A tale about pronouns. Russian language "Pronoun" (fairy tale) Compose a fairy tale about a pronoun as an adjective

In the thirtieth kingdom in the thirtieth state there was a large country - the Land of Pronouns. And there were in this country both large and small cities: Personal, Reflexive, Possessive, Demonstrative, Interrogative, Relative, Negative, Definitive and Indefinite. A great variety of pronouns lived in this fabulous country; they settled in cities according to their interests and characters.

This is how personal pronouns lived in the city of Personal. Proud and independent residents of Ya live on Yakolki Street. When they get married, they change their last name to WE.

Well-mannered adults live on Tykolka Street - YOU and their mischievous children - YOU.

On Druzhnaya Street live brother HE, sister SHE and their fantastic animal IT. They are always seen together and are simply called – THEY.

The smallest city in the country is Vozvratny. Only one family lives in it - the selfish ones, as they are called in other cities. Because all they do is talk about themselves and love only THEMSELVES.

The third city is Possessive. Very friendly residents live here - the pronouns are MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, OUR, YOUR, THEM, YOURS. They are always ready to help not only residents of their city, but also residents of the entire country.

The city of Index is home to the most ill-mannered pronouns. All they do is point at each other and say: THIS, THAT, THAT.

The most inquisitive residents of the country gathered in one city. They constantly ask each other and everyone who comes to them questions: WHO? WHAT? WHICH? WHAT? WHICH? WHOSE? HOW MANY? Therefore, they gave their city the most correct name, Interrogative.

But in the city of Relative there are no questions. Very calm residents live there, although outwardly the words they pronounce are similar to the words of their neighbors: WHO, WHAT, WHAT, WHAT, WHICH, WHOSE, HOW MANY. They just say them calmly. For example, this is how a mother can tell her naughty child: “Oh, once again you don’t listen to me...”.

In the city of Determinative there are different pronouns. They have very different interests, but they are all very kind and hard-working residents: EVERYONE, EVERYONE, EVERYONE, HIMSELF, MOST, OTHER, ANY, OTHER.

The most stubborn pronouns live in the city of Negative. They never agree with anyone and always deny everything: NOBODY, NOTHING, NOBODY, NOBODY, NOBODY, NOTHING. They often say: “No one, no one saw anything. Nobody took anything. And in general I don’t know anything.”

The very last city in the Land of Pronouns is the city of Undefined. The residents of this city have one favorite fairy tale, which begins with the words: “IN SOME kingdom, in SOME state, there lived SOME SOMEONE and SOMETHING. SOMEONE SOMEWHERE saw something beautiful, but he won’t tell you or me about it...” Because that’s a completely different story.

Goals: introduce the role of pronouns in speech, the uniqueness of personal pronouns; develop the ability to recognize pronouns in text, poems, and use them correctly in speech. Develop spelling vigilance, enrich the vocabulary of words. Develop research work and the ability to work in pairs. Cultivate a love for nature.


  • table "Personal pronouns".
  • Support-schema “pronoun”
  • Fairy tale (author's) "In the kingdom of pronouns."
  • Illustration for the fairy tale “In the Kingdom of Pronouns.”
  • The “pronoun” support scheme.
  • Picture Dictionary.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Guys, today we have an unusual Russian language lesson. We will go on a journey and find out what a pronoun is.

– Write down the number. And instead of “Cool work,” write down “Journey to the Kingdom of Pronouns.”

II. A minute of penmanship.

We will learn to write the capital and lowercase letter "LL", isolated and in conjunction.

Lll lll ll lll ll
Le la lo il ate yul

III. Vocabulary and spelling work using a picture dictionary.

Raspberry, hammer, car, woodpecker, teacher, mushrooms.

– Guys, pay attention to the spelling of the letter “l” in words.

Comprehensive knowledge test.

Raspberry – (stressed “i”, unstressed “a”), etc.

- Guys, find the “extra” word? (mushrooms) Why? (The unstressed vowel “i” can be checked).

– Find the test word. (mushroom)

IV. Work on the topic.

1. - Guys, listen to a fairy tale called “PRONOUN.”

The name itself comes from the words “instead of a name.”


(teacher reads)

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived PRONOUNS.
Pronouns are small words that are very often used in our speech, instead of a name or instead of the name of an object. Once in this Kingdom they conducted a census of the population, and there were 96 pronouns. They lived on different streets, which were called: personal, demonstrative, interrogative, possessive, negative.
The pronouns lived amicably and cheerfully. I and WE, YOU and YOU, HE, SHE, IT THEY. And in the morning, when they woke up, they immediately ran outside. They could be seen on the rainbow, in the clearing and in the river. They could even turn into raindrops and fall to the ground with a cheerful laugh. And in the evening the pronouns all gathered together and sang their favorite song:


And then one day the NOUNS heard their cheerful song and decided to invite the pronouns to visit them. They became friends because they answered the same questions: WHO? WHAT? (who? – Me, who? – you.)

And pronouns love to ask riddles for everyone. And the riddles are not simple. They did not name the object, but only pointed to it. Listen to one!

(The riddle is written on the board)


- What it is? Did you guess it? (shadow)

The whole mystery is just pronouns. And in order to learn all the pronouns, you need to stay in their Kingdom for more than one day.

– Read the highlighted words. All highlighted words are pronouns.

Working on a fairy tale.

– Did you like the fairy tale?

– What does the word pronoun mean? (instead of name)

– How many pronouns were there in this kingdom after the census? (96)

– Who did the pronouns make friends with? (with nouns)

– What do nouns and pronouns have in common? (answer the same questions).

– What pronouns can you already name?

2. Work on the rule using the textbook (p. 136) and the reference table.


Table "Personal pronouns"

3. Perform exercise. 372.

Commentary letter.


VI. Consolidation.

1. Frontal work.An exercise in recognizing which part of the sentence expresses the pronoun.

Write down the sentences.

– Find and underline the main parts of the sentence.

– What question does the pronoun answer? What about the noun? (Who what?)

– What part of the sentence is the pronoun? (subject). What about the noun? (subject)

– What do a noun and a pronoun have in common? (Answer the questions. Who? What?, and is the subject of the sentence.)

2. Exercise in the correct use of pronouns in the text.

Guys, we continue our journey through the Kingdom of Pronouns. Insert appropriate pronouns into the text.

(projecting text onto the board).

Russian language.

I love Russian language lessons. In these lessons We learn to understand the beauty and power of our native language. helps us to be friends and live in peace for all people.

- Read the text. Think about what pronouns are missing in the sentences?

– Copy the text, inserting pronouns instead of periods.

– What part of speech are the pronouns associated with in the sentence?

– Underline the main clauses in the first and second sentences.

– What part of the sentence is the pronoun?

Checking the entry: I, WE, HE.

3. Exercise in recognizing pronouns in sentences. Independent work in pairs.

There are pre-prepared cards with suggestions on the students’ desks.

– You guys will now work in pairs. Copy the sentences and underline the personal pronouns.

Card 1.

On Sunday the guys decided to go into the forest.
They took feeders with them.

Card 2.

The sun was bright.
It even warmed the earth.

Card 3.

The trees stood in a beautiful snow cover.
They were decorated with silver frost.

Card 4.

I climbed a tree and hung a bird feeder.

Card 5.

Suddenly we saw a woodpecker.
With his strong beak he was hammering away at the tree.

Card 6.

And here is the squirrel.
She deftly jumped on the spruce branches.

Card 7.

It's nice to relax in the forest.
We will come here again.

Card 8.

Towards the sun and spring
And he, and you, and me.
We're going back home
Like a friendly family.

– Which pronouns were emphasized?

– Now read all the sentences in order. What did we get? (This is the text.)

– What does the text say?

- What were the guys doing in the forest?

– Why did they hang the feeders?


Imagine that we are also in the forest and breathing fresh air. We breathe evenly, deeply. We watch our posture. Let's straighten our shoulders.

VIII. Selective dictation. An exercise in recognizing pronouns in a poem.

- Guys, now get ready for the selective dictation. I will read poems to you, and you will only write down the pronouns.

The wind blows on the sea
And the boat speeds up.
He runs in the waves
With full sails. (A.S. Pushkin)

Through the wavy mists
The moon is creeping in.
To the sad meadows
She sheds a sad light. (A.S. Pushkin)

And in any piece of bread
You will always feel
The warmth of the native sky,
The taste of good work.

There are a lot, a lot of guys in the world,
There are many of them in every country.
They don't want, they don't want
And hear about a new war. (S.Ya. Marshak)

Great land
Beloved land
Where we were born and live
We are the bright homeland,
We are the dear Motherland,
We call it our Motherland.

Silk grass will disappear,
It smells like resinous pine.
Oh, you meadows and oak groves, -
I'm besotted with spring. (S. Yesenin)

Checking the entry: he, she, you, they, we, you, me.

IX. Lesson summary.

Our journey into the Kingdom of Pronouns is coming to an end. Tell me, did you enjoy our trip?

– What did you like most?

– What did you learn about pronouns today?

– What do nouns and pronouns have in common?

The Tale of Negative Pronouns

In one fairy-tale kingdom of the Russian language there lived interrogative pronouns: who, what, which, whose, how many and others. One day, two prefixes appeared in the kingdom: neither - unstressed, not - stressed. And there were even more pronouns in the kingdom. Have you started to figure out all the parts of speech, where do these pronouns come from? It turns out that with the help of these prefixes new pronouns were formed - negative ones. Interrogative pronouns began to be indignant:

How so? Why? There are already a lot of pronouns in the kingdom. Get rid of these consoles!!! And along with them, negative pronouns will disappear.

But negative pronouns objected:

A niche role in Russian is as important as yours. We express the absence of something or someone (sign, object, quantity). We also change by case, and the pronouns Nobody and Nothing do not even have a nominative case.

We thought, thought about all the parts of speech and decided that negative pronouns play an important role in the Russian language. They understood and left them to live in the fairy-tale kingdom of the Russian language.

Mikhailov A., 6th grade

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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In the thirtieth kingdom in the thirtieth state there was a large country - the Land of Pronouns. And there were in this country both large and small cities: Personal, Reflexive, Possessive, Demonstrative, Interrogative, Relative, Negative, Definitive and Indefinite. A great variety of pronouns lived in this fabulous country; they settled in cities according to their interests and characters.

This is how personal pronouns lived in the city of Personal. Proud and independent residents of Ya live on Yakolki Street. When they get married, they change their last name to WE.

Well-mannered adults live on Tykolka Street - YOU and their mischievous children - YOU.

On Druzhnaya Street live brother HE, sister SHE and their fantastic animal IT. They are always seen together and are simply called – THEY.

The smallest city in the country is Vozvratny. Only one family lives in it - the selfish ones, as they are called in other cities. Because all they do is talk about themselves and love only THEMSELVES.

The third city is Possessive. Very friendly residents live here - the pronouns are MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, OUR, YOUR, THEM, YOURS. They are always ready to help not only residents of their city, but also residents of the entire country.

The city of Index is home to the most ill-mannered pronouns. All they do is point at each other and say: THIS, THAT, THAT.

The most inquisitive residents of the country gathered in one city. They constantly ask each other and everyone who comes to them questions: WHO? WHAT? WHICH? WHAT? WHICH? WHOSE? HOW MANY? Therefore, they gave their city the most correct name, Interrogative.

But in the city of Relative there are no questions. Very calm residents live there, although outwardly the words they pronounce are similar to the words of their neighbors: WHO, WHAT, WHAT, WHAT, WHICH, WHOSE, HOW MANY. They just say them calmly. For example, this is how a mother can tell her naughty child: “Oh, once again you don’t listen to me...”.

In the city of Determinative there are different pronouns. They have very different interests, but they are all very kind and hard-working residents: EVERYONE, EVERYONE, EVERYONE, HIMSELF, MOST, OTHER, ANY, OTHER.

The most stubborn pronouns live in the city of Negative. They never agree with anyone and always deny everything: NOBODY, NOTHING, NOBODY, NOBODY, NOBODY, NOTHING. They often say: “No one, no one saw anything. Nobody took anything. And in general I don’t know anything.”

The very last city in the Land of Pronouns is the city of Undefined. The residents of this city have one favorite fairy tale, which begins with the words: “IN SOME kingdom, in SOME state, there lived SOME SOMEONE and SOMETHING. SOMEONE SOMEWHERE saw something beautiful, but he won’t tell you or me about it...” Because that’s a completely different story.