Council of People's Commissars on September 5, 1918. Resolution “On Red Terror. Press about the Red Terror

5.09.1918. – The Council of People's Commissars issued a decree on the Red Terror

Decree on the Red Terror

In essence, this decree was nothing new - state class terror began with the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks. They abolished the very concept of a person’s personal guilt, asserting class and even estate guilt. They declared enemies of everyone who faithfully served the previous legitimate government, worked conscientiously and got rich under the “old regime”, who had the misfortune of being born into a “non-working” family...

But the repressions took on a special scale after the chairman of the Petrograd Cheka Uritsky was killed in Petrograd by the Socialist-Revolutionary Kanegisser on August 30, 1918, and in Moscow on the same day the Socialist-Revolutionary Kaplan was wounded. On September 1, "Krasnaya Gazeta" proclaimed: "For the blood of Lenin and Uritsky, let streams of blood be shed - more blood, as much as possible." (Isn’t it strange that these assassination attempts took place on the same day and that Kaplan was immediately destroyed without investigation, like Kanegiesser, but his Orthodox Jewish family was released from prison abroad. Considering the disagreements described above [in the book VTR] in the Bolshevik top, a multi-purpose provocation cannot be ruled out here.)

As if in response, on September 5, the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree on “red terror.” But it was obvious that this was only a “legitimation” of previous practice - only on a larger scale. Previously, there could be no punishment for the murder of a “bourgeois” or a “counter-revolutionary” by a Red Army soldier, but now such extrajudicial killings were given the highest sanction and the corresponding organization.

Member of the Cheka board Latsis (Sudrabs) gave printed instructions in the Chekist weekly “Red Terror”: “ Do not look for incriminating evidence in the case as to whether he rebelled against the Council with weapons or words. The first thing you must ask him is to what class he belongs, what his origin is, what his education is and what his profession is. These questions must decide the fate of the accused. This is the meaning and essence of the Red Terror».

Hundreds of “class enemies” - tsarist officials, professors, and military personnel - were immediately shot in Petrograd. A system of hostages from the civilian population (bourgeoisie) is introduced, shot in the hundreds after each murder of a Bolshevik. This also becomes a common method of management: on February 15, 1919, the Defense Council orders “to take hostages from the peasants with the understanding that if the snow is not cleared, they will be shot”... In combination with the policy of “war communism”, predatory surplus appropriation and The anti-church policy of the Bolsheviks led to the Red Terror in the countryside everywhere.

Another instrument of mass terror is increasingly being used: concentration camps. Against the backdrop of mass executions of hostages, at first it looks soft, because Lenin applies it to the “dubious”: “ Carry out merciless mass terror against kulaks, priests and White Guards; the dubious are locked up in a concentration camp outside the city" Then the decree on the “Red Terror” legitimizes this type of repression on a sweeping “class” basis: “ It is necessary to secure the Soviet Republic from class enemies by isolating them in concentration camps" Often monasteries were set aside for camps. The most terrible was the Solovetsky concentration camp, where dozens of bishops were tortured.

Considering the national composition of the Bolshevik elite, it should be noted that an essential part of the “Red Terror” was the so-called “fight against anti-Semitism,” which from the very beginning was an important goal of the punitive policy of the Bolsheviks (that’s why they were immediately called Judeo-Bolsheviks). Already in April 1918, a circular was published with instructions stop the “Black Hundred anti-Semitic agitation of the clergy, taking the most decisive measures to combat counter-revolutionary activities and agitation" And in July of the same year - the all-Union decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the persecution of anti-Semitism, signed by Lenin: “ counter-revolutionaries in many cities, especially in the front line, are waging pogrom agitation... The Council of People's Commissars orders all Councils of Deputies to take decisive measures to nip the anti-Semitic movement at its roots. Pogrom makers and those leading pogrom agitation are ordered to be outlawed,” which meant execution. (And in the Criminal Code adopted in 1922, Article 83 prescribed punishment up to execution for “inciting national hatred.”

The "anti-Semitic" July execution decree began to be applied even more diligently, coupled with the September decree on the "Red Terror". Among the well-known figures, the first victims of these two combined decrees were (accused of performing a service to someone martyred by the Jews), the “anti-Semitic” priest Lyutostansky and his brother, N.A. Maklakov (former Minister of Internal Affairs, proposed to the Tsar in December 1916 to disperse the Duma), A.N. Khvostov (leader of the right-wing faction in the IV Duma, former Minister of Internal Affairs), I.G. Shcheglovitov (Minister of Justice until 1915, patron, one of the organizers of the investigation, chairman of the State Council) and senator S.P. Beletsky (former head of the Police Department).

Thus identifying “anti-Semitism” with counter-revolution, the Bolsheviks themselves identified their power with the Jewish one. Thus, the secret resolution of the Bureau of the Komsomol Central Committee “On the issue of combating anti-Semitism” dated November 2, 1926 noted “the strengthening of anti-Semitism,” which is used by “anti-communist organizations and elements in the fight against the Soviet authorities.” Yu. Larin (Lurie), a member of the presidium of the Supreme Council of National Economy and the State Planning Committee, one of the authors of the project for the transfer of Crimea to the Jews and “one of the initiators of the campaign against anti-Semitism (1926–1931),” dedicated an entire book to this - “Jews and Anti-Semitism in the USSR.” He defined “anti-Semitism as a means of disguised mobilization against Soviet power... Therefore, counteracting anti-Semitic agitation is a prerequisite for increasing the defense capability of our country“(emphasis in the original), states Larin and insists on the application of Lenin’s decree of 1918: “Put “active anti-Semites outlawed”, i.e. shoot”... At the end of the 1920s, in Moscow alone there was a trial for anti-Semitism approximately every ten days; could be judged just by the spoken word “Jew.”

Material used from the book “To the Leader of the Third Rome” (chap. III-3:). There are also links to the sources of the cited quotes and documents.

In the territories temporarily reconquered by the White armies in 1919, the terrifying scale of the Red Terror was documented by investigative commissions. They were published and formed the basis, for example, of the famous book by S.P. Melgunov "Red Terror in Russia 1918–1923". Below are some photographs from that time.

Corpses of hostages found in the Kherson Cheka in the basement of Tyulpanov’s house

Skin found in the Kharkov Cheka, torn off with tongs from the hands of victims

Skin flayed from the limbs of victims in Rabinovich’s house on Lomonosov Street in Kherson, where they were tortured by the Kherson Cheka.

Kharkiv. Corpses of tortured female hostages. Second from left is S. Ivanova, owner of a small shop. Third from the left is A.I. Karolskaya, the colonel’s wife. The fourth is L. Khlopkova, landowner. All their breasts were cut open and peeled alive, their genitals were burned and coals were found in them.

Dora Evlinskaya, under 20 years old. A female executioner who executed 400 officers in the Odessa Cheka with her own hands.

The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Medinsky, at the presentation of the “Name of Victory” competition on November 4, 2013, stated on the Rossiya television channel: .

Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church MP Kirill said at the opening of the III Christmas Parliamentary Meetings in the State Duma on January 21, 2015 about the Soviet period of history: .

Discussion: 34 comments

    The Jews are cursed before God and people, this causes their universal hatred of everyone. But let there be retribution for them according to the word of Deuteronomy: “The Lord will cleanse the land of His people.”

    The grandchildren of these fanatics still rule us today; the scale of the atrocities is worthy of the admiration of their grandfathers.

    Show this to everyone you can. Let the people know their history. This was done under the commies who were the forerunners of the Antichrist, but we can taste the power of the Antichrist himself, if we do not repent and beg God for the power of the Retaining Autocratic Orthodox Tsar! For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland!

    The reader himself will easily be convinced of the high historical value of these materials; It is impossible, of course, to discredit the reliability of the documentary data collected by the Commission - the original protocols of the Extraordinary Commissions with handwritten signatures and corresponding seals, which we first received from the archives of the Commission, are the same indisputable material in terms of frankness as the famous "Weekly Ch.K." " [WITH. P. Melgunov. "Red Terror" in Russia 1918 – 1923 Ed. 2nd supplemented Berlin 1924] They were the first to suffer from enemies, they were the first to die a martyr’s death in the very first years of Bolshevik power. “O Lord, rest the souls of the martyrs, your servant!” Bloodthirsty animals, dreaming of mass murder, remain in the assessments of historians as fighters against the tyranny of “princes and priests.” The terminology is familiar. For decades, magazines and books preached hatred of moral purity and truth and prepared bloody events. She showed the world a terrible apocalyptic vision of the “beast” in reality, many shuddered, and one could expect that reason would awaken and people would ask their leaders what kind of swamp, dirty and bloody, they had been led into. Meanwhile, they didn’t ask. All the “educated” and “advanced” considered themselves leaders and prophets of the “golden age”. Their feelings were fed not by the thoughts of the working people, but by the imaginary ease of achieving “happiness” through a bloody massacre; they loved and praised Lucifer and Judas. Here they constantly cried, until 17, about the fate of only one thing - the Jewish people, and only the accession of the pogromists of the Russian people in the Kremlin brought calm in this regard to this nervous and acutely touchy environment, where it was customary to hide their nationality, the entire Jewish people felt in shackles, as he was denied the opportunity to rule all of Russia and organize the Hanukkah holiday in the Kremlin. And only the blessed times of Lenin, Stalin and subsequent general secretaries gave him the opportunity to feel free and involved in the matter of “correcting” the peoples of Russia according to the law of the Torah, either Marxism or Americanism. [Ostretsov.B.M. Freemasonry, culture and Russian history] Everyone tells him: let him be crucified. 23 The ruler said, “What evil has He done?” But they shouted even more loudly: let him be crucified. 24 Pilate, seeing that nothing helped, but the confusion was increasing, took water and washed his hands before the people, and said: I am innocent of the blood of this righteous one; look you. 25 And all the people answered and said, His blood be on us and on our children. 26 Then he released Barabbas to them, and beat Jesus and handed him over to be crucified. Matthew's Holy Gospel.

    How much grief and suffering these children of Satan have brought to the Russian people. They are very fond of calling people to responsibility and branding them with shame.
    It's time to answer for all your bloody deeds!

    isy informasiy za lybie dengi, dolgorukov frol mehailovic. iz sant piter burga bil soslan v sebir, ile dolgorukov mihail frolovic, tel-3490980987. italia. srocno,


    vse gasudarstvo i kniajestva gde kniezia upravlayt jivut haraso, netakli - anglia ?- lyksenburg ?- manako ? dubai? nu mojno praverit po internetu i uvidet kak juvut. a rassia sbor vragov,varov,alkanarkodurakov, ? netakli da est i harosie no ot nih ne civo ne zaviset i oni tiha kricat o, da a smisla net i deistvii malo a jizn idet vpered, skora ot rassii nicevo ne ostanetsia - russkova - odni ligendi,.- ?

    90 pracentov papov v italii pedarasti galubie, a nas potrearh s nimi drujbi zavodiet, skora i nasi duhovnie nastavniki takimeje stanut,da otsi vi je potrearha alekseia poderjivaete? a k russkim kneziam ne prislusivaetes,.? kto jil v italii tot poimet pravdu i k cemu eto vse , ihnia maladej 80 prasentov narkomani, pidarasti, lizbianki, eta jdet i rassiy k sojeleny , nu nikto i ne protiv da ,- ?

    da tolka ideia i vse, ?

    Damn all the red-bellied Jew-chicks!!!
    forever and ever!

    But it is the descendants of these cannibals who have now taken possession of everything in Russia, and not only in Russia.
    But we pretend we don't know anything.

    Before the Solovetsky camp, there were special camps for special purposes in Arkhangelsk and Kholmogory.
    In February-March 1920, 11 thousand people, mostly Russians, were shot in Kholmogory. Valery Shambarov writes about this in his book “THE INVASION OF ALIENS”.
    The author of this book proposes to establish the DAY OF GENOCIDE OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE on SEPTEMBER 2.

    I read Shambarov’s argumentation on the CPR - they say that the decision to issue the decree was made on September 2. But decisions on any documents are made earlier, and their date is officially considered to be the date under the document. In this case, September 5th. Why complicate things?

    Ya dumal, chto "anti-Semit" Ippolit Ljutostanskij died 1915 year i on uzhe since 1867 year ne ksendz a pravoslavnyj ieromonach. Who is bratia Ljutostanskie? Who knows, pozhaluysta?

    Thank God so much for these materials. They complement the gallery of crimes of Jewish Satanists who have been fighting against Christians and goyim in general for 2000 years, i.e. non-Jews. The worst thing is when these God-fighters and misanthropes seize power in any country. Then they turn it into hell for its non-Jewish population. In order for the peoples enslaved by the Jews to effectively fight against this Jewish fascism, they need to know the truth, which is very different from what they hear from the Jewish-owned media. The Jews, whose father is the devil, the murderer and the liar, and the father of all lies, invariably cruelly persecute every truthful person. “But the truth does not become weaker when the truthful one is nailed to the cross, and cries out in the hearts of living people until they drink away their reason altogether” (from my poem).

    Pilate, Nero, Diocletian, Lenin, Stalin, Yeltsin, Bush, Albright, Putin, etc., etc. And the ever-present cry of the crowd: “Crucify...”. Russia, from Slavic oblivion, arose for only one thing - to be a ship of salvation sailing to the Kingdom of God. Any other path leads to the bottom of hell. If you wanted to live without the Tsar-Captain, that’s the bottom for you, even deeper. No matter how many times I look at these (and many other, and even modern) photographs of the celebration of the hellish feast, I see only one thing: “How long, Lord, do you endure?”

    And further. The murder-crucifixion of Christ, followed by the torture-murder of His followers, was preceded by the murder of innocent babies. Today, everyone can see in reality (and not in photographs) severed and crushed children’s heads, crushed and severed arms and legs, and mangled bodies. In any "abortion clinic" in the world. And in Russia?.... millions.....!!! "How long, Lord, do you bear with us?"

    Well, then you have to beat the enemy with his own weapon. After 3 generations of knocking out the Preobrazhenskys and Bormentals from Russian society, only the Shvonders and Sharikovs remained in the elites of this society. Therefore, it is easy to recognize the enemy - “Do not look for incriminating evidence in the case about whether he rebelled against ... with weapons or words. The first duty you must ask him is what class he belongs to, what origin he is, what education he has and what his profession is.” . These questions must decide fate..." :)
    If we began to apply such criteria, to begin with, at least in our thoughts, then the grandchildren of the Red Gaidar commanders would not dress up in sheep’s clothing.
    So, gentlemen, first of all, find out about the origin of this or that politician, public figure, writer or simply publicist whom you consider ours and just don’t listen to those who have a Shvondero-Sharikov origin, in this way deliberate provocateurs, traitors and just random people will be cut off . And vice versa, believe first of all those who either themselves suffered from the Soviet regime or have suffered relatives.

    Thank you for this!
    If anyone could suggest either a link or a documentary book, I bow to the ground!

    I recall the words of the Russian cultural figure Smirnov that in our country electing a security officer to the highest leadership position is tantamount to, I dare say, spitting on the icon of the Savior!

    You need to know everything about the enemy: S.P. Melgunov “Red Terror in Russia 1918-1923” can be read at

    I have respect for Mikhail Viktorovich and his activities. But why didn’t he like my comment? I have my own opinion about white generals.

    When Russians don’t want to work well for themselves and their homeland, they look for someone to blame - Jews, Poles, Caucasians, the insidious West, etc. Start by building a nice house, garden and fence around the property. Yes, not with random sticks, but with even pickets. Get a pig, a cow, a bull, geese, Russian, arrange your life, put the yard in order, drink no more than a bottle of vodka a month. Be sure to buy a gun, a rifle, daggers (like the Chechens), but develop self-control, do not grab a weapon for any reason, be trained, hardworking, and no Jews will be afraid. Take care of your wife and children, dress them and feed them well, teach them politeness and restraint at the table. Otherwise, looking at the Russian hinterland, villages, towns, towns is scary. 10th century, men are like the last bastard, women and children are not well-groomed, no matter how. Actually, Russia now rests on women and foreigners, a mixture of Russians with Germans, Jews, Poles, Tatars. And purely Russian men are waste material. Looking at this, my soul hurts, and in the West, in Arab countries and in the Caucasus, there is amazing contempt and disgust. Correct yourself and forget about the Jewish Massons, don’t forget what hinders a bad dancer.

    It's hard to fool me this way. You are the same “Ivan” as I am “Moishe”. But I don’t write on your sites, pretending to be a Jew, saying, renounce your Moshiach, etc. - “and everyone will love you.” All your good wishes to us Russians are correct in many respects, but they are sewn with white threads. Because from above they do not allow Russians to live such a normal life, and all the corruption from above is instilled by you. And your shabez goyim in the Russian government. And the Russian Holocaust, which is discussed in this article, will be presented to you at the Last Judgment. When the Lord judges all nations.

    I read all the comments, I was especially outraged by one, I don’t remember whose specifically. But lumping them together with the real monsters of B.N. Yeltsin is going to go crazy. Dear N! Where did you get the idea that under Yeltsin they would skin living people, etc. You must have a conscience! Adieu!

    Where is the evidence that they were killed by the Reds and not the Whites? And who is this Aunt Dora? I couldn't find any information on the Internet at all. Maybe the photo is just some kind of saleswoman. In my opinion, these are all just more horror myths.

    The last photo is especially interesting. A characteristic feature of communists (including modern ones) is admiration for female killers. Although everyone knows that these were lesbians with a bunch of accompanying psychosexual deviations. Which is illustrated by the mentioned Dora Evlinskaya. Accordingly, people who admire this themselves suffer from very serious deviations. Lately they have been going crazy, so they are no longer limited to snipers or machine gunners. The NKVD also had women executioners. Therefore, perhaps soon the communists themselves will proudly tell us how fragile girls coped with such hard male work. It’s interesting that they manage to push their lesbians even into other eras. For example, there was a Soviet cartoon about a girl in disguise slaughtering Tatars during the Battle of Kulikovo. A film and a theatrical play were made about the only confirmed case (transsexual cavalryman Nadezhda Durova) in the USSR, which was shown in most theaters. How symbolic - of all the participants in the War of 1812, only a lesbian is known to the Soviet “patriots”.

    Mikhail Viktorovich proposes that the “Wailing Wall” being built in Moscow for the victims of Stalin’s repressions be called the “Wailing Wall” for the murderers and executioners of the Russian people who became victims of Stalin’s repressions.”

    Are the corpses in these photographs enemies of the people? You are not ashamed here to constantly mock them, praise their killers and demonstrate a complete lack of human conscience. You're just a scoundrel, you don't fear God, and it's a shame they let you in here.

    “There will be no noble blood left in their camp, their aristocracy will be destroyed” (Old Testament, or the history of the Jewish people). They are not able to break other peoples without the help of the stupid enthusiasm of the deceived or lower strata of the masses, therefore, with the help of the slogan “Liberty, equality and brotherhood” they win for themselves the lower class of society, and then give them the go-ahead - beat the bourgeoisie and the kings in line with them the policy of destroying altars and thrones. The goal of the KGB terror was not only to destroy the enemies of the illegal regime, they needed to paralyze the will of citizens with fear, turn them into an obedient herd, which they succeeded in and which still has its consequences. People fell into the category of socially dangerous without a crime, without an article, without a reason; slander, suspicion or the square footage of the apartment that needed to be vacated was enough. The destruction of all Russian upper classes - the nobility, officers, clergy, intelligentsia, was not at all the result of popular anger or civil war, but a deliberate policy consistently pursued by the Cheka for decades. Russians were destroyed, almost only decent people died in the Red Terror, the Bolshevik revolution killed good people. At the same time, the policy of the Council of People's Commissars and the Cheka was deliberately Russophobic, because in place of the slaughtered Russian classes, a motley international rabble was brought into large cities - Mordovians, Chud, Jews from the towns, people from the Caucasus, Tatars and Central Asians, Chinese, criminals, as well as red adventurers and thugs from all over Eastern and Western Europe. It was this terrible policy that changed the anthropological picture of the once Russian cities beyond recognition. In Tsarist Russia from 1825 to 1905, 625 death sentences were imposed for political crimes, of which only 191 were actually carried out. From 1905 to 1910, during the revolutionary terror, 5,735 death sentences were imposed, including sentences of military courts, of which only 3,741 death sentences were carried out. During the Red Terror of 1917-1922, according to various estimates, from 1.7 million to 2 million people were killed. Moreover, all those executed in historical Russia were executed according to court verdicts, that is, in compliance with the legal procedure of that time, while the Bolsheviks executed extrajudicially, that is, from the point of view of criminal law, these are murders, serious criminal offenses. The numbers are simply incomparable, the genocide of Russian people by the Bolshevik Cheka is obvious.

    It seems that the one who appeared here is Kirill - Gundyaev. Or a “soloist” from the same swamp.
    Surely Rav Yachson himself came to pay his respects and turn everything upside down by participating in the dispute? Typical tactics of the crafty and burry. But the horns are no longer hidden under the hood. And you can see the tail from the boot.

The introduction of the Red Terror was an important milestone in the development of the communist regime. Terror became one of the elements of the “war communism” system. The mass extermination of opponents of Soviet power during the Civil War had contradictory consequences. On the one hand, terror really instilled fear and disorganized the opponents of the Bolsheviks. On the other hand, he convinced people of the undemocratic nature of the dictatorship, caused mass discontent, and supported the determination of the oppositionists to act against the Bolsheviks with weapons in their hands.

The October Revolution proclaimed the abolition of the death penalty. The resolution of the Second Congress of Soviets read: “The death penalty restored by Kerensky at the front is abolished.” The death penalty in the rest of Russia was abolished by the Provisional Government.

Despite the formal absence of the death penalty, murders of prisoners were sometimes carried out by the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage under the Council of People's Commissars (VChK) and local extraordinary commissions (Cheka) during the “cleansing” of cities from criminals.

A wider use of executions, and especially their implementation in political cases, was impossible both because of the prevailing democratic sentiments and because of the participation in the Council of People's Commissars of the left Socialist Revolutionaries, who were fundamentally opposed to the death penalty. People's Commissar of Justice from the Left Socialist Revolutionary Party I. Sternberg prevented not only executions, but even arrests for political reasons. Since the Left Socialist Revolutionaries actively worked in the Cheka, it was difficult to unleash government terror at that time. However, work in the punitive agencies influenced the views of the Socialist-Revolutionary Chekists, who became increasingly tolerant of repression.

The situation began to change after the Left Socialist Revolutionaries left the government and especially after the outbreak of a large-scale civil war in May-June 1918. The uprising of the Czechoslovak corps and the Cossacks was accompanied by massacres of supporters of Soviet power. Lenin believed that in a civil war it was impossible to do without the death penalty, since supporters of the opposing sides were not afraid of imprisonment, hoping for the victory of their movement and release from prison. On June 13, the death penalty in the RSFSR was restored.

The first public victim of political execution was the popular commander of the Baltic Fleet A.M. Shchastny, whom People's Commissar Leon Trotsky suspected of being ready to oppose the Soviet regime. Shchastny was arrested and, after a trial in the Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal, executed on June 21, 1918.

Even before the announcement of the “red” terror, it was used at the front with the sanction of Lenin. “A White Guard uprising is clearly being prepared in Nizhny. We must exert all our efforts, form a troika of dictators, immediately impose mass terror, shoot and take away hundreds of prostitutes who solder soldiers, former officers, etc.,” Lenin telegraphed on August 9. On the same day, he sent a telegram to Penza: “Carry out merciless mass terror against kulaks, priests and White Guards; those who are dubious will be locked up in a concentration camp outside the city.” On August 22, the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars orders "to shoot conspirators and hesitant ones, without asking anyone and without allowing idiotic red tape."

In the aggravated situation of June-August 1918, opponents of the Bolsheviks also resorted to terrorist methods of struggle. On June 20, an unknown person killed the People's Commissar of Propaganda V. Volodarsky. The killer could not be found. Even then Lenin spoke out for unleashing mass terror: “Comrade. Zinoviev! Only today we learned in the Central Committee that in St. Petersburg the workers want to respond to the murder of Volodarsky with mass terror, and that you restrained them. I protest resolutely!.. We must encourage the energy and mass character of terror.” On August 30, a young supporter of the Socialist Revolutionaries, L. Kannegiser, killed the head of the Petrograd Cheka, M. Uritsky. On the same day, Lenin was wounded at a rally. Socialist Revolutionary supporter F. Kaplan was declared guilty of the assassination attempt. However, the specific culprits at that moment were not so important - entire classes had to answer for the three Bolsheviks.

In response to these assassination attempts, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets adopted a resolution that stated: “The All-Russian Central Executive Committee gives a solemn warning to all slaves of the Russian and allied bourgeoisie, warning them that for every attempt on the lives of leaders of Soviet power and bearers of the ideas of the socialist revolution, all counter-revolutionaries will be responsible... For the White Terror The workers and peasants will respond to the enemies of the workers’ and peasants’ power with massive Red terror against the bourgeoisie and its agents.” This meant the introduction of hostage system, when completely different people should be held accountable for the actions of some people. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee resolution paved the way for the adoption of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee resolution on the Red Terror on September 5.

The resolution created the foundations of the repressive policy of the communist regime: the creation of concentration camps to isolate “class enemies”, the destruction of all oppositionists “involved in conspiracies and rebellions.” The Cheka was given the authority to take hostages, pass sentences and carry them out.

It was immediately announced that the execution of 29 counter-revolutionaries who were obviously not involved in the assassination attempts on Lenin and Uritsky - including the former Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire A. Khvostov, the former Minister of Justice I. Shcheglovitov and others. In the first days of the September Red Terror in Petrograd More than 500 people died. Then the intensity of the executions decreased.

Throughout Soviet Russia, thousands of people were executed, some of whom were guilty only of belonging to “counter-revolutionary” classes and social movements - entrepreneurs, landowners, priests, officers, members of the Cadet Party. The philosophy of the Red Terror was expressed by one of the leaders of the Cheka, M. Latsis: “Do not look for incriminating evidence in the case; whether he (the accused - Editorial) rebelled against the council with weapons or in words. The first thing you must ask him is to what class he belongs, what is his origin, what is his education and what is his profession. These are the questions that should decide the fate of the accused.” Even Lenin reproached Latsis for these words, which, of course, did not stop the wave of murders. Most of those executed were opponents of the Bolshevik regime.

The arbitrariness of the Cheka aroused criticism even from the Bolsheviks. Pravda was forced to note that the slogan “All power to the Soviets!” is replaced by the slogan “All power to the emergency people!” The editor of Izvestia, Yu. Steklov, admitted among his own: “Never, even in the worst times of the tsarist regime, was there such a lack of rights in Rus' that prevails in communist Soviet Russia, there was such a downtrodden state of the masses. The main evil is that none of us knows what is and is not possible. Quite often those who commit lawlessness then declare that they thought it was possible. Terror reigns, we are supported only by terror.” Why be surprised - there is a dictatorship in the country, and dictatorship, according to Lenin, is power based not on law, but on violence.

On November 8, 1918, the VI Congress of Soviets banned executions without proof of guilt. On January 24, 1919, the district Chekas were liquidated, whose punitive zeal was poorly controlled from the center. On February 17, 1919, the rights of the Cheka were further limited. Revolutionary tribunals were now required to pass sentences (except for the suppression of uprisings). By this time, the Cheka had already shot 5-9 thousand people, of which two thousand in the first weeks of the terror.

Subsequently, the Red Terror developed in waves. It took place in the territories occupied by the Red Army, in areas of uprisings against communists, and in the fall of 1919, when Denikin’s army was approaching Moscow, and anarchists blew up the Moscow City Party Committee.
Terror was accompanied by abuse of power. It is now difficult to establish the general scale of terror. We are probably talking about hundreds of thousands of victims of various repressive bodies - the Cheka, revolutionary tribunals, military bodies. The Red Terror was not really class-based. The blows were struck against dissatisfied workers, peasants, and intellectuals.

Commenting on the social model of Bolshevism, the leader of the Socialist Revolutionaries V. Chernov wrote: “This is a colossal machine into which history feeds existing people, with their weaknesses, skills, passions, opinions, as human “raw materials” that are subject to merciless processing. They will come out of it, certified as “personally suited,” each to their own special place in life, stamped, with the obvious mark of factory production. Some of them end up in the waste disposal department; the remainder must be mercilessly destroyed.”

Occupying the cities, the whites began a methodical count of the victims of the Red Terror, carefully describing the most striking examples: “In Kharkov they specialized in scalping and “taking off the gloves,” says A. Denikin about the atrocities of the Cheka. But when the Whites retreated, the Reds had something to answer. Here is just one piece of evidence: “The mood of the population of Ukraine is overwhelmingly on the side of Soviet power. The outrageous actions of Denikin’s followers... changed the population towards Soviet power better than any agitation. So, for example, in Yekaterinoslav, in addition to the mass of executions and robberies, etc., the following case stands out: a poor family, whose son is a communist in the ranks of the army, is subjected to Denikin’s robbery, beating, and then terrible punishment. They cut off arms and legs, and even an infant’s arms and legs were cut off. This helpless family, these five pieces of living meat, unable to move or even eat without outside help, are accepted into the social security of the republic.” Atrocities were committed by soldiers of all forces of the Civil War.

In 1922, after the end of the civil war, there was a final outbreak of Red Terror directed against priests. Repressive policies were then introduced within the framework of “socialist legality,” which included a more selective use of executions.

The Cheka was transformed into the Main Political Directorate (GPU), which lost the right to extrajudicial executions. However, in the 30s. Terror resumed on an even larger scale than the Red Terror of the Civil War.


The Council of People's Commissars, having heard the report of the chairman of the Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution on the activities of this commission, finds,

that in this situation, securing the rear through terror is a direct necessity;

that in order to strengthen the activities of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission and introduce greater systematicity into it, it is necessary to send there as many responsible party comrades as possible;

that it is necessary to secure the Soviet Republic from class enemies by isolating them in concentration camps;

All persons connected with White Guard organizations, conspiracies and rebellions are subject to execution;

People's Commissar of Justice

People's Commissar of Internal Affairs

Manager of the Affairs of the Council of People's Commissars

Secretary of the Sov.Nar.Com.

Moscow Kremlin.

© Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History
F.19. Op.1. D.192. L.10

Lenin V.I. Full composition of writings. T.50.

Melgunov S.P. Red terror in Russia. M., 1990.

Pavlyuchenkov S.A. Peasant Brest or the prehistory of the Bolshevik NEP. M., 1996.

Ratkovsky I.S. Red terror and the activities of the Cheka in 1918. St. Petersburg, 2006.

"Che-Ka." Berlin, 1922.

How did the position of the leadership of the RSFSR regarding the death penalty change?

What were the reasons for the introduction of the Red Terror? Which of them were reflected in the Red Terror Decree?

In what month of 1918 did the Cheka carry out the largest number of executions?

Which bodies carried out the Red Terror in 1919-1922?

What were the main consequences of the Red Terror?

Article No. 325.

About the Socialist Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet.

The Council of People's Commissars decides:

The fleet, existing on the basis of the tsarist laws on universal conscription, is declared disbanded and the Socialist Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet is organized on the following grounds:

1. Food and clothing allowances are included in the maintenance bill equally for all employees, regardless of their position.

2. The supply of fleet personnel and their families with essential items, clothing and food, is temporarily carried out according to the order that has existed until now. From now on, in connection with the transition of the fleet to a voluntary basis, the fleet personnel should begin to organize a central cooperative in the base port of the fleet and its branches in ports where it turns out to be necessary.

Note. Food provision on ships and in crews is carried out on a voluntary crew basis.

3. All sailors of the military fleet, former sailors, both leaving service and remaining on a volunteer basis, should be given in exchange for uniforms for the period of 1918 in money at the rate of 1918.

4. All volunteer employees in the fleet are insured at the expense of the state in case of illness, injury, disability and death. (Decree of the Council of People's Commissars.)

5. In view of the impossibility, according to the technical conditions of the railways, of simultaneous dismissal of seamen of all terms of service who did not wish to continue on a voluntary basis, dismissal will be carried out from the first of February periodically, with an interval of time necessary in order not to overload the railways, and the sailors fleets held for the above reasons receive maintenance in their unit until the day of dismissal under the old regulations.

6. Everyone on sick leave since February 1 of this year is subject to the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on state insurance.

All sailors of the navy who were dismissed before January 25th for no more than one month retain the types of pay according to the old regulations for a month, i.e. until February 25th (old style), after which they are expelled from their units from all types of allowance and are considered dismissed from service altogether.

The transition of the fleet to a volunteer basis should be counted from February 1 (old style) of this year, service and payment of salaries according to the new provision should be counted from the date of conclusion of the contract.

7. Students of Training Units and Schools who wish to sail on combat ships are allowed to continue their studies at the old salary until April 15 (old style); From April 1 to April 15 (old style), exams will be held, and students, after passing them, can look for places on ships and enter into contracts for service on them. When looking for places, the Central Committees of the fleets will assist them. Instructors will be paid new salaries from February 1 to April 1 (old style), by which date the issue of organizing Training Units will be finally clarified. The staff of instructors after February 1 (old style) is strictly adjusted to the number of remaining students. Instructors who find themselves overstaffed can be contracted on a general basis for combat vessels.

8. The Central Committees of the fleets should begin to disband crews, half-crews and companies, submitting their decisions to the Board of the People's Commissariat for Maritime Affairs for publication throughout the fleet and the maritime department.

9. During the transition of the fleet to a voluntary basis, not a single unit has the right to issue or demand monetary allowances under the new regulations, and the port office has no right to issue without a new manning sheet approved by the Commission for Reorganization of the Fleet under the Central Committee of the Sea.

The Central Committees of the Seas must submit the states for approval to the Collegium of the People's Commissariat for Maritime Affairs as soon as possible.

10. The staffing of ships according to the required staffing on a volunteer basis is entrusted to the Commissions that are formed on the ships. The Commission includes: the ship's commander (in coastal units - the head of the unit), the Chairman of the Ship or Command Committee, a senior specialist in the specialty for which the person is hired, and a doctor.

11. In view of the possible enrollment of more applicants wishing to join the fleet than will be necessary depending on the developed staff, the Admission Commissions should take into account the length of service if there are several candidates for one specialist position, with preference given to older years.

Regulations and rules on service on ships of the military fleet and in naval units.

Agreement upon admission on a volunteer basis to the navy of the Russian Soviet Republic

(When any person enters the service, the attached form must be filled out and sent in one copy to the Acquisition Department of the Central Committee of the Fleet, one remains in the ship’s files and one is issued to the person entering service).

Sample form.

Last name and first name (in full) ............................. Serial number on the ship upon admission.......... .... Place and time of birth................................... Physical condition\Height....... ................... incoming | Breast volume................... face. /% ability to work............ Trade or occupation................................. .Party affiliation and recommendation of a democratic organization standing on the platform of Soviet power................................... Time of entry onto the ship..... ..................... Title (specialty) .............................. ..... The ship he wishes to join................. Place of previous service, time and reason for dismissal and place of residence before admission......... .......

Responsibilities and rights under the contract for employees in the navy of the Russian Soviet Republic.

1. “In the name of the Socialist Republic, I undertake to serve according to my conscience, without at all violating the contract, until..............”

2. “I undertake to carry out service orders given by foremen in their specialty, officers and duty members of the Ship Committee, if they do not conflict with the general official position. In addition, I undertake to comply with all existing service rules and instructions. For failure to comply with these under ordinary conditions and in battle conditions, I am subject to punishment as determined by the Judicial Committee. If the offense entails punishment beyond the powers of the Committee, I submit myself to the court of the Revolutionary Tribunal.”

3. “I undertake to perform my duties carefully and honestly, as well as to preserve the national property, for intentional damage to which an appropriate deduction from my maintenance is established.”

4. “For being late for duty, for careless attitude towards watch and guard duty and for careless attitude, I am subject to punishment at the discretion of the Ship Committee.”

5. “For escaping from service, which is tantamount to breach of contract, I am subject to either expulsion from trade unions or from a democratic organization, or am subject to being assigned to public works.”

(The concept of escape is an unauthorized absence for more than five days without any good reason).

6. “In the event of loss of personnel in battle on any ship, as well as in cases of formation of a new ship, I undertake, by order of the command organization, to transfer to another ship, which will be indicated.”

7. “Having served for at least one year, I have the right to a month’s leave with pay; in addition, in emergency cases, I am allowed leave for a period of no more than three days, not counting travel, and travel in both cases is at my expense.”

8. “In each case, to determine the admissibility of terminating the contract, special Commissions are organized under the Central Committees of the Seas, which deal with the litigants.”

“I declare that I answered all the questions asked of me when drawing up this agreement honestly and truthfully, I agree with everything stated in this agreement and I promise to honestly and faithfully serve in the navy of the Russian Socialist Soviet Republic on all the above conditions. This agreement was concluded by me voluntarily, without coercion, and I sign for it” ......................

“We, the undersigned, declare that having examined and questioned the person entering the service indicated in this agreement......... we recognized him as fit for service in the navy of the Russian Socialist Soviet Republic and find that he is a man of excellent health and physique , has no physical defects and is quite normal, which is what we sign:

Commander of the ship......................Chairman of the Ship Committee........ Doctor.............. .................... " __ " month year......."

Maintenance salaries for naval sailors on a volunteer basis.

Names of positions on ships

III category


With a navigator's title

1st mate

2nd mate

3rd mate

1st mechanic

With the title of ship mechanics

2nd mechanic

3rd mechanic

1st artilleryman and 1st miner

2nd artilleryman and 2nd miner

3rd artilleryman and 3rd miner

Plutong Chief


Flagship, detachment. specialist

Chief of the Naval General Staff

Head of the Maritime Commissariat

Head of the military department

Assistant to the head of the military department for operational and combat units

September 5, 1918 is the day the decree “On Red Terror” was signed. On this day, the Bolsheviks, who seized power in Russia, legalized murder and violence, elevating terror to the rank of state policy. Robberies, torture, lynchings, executions, and rape accompanied Soviet power from the first days, although it is worth noting that this orgy of tyranny began in February 1917, after the fall of the monarchy and the transfer of power into the hands of left.

From the very first days of the February Revolution, a wave of violence overwhelmed the naval bases of the Baltic Fleet in Helsingfors (now Helsinki) and Kronstadt. From March 3 to March 15, 1917, 120 officers became victims of sailor lynchings in the Baltic, of whom 76 were killed (in Helsingfors - 45, in Kronstadt - 24, in Reval - 5 and Petrograd - 2). According to eyewitnesses, “The brutal beating of officers in Kronstadt was accompanied by the fact that people were covered with hay and, doused with kerosene, were burned; they put someone still alive in coffins along with people who had been shot earlier, they killed fathers in front of their sons.” Among the dead were the commander of the Baltic Fleet, Adrian Nepenin, and the chief commander of the Kronstadt port, the hero of Port Arthur, Admiral Robert von Wiren. Never, in any of the naval battles of the First World War, did the command staff of the Baltic Fleet suffer such serious losses as in these terrible days.

After the October Revolution, terror took on more widespread forms, since Bolshevik violence was directed not against the existing resistance, but against entire sections of society that were declared outlaws: nobles, landowners, officers, priests, kulaks, Cossacks, scientists, industrialists, etc. . P.

Russian officer killed by communists. Irkutsk, December 1917

Sometimes the first act of the Red Terror is considered to be the murder of the leaders of the Cadet Party, deputies of the Constituent Assembly, lawyer F.F. Kokoshkin and doctor A.I. Shingarev on the night of January 6-7, 1918.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR Vladimir Lenin and the leadership of the Communist Party spoke out against softness in responses to the actions of counter-revolutionaries, “encouraging the energy and mass character of terror”, called “a completely correct revolutionary initiative of the masses”, as V.I. Lenin writes in his letter to Zinoviev on June 26, 1918:

Only today we heard in the Central Committee that in St. Petersburg the workers wanted to respond to the murder of Volodarsky with mass terror and that you ... restrained it. I strongly protest! We are compromising ourselves: even in the resolutions of the Council of Deputies we threaten with mass terror, but when it comes down to it, we slow down the revolutionary initiative of the masses, which is quite correct. This is impossible! Terrorists will consider us wimps. It's arch-war time. It is necessary to encourage the energy and mass character of terror against counter-revolutionaries.

At the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets, Ya. M. Sverdlov spoke to the Congress on the activities of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on July 5, 1918. In the context of the deepening crisis of Bolshevik power, Sverdlov in his report called for "mass terror", which must be carried out against the “counter-revolution” and “enemies of Soviet power” and expressed confidence that “the whole of labor Russia will react with full approval to such a measure as the execution of counter-revolutionary generals and other enemies of the working people.” The Congress officially approved this doctrine.

Back in September 1917, in his work “The Impending Catastrophe and How to Fight It,” Lenin stated that:

...any revolutionary government can hardly do without the death penalty in relation to exploiters (that is, landowners and capitalists).

The words “red terror” were first heard in Russia after August 30, 1918, when an assassination attempt took place in Petrograd on the life of the Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars, Vladimir Lenin (although terrorism has always been the only way for the left to fight for power, just remember the activities of the Socialist Revolutionary bombers). A few days later, an official message appeared that the assassination attempt was organized by the Left Socialist Revolutionary Party, and that the “leader of the world proletariat” was shot by an activist of this party, Fanny Kaplan. Under the pretext of revenge for the blood of their leader, the Bolshevik Party plunged the country into the abyss of the Red Terror.

Immediately after the assassination attempt on Lenin, the chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) Yakov Sverdlov signed a resolution to turn the Soviet Republic into a military camp. This is what Martin Latsis, a member of the Cheka board, wrote at that time in instructions sent to local authorities for provincial security officers: “For us there are not and cannot be the old principles of morality and “humanity” invented by the bourgeoisie for the oppression and exploitation of the “lower classes.” Everything is allowed to us, for we were the first in the world to raise the sword not in the name of enslavement and oppression of anyone, but in the name of emancipation from oppression and slavery of all...

The sacrifices we demand are saving sacrifices, sacrifices that pave the way to the Bright Kingdom of Labor, Freedom and Truth. Blood? Let it be blood, if only it can paint the grey-white-black standard of the old robber world scarlet. For only the complete irrevocable death of this world will save us from the revival of the old jackals, those jackals with whom we end, end, end, and cannot end once and for all... The Cheka is not an investigative board and not a court. It destroys without trial or isolates from society, imprisoning in a concentration camp. At the very beginning it is necessary to show extreme severity, inexorability, straightforwardness: that the word is the law. The work of the Cheka must extend to all those areas of public life where counter-revolution has taken root, to military life, to food work, to public education, to all positive economic organizations, to sanitation, to fires, to public communications, etc., etc. "

However, calls for terror sounded from the lips of the Bolshevik leader from the first months of his being in power, which served as the reason for attempts to eliminate this enraged maniac.

On August 8, 1918, V.I. Lenin writes to G.F. Fedorov about the need for mass terror to “establish revolutionary order.”

In Nizhny, a White Guard uprising is clearly being prepared. We must exert all our efforts, form a troika of dictators (you, Markin, etc.), immediately impose mass terror, shoot and take away hundreds of prostitutes who solder soldiers, former officers, etc.

Not a minute of delay.

It is necessary to carry out merciless mass terror against the kulaks, priests and White Guards; doubtful ones are locked up in a concentration camp outside the city.

Decree and implement the complete disarmament of the population, shoot on the spot mercilessly for any hidden rifle.

“Izvestia of Penza Gubchek” publishes the following information:

“For the murder of Comrade Egorov, a Petrograd worker sent as part of a food detachment, 152 White Guards were shot. Other, even more severe measures will be taken against those who dare in the future to encroach on the iron hand of the proletariat.”

As already mentioned, in light of the policy of suppressing the enemies of the revolution, local Cheka bodies received the broadest powers, which no other power structure had at that time. Any person on the slightest suspicion could be arrested and shot by the security officers, and no one had the right to even ask them what charge was brought against him.

The wide scope of the Bolshevik terror was due to the fact that almost all segments of the Russian population were against the Bolsheviks and perceived them as usurpers of power, so Lenin and company understood that the only chance to retain power was to physically destroy everyone who did not agree with their policies.

The formulation of the direction of the activities of the punitive bodies of the revolutionary government, published in the newspaper Izvestia All-Russian Central Executive Committee, is quite widely known. The first chairman of the Revolutionary Military Tribunal of the RSFSR, K. Danishevsky, stated:

“Military tribunals are not and should not be guided by any legal norms. These are punitive bodies created in the process of intense revolutionary struggle.”

The largest of the first actions of the Red Terror was the execution in Petrograd of 512 representatives of the elite (former dignitaries, ministers, professors). This fact is confirmed by the report of the Izvestia newspaper dated September 3, 1918 about the execution of the Cheka in the city of Petrograd over 500 hostages. According to official data from the Cheka, a total of about 800 people were shot in Petrograd during the Red Terror.

According to the research of the Italian historian G. Boffa, in response to the wounding of V.I. Lenin, about 1000 people were shot in Petrograd and Kronstadt.

In September 1918, G. Zinoviev made a corresponding statement:

You need to be like a military camp from which detachments can be sent into the village. If we do not increase our army, our bourgeoisie will slaughter us. After all, they have no second choice. We cannot live on the same planet with them. We need our own socialist militarism to overcome our enemies. We must carry with us 90 million out of a hundred people inhabiting Soviet Russia. You cannot talk to the rest - they must be destroyed.

At the same time, the Central Committee of the RCP (b) and the Cheka are developing joint instructions with the following content:

Shoot all counter-revolutionaries. Give the districts the right to shoot on their own... Take hostages... set up small concentration camps in the districts... Tonight the Presidium of the Cheka will consider the affairs of the counter-revolution and shoot all obvious counter-revolutionaries. The district Cheka should do the same. Take measures to prevent corpses from falling into unwanted hands...

The Red Terror was declared on September 2, 1918 by Yakov Sverdlov in an appeal to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and confirmed by a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of September 5, 1918 as a response to the assassination attempt on Lenin on August 30, as well as to the murder on the same day by Leonid Kannegiser of the chairman of the Petrograd Cheka, Uritsky.

The official publication of the Petrograd Soviet, Krasnaya Gazeta, commenting on the murder of Moisei Solomonovich Uritsky, wrote:

“Uritsky was killed. We must respond to the isolated terror of our enemies with mass terror... For the death of one of our fighters, thousands of enemies must pay with the lives of theirs.”

“... so that pity does not penetrate them, so that they do not tremble at the sight of a sea of ​​​​enemy blood. And we will release this sea. Blood for blood. Without mercy, without compassion, we will beat our enemies in dozens, hundreds. Let there be thousands of them. Let them drown in their own blood! We will not arrange a spontaneous massacre for them. We will pull out the true bourgeois moneybags and their henchmen. For the blood of Comrade Uritsky, for the wounding of Comrade. Lenin, for the attempt on Comrade. Zinoviev, for the unavenged blood of comrades Volodarsky, Nakhimson, Latvians, sailors - let the blood of the bourgeoisie and its servants be shed - more blood!”

Thus, for the blood of the Nakhimsons and Latvians, it was decided to drown the Russian aristocracy and the “White Guards” in blood, although the Russian military, and certainly not the “bourgeoisie,” had anything to do with the assassination attempt on Lenin or the murder of Uritsky - the Jewish woman Kaplan shot at Lenin from the Socialist Revolutionary Party, the killer of Uritsky is also a Jew, but from the Socialist Revolutionary Party.

The “decree on red terror” itself read:




The Council of People's Commissars, having heard the report of the Chairman of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Profiteering and Crime in Office on the activities of this Commission, finds that in this situation, ensuring the rear through terror is a direct necessity; that in order to strengthen the activities of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for the fight against counter-revolution, profiteering and crime in office and to introduce greater planning into it, it is necessary to send there as many responsible party comrades as possible; that it is necessary to secure the Soviet Republic from class enemies by isolating them in concentration camps; that all persons connected with White Guard organizations, conspiracies and rebellions are subject to execution; that it is necessary to publish the names of all those executed, as well as the reasons for applying this measure to them.

People's Commissar for Internal Affairs G. PETROVSKY

Manager of Affairs of the Council of People's Commissars Vl. BONCH-BRUEVICH

SU, No. 19, department 1, Art. 710, 09/05/18.

After his proclamation, the delighted Dzerzhinsky declared:

“The laws of September 3 and 5 finally gave us the legal rights to do what some party comrades had previously objected to, to put an end to the counter-revolutionary scum immediately, without asking anyone’s permission.”
The famous researcher of Bolshevik terror Roman Gul noted: “...Dzerzhinsky raised the “revolutionary sword” over Russia. In terms of the incredible number of deaths from communist terror, the “October Fouquier-Tinville” surpassed the Jacobins, the Spanish Inquisition, and the terror of all reactions. Having associated the terrible hard times of its history with the name of Dzerzhinsky, Russia will remain for a long time drenched in blood."

The famous security officer M.Ya. Latsis defined the principle of red terror as follows:

“We are not waging war against individuals. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class. Do not look for materials and evidence during the investigation that the accused acted in deed or word against the Soviet regime. The first question we must ask him is which class he belongs to, "What is his origin, upbringing, education or profession? These questions should determine the fate of the accused. This is the meaning and essence of the Red Terror."

According to information published personally by M. Latsis, in 1918 and for 7 months of 1919, 8389 people were shot, of which: Petrograd Cheka - 1206; Moscow - 234; Kievskaya - 825; Cheka 781 people, 9496 people imprisoned in concentration camps, prisons - 34334; 13,111 people were taken hostage and 86,893 people were arrested.

At the same time, in October 1918, Yu. Martov, the leader of the Menshevik Party, stated that there were “more than ten thousand” victims of Cheka repressions during the Red Terror since the beginning of September.

“in the last days of August, two barges filled with officers were sunk and their corpses were thrown out on the estate of one of my friends, located on the Gulf of Finland; many were tied in twos and threes with barbed wire.”
And if in Moscow and Petrograd the number of those killed is amenable to at least some accounting, one can find evidence of the famous KGB executioners, then in the remote corners of Russia the Red Terror took uncontrollable forms. Self-proclaimed “chekushki”, consisting of former criminals, alcoholic parasites and all sorts of outcasts, committed any lawlessness, reveling in power and impunity, under the guise of “fighting the bourgeoisie”, killing everyone they personally did not like, often with the aim of taking possession of the property of the murdered person, or even simply to satisfy their own sadistic needs.

A separate topic is the attitude of the Red Army soldiers towards captured White soldiers. The Reds knocked out the shoulder straps of the white officers with nails on their shoulders, and cut out the stripes on the Cossacks’ legs with knives. During the capture of Astrakhan, for example, prisoners and dissatisfied people were drowned in whole barges in order to save ammunition. People were thrown alive into blast furnaces and burned in locomotive furnaces. It got to the point that it was considered special chic among the Reds to smear their boots with human lard...

Entertainment for security officers

In parallel with the murders of Russian military personnel and intellectuals, the Bolsheviks carried out terror against the Russian Orthodox Church and killed clergy and believers.

On November 8, 1917, Tsarskoe Selo Archpriest Ioann Kochurov was subjected to prolonged beatings, then he was killed by being dragged along the railroad ties. In 1918, three Orthodox priests in the city of Kherson were crucified on the cross. In December 1918, Bishop Feofan (Ilmensky) of Solikamsk was publicly executed by periodically dipping into an ice hole and freezing while hanging by the hair; in Samara, the former Bishop of Mikhailovsky Isidor (Kolokolov) was impaled, as a result of which he died. Bishop Andronik (Nikolsky) of Perm was buried alive. Archbishop Joachim (Levitsky) of Nizhny Novgorod was executed, according to undocumented data, by public hanging upside down in the Sevastopol Cathedral.

In 1918, 37 clergy were executed in the Stavropol diocese, including Pavel Kalinovsky, 72 years old, and priest Zolotovsky, 80 years old.

Bishop Ambrose (Gudko) of Serapul was executed by tying him to the tail of a horse; in Voronezh in 1919, 160 priests were simultaneously killed, led by Archbishop Tikhon (Nikanorov), who was hanged on the Royal Doors in the church of the Mitrofanovsky Monastery. At the beginning of January 1919, among others, Bishop Platon (Kulbush) of Revel was brutally murdered.

In August 1919, when the troops of the Volunteer Army liberated vast territories of Russia from the Reds, and the investigation and publication of facts about the crimes of the Bolsheviks began, the existence of so-called “human slaughterhouses” of the provincial and district Cheka was reported in Kiev:

The entire... floor of the large garage was already covered... with several inches of blood, mixed into a terrifying mass with the brain, cranial bones, tufts of hair and other human remains.... the walls were spattered with blood, on them, next to thousands of holes from bullets, particles of brain and pieces of head skin were stuck... a gutter a quarter of a meter wide and deep and approximately 10 meters long... was filled with blood all the way to the top... Near this place of horrors in in the garden of the same house, 127 corpses of the last massacre were hastily buried superficially... all the corpses had crushed skulls, many even had their heads completely flattened... Some were completely headless, but the heads were not cut off, but... torn off... we came across another older one in the corner of the garden a grave in which there were approximately 80 corpses... corpses lay with their bellies torn open, others had no members, some were completely chopped up. Some had their eyes gouged out... their heads, faces, necks and torsos were covered with puncture wounds... Several had no tongues... There were old people, men, women and children. One woman was tied with a rope to her daughter, a girl about eight years old. Both had gunshot wounds.

In the provincial Cheka we found a chair (the same was in Kharkov) like a dentist’s, on which there were still the straps with which the victim was tied to it. The entire cement floor of the room was covered in blood, and the remains of human skin and head skin with hair stuck to the bloody chair... In the district Cheka it was the same thing, the same floor covered in blood with bones and brains, etc.... In this room, the deck was especially striking , on which the victim’s head was placed and broken with a crowbar, immediately next to the block there was a hole, like a hatch, filled to the top with human brain, where, when the skull was crushed, the brain immediately fell.

No less cruel are the tortures used by the so-called “Chinese” Cheka of Kiev:

The tortured person was tied to a wall or pole; then an iron pipe several inches wide was tightly tied to it at one end... Through the other hole a rat was placed in it, the hole was immediately closed with a wire mesh and fire was brought to it. Driven into despair by the heat, the animal began to eat into the unfortunate man’s body in order to find a way out. This torture lasted for hours, sometimes until the next day, while the victim died.

Reportedly, in turn, the Kharkov Cheka under the leadership of Sayenko used scalping and “removing gloves from the hands,” while the Voronezh Cheka used naked skating in a barrel studded with nails. In Tsaritsyn and Kamyshin they “sawed the bones.” In Poltava and Kremenchug, clergy were impaled. In Ekaterinoslav, crucifixion and stoning were used; in Odessa, officers were tied with chains to boards, inserted into a firebox and fried, or torn in half by the wheels of winches, or lowered one by one into a cauldron of boiling water and into the sea. In Armavir, in turn, “mortal crowns” were used: a person’s head on the frontal bone is surrounded by a belt, the ends of which have iron screws and a nut, which, when screwed, compresses the head with the belt. In the Oryol province, freezing people by pouring cold water at a low temperature is widely used.

Information about the use of torture during interrogations penetrates the revolutionary press, since this measure, naturally, was unusual for many Bolsheviks. In particular, the newspaper Izvestia dated January 26, 1919 No. 18 publishes the article “Is it really a medieval dungeon?” with a letter from a random victim member of the RCP (b), who was tortured by the investigative commission of the Sushchevo-Mariinsky district in Moscow:

“I was arrested by accident, right in the place where... they were fabricating fake Kerenks. Before the interrogation, I sat for 10 days and experienced something impossible... Here they beat people until they lost consciousness, and then carried them unconscious straight to the cellar or refrigerator, where they continued beat 18 hours a day intermittently. It affected me so much that I almost went crazy."

On October 6, 1918, the 3rd issue of the “VChK Weekly” published an article dedicated to the “Lockhart Case”, “Why are you being almond-shaped?”, the author of which was the Chairman of the Nolinsk Cheka:

“Tell me, why didn’t you subject...Lockhart to the most refined tortures in order to obtain information, addresses, which such a goose should have a lot of? Tell me, why, instead of subjecting him to such torture, from the mere description of which a cold of horror would have seized the counter- revolutionaries, tell me why, instead, they allowed him to leave the Che.K. Enough of the blasphemy!... A dangerous scoundrel has been caught... Extract everything that is possible from him and send him to the next world."
And this despite the fact that back on September 5, 1918, N. A. Maklakov, I. G. Shcheglovitov, S. P. Beletsky, A. N. Khvostov, Ioann Vostorgov, Bishop Efrem (Kuznetsov), and many other persons were shot , who had already been in prison for a long time, and, accordingly, had nothing to do with the assassination attempt on Lenin or Lockhart’s plans.

Ioann Ioannovich Vostorgov (1867 - 1918), archpriest, Black Hundred member, martyr.
Commemorated September 4 (August 23), in the Councils of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church and Moscow Saints.

This is a very brief description of the criminal activities of the Red occupiers in the Russia they captured in the first year of the reign of Lenin and his gang. All the atrocities of the Bolsheviks cannot be described in one article, and such a goal was not set. For those who want to get acquainted with the history of the Red Terror in more detail, I recommend website of historian Sergei Volkov , where comprehensive information is collected. But what has been said above is enough to understand that the communist regime was the bloodiest and most inhumane regime in the world.

Actually, Lenin is responsible for 2.5 million deaths in our country. These are the results of the Red Terror he sanctioned. Adding here the victims of the civil war unleashed by the Bolsheviks and the artificial famine organized to suppress peasant anti-Soviet resistance, you get completely different figures. The terror that began during Lenin’s life continued after his death - decossackization, dispossession, forced collectivization, Stalin’s purges are a continuation of the policies he began, and then Lenin is guilty of 60 million deaths in our country.

So why are there still monuments to this bloodthirsty tyrant on the streets of Russian cities, and why do city streets bear his name, cursed by millions?

Everyone now knows well the methods by which the Bolsheviks suppressed peasant uprisings - a sufficient example of the use of chemical weapons against the Tambov rebels, it is known how many priests were killed by the Communists and churches were destroyed. We know about the unprecedented massacre carried out by the Bolsheviks in Crimea after the retreat of Wrangel’s Russian army from there. Murder of the royal family, genocide of the Cossacks, famine, wars...

We are obliged to give the crimes of communism an unambiguous legal and moral assessment so that this will never happen again.

Memorial to the victims of the Red Terror in Rostov-on-Don