigu became its co-chairman. But big politics was not for him. Having dragged his comrades into the Duma like a locomotive, the chief rescuer returned to his native element. And again floods, wrecks, mines and terrorist attacks...

In the end, setting a record of work in the ministry - 18 years! - Shoigu changed the uniform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to the suit of the governor of the Moscow region. True, not for long. In November 2012, an emergency occurred in the army. The leadership of the Ministry of Defense was suspected of fraud and removed from their positions. The post of new minister required a strong-willed person with management experience and, importantly, who understood the needs of the military. They didn’t find anyone more suitable than Shoigu.

Sergei Shoigu - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

Having donned general's shoulder straps, Sergei Kuzhugetovich began his work by checking the combat readiness of the troops. Unfairly dismissed officers were returned to service, the demilitarization of military medicine was canceled, enrollment in military schools was restored, scientific companies and Arctic troops were created. Thanks to these measures, within a year Shoigu managed to become part of the army. The minister’s special merit was special operations in Crimea and Syria

But, despite his high position and employment, outside of work Sergei Kuzhugetovich remains an ordinary person: he dearly loves his family, in his free time he enjoys playing football and going hunting. He also carves figures from wood and draws: “I have a lot of watercolors, although I’m embarrassed to show them to people - I’m not a “pro” artist!”

Zurabova, Kudrina, Shoigu and Baturina

What do ministers' wives do?

Olga Vandysheva

The main thing is to get married successfully. This common opinion about women’s happiness is best illustrated by the wives of famous people. And if the head of the family is not the last person in bureaucratic circles, then the wife, regardless of education, discovers brilliant business talents. Today, these grand ladies do not sit at home. They are quiet - peacefully lead all kinds of companies and funds. And they earn very good money. And often precisely in those areas that their husbands supervise.

Yulia Zurabova is in charge of pills

The Zurabovs represent an exemplary example of a successful family business tandem. Mikhail Yuryevich rules the entire Russian healthcare system, and Yulia Anatolyevna founded and headed the modest medical company Octopus, which supplies medicines and medical equipment to Russia. And everything would probably have gone smoothly for them if not for the ill-fated monetization of benefits, which turned into an unprecedented scandal and almost ended with the resignation of Zurabov himself. Publications began to appear in the press that companies close to the head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development received priority rights to supply medicines for pensioners, and medicines in subsidized pharmacies were more expensive than in regular ones. Directory of construction and repair teams in the Tver and Yaroslavl region.

The wife, who was involved in a scandal with the purchase of 7 hectares of land in the Moscow region, also suffered, and her company began to be checked for corruption at the request of State Duma deputies. However, the scandal with hectares was eventually hushed up, and at the Octopus company Irina Shoigu began to claim that Yulia Anatolyevna left the founders. Important tasks of the airborne troops in peacetime
True, whether she left her business is a big question, since Yulia Anatolyevna regularly appears in the office of the Octopus company. You can even send her a letter. True, when I clarified what position should be indicated in the letter, they answered me: “Just write to Yulia Anatolyevna, we have only one.”

Irina Kudrina distributes money

It is not known what the fate of the current wife of Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, Irina Tintyakova, a mathematician by training, would have been. Maybe she would have worked as a secretaryChubais, if the future manager of the Russian treasury had not paid attention to the young slender brunette and had not abandoned his first wife and daughter for the sake of new love. Irina, of course, left her secretarial job, but after giving birth to Kudrina’s son(this year the boy has already entered 1st grade), I didn’t sit at home.

Apparently, her husband’s successes in the financial sector inspired Irina so much that she also decided to test her strength in the difficult field of collecting and distributing funds. Five years ago, she opened and headed the Northern Crown charity foundation, which now patronizes 129 orphanages throughout Russia.

By the way, this fund “accidentally” rents its office in one of the Ministry of Finance buildings on the Garden Ring.

A loving husband, according to Irina herself, treats his wife’s hobby with understanding.

Gives good advice. And last December, he even took part in the presentation of the representative office of his wife’s foundation in London. Despite the tight schedule of his business trip, he found two hours and personally supported his wife. They say that this made a powerful impression on those businessmen who still doubted whether to contribute money to Irina Kudrina’s fund.

By the way, unlike many ministerial wives, Irina leads an active social life. He often attends various parties and does not hide from the cameras at all.

Irina Shoigu sends businessmen around the world

The wife of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergei Shoigu, Irina, has a completely different tactic. She always remains in the shadow of her husband, who tries not to “expose” his other half under any circumstances. Although one day she nevertheless became the heroine of crime chronicles. But this was an exceptional case - Irina Alexandrovna was attacked by street robbers who stole from her parked"BMWХ5" handbag.

In ordinary life, the wife of the country's main rescuer remains incognito. Even in the beauty salons that she visits, she registers under a less sonorous surname and behaves with emphatic modesty. Irina Shoigu is a chemist by education. I once taught this subject to students. But when her husband became a prominent minister, Irina Alexandrovna headed the Expo-EM company and took up business tourism.

That is, organizing the participation of large Russian businesses in international exhibitions, conferences, and air shows. Moreover, in the solid list of clients cooperating with Expo-EM (and here are Rosoboronexport and the Sukhoi Design Bureau), the structures of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations occupy far from the last place. More precisely, the first. True, today at Expo -EM" assure that the wife of Minister Shoigu no longer works for them. At the same time, on the official website of the company you can still read that Irina Aleksandrovna Shoigu.[...]

Elena Baturina is still building

But still, Irina Shoigu, the most successful case of a family tandem in Russia is, undoubtedly, the union of Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov and his other half Elena Baturina. There is probably not a single adult in the country who does not know that the wife of the capital’s mayor is the richest woman in the vast Russian expanses. According to Forbes magazine, the fortune of Moscow's First Lady Irina Shoigu is estimated at over $1 billion, and her company Inteko controls a fifth of the capital's construction market. Moreover, to become the owner of such a powerful empire with its factories, bankand construction companies, a former employee of the Frazer plant turned into family life.

In terms of earnings, three ministers stand out among Irina Shoigu: the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources Yuri Trutnev, whose annual income amounted to 369.9 million rubles, the Minister of Transport Igor Levitin (20.6 million) and the Minister of Energy Sergei Shmatko (14.1 million). The rest earned significantly less - 3-4 million each (Kudrin - more than five).

The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergei Shoigu, who owns plots of 7,434 and 11,895 m2, collected the most land. In second place is Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov (a plot of 8000 m2 and a quarter of 3817 m2), in third place is his colleague Igor Sechin - 5471 m2 and 1500 m2. The fourth and fifth places were taken by Putin’s first deputy chairman Viktor Zubkov (two plots of 2500 m 2 each) and Yuri Trutnev (three plots of 2800, 900 and 700 m 2 each. The most landless was the head of the Ministry of Finance Alexei Kudrin, who did not acquire even a square meter of Russian land, however , his wife Irina Irina Shoigu Tintyakova was found to have almost 90 acres.

The largest residential building (477.3 m2) belongs to Sergei Shoigu. He is followed by a significant margin by Igor Sechin, Viktor Zubkov and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with results of 375, 263.3 and 210 m 2, respectively. Lavrov solved the housing problem most successfully (247 m2). In second and third places are the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko (218.6 m2) and the Minister of Culture Alexander Avdeev, who owns two apartments with an area of ​​159 and 38 m2, the second of which is in France, where he until recently represented the interests of Russia as an ambassador.

Among wives, Olga Shuvalova had the highest income - 364,703.1 thousand rubles. (which is not only the first indicator among wives, but also the second in the overall standings), second and third places were taken by Irina Ivanova (2263) and Irina Shoigu (2119.2).

In terms of land ownership, the first place was taken by Marina Sechina, who owns half of the plot of 5000 m2. On the second - Maria Lavrova (1360 m2), on the third - Natalia Levitina, who owns the third part of the plots of 2274.6 and 1707 m2.

The most spacious housing is that of Maria Lavrova (593 m2), followed by Levitina (a third of the house is 544.2 and 0.4 of the apartment is 118.4), Irina Ivanova (half of the apartment is 257 m2 and the apartment is 69.2 m 2) and Nadezhda Smirnova (Fursenko’s wife) with an apartment of 177.4 m2.

The majority of cars (seven) were collected jointly by the Shuvalovs; Yuri Trutnev owns a Porsche Caen, Porsche 911, Volkswagen Taureg and a boat, and among women, Elena Shmatko was out of competition with cars Porsche Caen, Toyota Irina Shoigu Prado and Toyota Land Cruiser.

The wives of Russian officials opened their wallets

Irina Shoigu, the richest of all the wives of high-ranking officials, can be called the wife of Deputy Prime Minister IgorShuvalova, Olga Shuvalova, writes Irina Shoigu’s Vedomosti newspaper. Over the past year, she declared an income of 364.7 million rubles (about 12 million dollars), which is 76 times more than her husband’s income. It is noteworthy that Igor Shuvalov previously claimed that his wife did not work anywhere and had no income.

Shuvalov’s former colleague explained the high income of the deputy prime minister’s unemployed wife by saying that she receives income from “portfolio investments in securities.” And an employee of the secretariat of the first deputy prime minister explained that Shuvalov himself laid down the capital for investment: until 1997, he was engaged in business and, when moving to the civil service, he registered the entire business in his wife’s name.

The wife of Presidential Assistant Sergei Prikhodko, Natalya Prikhodko, owns the elite yacht club “Farvater”, located on the southern bank of the Pirogovsky branch of the Klyazminsky reservoir, near the village of Podrezovo. On the territory of the club there is a building with a billiard room, a fireplace room, a bar and a disco, a tennis court, a bathhouse, and a boathouse for the winter storage of yachts and boats. The club is closed and only its members can enter its territory.

The wife of Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, Irina Tintyakova, last year declared an income of 223 thousand rubles (about 7.4 thousand dollars), received as a result of “cooperation with a news agency.” She earned this money by working part-time at a part-time job.

Tintyakova is the organizer of the Northern Crown charity foundation, which helps children from orphanages and boarding schools. According to Tintyakova, this does not bring her a penny. Kudrin’s wife does not hide the fact that at the beginning of her charitable activities she used administrative resources. And in large companies, especially foreign ones, she referred to her husband’s status.

The wife of the first deputy head of the administration of Vladislav Surkov, Natalia Dubovitskaya, earned 16.8 million rubles (just over half a million dollars) last year. Dubovitskaya works as Deputy General Director for Public Relations of OJSC Group of Industrial Enterprises RKP.

The wife of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergei Shoigu, Irina Shoigu, declared income last year in the amount of 2.1 million rubles (70 thousand dollars). Now Irina is engaged in development.

But the first lady of the country, wife of the Russian president Irina Shoigu SvetlanaMedvedeva (pictured) lives, perhaps, more modestly than all the wives of officials. Did not declare for 2008no income, but she had 135.1 thousand rubles (about 4.5 thousand dollars) in her bank account.

Minister Sergei Shoigu: brief biography and information about his family

Sergei Kuzhegetovich Shoigu is one of the most popular politicians in Russia, along with Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov. This professional does his job efficiently; He has been working for the benefit of the state in the rank of minister for more than 20 years. How he achieved such success, who his wife is - we will touch on the answers to these questions in this article.

Biography of a respected Russian politician

The future manager was born in Tuva on May 21, 1955, that is, in May 2017 he will turn 62 years old. His father, Shoigu Kuzhuget, worked as a secretary in the regional committee of the CPSU, and for five years was an editor in one of the local newspapers. Alexander Kudryavtsev’s mother is a livestock specialist and also worked in the Supreme Council of Tuva as a deputy.

My father’s name is Shoigu, and his last name is Kuzhuget. Government workers mixed up the information when filling out the documents, so Sergei received the “wrong” last name.

Sergei also has sisters: the eldest Larisa is now a member of the United Russia party and the youngest is Irina, who has become a psychiatrist.

The first serious post of Sergei Kuzhegetovich - Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

The parents gave their son a good upbringing and taught him to work hard and hard. He did well at school; Having completed ten years of school, he entered the Polytechnic University of Krasnoyarsk, where he studied as an engineer. Sergei even received a scientific degree in his profession. He was involved in construction for about fifteen years, coordinating various construction projects in Siberia. He worked successfully and held high positions in construction trusts.

In 1990, he went to the capital of the USSR to improve his qualifications, where the young manager was offered to work in the government. At first he was burdened with paperwork related to construction and architecture, but this was not interesting to Sergei; when he began to think about returning to Siberia, he was offered a position as the head of the future Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM). This position implied high activity - this just suited the young man, and he agreed.

Then this service was called the Rescue Corps, which with the collapse of the USSR became the Committee for Emergency Situations, and then the Ministry, to which the rescue and search function throughout the country was delegated.

Sergei Shoigu was involved in the development of the service, and he did it successfully; under his leadership, one of the best rescue organizations in the whole world was created. Educational centers for training specialists were annexed to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and civil defense (civil defense) troops were included in the ministry. Like-minded people gathered around the young leader, Sergei’s authority was absolute, his subordinates respected and loved him.

Shoigu was always at the forefront of events, personally visiting rescuers at the place of work, regardless of where it was, during exercises or in real disaster zones. In 1999 he received the Hero of Russia

Later, Sergei joined the team of President Vladimir Putin and joined the United Russia party. In 2003 he became an army general. At one time, he headed the Russian Geographical Society, was the governor of the Moscow region, and in 2012 he was appointed Minister of Defense, continuing the renewal of the army, and now the Russian military machine has again become one of the strongest in the world.

Sergey generally monitors his health, keeps himself in good shape even at his age, playing football, hockey and horse riding. He listens to classics and spends his holidays only in Russia. He has many awards, even a knight's cross from the Order of Hospitallers on the island of Malta.

Personal life of the minister: who is Shoigu’s wife?

Sergei Shoigu prefers to hide information about his family. It is known that he met his wife Irina at the Polytechnic Institute, and the wedding took place in the last year of study.

Irina Shoigu (nee Antipina) was engaged in business in the field of tourism and construction, now she is the dean of the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov and is involved in a children's fund.

The couple have two daughters – Ksenia and Yulia. Diligent girls:

  • Yulia already has a scientific degree, worked in a management position in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and helps her father in many matters. The girl is married to a notary and has two children – Kirill and Daria.
  • Ksenia is successfully studying at MGIMO, it is known that she played a cameo role in one of Nikita Mikhalkov’s films.

Sergei Shoigu serves Russia and repays his debt in full. The talented manager does everything he does well. He has a happy and strong family, a loving wife and children.

Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu is one of the most influential and authoritative political figures in the Russian Federation. He headed the United Russia party for several years. For many years he headed an organization involved in rescuing people and organizing full-scale assistance in extreme situations. Currently, Shoigu holds the post of Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. His opinion is often taken into account by many politicians. And for many citizens of our state, this politician is the center of trust and faith in the bright future of the country.

Since 2015, the politician has been on the sanctions list because he did not betray the principles of justice and adequacy and supported the free expression of the citizens of Crimea and Sevastopol.

The personal life of Sergei Shoigu is happy and not replete with stormy intrigues. He married in his youth and carried the feeling throughout his life. The Minister of Defense has two daughters who followed in the footsteps of their father.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sergei Shoigu

Since our hero received a ministerial portfolio, a large number of people, and not only in his native country, are interested in what a man’s height, weight, and age are. Many people also want to know how old Sergei Shoigu is. The residents of the country are also interested in the nationality of the Minister of Defense. It is known that our hero has passed his 60th birthday. This year he celebrated his 63rd birthday. The man looks attractive and younger than his biological age, which is due to the excellent genetics inherent in the nationality. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation bears the high military rank of Army General. According to opinion polls of many residents of the country, Sergei Shoigu is one of the political activists who enjoys the trust of people. He is Tuvan by nationality.

Sergei Shoigu, whose photos in his youth and now are difficult to find on social networks, since he is not interested in maintaining profiles on entertainment resources, is still a serious matter. The man is 173 cm tall and weighs 78 kg. The minister supports Massa by playing sports. He is interested in the traditionally Russian victorious sport for Russia - hockey - and loves to ride horses.

Biography of Sergei Shoigu

The biography of Sergei Shoigu began in the mid-50s of the last century. Father - Kuzhuget Sereevich Shoigu - worked as an editor at a newspaper. Mother, Alexandra Yakovlevna Shoigu, was a livestock specialist. When Seryozha's parents registered, there was confusion and the baby was registered as Kuzhuget.

During his school years, our hero received only good and excellent grades. He was interested in dramatic art and various sports. He repeatedly defended the honor of the school at various sporting events. Sergei independently mastered the basics of playing the guitar. From then on, this musical instrument became his life partner.

Having received a certificate, our hero goes to Krasnoyarsk, where he enters a polytechnic college. Then the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation receives the title of Candidate of Sciences while studying for a master's degree.

Then Sergei Kuzhugetovich works at various enterprises, holding high positions and management positions there. Since 1988, the future Minister of Defense entered politics. At first it was at the local level, and the position was second secretary of the Abakan city committee. After some time, a promotion followed, and he became an inspector in the Krasnoyarsk regional committee. Well, then, after the formation of a new state called the Russian Federation, active work began at the headquarters of the first President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin.

After moving to Moscow, Sergei Kuzhugetovich begins to supervise Russian architecture. In the early 90s, our hero creates an organization that saves people. It took very little time for this department to strengthen its position and change several names, in the end it was called the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations. Since 1992, he began to lead this public body.

At the same time, the future Minister of Defense took an active part in resolving the conflict that occurred between the residents of North Ossetia and Ingushetia.

In 1994, the committee, created on the initiative of Sergei, rises one step higher and turns into a separate ministry - defense.

In the mid-90s of the last century, our hero was a member of the party, which in the future became one of the components of the United Russia party. Over the years, surveys among our compatriots have shown that Sergei Kuzhugetovich is one of the leaders whose opinion is taken into account by high-ranking colleagues, and ordinary fellow citizens trust. He openly opposes gangs. Our hero was awarded a large number of orders and prizes.

In 2012, the man led the Moscow region, but not for long, since he was offered the post of Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, which he holds to this day.

For supporting the free expression of will of the citizens of Crimea and Sevastopol, the Ukrainian SBU added Sergei Kuzhugetovich to the black list of persons who cannot freely enter the country. In addition, a criminal case has been opened against him for helping the DPR and LPR militias.

A number of foreign countries (USA, UK, Estonia, Latvia and others) also included our hero in the list of persons against whom sanctions are being carried out. The Minister of Defense himself does not pay any attention to this, in his words, “fuss while catching fleas.” He honestly fulfills his duty to the country, fulfilling his difficult mission.

Personal life of Sergei Shoigu

The personal life of Sergei Shoigu is almost never discussed in popular culture and the media. It is known that the Minister of Defense has been happily married since his youth. A man maintains love and friendship with his wife. Sergei Kuzhugetovich’s wife supports him in everything. She gave him two beautiful daughters. The woman is engaged in the tourism business and often participates in charity events.

In 2015, one of the publishing houses published information about the departure of the Minister of Defense from the family. But this turned out to be a lie. The information about the birth of our hero’s son by another woman is also false. Sergei Kuzhugetovich assures the public that such speculation is being spread by his ill-wishers. He is happy with his wife and has no plans to change his personal life.

Family of Sergei Shoigu

Sergei Shoigu’s family lived in Tuva, where our hero was born. Parents were raising their children despite being busy at work. My father worked in the editorial office of a local newspaper, but later showed himself in politics - he was the secretary of the regional committee of Tuva. Mother was engaged in livestock farming, but was also involved in management, taking control of one of the departments of the agricultural department. In other words, Sergei also inherited the talent of a good leader.

The boy did not grow up alone. He has an older and younger sister, with whom our hero is still on friendly terms.

The man has a beloved wife and two adult daughters whom he loves incredibly. The eldest daughter also managed to have children of her own and gave Sergei two grandchildren, with whom the grandfather likes to play in his free time.

The Minister of Defense calls his friends, whom he has met infrequently in recent years, his family.

Children of Sergei Shoigu

The children of Sergei Shoigu were married to his beloved wife Ira. From her youth, the eldest daughter helped her father in his work at the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Julia got married successfully, is happy in her marriage, and is raising children.

The youngest daughter of the Minister of Defense now and then accompanies her father at social celebrations and events. She is still getting her education. The girl starred in one of Nikita Mikhalkov's films.

In 2015, rumors appeared that Sergei Kuzhugetovich had a son from another woman. But later these rumors were not confirmed.

Daughter of Sergei Shoigu - Yulia

Our hero became a father for the first time in the late 70s of the last century. The girl was born in Krasnoyarsk. From a young age, Sergei Shoigu’s eldest daughter, Yulia, dreamed of becoming a psychologist. After receiving a school certificate, she entered the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University without any problems.

Then Julia helped people solve psychological problems. At the beginning of the new millennium, she became the head of the Ministry of Psychology of the Russian Federation. Then she began working with her father at the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Immediately after graduation, Sergei Shoigu’s eldest daughter married Alexei Zakharov, who received a law degree. The man works in the prosecutor's office.

The couple's children are growing up, named Dasha and Kirill. The grandchildren love their grandfather very much and dream of following in his footsteps. While Sergei Shoigu’s grandchildren are studying at school.

Daughter of Sergei Shoigu - Ksenia

For the second time, the Minister of Defense became a father during his years of political activity. Sergei Shoigu’s youngest daughter, Ksenia, has been her dad’s favorite since childhood. She always tried to get excellent grades so that her parents would be proud of her. During her school years, the girl took part in the filming of one of the films of the famous film director Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov.

Having received a certificate and a gold medal, the girl entered the economics department of the world famous MGIMO without any problems. Ksenia often appears with her parents at social events. In the future, the girl decided to help people in extreme situations.

The personal life of the youngest daughter of the Minister of Defense is unknown. She does not yet plan to get married, which she announced quite recently.

Sergei Shoigu's wife - Irina Shoigu

The spouses met during their years at the institute. In their final year, the young couple sealed their relationship with an official union. From then on, the woman supported her husband in all his endeavors.

Despite the fact that the Minister of Defense always provided for his family, his wife never sat idle. She succeeded in everything. She was engaged in the tourism business, decorating the house, and raising two daughters.

Sergei Shoigu’s wife, Irina Shoigu, almost never appears with her husband at social events, preferring quiet evenings in the company of close people. The woman does not pay attention to the rumors about her husband’s infidelities that are mostly in the tabloid press every now and then.

Photo of Sergei Shoigu before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Sergei Shoigu before and after plastic surgery cannot be found on the Internet. Various mass media do not write about this either.

The man is in excellent physical shape. He often plays hockey as part of his team. Sometimes the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin keeps him company. Sergei Shoigu loves to relax in nature, fish, and hunt. This helps him recover from his work, relieve tension and recover from stress.

Sergei Shoigu starts every day with exercise. He says exercise helps him stay fit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sergei Shoigu

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Shoigu are popular. Many residents of Russia and other countries want to find out the most detailed information about a man.

Wikipedia tells where the future Minister of Defense was born and who his parents were. Here is information about the career growth of Sergei Kuzhugetovich. You can read about his political activities. The page tells what awards the man has and why he was awarded them.

Sergei Shoigu also has his own pages on social networks. Most often, men work on Instagram. Here you can see photographs taken in the Minister's office. He often updates his gallery with photographs of his family. There are especially many photographs of Sergei Kuzhugetovich from vacation and from the sports ground, where among the man’s friends you can see the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

14 February 2015, 21:30

Inspired by a post about help from sharfik. I just thought that somehow we had left the main warrior unattended. Let's correct the situation.


Sergei Shoigu was born on May 21, 1955 in the small town of Chadan, Tuva Autonomous Okrug, in the family of the editor of the regional newspaper Kuzhuget Sereeevich Shoigu and livestock specialist Alexandra Yakovlevna Shoigu (nee Kudryavtseva).

About the surname

And a little about childhood and in general was said in the Posner program:


V. POSNER: It’s true that little Shoigu had the nickname “Shaitan”, that he swam across the seething Yenisei on a dare, crossed the river during ice drift, jumping from ice floe to ice floe, and once jumped from a 10-meter bridge into the middle of the chamber of the Belarus tractor ", tied to a support. Is it true?


V. POSNER: Is it true that the teenager Shoigu took part in mass fights wall to wall?

S. SHOIGU: Yes. But where do such details come from?

V. POSNER: So, look. If we proceed from the fact that a person’s character, as psychologists tell us, is formed in childhood, it turns out that, firstly, you do not like to study, secondly, you take terrible risks and, thirdly, you are a rather aggressive person. Is this suitable for heading such a colossus as the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

S. SHOIGU: If we follow your assessments and conclusions, then, of course, it’s not suitable. I didn’t really like to study - I think because I was a freedom-loving person. And yet, he devoted more time to sports. And having started studying, including at a music school, he did not finish it, because the desire to play sports and lead a more active lifestyle overcame all hobbies.

V. POSNER: Okay, let's continue. Is it true that you dreamed of working as a truck driver?

S. SHOIGU: Yes, it was like that.

V. POSNER: Is it true that you don’t like to vacation abroad, preferring to spend your holidays in the Sayan Mountains, for example?


V. POSNER: True. Is it true that your hobby is collecting weird roots and making sculptures out of them?


V. POSNER: Is it true that you were baptized, in your words, by force? Here you can answer in a little more detail.

S. SHOIGU: No. I can't say that it was violent, because it was at the age of 5. Now this is abroad, this is the city of Stakhanov in Ukraine. My grandparents on my mother’s side are there. And my grandmother baptized me. I visited this church after that, I wanted to find entries in the books...

V. POSNER: And perhaps the last question from the blitz. You are a witness to all sorts of terrible things - disasters, misfortunes, suffering, which are generally difficult to explain or do not fit into any logic at all. Do you believe in God?

S. SHOIGU: You know, most likely yes. I can say that I remember faith in God not when I feel the urge to have it or not. And there are times when you really want to turn to something that you can’t turn to directly, in particular, to you. And then you realize that you believe

A few quick facts:

Sergei Shoigu was born in the small town of Chadan, Tuva Autonomous Okrug. At the age of 22, he graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute, after which he worked in various trusts until 1988. In one of the interviews, his father’s position was also mentioned: “My father was deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of Tuva.”

In the late 80s, Shoigu took the position of second secretary of the Abakan GC of the CPSU and just a couple of years later he already took the post of deputy chairman of the State Committee for Architecture and Construction.

In 1991, Sergei Shoigu became chairman of the Russian Rescue Corps and chairman of the State Committee for Emergency Situations - from that moment the stage of his career associated with the Ministry of Emergency Situations began.

Later, Sergei Shoigu was appointed Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief - EMERCOM of Russia. After some time, Shoigu also became a member of the Russian Security Council.

Among other things, Sergei Shoigu is the president of the International Sports Federation of Firefighters and Rescuers. And the president of the Russian Geographical Society.

Shoigu left the post of head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2012, then he set a record for the duration of his tenure in a ministerial position in the post-Soviet period.

In April 2012, Shoigu’s candidacy was unanimously supported by the Moscow Regional Duma for the post of governor of the Moscow region, but a few months later Sergei Kuzhugetovich left this post for the post of Minister of Defense, in which he replaced Anatoly Serdyukov.

In power

He has a very trusting relationship with President Putin. They often spend holidays together. Fishing video.

He was also recognized several times as “The most effective minister in the country.” Always takes leading places in the rating of trust in politicians. Very friendly with Yuri Vorobyov.


Wife - Irina Aleksandrovna Shoigu (nee Antipina), president of the Expo-EM company, engaged in business tourism (among the main clients is the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations)

Two daughters:

Yulia Sergeevna Shoigu (born in 1977) - Director of the Center for Emergency Psychological Assistance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (since 2002).

Ksenia Sergeevna Shoigu (born in 1991) - student

With my youngest daughter (new photos)

Eldest daughter


In 2006, material appeared about Shoigu’s allegedly illegitimate son. I copy.

"According to the words of a venerable old man, a neighbor of a noble family in an elite cottage village, Alexander Ivanovich, a certain Elena Sh-va worked as a flight attendant on a plane of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and accompanied the best minister of Russia on all his difficult official business trips. And once, during his return from the most difficult, filled "The courage and heroism of the expedition, dead tired Shoigu (after all, he plows like a red people's commissar) could not resist the charms of the beautiful blonde. Soon a charming baby was born, whom Sergei Kuzhugetovich and Elena named the beautiful name Daniil."

"MOSCOW, November 19. /ITAR-TASS/. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu appointed Maria Kitaeva as his adviser. The minister's press secretary, Daria Zatulina, told ITAR-TASS today.
“An adviser to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has been appointed, Maria Kitaeva,” Zatulina said.
Previously, Kitaeva worked as a presenter on the Rossiya 24 TV channel, and this summer she was appointed advisor to the governor of the Moscow region on information policy.
Kitaeva herself told ITAR-TASS that her responsibilities do not include issues of information policy of the Ministry of Defense, but she did not specify the range of issues for which she would be responsible."

Indeed, Ms. Kitaeva is somewhat out of the ranks of employees of the Ministry of Defense.

There is also a video on the Internet where Kitaeva, when she was an assistant to the then Governor of the Moscow Region, arrived with Shoigu at some facility and casually accompanied him cheerfully flashing her Chanel handbag.

Watch from 13:43 (Maria walks ahead)

And here Mary can be seen starting at 4:18.

But everything seems harmless; who would refuse just a beautiful assistant?!

There is also TV presenter Anastasia Chernobrovina, who is very proud of her friendship with the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, and will not miss an opportunity to emphasize this. But this also doesn’t say much, since according to Nastya, she has long been in a relationship with a certain architect, and she is connected with Sergei Kuzhegetovich by the Russian Geographical Society (RGS).

Country house

Alexei Navalny once took up the investigation of the houses of Vorobyov and Shoigu. I copy.

“According to the oppositionist, both statesmen have huge plots of land registered on them: 19 thousand square meters each. The plots are located near Moscow near Gorki and Novo-Ogarevo on expensive, prestigious land: according to Navalny, such a plot costs at least 200 million rubles, not to mention houses, extensions and other beauties of landscape design."

Shall we discuss it, ladies?