The system of characters in a work of fiction. Unstressed vowels in suffixes of present passive participles


The above scene features Glasha, a girl in Kabanova’s house. What term refers to a second-row character who occasionally appears on stage?

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"Thunderstorm" A.N. Ostrovsky

Kabanova. Go, Feklusha, tell me to prepare something to eat.

Feklusha leaves.

Let's go to our chambers!

Wild. No, I won’t go to my chambers, I’m worse in my chambers.

Kabanova. What made you angry?

Wild. Ever since this morning.

Kabanova. They must have asked for money.

Wild. As if they had agreed, the damned ones; first one or the other pesters all day long.

Kabanova. It must be necessary, if they pester you.

Wild. I understand this; What are you going to tell me to do with myself when my heart is like this! After all, I already know that I have to give, but I can’t give everything good. You are my friend, and I must give it to you, but if you come and ask me, I will scold you. I will give, give, and curse. Because if you even mention money to me, my insides will start to ignite; It kindles everything inside, and that’s all; Well, in those days I would never curse a person for anything.

Kabanova. There are no elders over you, so you are showing off.

Wild. No, godfather, keep quiet! Listen! These are the stories that happened to me. I was fasting about fasting, about something great, and then it’s not easy and I slip a little man in; I came for money and carried firewood. And it brought him to sin at such a time! I did sin: I scolded him, I scolded him so much that I couldn’t ask for anything better, I almost killed him. This is what my heart is like! After asking for forgiveness, he bowed at his feet, really. Truly I tell you, I bowed at the man’s feet. This is what my heart brings me to: here in the yard, in the dirt, I bowed to him; I bowed to him in front of everyone.

Kabanova. Why are you deliberately bringing yourself into your heart? This, godfather, is not good.

Wild. How on purpose?

Kabanova. I saw it, I know. If you see that they want to ask you for something, you will take one of your own on purpose and attack someone in order to get angry; because you know that no one will come to you when you’re angry. That's it, godfather! Wild. Well, what is it? Who doesn’t feel sorry for their own good!

Glasha enters.

Marfa Ignatievna, a snack has been set, please!

Kabanova. Well, godfather, come in! Eat what God sent you!

Wild. Perhaps. Kabanova. Welcome!

(He lets the Wild One go ahead and follows him.)


“The Frenchman from Bordeaux” appears in Chatsky’s story, but does not appear on stage. What term refers to such characters?

Show snippet

“Woe from Wit” A.S. Griboyedov

Sofia (to Chatsky)

Tell me, what makes you so angry?


In that room there is an insignificant meeting:

The Frenchman from Bordeaux, pushing his chest,

He gathered around himself a kind of evening,

And he told how he was preparing for the journey

To Russia, to the barbarians, with fear and tears;

I arrived and found that there was no end to the caresses;

Not a Russian sound, not a Russian face

I didn’t meet him: as if in the fatherland, with friends;

Its own province. You'll see in the evening

The ladies have the same sense, the same outfits...

He is happy, but we are not happy.

Silenced. And then from all sides

Longing, and groaning, and groaning:

Oh! France! There is no better region in the world! -

The two princesses, sisters, decided, repeating

A lesson that was taught to them from childhood.

Where to go from the princesses!

I sent wishes away

Humble, yet out loud,

So that the Lord destroys this unclean spirit

Empty, slavish, blind imitation;

So that he would plant a spark in someone with a soul,

Who could, by word and example

Hold us like a strong rein,

From the pitiful nausea on the stranger's side.

Let me be declared an Old Believer,

But our North is a hundred times worse for me

Since I gave everything in exchange for new way, -

And morals, and language, and holy antiquity,

And majestic clothes for another -

According to the jester's example:

The tail is in the back, there is some kind of wonderful notch in the front,

Contrary to reason, and not beautiful to the face;

Funny, shaved, gray chins!

Like dresses, hair, and minds are short!..

Oh! if we are born to adopt everything,

At least we could borrow some from the Chinese

Their ignorance of foreigners is wise;

Will we ever be resurrected from the alien power of fashion?

So that our smart, cheerful people

Although, based on our language, he didn’t consider us Germans.

“How to put the European in parallel

Something strange about the national one!

Well, how to translate Madame and Mademoiselle?

Really, madam!!” - someone muttered to me...

Imagine, everyone here

Laughter arose at my expense.

"Madam! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Wonderful!

Madam! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! terrible!!"

I, angry and cursing life,

He was preparing a thunderous answer for them;

But everyone left me...


Dikoy mentions the mayor, who does not take a direct part in the action. What is the name of such a character?

Show snippet

"Thunderstorm" A.N. Ostrovsky

Wild. Look, everything is soaked. ( Kuligina.) Leave me alone! Leave me alone! ( With heart.) Foolish man!

Kuligin. Savel Prokofich, after all, this, your lordship, will benefit all ordinary people in general.

Wild. Go away! What a benefit! Who needs this benefit?

Kuligin. Yes, at least for you, your lordship, Savel Prokofich. If only I could put it on the boulevard, in a clean place, sir. What's the cost? Empty consumption: stone column ( shows with gestures the size of each item), a copper plate, so round, and a hairpin, here’s a straight hairpin ( shows with a gesture), the simplest one. I’ll put it all together and cut out the numbers myself. Now you, your lordship, when you deign to go for a walk, or others who are walking, will now come up and see what time it is. And this place is beautiful, and the view, and everything, but it’s as if it’s empty. We, too, Your Excellency, have travelers who come there to see our views, after all, it’s a decoration - it’s more pleasing to the eye.

Wild. Why are you bothering me with all this nonsense! Maybe I don’t even want to talk to you. You should have first found out whether I am in the mood to listen to you, a fool, or not. What am I to you - even, or something! Look, what an important matter you found! So he starts talking straight to the snout.

Kuligin. If I had minded my own business, then it would have been my fault. Otherwise, I am for the common good, your lordship. Well, what does ten rubles mean to society? You won't need more, sir.

Wild. Or maybe you want to steal; who knows you.

Kuligin. If I want to put my labors away for nothing, what can I steal, your lordship? Yes, everyone knows me here, no one will say anything bad about me.

Wild. Well, let them know, but I don’t want to know you.

Kuligin. Why, sir Savel Prokofich, would you like to offend an honest man?

Wild. I'll give you a report or something! I don’t give an account to anyone more important than you. I want to think about you this way, and I think so. For others, you are an honest person, but I think that you are a robber, that’s all. Did you want to hear this from me? So listen! I say I’m a robber, and that’s the end of it! So, are you going to sue me or something? So you know that you are a worm. If I want, I will have mercy, if I want, I will crush.

Kuligin. God be with you, Savel Prokofich! I, sir, small man, it won't take long to offend me. And I’ll tell you this, your lordship: “And virtue is honored in rags!”

Wild. Don't you dare be rude to me! Can you hear me!

Kuligin. I am not doing anything rude to you, sir; but I’m telling you because maybe you’ll even think about doing something for the city someday. You, your lordship, have a lot of strength; If only there was the will to do a good deed. Let’s just take it now: we have frequent thunderstorms, but we won’t install thunder diverters.

Wild (proudly). Everything is vanity!

Kuligin. But what’s the fuss when the experiments took place?

Wild. What kind of lightning taps do you have there?

Kuligin. Steel.

Wild (with anger). Well, what else?

Kuligin. Steel poles.

Wild (getting more and more angry). I heard that poles, you kind of asp; and what else? Set up: poles! Well, what else?

Kuligin. Nothing more.

Wild. What do you think a thunderstorm is, huh? Well, speak up.

Kuligin. Electricity.

Wild (stamping his foot). What other beauty there is! Well, how come you’re not a robber! A thunderstorm is sent to us as punishment, so that we can feel it, but you want to defend yourself, God forgive me, with poles and some kind of rods. What are you, a Tatar, or what? Are you Tatar? Oh, speak up! Tatar?

Kuligin. Savel Prokofich, your lordship, Derzhavin said:

My body is crumbling into dust,

I command thunder with my mind.

Wild. And for these words, send you to the mayor, so he will give you a hard time! Hey, honorable ones, listen to what he says!

Kuligin. There is nothing to do, we must submit! But when I have a million, then I’ll talk. (Waving his hand, he leaves.)

Wild. Well, are you going to steal from someone? Hold it! Such a fake little man! What kind of person should be with these people? I really don't know. ( Addressing the people). Yes, you damned ones will lead anyone into sin! I didn’t want to get angry today, but he, as if on purpose, made me angry. May he fail! ( Angrily). Has it stopped raining?

1st. It seems he has stopped.

Wild. Seems! And you, fool, go and have a look. And so it seems!

1st ( coming out from under the vaults). Stopped!

The third phenomenon

Varvara and then Boris.

Varvara. It seems he is!

Boris (passes at the back of the stage). Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Boris (looks around). Come here. ( Beckons with his hand.)

Boris (included). What should Katerina and I do? Please tell me!

Boris. And what?

Varvara. It’s a problem, and that’s all. My husband has arrived, do you know that? And they didn’t wait for him, but he arrived.

Boris. No, I didn't know.

Varvara. She just didn't feel like herself!

Boris. Apparently, I was the only one who lived for ten days while he was gone. Now you won't see her!


In the stories of Ms. Prostakova and Skotinin, the “dead father” and uncle Vavila Faleleich appear. What are the names of the characters mentioned in the speech of the heroes, but not appearing on stage?

Show snippet

“Minor” D.I. Fonvizin

Pravdin (Mitrofan). How far are you in history?

Mitrofan. How far is it? What's the story? In another you will fly to distant lands, to a kingdom of thirty.

Pravdin. A! Is this the story that Vralman teaches you?

Starodum. Vralman? The name is somewhat familiar.

Mitrofan. No, our Adam Adamych doesn’t tell stories; He, like me, is a keen listener himself.

Ms. Prostakova. They both force themselves to tell stories to the cowgirl Khavronya.

Pravdin. Didn’t you both study geography from her?

Ms. Prostakova (son). Do you hear, my dear friend? What kind of science is this?

Mitrofan (quiet mother). How do I know?

Ms. Prostakova (quietly to Mitrofan). Don't be stubborn, darling. Now is the time to show yourself.

Mitrofan (quiet mother). Yes, I have no idea what they are asking about.

Ms. Prostakova (Pravdin). What, father, did you call science?

Pravdin. Geography.

Ms. Prostakova (Mitrofan). Do you hear, eorgafiya.

Mitrofan. What is it! Oh my God! They stuck me with a knife to my throat.

Ms. Prostakova (Pravdin). And we know, father. Yes, tell him, do me a favor, what kind of science this is, he will tell it,

Pravdin. Description of the land.

Ms. Prostakova (Starodum). What would this serve in the first case?

Starodum. In the first case, it would also be suitable for the fact that if you happen to go, you know where you are going.

Ms. Prostakova. Ah, my father! But what are cab drivers for? It's their business. This is not a noble science either. Nobleman, just say: take me there, and they will take you wherever you please. Believe me, father, that, of course, what Mitrofanushka does not know is nonsense.

Starodum. Oh, of course, madam. In human ignorance, it is very comforting to consider everything that you don’t know to be nonsense.

Ms. Prostakova. Without sciences people live and lived. The deceased father was a commander for fifteen years, and at the same time he deigned to die because he did not know how to read and write, but he knew how to make and save enough. He always received petitions, sitting on an iron chest. Afterwards, he will open the chest and put something in. That was the economy! He did not spare his life so as not to take anything out of the chest. I won’t boast to others, I won’t hide it from you: the deceased light, lying on a chest with money, died, so to speak, of hunger. A! what does it feel like??

Starodum. Commendable. You have to be Skotinin to taste such a blissful death.

Skotinin. But if we are to prove that the teaching is nonsense, then let’s take Uncle Vavila Faleleich. No one had ever heard of a letter from him, nor did he want to hear from anyone: and what a head he was!

Pravdin. What is it?

Skotinin. Yes, this is what happened to him. Riding on a greyhound pacer, he ran drunkenly into the stone gate. The man was tall, the gate was low, he forgot to bend down. As soon as he hit his forehead against the lintel, the Indo bent his uncle to the back of his head, and the vigorous horse carried him out of the gate to the porch on his back. I would like to know if there is a learned forehead in the world that would not fall apart from such a blow; and my uncle, to his eternal memory, having sobered up, only asked if the gate was intact?

Milo. You, Mr. Skotinin, admit yourself to be an unlearned person; however, I think, in this case, your forehead would be no stronger than a scientist.

Starodum (Milo). Don't bet on it. I think that the Skotinins are all tough-minded by birth.

reference Information

In order to avoid the pitfalls, prepare for task 11 step by step. Just three steps guarantee you against mistakes.

Step 1. Choice of vowels in unstressed endings of verbs.

Personal verb endings

In personal endings of present and future verbs

at the endings of verbs of the 1st conjugation write the vowels e, u (yu): you have, has, we have, you have, have

at the endings of verbs of the 2nd conjugation - and, a (ya): look, look, look, look, look

This means that in order to correctly write vowels in unstressed endings, you need to be able to accurately determine the conjugation of a verb!


To the 2nd conjugation verbs include:

with the suffix -i at the base of the indefinite form: to love


Shave, lay - verbs of the 1st conjugation: shaves, shave, lay, lay and their derivatives: lay, lay, re-lay and others.

7 exception verbs with the suffix -e at the base of the indefinite form.

Remember them: endure, twist, offend, depend, hate, and see, and watch and their derivatives,

for example: look, inspect, look out, finish watching, look enough, stare and others.

4 verbs with the suffix -a.

Remember them: drive, hold, hear, breathe and their derivatives: drive away, catch up, drive out, drive out and others.

To the 1st conjugationOther verbs with unstressed endings include: play, draw, pull, throw and others.


Verbs want, run and honor special. They and all derivatives from them, for example: run, run, run across, escape, run, etc., are classified as heteroconjugated verbs. The peculiarity of the verbs of this group is that in some forms these verbs have endings of the 1st conjugation, and in others - of the 2nd. Let's conjugate these verbs:

To want - I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want (in the singular of the end of the 1st reference, in the plural - of the 2nd).

Run - run, run, runs, run, run, run (in all forms, except 3rd plural, the end of the 1st sp., in the 3rd plural - the end of the 2nd spr. .)

Honor - honor, honor, honor, honor, honor, honor (in all forms except the 3rd plural, the end of the 1st sp., in the 3rd plural - the end of the 2nd sp. .)

Only the verb want has a singular form. endings in an unstressed position.


The verbs are and give and their derivatives do not belong to any conjugation. They have special sets of endings. For more information about this, see: Russian Grammar. Section 11. Verb. Problems for Unified State Exam assignments they have no idea, since the endings are stressed.

Step 2.Choice of vowels in present participle suffixes.

Present participle suffixes

Participles can be different: active and passive, present and past tense.

To avoid mistakes in their spelling, it will help to realize that present participles are formed from the stem of the present tense verb, and past participles are formed from the stem of the indefinite form of the verb. Therefore, when choosing suffixes for present participles, determine the conjugation of the verb. This will help you choose the right suffix. And for error-free writing of past participles, it is important to know the suffix at the base of the indefinite form of the verb.

1. Suffixes -ushch(-yush),- ush(-yushch)) in active present participles: knowing, loving

Determine the verb conjugation .

In participles formed

from verbs of the 1st conjugation, write the suffix -ushch (-yushch): knowing, reading.

from verbs of the 2nd conjugation - -аш (-яш): loving, seeing

Pay attention:

Active participles present tense are formed from the stems of present tense verbs:

Knows, know – 1st conjugation, base knowing + suffix -yush →knowing,

loves, love – 2nd conjugation, stem love + suffix -yash → loving.

2. Suffixes - eat (-ohm), -im in present passive participles: raised, visible

Determine the conjugation of the verb.

In participles formed from verbs

1st conjugation, write the suffix -em -om: raised, driven,

2nd conjugation - -im: beloved, visible

Pay attention:

Passive present participles are formed from the stems of transitive present tense verbs:

Raises, lifts - 1st conjugation, stem lift + suffix -em → lifted,

loves, loves - 2nd conjugation, stem love + suffix --im → beloved.

Step 3. Choice of vowels in suffixes of past participles.

Past participle suffixes

1. Vowels before suffixes - wsh, -sh in active past participles: saw, heard, walked

In active past participles, before the suffixes -вш, -ш, write the same vowel that is written at the base of the indefinite form of the verb: seen←see, heard←hear.

2. Distinguishing the vowels of the suffix of the verb stem - and I) before the suffix -NN and the suffix -ENN in passive past participles: lost, seen

Determine the final vowel at the base of the infinitive form of the verb.

If passive participles are formed from the stem of the indefinite form of verbs

with the suffix - and I-, before the participle suffix -nn- write the letters a(z): lost ← lose,

with suffixes - And- or - e-, in the suffix -enn- write the letter e: filled ← fill.

Complete tasks

Assignment from the demo version of FIPI 2016:

Write down the word in which the letter Y is written in the blank.

smoldering..t (they)

burnout..t (they)



Explanation (see also Rule below).


Answer: they will burn out

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: advanced

Codifier section: Spelling of personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes

Rule: Task 12. Vowels in the endings of verbs and in suffixes of participles


To successfully complete the assignment, students must know:

What is the personal form of gla-go-la;

What is conjugation, how to define it, what is its significance;

How does the spelling of the participle suffix depend on the conjugation of the verb-go-la;

In which cases the spelling of the suffix p-partial/de-e-pri-partial is determined by conjugation, and in which it is not.


The rule for determining the conjugation of a verb is the basic, basic rule for THREE or-pho-grams set out in this paragraph.

Depending on the letter in the ending, all verbs are assigned to the I or II conjugation. The inclusions make up different-but-hidden words

Verbs of the second conjugation in the windows-cha-ni-yah have letters AND And AT(YAT)
SingularPlural number
Impact endingWindow without impactImpact endingWindow without impact
I'm sitting U, shouting U I'm breathing U, review YU we are seed THEM, shouting THEM we are breathing THEM, review THEM
you are sid LOOK, shouting LOOK are you breathing LOOK, review LOOK you are sitting THOSE, shouting IT are you breathing IT, review IT
he, she, it seed IT, shouting IT he's breathing IT, review IT they are seed Yat, shouting AT they are breathing AT, review Yat

For clarification, see the table.

1. If personal ending is under attack, then it is easy to determine the conjugation of the verb: in the given pairs the personal forms of the verbs GO, SING and SIT, SCREAM have shock personal windows.

A verb belongs to the I conjugation if its ending contains E; UT/YUT.

The verb belongs to the II conjugation if its ending contains I; AT/YAT.

There are quite a lot of words with a stressed ending: flies, sleeps, burns, bakes, pours.

Note: appearance YOU does not affect the writing of the windows: YOU-LE-TIT, YOU-GO-RIT, YOU-PE-CHET, YOU-POWERS.

2. The second pairs of words, personal forms of the verbs WRITE, DO-LAT and LOOK, BREATHE, do not have an accent on the windows. The letters E-UT and I-YAT are written in them only in the way that was established: these are verbs I and II conjugations. The list of words with unstressed endings is much more extensive.

The conjugations of words with an unstressed ending are determined based on which letters the verb ends in the initial form (or in in-fi-ni-ti-ve, or in an undefined form).

Note: the phrase “what does it end with” is not equal to the phrase “the end of a word.” In-fi-ni-ti-va has no windows, it can only end on something, usually the last three letters are written: read ( -at), bend (-ut), bo-rot-sya (-ot), where the letter before Т is a suffix. Verbs have endings in personal forms: chi-ta-YUT, oppress, breathe. This is why it’s not true: the verb okan-chi-va-et-sya on AT, which means it’s the first conjugation.

I conjugationII conjugation

All other verbs begin with -OT, -YAT, -ET, -TI, -UT, -AT, -YT.

1) all verbs in -IT, except

shave (shave)

ste-lit (re-required only in the infinitive and past tense; personal verb forms are formed from the verb stlat - ste-lyut),

zi-wait (zi-wait);

2) 4 verbs starting with -АТ and 7 verbs starting with -ET: drive, hold, look and see, breathe, hear, not-see, and offend, and endure, and behind-the-net, and twirl.

Pay attention: Adding a prefix does not change the conjugation of the verb-go-la. In this way, both FOR-drive, and AT-look, and Hear will still be the words of the second conjugation.

Note 1: In elementary school you were taught to determine the conjugation by the third person of the verb: if THEY UT or YUT, then this is the verb I of the conjugation, and if THEY ARE AT or YAT , then II. Yes, this rule works, but only if you know exactly how to write the third plural correctly(THEY). In these examples are they fighting...or are they hearing...t- choosing the letters Y/Y or A/U is difficult, but the ability to determine the conjugation using the infinitive will not let you down: fight(on OT, I conjugation, which means we write YUT; hear(II reference, ex-key, write AT).

Note 2: The infinitive must be of the same type as the personal form of the verb. For example, there is the word “na-stra-i-va-et” (he). The infinitive will be “na-stra-i-vat”, what to do?, imperfect form, like the word “na-stra-i-va-et”. This is the first conjugation, so it is written E. If you mistakenly take an infinitive of a different type, “set up” (what to do), then the second conjugation appears, and you need to write I. We will write this letter in form “will set up” (what will it do, perfect form).

Note 3. The postfix СЯ/Сь does not affect conjugation.

Note 4. In some infinitives, writing letters before Т (ЭТ/ИТ/ЯТ) causes difficulties. A table of such verbs is published in the “Help” for task 10.

Note 5: It is not easy to take an undefined form for some verbs. Find out such verbs and find out their initial forms. For example, the word “uko-let” has an initial form prick(do not prick), the verb “grinds” has the shape grind(do not grind).

We look at the or-fo-grams based on this rule.

11.1.1 Unstressed personal endings of verbs

To determine whether to write the letter I or E at the end of a verb, you need to establish its conjugation.

First of all, make sure that there is no prefix in the verb You, if there is one, remove it and follow the basic rule for determining the conjugation of the verb-go-la. Do not pay attention to the postfix СЯ or Сь, it does not affect the conjugation. For example, the words are given:, arranged-i-va..t (he), offended..tsya (he), endured..t (he).

Have you seen the console? You in the word carried out..t, they removed it, leaving the word carries with the stressed window-cha-ni-em.

We put the rest of the verbs in the initial form (don’t confuse the TYPE!) and determine the conjugation: build(II conjugation, in IT), arrange(I conjugation, in AT, cannot be “arranged”, the view is not the same), be offended(II conjugation, exclusion). Insert letters: in a constructive way, suits (he), gets offended (he), endures (he).

11.1.2 Unstressed vowels in suffixes of active present participles

The key point of this rule is the understanding that present participles are formed from the stems of present tense verbs, and the choice of attached suffixes of the participles УШ/УШЧ or АШ/ЯШCH depends on the conjugation of the verb-go-la. Correctly formed and correctly written participles have the same letter in the suffix as verbs in the 3rd person. Compare:

And this is not a coincidence, not an accident, because to form participles from verbs of the first conjugation, the suffixes УШ/УШch are used, and to form participles from verbs of the second conjugation - АШ/ЯШ.

As can be seen from the table, vowel letters in the windows of the words U T( YU T) and A T( I T) sov-pa-da-yut with letters in suff-fi-sah participles: they are mech-ta-Yut - they are mech-ta-Yu-shchee; they stab - they stab; they are dozing - they are dozing.

Let's look at examples of how knowing the rules for forming present participles helps to avoid mistakes.

Let's take the verb “follow”. We form from the verb “follow”, 1st conjugation, 3rd person: follow-YUT. Let's remove the window, leave the main one, add a suffix: next+YUSH+iy=next-YU-Shchy. This is why “next” is not correct, without the letter Y.

We form a participle from the word “to be”, 1 conjugation. We put them in the third person, they WILL be. We form a participle, taking the main part: bud+USH+iy = bu-dU-Shchiy. That's why "bu-du-yu-shchy", with the letter Yu, is not correct.

Let's take a word with an unclear letter in the suffix lele(Y/I/E)t. We don’t know the letter in in-fi-ni-ti-ve, which means we can’t determine the conjugation. Such words need to be understood. In the “Help” for task 10, this word was in the table, so we enter le-le-Yat, and then according to the scheme: conjugation I, that means, they le-le-YUT, that means, le-le-Yu-Shchiy.

In task 11, we are asked to go the other way, that is, determine the conjugation of the verb based on the already formed participle and insert the letter.

Cough...cough←cough-la-YUT←cough-cough. Conjugation I, participle suffix YUSH;

Struggling←bor(Y/Y)tsya←fighting. It was not possible to determine the conjugation by the third person, but by the initial it is easy, I conjugation, the suffix YUSH is needed;

Getting carried away with ←getting carried away-ka-YUT-sya←getting carried away-kAT-sya, conjugation I, participle suffix YUSCH;

Small..shchy (coffee, grain or go-vo-rya-shy nonsense-doo, che-pu-hoo)←mo-lot, conjugation I, participle suffix YUSCH

Let's remember the words from this rule:

brez-zhu-shchiy, shaky-ly-shy-sya, zi-waiting-sya, listening.

11.1.3 Unstressed vowels in suffixes of present passive participles

As in the previous paragraph, the choice of attached suffixes of the participles EM or IM depends on the conjugation of the verb-go-la.

Correctly formed and correctly written participles have the same letter in the suffix as verbs in the 1st person plural (we). Compare:

To form participles from verbs of the first conjugation, the suffixes EM/OM are used, and for participles from verbs of the second conjugation, IM.

Let's look at how to apply this rule in examples. (ma-te-ri-al)← (we) ras-ho-du-EAT← since “ras-ho-do-vat” is the verb of the first conjugation, participle suffix EM, ending of the verb EM; (process)←(we) are not con-tro-li-ru-EM←since “control-li-ro-vat” - verb I conjugation, participle suffix EM, verb ending EM.

Let's remember the words, writing letters in the suffix of which causes difficulty:

accepted, un-removable, unshakable.

The word movable is written with IM, since it is formed not from the word “move”, but from the now obsolete verb of the second conjugation of movement.


Let us formulate a general rule, the understanding of which will allow us to avoid mistakes: past participles and gerunds are formed from the stem in-fi-ni-ti-va Therefore, it is enough to know how the infinitive is written and how verb forms are formed.

11.2.1 Vowels before suffixes of active past participles

The writing of the missing letter in participles such as uvi-dev-shiy, obi-dev-shiy, pasted is determined only by what letter was in this place in the initial form of g-go-la, after all, these words are formed from the basics uvid-dEt, obi-dEt, paste using the suffix VSH. This letter is the same as that before L in past tense verbs: the one who saw Vsh y, from-re-dak-ti-ro-val-from-re-dak-ti-ro-va Vsh y, per-re-pi-sy-val-pe-re-pi-sy-va Vsh yy.

Let's give examples from problem 11

not-seen-seen - suffix Vsh indicates the past tense, which means you need to determine the letter in in-fi-ni-ti-ve: not-to-see. Write this letter in the participle, not-to-see.

Note: the fact that the verb is included in the list of exceptions has no meaning for the given rule.

Let's give an example oshi-boch-no-go ras-ju-de-niya: the word ob-ra-zo-va-but from the word-go-la -is-klu-che-niya, which means you need to write And. (Letter And you need to write, but only in forms not for the past time, but in forms for the hundredth time).

faded - suffix Vsh indicates the past tense, which means you need to determine the letter in the in-fi-ni-ti-ve: you-go-re. Write this letter in the participle, you are good.

11.2.2 The rule works similarly when determining an unstressed vowel letter before the suffixes of de-e-past participles:

Compare pairs of words in tables:

The vowel letter-suffix of the initial form - before the highlighted suffixes is ONE and the same, and it is “re-re-sh-la” together with the base of the initial form of g-go-la, from which both forms are derived -va-ny.

Let's introduce word-formation chains: obes-si-let→obes-si-le Vsh th (participation), obes-si-let→obes-si-le V(de-e-pri-cha-stie); from-mu-chIt →iz-mu-chi Vsh th (participation), from-mu-chIt→from-mu-chi V(de-e-pri-cha-stie); po-se-Yat→sowYa Vsh th (participation), sowing V(de-e-pri-cha-stiye).

11.2.3 Vowels in suffixes of passive past participles

The forms of passive participles are formed from the stems of the infinitive with the help of the suffix ENN or NN.

not on IT, that is, preserving the vowel letter os-no-you, for example:

Za-ri-so-vat→za-ri-so-va+NN+y=za-ri-so-van-ny, there are two suffixes in the word;

for-mas-ki-ro-vat→for-mas-ki-ro-va+NN+y = for-mas-ki-ro-van-ny, there are two suffixes in the word;

ob-str-lyat→ob-str-lya+NN+y = ob-str-lyan-ny, there are two suffixes in the word.

Thus, the same letter is written before NN as in the base in-fi-ni-ti-va.

If the stem of the verb ends on IT, that is, with truncation of the vowel letter os-no-you, for example:

Bite-sIt → bite+ENN+y=bitten, suffix And use-ka-et-sya, ENN is added;

under-shoot →under-arrow+ENN+y= under-shot, suffix And truncated, ENN is added;

for-kra-sIT→for-krash+ENN+y=for-kra-shen-ny, suffix And truncated, ENN is added.

Thus, In order to correctly write the suffix of the participle, from the verb to IT, you need to replace the thread with ENN.

Separately, it is worth noting cases where the stem of the verb ends on ET: some linguists consider the suffix ENN in participles, others see two suffixes, E and NN:

See-dEt→vidE+NN+y=seen, two suffixes are indicated;

considered → considered + ENN + th = considered, one suffix is ​​indicated.

With different approaches to determining the composition of a word, the spelling of the letter E before НН remains unchanged.

How have you already memorized the letters? And would never be in front of NN.

The same rules apply to from-gla-gol-nye pri-la-ga-tel-nye formed from imperfective verbs:

pi-lit→dil+EN+y=pi-le-ny, suffix I truncated, EN is added;

knit→elmA+N+y=knit, there are two suffixes in the word;

sow→seYa+N+y = se-ya-ny, there are two suffixes in the word.

A number of words formed from SIMILAR verbs should be especially noted.


water pumped out (pump) from a well - a barrel pumped out of the basement (pump);

un-hang-up linen (un-hang-up) - hung door (on-we-set); weighed goods (weigh);

Tatyana Yudina

The rules for determining conjugation are as follows. Conjugation is determined by the indefinite form only for verbs with unstressed personal endings: all verbs in -it belong to the II conjugation, except shave, build, swell, lay), as well as 11 exceptions: 7 verbs in -et (look, see, endure, twirl, depend, hate, offend) and 4 verbs in -at (hear, breathe, drive, hold). The remaining verbs belong to the I conjugation.

If the personal endings of the verb are stressed, then the conjugation is determined by the endings; in this case, it does not matter which vowel is in the infinitive form of the verb. Thus, the verbs to sleep, fly, rattle, burn, ring belong to the II conjugation (sleep, fly, rattle, burn, ring), and, for example, the verb to drink belongs to the I conjugation (drink -eat). It is important to remember: all prefixed verbs derived from such verbs with unstressed endings also belong to the same conjugation. Therefore, the verb burn out is of the second conjugation: burn out, burn out, and the verb to drink is of the first conjugation: drink, drink.

Igor Leonov (Kazan) 30.11.2012 19:08

If a verb in the indefinite form (What to do?) ends in -tsia, then what is the conjugation?