School is the future in my opinion. School of the future. What is she like? What should a teacher be like?

I imagine my school in the future to be a large, beautiful building. Perhaps it will be a slightly different shape than it is now - round, for example. There will be pictures or animals on the walls of the building. All windows will be mirrored, reflecting sunlight. I like it when trees grow near the school, and in the future, I think this will be the case. Flower beds, fruit trees and various bushes will surround the school building, giving coolness and comfort on a summer day.

I imagine many pictures inside the school. On the ground floor there is a large TV broadcasting entertainment programs so that you can mentally relax during the break. All classes of the future school are equipped with computer equipment. Textbooks will be on electronic media so that it is not so difficult to carry them in your backpack.

At the future school, all students wear uniforms, as do the teachers. Each school has its own uniform so that you can immediately understand who is studying where. In the school cafeteria, everything can be obtained from vending machines, this will avoid creating queues. In addition, I think that the school of the future will have a spacious gym with everything necessary for practicing various sports. It will be possible to open sports sections there, allowing you to play sports after school. The school will also have a spacious swimming pool, providing the opportunity to practice swimming or water sports.

I imagine my school in the future to be a large, beautiful building. Perhaps it will be a slightly different shape than it is now - round, for example. There will be pictures or animals on the walls of the building. All windows will be mirrored, reflecting sunlight. I like it when trees grow near the school, and in the future, I think this will be the case. Flower beds, fruit trees and various bushes will surround the school building, giving coolness and comfort on a summer day.

I imagine many pictures inside the school. On the ground floor there is a large TV broadcasting entertainment programs so that you can mentally relax during the break. All classes of the future school are equipped with computer equipment. Textbooks will be on electronic media so that it is not so difficult to carry them in your backpack.

At the future school, all students wear uniforms, as do the teachers. Each school has its own uniform so that you can immediately understand who is studying where. In the school cafeteria, everything can be obtained from vending machines, this will avoid creating queues. In addition, I think that the school of the future will have a spacious gym with everything necessary for practicing various sports. It will be possible to open sports sections there, allowing you to play sports after school. The school will also have a spacious swimming pool, providing the opportunity to practice swimming or water sports.

And most importantly, the school of the future will have the kindest and most responsive teachers, and obedient students striving for knowledge. This is how I imagine school in the future.

School determines our future. What will it be like years later? In one publication we have collected the opinions of experts, teachers and futurists

Some statistics

In 2017, 15.5 million schoolchildren will sit at school desks in Russia, which is 1 million more than in 2016. What school will they graduate from?

At the foresight session of the congress, which was held at Moscow State University. Lomonosov last winter, leading experts from Moscow State University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow and Tomsk Polytechnic Universities communicated directly with major employers. Roscosmos, RusHydro, Ruselectronics, Russian Railways, Gazprom discussed what the school of the future should be like.

Each of these companies needs its own “set” of knowledge and skills. And those, in turn, change every few years. So how do you get the super specialist of the future? No one has a universal recipe yet, but experts are ready to share ideas.

Organization of learning space

Alexander Demakhin

Playwright and director Alexander Demakhin, winner of the Russian Teacher of the Year 2012 competition, in his essay on the Discourse website, reflects on the school of the future primarily through the prism of organizing the educational space. “Why are there desks in rows, and, for example, not a big, big round table, or small tables of different shapes rolling to any place, or not a completely empty room with no furniture at all?..,” asks Alexander Demakhin. “Why a classroom, and not an open-air gazebo, or a bus traveling around the neighborhood, or a boat floating on the river?”.. (By the way, such schools on boats exist in Bangladesh, a country where severe floods make the construction of schools pointless buildings: a boat-school sails for children to the village, picks them up, and brings them back after school).

As the portal NewToNew writes, a former English teacher who has become an apologist for a new approach to education, Terry Hick denies standard curricula and believes in the victory of digital learning. To promote his ideas and develop new programs, he created the Te@chTaught portal. In one of his publications, he tried to look into 2024 and understand what the school of the future will be like.

Terry Hick (facebook)

With regard to the organization of the educational process, Hick’s thoughts are close to Demakhin’s ideas. In 2024, classrooms that do not use the latest technology will be considered unfit for learning and will begin to disappear, writes Hick. Classrooms as such will cease to exist. Rows of desks and strict curriculums, the role of the teacher as class leader, according to Hick, were never the optimal solution, but suited society because we were used to it. By 2024, everything will change.

The organization of space is important because it determines the organization of thinking and actions in society. According to the observations of Mark Sartan, head of the Smart School project, the classic school building is recognizable and represents a model of a factory: identical rows of windows along the facade and compartments-offices inside, connected by a corridor. Changes in the production process began to lead to changes in the organization of school space. In the 1970s, the first “school-city” appeared in Europe with varied zoning inside the building, open-plan classrooms, multiple entrances, etc.

It is clear that a change in space entails a change in the content of education. Terry Hick is confident that soon every class will be present on some social platform. This way, everyone can access them: people, organizations, entrepreneurs. Everything that is produced in this class: projects, scripts, ideas of students - will be noticed by society. Class pages on social networks will become a kind of marketing agency for students.

Floating school in Bangladesh

Organization of educational information

Participants in the foresight session of the congress “Innovative Practice: Science Plus Business” noted that in order to “not kill” the creative potential of a young person with template schemes, total project-based learning is being introduced all over the world. In Holland, a student is given the task of developing a prototype engine, and he chooses the necessary disciplines for himself: physics, mathematics, materials science... The Finns have followed the same path, and Russia is taking its first steps.

Alexander Demakhin says that the new meta-subject standards suggest paying attention not only and not so much to the substantive content of the lesson, but to those cognitive (the ability to work with information), regulatory (the ability to organize one’s activities), communicative (the ability to interact) and personal (the ability to consciously develop yourself) results that can be achieved in the lesson. “Already at the planning stage, a teacher can think of a 6th grade biology course not as a study of pistils and stamens, but as a course in the development of certain communication skills through the same pistils and stamens. Moreover, the teacher is given complete freedom in what specific meta-subject tasks to set in his lesson - the main thing is that they exist.”

An electric motorcycle, a space satellite, drones and neural interfaces - in order for students to be able to “blow up” the market, they need to start project work while still at school, hitting “on all fronts”. Children's technology parks, science camps, robotics and programming clubs are growth areas for young innovators,” the congress’s information partner, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, cites the opinions of participants in the foresight session.

Organization of study time

Today, in class, a certain amount of new information is given, and as homework, the student receives practical elaboration of this knowledge in certain tasks. But at the same time, the concept of a “flipped classroom” is gaining increasing popularity - students obtain information themselves at home, and in the classroom they practically apply this knowledge in a variety of forms, writes Alexander Demakhin.

The bell rings after 45 minutes (the same factory) - and the class breaks away from the lesson, no matter what stage it is currently in, and runs further along the corridor: but project and research tasks, psychological training, art or sports classes would be more effective otherwise organization of time.

All texts for study should be selected taking into account the student's literacy level, his reading preferences, and even the capabilities of his computer, in order to optimize reading for maximum benefit. These texts will be a combination of fiction and non-fiction, journalism, essays, non-standard texts, etc.

“We work a lot with children and see that if in elementary school children still want to come up with non-standard solutions to a given problem, then by the fourth grade the majority are already doing only what and only as they were told, and do not go beyond the guidelines given by the teacher. The situation only gets worse towards higher education, says Elena Aksenova, director of the RusHydro Corporate University.

Teacher of the future

Teachers should be viewed as master students, Demakhin believes. They will organize a changing physical and electronic educational process, tailored to each individual student. In contrast to powerful and smart but cold technologies, teachers will be much more important to the learning process. And this will ennoble the teaching profession in the eyes of society.

A teacher from Finland, a country where the quality of secondary education is recognized as one of the best in the world, and the competition for the position of a school teacher is more than 10 people per place, formulated it this way: “I am an expert in interpretation, absolutely free inside the classroom.” It is clear that if we are talking about the fact that the school can and should offer the student those positive models of social interaction that he will then implement in life, then the teacher cannot limit himself to only the roles of a source of information and a controller: he needs to be both an expert and a coach , and a conductor, and a partner, and, of course, a student.”

Artificial intelligence has already reached a point of development that allows us to talk about the prospects for its use in the learning process. Artificial intelligence will become the basis of pedagogy, Terry Hick is sure. This will be a tool that the student will use to create their own curriculum. Artificial intelligence will help students choose books, homework, learning strategies, and career options.

Mixed classes

One of the promising ideas is the joint education of children of different ages in the same groups. This idea is not new at all - back in the 19th century, it was common practice for older children to teach younger children. But, for example, the WISE world forum award, the “Nobel Prize in Education,” was recently awarded to Vicky Colbert, who developed a system of simultaneous education for children of different ages and with different experiences, which is now actively used in Latin American countries. One of its key provisions is the departure from frontal formation. Classes that bring together children of different ages and levels work in a new way: children sit in a circle with the teacher, there is a constant exchange of information, collective work is replaced by individual work, and the play element becomes an important element of the learning process.


According to Terry Hick, e-portfolios will become the current way of working. The student's work should reflect his potential and preferences. Carefully selected by the student himself, with the help of the teacher and artificial intelligence, electronic evidence of work will be uploaded to the cloud for everyone to see. On the one hand, this will increase the school’s responsibility for the results of its students, and on the other hand, the students themselves will invest more effort in improving their own performance.

Modernization and innovative development are the only way that will allow Russia to become a competitive society in the world of the 21st century and provide a decent life for all our citizens. In the context of solving these strategic problems, the most important personality qualities are initiative, the ability to think creatively and find innovative solutions, the ability to choose a professional path, and the willingness to learn throughout life. All these skills are formed from childhood.
School is a critical element in this process. The main tasks of a modern school are to reveal the abilities of each student, to educate a decent and patriotic person, an individual ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. School education should be structured so that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals and skillfully respond to different life situations.

School of the future

What characteristics should a school have in the 21st century?

The new school is an institution that meets the goals of advanced development. The school will provide study not only of the achievements of the past, but also of technologies that will be useful in the future. Children will be involved in research projects and creative activities to learn to invent, understand and master new things, express their own thoughts, make decisions and help each other, formulate interests and recognize opportunities.
The new school is a school for everyone. Any school will ensure the successful socialization of children with disabilities, children with disabilities, children without parental care, and in difficult life situations. The age characteristics of schoolchildren will be taken into account; education will be organized differently at the primary, basic and senior levels.
A new school means new teachers, open to everything new, who understand child psychology and the developmental characteristics of schoolchildren, and who know their subject well. The teacher’s task is to help children find themselves in the future, become independent, creative and self-confident people. Sensitive, attentive and receptive to the interests of schoolchildren, open to everything new, teachers are a key feature of the school of the future. In such a school, the role of the director will change, his degree of freedom and level of responsibility will increase.
The new school is a center of interaction both with parents and the local community, as well as with cultural, healthcare, sports, leisure institutions, and other social organizations. Schools as leisure centers will be open on weekdays and Sundays, and school holidays, concerts, performances, and sporting events will be places for family recreation.
The new school has modern infrastructure. Schools will become modern buildings - the schools of our dreams, with original architectural and design solutions, with good and functional school architecture - a canteen with tasty and healthy food, a media library and library, high-tech educational equipment, broadband Internet, competent textbooks and interactive teaching aids, conditions for sports and creativity.
The new school is a modern system for assessing the quality of education, which should provide us with reliable information about how individual educational institutions and the education system as a whole work.

Main directions of development of general education

Transition to new educational standards

From standards containing a detailed list of topics in each subject that are mandatory for every student to study, a transition will be made to new standards - requirements for what school programs should be, what results children should demonstrate, what conditions should be created in school to achieve these results.
In any educational program there will be two parts: compulsory and the one that is formed by the school. The higher the level, the more choices there are. The new standard provides for extracurricular activities - clubs, sports sections, various kinds of creative activities.
The result of education is not only knowledge in specific disciplines, but also the ability to apply it in everyday life and use it in further education. The student must have a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures, and religions. This is possible only as a result of combining the efforts of teachers of different subjects.
The school must create personnel, material, technical and other conditions that ensure the development of educational infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of the time. Financial support will be based on the principles of normative per capita financing (“money follows the student”), the transition to which is planned to be completed in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the next three years. At the same time, funds will flow to both municipalities and each school according to the standard, regardless of the form of ownership.
For work on standards to be effective, it is necessary to develop a system for assessing the quality of education. An independent assessment of schoolchildren's knowledge is needed, including during their transition from 4th to 5th grade and from 9th to 10th grade. Mechanisms for independent assessment can be created by professional pedagogical unions and associations. Russia will continue to participate in international comparative studies of the quality of education and create methods for comparing the quality of education in various municipalities and regions.
Already in 2010, we will introduce new requirements for the quality of education, expanding the list of documents characterizing the success of each student. The Unified State Exam should remain the main, but not the only way to check the quality of education. In addition, we will introduce monitoring and comprehensive assessment of a student’s academic achievements, competencies and abilities. Training programs for high school students will be linked to their further choice of specialty.

Development of a support system for talented children

In the coming years, Russia will build an extensive system of searching, supporting and accompanying talented children.

It is necessary to develop a creative environment to identify especially gifted children in every secondary school. High school students should be given the opportunity to study in correspondence, part-time and distance learning schools, allowing them to master specialized training programs, regardless of their place of residence. It is necessary to develop a system of Olympiads and competitions for schoolchildren, the practice of additional education, and work out mechanisms for taking into account individual achievements of students when admitting them to universities.
At the same time, it is necessary to develop a support system for mature, talented children. These are, first of all, educational institutions with round-the-clock attendance. It is necessary to disseminate the existing experience in the activities of physics and mathematics schools and boarding schools at a number of Russian universities. For children who have demonstrated their talents in various fields of activity, rallies, summer and winter schools, conferences, seminars and other events will be organized to support their talent.
Working with gifted children must be economically feasible. The per capita funding standard should be determined in accordance with the characteristics of schoolchildren, and not just the educational institution. A teacher who has helped a student achieve high results should receive significant incentive payments.

Improving the teaching staff

It is necessary to introduce a system of moral and material incentives to support domestic teachers. And the main thing is to attract young talented people to the teaching profession.
The system of moral support is the already established competitions for teachers ("Teacher of the Year", "Educate a Person", "I Give My Heart to Children", etc.), a large-scale and effective mechanism for supporting the best teachers within the framework of the priority national project "Education". This practice will expand at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The events planned in connection with the announcement of 2010 in Russia as the Year of the Teacher will contribute to increasing the prestige of the profession.
The material support system is not only a further increase in wage funds, but also the creation of a wage mechanism that will stimulate the best teachers, regardless of their work experience, and therefore attract young teachers to the school. As the experience of regional pilot projects shows, salaries can and should depend on the quality and results of teaching activities, assessed with the participation of school councils, and a complex of modern financial and economic mechanisms actually leads to an increase in teachers’ salaries. Work on introducing new wage systems should also be completed in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation over the next three years.
Another incentive should be the certification of teaching and management personnel - periodic confirmation of the teacher’s qualifications and their compliance with the tasks facing the school. The qualification requirements and qualification characteristics of teachers have been fundamentally updated; professional pedagogical competencies occupy a central place in them. There should be no bureaucratic obstacles for teachers, including young ones, who want to confirm a high level of qualifications before the established deadlines.
The system of teacher education needs to be seriously modernized. Pedagogical universities should be gradually transformed either into large basic centers for teacher training or into faculties of classical universities.
At least once every five years, teachers and school principals improve their qualifications. The corresponding programs should be flexibly changed depending on the interests of teachers, and therefore on the educational needs of children. Funds for advanced training should also be provided to school staff on the principles of per capita financing, so that teachers can choose both programs and educational institutions, including not only institutes for advanced training, but also, for example, pedagogical and classical universities. It is necessary to create data banks of organizations offering relevant educational programs in the regions. At the same time, directors and the best teachers should have the opportunity to study in other regions in order to have an idea of ​​​​the innovative experience of their neighbors.
The experience of the best teachers should be disseminated in the system of teacher education, retraining and advanced training. Pedagogical practice of students of specialized universities and internships of existing teachers should take place on the basis of schools that have successfully implemented their innovative programs, primarily within the framework of the priority national project “Education”.
A separate task is to attract teachers to the school who do not have basic pedagogical education. Having undergone psychological and pedagogical training and mastered new educational technologies, they will be able to demonstrate to children - first of all, high school students who have chosen a major of study - their rich professional experience.

Changing school infrastructure

The appearance of schools must change significantly. We will get real results if the school becomes a center of creativity and information, rich intellectual and sports life. Every educational institution must create a universal barrier-free environment to ensure the full integration of children with disabilities. In 2010, a five-year state program “Accessible Environment” will be adopted, aimed at solving this problem.
With the help of an architectural competition, new projects for the construction and reconstruction of school buildings will be selected, which will begin to be used everywhere from 2011: it is necessary to design a “smart”, modern building.
It is necessary to update the standards for the design and construction of school buildings and structures, sanitary rules and nutritional standards, requirements for the organization of medical care for students and for ensuring school safety. Heating and air conditioning systems in buildings must provide the required temperature at all times of the year. Schools must be provided with drinking water and showers. Rural schools need to develop effective student transportation mechanisms, including requirements for school buses.
Small and medium-sized enterprises can undertake maintenance of school infrastructure on a competitive basis. This applies, first of all, to the organization of school meals, public services, repair and construction work. We will demand from builders and service organizations to strictly ensure the safety of school buildings - classes should not be allowed to be held in emergency, dilapidated, adapted premises that pose a threat to the life and health of children. Another requirement is to introduce modern design solutions that provide a comfortable school environment. The architecture of the school space should allow for the effective organization of project activities, classes in small groups, and a variety of forms of work with children.

Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren

Children spend a significant part of the day at school, and preserving and strengthening their physical and mental health is a matter not only of the family, but also of teachers. A person's health is an important indicator of his personal success. If young people develop the habit of playing sports, such acute problems as drug addiction, alcoholism, and child neglect will be solved.
Balanced hot meals, medical care, including timely medical examination, sports activities, including extracurricular ones, implementation of preventive programs, discussion with children about healthy lifestyle issues - all this will influence the improvement of their health. In addition, a transition must be made from mandatory activities for all to individual health development programs for schoolchildren. In 2010, a new standard for physical education will be introduced - at least three hours a week, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.
It is an individual approach that involves the use of modern educational technologies and the creation of educational programs that will arouse a child’s interest in learning. The practice of individual education taking into account age characteristics, studying elective subjects, and a general reduction in classroom load in the form of classical training sessions will have a positive impact on the health of schoolchildren. But not only measures from adults are needed here. It is much more important to awaken in children a desire to take care of their health, based on their interest in learning, choosing courses that are adequate to their individual interests and inclinations. A rich, interesting and exciting school life will become the most important condition for maintaining and strengthening health.

Expanding school autonomy

The school must become more independent both in drawing up individual educational programs and in spending financial resources. Since 2010, schools that have won competitions in the priority national project “Education” and schools that have been transformed into autonomous institutions will receive independence. Required reporting by such schools will be sharply reduced in exchange for open information about their performance. Contracts will be concluded with their directors providing for special working conditions taking into account the quality of work.
We will legislate equality between public and private educational institutions, providing families with greater opportunities to choose a school. It is also advisable to develop concession mechanisms to attract private investors to manage schools.
Students will be given access to lessons from the best teachers using distance education technologies, including as part of additional education. This is especially important for small schools, for remote schools, and for the Russian provinces in general.
The key mechanisms for implementing the initiative should be both project and program methods of work. The activities will be carried out within the framework of the priority national project "Education", the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education and the Federal Target Program Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia.
The well-being of our children, grandchildren, and all future generations depends on how school reality is structured, what the system of relations between school and society will be, and how intellectual and modern we can make general education. That is why the “Our New School” initiative should become a matter for our entire society.

What should the school of the future be like?

is not just a transfer of knowledge from teacher to student. From the first grade until the presentation of the certificate, the child must not only master a short course in various sciences, but also learn to work in a team, socialize and develop as an individual. The world is changing, but is the school keeping up with these changes? What should the school of the future be like that can provide a child with conditions for development? For answers to these questions, “Oh!” addressed Mark Sartan, General Director of the Center for the Development of Educational Systems "Smart School".

School starts with a building

In Soviet times, standard school buildings were erected that corresponded to the objectives of Soviet education: to teach all children the same thing. Similar classes throughout the entire floor, the same layout on each floor, the same buildings throughout our vast homeland. Such buildings no longer meet the needs of modern education. Unfortunately, new Russian school buildings most often repeat old models.

School architecture should help achieve educational goals and be designed in accordance with them. If we want school education not to be reduced to the teaching of various subjects, but to shape the personality and its competencies, then the building must have universal classrooms, and not just classes in physics, geography, and so on. Classes should be not so much for studying individual subjects, but for different forms of work: group, individual, frontal.

On my travels to different countries, I saw school buildings that corresponded to modern educational goals. For example, this is Ayb in Armenia.

But the main thing in the educational process, of course, is not the buildings, but what happens in their camps.

School is more than just classrooms

An ideal school is not isolated from the world, but, on the contrary, is open to it. That is why it should not only contain classes. I believe that in the school complex it is necessary to organize the production of products that are in demand for educational purposes. This could be a greenhouse, a workshop - furniture, art, whatever, depending on the educational program. At school there should be an opportunity for artistic creativity, because this is one of the lines of child development.

Designers of modern schools are pushing libraries into basements and onto upper floors, believing that... In a sense, they are right. But if you look at the library as a center for providing information, and not as just a book depository, then it immediately finds itself at the very center of the school. It is there that all participants in educational relations - children, parents, teachers - will be able to obtain information for their work.

There are different ways to sit at your desks

Children do most of their school work while sitting, but this does not mean that desks in three rows with two-by-two seating are the only option. It is suitable when there is frontal work in the classroom: the teacher speaks, and the students listen and take notes. If discussion or group work is expected, children should have the opportunity to sit, stand, and walk around the classroom. Moreover, the class must be adapted to simultaneously solve different problems: some children perform individual tasks, others have a group project, and others are resting at this moment. You can’t do without mobile furniture and appropriate zoning here.

What should school teach?

Education cannot focus only on objects. The student must develop as a person, be able to do many things that do not fit into the framework of one subject, and have knowledge from different fields. The goal of an ideal school is not simply the transfer of knowledge. If only because knowledge becomes outdated, and either in 5-10 years it will no longer be enough, or it will be unclaimed. Today, many smart people say that school should teach how to learn.

A real school lacks the completeness of the educational result. There is not enough emphasis on what is outside the boundaries of academic disciplines. For example, I believe that the school pays insufficient attention to the figurative and artistic perception of the world. This function is assigned to literature, but its lessons are increasingly similar to literary criticism. World artistic culture is not taught everywhere, and where it is studied, it is often reduced to art history. That is, again the artistic, figurative component is washed away. There is a serious bias in the educational process towards the natural sciences.

We teach mostly as linguistic disciplines. They study for many years, and then they can neither read nor speak. But language is a means of communication. This is precisely what should be emphasized.

I would also point out that modern school lacks . Physical education is more aimed at individual development, but could teach work in a group.

Objectives of the school of the future

Today, the uncertainty of the future is much more acute than half a century ago. It has become difficult to plan for many years ahead, because entire professions are dying out, and new ones are appearing very quickly. What baggage should a graduate leave school with?

We tried to find the answer to this question. With the Russian businessman and philanthropist Albert Avdolyan, who finances the project, we have identified the main educational result of the Smart School: we need to teach children. Because it will allow them to make serious decisions, no matter how their lives turn out and no matter what the future holds. The goal of the school is to educate creators who are aware of the fullness of their responsibility and know how to develop and interact with others.

Fathers and Sons

Modern parents who are used to it often complain that they cannot cope with such a task. But this doesn’t say much: the parents studied at a different time and according to different programs. And it is wrong to take on the functions of your children and study in their place. It’s another matter if the child cannot cope with homework either: then this is a problem of selecting the workload and the need to adjust the curriculum, which is within the competence of the school

In order for the child to actually learn, and not just attend classes, they must cooperate. The family is the customer of education, and it has the right to know what is happening at school and to demand compliance with educational standards. But parents should not directly interfere in the educational process.

School and education

Today education is training plus upbringing. This fact is not disputed by anyone; it is written in all regulatory documents and the law on education. This is not to say that modern schools do not educate. She can't live without it, and shouldn't. But often education comes down to teaching. This does not work, and a clear example of this is both the Soviet education system and the pre-revolutionary gymnasium. In the 1920s, churches throughout the USSR were destroyed by Komsomol members who, back in Tsarist Russia, were studying the law of God. And at the end of the twentieth century, capitalism with its wild variations was built by graduates of Soviet universities, who all passed scientific communism.

It is not words that educate, but a way of life. If in school we say: “Be honest and loyal to the team,” and life shows how dishonest people win, how individualism is more important than collectivism, what kind of education is that?

How can someone who is told one thing at school, see something else in his family, and something else in life? Only by the own lifestyle of parents and teachers.

What should a teacher be like?

In our time, a good teacher is required not only to be an expert in his subject and to be able to find an approach to the child. The teacher must be able to organize the educational process so that each student can find himself in it.

A teacher is not required to have superpowers in leading children. The time for leaders has passed. We need to move from unification to individualization. We gradually abandon the idea of ​​“Listen to me, children, I know what you need” and come to another thought: “I can help you decide what you need.” Children are different, they have different lives ahead, different educational routes.

Who can become such a teacher? Someone who is able to learn, and this does not depend on age. The modern educational system is not yet very good at training new specialists, but the situation is changing. The world has become complex, a complex person has appeared in it, and it requires complex decisions.


2.School inside

3.What subjects are in the school of the future?

4.Mood at school

I’ll try to tell you how I imagine school in the future, in a few decades. In my opinion, it is necessary to take into account the opinions of not only ministers and teachers, but also parents and students. The child must find it interesting and understandable, then he will be willing to learn.

All school classrooms are equipped with the necessary instruments and equipment. For example, in physics and chemistry classrooms, special rooms are needed for students to conduct experiments themselves. The biology classroom has everything you need to study plants and animal organs. We need more visual aids and communication with the teacher, not a complex textbook. Computers are located not only in the computer science classroom, but everywhere - even in the corridors. Good renovation and an elevator for teachers so they won't be late for lessons.

Subjects are divided into basic and auxiliary. There are only three or four main subjects that are required for education: Russian language with literature, mathematics and history. A foreign language will be required, but studying in depth will be optional. Auxiliaries are chosen by parents until the 4th grade, and after that by the students themselves. Maybe someone wants to learn drawing, while another wants to learn languages. Homework will only be assigned to those who are not very good at studying.

In such a school, learning will be so interesting that parents will not have to persuade their children to go to school. The workload will probably decrease and there will be more time for activities in hobby groups.

My school in the future, essay for 3rd grade


1. How do I imagine the school of the future

2.Features of the school of the future

3. Activities after school

I want that in the future there will be parks with different animals and birds on the school grounds. For example, rabbits, squirrels, deer and turtles. They will not be in cramped cages, like in a zoo, but in spacious enclosures. Students, if desired, will look after them. Communication with nature and animals makes us kinder and teaches us to care.

The school will be spacious and clean, neat, with many interesting aids. Future schools will not have grades. After all, after graduating from school, what matters is not what you received, but what knowledge you have.

Be sure to have a lot of clubs and sports. You can come here with friends after school. I would like to live in the future and go to a school like this.

School of the future, essay for 2nd grade


1. School of the future

2. How to get to school

3.Time at school

We are still doing well at school. But if you imagine, it will be like this. Each individual class will have its own robot - a teacher who will know everything.

In the morning, the robot will collect all the students on its flying bus and take them to school. The school will not be in the city, as it is now, but outside the city, for example, on a hill, in the mountains. There he will teach children mathematics, drawing and other subjects.

Students will spend almost the entire day at school and therefore there will be no homework. After lessons you can play sports or dance, sing or make crafts. And in the evening the bus will bring each child home.