Read fairy tales about fairies and princesses online. Golden grains of fairy tale therapy. Read fairy tales about princesses and princesses online

Once upon a time there lived a King and a Queen and they had a daughter: smart and beautiful. One day their country was attacked by enemies. The king and his entourage decided to leave the castle and ordered the ship to be prepared for a long journey. It so happened that all those close to him, except the princess, left the castle. The ship sailed away, and the king's daughter was left alone with the inhabitants of the city.

The people of the city loved her and took care of her. The princess loved to walk. One day she went into the forest to pick mushrooms with her favorite bunny. She was playing with her friend so much that she didn’t notice how night had come! At dusk she got lost and began shouting: “Ay!”, “Ay!”, “Ay!”. In response, only the wind rustled the tree branches. Suddenly she saw a small wooden hut in the forest itself. She approached the house and knocked on the door, but no one answered her. Then she pushed the door and was able to enter the house. There were many blue stones attached to the walls of this house. A hole was made in each of them and a nail was inserted into this hole and driven into the wall. The princess went to the second floor and saw ten small beds there. She looked around her and noticed small tables and a human SKULL. She was scared: “what if thieves or robbers live in this house.” But she was very tired and decided to stay in this house for the night and leave in the morning.

When she woke up and opened her eyes slightly, she noticed that a man was standing next to the bed. "Who are you?" - asked the princess. “My name is John, I guard this house,” the boy answered, “cannibal hunters will come here this afternoon. You must leave here, otherwise they will eat you. Only I have a big request to you: take my brother’s skull with you and bury it in the ground under the big green oak tree. And then my brother will come to life again. You must wait for me under this oak tree. If I don’t come, return to this hut. If I’m no longer here, know that the cannibal hunters roasted me.” “Then go to where the roof will be silver. Go into the forest and you will find a clearing on which there is a castle. Go there with my brother and you will be happy, you will get married and it will be good for you.”

The princess left. She was in such a hurry that she forgot the bunny in the hut. The princess obeyed her savior and did everything as he said. Together with her revived brother, she waited for John under a large oak tree. But no one came. Then they came to the hut, but no one opened the door for them and they did not find anyone in the hut: neither a boy, nor a skull, nor a bunny. The princess remembered that the boy had told her about the silver castle. Together with John's brother, they went to look for a clearing. After a long journey, they came to the castle and lived there happily ever after.

Once upon a time, when only trolls and giants were stupid, there lived an old woman. She had two children: a son and a daughter, and they were similar, like two stars in the sky. When the young man (his name was Ilya) grew up, he said to his sister:
“Now I need to go and search for wisdom, and you, Marya, stay here and help our mother.”
Ilya said this, threw the bundle over his shoulder, said goodbye to his family and went out to look for it. Whether Ilya walked for a long time or for a short time, he met a beggar woman along the way. She asked for bread, but Ilya only had one piece of bread left. The young man did not spare the bread and gave it to the beggar.
- Thank you, thank you, young man, for sharing the last bit. For this I will share with you. Here's a golden crust, it will always give you as much bread as you want, you just need to knock on it three times and say: “Golden crust, give me bread.” And if you want to call me, blow on it three times, facing north - that’s where I will appear. I know that you wisely went looking, so you will meet an old knight on this road. He himself no longer fights, but he will teach you everything he knows.
“Thank you, grandmother, both for the gift and for the advice,” said Ilya, only blinked his eye, and she disappeared. That's how the beggar woman turned out to be a witch.
Ilya went, as she said, further along the road and met the old knight. He took Ilya as his disciple.
Three years later, it was time for Ilya to get ready to go home.
- How can I thank you, teacher?
- What are you, what are you, Ilyusha! Until I met you, no one needed me, I didn’t do anything. And now that I have passed on all the knowledge to you, it’s like I was born again. Just arrange your life as you wish and be happy, I don’t need anything else. And when you see your mother and sister, go to the city. The king has a young daughter - Princess Anna. They say she is more inaccessible than the highest rock in the ocean and wiser than the wisest snake. Soon her father will be looking for a groom for her, maybe you will come in handy.
- Why, I’m no match for her, am I?
- You go, go, it’s not for nothing that I taught you everything.
Ilya thanked the knight and went back home. When he came home, his sister Marya ran out to the porch to meet him. He looks at his brother in knightly armor and cannot take his eyes off. Yes, and Ilya did not immediately recognize his sister:
- What a beauty you have become!
Marya lowered her heavenly eyes and remained silent. She did not dare to tell her brother her secret. Ilya knew that the path to the city passed by their house, but he did not know that knights and princes from other lands passed along this path every day. He didn’t know that they sometimes stopped at the well to drink. As one prince once saw the beautiful Marya, he forgot to think about any princesses, turned the white horse back - to ask his father for permission to take a simple girl as his wife.
Marya did not open up, but Ilya told her everything in his heart about the fact that he was going to fight for Princess Anna. His sister wished him good luck, and she herself thought that if Ilya finds happiness in the city, then she can tell him about hers.
Ilya went to the city. First of all, he decided to ask people if he should show up in the yard.
-Have you heard, knight, that Princess Anna is more inaccessible than the highest rock in the ocean and wiser than the wisest snake? - people ask.
“I heard,” he answers.
-Have you heard that she is more beautiful than the morning dawn, and her voice surpasses the trill of a nightingale?
- No, I haven’t heard that.
“Everyone dreams of getting such a bride,” people say, “but who to become her husband will decide for herself.” You are a young man, it’s immediately clear that you are not bad. Try your luck, maybe you, and not different princes, will like her, you won’t order your heart.
Ilya listened to the people and went to the royal court. And there people had already gathered, apparently or invisibly, as if at a fair, and all were princes and knights, dreaming of taking Princess Anna as their wife. Ilya came and saw: the king himself had come out onto the balcony and was about to give a speech.
“Many valiant applicants for my daughter’s hand have gathered,” the king began solemnly. “She is free to choose anyone among you, but I am sure that the princess will choose the most worthy.” That's why she has prepared tests for you. The first will test you as warriors.
The crowd began to buzz, eager for the princes and knights to rush into battle and show off their strength and dexterity.
- The second will test your intelligence and resourcefulness.
The suitors fell silent; it didn’t seem so easy for them.
- Well, the princess didn’t even tell me about the third one - it will be special. And there is another condition: even if one of you wins the enemy’s tournament, solves three clever riddles and passes the third test, he will return home with nothing, unless the princess loves him with all her heart and soul. And if she falls in love, I will immediately join her hand with the hand of the winner, I will bless the union and give him half the kingdom.
The suitors were delighted, they really liked this picture, painted in the most rosy colors in their imagination, and even the difficulties seemed small.
- Well, I see you are ready, the first test is tomorrow.
Ilya stood with others on royal court I’m going to bed, and I’m thinking to myself: “Well, God willing, I’ll pass the first test with honor. The second one will also not be so difficult to withstand - Mother Nature did not deprive her of intelligence. But what to do with the third... Well, oh well, we’ll see.”
The next morning all the princes and knights gathered in a large field. A platform was installed for the king and queen and Princess Anne to make it easier for them to watch the tournament. First, the royal couple climbed onto the platform, the young men became dignified: everyone thought that they were seeing their future father-in-law and mother-in-law. And then Princess Anna appeared on the platform - as if the surroundings had become lighter. Ilya looked at her and realized that for her unearthly beauty and penetrating gaze, he was ready to give anything, even his young life.
The suitors began to choose their opponents, but no one wants to stand against the Pearl Prince. The fame of his strength has long reached these places. Ilya thought: “Why the hell isn’t he kidding, it’s true, it was not in vain that the old knight taught me everything,” and went against the Pearl Prince. By that time, Princess Anna had already begun to doze off on her throne, and as soon as she saw Ilyusha, she began to watch the competition with all her eyes, so she took a liking to our hero. The princess was so cold, and she was happy when Ilya won the Pearl Prince. Although she immediately convinced herself that she was happy for everyone. The prince fled in disgrace, and the tournament ended. Again the king began to make a speech:
- Well, today there are half as many of you. The next test is in three days. Remember the mandatory condition.
Those who were from afar remained at the royal court until the second test, and those who lived closer went home. Ilya also went to see his family. As he told Marya that he passed the first test with honor, she joyfully revealed her secret to him: the White Prince asks for her hand. Ilya became proud that his sister was no worse than Princess Anna. They wished each other good luck and went to bed.
The next day, Princess Anna went into the forest for a walk with the ladies of the court. And Marya was there collecting brushwood. She saw the princess, bowed and wanted to pass by, then Anna said to her so affectionately and not at all condescendingly:
- Hello, girl. Please tell me, do you have a brother who is just like you?
“Why not, yes,” answered Marya. – Yesterday at your tournament he defeated the Pearl Prince.
When Marya came home in the evening, Ilya asked where she had been so late.
- Yes, I met Princess Anna in the forest. She is so good, we became friends.
Ilya didn’t believe that the princess had become friends with the simpleton, but he didn’t say anything.
On the third day, Ilya appeared again at court. This time the princess had to ask riddles. The line lined up to the end of the city, Ilya stood at the very end. A dozen of those who didn’t guess right had already galloped home, only the Silver Prince gave all three answers correctly. And Princess Anna asked everyone different riddles - that’s how smart she was. By evening, the princess was already beginning to get tongue-tied, and now it was Ilya’s turn. Anna’s heart sank, and for some reason she wanted to ask him the most difficult riddles in the world.
- Listen, young man, to my first riddle: “Who is born twice and dies once?”
- Why, princess, my mother asked me and my sister this riddle when we were still in the cradle. This is a rooster or a hen.
Ilya says, and his heart is pounding, his eyes do not take his eyes off Princess Anna. And she is equal with him, as with everyone else, only the sparkle in her eyes - she remembers more difficult questions.
- Yes, it was really easy. Here’s your second riddle: “He is sweeter than honey, everyone needs him, but no one obeys him.”
Ilya thought a little and said:
- Nothing complicated. This is a dream.
- Well... That's right. And you are not only strong, but also smart. So listen: “Two stars are burning in the sky, similar to each other, one closer to the west, the other to the east. But the sun will not rise until the moon has set.” What I'm talking about?
Ilya thought about it. He had never heard such a riddle. The princess does not rush him, their eyes conduct their own dialogue. Then Ilya remembered everything that Marya told him and said:
- I have one guess. But maybe my guess is not your guess.
- Speak.
- Two stars are me and my sister. We are similar, only I ask for your hand, and the White Prince is wooing Marya. But if I don't marry, she won't marry. Did you guess right?
- You guessed it, you guessed it! Go have a rest. The last test is in three days.
Ilya goes home, and Princess Anna is standing before her eyes, the last riddle cannot get out of her head. Ilya marvels at her intelligence: she didn’t ask him a question, but she laid it out in the palm of her hand all her life. He told Marya what riddles Princess Anna asked him, and she said to him:
- It’s not without reason, brother. That's right, the moon will set.
Ilya just shook his head: the third test haunted him.
The next day, Marya went into the forest, and Anna secretly ran away from the palace, and also into the forest. They met like old girlfriends. The princess says:
- Listen, Masha, what’s wrong with me: I keep thinking about one person. Whenever I see him, I’m happy, but when he’s around, for some reason I want to annoy him, but without him it’s boring and sad. And when I think about him, my heart skips a beat. I want to drop everything and run after him.
- It’s clear that you love this person, that’s all.
- I love? – the princess doubted. “Haven’t you heard that I am more inaccessible than the highest rock in the ocean?”
- So the rock, Anyuta, is in love with the ocean waves and the fresh wind.
Princess Anna thought for a moment, and then said in a whisper:
- Do you want me to tell you my secret? The third test will be to tell me my last dream.
Marya grinned: the princess would not reveal her secrets to anyone, which means her brother became an ocean wave. He looks - and the princess has already run home, as if this is what she came for.
Marya returned home, her brother sits blacker than a cloud. She told him about the third test. Ilya darkened even more - how do you recognize a dream when you don’t always remember your own. And then a golden top caught his eye - a witch’s gift. Ilya took it, went out into an open field, turned his face to the north and blew three times. Then the witch appeared.
- Ah, Ilyusha, why did you call?
“Yes,” he says, “that’s how it is.” Princess Anna wants me to solve her dream and tell her.
- Well, Ilyusha, I can’t help you here. But don’t be sad, I know a witch who makes dreams come true, I can tell you where she lives. But ordinary people should not come to her. And to get to her, you need a special amulet - the Sacred Tooth.
- Where can I get one of these?
- I saw one tooth on a swamp troll. You are a knight - go and take it. But be careful: although trolls are stupid, they love to fight.
Ilya thanked the witch, got ready and set off on his journey to the swamp. Many trolls on his way were killed before he reached their leader. Ilya came to the main swamp troll and said:
- Could you give me your Sacred Tooth?
- You kill a lot of trolls. Why are you coming? I won't give you this shiny thing. Don't touch her!
-Then we will have to fight for the Tooth.
- Fight? This is what I understand.
While the troll was raising his club, Ilya jumped up to him and cut him in half with his sword. Then he carefully removed the Sacred Tooth from the troll and put it on himself.
The next day, Ilya went to the witch. She wanted to drive him away, but he showed her the Sacred Tooth, then she asked:
-What do you want, creature?
“I need to know what kind of dream you will send to Princess Anna tonight.”
- And who are you?
- One witch sent me to you, and she also gave me a golden top.
- Ah, I know such a witch. Okay, listen: the princess will dream about such and such. Remember?
- Of course, how can I not remember. Thank you.
As the night passed, Ilya appeared at court. There are about two dozen suitors left, and everyone is waiting for Anna to announce the third test. Then the princess came out to them: pale, her eyes sparkling. Speaks:
- Well, boys, here’s the third test: tell me what I saw in my dream today. And to make everything fair, here I have a paper, everything is written in it in detail, my whole dream.
The princes and knights shook their heads: how can you tell a dream? They began to come up with all sorts of fables - in case they guessed right. And Ilya stands aside, listens, as if it doesn’t concern him. When the suitors' imagination ran out, Princess Anna said:
- Well, what do you tell me?
- And what to say? You dreamed that you were a duck, you were flying over the sea, then a kite attacked you, but a drake flew in and saved you, and you dived into the sea and turned into a goldfish. You swam quietly, and then a fisherman caught you in a net. He started to pull it out - that’s when you woke up.
“You’re telling the truth, Ilya,” exclaimed Princess Anna, “that’s how it all happened!” - and shows the paper to everyone, and everything is written on it word for word. The rejected suitors gathered together and said to each other:
“We cannot allow a simpleton to call our princess Anna his wife.”
And the Green Knight says:
- Did you see how he told the dream? He probably knows evil spirits!
Then the others were afraid and did not plot against Ilya. They scattered to their homes.
Meanwhile the king comes out and says:
- There was one more condition. Daughter, tell me, do you love this young man?
- If this is not love, then I don’t know what is, father.
- Well, then God bless your union.
The feast was thrown for the whole world. Even the old knight was invited. Ilya married Princess Anna, and Marya married the White Prince. When the time came, the boys became wise and fair kings, and the girls became merciful and caring queens. And witches were never burned in their presence. Everyone lived happily and died on the same day.

Fairy tales of a simple pencil about a prince and a princess.

1. Once upon a time there was a prince. One day he was invited to visit by a king from a neighboring kingdom. The prince set off. The road passed through the forest. Here the prince saw a beautiful girl picking mushrooms and berries. The prince liked the beautiful stranger. But he was in a hurry to get to the palace and did not stop.

The king-neighbor turned out to be a hospitable person: he arranged a gala dinner and a magnificent ball in honor of the guest. He also introduced the prince to his daughter, the princess. And what was the prince’s surprise: the king’s daughter was the same girl from the forest! The young people liked each other. And since then they have never parted.(Lebedeva Polina)

2. Once upon a time there was a princess. And then one day she was kidnapped by robbers. The father, the king, issued an order: “FOR ONE WHO SAVES THE PRINCESS, I WILL MARRY HER.” The order was posted throughout the city. A good fellow came to this city. Seeing the order, he said: “I will save the princess! And she will be mine! He went to look for robbers to free his betrothed. He outwitted the robbers and freed the princess. The king married his daughter to a good fellow, as he promised!

(Polina Mishulina)

3. Once upon a time there were a prince and a princess. They lived happily until an evil witch bewitched the princess. And this is what happened: the witch came to the castle when the prince was not at home, went to the window and, seeing the beautiful princess, whispered a spell.

The bewitched princess went into the forest, away from the castle. She began to wander through the forest without making out the way. I didn’t recognize anyone, I didn’t understand anything.

The prince found out about this and went in search of his beloved. To disenchant the princess, it was necessary to let her smell a poppy flower. The prince found a whole poppy field. He picked a poppy flower and spent a long time looking for the princess in the forest. Finally found it. He gave her a flower to smell, and the princess woke up. I remembered everything: who she is! I just didn’t remember how I ended up in this wilderness. She thanked her prince, and they began to live better than before.

(Ivanovskaya Lily)

4. Once upon a time there was a knight. He was brave and courageous. One day, an announcement appeared in his kingdom that read: “Whoever saves the princess imprisoned in the tower will get her to be his wife!” The knight decided to try to free the princess and set off. He rode for a long time and finally found that tower. The princess sat there and cried bitterly. It was not easy to save the princess: she was guarded by the Dragon. And the noble knight entered into battle with the Dragon. He cut off the Dragon's head in no time and freed the beautiful princess. They got married and lived happily ever after!(Cherednichenko Victoria)

5. Once upon a time there was a little princess in the world. She loved to play in the castle palace and look out the huge window of the palace bedroom.

And then one day the princess saw that the first snow had fallen outside the window. She was so happy that she wanted to tell mom and dad about it. The princess immediately ran along the palace corridors and noisily flew into the boudoir of the queen - mother. “Mom, the first snow has fallen outside! Let's go for a walk!" But the queen was busy with preparations for the next ball and sent her daughter to her father. The princess ran into the royal office and blurted out the good news in one breath. But the king was also busy with state affairs with his ministers, and politely escorted the princess out the door. The little girl had no choice but to return to her bedroom and continue watching the snow from her window. To better see the snowflakes, she opened the window and stretched out her arms towards the miracle. “Oh, how I would like to become as beautiful and light as these snowflakes! Then I could go travel around the world!” And as soon as she said the last word, the wind blew in and, tearing her off the floor, carried her along through the open window. The girl turned into a beautiful light snowflake!

The king and queen shed a sea of ​​tears for the lost princess and even established the First Snow Festival, hoping that someday the princess would return home just as she disappeared. And so it happened.

The princess, having flown around the entire Earth, returned to her native land exactly 15 years later. She saw how people rejoiced at the first snow, she saw her relatives: the king and queen, she remembered... that she had once lived in a castle, that she had once flown out of the window of the palace, how she became a snowflake. The princess remembered all this, was moved, burst into tears and... Oh, miracle! She became herself again, but no longer the little girl she once was, but an adult girl. The king and queen hardly recognized their daughter in the stranger, but they were so happy that they did not let go of her hands from theirs for three days. And then they had a celebration - a ball, which lasted until the first snow melted.(Ufimtseva Maria)

6 . Once upon a time there was a princess. Once upon a time there was a prince. One day the prince saw the princess and fell in love with her. The prince came to ask the king for his daughter's hand in marriage, but the king refused.

But then a misfortune happened: the Dragon flew in and took the princess.

The prince found out about this and went in search of the princess. The prince searched for her for a long time and finally found her. He had to fight the Dragon. The princess returned home. The king was glad to see his daughter return. He said: “Thank you, prince, for saving my daughter! I remember that you wanted to take her as your wife. Now I allow you to do this, because you have proven that you love the princess!”

The princess and prince got married and lived happily ever after.

(Malashkevich Margarita)

Magic stories always captivate children with their unique plots. The most romantic of them are fairy tales about princesses. Many girls dream of meeting charming heroines who are noble, smart, kind and beautiful. Despite their positive personal qualities, royal daughters often get into trouble, from which they must get out either on their own or with the help of brave knights. The resourcefulness of representatives of the highest aristocracy will have an indelible impression on young readers.

Read fairy tales about princesses and princesses online

Having started reading fairy tales about princesses, children quickly realize the importance of such concepts as honor, valor and nobility. The characters in magical stories will have to go through many difficult trials, but they will cope with the difficulties that arise with dignity. Neither evil witchcraft, nor robbers, nor bad attitude those around them will not prevent girls from achieving happiness in life.
Parents can choose suitable fairy tales for children on the website - about princesses, which even boys will be interested in reading. The courage of the courageous warriors who stood up to protect the daughters of influential rulers will win the hearts of young lovers of magical stories.

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