Modern problems of science and education. Professional and pedagogical culture of a teacher Pedagogical culture of a professional school teacher

One of the word-used meanings of the concept of "culture" is the level of development of spiritual and material values, abilities, opportunities, results achieved that meet the specifics and requirements of pedagogical work. This is what they mean when they usually talk about professional culture in general or pedagogical culture in particular.

Pedagogical culture - the highest degree of correspondence between the development of the personality and the professional readiness of the teacher to specifics pedagogical activity. it personally mediated pedagogical professionalism, which allows to carry out pedagogical activity at the highest level of its social, humane, moral, actually pedagogical, scientific and special criteria. It is rightly said that pedagogical work is not a profession, but a life calling. Truly cultured and professional is only one for whom such work has become a personal need, the satisfaction of which brings the highest joy, and achievements bring a sense of satisfaction, outside of which the teacher cannot imagine himself. The desire to master and implement the indicators of pedagogical culture in business should be inherent in every teacher, because otherwise he does not finish his students, even deforms them in some way, not fulfilling not only professional, but also human duty. One can imagine what an “educated teacher” with triples in his diploma will do with his students. This is about the same as going under the knife of a certified three-year-old surgeon.

There are many definitions of pedagogical culture, but basically they are just variants of the same thing. In practice, they only break up, name and structure its numerous components in different ways (there are definitions containing up to 30 basic and hundreds of detailed elements). Speaking about the main thing, one can imagine the pedagogical culture as including five main components of the personality and preparedness of the teacher, forming a systemic unity and meeting both the general and special requirements of pedagogical work (Fig. 11.1).

Rice. 11.1.

Pedagogical orientation of the personality- the system of motives of the teacher, which determines the irresistible attraction of pedagogical activity and the full inclusion of all forces and abilities in it. A teacher with a high culture refers to pedagogical activity not as a job, a profession, but as a life calling, civic responsibility, a way of life, his life and professional position, and hence his enthusiasm, passion, dedication. As the religious scriptures say, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be." For a professionally educated teacher, doing something is not professional enough, "dirty", careless - this is, first of all, not respecting oneself, poisoning one's conscience. As the Ukrainian philosopher G. Skovoroda (1722-1794) rightly noted: “What can be more harmful than a person who has knowledge of the most complex sciences, but does not have a good heart? He will use all his knowledge for evil. The pedagogical orientation is inherent in:

  • socially mature, scientifically correct, progressive, creative activity concept- spiritual, civilized, humane, democratic pedagogical credo, pedagogical worldview;
  • pedagogical purposefulness - love for a person, a disinterested desire to help him become a full-fledged and successful person in life with all his might; an active civic position as a participant in the creation in Russia of a civilized, truly humane, democratic, rule of law state and a moral society, as well as preparing the younger generation for such participation;
  • pedagogical fullness aspirations and activities that ensure the unity of upbringing, education, training and development of people: “Without participation in educational work, the entire pedagogical culture, all the knowledge of the teacher is dead baggage”, a professional teacher cannot be one who limits his pedagogical contribution only to the formal conduct of classes , teaching and, while withdrawing from the upbringing, education and development of students, does not take into account the interests of the educational institution and its teaching staff, may, but does not want to help a colleague who sees shortcomings and ways to eliminate them, but believes that “it's not my business;
  • pedagogical interests - to the human problems of the life of society and the activities of the state, to each person, his life, future, preparing him for them, helping him in it, scientific and effective implementation of activities;
  • pedagogical passion and affection - passionate, enthusiastic, with full dedication involvement in work; irrepressible desire to achieve its maximum efficiency, intolerance to everything that reduces it, constant search, pedagogical optimism, tireless work on oneself; commitment to teaching for life. Even realizing that everything cannot be achieved, he tries with all his might to sow the good, bright, eternal, fights against human injustice, immorality, stupidity;
  • pedagogical disinterestedness - benevolent, enthusiastic, difficult work with people at the call of the heart and without mercantile personal monetary prudence; his own benefits are not a priority for him, and from the outside he may even look like an idealist, a person "not of this world." Such a position captivates many, especially young people, who feel a touch of a pure source of human spirituality, which involuntarily arouses respect, awakens reflections on their own life position, a sense of faith in the actual existence of high human values ​​and impulses to imitate. Genuine teaching is in some ways even akin to asceticism, especially in modern conditions.

B.S. Gershunsky writes about the teacher: “... this thinker, feeling the fullness of the sacred responsibility entrusted to him for the fate of the person entrusted and trusted to him, for his spirituality, intelligence and physical health, for the future of his country and the whole world, the whole human civilization.

In the pedagogical direction - the main indicators of the upbringing of the teacher, the main motivating forces of his selfless work. The low level of its formation and instability is a deep and uncompensated source of weak results in activity, indifference to professional subtleties, and a formal bureaucratic approach to pedagogical duty. Such a teacher is not a teacher, but a functionary in the educational process, not so much useful as harmful to him.

IN AND. Zagvyazinsky

Pedagogical abilities associated with the development of both general and special professionally important qualities and abilities. To educate people, to educate them, to teach, to develop - an activity not for mediocrity, but for smart, thinking, searching, active people.

A person who does not have the ability to do this simply does not have the right to work with people, he should not be allowed to work with her. The works of F.I. Gonobolina, N.V. Kuzmina,

V.A. Krutetsky, A.I. Shcherbakova, I.V. Strakhova,

N.D. Levitova, V.A. Kan-Kalika, V.A. Slastenina,

IN AND. Zagvyazinsky and others. The development of a teacher's abilities is associated with:

  • general ability for pedagogical work- successful mastery of it, high performance in it and continuous progressive growth in its implementation;
  • humanism, democracy and collectivism as especially developed qualities, constantly manifested in behavior and style of work;
  • educational, didactic, organizational skills,
  • developed intelligence, attention, speech, rhetoric, culture of speech, resourcefulness, readiness for improvisation", the teacher, in principle, must be an intelligent person;
  • creative abilities - a sense of the new, a penchant for creativity, a readiness for justified and scientifically correct and proven innovations in formative experiments (with the denial of innovations of a number of innovations, pedagogical projecting, adventurism and avant-gardism), independence, the ability to critically evaluate and reassess the accumulated experience in the context of the rapid development of sciences, technologies, technology, social relations and the rejection of everything really us-

tared (A.S. Makarenko noted: “Creative work is possible only when a person treats work with love, when he consciously sees joy in it, understands the benefits and necessity of work, when work becomes for him the main form of manifestation of personality and talent” );

  • erudition;
  • developed pedagogical, associated with it psychological and pedagogical thinking and special, related to the taught academic discipline;
  • heightened empathy(ability to empathize) reflexivity(the ability to put yourself in the place of another and understand how he thinks, as well as mentally imagine how he looks in the eyes of others), tolerance;
  • sociability culture of communication and pedagogical behavior, psychological and pedagogical tact;
  • artistry",
  • volitional qualities activity, initiative, purposefulness, perseverance, organization, discipline, accuracy, self-control, the ability to self-mobilize;
  • high performance, overload resistance;
  • the need for self-improvement.

Educational abilities are associated with the presence of a teacher's love for children and interest in working with people, his attractiveness to them, exemplary personal behavior, justice, sociability, accessibility, openness, listening skills, endurance, patience, perseverance, memory for faces, names and other data about them, the habit of seeing the causes in oneself, etc. Didactic abilities are determined by intelligence, interest in teaching issues, the general development of thinking and its systemic nature, consistency, clarity, psychological and pedagogical nature, speech culture, psychological and pedagogical observation, etc.

Expressed pedagogical abilities in a person indicate that he has pedagogical talent, pedagogical talent. They say about this: "He is a teacher from God."

Pedagogical excellence - knowledge, skills and abilities in the organization and construction of pedagogical systems and processes inherent in pedagogical activity. Its basis is basic pedagogical enlightenment(at the level of education) - a thorough and versatile human knowledge, knowledge of general pedagogy, orientation in pedagogical work, knowledge of its scientific foundations, corresponding to

current bibliography, periodicals available in current publications on the problems of pedagogical activity and recommendations for its implementation. This is a fundamental orientation in the pedagogical problems of society, the socio-pedagogical dependencies of pedagogical activity, modern requirements for education and education, understanding the specifics of work in a teaching team. Modern pedagogical skill is inconceivable without socio-pedagogical competence.

Pedagogical skill involves: the ability to skillfully apply all the recommendations, pedagogical experience, methods and techniques of education, training and development; the ability to translate into decisions and actions pedagogical principles, requirements of regulatory documents, general guidelines for working in the methodology of a particular lesson, event, pedagogical action; possession of private didactics of teaching the academic discipline; the ability to conduct all forms of classes, perform all types of methodological work, carry out creative methodological search and pedagogical experimentation; possession of pedagogical techniques (the technique of using speech and non-speech means, technologies, methods of pedagogical observation, analysis, influence, establishing contact, etc.), mastery of pedagogical interaction, pedagogical tact, methodical mastery, creative pedagogical skills.

Special skill - competence in the direction of pedagogical activity in which the teacher specializes. This can be any specialization: subject, socio-pedagogical, engineering-pedagogical, by levels of education, etc. It involves a good knowledge of the content of the academic discipline, its connection with others, the logic of breaking down into sections and topics, good memorization of their content, skills and abilities according to a private method of teaching and action, scientific preparedness, knowledge of novelties of science related to the content being studied, research experience and activity. Knowledge of this is obligatory for a higher school teacher who has transferred to it from practice, and cannot be exhausted by practical experience. A teacher, teacher should always know a lot more than he tells students, be convinced of what he is telling and remember everything well. Only in this case his speech will be logical, free, bright, figurative, and he will be able to observe the audience, people and their reactions, maneuver the content, arouse and hold interest, and his speech will acquire expressiveness, persuasiveness, figurativeness without artistic efforts.

The culture of personal pedagogical work - the skills and habits of the teacher to correctly and fully use free from work and occupation 436

time for self-improvement and preparation for the next events. This time is the main thing in his self-improvement. The culture of such work is made up of a culture of planning and a thrifty attitude to free time, constant monitoring of the latest in pedagogical experience, science, social life, continuous work on the accumulation, storage and systematization of information, working (educational) and scientific materials (cuttings, copies, folders, files, file cabinets, etc.), preparation of publications; mental hygiene.

The teacher must teach, continuously learning, working on himself. According to legend, Aristotle said to Alexander the Great: “There is no royal path in science,” the same can be said about mastering pedagogical culture. The success of each individual lesson, event held by the teacher depends on 80% of the systematic work to enrich and improve oneself, and only 20% on direct preparation for it the day before.

All components of pedagogical culture are interconnected and condition each other.

Educators, like other professionals and specialists, differ in the level of pedagogical culture - varying degrees of compliance with the requirements of pedagogical activity. Pedagogical practice even gave rise to a special proverb: "All lecturers are divided into three groups: some cannot be listened to, the second can be, and the third cannot be ignored." According to diagnostic examinations of working teachers, four levels of culture are distinguished:

  • higher professional - he has the characteristics described above, which the teacher has;
  • average professional - indicators of culture are close to those characteristic of the highest level, but still differ in many ways from it;
  • short (elementary) professional - typical for novice teachers (“young teacher”, “inexperienced teacher”) who have received preliminary pedagogical training (education); this level is usually observed in the first three years of work;
  • pre-professional - characterized by the fact that those engaged in pedagogical work have only ideas gleaned from personal experience of teaching in secondary and higher schools about what a lesson is, how to conduct it, what are the features of a seminar, how a teacher behaves, etc., this knowledge is empirical, philistine, unsystematized, having numerous gaps, inaccuracies and even errors; they are like the knowledge of the modern detective film lover who 437

He says that he knows how an investigator, operative, judge, lawyer works, and believes that he could already work in their place. But with such knowledge (which is typical for practitioners who go to work in universities without pedagogical retraining), it is impossible to carry out a full-fledged pedagogical activity and often achieve the heights of pedagogical culture even after 10-20 years of teaching.

Conducted in the late 1990s. qualification studies of the level of pedagogical culture in five universities have shown that only 9% of the teaching staff have the highest level. This testifies to the huge reserves for improving the training of teachers by raising the level of pedagogical culture of all of them.

The pedagogical culture of a particular teacher can be assessed as a whole and for each of the components - pedagogical orientation, pedagogical abilities, etc. This is useful for developing individualized programs for its improvement, assistance and in competitions for filling positions.

  • Sukhomlinsky V.A. The wise power of the collective. M., 1975. S. 87.
  • Gershunsky B.S. Philosophy of education for the XXI century. S. 6.
  • Korzhuev A.V., Popkov V.A., Ryazanova E.D. Reflection and critical thinking in the context of the tasks of higher education // Pedagogy. 2002. No. 1. S. 18-22.
  • Makarenko A.S. Works. M.: APN RSFSR, 1957. T. IV. S. 396.
  • Zaets Natalia Anatolievna,
  • Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky

The article considers such concepts as professional development and professional culture, presents the levels and components of professional and pedagogical culture.

  • Formation of the valueological culture of future specialists in social work at the university
  • The Dichotomy of Social Responsibility of the Intelligentsia: A Sociocultural Analysis
  • The role of parents in shaping a child's healthy lifestyle
  • Problems of formation of patriotic consciousness among the younger generation

The professional culture of the teacher is the most important part of the general culture of the teacher, which consists in the system of his personal and professional qualities, as well as the specifics of his professional activity. The professional development of a teacher in psychological and pedagogical science in the professional and personal aspect is considered as the formation of personal, personal and business qualities, professional competencies and professionalism. According to the concept of M.S. Kagan, the essence of culture should be understood as a certain form of concentration of the spiritual energy of mankind in unity with a set of ideal-practical methods and results of the development and transformation of the world.

Professional development is the development of the intellectual (professional knowledge and methods of activity), emotional (emotional state), effective-volitional (practical readiness, volitional self-regulation), spiritual and moral (motives, needs, value orientations, reflective culture) spheres of the teacher's personality.

The effectiveness of a teacher's communication with children is largely determined by the totality of his personal qualities. Moral and professional qualities are focused primarily on the target functions of managing a student team, heterogeneous in composition. The high level of development of these qualities makes the teacher psychologically attractive, close and understandable to pupils, strengthens his position in the system of interpersonal relations and creates conditions for the teacher to be perceived by students not as an administrator, but as a leader.

In the professional sphere, the following qualities are necessary: ​​general culture; humanistic orientation of personality and activity; the ability to systematically see the problems of the school, pedagogical phenomena and processes, to creative decision-making; possession of modern pedagogical and managerial technologies, culture of communications; creativity of thinking and activity in the professional sphere, the presence of a reflective culture. Recently, the issue of preparing a teacher for innovative activity has been updated. the development of the creative potential of the individual is the main condition for ensuring the readiness of the teacher to work in changing conditions, and as a result of improving the quality of the teaching and educational work of the modern school.

In modern theory and practice, there is no single idea of ​​the components of a teacher's professional culture. Many scientists distinguish the following components of professional and pedagogical culture: axiological, technological and personal-creative.

The axiological component includes: professional and pedagogical knowledge, worldview, pedagogical thinking and reflection, pedagogical tact and ethics. In the process of pedagogical activity, the teacher masters the ideas and concepts, knowledge and skills that make up the humanistic technology of pedagogical activity, and, depending on the degree of their application in real life, evaluate them as more significant. The ability to see and appreciate the new in what has long been known is an indispensable component of the teacher's culture.

The technological component includes the methods and techniques of the pedagogical activity of the teacher, his ability to structure professional activity and build it according to a certain algorithm, taking into account the stages of goal setting, planning, organization, evaluation and correction. Pedagogical technology helps to understand the essence of pedagogical culture, reveals historically changing methods and techniques, explains the direction of activity depending on the relations that are developing in society. It is in this case that pedagogical culture performs the functions of regulation.

The personal-creative component reveals the mechanism of mastering it and its implementation as a creative act. The process of appropriation of the developed pedagogical values ​​takes place at the personal-creative level. Mastering the values ​​of pedagogical culture, the teacher is able to transform and interpret them.

There are four basic levels of formation of professional pedagogical culture:

  1. Adaptive level (unstable attitude to pedagogical reality). Pedagogical activity is built according to a previously worked out scheme, there is no conscious need for advanced training.
  2. Reproductive level (sustained interest in teaching). The teacher actively solves pedagogical problems, actualizing psychological and pedagogical knowledge, realizes the need for advanced training.
  3. Heuristic level (the teacher's steady desire for implementation in pedagogical activity and well-developed reflection). The activity of a teacher is associated with a constant search for new methods and forms of education and upbringing, transfers his experience to colleagues, and is selective in advanced training.
  4. Creative level (high degree of self-realization in professional activity) A non-standard approach to solving pedagogical problems prevails, a significant role is given to improvisation, intuition. The teacher often initiates various forms of improving pedagogical skills.

Thus, pedagogical culture is a sphere of creative application and realization of pedagogical abilities. Pedagogical creativity presupposes the presence of initiative, individual freedom, independence of judgment, responsibility and mobility. The personality, influencing others, creates itself, determines its own development, realizing itself in activity. Pedagogical activity has quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The content and organization of pedagogical work can be correctly assessed only by determining the level of the teacher's creative attitude to his activity, which reflects the degree to which he realizes his capabilities in achieving his goals. The creative nature of pedagogical activity is its most important objective characteristic. It is due to the fact that the variety of pedagogical situations, their ambiguity require variable approaches to the analysis and solution of the problems arising from them. Pedagogical creativity as a component of professional pedagogical culture does not arise automatically; objective and subjective prerequisites are needed for its development.

The objective prerequisites include the influence of a specific cultural and historical period in which the teacher works; moral and psychological climate of the team; availability of adequate means of education and upbringing; material and technical equipment of the educational process.

The subjective prerequisites for the manifestation of pedagogical creativity are the high level of general cultural training of the teacher, his personal qualities, the presence of motivation for creative activity and the level of education, pedagogical experience and intuition. An integral part of the teacher's professional development is the improvement of professional competence, which is determined by the level of professional education itself, experience and individual abilities, his motivated desire for continuous self-education and self-improvement, creative and responsible attitude to work.

The problem of the development of professional and pedagogical competence today is one of the most key in modern pedagogy. Since professionalism in any profession is a combination of personal characteristics of a person, theoretical knowledge and practical skills. For a teacher, the level of professionalism is a qualitative indicator of his development as a person. Thanks to this competence, the interaction of the teacher on the personality of the pupil is realized on a fundamental scientific basis, at the level of high humanitarian technologies. The level of human knowledge competence is one of the priority indicators of a modern teacher and head of a school. The fundamental component of a teacher's professional culture is the acquisition of human science competence in the process of mastering human science technologies.


  1. Baikova L.A. To the question of the nature of the teacher's diagnostic culture / L.A. Baikova// Questions of pedagogical psychology. - Tula, 2001. - S.13-23.
  2. Brazhe T.G. Teacher as a bearer of humanitarian culture: traditions of Russian teaching and modernity / T.G. Brazhe // Humanitarian culture of the teacher. - SPb., 2002.-p.32-42.
  3. Vvedensky V.N. Professional competence of the teacher: a guide for the teacher / V.N. Vvedensky; - St. Petersburg: Education, 2004.-158s.
  4. Vedenyapina V.A. Professional culture of the teacher: textbook. allowance for university students / V.A. Vedenyapin. - M., 2003. - 163 p.
  5. Zaretskaya I.I. Professional culture of the teacher: Study guide.
  6. Skok G. B. How to analyze your own pedagogical activity. - M., 2000.

Before deciding on the essence of professional and pedagogical culture, it is necessary to update such concepts as “professional culture” and “pedagogical culture”. The identification of professional culture as an attributive property of a certain professional group of people is the result of the division of labor, which caused the isolation of certain types of special activities.

The concept of "pedagogical culture" has long been included in the practice of pedagogical activity, a holistic theoretical study of which has become possible relatively recently. In connection with the analysis of the features of pedagogical activity, the study of pedagogical abilities, pedagogical skills of the teacher, this problem was reflected in the works of S. I. Arkhangelsky, A. V. Barabanshchikov, E. V. Bondarevskaya, 3. F. Esareva, N. V. Kuzmina , N.N. Tarasevich, G.I. Khozyainova and others.

In these studies, pedagogical culture is considered as an important part of the general culture of the teacher, manifested in the system of professional qualities and the specifics of pedagogical activity.

The professional and pedagogical culture of a teacher is part of the pedagogical culture as a social phenomenon. The carriers of pedagogical culture are people engaged in pedagogical practice both at professional and non-professional levels. The carriers of professional and pedagogical culture are people who are called to carry out pedagogical work, the components of which are pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication and the individual as a subject of activity and communication at a professional level.

Taking into account the methodological foundations makes it possible to substantiate the model of professional and pedagogical culture, the components of which are axiological, technological and personal-creative.

The axiological component of professional and pedagogical culture is formed by a set of pedagogical values ​​created by mankind and included in a holistic pedagogical process at the present stage of education development. In the process of pedagogical activity, teachers master ideas and concepts, acquire knowledge and skills that make up the humanistic technology of pedagogical activity, and, depending on the degree of their application in real life, evaluate them as more significant. Knowledge, ideas, concepts that are currently of great importance for society and a separate pedagogical system, act as pedagogical values.

The technological component of professional and pedagogical culture includes the methods and techniques of the teacher's pedagogical activity. The values ​​and achievements of pedagogical culture are mastered and created by a person in the process of activity, which confirms the fact of the inseparable connection between culture and activity. The humanistic orientation of pedagogical activity makes it possible to explore the mechanism for satisfying the diverse spiritual needs of the individual. In particular, how, in what way, the needs for communication are satisfied, in obtaining new information, in transferring the accumulated individual experience, that is, everything that underlies the holistic educational process.

The personal and creative component of professional pedagogical culture reveals the mechanism of mastering it and its implementation as a creative act. The process of appropriation by the teacher of the developed pedagogical values ​​takes place at the personal-creative level. Mastering the values ​​of pedagogical culture, the teacher is able to transform, interpret them, which is determined both by his personal characteristics and the nature of his pedagogical activity. The analysis of philosophical, historical, pedagogical and psychological and pedagogical literature, the study of the experience of the activities of teachers of professional institutions, theoretical generalizations allow us to conclude that professional pedagogical culture is a measure and a way of creative self-realization of the personality of a teacher of vocational training in various types of pedagogical activities and communication aimed at the development and creation of pedagogical values ​​and technologies.

The presented idea of ​​professional and pedagogical culture makes it possible to enter this concept into a categorical series: the culture of pedagogical activity, the culture of pedagogical communication, the culture of the teacher's personality. Professional pedagogical culture is a concept of a higher level of abstraction, concretized in the concepts of "culture of pedagogical activity", "culture of pedagogical communication" and "culture of the teacher's personality".

Like any other activity, pedagogical activity is characterized by a certain style. According to the definition of Zimnyaya I.A. (Irina Alekseevna): “the style of activity (for example, managerial, industrial, pedagogical) in the broadest sense of the word is a stable system of methods, techniques, manifested in different conditions of its existence.” [Winter I. A. Pedagogical psychology.- Rostov n/D, 1997.- p. 363]. It is determined by the specifics of the activity itself, the individual psychological characteristics of its subject. It is the features of the personality structure, the subject of activity, its individual properties that influence the choice of methods and techniques of activity and determine individual differences in the style of activity. This is where the notion of an individual style of activity comes from. According to E. A. Klimov, an individual style of activity in the narrow sense is “a stable system of methods determined by typological features that develops in a person striving for the best implementation of this activity ... an individually peculiar system of psychological means that a person consciously or spontaneously resorts to in in order to best balance their (typologically determined) individuality with the objective external conditions of activity. In pedagogical activity, such methods include a certain system of techniques preferred by the teacher, the manner of communication, and ways of resolving conflicts. V. I. Zagvyazinsky (Vladimir Ilyich) formulated the following definition of the individual style of pedagogical activity: “a system of favorite techniques, a certain way of thinking, a manner of communication, ways of making demands - all these features are inextricably linked with the system of views and beliefs, we call individual style of pedagogical activity".[Zagvyazinsky V.I., Atakhanov R. Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research.- Moscow, 2001.-p. 195]
In the works of different scientists, various classifications of styles of pedagogical activity are proposed. According to A.K. Markova, styles are differentiated into three general types: authoritarian, democratic, and liberal-permissive. Here is their description:
Democratic style. The student is considered as an equal partner in communication. The teacher takes into account the opinion of students, encourages independence of judgment, in addition to academic performance, takes into account the personal qualities of students. Methods of influence are motivation for action, advice, request. In the lessons of such a teacher, students experience a state of calm satisfaction, high self-esteem. A teacher with this style is characterized by greater professional stability, satisfaction with his profession.
authoritarian style. The student is considered as an object of pedagogical influence. The teacher alone makes decisions, establishes strict control over the fulfillment of the requirements presented to them, uses his rights without taking into account the situation and the opinions of students, does not justify his actions to students. As a result, students lose activity, show low self-esteem, aggressiveness. The forces of the students of such a teacher are aimed at psychological self-defense, and not at the assimilation of knowledge and their own development. The main methods of influence of such a teacher are orders, teaching. The teacher is characterized by low job satisfaction. In the teaching staff, teachers with this style often become leaders.
Liberal style. The teacher moves away from decision-making, transferring the initiative to students and colleagues. The organization and control of the activities of students is carried out without a system, shows indecision, hesitation. The group has an unstable microclimate, hidden conflicts.
The classification of styles of pedagogical activity proposed by I.F. Demidova is, in our opinion, the most complete. She distinguishes 4 types of individual styles of pedagogical activity.
1. Emotionally improvisational. Focusing mainly on the learning process, the teacher does not adequately plan his work in relation to the final results; for the lesson, he selects the most interesting material, less interesting (although important) often leaves for independent work of students. Focuses mainly on strong students. The activity of the teacher is highly operational: the types of work often change in the lesson, collective discussion is practiced. However, his activity is characterized by low methodicalness, lack of consolidation and repetition of educational material, knowledge control. The teacher has increased sensitivity depending on the situation in the lesson, flexibility and impulsiveness. In relation to students, such a teacher is sensitive and insightful.
2. Emotionally methodical. The teacher focuses on both the learning process and its result. The activity of the teacher is highly operational, but intuitiveness prevails over reflexivity. The teacher strives to activate students not with external entertainment, but with the features of the subject itself. In relation to students, such a teacher is sensitive and insightful.
3. Reasoning and improvisational. The teacher is characterized by an orientation towards the process and results of learning, adequate planning, efficiency, a combination of intuitiveness and reflectivity. The teacher is less inventive and varies teaching methods, does not always use collective discussions. But the teacher himself says less, especially during the survey, thereby giving the respondents the opportunity to complete the answer in detail. Teachers of this style are less sensitive to changes in the situation in the lesson. They are characterized by caution, traditionalism.
4. Reasoning-methodical. The teacher focuses primarily on the learning outcome. He shows conservatism in the use of means and methods of pedagogical activity. High methodicalness is combined with a small, standard set of teaching methods, a preference for the reproductive activity of students, and rare collective discussions. The teacher is distinguished by reflexivity, low sensitivity to changes in situations in the lesson, caution in his actions.
Thus, after analyzing the works of didactics and psychologists aimed at studying pedagogical activity, we defined the individual style of pedagogical activity as a system of methods and techniques, a certain way of thinking, a manner of communication, ways of presenting requirements associated with a system of views and beliefs.

Pedagogical conflicts can be divided into three large groups. The first one includes motivational conflicts that arise between teachers and students due to the weak educational motivation of students or, more simply, due to the fact that students either do not want to learn, or study without interest, under duress. Such conflicts grow and eventually mutual hostility, confrontation, even struggle arise between teachers and students.

The second group is formed by conflicts, associated with shortcomings in the organization of the educational process.

The third group of pedagogical conflicts are conflicts interactions: students among themselves, teachers and students, teachers with each other, teachers and the administration of the educational institution. These conflicts occur for reasons not of an objective nature, but for the personal characteristics of the conflicting parties, their target and value orientations.

Questions for self-control

1. What is the difference between "professional culture" and "pedagogical culture"?

2. Carry out the characteristics of the constituent components of professional-pedagogical culture: axiological, technological, personal-creative.

3. What is an individual activity style?

4. List the individual styles of the teacher.

5. What is the essence of pedagogical conflicts?

Bumazhnikova Natalya Mikhailovna
FSBEI HPE "Omsk State Pedagogical University"
Supervisor: Chukhin Stepan Gennadievich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

The reform of vocational education has recently been the object of close attention of almost all social sciences. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the main goal of education is not only the high-quality training of a professional specialist, but also the provision of opportunities for his constant self-development based on the requirements of modern scientific and technological progress. With the entry of Russia into the Bologna process, a rethinking of social value and a definition of the quality of the activity of such a socio-professional group as teachers of higher education takes place.

Vocational education has been of great importance for Russian society since the middle of the 18th century. Teachers are not only subjects of professional activity for the training of highly qualified specialists, but also active participants in the political, sociocultural processes and changes taking place in the country. At the same time, the factor that directly affects the formation of values, the development of guidelines, principles of behavior and activities of teachers is their professional culture.

In order to determine the essence of the concept of "professional culture of a teacher", it is advisable to consider such concepts as "professional culture" and "pedagogical culture".
Professionalism - “high readiness to fulfill the tasks of professional activity. The professionalism of a specialist is manifested in the systematic improvement of qualifications, creative activity, and the ability to productively meet the growing demands of social production and culture. A prerequisite for achieving professionalism is a sufficiently high development of professionally important qualities of a person, his special abilities.

Professional activity as a socio-cultural phenomenon has a complex structure, including goals, objectives, subject matter, means, methods, results.
The high level of professional culture of a specialist is characterized by a developed ability to solve professional problems, i.e. developed professional thinking and consciousness.
Professional culture is a certain degree of a person's mastery of techniques and methods for solving professional problems.
The problem of pedagogical culture is reflected in the works of such researchers as S. I. Arkhangelsky, A. V. Barabanshchikov, E. V. Bondarevskaya, V. A. Slastenin, in connection with the analysis of the features of pedagogical activity, the study of pedagogical abilities, teacher skill.

Pedagogical culture is “an essential part of the universal culture, in which spiritual and material values ​​are most imprinted, as well as the ways of creative pedagogical activity of people necessary for mankind to serve the historical process of generational change and socialization (growing up, becoming) of the individual. Pedagogical culture can be considered at various levels (socio-pedagogical, personal): a) as a social sphere of society, a way to preserve intergenerational relations and transfer socio-pedagogical experience; b) as part of the universal and national spiritual culture, the sphere of pedagogical values, including pedagogical theories, pedagogical thinking, pedagogical consciousness, cultural patterns of practical activity; c) as a sphere of professional activity of a teacher, including social requirements for it, patterns of cultural identification of a teacher; d) as a personal property of a teacher, educator, parent, integrating the pedagogical position.
Pedagogical culture is considered as an important part of the teacher's general culture, which is manifested in the system of professional qualities and the specifics of professional activity. This is an integrative quality of the personality of a professional teacher, a condition and prerequisites for effective pedagogical activity, a generalized indicator of the professional competence of a teacher and the goal of professional self-improvement.
Thus, the content of professional pedagogical culture is revealed as a system of individual professional qualities, leading components and functions.
The carriers of professional and pedagogical culture are people called to carry out pedagogical work.

To understand the essence of professional and pedagogical culture, it is necessary to keep in mind the following methodological prerequisites that reveal the relationship between general and professional culture, its specific features (I. F. Isaev, V. A. Slastenin):

Professional and pedagogical culture is a specific projection of a general culture into the sphere of pedagogical activity;
- professional pedagogical culture is a systemic education that includes a number of structural and functional components, has its own organization, selectively interacts with the environment and has the integrative property of the whole, not reducible to the properties of individual parts;
- features of the formation and implementation of the teacher's professional and pedagogical culture are determined by individual creative, psychophysiological and age characteristics, accumulated socio-pedagogical experience.

Taking into account the indicated methodological grounds makes it possible to substantiate the model of professional and pedagogical culture, the components of which are axiological, technological and personal-creative.
The problem of the functions of culture is one of the most important cultural problems. In the works of A. I. Arnoldov, E. M. Babosov, E. V. Sokolov and others, attempts were made to substantiate and highlight the main functions of culture as a social phenomenon.

The main functions of the professional and pedagogical culture of a higher school teacher can be understood based on the specifics of his activity, the variety of types of relationships and communication, the system of value orientations, and the possibilities of creative self-realization of the individual. Taking into account these features, as well as the existing works on the theory of culture and private cultural areas, we single out the following main functions of professional pedagogical culture - epistemological, humanistic, communicative, informational, normative, teaching and educating. Each function reflects different ways of solving methodological, innovative, research, didactic and other pedagogical tasks by the teacher. Recognition of the diversity of the functional components of pedagogical culture emphasizes the multidimensionality of the content of pedagogical activity and the variety of forms of its implementation. Therefore, functions reveal the procedural side of culture.

The epistemological function of pedagogical culture is manifested in a purposeful study, selection and systematization of scientific knowledge about the subjects and objects of the educational process. The gnoseological function is aimed at the teacher's study and awareness of himself, his individual psychological characteristics, and the level of professionalism. This function initiates the development of such types of pedagogical culture as methodological, research, intellectual.

The humanistic function of the pedagogical culture of a university teacher affirms universal human values ​​in the educational process, creates conditions for the development of human abilities and talents, serves to strengthen the cooperation of equality, justice, humanity in joint activities.

The communicative function of the pedagogical culture of the teacher meets his primary need for communication with students, colleagues, school teachers, representatives of the industrial sector, especially since the pedagogical process at the university is a constant interaction, information exchange between interested participants.
Of great importance for communication is the speech culture of the teacher, i.e. knowledge of the norms of speech, the ability to correctly use language forms, which facilitates the assimilation of the transmitted information, educates speech literacy among future specialists, and disciplines their thinking.

In a number of studies in recent years on the pedagogy of higher education (D. T. Tursunov, Sh. A. Magomedov and others), the problem of forming a culture of interethnic communication is posed, which is fundamentally important in organizing the educational process in a multinational audience. Thus, the communicative function necessitates the development of such components of pedagogical culture as speech culture, culture of communication, culture of interethnic communication.

The teaching function of pedagogical culture is realized in the activities of a university teacher, aimed at mastering a future specialist with a certain system of knowledge, skills, social experience, and at developing his intellect and abilities.
The general contour of the learning function is created by the following set of problems: the problem of “knowing”, the problem of “be able”, the problem of “keeping up”, the problem of “evaluating”. This list of problems contains the search for answers to more specific questions: “what to teach”, “how to teach”, “to whom and whom to teach”. The willingness to find answers to these questions forms the basis of the technological and methodological culture of a higher education teacher.
The educational function of pedagogical culture reflects the area of ​​educational activity of a university teacher. Along with educational, research, social and pedagogical activities, a teacher of higher education is called upon to carry out purposeful educational work. A teacher of higher education as a teacher, scientist and educator by the power of his authority, erudition, professionalism directly and indirectly influences the formation of the personality of a future specialist.

The normative function of professional and pedagogical culture maintains a balance in the system of teacher's activity, reduces the influence of destabilizing factors in the pedagogical environment. A university teacher is the subject of various legal relations that develop in the process of professional interaction with students and colleagues, leaders of different levels and are built on the basis of equality, mutual rights and mutual responsibility. The legal culture of the teacher is a necessary condition for the organization of the educational process, the observance of humanistic principles, the rights and freedoms of the individual.
The information function of pedagogical culture is closely connected with all its functional components. This connection is due to the fact that it is necessary to provide information support for the epistemological, humanistic, communicative, teaching, educating and legal components of pedagogical culture.
The information function is the basis of the pedagogical continuity of different eras and generations. The mastery of systematized information and its transmission became the lot of a certain group of people - scientists and educators, their intellectual property.

The criteria for professional pedagogical culture are determined on the basis of a systematic understanding of culture, the identification of its structural and functional components, the interpretation of culture as a process and result of creative development and the creation of pedagogical values, technologies in the professional and creative self-realization of the teacher's personality.
I. F. Isaev distinguishes four levels of formation of professional and pedagogical culture: adaptive, reproductive, heuristic, creative.
The adaptive level of professional and pedagogical culture is characterized by an unstable attitude of the teacher to pedagogical reality. Professional and pedagogical activity is built according to a previously worked out scheme without the use of creativity. Teachers at this level are not active in terms of professional and pedagogical self-improvement, they carry out advanced training as necessary, or reject it altogether.

The reproductive level implies a tendency to a stable value attitude to pedagogical reality: the teacher appreciates the role of psychological and pedagogical knowledge more highly, shows a desire to establish subject-subject relations between the participants in the pedagogical process. At this level of development of professional and pedagogical culture, the teacher successfully solves constructive and prognostic tasks. The teacher is aware of the need for professional development.

The heuristic level of manifestation of professional pedagogical culture is characterized by greater purposefulness, stability of the ways and means of professional activity. At this level of professional and pedagogical culture, there are changes in the structure of the technological component; the ability to solve evaluation-information and correctional-regulatory tasks is at a high level. The activity of teachers is connected with constant search.

The creative level is characterized by a high degree of effectiveness of pedagogical activity, the mobility of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, the establishment of relations of cooperation and co-creation with students and colleagues. Pedagogical improvisation, pedagogical intuition, imagination occupy an important place in the activity of a teacher and contribute to the solution of pedagogical problems. The teacher turns out to be the initiator of advanced training, willingly shares his experience and actively adopts the experience of colleagues, he is distinguished by the desire to improve.
Thus, the teacher's professional and pedagogical culture is part of the pedagogical culture as a social phenomenon. The carriers of pedagogical culture are people engaged in pedagogical practice both at professional and non-professional levels. The carriers of professional and pedagogical culture are people who are called to carry out pedagogical work, the components of which are pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication and the individual as a subject of activity and communication at a professional level.


1. Tenchurina L. Z. History of vocational education. M.: Pedagogy-press, 1998. 303 p.
2. Pedagogical dictionary: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / Ed. V. I. Zagvyazinsky, A. F. Zakirova. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008. 352 p.
3. Grunt E. V., Lymar A. N. Features of professional culture as a phenomenon of culture // Culture, personality, society in the modern world: methodology, experience of empirical research. Materials of the X international conference. Yekaterinburg, 2007, pp. 121-128.
4. Bondarevskaya E. V. Theory and practice of personality-oriented education. Rostov-on-Don, 2000.
5. Isaev I.F., Kan-Kalik V.A., Nikandrov N.D. Pedagogical creativity. - M., 1990.
6. Slastenin V. I., Isaev V. A., Mishchenko A. I. Pedagogy. Tutorial. M.: School press, 2004. 520 p.
7. Babosov E. M. General sociology. Textbook for university students. 2nd ed., Sr. Minsk: "Tetrasystems", 2004. 640 p.
8. Sokolov A. V. General theory of social communication. Tutorial. SPB. Publishing house Mikhailov V.A., 2002. 461 p.

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The teaching profession is one of the oldest. It accumulates thousands of years of experience of succession of generations. A teacher is a link between generations, a bearer of socio-historical experience. In the changing world of professions, the total number of which is several tens of thousands, the teaching profession remains unchanged, although its content, working conditions, quantitative and qualitative nature are changing.

The teacher acts both as a social subject - the bearer of social knowledge and values, and as an individual subject of pedagogical activity. Because of this, the subjective characteristics of the teacher always combine the axiological (value) and cognitive (knowledge) planes. At the same time, the latter also includes two plans: general cultural and subject-professional knowledge. Being an individual subject, the teacher is always a person in all the variety of individual psychological, behavioral and communicative qualities.

Teaching profession, according to the classification of E.A. Klimov, refers to the type "Man - Man". This type of profession is determined by the following qualities of a person: the need for communication, the ability to mentally put oneself in the place of another person, quickly understand the intentions, thoughts, mood of other people, understand the relationships of other people, remember well and keep in mind knowledge about the personal qualities of people.

A person of this profession is also characterized by: the ability to lead, teach, educate, "perform useful actions to serve the various needs of people; the ability to listen and listen; a broad outlook; speech (communicative) culture; psychic orientation of the mind, observation of the manifestations of feelings, mind and character of a person , to his behavior, the ability to imagine, to model his inner world, and not to ascribe to him his own or another, familiar from experience; a design approach to a person, based on the belief that a person can always become better; the ability to empathize; observation; deep and optimistic conviction in the correctness of the idea of ​​serving the people as a whole; solving non-standard situations; a high degree of self-regulation.

P.F. considered a contraindication to the choice of teaching professions. Kapterev, are speech defects, isolation, self-absorption, lack of sociability, pronounced physical disabilities, sluggishness, excessive slowness, indifference to people, lack of signs of disinterested interest in a person. The teaching profession has a number of specific requirements, among which the main ones are professional competence and didactic culture. Even at the beginning of the century, P.F. Kapterev noted that the personality of the teacher in the learning environment takes the first place, certain properties of it will increase or decrease the educational impact of training.

Formulated by P.F. Kapterev, the teacher's model included "special" teaching qualities (knowledge of the subject, training in related subjects, broad education, familiarity with teaching methodology, general didactic principles, pedagogical tact and independence, creativity) and moral and volitional qualities of the teacher (impartiality, objectivity, attentiveness, sensitivity, conscientiousness, steadfastness, endurance, justice, love for children). This model can be represented by the following diagram (Figure 1)

Figure 1. Properties and qualities of a teacher

Designated P.F. Kapterov, the model has in its content both purely professional, psychological, and directly moral properties and qualities of a teacher. In this regard, it can already be called the professional and ethical model of the teacher's personality.

Further theoretical development of the teacher's personality model goes in the direction of an ever deeper study of the teacher's professional competence, such aspects as professional and pedagogical knowledge; professional and pedagogical skills; professional psychological positions, attitudes of the teacher, required from him by the profession; personal characteristics that ensure the teacher's mastery of professional knowledge and skills. All this found its expression in the works of a number of domestic teachers (N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, L.M. Mitina, etc.). The ethical aspect of the teacher's professional model in these works is, as a rule, of secondary importance. The moral characteristics of the teacher are listed in the context of his professional and psychological properties, and the specificity of the ethical side of the teacher's personality model is not noted. Nevertheless, the way researchers see a modern teacher is important for developing an optimal professional and ethical model of a teacher.

There are several approaches to understanding professional competence. IF in the concept of N.V. Kuzmina’s competence has a reason that is close to other reasons for pedagogical efficiency, then in A.K. Markova’s concept of professional competence there is a generic opinion. It includes all the subjective characteristics that are manifested in the efficiency of the teacher and ensure its effectiveness. This position of vision has received extensive distribution and is leading. According to this point of view, such work of a teacher is masterfully competent, in which pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication is performed at a fairly high level, the personality of the teacher is realized, i.e., such work in which excellent results are achieved in the education and upbringing of schoolchildren.

Pedagogical activity is at once transformative and ruling. And for such a person to rule the development of personality, it is necessary to exist competent. The opinion of the teacher's competence, - V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, L. I. Mishchenko and E. N. Shiyanov note, - expresses the integrity of his theoretical and practical readiness for the implementation of pedagogical efficiency and characterizes his professionalism.

Professional competence, as already mentioned, consists of such components as the professional knowledge of the teacher, his pedagogical skills, professional psychological positions and personal psychological characteristics. What are these components?

I. Professional knowledge.

Professional knowledge is information from pedagogy and psychology about the essence of the teacher's work, about the features of pedagogical activity and communication, the personality of the teacher, about the mental development of students, their age characteristics, etc. In general, psychological and pedagogical knowledge is determined by curricula. Psychological and pedagogical readiness includes knowledge of the methodological foundations and categories of pedagogy; patterns of socialization and personality development; essence, goals and technologies of education and training; laws of age-related anatomical, physiological and mental development of children, adolescents, youth. It is the basis of the humanistically oriented thinking of the teacher-educator.

Psychological-pedagogical and special (on the subject) knowledge is a necessary but by no means sufficient condition for professional competence. In our opinion, the teacher's professional knowledge should also include ethical knowledge - knowledge of the main categories of ethics and the concepts of moral consciousness, the nature, specifics and functions of morality, moral principles, norms and rules of conduct, professional ethics of the teacher, etiquette and culture of communication, methods of moral education.

II. Pedagogical skills. Pedagogical skills are a set of successively unfolding actions based on theoretical knowledge and aimed at solving the problems of developing a harmonious personality. Elements of these actions can be automated and implemented at the skill level. Such an awareness of the essence of pedagogical skills highlights the leading role of theoretical knowledge in shaping the practical readiness of future teachers, the integrity of theoretical and practical training, the multi-level nature of pedagogical skills (from reproductive to creative) and the likelihood of their improvement by automating individual actions.

In the structure of professional competence, one can single out theoretical and practical readiness, which have their own forms of skill.

So, theoretical readiness teacher assumes that he has analytical, prognostic, projective, as well as reflective skills.

Analytical Skills. It is through them that the social ability of the teacher to think pedagogically is manifested. Such a skill consists of a number of particular skills: to dismember pedagogical phenomena into constituent elements (conditions, causes, motives, incentives, means, forms of manifestation, etc.); comprehend each part in connection with the whole and in interaction with the leading parties; find ideas, conclusions, patterns in the theory of training and education that are adequate to the logic of the phenomenon under consideration; correctly diagnose the pedagogical phenomenon; find the main pedagogical task (problem) and ways of its optimal solution.

Predictive skills. Pedagogical activity involves the orientation of the teacher to the end result, anticipation of the goal, pedagogical forecasting. Depending on the object of forecasting, prognostic skills can be combined into 3 groups: prediction of the development of the team - the dynamics of its structure, the development of the system of relationships, the configuration of the location of the asset and individual students in the system of relationships, etc .; prediction of personality development - its personal and business properties, emotions, will and behavior, probable deviations in personality development, problems in establishing relationships with peers, etc.; prediction of the pedagogical process - educational, educational and developmental abilities of educational material, students' difficulties in learning and other types of efficiency, the results of the introduction of certain methods, techniques and means of teaching and learning, etc.

Pedagogical forecasting requires the teacher to master such pedagogical methods as modeling, hypotheses, thought experiment, extrapolation, etc.

Projective skills are associated with the planning of educational work. Plans for educational work can be promising and operational. The latter include lesson plans and educational activities.

Projective Skills include: translation of the purpose and content of education and upbringing into specific pedagogical tasks; taking into account, when determining pedagogical tasks and selecting the content of students' activities, their needs and interests, the possibilities of the material base, their experience and personal and business qualities; determination of a complex of dominant and subordinate tasks for each step of the pedagogical process; selection of types of efficiency that are adequate to the tasks set, planning a system of common creative affairs; planning personal work with students in order to overcome existing shortcomings in the development of their capabilities, creative forces and talents; selection of content, forms, methods and means of the pedagogical process in their rational combination; planning a system of techniques to stimulate the energy of schoolchildren and contain negative manifestations in their behavior; planning the development of the educational environment and relations with parents and the public.

Operational planning requires the teacher to master a number of specific narrow methodological skills.

Reflective Skills take place in the implementation by the teacher of control and evaluation activities aimed at himself. For the effective implementation of self-control, the teacher must be capable of reflection, which allows him to reasonably and objectively analyze his judgments, actions and, ultimately, activities from the point of view of their compliance with the plan and conditions. The distinction between reflexive skills is due to close circumstances. And, before that, only by the fact that the analysis of the results of pedagogical efficiency without a painstaking analysis of their receipt cannot be consistent with the norm. It is always extremely important for a teacher to determine, in any measure, both positive and negative results are the result of his efficiency. Otsedov and the need to analyze one’s efficiency, which requires special skills to analyze: the fidelity of setting goals, their “translation” into specific tasks and the adequacy of the complex of dominant and subordinate tasks being solved to the initial conditions; the ratio of the content of the efficiency of students to the assigned tasks; the effectiveness of the applied methods, techniques and means of pedagogical efficiency; the ratio of the organizational forms used to the age unusualness of the students, the content of the material, etc.; prerequisites for success and failure, mistakes and difficulties in the course of implementing the established tasks of teaching and learning; an experiment of one's own efficiency in its unity and coordination with the aspects and advice worked out by science.

Reflection is not just knowledge or understanding by the subject of pedagogical activity of himself, but also finding out how and how others (students, colleagues, parents) know and understand the teacher, his personal characteristics, emotional reactions and cognitive representations.

To practical readiness of the teacher include organizational and communication skills.

Organizational activity the teacher ensures the inclusion of students in various types of activities and the organization of the activities of the team, which turns it from an object into a subject of education. The organizational skills of the teacher include mobilization, information, development and orientation.

Mobilization Skills associated with attracting the attention of students and developing their sustainable interests in learning, work and other activities; the formation of knowledge needs and the equipping of students with the skills of educational work and the basics of the scientific organization of educational work; stimulating the actualization of knowledge and life experience of pupils in order to form in them an active, independent and creative attitude to the phenomena of the surrounding reality; the creation of special situations for the manifestation of moral deeds by pupils; the reasonable use of methods of encouragement and punishment, the creation of an atmosphere of joint experience, etc.

Information Skills. These are the skills and abilities of working with printed sources and bibliography, the ability to extract information from other sources and didactically transform it, i.e. the ability to interpret and adapt information to the tasks of training and education.

At the stage of direct communication with pupils, information skills are manifested in the ability to clearly and clearly present educational material, taking into account the specifics of the subject, the degree of preparedness of students, their actual experiment and age; logically correctly build and news a certain story, explanation, conversation, problematic presentation; organically combine the introduction of inductive and deductive ways of presenting the material; express questions in an accessible form, briefly, correctly and bitingly; use technical means, electronic computers and visual aids, formulate an idea with the support of graphs, diagrams, diagrams, drawings; effectively fix the nature and degree of mastering the latest material by students with the introduction of various methods; rebuild, if necessary, the plan and course of presentation of the material.

Developing skills suggest "zones of proximal development" (L.S. Vygotsky) of individual students, the class as a whole; creation of problem situations and other conditions for the development of cognitive processes, feelings and will of pupils; stimulation of cognitive independence and creative thinking, the need to establish logical (particular to general, type to genus, premise to effect, specific to abstract) and functional (cause-effect, goal-means, quality-quantity, action-result) relationships; formation and formulation of questions requiring the application of previously acquired knowledge; creation of conditions for the development of individual characteristics, the implementation of an individual approach to students for these purposes.

Orientation Skills aimed at shaping the moral and value attitudes of pupils and the scientific worldview, instilling a steady interest in educational activities and science, in production and professional activities that correspond to the personal inclinations and abilities of children; organization of joint creative activity, which has as its goal the development of socially significant qualities of the individual.

Organizational skills teachers-educators are inextricably linked with communicative ones, on which the establishment of pedagogical expedient relationships between the teacher and students, teachers-colleagues, and parents depends.

Communication skills structurally, they can be represented as interrelated groups of perceptual skills, the actual communication skills (verbal) and the skills and abilities of pedagogical technology.

Perceptual Skills associated with people's perception of each other in a situation of communication. Manifested at the initial stage of communication, they come down to the most general ability to understand others (students, teachers, parents). And this requires knowledge, first of all, of the value orientations of another person, which are expressed in his ideals, needs and interests, in the level of claims. It is also necessary to know the ideas that a person has about himself, the knowledge of what a person really likes, what he ascribes to himself, what he objects to.

The set of perceptual skills can be represented by the following interconnected series: to perceive and correctly explain information about signals from a partner in accordance with communication received in the course of general efficiency; penetrate in depth into the personal essence of other people, establish the personal originality of a person, on the basis of a rapid assessment of a person’s external features and behavior patterns, predetermine the innate world, direction and probable future deeds of a person; predetermine what type of personality and character a person belongs to, according to insignificant signs, set the nature of experiences, the position of a person, his involvement or innocence in certain events; to look for symptoms in the deeds and other manifestations of a person that distinguish him from the rest and himself in similar life circumstances in the past; to create the main thing in another person, to correctly determine his attitude to social values, to take into account in the behavior of people "corrections" for the perceiver, to resist the stereotypes of perception of another person (idealization, "halo effect", etc.)

Data about students, obtained as a result of the "inclusion" of perceptual skills, constitute a necessary prerequisite for the success of pedagogical communication at all stages of the pedagogical process.

Skills of pedagogical communication can be attributed to the most important in the professional activity of a teacher. The organization of direct communication requires the teacher to possess the ability to attract the attention of students. V.A. Kan-Kalik described four ways to attract attention: a speech variant (verbal appeal to students); pause with active internal communication (demanding attention); movement-sign variant (hanging up tables, visual aids, writing on the board, etc.); mixed version, which includes elements of the previous three.

At this stage, it is also necessary to be able to establish psychological contact with the class, facilitating the transfer of information and its perception of students; create an atmosphere of collective search, joint creative activity; cause the pupils to communicate with the teacher and his subject of teaching.

Management of communication in the pedagogical process initially involves the ability to organically and consistently act in a public setting (the ability to communicate in public); organize joint creative activities with students; purposefully support communication by introducing elements of a conversation, rhetorical questions, etc.

Successful management of pedagogical communication requires the ability to share interest and help its vitality; choose, in accordance with the attitude towards the class and individual students, a more suitable method of behavior and treatment, which would provide them with preparedness for the perception of messages, helping to remove the mental obstacle of age and experiment, bringing the pupil closer to the teacher; analyze the actions of students, create motives for them, by which they are controlled, predetermine their behavior in different situations; to form an experiment of emotional experiences of students, to guarantee an atmosphere of prosperity in the classroom.

Establishing feedback in the process of communication is supported by empathic processes that appear in the course of interaction between the teacher and students. Emotional reverse association is achieved through the ability, in accordance with the behavior of students, their eyes and faces, to see the joint mental mood of the class; feel in the process of communication the coming of the moment of change in the emotional states of students; their readiness to act; in time to create the exclusion of individual students from the general efficiency.

One of the tools that increase the effectiveness of a communicative action is pedagogical technique, which is a set of skills necessary for pedagogical stimulation of the activity of individual students and the team as a whole: the ability to choose the right style and tone in dealing with pupils, manage their attention, sense of pace, etc.

The skills of pedagogical technique are a necessary condition for mastering the technology of communication. A special place among them is occupied by the development of the teacher's speech as one of the most important educational means. The culture of speech necessary in the activities of a teacher is the possession of a word, correct diction, correct breathing, and correct facial expressions and gestures.

In addition to those named, the following should be attributed to the skills and abilities of pedagogical technology: the ability to control one's body, relieve muscle tension in the process of performing pedagogical actions; regulate their psychological states; evoke "by order" feelings of surprise, joy, anger, etc.; own the intonation technique for expressing different feelings (requests, demands, questions, orders, advice, wishes, etc.); win over an interlocutor; figuratively convey information, etc.

For the successful implementation of pedagogical activity, it is very important that the teacher, educator is fluent in at least one of a large group of applied skills: artistic (singing, drawing, playing musical instruments, etc.); organizational, which can be mastered by almost everyone (for example, a mass entertainer, a public coach in one or more sports, a tourism instructor, a tour guide, a circle leader, etc.).

III. Professional psychological positions.

An important component of the teacher's professional competence, as already mentioned, is his professional psychological position.

Professional psychological positions- these are stable systems of teacher relations (to the student, to himself, to colleagues) that determine his behavior. The professional position also expresses professional self-esteem, the level of the teacher's professional claims, his attitude to the place in the system of social relations at school that he occupies, and to which he claims. The professional position is closely connected with the motivation of the teacher, with the awareness of the meaning of his work. A distinction is made between a special professional position of a teacher (the desire to be and remain a teacher) and specific professional positions depending on the types of preferred pedagogical activity. For example, the teacher's position may be dominated by the position of the subject, the position of the educator, etc.

The formation of professional positions occurs in the process of fulfilling pedagogical skills and the implementation of various teacher-student relationships during this process. So, mastering the methods of transferring the content of his educational material, the teacher acts in the position of a subject teacher. Selecting teaching methods - in the position of a methodologist. Studying students and oneself - in the position of a diagnostician and self-diagnostician.

From the point of view of A.K. Markova, the positions of a diagnostician, a self-diagnostician, a subject of pedagogical activity are priority for teacher's work. Let's consider the features of these positions. The position of a “diagnostician” implies the ability of a teacher to determine the readiness of children for schooling, to diagnose cognitive processes (attention, memory, thinking), personal characteristics of children of different ages (self-assessment of the personality of a teenager and a high school student, the state of aggression, levels of claims, the main properties of a student’s personality), interpersonal relationships (reference relations in the class, cohesion of the class, the attractiveness of a group of classmates for a student, relationships in a group, the moral and psychological climate of a group of schoolchildren), individual characteristics of the student's personality (temperament, character, character accentuations, abilities, etc.). Being in the position of "self-diagnostic", the teacher must properly assess himself. The teacher's self-esteem is determined by the development of his professional self-awareness. According to A.K. Markova, the structure of professional pedagogical self-awareness includes:

  • 1. the teacher's awareness of the norms, rules, models of the teaching profession, the formation of a professional credo, the concept of teaching work;
  • 2. correlation of oneself with some professional standard, identification;
  • 3. assessment of oneself by other, professionally reference people;
  • 4. self-assessment, which highlights:
    • a) cognitive aspect, awareness of oneself, one's activity,
    • b) emotional aspect 2

The teacher's understanding of himself as a subject of the pedagogical process, as well as the way he is actually perceived and evaluated by pupils and employees, occurs in the process of reflection. Reflection is not an elementary cognition or consciousness of the subject of himself, but also an investigation of how others know and understand the “reflecting”, his personal individualities, emotional reactions and cognitive (associated with cognition) representations. In this regard, the typology of teachers proposed by B.K. Kovalev represents a certain amount of enthusiasm. After evaluating the reflective capabilities of teachers and examining the correlation of teachers' self-assessments and their students' assessments, he divided all teachers into 5 types or groups: 1st group - self-conceit is suitable for assessment by students, a democratic manner of communication is characteristic; 2nd group - correctly predicts their assessment, however, conceit is inadequate, authoritarianism in communication is characteristic; the third group - adequate conceit and incomplete prognosis, in relationships undemanding is characteristic; excellent student relations and goodwill; 4th group - low adequacy of ideas and conceit, such teachers want to find out the worldview about themselves from students, but they cannot be known, therefore conflicts are frequent, authoritarian or situational styles of communication are characteristic; 5th group - their ideas are opposite to the concept of their students, which causes the greatest difficulties in communication.

It should be noted that the adequacy of a teacher's self-diagnosis is significantly affected by the presence of such properties as self-criticism and capacity for self-analysis.

The teacher as a subject of pedagogical efficiency can take different professional and psychological positions: functional, creative, formal role-playing, conformist, conflict, open and covered.

Active professional position of the teacher. The social activity of the individual is the ability of a person to produce significant transformations in the world based on the appropriation of the wealth of material and spiritual culture.

An active life position of a person is distinguished by ideological adherence to principles, consistency in defending one's views, unity of word and deed. As for the active professional position of the teacher, it, along with numerous characteristics, also includes such as the personal (human) orientation of pedagogical activity.

The professional activity of a teacher is motivated, as a rule, by love for children, a focus on the development of the student's personality, the desire to be and remain a teacher, to overcome obstacles and difficulties in their work.

It must be admitted that the active professional position of a teacher, the motivation of pedagogical activity, the choice of a teacher's profession is determined not only by love for children and vocation, but also by the living conditions that society and the state create for a teacher, his salary, recognition of the socially significant status of his profession.

An indicator of the effectiveness of the active position of the teacher is the training and upbringing of schoolchildren. Although, as A.K. Markova, learning and upbringing are a prerequisite, the basis for such indicators of the effectiveness of a teacher’s work as learnability (ability for self-learning) and upbringing (ability for self-development) of students /

The active position of the teacher can be both positive, aimed at high professional and ethical values, and negative, ignoring these values, as well as inconsistent, i.e. not always focused on pedagogical ideals.

creative position. Creativity is an activity, the result of which is the creation of new material and spiritual values. /

The creative position of the teacher, according to R.S. Nemov, aims to create new knowledge, objects, skills and abilities that are not presented in the form of samples ready for assimilation through imitation. . It seems that this is not entirely true. It should be borne in mind that virtually any activity includes elements of imitation (N.M. Gnatko, A.G. Kovalev, B.D. Parygin, V.A. Prosetsky, P.A. Rudik). As V.A. Prosetsky: “In their essence, imitation and creativity are opposite: imitation is the reproduction (reflection) of existing images (examples), and creativity is the creation of new and, moreover, original socially significant samples. However, this opposition is not metaphysical, but dialectical. With all the opposition and even polarity in relation to each other, imitation and creativity are interconnected, penetrate each other. In the creative position of the teacher in a dialectical unity, such elements as imitation (copying), creative imitation, imitative creativity and genuine creativity can be combined.

The problem of the relationship between imitation and creativity is especially evident in the activities of beginners, young teachers. Their creative activity is predominantly imitative in nature, which is a natural stage on the way to the formation of a creative individuality, on the way to true creativity, free from imitation. The teacher's creative position is manifested in his ability to establish pedagogical communication, convey the necessary knowledge to students, and establish normal relations with colleagues.

Formal role position. The teacher in the course of his professional activity performs many roles, which is clearly presented in the role repertoire proposed by V. Levy.

The teacher's attitude to the performance of his roles can be not only creatively active, interested, but also formal, passive, disinterested. Pedagogical communication in this case can be formal-role-based, regulated by instructions and job responsibilities. The formal-role position, as a rule, is inherent in teachers who are over 45 years old and have more than 20 years of experience. For these teachers, Antonova N.V. notes, a detached-avoiding type of pedagogical communication is characteristic.

Conformist position. Conformism is a concept denoting opportunism, passive acceptance of the existing order of things, prevailing opinions, etc. A conformist point of view means the lack of one’s position, unprincipled and uncritical observance of any kind that has a greater force of pressure (the worldview of the majority, prestige, traditions, etc.) . The first type of conformal behavior is characterized by the fact that a person deliberately takes the side of the majority under its pressure, but internally remains with his own worldview. However, as soon as the action stops, he turns to his own starting position. The second is characterized by the fact that the personality, in case of disagreement of concepts with other members of the group, first adjusts to the generally accepted point of view, which uniformly affects his perception. The worldview becomes the least stable and, in the end, coincides with the conviction of the majority. » The teacher's conformist position is characteristic of all these types of behavior. The teacher can take a conciliatory position with pupils in the class, with staff and administration. The conformist point of view is usually characteristic only of young teachers, and even those teachers who have had severe conflicts with the administration and employees in accordance with their work.

Conflict position. When people think of conflict, they most often associate it with aggression, threats, arguments, hostility. As a result, there is an opinion that conflict is always an undesirable phenomenon, that it should be resolved immediately as soon as it arises. But in many situations, the conflict helps to reveal a variety of points of view, provides additional information, helps to identify more alternatives or problems. It is known that conflicts are necessarily included in the professional activities of specialists in the “man-to-man” system: managers of any rank, teachers, doctors, lawyers, service workers, etc. Classical studies of a manager’s activity have shown that 25% of his working time is usually spent on resolving conflicts. This figure reaches 80% for first-level managers. An even more depressing picture can be observed at school, where non-constructive ways of getting out of the conflict (pressure, prohibition, ignoring, etc.) sometimes lead to personality breakdown, antisocial forms of behavior, neurotic manifestations and psychosomatic diseases.

"Conflict competence" of the teacher implies a differentiated approach to conflicts, their classification, the choice of a specific strategy and style of behavior in a conflict situation.

A constructive attitude towards conflicts does not imply ignoring or oppressing all and all conflicts, but a differentiated approach to them, their constructive permission. The idea of ​​the useful function of conflicts does not seem so paradoxical, if we keep in mind that the spring of every development is an objection, a clash of divergent trends and forces. Undoubtedly, far from any conflict contributes to the development of the individual, the group. But from any conflict it is allowed to draw a lesson for development, one's own and those around. The main goal of work in the field of practical conflictology is to give the teacher the opportunity to form constructive news of conflicts, to reduce the horror of conflict situations, to master the methods of parsing and resolving ordinary conflicts. Most of this, it is necessary to create conditions for the teacher to be able to use conflicts for the purposes of teaching, learning, management (from time to time even deliberately initiating the origin of conflict situations for this). This, of course, does not negate the need for constant preventive work, which is contained in improving the culture of communication (the culture of action, speech, thinking, predicting responses, listening, maintaining communication, correcting false actions, etc.) and improving the system of emotional self-regulation of the teacher.

In psychology, the following styles of behavior in a conflict situation have been recognized: the manner of competition, the manner of evasion, the manner of adaptation, the manner of cooperation, the manner of compromise.

The teacher needs to keep in mind that any of these styles is effective only under certain criteria and none of them can exist as the very best. The best entrance will be formed by a specific situation, and also by the warehouse of his temper. In pedagogical interaction, the teacher can take an open or closed position.

Open position characterized by openness in the sense of the ability to express one's point of view on the subject and readiness to take into account the positions of others (students, teachers, administration, parents). Taking an open position, the teacher renounces his own pedagogical omniscience and infallibility, reveals his personal experience to students and compares his experiences with theirs, presents the educational material through the prism of his perception. In the course of this, a teacher-student dialogue is carried out, which is characterized by a tolerant respectful attitude towards the opponent’s opinion (even if it is erroneous), the ability to take the interlocutor’s point of view, critically comprehend one’s own position, pedagogical optimism and trust, “oncoming movement” towards the student. Students are allowed to make mistakes. Criticism is used in the form of self-criticism: the teacher attributes to himself an erroneous judgment typical of students and criticizes this judgment, while showing them what the mistake is and how he gets rid of it.

For a closed position teachers are characterized by an impersonal, emphatically objective manner of presentation, the absence of their own judgments and doubts, experiences, insights, the loss of the emotional and value subtext of learning, which does not cause a reciprocal desire in children to disclose.

IV. Personal psychological features of the teacher.

The value of individual components of professional competence is not the same. Some of them are prioritized: they include the results of the work of students in terms of their psychosomatic development (the main thing is not what the teacher gave, but what the student took). The procedural characteristics of the teacher's work are in this regard a means of achieving results. Within the teacher's work process, the priority role belongs to the personality of the teacher, his abilities, value orientations, and ideals.

In psychology and pedagogy, the problem of the teacher's pedagogical capabilities remains a debatable topic. However, according to S. L. Rubinshtein, the formation of mental capabilities is a prerequisite for the development of knowledge, then, according to B. M. Teplov, the prerequisite for the development of the capabilities themselves are inclinations as innate anatomical and physiological individualities. On the basis of these provisions of S. L. Rubinshtein and B. M. Teplov, scientists have identified a whole set of pedagogical capabilities of the teacher:

  • 1. the ability to transfer knowledge to children in a short and fun way;
  • 2. the ability to perceive pupils, based on observation;
  • 3. independent and creative nature of thinking;
  • 4. resourcefulness or quick and correct orientation;
  • 5. organizational capabilities, necessary both for supplying the work of the teacher himself, and for creating a good student team.
  • 1. the ability to make training material easily accessible to students and the ability to integrate training material with life, i.e. a didactic group of possibilities, correlated with the general ability to convey knowledge in a short and entertaining way;
  • 2. a group of opportunities associated with the reflexive-gnostic capabilities of a person - the teacher's consciousness of the pupil, enthusiasm for children, creativity in work, attentiveness in accordance with the attitude towards children;
  • 3. group of opportunities - interactive - communicative opportunities - this is a pedagogically volitional influence on children, pedagogical intelligibility, teaching tact;
  • 4. a group of possibilities that describe saturation, richness, artistry and authenticity of the teacher's speech.

In the most generalized form, pedagogical abilities were presented V.N. Krutetsky, which gave them common definitions.

Didactic abilities - the ability to convey educational material to students, making it accessible to children, to present material to them clearly and understandably, to arouse interest in the subject, to arouse active independent thought in students. A teacher with didactic abilities is able, if necessary, to appropriately reconstruct the educational material, make the difficult easy, the complex simple, the incomprehensible understandable ...

  • 1. Professional work, as we understand it now, involves the ability not only to explain the material intelligibly, but also the ability to create independent work of students, independent acquisition of knowledge, intelligently and literally “conduct” the cognitive energy of students, orient it in the right direction.
  • 2. Abstract possibilities - opportunities for the corresponding field of science (arithmetic, physics, literature, etc.). A gifted teacher knows the object not only in the scope of the course, but more spacious and deeper, looks for discoveries in his own science, freely possesses the material, shows great enthusiasm for it, and conducts moderate research work.
  • 3. Perceptual possibilities - the ability to seep into the innate world of the pupil, student, psychological attentiveness, woven with a narrow awareness of the student's personality and his fleeting mental states. A gifted teacher, in accordance with insignificant signs, external manifestations, catches the smallest manifestations in the internal state of the pupil.
  • 4. Speech capabilities - the ability to clearly and correctly formulate one's ideas and feelings with the support of speech, as well as facial expressions and pantomimics. The style of a capable teacher in the classroom is constantly turned to students, students. Whether the teacher reports the latest material, explains the protest, expresses consent or condemnation, his style is distinguished by inner strength, conviction, and interest in what he is saying. The presentation of the idea is light, ordinary, understandable for students.
  • 5. Organizational skills are:

a) the ability to organize the student team to solve important problems;

b) the ability to properly organize their own work, to be able to properly plan and supervise it themselves; an experienced teacher develops a sense of time - the ability to meet deadlines, distribute work over time.

  • 6. Authoritarian opportunities - the possibility of a specific emotional-volitional influence on students and knowledge based on this to achieve their prestige. Prestige is also formed on the basis of a beautiful knowledge of the subject, sensitivity, tact of the teacher. Authoritarian opportunities depend on a whole complex of personal properties (decisiveness, endurance, perseverance, exactingness, etc.). And also from a sense of responsibility for the education and upbringing of students, from the teacher's confidence that he is right, from the ability to give conviction to his own students.
  • 7. Communication opportunities - the ability to communicate with students, students, the knowledge to find the right entrance to them, determine the appropriateness of the relationship with them, the presence of pedagogical contact.
  • 8. Pedagogical fantasy - predictive capabilities, special capacity, which is expressed in anticipation of the consequences of one's own actions, in the educational design of the personality of students, in the ability to predict the formation of certain properties of students.
  • 9. Ability to distribute interest at once between several forms of efficiency is still fundamental for the teacher. A gifted, most experienced teacher looks after the entry and form of presentation of the material, for the deployment of his own idea (or a pupil), owns the field of interest of all students, reacts to symptoms of fatigue, misunderstanding, notices damage to discipline, looks after his behavior (posture, facial expressions and pantomimics, gait).

Summarizing research in the field of pedagogical abilities, N.V. Kuzmina identifies two of their levels: perceptual-reflex and projective. The first level contains 3 types of sensitivity: the emotion of the object associated with empathy, the emotion of measure (or tact) and the emotion of involvement. These manifestations of sensitivity lie at the basis of pedagogical intuition. The 2nd degree represents projective capabilities, correlated with sensitivity to the creation of new, productive teaching methods. This degree includes gnostic, design, constructive, communicative and organizational abilities. Pedagogical opportunities, in accordance with the concept of the researchers of the school N.V. Kuzmina, imply the highest degree of development of general abilities: observation, thinking, imagination, as well as such special abilities as poetic, writing.

As mentioned earlier, one of the important reasons for pedagogical efficiency P.F. Kapterev called the "personal qualities" of the teacher - purposefulness, perseverance, shyness, attentiveness. Significant for the teacher wit, oratory, skill. Especially important in the teacher's work is readiness for empathy, that is, for comprehending the mental state of pupils and empathy. A. K. Markova considers pedagogical erudition, pedagogical goal-setting, pedagogical (practical and diagnostic) thinking, pedagogical intuition, pedagogical improvisation, pedagogical attentiveness, teaching optimism, pedagogical intelligence, pedagogical foresight, pedagogical reflection to the fundamental psychological qualities of a teacher. A special place in the "personal qualities" of the teacher is occupied by a pedagogical orientation.

Pedagogical orientation, notes L.M. Mitin, acts as the core of the psychological portrait of the ideal teacher. She, according to N.V. Kuzmina, is one of the most important subjective factors for reaching the top in professional and pedagogical activity.

In the general psychological sense, the orientation of the personality is defined as “a set of stable motives that guide the activity of the personality and are independent of the current situations. The orientation of the personality is characterized by interests, inclinations, beliefs, ideals, in which the worldview of a person is expressed.

Expanding the content of this definition as it is used for pedagogical efficiency, N.V. Kuzmina also connects to it enthusiasm for the students themselves, for creativity, for the teaching profession, the disposition to learn from it, an understanding of one's own capabilities. The selection of the main strategies of efficiency explains, according to N.V. Kuzmina, 3 types of flow: really pedagogical, formal-pedagogical and logical-pedagogical. Only the first type of flow contributes to the achievement of great results in pedagogical efficiency.

"A truly pedagogical direction consists in a stable motivation to create the personality of students by means of the subject being taught, to restructure the subject, counting on the creation of the student's initial need for knowledge, the bearer of which is the teacher." According to the concept of N.V. Kuzmina, the main motive for the pedagogical direction is enthusiasm for the content of pedagogical efficiency. In the pedagogical direction, as its supreme degree, an occupation is included, which correlates in the process of one's own development with the need for the chosen efficiency. At this highest stage of the development of the vocation, the teacher does not think of himself without a school, without the life and efficiency of his own pupils.

Continuing the discussion of the qualities of a teacher, it should be noted that in the study by L.M. Mitina more than fifty personal parameters of a teacher were identified (both professionally significant, and actually personal traits). Here is a list of these characteristics: culture, rigidity, impressionability, culture, attentiveness, endurance and spirit, elasticity of behavior, citizenship, humanity, skill, selection, kindness, truthfulness, goodwill, ideological conviction, activity, sociability, collectivism, criticality, consistency, love for children, vigilance, perseverance, responsibility, responsiveness, organization, compatibility, political awareness, materiality, jingoistic patriotism, truthfulness, pedagogical erudition, apprehension, significance, independence, self-criticism, timidity, devotion, quick wit, rudeness, zeal for self-improvement, tact, a sense of the new, a sense of one's own pluses, sensitivity, ardor. L. M. Mitina believes that this joint list of parameters creates a mental portrait of an impeccable teacher.

Without belittling the merits of L.M. Mitina in developing the problem of personal qualities and properties of a teacher, one can notice the following:

firstly, the list of properties, qualities and characteristics of the teacher's personality can be substantially extended, it is not limited to the named properties only;

secondly, along with business and psychological properties, there is a class of properties and qualities of a moral and ethical order. They, for the most part, are not indicated in the list (morality, determination, conscientiousness, honesty, etc.), although they occupy a large place in the moral and psychological structure of the teacher's personality

According to his behavior, I.A. rightly notes. Winter, the teacher must exist as a prototype for reproduction, own upbringing, education, competence, culture of behavior and pedagogical communication. Specifically, these properties, in accordance with its concept, compose the structure of the psychological portrait of the teacher. Since the teacher, as a subject of pedagogical efficiency, is a unity of psychological and highly moral properties, in the given case, it is allowed, in our opinion, to speak about the moral and psychological portrait of the teacher.

Summing up the results, it is allowed to state that teachers, as a subject of pedagogical efficiency in general, are characterized by: purposefulness, vigor, self-regulation; pedagogical self-consciousness as a lattice image specific to subjective efficiency; individual psychological characteristics that determine his ratio of pedagogical efficiency; construction of pedagogical opportunities; pedagogical direction, adequacy of conceit, level of claims, empathy, altruistically directed system of relations, the highest morality.

Summarizing everything that has been said about the components of a teacher's professional competence, it is possible to formulate a professional and ethical model of a modern teacher. In our opinion, it includes a number of blocks:

block of professional-subject and ethical knowledge;

block of professional and pedagogical skills;

a block of psychological knowledge about the professional positions of a teacher;

psychological and ethical block of knowledge about the moral and psychological qualities of the teacher and his professional ethics.

First block represent professional psychological and pedagogical knowledge determined by curricula. This also includes ethical knowledge (the main categories of ethics and the concepts of moral consciousness, the nature, specifics and functions of morality, moral principles and norms, the professional ethics of a teacher and the rules of etiquette).

Second block is associated with the theoretical and practical readiness of the teacher to carry out pedagogical activities and characterizes his professionalism. The latter is realized in such skills as analytical, prognostic, projective, organizational, mobilization, informational, developmental, orientational, communicative and perceptual skills. We agree with the opinion of such authors as V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, A.I. Mishchenko, E.N. Shiyanov, S.N. Zlobin that communicative competence, the skills of pedagogical communication are the core of the teacher's professionalism and the main thing in his professional activity. The teacher must also have a good command of pedagogical technique and applied skills.

Third block concerns the psychological positions that a teacher can take in relation to students, himself and colleagues. In relation to the students, he can act as a diagnostician, in relation to himself - a self-diagnostician. As a subject of pedagogical efficiency, he can take the most different positions (functional, creative, formal role-playing, conformist, conflict, open and covered). From the point of view of the professional and ethical model being formed, the teacher is obliged to take a positively active, creatively innovative and stably open position. This pedagogical practice does not exclude the presence of formalism, conformity, conflict and closeness in it. The teacher must eschew a conformist position and at the same time be tolerant, that is, condescendingly refers to the helplessness and shortcomings of students and colleagues. As for the teacher's behavior in a conflict situation, then his conflict competence has a fundamental meaning - knowledge of the nature, structure, classification and methods of conflict resolution. The teacher needs to constantly keep in mind that the greatest educational result is achieved with an open position of pedagogical communication.

AT fourth block includes pedagogical abilities (gnostic, design, constructive, communicative, organizational, etc.), moral and psychological qualities of the teacher's personality (personal orientation, emotional flexibility, virtue, etc.), ethical values. The structure of the psychological and ethical block also includes the teacher's desire to base communication on a reasonable, democratic basis, to be guided by the principles, norms and rules of professional ethics and etiquette, to ratify the personal ambition of every student, to create creative cooperation with the class and with each pupil, to stimulate a suitable climate of communication.

There is a point of view according to which the professional competence of a teacher includes six blocks. In addition to those considered, its structure also includes aesthetic and technological blocks. “To the aesthetic block,” writes S.N. Zlobin, - includes skills: to harmonize internal and external personal manifestations, to be artistic, aesthetically expressive, to introduce students to a high culture of communication, to activate their emotional tone and optimistic worldview, to experience the joy of communication, a sense of beauty. The structure of the technological block, - she continues, - includes skills: to use educational and educational tools, methods, techniques, a variety of forms of interaction, to choose the optimal style of communication management, to observe pedagogical tact, to organically combine communicative and subject interactions, to ensure its educational effectiveness.

Since in this case we are talking about aesthetic and technological skills, then, in our opinion, it is possible not to single out additional blocks, since there is a special block (component) where these pedagogical skills are indicated.

The German sociologist M. Weber introduced the concept of "ideal type" into scientific circulation. "Ideal type" is an artificial, logically constructed concept that allows you to highlight the main features of the social phenomenon under study. The “ideal type”, according to M. Weber, is an exaggeratedly convex reflection of the main thing that is characteristic of a real phenomenon. According to Weber's concept, the more "exaggerated" the flawless type, the greater its heuristic importance, the more useful it can be for practical efficiency. In our opinion, there is an analogy between the impeccable type and the professional and ethical model of the teacher's personality. The professional ethical model is a developing phenomenon. Its formation is ahead of its practical implementation in the efficiency and moral and psychological qualities of the teacher. The professional-ethical model, being the prototype of the teacher's work towards his own profession, performs the functions of pedagogical excellence (value-oriented, formative, regulatory, criteria-evaluative, stimulating). It is precisely this that determines its role in pedagogy and psychology.

The presence of a clear idea of ​​the essence, structure and content of pedagogical culture requires consideration of the models of professional and pedagogical culture available in the scientific and pedagogical literature.

V.A. Slastenin and I.F. Isaev, in their construction of a model of professional and pedagogical culture of primary school teachers, proceeded from the following methodological premises:

professional and pedagogical culture is a universal characteristic of pedagogical reality, manifested in different forms of existence;

professional pedagogical culture is an internalized general culture and reveals the function of the specific design of a general culture in the field of pedagogical activity;

professional pedagogical culture is a systemic education that includes a set of structural and functional components, has its own organization, selectively interacts with the environment and has the integrative property of the whole, not reducible to the properties of individual parts;

the unit of analysis of professional and pedagogical culture is pedagogical activity that is creative in nature;

the features of the implementation and formation of the professional and pedagogical culture of university teachers are determined by individual creative psychophysiological and age characteristics, the prevailing socio-pedagogical experience of the individual.

Taking into account these methodological features makes it possible to derive a model of professional and pedagogical culture, which includes such components as motivational, content, technological

Let's present in table 4 the theoretical model of professional and pedagogical culture proposed by I.F. Isaev:

Table 4

The model of professional and pedagogical culture of a primary school teacher according to I.F. Isaev.

Model of professional and pedagogical culture of a primary school teacher

Axiological component

Technology Component

Personal and creative component

The totality of pedagogical values ​​made by the population of the earth, unusually included in the whole teaching process at the present stage of development of higher education. Classification of values: values-means, values-goals, values-relationships, values-knowledge, values-qualities. These groups of pedagogical values ​​form the system as a content base, the core of professional and pedagogical culture.

It includes methods, techniques of pedagogical efficiency of a primary school teacher. The values ​​and merits of pedagogical culture are mastered and formed by a person in the process of efficiency, which reinforces the fact of the inseparable connection between culture and efficiency. Pedagogical civilization, being a personal trait of a primary school teacher, becomes a method of his professional efficiency, which ensures the conclusion of various kinds of professional tasks. The process of solving problems composes the technology of pedagogical efficiency as a component of a masterly - pedagogical culture.

It reveals the device of its mastery and embodiment as a creative, active interpretation of them, which is determined both by the personality traits of the primary school teacher, and by the nature of his scientific and pedagogical efficiency.

Professional and pedagogical culture is a unity of pedagogical values, technologies, essential forces of the individual, aimed at creative implementation in various types of pedagogical activity.

Consequently, we agree with the conclusion of I.F. Isaev that the professional and pedagogical civilization of a primary school teacher is a measure and method of creative self-realization of his personality in various types of pedagogical efficiency, aimed at mastering, transferring and creating pedagogical values ​​and technologies.

Psychological and pedagogical science has accumulated a satisfied experiment of studies in the field of professional pedagogical culture, however, the range of its elements, and, before that, only professional self-consciousness, have been studied rather poorly.

The self-consciousness of a primary school teacher has close to specific devils associated with the features of professional efficiency, it is closely connected with other substances of skill, therefore we will analyze a different approach to the dilemma of professional pedagogical culture and its relationship with prof. self-awareness.

Let us consider the psychological and pedagogical model of the culture of a primary school teacher, the semantic construction of which will bring us closer to the general representation of the model of professional pedagogical culture. V.A. Belovolov and S.P. Belovolov in the work on building a combined model of professional and pedagogical culture (Table 6) proceeded from the same methodological premises as I.F. Isaev in his construction of professional and pedagogical culture.

Features of professional and pedagogical culture are determined on the basis of a systemic understanding of culture, the allocation of its structural and functional components. I.F. Isaev supplements the criteria with the following requirements:

criteria should be disclosed through a number of qualitative features, as they appear, one can judge the greater or lesser degree of severity of this criterion;

the criteria should reflect the dynamics of the measured quality in time and cultural-pedagogical space;

the criteria should cover the main types of pedagogical activity.

And he offers the following main criteria for the formation of a professional and pedagogical culture of a primary school teacher:

value attitude to pedagogical activity;

technological and pedagogical readiness;

creative activity;

degree of development of pedagogical thinking;

striving for professional and pedagogical improvement.

Based on this, I.F. Isaev described four levels of the formation of professional and pedagogical culture: adaptive, reproductive, heuristic, creative.

The generalized factual material allowed us to describe three levels of the formation of a professional pedagogical culture, depending on the degree of manifestation of criteria and indicators (Table 6).

The motivational component includes a set of professional motives, which, refracted through the prism of needs, interests, abilities, values, correlate with the realization of the essential forces of a primary school teacher in professional activities.

It is the specificity of the object of professional efficiency that describes the complex of properties that a specialist must possess.

The technological component includes the methods of efficiency and the machines for mastering it, which ensure the conclusion of professional tasks and situations. In the learning process, not only the study of culture occurs, but also the formation of personality.

The learning process as a medicine for mastering the cultural property is embedded in the academic discipline, for the mastery of which methods of interaction of students with it are needed.

This process is carried out only with the support of the primary school teacher and with his specific participation.

In general, the exposed components are closely interconnected, manifesting themselves in the professional efficiency of the primary school teacher, and are quantitatively measured by aspects and indicators.

Taking into account their different bases makes it possible to note the probable levels of formation, which reflect the different levels of the ratio of criteria and characteristics: adaptive, reproductive, approximate, creative.

The presence of pedagogical standards, norms, rules, which the civilization of the primary school teacher is obliged to give, makes it possible to measure culture.

Measuring pedagogical culture can be realized as measuring the property of efficiency, i.e. with the support of expert assessments, testing, questioning, interpretation of the results of pedagogical studies, etc.

The problem of measuring professional and pedagogical culture is connected with the problem of criteria and levels of its formation.

Criterion is a sign on the basis of which an assessment is made, a judgment is made. Criteria for professional and pedagogical

The series of descriptions of the model of professional and pedagogical culture that we have analyzed allows us to create an integrative model of the professional and pedagogical culture of a primary school teacher, to develop indicators and levels of formation of professional and pedagogical culture.

Table 6

The model of psychological and pedagogical culture of the primary school teacher according to V.A. Belovolov and S.P. Belovolovova

Model of psychological and pedagogical culture of a primary school teacher









The totality of values ​​created by mankind over the centuries.

These values ​​are a kind of life guidelines with which teachers relate their activities.

A specific way of pedagogical activity.

The development and improvement of pedagogical activity contributes to the accumulation of values, the improvement of culture, ideas, technologies, and samples of psychological and pedagogical culture are created and consolidated.

Manifestation of pedagogical creativity.

Development of ways to form an innovative, heuristic culture of a primary school teacher, assertion of a "subjective", value, dialogic attitude to the subject of his activity.

It reveals the psychological and pedagogical culture of a primary school teacher as a specific way of realizing his essential powers:

needs, abilities, interests, social experience of the individual, the measure of a person's social activity.

Table 7

Integrative model of professional and pedagogical culture


Criteria and indicators



The presence of professional motivation

  • 1. Understanding the importance of the teaching profession and interest in it
  • 2. The presence of a need for pedagogical activity,
  • 3. Awareness of oneself as a professional and attitude towards oneself as a subject of professional activity.
  • 4. The need for professional self-knowledge.

Possession of theoretical and methodological foundations of professional activity

  • 1.Knowledge of the methodological foundations of professional activity.
  • 2. Understanding the essence and installation of a value attitude towards the subject of professional activity.
  • 3. Possession of the theory of the object of professional activity.
  • 4. Knowledge of the laws and patterns of functioning of the pedagogical process.

Reproductive (low)


Confluence of methods of teaching and translation of the pedagogical process

  • 1.Knowledge of the content of the educational DISCIPLINE.
  • 2. Understanding the role and place of the academic discipline in the "teacher-student" system.
  • 3, Knowledge of the mechanisms and features of the assimilation of the academic discipline.
  • 4. The ability to transform (transform) the content of the discipline in the "teacher-student" system.

Heuristic (sufficient)

Possession of ways of transformation and creation

  • 1. Possession of the methods of various activities that the teacher teaches students.
  • 2. The ability to co-create in the process of interaction in the "man-man" system.
  • 3. Availability of the ability to implement modern technologies and innovative methods.
  • 4. The presence of the need for self-realization and the desire for self-improvement in professional activities.

Creative (high)

Thus, the theoretical analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature allowed us to:

To reveal the essence of professional and pedagogical culture through the contradictions of its formation;

determine the content of professional and pedagogical culture;

identify the main functions of professional and pedagogical culture;

Substantiate the model of formation of professional and pedagogical culture;

highlight the criteria and levels of manifestation of professional and pedagogical culture.

A systematic holistic view of professional pedagogical culture, development of a model, thought experiment and observation of pedagogical activity allowed us to identify the following conditions that contribute to the effective formation of professional pedagogical culture.

The first condition is the need for teachers' psychological attitudes towards the formation of a professional and pedagogical culture, for the full implementation of which it is necessary: ​​to provide constant motivation for teachers in improving their professional and pedagogical culture;

to strengthen the methodological orientation of the professional activity of a primary school teacher;

update the educational software for the training of teachers by introducing the training course "Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical training of primary school teachers".

The next condition is related to the fact that the creation of a professional and pedagogical culture is carried out on the basis of the development of professional self-awareness, self-respect, self-acceptance, personal unity of teachers. The implementation of the provided condition is connected with the continuity of pedagogical education, which is necessary in order not to allow a break in the harmony of didactic and methodological preparation during the transition from one stage to another. Under this should be understood the consistent deployment of the system of the educational process in order to form the professional culture of the future specialist. The implementation of the provided conditions will give the chance, in line with the modern paradigm of education, to "ripen" the future specialist from step to step, from course to course, from theory to practice.

The third condition that contributes to the effectiveness of the formation of the phenomenon under study is the initiation of subject-subject relations as the basis for communication between teachers and students, the implementation of which is possible if

to consider education in higher education as a process of interaction in the "teacher-student" system to achieve the goal that unites them;

take into account that the transformation that gave culture living knowledge, the construction of personal knowledge, implies a shift in emphasis in teacher education from monologue to dialogue.

appropriate methodological support is required, shown in the study on the example of the special course "Culture of professional and pedagogical communication".

Theoretical provisions and the integrative model of professional pedagogical culture described by us form the basis of experimental work, during which:

The possibilities of the college for the formation of a professional and pedagogical culture of a primary school teacher were identified;