A message about a future profession. Free essay on the topic “my favorite profession.” A story about the profession of a doctor

In elementary school, during Russian language lessons, schoolchildren very often have to complete assignments (as homework or directly in class), which require them to describe the past summer, the place where the student lives, his parents, how the children see their future, and much more.

This type of work is called an essay. And for some children, and sometimes even for their fathers and mothers, it is given with great difficulty. After all, not every adult (to say nothing of children) has a creative nature and can easily compose, for example, an essay or even a whole story about the profession of their parents.

If you or your child are faced with just such a task at school, read this article. Thanks to the tips offered in it, you will write a wonderful essay with ease!

So, let's start writing an essay or story about the profession of parents!

Stage one - where to start?

In many ways, your task (writing an essay) is already greatly simplified because you have a topic. However, some students cannot immediately figure out where to start their story, and what is generally worth mentioning and what is not.

That is why it is wiser to draw up a plan for the future text at the first stage. Write it on a draft and first indicate there everything that comes to your mind regarding the topic at hand - “My parents’ profession.”

Then, when you think that all the important points have been noted, carefully read the resulting plan again. It is quite possible that some points will have to be crossed out, and some will have to be swapped. This is necessary to ensure that your text is logical, readable, and interesting.

Stage two - final plan

We hope you have already realized that writing a good essay about the profession of parents will require a lot of effort from you. However, if you approach it creatively and connect your imagination to the work, the text will appear as if by itself from under your hand.

When the first stage is completed and you have a piece of paper with the final plan in front of you, analyze it again. Now you need to divide the points into paragraphs.

You remember that an essay consists of an introductory part, a main part and a concluding part? Therefore, your text, and therefore your plan, must correspond to this structure.

Rough plan

The outline of an essay telling about what parents do might be as follows:

1. Introduction: my attitude towards parents and their profession.

2. Base:

  • who does mom work for?
  • is her profession important?
  • what does dad work for?
  • Is his profession important?

3. Ending:

  • conclusion;
  • Will I choose my parents’ profession in the future?

Stage three - comply with the required volume

Depending on what grade you or your child are in, the points in the plan may be expanded or a little more complicated. However, it is worth remembering what size or volume the text is supposed to be.

If this is a story about the parents’ profession, you can go wild in it and paint in colors all the moments that concern the child regarding the parent’s profession. But if the task limits you to a few sentences, so that the text does not turn out to be too crumpled, you should mention only the most important things in it and not go into detailed descriptions of unimportant details.

Stage four - strict compliance with the topic

There is such a concept - the main idea of ​​​​the text. It means a problem or topic that worries the author, one to which he wants to attract public attention.

In this task it sounds like “My parents’ profession.” This means that throughout the entire narrative, the student writing the work must strictly adhere to the set course and not mix all the diversity of his thoughts into one disordered text.

In addition, the topic cannot be replaced by another, related in meaning. For example, describe the profession of your grandmother or grandfather. After all, this contradicts the task. And the teacher has the right not to count such work, even if it is competent, logical and written in a very interesting way.

Stage five - working on mistakes

When an essay or story about your parents’ profession is finished, it’s best to rest for a few minutes. For example, drink sweet tea, which has a beneficial effect on an overtired head, or simply warm up by doing light exercises.

Now, with fresh energy, you should begin editing the work. Depending on the age of the student, he can do it himself or with the help of his parents.

Text analysis:

    Then look at the text again. Are there any sentences in it that are next to each other, the words in which are repeated? Replace them with synonyms or pronouns.

    At the final stage, it is worth reading the entire work carefully and checking it against the rules of grammar. It might be worth using a dictionary.

Sample essay text

If you still haven’t figured out what you can write in your work, here is an example text on a given topic.

I'm proud of my parents! After all, both mom and dad do responsible and useful work. People trust them, and that says a lot.

My mother started her career as a simple salesperson in a store. But now she occupies a very serious position. She is the owner of an entire pet supply store! Her profession is very important, because mom takes care of not one, but many pets. She strictly ensures that the goods on the shelves of her store are of high quality and meet all safety requirements.

My dad also works for the benefit of society. He himself designs and then sells excellent furniture for the home or office. For dad, the quality and naturalness of the materials used to implement different ideas is also important. Therefore, he treats each of his “works” with special trepidation. Dad’s profession is important, because good furniture is not only a sign of taste, but also ensures the safety of all family members.

My parents do work that brings joy to people. And at the same time they enjoy it themselves. Isn't this happiness? When I grow up, I would also like to do something worthy and interesting. Maybe I'll follow in my mother's footsteps and try myself likeseller inshope pet supplies. Because I love animals very much.

My future profession is a doctor.
My future profession - a doctor - is the most necessary, the most important for a person. What could be more valuable than life and more necessary than health? And therefore, a person does not have the right to be a bad doctor, since it is the doctor who is trusted with the most valuable thing - health. Studying at a medical school is a long process, at least 6 years. Studying is not easy even from the first courses, and you should calculate your strength in advance. One missed lecture may cost the patient his life in the future - this should not be forgotten for a minute. Responsibility is the main character trait of the future doctor. The subjects will be extraordinarily difficult. A medical student simply has to do great understand biology and chemistry. You won't be able to relax. The profession of a doctor is much more complicated than it seems at first glance, and much more interesting. Many people imagine her only from TV series, but in life everything is completely different. The future doctor must be patient, understanding, and merciful. Patients are different, but you have to be extremely polite with everyone. Moreover, the daily work of a doctor is very difficult - every day you have to make decisions on which someone’s fate depends. Therefore, it is extremely important to become a real professional. Being a doctor is a matter of pride and responsibility. From the first year, all students are told that every time they put on a white coat, they take on certain obligations. It is not without reason that this has been one of the most prestigious professions since ancient times. Not everyone can be a doctor. This is truly a calling. This profession is suitable for those who sincerely want to help people, who can empathize, and those who are efficient. If all these qualities are combined in one person, then he has a chance to become a real Doctor with a capital D.
The name of the first outstanding physician of antiquity, Hippocrates, will forever remain in history, whose knowledge and art of treating people not only saved many lives, but also determined the development of medicine. The Hippocratic Oath is a medical oath that expresses the fundamental moral and ethical principles of a doctor’s behavior, as well as the commonly used name for the oath taken by everyone who intends to become a physician. The Oath contains 9 ethical principles or obligations:
. commitments to teachers, colleagues and students;
. the principle of no harm;
. obligations to provide assistance to the patient (principle of mercy);
. the principle of concern for the benefit of the patient and the dominant interests of the patient;
. the principle of respect for life and a negative attitude towards euthanasia;
. the principle of respect for life and a negative attitude towards abortion;
. obligation to refrain from intimate relationships with patients;
. a commitment to personal improvement;
. medical confidentiality (principle of confidentiality).

Everyone thinks about choosing their future profession. It is impossible to list all the available professions on earth. There is only one thing that society cannot do without - a teacher.

Essay Journalist is my future profession (I want to become a journalist)

Choosing a profession is not the easiest decision, but I chose it. This is the profession of a journalist. All professions are special and interesting in their own way. Being a journalist means talking a lot

Essay Why I want to become a border guard

The answer is simple, because it is a very important profession. My dad serves at the outpost, and my mother works in the medical unit.

Essay I want to become a fashion designer (profession)

For as long as I can remember, I have always sewed something for dolls. I liked sewing for babies even more. Mom gave me her old bag.

There are many different professions in the world. Each of them has its own characteristics, its own nuances. As a child, each of us thinks about what we should become.

Essay Who do I want to become and why? 5th grade Guide, fireman, hockey player

When I grow up, I want to become a professional hockey player. I also dream of meeting Alexander Ovechkin and Pavel Datsyuk, they are my idols.

Essay reasoning My calling

A calling is something you love to do, something you dedicate your whole life to and ultimately do it professionally. Each person has his own calling: for some it is medicine or business

Essay Choosing a profession reasoning

Every person is a social being. Therefore, in order to receive at least some kind of pension in old age, you have to work. And choose a profession so that it brings not only money, but also pleasure.

Essay Why I want to become a teacher

When I turned ten years old, younger children began to be of particular interest to me. As a rule, my father’s relatives, who had three small children - my half-brothers and sisters, often came to visit us.

Essay There is such a profession to defend the homeland reasoning

There are many professions in the world, each person has to choose his own, look for his calling. “All professions are needed, all professions are important,” a famous children’s rhyme tells us.

Every inhabitant of the planet faces a choice in life. A difficult choice in a person’s life is choosing a profession. You need to choose it based on your personal preferences and desires.

Policeman is a very difficult profession. Being a police officer is a calling as a person must have courage, honesty and good logic. All police officers have good physical training, even when they accept people for training, they are checked.

There are people for whom feat is their daily work. These are completely ordinary people living among us.

The time is coming to finally find the answer to the question: Who do I want to be? After much thought, I realized that I wanted to become a nurse.

Essay No. 1 I always admire my parents. They love to work and devote a lot of time to work. My dad works as a welder.

Since early childhood, I liked the profession of designer. What I like most about it is that I can show my full creative potential to the fullest.

Choosing a profession is a very important step on which your future fate depends. A profession should, firstly, be something you like, and, secondly, provide you with a decent life.

High technologies are developing rapidly. Just ten years ago it was difficult to imagine the importance computers and special programs would play in modern society.

Parents often ask me, “Son, what do you want to become in the future?” When I was little, I really wanted to become an astronaut, to conquer new planets, but then I didn’t know that there was such a profession as an engineer.

When all the paths are open to you, you can get lost in the variety of professions and opportunities. But I have already chosen my path. I know what I want to be - a hairdresser!

When I grow up, I will definitely become a chef. This is my biggest dream. I think cooking is a wonderful activity. All people like to eat delicious food. When they are full, they become happy. Everyone loves a good cook

Every boy in childhood dreams of being the protector of his family and friends. It is common for every patriot of his Fatherland to stand guard over the borders of his native land.

Giving a person health is a very honorable thing. Good doctors are recognized and respected in society. It is enough to be an ordinary doctor in a small town for several years to become part of the local elite.

When I was still in kindergarten, I really wanted to go to school. The schoolchildren seemed so mature, smart and happy to me. When the time came for me to become a student, I realized that the credit for this belongs to the teachers.

This section contains essays on various professions. Choose the one that interests you.

State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 867”


For office work

On the topic “My profession”


Student of 9B class Petrova Nadezhda


ICT teacher Grigorieva O.V.

Moscow, 2009

Definition of the word profession

Profession for a person

My choice of profession

About my profession

PROFESSION - the type of work activity of a person, the subject of his permanent occupation, as well as

Evidence that he has the knowledge, skills and experience that allow him to competently perform this type of work.

Professional activity is usually the main source of income. Professions are generated by the division of labor and serve as an expression of its differentiation. By the end of the 20th century, the number of professions reached several thousand. The name of the profession is determined by the nature and content of the work or official functions, the tools or objects of labor used. With the development of the productive forces of society, the use of more advanced tools and production technology, the emergence of new types of production and branches of science, the division of labor deepens. In this regard, within the framework of professions established on the basis of production - metallurgist, miner, builder, etc. - specialized professions are distinguished: blast furnace forge, miner, concrete worker, etc.

Scientific and technological progress is associated with the process of the extinction of some professions and the emergence of new ones. For example, with the advent of earth-moving machines, the profession of excavator was abolished and a new one became widespread - that of an excavator operator; With the use of cutters and combines in coal mines, the cutter, miner, and piler workers were eliminated. Many professions are divided into specialties; toolmaker, fitter-patterner; general practitioner, surgeon, etc. With the development of comprehensive mechanization and automation, improvement of production organization and labor organization, the scientific, technical and cultural level of material production workers is growing, and wide-ranging working professions are being formed (for example, fitter, adjuster -operator, operator of automatic lines), providing control of technological processes and operation of machines. The formation of broad-profile professions, as well as the combination of professions (specialties), makes work more creative and meaningful, which leads to the gradual erasure of the differences between mental and physical labor.
^ Creative professions




TV journalist








^ Economic professions



My choice of profession

I chose the profession of a journalist. My choice was dictated by the fact that I really like to write. Being a writer is not profitable now, but a journalist is in demand. Even in tests about choosing a profession, creative professions are recommended to me. You can study to become a journalist at Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU).

About my profession

Profession journalist

Journalist (from the French journal - diary, jour - day; goes back to the Latin diurna - daily) - an employee of a periodical publication, whose duties are to quickly collect, process, competently and clearly present relevant information. The connection between the journalist and the audience is carried out through an information channel (print media, television, radio, Internet), depending on which journalistic specializations are distinguished:

Employees of printed publications (newspapers, magazines, reference books);

Journalists of electronic media (television, radio, Internet);

Photojournalists (in some cases, photographs do not just play the role of illustration to literary material, but are full-fledged works).

^ The specialization of a journalist is not permanent.

There are other classification systems for journalists. By priority areas of work: political, economic or sports commentators, international journalists, industry journalists and others. According to genre characteristics: reporter, publicist, columnist, essayist, feuilletonist, etc.

However, the specialization of a journalist is not constant. Today he can work in a newspaper, and tomorrow he can move to radio or television; start your career as a reporter and later become a columnist-analyst. This is why the issue of journalism education causes a lot of controversy.


There are more than 100 universities in Russia that train specialists in the field of media. Every year they produce 4-5 thousand journalists. In addition, many copyright schools and non-profit organizations are engaged in training personnel for the media market. However, employers constantly complain about the lack of qualified personnel.

Graduates of one of the most prestigious faculties of journalism, Moscow State University, are traditionally highly valued by employers. M.V. Lomonosov, where a separate specialization in Internet journalism was opened. A similar course is taught at the Russian State University for the Humanities as part of television journalism. Yesterday's students of St. Petersburg State University and the Faculty of International Journalism of MGIMO are also highly rated. Graduates of these universities, along with a fundamental humanitarian education, receive the special knowledge necessary to work in the modern information environment.


http://ru.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%D0%96%D1%83%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%81 %D1%82&stable=0&redirect=no - page about journalists.

The school curriculum includes tasks such as essays on various topics. This is not surprising, because this type of creativity helps the child to open up and show his inner world. The essay “My Profession” will make it clear the child’s level of development. And also such a task will help in self-expression and manifestation of one’s own “I”.

Essay plan

Parents, as well as teachers, need to help the child express his own thoughts in the correct order. For this purpose, writing a plan for kids is ideal, based on which they will be able to write an excellent essay “My Profession.” As an example, you can take the following option:

    Introduction. In this part you should talk about which professions are most attractive and why you like them.

    In the main part, you need to talk in detail about why you like the particular profession discussed in the first paragraph. What factors were decisive in her choice.

    In the final part, it is worth telling what other professions might be of interest. And also draw a brief conclusion about what needs to be done to achieve your goal.

Such a plan will help the child put his thoughts in the right order and receive a high grade for the completed task.

Essay “My profession” for the little ones

From an early age, children have ideas about what they want to be when they grow up. Some people are impressed by the profession of their mother or father. And someone wants to gain skills in order to start their own activities in adulthood. In any case, the essay “My Profession” will be written with ease.

The most important thing is to correctly direct the child’s thoughts. To do this, you can show an example of an essay:

“There are many professions. Each of them is important and necessary. Personally, like my mother, I want to work in a bank. I really like the office and the workplace itself.

First of all, I want to be a banker because I like counting money and sorting through documents. I think that I could very well become the head of a bank or open my own. Mom says that this desire is not bad.

But in order for me to work in a bank, I need to study well. Mathematics is needed there, literature is useful, as well as grammar. So I diligently do my homework and study at school so that when I grow up, I can fulfill my dream.”

“I really like watching programs that show how to care for animals. Because of these programs, I had a dream - I want to become a veterinarian.

I love animals, so I think this kind of work will be easy and simple for me. In order for me to become a doctor for animals, I must study well, because medicine requires a lot of knowledge. Mathematics is useful to know how much medicine to give to animals if they get sick. Russian language will become necessary to write prescriptions.

I am confident that I will succeed. And soon I will be helping animals."

“My future profession” essay for high school students

High school students can take the following essay as an example:

“When I finish school and college, I dream of becoming a programmer. I love playing on the computer, and my main idea is to write a game.

In order to become a programmer, I will need a lot of knowledge. That is why I am now diligently studying mathematics, grammar, and literature. I am sure that the most important thing is desire. And if you have a dream, then there will be no obstacles on the way.

I will work hard to get my dream job."

By writing a sincere and open essay, the child will be able to get a good grade and fulfill his dream.