Modern logistics management techniques. Management of logistics transport flows of an enterprise Methods of analysis in transport logistics


1.1. Analysis and trends in the development of logistics in the context of business globalization.

1.2. Logistics as a tool for increasing the competitiveness of a modern enterprise.

1.3. The role and place of transport and warehouse logistics in supply chain management.


2.1. Classification of supply chain management models.

2.2. Models of transport problems and their application.

2.3. Models of transport and warehouse problems and their application.

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Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Economics and management of the national economy: theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics", Kirina, Irina Viktorovna


The results of the dissertation research allowed the author to draw the following conclusions and suggestions:

1. The issues of the influence of factors determining the globalization of business on the logistics of processes in the economy are considered. The task of logistics has been defined - to create conditions that would allow companies to extract maximum benefits from global production and marketing, while maintaining an effective level of costs and service.

2. The need for the development of integrated logistics is substantiated. It has been established that logistics, as a rule, is an integrated system of sales, supply, transportation, storage and production of goods, that is, it implies all types of activities from receiving an order to delivering the goods to the consumer. This process covers all stages of business activity - from the development of sources of raw materials and supplies to the delivery of finished products and services. Examples of cost savings due to the implementation of the logistics concept are given.

3. The dynamics of the development of the transport situation in the Russian Federation are presented, transport problems and ways to solve them are analyzed, and the role of the state in solving transport problems is determined. Analysis of motor transport indicators allows us to judge that it is a powerful sector of the Russian economy, the role and importance of which in the country’s transport complex and in the economy as a whole is especially increasing.

4. It was found that the globalization processes taking place in the West influence the activities of domestic transport and create a theoretical basis for predicting the progress and characteristics of this process in Russia from an industry perspective. Globalization of production and distribution of transport services is a qualitatively new stage in the internationalization of economic activities in transport.

5. The need has been identified to fill the general theoretical provisions of logistics with real data in order to specify the calculations and design of business processes in logistics systems. The huge dimension of real supply chain management problems (hundreds of suppliers, dozens of distribution centers, thousands of consumers) requires the development of new methods that combine several logistics functions and algorithms for solving transport, transport-warehouse and production-transport-warehouse problems.

6. The classification of economic and mathematical models and methods in logistics is considered. A hierarchical classification of supply chain management models is proposed, forming non-overlapping classes of models, and also allowing for a deeper understanding of where certain models are applied and how they are used.

7. The algorithm for planning the activities of a motor transport enterprise and the main types of problems that are solved during planning are considered;

8. Transport models are considered. A mathematical formulation of the problem of the assignment of rolling stock for small-batch transportation is given. It is shown that in problems of supply chain management of small-batch cargo, which are often encountered in the practice of large companies, this class of models is widely used.

9. Transport and warehouse models are considered. A mathematical formulation of the transport and warehouse problem is given. Methods for solving transport and warehouse problems of various types are considered.

10. Production, transport and warehouse models are considered. A definition of the production, transport and warehouse problem is given as a strategic planning problem, formulated and presented in the form of an integrated supply chain model.

11. A review of the most popular software products for transport logistics was carried out. Their functionality, advantages and disadvantages are considered.

12. Tabular models of transport problems were built, examples of solving these problems were shown in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The emphasis is on solving the problems of managing supply chains of small-batch cargo, which are often encountered in the practice of large companies.

13. A tabular model of the transport and warehouse problem was constructed as a partial-integer linear programming problem. An effective method for solving this problem in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is shown.

In general, it should be noted that the proposed solutions to logistics problems have a practical orientation and ensure the objectivity of the information support process, taking into account the tasks of supply chain management.

The scientific research provisions of the dissertation on solving supply chain management problems can be used in production, distribution, transport and freight forwarding enterprises that deliver goods to consumers using their own or leased rolling stock.

List of references for dissertation research Candidate of Economic Sciences Kirina, Irina Viktorovna, 2006

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83. Taha, Hamdy A. Introduction to operations research, 6th edition: Translated from English. M.: Publishing house "William", 2001. - 912 p.

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85. Transport logistics: Textbook for transport universities. / Under the general editorship L.B. Mirotina. M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2002. -512 p.

86. Uvarov S.A. Logistics: general concept, theory, practice. St. Petersburg: Invest-NP, 1996.- 232 p.

87. Waters D. Logistics. Supply chain management. M.: UNITY-DANA, 2003. 503 p.

88. Supply and inventory management. Logistics: Per. from English / Michael R. Linders, Harold E. Fearon. 11th ed. - St. Petersburg: Polygon, 1999.-757 p.

89. Supply and inventory management. Logistics: Per. from English / Michael R. Linders, Harold E. Fearon. 11th ed. - St. Petersburg: Victoria Plus, 2002. - 757 p.

90. Friedman Y. Social and political mechanisms of influence on the masses. M.: Eksmo, 2003. - 800 p.

91. Tsvirinko I.A. Methodology, methods and models for managing logistics business processes. St. Petersburg: SPbGIEU, 2003. -262 p.

92. Cheremin S.E. Russia in the context of globalization of the world economy. -M.: Bukvitsa, 2001.-191 p.

93. Cherkesov A.G. Methodology for analyzing logistics indicators of a distribution system using a simulation model: dissertation. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State Technical University, 2000. 150 p.

94. Chudakov A.D. Logistics: Textbook. M.: RDL Publishing House, 2003. -480 p.

95. Shcherbakov V.V., Uvarov S.A. Modern systems of economic relations and logistics. St. Petersburg: SPbGUEiF, 1997. - 84 p.

96. Yudina I.N. World economy in the era of globalization: 1990s and prospects. Barnaul: Altai University Publishing House, 1998.- 125 p. 102. 12th World Congress of Logistics: Summaries of the Lectures. Helsinki, May 14-16th, 1997.

97. Ballou, Ronald H. Business Logistics Management. Prentice-Hall International, Inc. 1999. - 681 pp.

98. Cooper J., Browne M., Peters M. European Logistics: markets, management, and strategy. Oxford, Blackwell Publishers, 1991.-331 p.

99. Copacino, William C. Supply Chain Management. The Basics and Beyond. APICS, 1997. - 204 p.

100. Coyle J.J., Bardi E.J., Langley C.J. Jr. Zarzadzanie logistyczne, PWE, Warszawa, 2002. pp. 24-33.

101. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. -1992.-vol.5.-C.18.

102. Langford, John W. Logistics: Principles and Applications. -McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1995. 567 p.

103. Mohr, Nicolas. Distribution for the small business. Biddies Limited, Guilford. 1990. - 184 p.

104. Shapiro, J.F. Modeling the Supply Chain. DUXBURY, Thomson Learning, 2001. - 586 p.111. http://www.lfa.ru113.

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    “APPLICATION OF SIMULATION MODELING FOR RESEARCH OF LOGISTICS PROCESSES Yu. I. Toluev (Magdeburg, Germany) Introduction The term “logistics...”

    Plenary reports



    Yu. I. Toluev (Magdeburg, Germany)


    The term “logistics process” is used in the title of the work instead of the term

    "logistics system" in order to emphasize the fact that logistics processes

    (processes of transportation, warehousing and transshipment of goods and goods) occur

    not only in enterprises that are traditionally called logistics (trade and transport enterprises, warehouse facilities), but also in production, construction, hospital complexes, large public buildings, as well as in other systems where there is movement of a large number of material objects .

    It is the modeling of the processes of physical movement in time and space of various kinds of material objects that refers to the “classical” modeling of processes with discrete events (discrete event simulation). The models themselves of this type are often called material flow models. In the world of models traditionally created for production and logistics systems, this class of models belongs to the middle level of abstraction for displaying processes, while the upper level includes modeling of business processes, and at the lower level there are graphical (geometric and kinematic) models, such as technical means for performing individual technological operations, as well as the objects themselves on which these operations are performed.

    In Western European countries, as in other industrialized countries, hundreds of simulation studies are carried out annually, within the framework of which simulation models of material flow processing systems in production and logistics are developed and applied. This process has been going on at approximately constant intensity for more than ten years, so specialists have had enough time to identify many of the strengths and weaknesses of modern theory and practice of simulation modeling in relation to this class of systems. The purpose of this work is to present both individual experience in constructing conceptual models of logistics systems and the current collective ideas about the fate of some well-known scientific and engineering ideas that were tested when modeling real logistics processes.

    Logistics processes and systems as objects of simulation modeling Using simulation, processes of both internal and external logistics of an enterprise can be studied. Internal logistics refers to the movement of objects within the entire territory of the enterprise or in its individual divisions.

    To solve internal logistics problems, the following types of models are traditionally created:

    models of systems for transporting goods across the enterprise territory using mobile means (forklifts, trailers, etc.);

    models of stationary floor and overhead cargo transportation systems (cranes and conveyors of various designs);

    models of processes in warehouses: receiving goods, moving goods to storage areas and back, selecting, picking, packing and sending goods;

    IMMOD-2005 71 Plenary presentations on models of production lines and assembly lines.

    External logistics refers to the transportation of goods and goods between different geographical locations using conventional means of transport: road, rail, river, sea and air.

    Most often, models of internal and external logistics processes are created and studied separately from each other, but in some cases complex models are also created. For example, at a wholesale trade enterprise (at a goods distribution center), external logistics includes the supply of goods to the enterprise’s warehouses, the transportation of goods between the enterprise’s warehouses, as well as from the enterprise’s warehouses to customers. Processes for processing goods in enterprise warehouses should be considered as internal logistics processes.

    The most complex, but at the same time the most significant for practice today are models of two types of logistics systems with a network structure: a) supply networks (chains) and b) distribution and sales networks. The first type of networks is used to implement processes in the field of logistics of production, especially complex multi-stage distributed production. The second type of networks is used both in systems for selling products of large manufacturing enterprises and in trading systems.

    Construction of a conceptual network model of a logistics system

    In any study involving the use of simulation modeling, three stages can be distinguished:

    1. development of a conceptual model;

    2. implementation of the model using a simulation package (simulator);

    3. planning and conducting experiments with a working model.

    In Fig. Figure 1 shows a time-tested methodology for creating a formal description of a modeling problem and constructing a conceptual model that can serve as a starting point for implementing the model using any of the commercial simulators for discrete event processes. The fact that in most of these simulators the finished model is represented as a network structure, the nodes of which are representatives (objects) of the corresponding library components (classes), is taken into account. If the modeler is familiar with a particular simulator, it will not be difficult for him or her to select components from the simulator library that best match the components of the conceptual network model. But it is the construction of a conceptual network model that is the most difficult stage of research associated with the use of simulation modeling in the analysis of logistics systems.

    –  –  –

    Rice. 1. Methodology for creating and applying a conceptual model of a logistics system A conceptual network model of a logistics system, as a rule, is radically different from a queuing network, in which one “flat” structure and one type of dynamic objects (application) are usually specified. The development of a conceptual network model begins with the definition of three types of hierarchical (tree) structures: a) for products, i.e. all processed types of cargo (goods and containers); b) for resources, i.e. all stationary and mobile technical means for performing operations of transportation, warehousing and transshipment of goods; c) for the process, i.e. all possible or typical sequences of performing operations with different types of cargo.

    Limitations of QS as conceptual models of logistics processes The philosophy of QS (queuing systems and networks) is based on the assumption that system resources form a kind of static structure through which processed dynamic objects (requests) are passed. A feature of logistics systems is that many types of resources are mobile objects in them. Within one model, in some situations these objects should be considered as “service devices”, and in others as “service requests”. When looking at the logistics system as a QS, the researcher is, as a rule, not interested in the processes of waiting for applications (vehicles) in queues, but in the processes of movement and accumulation of cargo and goods. However, traditional QS systems do not operate at all with such concepts typical for problems of material flow analysis as “transportation process”, “delivery volume”, “stock level”, etc.

    While the modeling of traditional QSs focuses on the massive application of theoretical (less often empirical) distribution laws, a characteristic property of logistics process models is the limited use of random factors. The vast majority of events in input streams and operation durations can be specified as constants or can be calculated using deterministic formulas. The higher the degree of automation of production and transport processes in a real system, the less space remains in the model for simulating random influences. Often the customer formulates clear scenarios and schedules of external events for both normal operating modes and emergency ones.

    IMMOD-2005 73 Plenary reports His logic is strictly deterministic: “show me the result if the system works under such and such conditions.” Such a customer sometimes even has to be persuaded to “blur” his planned data by modeling at least small fluctuations.

    With most models of logistics systems, one has to work according to a scheme based on the assumption of the fundamental non-stationary nature of processes. This is explained by the fact that in these models, as a rule, not abstract model time is used, but time directly corresponding to the time of day. Models of internal logistics processes adequately display everything that happens in a real system at night, in the morning, at lunchtime, etc. A common element of the model is work shift schedules for all departments of the modeled system. This takes into account days of the week, weekends and holidays. Sometimes special simulation scenarios are formulated to test how the system will return to normal operation if, for example, many deliveries that were previously delayed occur within a short time. A characteristic feature when modeling external logistics processes is to take into account seasonal changes in the schedules for receiving and sending goods.

    Due to the non-randomness and non-stationary nature of many logistics processes, standard statistical results calculated by the simulator often turn out to be either useless or insufficient for analyzing the operation of the simulated system. It is common practice for the analyst to construct the required indicators, ensure the collection of primary data for their calculation, and implement the calculation procedure during the model run or upon its completion. Quite often situations arise when neither the analyst nor the customer are interested in the “calculated” quantitative indicators of the modeled process, but observe graphs of the development over time of some primary indicators or variables of the model (for example, the level of inventory in a warehouse). Sometimes the process is assessed purely qualitatively only on the basis of observing an animated film.

    The complexity and diversity of processes in real systems leads to the creation of simulation models that retain similarities with QS only at the level of structure, while at the level of processes of moving dynamic objects and control processes, these models differ significantly from those that can only be represented using categories characteristic of SMO.

    Assessment of some scientific and technical aspects of the practice of creating and using models of logistics processes. Selecting a simulator. The list of commercial simulators used today for processes with discrete events is: Arena, AutoMod, eM-Plant (SIMPLE++), Enterprise Dynamics, Extend, ProModel, QUEST, SIMFACTORY and WITNESS. All of these simulators (except Enterprise Dynamics) have been on the market for more than ten years, and all of them can be successfully used in modeling logistics processes. Only AnyLogic's "discrete-continuous and agent-based" simulator is truly new. The type of simulator may only be of interest to an organization planning to begin work in the field of simulation modeling. Customer organizations that already have licenses for some of the simulators noted above almost never switch to another product due to their individual advantages. The next review of simulators can be found in.

    Automatic generation of models. This usually means the ability to directly interpret data about a production or logistics system,

    IMMOD-2005 Plenary reports

    provided by a computer-aided design (CAD) system. The result of this interpretation is a network model of the system (layout), automatically created based on the library components of the corresponding simulator. The SDX (simulation data exchange) format is used as a neutral format for storing the description of the material flow processing system model. Some simulators (for example, AutoMod and eM-Plant) are already able to interpret data recorded in this format. The skeptical attitude of specialists towards this form of modeling automation is explained by two factors: a) the entire process of interpreting data on the structure of the system must be checked by an analyst, since there may be situations in which an unambiguous interpretation of data from the CAD system is not possible; b) a description of the structure of the system (a set of components, their parameters and connections between them) usually constitutes only a small fraction of its complete description, while the main share falls on the description of algorithms for managing resources and flows that are not fixed in the CAD system. In addition, the tasks of modeling external logistics processes do not require the use of a graphical plan of the modeling object in the form of a drawing made using CAD tools.

    Emulation mode for debugging control programs. This type of online mode has long been known in the practice of simulation modeling. Interest in this use of models in the field of internal logistics is currently increasing, since developers of control software (for example, for managing processes in automated warehouses) have repeatedly had the opportunity to verify that effective models can facilitate rapid debugging of software and ensure it high operational reliability.

    Supply Chain Management (SCM). Of interest is a special case of “semi-natural modeling”, which is performed on the basis of software specifically designed for managing processes in supply networks. In this case, with the help of the model, development options for the external conditions of the system’s functioning are “played out,” while standard modules of the corresponding software package are used to implement (analysis, comparison, etc.) control strategies. Tools for conducting simulation experiments are available in commercial products such as J.T. Edward, e-SCOR, Value Chain Managenemt, Picaso, Extend/SDI, Insight, Simflex, Supply Chain Guru, CAPS Supply Chain Designer, i2 Strategist, Manugistics SC Suite, Logic Net, Synquest, etc. Often also included to support such experiments optimization tools based on heuristic and genetic algorithms.

    Process optimization based on simulation models. The Google search program shows several tens of thousands of links to materials on this topic on the Internet. The basic idea of ​​model-based search engine optimization is outlined in the textbook. There are also links to software products designed to work in conjunction with simulation models. The potential success of this kind of optimization depends on three factors: a) the efficiency (speed) of the optimization algorithm, b) the dimension of the optimization problem, and c) the speed of the simulator. In the field of increasing the performance of optimization algorithms, mathematicians have obtained very good results in recent years, but the low performance of simulators remains the main obstacle, due to which solving practical problems of optimizing models of logistics systems even with a dimension of several dozen variables in an automatic mode is often not possible. In each individual case, the success of the optimization procedure is determined only by the skill of the analyst, who is able to formulate his own heuristic rules based on knowledge of the semantics of the model being optimized.

    IMMOD-2005 75 Plenary reports Distributed modeling. This area of ​​working with logistics process models is today even less “practical” than automatic optimization of models. Although the principles and tools of HLA (High Level Architecture) have been available to civilian specialists since 1996, only experimental work is known in the field of using HLA protocols for distributed modeling of production and logistics systems. Potential customers for such simulations do not yet feel the need for its practical application, and simulator developers have not yet equipped any of their commercial products with interface modules to ensure interaction of models based on HLA protocols.

    Conclusions Modeling of logistics processes is today one of the main areas of application of simulation modeling of processes with discrete events. The distance between basic knowledge in the field of modeling and methods and tools used in practice is so significant that only highly qualified specialists working professionally in this field can create effective models.

    As a result of the understanding of this fact, in Western Europe there is a tendency to move from conducting “amateur” modeling work by the enterprises themselves to concentrating such work in recognized professional modeling centers.

    Below are the Internet addresses of some of these centers in countries where German is the dominant language:

    Fraunhofer-Institut fr Materialfluss und Logistik (IML):

    Fraunhofer-Institut fr Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung (IPA): SimPlan AG: SimulationsDienstleistungsZentrum GmbH: AAA Logistik & Simulation : ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH: References Law, A.M., Kelton, W.D. Simulation Modeling and Analysis, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2000 (translation: Low A.M., Kelton V.D. Simulation modeling. Classics CS. 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter; Kiev: BHV Publishing Group, 2004 ).

    Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine

    Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University

    Department of AKIT

    Course work

    on the topic: Transport logistics management model

    Kharkov 2010


    The constant development of world trade entails fundamental changes in the structure of transport markets, including our country. The development of transportation in accordance with international standards and the latest technologies has increased the interest of specialists in the field of development of forwarding services. And Ukraine’s transition to market relations showed that transport enterprises were directly dependent on the competitiveness of their activities. Strengthening and toughening competition has led to the fact that the level of service provided is now given the closest attention. This becomes fundamentally important, because Companies are forced to fulfill client requirements and provide services at an increasingly high quality level in order to retain existing clients and attract new ones in the current difficult conditions in the modern market. In connection with today's economic conditions, quality issues are receiving increasing attention in modern literature. Many foreign and domestic authors have always devoted significant attention to the issues of speed and quality of cargo delivery in their research. Particularly noteworthy are the works of such classics as A. Feigenbaum, E. Deming, K. Ishikawa, S. Shiro, J. Harrington. It was their research and development, as well as their practical use to create a philosophy of general management that helped many now developed countries (USA, Japan, etc.) turn into countries - leaders of the world economy.

    But practical and theoretical problems of increasing the efficiency of transport companies, improving the quality of service and the complexity of the services provided have not yet been sufficiently considered. The introduction of an automated speed and quality management system in the activities of transport companies will optimize the process of goods distribution from the manufacturer to the end consumer.

    This determines the relevance of this work, the purpose of which is to develop new approaches to managing and organizing the cargo delivery process.

    1. Logistics and its tasks

    Logistics is a part of economic science and a field of activity, the subject of which is the organization of a rational process of promoting goods from producers to final consumers, the functioning of the sphere of circulation of products, goods, services, inventory management, and the creation of a distribution infrastructure.

    A broader definition of logistics interprets it as the science of planning, managing and controlling the movement of material, information and financial resources in various systems. In fact, the field of application of logistics is so specific and new that at the moment specialists in this profession are very much needed in the labor market.

    Depending on the specifics of the company’s activities, various logistics systems are used. A logistics system is a set of actions of participants in the logistics chain (manufacturers, transport, trade organizations, stores, etc.), built in such a way that the main tasks of logistics are performed.

    Logistics systems are very diverse in terms of the scope of the enterprise’s activities (and in the understanding of modern Ukrainian management). For some, logistics is simply the ability to work with databases; for others, it is supply or warehouse activities. But according to its purpose (and its main purpose is to reduce costs subject to the fulfillment of planned tasks, and therefore increase the efficiency of production activities), logistics systems should cover almost all (except accounting, personnel, etc.) areas of activity.

    Companies can develop their own logistics departments, or they can attract transport and logistics organizations to resolve supply, warehousing and procurement issues. Depending on the level of involvement of independent companies to solve business problems in logistics, different levels are distinguished: 1PL - from English. “first-party logistics” - an approach in which the organization solves logistics issues independently; 3PL from English. “Third-party logistics” is an approach in which the full range of logistics services from delivery and address storage to order management and tracking the movement of goods is transferred to the side of the transport and logistics organization. The functions of such a 3PL provider include organizing and managing transportation, accounting and inventory management, preparation of import-export and freight documentation, warehousing, cargo processing, and delivery to the end consumer.

    The task of logistics management in practice comes down to managing several components that make up the so-called “logistics mix”:

    Warehouse buildings (separate warehouse buildings, distribution centers, warehouses combined with a store);

    Inventories (volume of inventories for each item, location of the inventory);

    Transportation (types of transport, terms, types of packaging, availability of drivers, etc.);

    Assembling and packaging (simplicity and ease in terms of logistics services while maintaining an impact on purchasing activity);

    Communication (the ability to obtain both final and intermediate information in the process of product distribution).

    Logistics is divided into types: purchasing, transport, warehouse, production, information logistics and others.

    2. Transport logistics

    Transport is a branch of material production that transports people and goods. In the structure of social production, transport belongs to the sphere of production of material services.

    It is noted that a significant part of logistics operations along the route of material flow from the primary source of raw materials to final consumption is carried out using various vehicles. The costs of performing these operations amount to up to 50% of the total logistics costs.

    According to their purpose, there are two main groups of transport:

    Public transport is a branch of the national economy that meets the needs of all sectors of the national economy and the population for the transportation of goods and passengers. Public transport serves the sphere of circulation and the population. It is often called the main line (the main line is the main, main line in some system, in this case, in the communication route system). The concept of public transport covers railway transport, water transport (sea and river), road, air transport and pipeline transport);

    Non-public transport – intra-production transport, as well as vehicles of all types belonging to non-transport organizations.

    The organization of the movement of goods by non-public transport is the subject of the study of production logistics. The problem of choosing distribution channels is solved in the field of distribution logistics.

    So, there are the following main types of transport:



    inland water (river);




    Each type of transport has specific features from the point of view of logistics management, advantages and disadvantages that determine the possibilities of its use in the logistics system. Various modes of transport make up the transport complex. The transport complex of Ukraine is formed by legal entities and individuals registered on its territory - entrepreneurs who carry out transportation and forwarding activities on all types of transport, design, construction, repair and maintenance of railways, highways and structures on them, pipelines, work related to servicing navigable hydraulic structures, water and air routes, conducting scientific research and training personnel included in the transport enterprise system, manufacturing vehicles, as well as organizations performing other work related to the transport process.

    Table 1 shows comparative logistics characteristics of various types of transport.

    Table 1. Characteristics of modes of transport


    Advantages Flaws

    High carrying and throughput capacity. Independence from climatic conditions, time of year and day.

    High regularity of transportation. Relatively low tariffs; significant discounts for transit shipments. High speed delivery of goods over long distances.

    Limited number of carriers. Large capital investments in the production and technical base. High material and energy consumption of transportation. Low accessibility to end points of sales (consumption).

    Insufficiently preserved

    Nautical Possibility of intercontinental transportation. Low cost of long-distance transportation. High carrying and throughput capacity. Low capital intensity of transportation.

    Limited transportation.

    Low delivery speed (long cargo transit time).

    Dependence on geographical, navigation and weather conditions.

    The need to create a complex port infrastructure.


    High transportation capabilities on deep-water rivers and reservoirs.

    Low cost of transportation. Low capital intensity.

    Limited transportation. Low speed of cargo delivery.

    Dependence on uneven depths of rivers and reservoirs, navigation conditions. Seasonality. Insufficient reliability of transportation and safety of cargo.


    High availability.

    Possibility of door-to-door delivery of cargo

    High maneuverability, flexibility, dynamism. High delivery speed. Possibility of using different routes and delivery schemes.

    High cargo safety. Possibility of sending cargo in small batches. Wide range of options for choosing the most suitable carrier.

    Poor performance. Dependence on weather and road conditions. relatively high cost of transportation over long distances.

    Insufficient environmental cleanliness.


    The highest speed of cargo delivery. High reliability.

    Highest cargo safety.

    The shortest transportation routes.

    High cost of transportation, the highest tariffs among other modes of transport. High capital intensity, material and energy intensity of transportation. Dependence on weather conditions. Insufficient geographical accessibility.
    Pipeline Low cost. High performance (throughput). High cargo safety. Low capital intensity. Limited types of cargo (gas, oil products, emulsions of raw materials). Insufficient availability of small volumes of transported goods.

    So, first of all, the logistics manager must decide whether to create his own fleet of vehicles or use hired transport (public or private). When choosing an alternative, they usually proceed from a certain system of criteria, which include:

    Costs of creating and operating your own fleet of vehicles;

    Costs of paying for the services of transport, freight forwarding companies and other logistics intermediaries in transportation;

    transportation speed;

    Quality of transportation (reliability of delivery, safety of cargo, etc.).

    In most cases, manufacturing companies resort to the services of specialized transport companies.

    Increasing the efficiency of road cargo transportation is associated with technical improvements in the rolling stock of road transport and loading and unloading equipment, the introduction of advanced technology and improving the organization of cargo transportation. Technical improvements make it possible to increase the speed of rolling stock, reduce downtime during loading and unloading operations, increase the volume of transported cargo, etc. The objective of the technology is to reduce the duration and labor intensity of cargo transportation by reducing the number of operations performed and stages of the transportation process.

    The technology of the cargo transportation process is understood as a way for people to implement a specific transportation process by dividing it into a system of successive interconnected stages and operations that are performed more or less unambiguously and are aimed at achieving high efficiency of transportation. The goal of technology is to cleanse the process of transporting goods from unnecessary operations and make it more targeted. The essence of cargo transportation technology is revealed through two basic concepts - stage and operation. A stage is a set of operations through which a particular process is carried out. An operation is a homogeneous, logically indivisible part of the transportation process, aimed at achieving a specific goal, performed by one or more performers.

    The technology of any cargo transportation process is characterized by three features: division of the transportation process, coordination and phasing, and unambiguous actions. The purpose of dividing the process of transporting goods into stages is to determine the boundaries of the immanent requirements for the subject who will work using this technology. Any operation must ensure the approach of the control object to the set goal and ensure the transition from one operation to another. The last operation of a stage should be a kind of introduction to the first operation of the next stage. The more accurately the description of the process of transporting goods corresponds to its subjective logic, the greater the likelihood of achieving the highest effect of the activities of the people involved in it. The technologies being developed must take into account the requirements of basic economic laws and, first of all, the law of increasing the productivity of social labor.

    Coordination and phasing of actions aimed at achieving a specific goal must be based on the internal logic of the functioning and development of a certain transportation process. Technology is not created from scratch, but has a connection with the technology of the past and future. The technology operating today must be based on principles that allow it to be easily converted into the technology of the future.

    Each technology must provide for the unambiguous implementation of the stages and operations included in it.

    Deviation in the execution of one operation is reflected in the entire technological chain. The more significant the deviation of the parameters from those designed by the technology, the greater the danger of disrupting the entire process of cargo transportation and obtaining a result that does not correspond to the project.

    First, the technology for the entire process of cargo transportation is developed, and then individual stages. After developing the technology of the stages, they must be considered from the position of technological unity.

    There is a cause-and-effect relationship between engineering and technology, but technology is decisive.

    The technological process was not invented today. Just as, according to Moliere, people do not think about what they write and say in prose, so workers in motor transport enterprises, using a certain technology, do not think about it.

    In the past, technologies for the cargo transportation process were formed in most cases intuitively.

    Technological processes for transporting goods were not purposefully and consciously developed systems of stages and operations. Therefore, at present, many transportation processes are not efficient enough.

    Systems theory states that every system consists of subsystems. Every system is a subsystem of some system. It is accepted that any system can be described in terms of system objects, properties and connections. The hierarchy and number of subsystems depend only on the internal complexity of the system as a whole.

    Figure 1. Hierarchical structure of transportation

    Figure 1 shows the hierarchical pyramid (structure) of technology and transportation organization. At the top of this pyramid is intermodal transportation. Below is multimodal transportation. Next - unimodal transportation, then intra-regional and city transportation by specialized motor transport enterprises and, finally, local transportation by individual entrepreneurs and production and commercial structures’ own transport.

    Each of the above types of transportation has specific features in technology, organization and management, but they have a common technological basis in the form of specific technological transportation schemes and the links or elements that make up these schemes. The transportation process at each stage (link) can be represented as a specific subnetwork. The control and management policy in such a system is modeled by synchronizing positions at each stage (in each link). In turn, the constituent elements of cargo transportation are characterized by certain patterns inherent only to them. In the technical and economic literature there is no single interpretation of many fundamental concepts: transportation process, transport process, transport process cycle, transport system, transport complex, etc. The operations that make up the transportation process are heterogeneous and vary greatly in duration. Some operations combine to create certain stages of this process, each of which performs its own tasks. Both individual operations and the stages of the transportation process are in a certain dependence on each other (before transporting the cargo, it must be loaded, etc.). Thus, this process is multi-stage and multi-operational, with great technological, operational and economic heterogeneity of operations. Individual stages of the cargo transportation process are often considered as independent. Therefore, the literature currently writes about the transportation process, the transportation process, the loading and unloading process, etc.

    Figure 2. Technological diagrams of the cargo transportation process:

    a – one type of transport; b – various types of transport.

    Figure 2 shows diagrams of the processes of cargo transportation. It is cyclical in nature. This means that, with the exception of pipeline transport, which operates continuously, the movement of goods is carried out in repeating production cycles, following one after another. The rhythm of these cycles is determined by their frequency, which, in turn, depends on the average duration of one cycle. Each cycle is characterized by a high degree of dynamism, a continuous change of state and a change in the composition of elements. The cycles of individual transportation processes fluctuate over time. However, they always have a beginning and an end. Each repeating transportation cycle consists of many individual stages that are closely interconnected and equally directed, since their ultimate goal is to achieve a spatial change in the position of the cargo. The complex of these cycles, which add up to the transportation cycle, creates the transportation process.

    Analysis of process diagrams shows that in any transportation process there are stages inherent only to cargo, only to rolling stock, but there are also joint stages. The latter includes the stage of loading, transportation and unloading. Various stages - supply of rolling stock for loading, preparation of cargo for shipment, storage of cargo at the point of production and intermediate points, warehousing, forwarding operations, etc. This situation makes it difficult to unambiguously understand the concept of the transportation process. From the position of motor transport enterprises, when the issues of improving the use of rolling stock, reducing the turnaround time of rolling stock, etc. come to the fore, in order to complete the process of transporting cargo, it is necessary, in addition to transporting it, to carry out loading and unloading, as well as to submit the rolling stock for loading, i.e. .e. carry out the transport process.

    Let's define some basic concepts.

    The transportation process is a set of operations from the moment the cargo is prepared for departure until the moment it is received, associated with the movement of cargo in space without changing its geometric shapes, sizes and physical and chemical properties (stages 1-2-3-4-5, Fig. 2 a ; or stages 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, Fig. 2 b).

    The movement process is a set of loading operations at the loading point, transshipment operations at the points of transfer of cargo from one type of transport to another, its intermediate storage, transportation and unloading operations at the unloading point (stages 2-3-4 Fig. 2 a; or stages 2- 3-4-5-6, Fig. 2 b)

    The transport process is a set of loading operations at loading and transshipment points, transportation, unloading operations at points of transfer of cargo from one type of transport to another and the point of unloading and supply of rolling stock for loading (stages 2-3-4-6, Fig. 2 a; or stages 2-3-4-8 plus 4-5-6-9, Fig. 2 b).

    The transport process cycle is the production process for transporting cargo, when the stages of supplying rolling stock for loading, transportation and unloading are performed. The completed cycle of the transport process is also called driving (stages 2-3-4-6, Fig. 2 a; or 2-3-4-8 or 4-5-6-9, Fig. 2 b).

    A moving operation is a part of the moving process performed using one or a system of jointly operating mechanisms or manually.

    Transportation is the operation of moving cargo along a specific route from the place of loading to the place of unloading or reloading (stage 3 or stage 5, Fig. 2 b).

    Transport products are the mass of cargo in physical terms delivered from the place of production to the place of consumption. Experience in organizing transportation shows that not all cargo loaded onto rolling stock at the point of production is delivered to the place of consumption. The reason for this is cargo loss, damage, natural loss, etc.

    The logistics approach to the organization of road transportation determines a new methodological content, which consists in the fact that the main component of transportation should be the design of an optimal (rational) transportation process. This means the search for the best organizational and technically possible solutions that ensure maximum efficiency in the transportation of goods from the place of their production to the place of consumption. It should be noted that the concept of “design,” which literally means the choice of a planned design, seems legitimate to refer to the process of creating not only technical means, but also transport products.

    In Fig. Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of the organization of cargo transportation.

    Here it is indicated: I – cargo-forming point; II – cargo-absorbing point; III – transportation complex; W(t) – cargo flow of the transportation complex; W Q – transport products; W g – the needs of the consignee; W’ k – planned carrying capacity of the transportation complex; W k is the actual carrying capacity of the transportation complex; O 1, O 2, O 3 - operators.

    Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the organization of cargo transportation.

    Cargo-generating points are understood as enterprises and organizations of all sectors of the national economy from which their products and waste are exported.

    Cargo-absorbing points are understood as enterprises and organizations of all sectors of the national economy, to which raw materials, fuel, materials, finished products and other goods necessary for their normal production activities are imported.

    The location of cargo-generating and cargo-absorbing points is determined, on the one hand, by natural conditions, and on the other, by more or less random factors.

    One and the same enterprise can simultaneously be a cargo-generating and cargo-absorbing point. For example, a reinforced concrete products plant, as an exporter of finished products, is a cargo-forming point, and as an importer of raw materials - sand, crushed stone, cement, etc. – load-absorbing.

    In this circuit diagram, two circuits can be distinguished. 1 – the amount of cargo delivered to the consignee W Q must correspond to the cargo flow of the transportation complex W(t). The difference between input and output ΔW=W(t)-W Q is fed through the feedback circuit to the cargo-generating point and, through operator O 1, changes the planned value of the carrying capacity of the transportation complex. Operator O 1 harmonizes the relationship between cargo flow and the carrying capacity of the transport complex. The planned value of its carrying capacity W’ k, in turn, is converted into the actual carrying capacity W k using the operator O 2 .

    The second circuit represents changes in the volume of transportation associated with the recipient's demand for a given product (cargo). He submits his needs in the form of orders through another communication chain to the cargo-forming point and to the transportation complex. A change in the recipient's need for a given cargo affects the actual transport capacity, which is reflected primarily in the output of the system. This action is performed by operator O 3.

    The independent variables will be the productivity of the cargo-generating point and the need of the recipient, which can take arbitrary values.

    Economic indicators are elements of the economic mechanism, since they primarily reflect the economic interests of the national economy. Road transport efficiency measures are related to the determination of socio-economic conditions and therefore need to be systematically upgraded.

    Currently, the situation has developed that in road transport, the efficiency of social production is, first of all, determined by the efficiency of using rolling stock, on which labor productivity, the cost of transportation, the profit margin and the level of profitability of the operation of a road transport enterprise depend. The concepts of efficiency of the transportation process and efficiency of using rolling stock are identified.

    Since the main task of the transportation process is to move a certain amount of cargo over a certain distance, the completed volumes of cargo transportation must be specific in time and space. Therefore, the carrying capacity of a transportation complex can be assessed either in ton-kilometers or tons.

    Experience in assessing the performance of road transport rolling stock shows that the ton-kilometer indicator has serious shortcomings. Natural ton-kilometers, which determine the volume of transportation work, are the product of weight and travel distance. Therefore, each ton-kilometer individually characterizes one unit of work performed, regardless of the nature and conditions of transportation and labor costs for their implementation. Since road transport carries out a wide variety of transportation, differing in the nature of the cargo transported, the distance of transportation, etc., then in specific transportation conditions, a unit of work expressed in one ton-kilometer may have a very different amount of labor costs. The natural ton-kilometer does not characterize the utility and consumer value of the work performed, as well as the amount of labor costs socially necessary to produce the work, and does not establish a connection between the transportation process and the national economy.

    As an indicator of the performance of rolling stock of road transport, the ton-kilometer does not stimulate the struggle to reduce the number of transported tons and the distance of their transportation. It becomes unsuitable for assessing the efficiency of the transportation process.

    The “ton” indicator for assessing the efficiency of the transportation process also has disadvantages. It determines only the amount of cargo transported and does not characterize the economic costs associated with its movement. And society is interested not only in ensuring that goods are transported, but also in ensuring that transport costs are as low as possible.

    For a long time, it was believed that profitability, calculated as the ratio of profit to the cost of production assets, most fully reflects all aspects of the production activity of an enterprise. Can this indicator, determined using the existing methodology, be used to assess the efficiency of the transportation process?

    At present, as experience shows, profit in road transport is not an objective factor in assessing the activities of a road transport enterprise and the efficiency of using various types of rolling stock. Profit depends not only on the technical, operational and economic performance indicators of a motor transport enterprise, but also on tariffs for the transportation of goods. The tariffs on which an enterprise's income is based are not perfect and may place some enterprises in more favorable conditions than others. Tariffs for freight transportation by road do not reflect the specific cost of transportation for a specific type of vehicle and certain cargo, but the average cost for average operating conditions of rolling stock.

    When determining the costs associated with the implementation of the transportation process, it is necessary to take into account the technical and economic indicators of the rolling stock used (load capacity, technical speed, indicators of the use of rolling stock, downtime during loading and unloading operations, etc.), transportation distance, costs associated with the implementation loading and unloading operations, with damage and loss of cargo, with violation of the cargo delivery time, etc., i.e. costs not only for transport, but also for other participants in the transportation process.

    In Fig. Figure 4 shows a linear graph of the transportation process, displaying in a simpler form the structure of the interconnection and relationship both between the components of the transportation complex and between the transport complex and the environment.

    Figure 4. Line graph of the transportation process.

    In Fig. 4 is indicated:

    W(t) – cargo flow, t;

    W Q – transport products, t;

    S p.g – cost of preparing cargo for transportation, UAH/t;

    S – cost of transportation, UAH/t;

    S p.r – cost of loading and unloading operations, UAH/t;

    S x – cost of cargo storage, UAH /t;

    R 1 - costs associated with increasing the distance of cargo transportation, UAH;

    R 2 – costs due to the discrepancy between the rolling stock and the type and nature of the cargo being transported, UAH;

    R 3 – costs associated with damage and loss of cargo, UAH;

    R 4 - costs associated with additional loading and unloading operations, UAH;

    R 5 - costs associated with additional storage of cargo, UAH;

    R 6 - costs associated with the inertia of the transportation process, UAH;

    R 7 - costs associated with an increase in transportation costs, UAH;

    R 8 - costs associated with an increase in the cost of loading and unloading operations, UAH;

    R 9 - costs associated with an increase in the cost of preparing cargo for transportation, UAH;

    R 10 - costs associated with increasing the cost of storing cargo, UAH.


    Based on the foregoing, it should be noted that the main function of transport logistics is the management of material flows from the manufacturer to the end consumer.

    The main element of transport logistics is transport. Transport is a branch of material production that transports people and goods.

    The subject of transport logistics is a set of tasks related to the organization of the movement of goods by general transport. The basis for choosing the type of transport that is optimal for a particular transportation is information about the characteristic features of various types of transport.

    Transport is an important link in the logistics system; it must have a number of necessary properties and meet certain requirements in order to create innovative systems for the collection and distribution of goods. It must have the ability to transport small quantities of cargo at short intervals according to the user's changing inventory.

    Within the boundaries of international logistics systems, various modes of transport are used based on the principles of optimization of contact schedules, when, in the presence of long-term stable transportation, all modes of transport participating in them are controlled from one center. The criteria for choosing vehicles are the safety of cargo, the best use of their capacity and carrying capacity, and the reduction of transportation costs.

    Prospects for the development of transport logistics consist in optimizing the speed and quality management system in the activities of transport companies.


    1. Feigenbaum A. Models and methods of logistics theory: Abbr. Per. from English – M.: Economics, 1986.-471.

    2. Deming E. Logistics. – Tver: Publishing company “Alba”, 1994. – 497 p.

    3. Ishikawa K. Japanese methods of quality management: Abbr. Per. from English – M.: Economics, 1988. – 215 p.

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    Effective integration of transport processes into the sales mechanism of the commodity producer is carried out on the basis of a logistics concept, the formation of which was a consequence of the processes associated with the development of organizational and managerial support for meeting the requirements of the “buyer’s market”: “The need for a logistics approach in business practice is determined primarily by the transition from the seller’s market to buyer market, which requires flexible response of production and sales systems to rapidly changing consumer priorities.” Logistics is a way of organizing commercial activities that most fully realizes the requirements of the modern market, closely integrating all areas of the enterprise’s activities to achieve the ultimate goal - sales of products.

    Having emerged as an applied area of ​​military supply, logistics currently embodies the flow concept of organizing a business capable of responding to changes in market demand: “Logistics is the science of planning, control and management of transportation, warehousing and other material and intangible operations performed in the process of delivering raw materials and materials to the production enterprise, in-plant processing of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with the interests and requirements of the latter, as well as transfer, storage and processing of relevant information.” Logistics has become the basis of goods distribution systems, implements the infrastructure for providing goods to consumers: “The modern concept of logistics management of delivering goods to anywhere in the world from the perspective of consumer service can be briefly formulated as follows: “the desired product of a given quality and quantity - at a given time and at minimal cost " By setting the parameters of the quantity, time and place of consumption of a product as its own consumer properties, modern market infrastructure is closely integrated with transportation and delivery systems. The effectiveness of this integration depends on the extent to which the logistics approach is implemented in coordination across these business areas. Becoming an integral part of the utility of a product, the functions of quantity, place and time of provision of the product to the buyer are integrated not only into the use value of the product, but also take part in the formation of its market price. As a result, pricing processes become significantly more complicated, transportation costs are transformed into logistics costs, which include “both the cost of production of a product and the costs of logistics operations for its physical distribution in global distribution systems of commodity producers and resellers. In the structure of logistics costs, transport costs range from 20 to 70% or more, so transport plays a key role in the creation of global logistics systems.”

    Highlighting the importance of distribution for the entire commodity distribution system in ensuring the processes of selling goods, distribution logistics and transport logistics are often identified: “Distribution or sales logistics (transport logistics) functions in the field of managing the flow of materials from the manufacturer to the recipient, often using warehouse distribution centers.” This identification can be explained by the fact that logistics does not duplicate the economics of transport, but is a concept of commodity circulation, perceived in the integrity of all its elements, the most important of which is transport. The use of logistics in the construction of commodity distribution systems largely determines its consideration precisely as an organizational and methodological basis for commodity distribution. The use of logistics in the economy began in the areas of transport, warehousing and loading and unloading activities, therefore, for a significant part of scientists, the main subject of logistics is, first of all, the processes of transportation, warehousing, storage and cargo handling.

    Transport is the main functional subsystem of market logistics: “The logistical dynamism of the movement of goods in the wholesale market is achieved with the help of transport. This means that it is transport that provides the necessary mode of movement of goods flows according to the main parameters: trajectory and speed of movement, time, power and intensity. In this sense, transport is a service system in relation to the process of goods distribution, which, in turn, is determined by the characteristics of material consumption of wholesale buyers.” Being an independent and significant element of the logistics system of goods distribution, transport performs a system-forming function in the entire logistics system, since it implements in practice the process of goods distribution itself. Logistics, as a flow concept of a commodity distribution system, cannot be considered in isolation from the process of transporting goods: “Logistics systems cannot reveal their full potential unless complex transport problems are solved. The choice of channels for promoting material flows largely depends on the elements of the transport system, the participation of which is expected in one or another version of transport and movement work.” The functioning of the transport complex largely determines supply and sales processes and is the basis for the formation of the entire commodity distribution system

    Summarizing the consideration of the transport and logistics component of the goods distribution process, we can agree with the position that “the key role of transportation in logistics is explained not only by the large share of transport costs in the overall composition of logistics costs, but also by the fact that without transportation the very existence of material flow is impossible.” The movement of material flow is studied primarily within the framework of the transport and warehouse logistics concept.

    Along with the above-mentioned identification of distribution and sales logistics with transport logistics, which is present in the scientific literature, there is a concept of considering transport logistics processes in the form of an independent industry complex: “Transport is a sphere of industrial entrepreneurship, like other sectors of the national economy; Therefore, industrial logistics and construction logistics should be placed next to transport logistics - these types of logistics have an industry orientation.” From these positions, transport logistics is presented as the study of flow processes in transport systems. However, unlike transport economics and other branch sciences that consider processes and phenomena in the transport industry, logistics should focus its attention, first of all, on the commodity flow, its significance for the trading system and not isolate the subject of research in the area of ​​economic and technological processes of cargo movement . Considered as the main element of the commodity distribution system, logistics acquires its definition as transport logistics primarily because “the range of issues related to this key integrated logistics activity is highlighted as the subject of study of a special discipline - transport logistics.” The goals and objectives of transport logistics are determined by its functions in the commodity distribution system, which were formulated as achieving indicators of the quantity, place and time of receipt of goods by the consumer. To achieve these goals, transport logistics solves a number of relevant problems:

    • - choice of type and type of vehicles;
    • - determination of rational delivery routes;
    • - planning of the transport and warehouse process in conjunction with the production process;
    • - ensuring technological unity of the transport and warehouse process.

    The basic element of transport logistics is the specificity and patterns of functioning of the transport system, which ensures the functioning of the entire commodity distribution mechanism: “Transportation can be defined as a key logistics activity associated with the movement of material resources, work in progress or finished products by certain vehicles in the logistics chain (channel, network) , and consisting, in turn, of complex and elementary activities, including forwarding, cargo handling, packaging, transfer of ownership of cargo, insurance, etc.” The significance of technical and economic decisions on the delivery of goods goes beyond the scope of transport logistics itself and turns out to be largely decisive for the entire logistics system of goods distribution.

    The description of the technological elements of the transport process is contained not only in industry literature, but is already presented in a significant volume in works devoted to logistics. The inclusion of transport economics in logistics research has been and is being implemented, first of all, in the form of consideration of various concepts of comparative logistics characteristics of various modes of transport.

    Also, in the works of logisticians, the main points of the logistics organization of cargo delivery are identified, related to the development of a management decision on the choice of a specific method of transportation, the main criteria of which are:

    • - minimal transportation costs;
    • - specified time for cargo delivery;
    • - maximum reliability and safety;
    • - minimal costs (damage) associated with inventories in transit;
    • - capacity and availability of the mode of transport.

    A significant amount of logistics developments are also presented in the field of warehouse support for the functioning of commodity distribution systems. The significance of this stage of commodity circulation is determined by the fact that the transport process begins and ends with the warehouse process: “Warehouses are created at the beginning and at the end of material flows (both at the micro and macro levels).” Moreover, the warehouse link of commodity circulation can be located at any part of the commodity flow: “Warehouse systems of various types can be created at the beginning, middle and end of transport cargo flows or production processes for the temporary accumulation of goods and timely supply of production with materials in the required quantities.” Moreover, warehouses play an active role not only in the processes of maintaining flows, but also in their formation and change: “Warehouse systems contribute to the transformation of cargo flows by changing the parameters of received and issued consignments of cargo (in size, composition, physical characteristics of incoming cargo, time of departure of transport parties, etc.).”

    Based on a systems approach, transport and warehouse logistics are considered as a unity to ensure the functioning of the commodity distribution system. This is required by solving the problems of the entire logistics system of goods distribution: “In order for the tasks of logistics to be fully realized, it is necessary not to mechanically supplement transport logistics with a warehouse, but to raise the question of the formation of transport and warehouse logistics - the science and practical activities of managing the movement, processing and storage of material resources in supply chain subsystems.” Moreover, in modern conditions it is no longer possible to fully study transport logistics in an isolated form, since “transport logistics is not able to exist in its pure form. In order for the objectives of the logistics chain to be realized, it is necessary, in our opinion, not to carry out a mechanical summation of separately and independently existing transport and warehouse logistics, but to raise the question of the formation and development of a unified transport and warehouse logistics - the science and practical activities of managing movement, processing and storage material resources in the subsystems of the supply chain.” Thus, the integral direction of commodity distribution logistics is currently developing, which is formulated as follows:

    “Transport and warehouse logistics is defined as a system of organizational and functional activities of a technological nature (storage-warehousing and delivery-transportation), the economic content of which is the creation of additional value (cost and use value) of the subject of this activity (product-resource). The structure of this additional value is expressed in terms of the well-known rules of logistics, forming the so-called logistics complex: the value of the resource itself (structure, quality, quantity); value of time (accuracy) of delivery; delivery place value. In other words, not only is the product (resource) valuable in itself, but it is valuable because it is available in the required quantity, with preserved quality, at a precise time, in a specific place.”

    The formation and development of transport and warehouse logistics is expressed in the development of organizational and economic activities that ensure the movement of goods in the form of maintaining and developing a system of cargo flows. Such activities include forwarding services. The main reason for the emergence and development of this type of business activity was the high demands placed on the transport and warehouse process by consumers of transport services, since “transport service in modern conditions includes not only the actual transportation of goods from the supplier to the consumer, but also a large number of forwarding, information and transaction operations, cargo handling services, insurance, security, etc.” In its most general form, freight forwarding services are understood as “a delivery system that includes the transportation of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer and the associated loading and unloading operations, storage (packaging, packaging, warehousing), insurance, financial services, information processes and records management". As follows from this definition, forwarding services complement the transport and warehouse process with the necessary manipulations with cargo, allowing it to realize its commercial properties. The objective need for the emergence and development of forwarding services is determined by the requirements imposed by the participants of the “buyer’s market” on delivery processes, which cannot be achieved only by means of classical transport enterprises, since “effective distribution of goods is possible only with the interaction of many structures and mechanisms of infrastructure, transport, transshipment, warehouse and institutional character." The processes of development of forwarding services become especially relevant when performing international transportation associated with a whole range of additional measures for customs clearance of goods.

    Issues of forwarding services can and should be considered from the point of view of the logistics service of goods distribution processes. In this case, forwarding activities are presented as a form of organizing complex transport, warehouse and other cargo processes that determine the formation of the entire trade infrastructure. The work attempts to consider the issues of organizing and managing complex transport, warehouse and cargo processes in the form of transport and forwarding activities, its role and significance for the formation of a commodity distribution system, the development of modern forms of commodity distribution, and the optimization of transportation activities.