Testing system "Indigo" as a means of controlling students' knowledge. Presentation on "INDIGO testing system" Download indigo software

Super admin login: admin, password: 12345 . After installation by default, the system already has one registered user (Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, Password: 12345) and one demo test has been added.

System requirements


Server and admin client require Windows XP / Vista / Server (2003, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019) / 7 / 8 / 10. Server running on Linux or OS X requires a virtual machine. For users to work, they need a network connection to the server and one of the following browsers: Google Chrome 6+, Mozilla Firefox 9+, Opera 12+, Internet Explorer 8+, Safari 5+. Recommended Google Chrome ( download).


A running INDIGO server consumes up to 150 MB of RAM (up to 250 MB of RAM with the Admin Client). When users work, memory consumption increases (at maximum loads up to 2 GB of RAM).
Recommended minimum configuration for Windows Server 2016:
‒ for 10-50 concurrent users: 2x2.2 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 20 GB HDD;
‒ for 100-200 concurrent users: 2x2.2 GHz, 3 GB RAM, 20 GB HDD/SSD;
‒ for 500-1000 concurrent users: 2x3.3 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 20 GB SSD or more.


We guarantee that all executable files of our software are free from viruses. If you are faced with the fact that some antivirus blocks the work of INDIGO testing system programs, please let us know about it. We will help you solve the problem and make a request to the developers of this antivirus about a false positive, so that during the next update of the databases, the antivirus will no longer interfere with the testing system.
The INDIGO testing system, based on an official agreement with Kaspersky Lab, is included in the white list (Kaspersky Whitelist), according to which all INDIGO programs and components are automatically recognized as safe.

INDIGO is a powerful, modern electronic complex designed to automate the testing procedure and monitor results.

Simply put, INDIGO helps you create tests and test cases. Usually the word test is associated with a school or university. For the most part, free, specialized software for developing testing systems is focused on controlling knowledge in the field of education. But not the free INDIGO tool for creating tests.

There are other areas here, such as recruiting assessment (analysis of the professional level of applicants), personnel qualification control, the sociological sphere (survey of various sectors of society), as well as a certain kind of psychological research. In the downloaded program, automation is a fundamental factor in the successful development of a line of similar applications.

It should be convenient for the creator of test tasks to develop and adapt them, in turn, for the administrator, the main thing is to have clear and rational management, and for the test taker, only comfort is important in order to focus solely on knowledge.

After downloading and installing INDIGO, you will understand that it is built on the principle of client-server solutions. Thus, there is a server part in which databases with users and tests are located (with a rigidly built hierarchy and distributed access rights). The client part is aimed at the user (registration in the system, performing tasks, viewing results). Meanwhile, the web server downloaded and installed along with the utility does not require particularly deep knowledge at the system administrator level.

The principle of working with each test project in the program goes through four stages. The first step is to prepare the questionnaire using the Constructor. It is possible to develop a project with its help flexibly and conveniently. The question form can contain slides, pictures and any external elements, and the answers can imply both one option and multiple options.

The second step of development is the combination of test sets according to certain criteria, for example, by age group of test takers, by departments, by disciplines, and so on. The third step is to set the rating variability and determine the access rights for different categories of users.

The final step is to sum up the results through reporting, which can be printed or left in digital form. As a result, using the multifaceted, but easy and transparent interface of the downloaded INDIGO utility, you can develop and organize tests of any complexity for free, in areas that, one way or another, require knowledge control.

The INDIGO testing system is a professional tool for automating the testing process and processing results, which is designed to solve a wide range of tasks:

    testing and control of students' knowledge;

    determination of the professional level of employees;

    conducting psychological testing;

    conducting surveys;

    organization of olympiads and competitions.


    the testing system is installed on one server computer using an installation package;

    the system can work both on an isolated computer and on a local network or via the Internet;

    the testing center can be deployed on your computer or in the cloud on our Internet servers;

    all data is stored centrally in the system database;

    administrators work through the client program;

    users work through web browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari and others). There is support for browsers on mobile devices.

Advantages of the INDIGO testing system:

        easy installation of the system on any computer;

        perpetual license and no subscription fee;

        the ability to operate the testing system in the cloud on Internet servers;

        centralized data storage and web user interface;

        system security and data privacy;

        hierarchical grouping of tests and users, testing rules;

        setting several scales of results for one test and a mechanism for entering scoring formulas;

        hierarchical grouping of questions in tests;

        automatic generation of test variants;

        printing and export of test forms and tests with answers;

        printing and export of test protocols and reports.

1.2.4 "Airen"

Airen is a free program that allows you to create tests to test knowledge and conduct tests on a local network, via the Internet or on single computers.

Tests can include tasks of various types: with the choice of one or more correct answers, with the input of an answer from the keyboard, for establishing correspondence, for ordering and for classification.

With online testing, the teacher sees detailed information about the progress of each student on his computer. At the end of the work, these data are stored in the archive, where they can later be viewed and analyzed using the tools built into the program.

In addition, you can create tests as standalone executable files that can be distributed to students for testing without using the network and without saving the results. This mode is focused primarily on tests designed for self-testing. To start testing, a student just needs to run the received file on any computer with Windows, installation of any programs is not required for this.

1.2.5 Interactive Knowledge Testing System "sInTeZ"

"SinTeZ" is a system designed for creating and editing tests, conducting tests and analyzing results.

Uses WEB technology, therefore:

    is installed on only one server and is available from any computers connected to the network;

    has the ability to work via the Internet;

Has the ability to:

    break tests into topics;

    create questions of five different types:

      1. choosing one correct answer;

        choice of several correct answers;

        direct keyboard input;


        arrange in the correct order;

    insert pictures, sound, films, lists, tables, etc. into the text of the question and answer.

    write test scripts, i.e. indicate how many questions, on what topic, what level of difficulty will be asked to students from the entire database of questions;

    indicate the order of answers to the questions:

    1. the student answers the questions in random order and can change his answer;

      the student answers the questions in the given order and cannot change his answer;

    indicate the price of questions in points that the student will receive for the correct answer to a question of one or another level of complexity (more points are awarded for a more complex answer);

    correlate the number of points scored with the score on a five-point scale;

    prohibit the student from taking tests until they are published for him by the teacher;

    create reports;

    display statistics on the test, which helps to find out:

    1. the percentage of those who completed a particular task;

      typical mistakes;

      the average performance of students on a particular test;

From the experience of a computer science teacher


Conducting knowledge control is an integral part of the educational process. Unfortunately, this is not always convenient. Checking a large number of notebooks, wear of handouts and a significant amount of working time for checking work make the control process an aggravating duty for the teacher. I decided to take a different path and found the best, in my opinion, way to simplify this procedure. In my work, I use the software package " Indigo».
Indigo testing system
This software product was created by Russian developers and is provided in a shareware form. For schools, it is possible to obtain a free license for 20 concurrent users. In the implementation of control in computer science lessons, where work is carried out in groups or for individual tasks for students in any subject, this amount will be enough. The program requires installation on a server computer and provides access to the system through an Internet browser.
In my work, I use this testing system to conduct tests, tests and individual tasks for students. All tests are created in a convenient editor and do not require special skills. The interface of the test creation program is similar to a regular text editor such as Word.
A particularly useful feature was access to the testing system from the Internet. That is, access to our server can be obtained from anywhere in the world. I use this opportunity to provide access to students who were absent from tests or for those who wish to correct their grade to a higher one. Unfortunately, this access option is available only after specialized configuration.

Fig.1 Test editor in the Indigo system.

System capabilities for organizing control

The possibilities of this testing system are very wide. A test created in this system can contain a large number of answer options for a task. I propose to analyze the possibilities using the example of a test for the 9th grade “Coding of graphic information”.
Test settings include setting the time for work, mixing answer options, setting up the display of errors and correct answers at the end of the test. You can also customize the instructions for the test. In the instructions, I prescribe the requirements for the performance of the work and the rules for passing the test. The next step in creating a quiz is setting up grades. The testing system has the ability to automatically evaluate the work and demonstrate the mark upon completion. The percentage of completion and the corresponding mark are configured.
When creating questions, there are several options for choosing an answer:
1. Select one option from the list.
2. Select multiple options from the list.
3. Entering an answer from the keyboard (Text or numeric).
4. Matching setting.
5. Placement in the correct order.
The question text itself can contain any information. Text, video, image, file, sound. The text itself is formatted using tools similar to the Word word processor.

Rice. 2. Test editor window.

Thus, the possibilities for creating various forms of control are very extensive. Due to the ability to insert various types of information into a question, we get the opportunity to create interesting tasks. Thanks to several types of answers, we can create not just a test, but a full-fledged detailed answer. I create in the Indigo system not only control work, but also small verification, tests, individual tasks.
It is possible to create printed versions of tests in two clicks. You get a regular .rtf document with which you can work with any text editor. Reports on the results of control can also be conveniently printed or saved in a test format.
Also, students have the opportunity at school or at home to see their results for all work performed simply by going to their personal account.


Currently, I have created 63 control tasks. Using this system, I save a huge amount of time on checking work. Students do not have to wait for the results, they see their mark upon completion of the work. It is important that not a small amount of paper is saved, which would have gone to print the CMM. I would like to recommend this testing system to everyone as an excellent tool for saving time and simplifying work with the control of students' knowledge.

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Quiz creation Easy-to-use interface Create a graded quiz or free-response quiz Import questions from another quiz Import questions from Excel Ability to preview the quiz Questions Informative slides for explanations Question groups Shuffle questions and answer options Add videos, audio, images, Flash movies, and formulas in questions Insert images and formulas in answer options Convenient text editor

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SunRavTestOfficePro is a software package for compiling tests, conducting testing, processing and analyzing its results. Designed to work in a local network and on computers that are not connected to the network. Online testing is possible with SunRavWEBClass.

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Package programs

tMaker is a program for creating tests. A computer user with any level of training can compose and edit tests in it. It is possible to import tests created in a text editor (for example, in MS Word) or a spreadsheet editor (for example, in MS Excel). tTester is a program for testing. Has the most simple interface. Extensive program settings and command line options allow you to adapt its work to any requirements. tAdmin is a program for remote user administration and processing of computer testing results. Provides the ability to view/print results, as well as create, edit, export, print test reports for groups and/or individual users. It is possible to create a matrix of answers.

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Key Features of SunRavTestOfficePro

Creation of tests. Work with test tasks Variety of types of questions. The program allows using 5 types of questions in tests: Single choice. One answer out of several options. Multiple choice. One or more answers from several options. Open question. The user must enter the answer from the keyboard. The quiz creator can use a powerful templating language to correctly evaluate the user's response. Correspondence. The user needs to arrange the statements in the two lists so that they correspond to each other. An ordered list. Arrange the answers in the list in a certain order.

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adaptive tests. The order of the questions can be not only linear, but also depend on the user's answers. Using themes. The program can break the test into several topics. Knowledge can be assessed both for each topic separately and for the test as a whole. Comments on the question. Each question can be accompanied by a comment with testing instructions, a hint, information about the correct answer, etc. Options for reactions to the user's answer: No reaction - the user is asked to answer the next question. A message that the user answered correctly or incorrectly. Show any document related to the question. In it, in particular, you can explain in detail the reason for the wrong answer and provide additional material that will allow you to study the issue in more depth. The weight of the question and answer options. Each question and answer can have its own "weight". This allows the user to be awarded more points for correct answers to difficult questions and less points for answers to easy questions. Visualization. The program allows you to insert images, formulas, charts, tables, audio and video files, HTML documents and any OLE documents. The built-in text editor in tMaker for writing tests by function resembles MS Word familiar to many.

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Ensuring the objectivity of testing Setting up the testing process. The administrator can: Prohibit leaving the program until the end of testing. Disable desktop and taskbar access. Close the program after passing one test. Random questions. Questions in the test can be mixed. In addition, the quiz creator can determine how many questions from each topic the user will receive. Let's say the topic consists of 300 questions. If only 30 questions are randomly selected, test takers will receive completely different sets of questions from the same test. The answer options for each question can also be mixed. Thus, with a sufficiently large number of questions, the test-taker cannot thoughtlessly use the preliminary knowledge of the test, with a predetermined sequence of questions and answers. Note: The described function is set by selecting "Examination mode" in the settings. Introduction of time frames. Testing can be limited in time - both for the test and for each question. The amount of time allocated for each question may vary.

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Setting the information visible during testing. In the program, you can determine whether to show the user: The number of correct answers. Time until the end of testing. Limit on the number of testing attempts. In the program, you can set the maximum number of passing one test. Tracking testing attempts in the tAdmin program. Safety. All tests and test results are encrypted, which completely eliminates the possibility of their forgery. You can set passwords for the test: for editing (tMaker) - protects against unauthorized changes, premature clarification of the structure, correct answers, etc.; for viewing (tTester) – prevents trial testing.

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Technical data

Number of questions: no limits Number of answers: no limits Number of users: no limits Number of tests: no limits Number of topics in a test: up to 256 topics Tests and results are stored: in files

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MyTest - Computer knowledge testing MyTestX. The program is easy and convenient to use. All teachers and students learn it quickly and easily. To create and edit tests, the program has a convenient test editor. Using the editor, you can either create a new test or edit an existing one. Also in the editor, the testing process is configured: the order of tasks and options, time limits, evaluation, and much more. When you first start the program, you will see the following window:

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The left part of the workspace of the main window is occupied by the list of groups and tasks. In the main part, the parameters of the test, groups, tasks are configured and edited. Each MyTestXPro job is in one group or another. In order to add a new task, you must either select the group to which the task will be added, or select another task in this group. When you create a new test, it already has one group. To add a task to it, you need to select it by clicking on it. When you select a group in the list on the left, the workspace of the test editor displays its parameters (name, description, limit on the number of tasks to create a selection, etc.). For convenience, each group can be assigned one of ten colors for its icon.

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You can change group settings at any time. You can, for example, immediately set its name and description, you can do it later. To add tasks to a group, select Tasks → Add... and select what type of task you want to create. The item type can be changed later without losing information as much as possible (for example, you can safely convert a single choice item to a multiple choice item without losing the question text and answer options).

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Most task types allow you to see them in the editor in much the same way as they will be seen by the test-taker in the testing module. When creating or selecting a task for editing, there are five tabs in the main part of the working area of ​​the program window. The first one contains basic information about the task: the question, the number of points, the time limit, an additional picture, answer options or criteria for checking answers (depending on the type of task). The Wording tab allows tasks to specify up to five different question wordings. Which one will be selected is specified in the test parameters. The Training tab sets the feedback in the training mode and some of its parameters. The Advanced tab allows you to attach an audio file to the task and configure additional options.

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The Draft tab can be used by you to temporarily store parts of a question or answer options. Its content is the same for all tasks and is not saved to a file. At the bottom of the workspace, when creating/editing tasks, there are two buttons - Save and Reset. The Save button becomes active if you make any changes to the task and allows you to save these changes. The Reset button cancels all changes in the task and displays it again as it was last saved. Sometimes you need to perform some actions on several groups or several tasks at once. To do this, groups and tasks must first be selected. You can select in various ways: click the highlight button (at the bottom of the list) to highlight the current task, select tasks or groups with the Ctrl or Shift key pressed, use the context menu that opens by right-clicking on the list... Selected groups and tasks are different from the rest a blue check mark in front of the group or task icon.

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To perform some actions on the selected ones, use the Selected submenu either in the Groups menu, or in the Assignments menu, or in the context menu... For example, you can set several tasks at once with the same number of points for the correct answer or a time limit.. Groups and tasks can be moved either using the buttons at the bottom of the list or by dragging them with the mouse. Moreover, if one group is dragged onto the icon of another group onto the icon of the group while holding the Alt key, then all the tasks of this group will be moved to this group; if one of the selected tasks is moved to the group icon while holding the Alt key, then all selected tasks will also be moved to this group.

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When you enter or edit a question, answer options, wording, hint, introduction and explanation of an assignment error, description and help for the group, description and comments on the test, a formatting panel becomes available. With it, you can quickly format text - make it bold, italic, italic..., change color, alignment, insert a picture, symbol or table, etc. The same actions can be done using the Format menu or the context menu of these fields. But more features may be needed. In this case, you can open this text in the built-in text editor by giving the appropriate command or by simply pressing F4.

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This editor provides more text formatting options. Also, if dictionaries are installed in the program, then when editing the text, its spelling is checked. MyTestXPro tests are stored in files, one test is one file. To save the test, select File → Save or File → Save As...

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If you have a ready-made test and you need to add several tasks from it, then give the command File → Import from another test...

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It is also possible to set up automatic verification of tasks when they are saved or the test is saved. It is also recommended to return to the test parameters and once again check whether all the desired parameters are set, maybe you wanted the task options to be mixed, but forgot to set this option. If it is not possible to conduct computer testing, you can create "paper tests". For self-preparation of students at home, you can create stand-alone (exe) tests that combine a testing module and a test, do not require installation, and can store the necessary settings.

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Grading Test and Assignments MyTestXPro

The grading system is set in the test parameters. It can be anything from 2-point (for example, pass/fail) to 100-point. For each level of assessment, the minimum score or percentage of the total score required to achieve it and, if required, an alternative name for the assessment.

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Specifying a Job Weight

How many points the test taker will receive for answering the task is indicated in the task settings - it can be a value from 1 to 100. Also, on the “Advanced” tab, you can set a special penalty for the task for the “penalty mode”.

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INDIGO testing system

The INDIGO testing system is a professional tool for automating the testing process and processing results, which is designed to solve a wide range of tasks: Testing and monitoring students' knowledge. Determining the professional level of employees. Conducting psychological testing. Conducting surveys. Organization of olympiads and competitions.

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Functionality The testing system is installed on one server computer using an installation package. The system can work both on an isolated computer and on a local network or via the Internet. The Test Center can be deployed on your computer or in the cloud on our Internet servers. All data is stored centrally in the system database. Administrators work through the client program. Administrator functions: creating and editing tests; test database management; user base management; assignment of tests to users; web server management; result base management; building reports and analyzing statistics. As many administrators from different computers can work at the same time. Users work through a web browser (GoogleChrome, MozillaFirefox, Opera, InternetExplorer, Safari and others). There is support for browsers on mobile devices.

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User functions: registration and authorization; choice of test; passing the test; view results and errors. The system has support for characters of all languages ​​(Unicode). Tests The number of tests is unlimited. Organization of tests in a multi-level hierarchy of an arbitrary structure. Copy tests. Protecting edit tests with a password. Export/import of tests (*.itest file). Creation of a paper version of the test with answers or in the form of a form (with the ability to print or export to Word). View statistics on tests: by scores for questions and groups of questions; on scales; by division; by answers. Export statistics to Excel.

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Users The number of users is unlimited. Organization of users in a multi-level hierarchy of an arbitrary structure. Creation of reports on users (with the ability to print or export to Word). Users can be added by the administrator or they can register themselves via the web interface, if this has not been prohibited by the administrator. Login, full name and password of users can contain any special and national characters (Unicode). The login can be specified in any register (for example, "IvanovII"). Import users from TXT/Excel files with support for hierarchies and automatic generation of logins and passwords. Export users in backward compatible format to TXT/Excel.

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Test editor Test types: knowledge control; education; survey. Unlimited number of questions. Organization of test questions in a multi-level hierarchy of an arbitrary structure. Types of questions: choice of one answer; multiple choice of answers; input of the answer from the keyboard; matching setting; placement in the correct order. Setting an unlimited number of assessment scales for one test. Arbitrary input of the scoring formula for each scale, with the possibility of substituting points for questions and groups of questions into the formula, and using arithmetic operations, mathematical functions and a conditional operator. Arbitrary input of divisions for each scale. An arbitrary setting of the results template that is displayed to the user after testing is completed. Possibility of substitution into the template of results of any data obtained as a result of calculation of evaluation scales. Simultaneous work in the editor with several tests. Copying questions and groups of questions from one test to another.

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Navigation settings: prohibition of skipping questions; prohibition of returning to completed questions; prohibition of completion of testing before answering all questions. Time limit for testing. Mixing and random selection settings are set for each group of questions, which provides ample opportunities for automatic generation of test options every time you start testing. Shuffle answer options randomly for all or some of the questions. Import questions of all types from text files (.txt). Objects "Messages" with arbitrary content. Objects "Explanations", which can be displayed depending on the specified settings: by clicking on the "Explanation" button; with an incorrect answer; when viewing results after testing is completed.

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Powerful word processor that supports: arbitrary text formatting; insert rich text from Word documents; inserting images (BMP, JPEG, PNG, GIF, ICO, etc.); insert tables; inserting video files (FLV H.263) with the ability to play; insert audio files (MP3) with the ability to play; insertion of arbitrary file attachments for downloading

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Rules Test rules determine which users or groups of users, which tests or groups of tests will be available to take. The number of rules is unlimited. For each rule, a testing schedule can be set: once (from date1.time1 to date2.time2); daily (from time1 to time2); weekly (Mon/Tue/Wed/Thursday/Fri/Sat/Sun from time1 to time2). For each rule, a limit on the number of testing attempts in a given time interval can be set. The table of rules supports: sorting of records; multilevel grouping of records (by selected columns); filtering (selection) of records by complex conditions.

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Server management Functions to start, stop and restart the web server. The mode of automatic launch of the web server when the operating system boots. Setting the IP addresses and ports on which the web server will be available. Configuring access restrictions to the web server by IP addresses and their ranges. Flexible configuration of the web-interface: changing the logo; changing the inscription at the bottom of the page (replacing the copyright line); prohibition of self-registration of users; preventing users from viewing the result log; preventing users from changing their password on their own; enabling captcha code entry during registration (protection against robots), etc. Monitoring of connected users to the web interface (IP address, browser, active page, login, full name, group). Editing test system administrator accounts. The number of administrators is unlimited. The function of defragmenting the database (reducing its size, optimizing the speed of work).

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Results The number of results is unlimited. Powerful results output table that supports: sorting records; multilevel grouping of records (by selected columns); filtering (selection) of records by complex conditions; export of the entire table or selected records to a file (Excel, HTML, XML, TXT formats); search function for records in the table; customization of displayed columns (Last name, First name, Middle name, Login, Group, IP address, Browser, Notes, Test name, Test type, Compiler, Test date, Test time, Duration, Completion time, Status (Test / Completed / Canceled / Interrupted ), Score, MaxScore, Percentage, Value and Result on the main scale of results). Review of the test protocol, which includes: general information (about the user, testing and results); detailed information in the form of an image of the test that the user took, taking into account all mixing and random samples, as well as the user's answers to each question. Creation of reports (with the ability to print or export to Word): report on the result; user report; general report on a sample of results. Setting profiles for the header and footer of documents (templates for the beginning and end of the document). Viewing statistics on a random sample of results (statistics on scores for questions and groups of questions, on scales, on divisions, on answers) with the ability to export to Excel.

9. Setting multiple result scales for one test and a mechanism for entering scoring formulas 10. Hierarchical grouping of questions in tests 11. Automatic generation of test options 12. Printing and exporting test forms and tests with answers 13. Printing and exporting test protocols and reports 14. Test statistics and its export to Excel

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Online systems

http://master-test.net/ru#m=Teacher_Tests http://www.banktestov.ru/ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1t7ToOcu0pIPP8q3H2deh9NfMA7Z7_1xWr8JjkLKQ0c4/edit

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