Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups (seminar-workshop). How to establish good relationships in a work team Psychological climate in a team. Basic Concepts

Oksana Klyueva
Creating psychological comfort in kindergarten groups (seminar-workshop)


Introduce teachers to the components psychological comfort and emotional well-being of children in group.

To promote the effective use of educational and educational actions aimed at personality-oriented interaction with the child.


Information part.

Problem psychological


Practical part.

And the emotional well-being of the child.

Emotional well-being of the teacher as a condition for the positive emotional state of children. Techniques for relieving emotional stress among teachers.

Discussion, summing up.

Information part.

Problem psychological health at the present stage.

As a result of a survey of teachers and parents children's gardens regarding their understanding of the term "health" It turned out that the majority of respondents explain this concept in terms of stable physical well-being. But, in essence, health is a combination of several components.

Famous doctor - psychotherapist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross put forward this idea: human health can be represented as a circle consisting of four quadrants: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual.

Unfortunately, many of us begin to understand quite late the importance of not only physical, but also emotional health.

It's no secret that many children have neurotic disorders. There are many reasons for this, and I think there is no need to list them. Such children are difficult for parents, teachers, and society. On the other hand, sometimes it is quite psychologically Parents and teachers turn healthy children into neurotics.

Why is it so important to preserve mental and psychological health of children? Surely each of you can answer this question by determining the consequences psychological discomfort for the child:

The appearance of phobias, fears, anxiety, increased aggressiveness;

Transition psychological experiences in somatic disorders when a child who has received psychological trauma, becomes physically ill (a certain instinct of self-preservation of the body);

Manifestation psychological trauma received in childhood, in a more mature age period in the form psychological defense – position of avoidance (isolation, drugs, suicidal tendencies, manifestations of aggressive behavioral reactions (running away from home, vandalism, etc.)

Questions about psychological comfort and mental health should be addressed primarily to teachers, since most of the time children are in kindergarten. But many may argue that there are objective reasons why it is impossible to fully create psychological comfort in the kindergarten group:

High occupancy groups;

One teacher in group;

Unfavorable family situation.

Yes, that's the reality. But who will help us and our children if not ourselves? The preschool institution plays an important role, despite all the problems dictated by the modern state of society, arising from its contradictions. A exactly: how capable it is create the child has a general positive and stable background psychological state, ensure the development of an active and cheerful personality with self-esteem.

Creating psychological comfort in children's garden for preservation and strengthening psychological health and personality development of the child.

A person who is competent in communication, first of all, establishes a certain atmosphere of communication, which helps his partner to feel free and comfortable. Expression “We have good contact” means “We understand each other, we are interested in each other, we trust each other.”

A firmly established contact between people will provide an atmosphere of trust and acceptance during the communication process in which any problems can be discussed.

A certain atmosphere is not only present in the communication of two or three people, but characterizes the general situation in constant group of people(work team, family, school class, etc.). kindergarten group is no exception, and sensitive people can immediately, just crossing the threshold, feel the atmosphere of relaxedness or closedness, calm concentration or anxious tension, sincere fun or gloomy wariness that is present in group. Atmosphere (or climate) V kindergarten group is determined:

The relationship between the teacher and children;

Relationships between the children themselves.

Good climate in group arises then when all its members feel free, remain themselves, but at the same time respect the right of others to be themselves.

The teacher has a very significant influence on the quality group climate. In fact, it is the teacher (and not children, as we usually think) creates certain climate in group.

The first step that a teacher interested in creation favorable atmosphere in group, is to create and analyze a group situation. Considering the directions of humanization of preschool education, the most important thing in the work of a teacher is Creation conditions for the development of the child’s personality, "inclusion" the child’s own mechanisms of self-development through the teacher’s organization of a developmental environment, person-oriented communication with the child, giving him freedom to choose activities, assistance in the development of his abilities, creating an atmosphere of psychological security, emotional comfort. Taking all this into account, teachers in groups need to be created conditions for everyone's emotional well-being baby:

Subject development environment,

Communication style between teacher and child

The style of communication of teachers among themselves and with the assistant,

Teacher's communication style with parents

Observe how children communicate with each other.

The child's well-being group- satisfaction with existing relationships group, degree of participation in joint activities, security, inner peace, experience of feeling "We". All of this can be defined as emotional well-being. Emotional well-being contributes to the normal development of a child’s personality, the development of positive qualities, and a friendly attitude towards other people.

The influence of pedagogical communication styles on favorable psychological comfort in the group.

Now I would like to dwell on the styles of pedagogical communication.

The authoritarian style is directive communication. The teacher performs leadership and organizational functions, and the children are only performers. They are required to listen carefully, observe, remember, perform, and respond. The teacher does not notice that the children’s lack of independence and lack of initiative is a consequence of his authoritarian tendencies towards overprotection.

An authoritarian educator lacks respect and trust in the personality of a growing person. He lives by the principle "Trust but check", focuses on dominance, command in all communication situations, expects unquestioning obedience and obedience. The desire for children means little to him. The formal approach to education clearly prevails. When organizing work in group does not take into account the relationships between children. He does not like and does not know how to admit his mistakes. Hear from an authoritarian "Sorry, I was wrong" almost impossible.

In any case, he is trying to cover up his mistakes. When addressing children it sounds frequent: “Ivanov, don’t mess around!”, “Ivanov, how long can I repeat this?” etc. A teacher of this type has a low assessment of the children’s capabilities and abilities, and his evaluative statements are dominated by remarks and censures. The authoritarian teacher directly and publicly points out to the child his mistakes and shortcomings in behavior. It is characterized by strict pedagogical guidelines.

Liberal (permissive) style. Liberal teacher leaves direct leadership children's team, hence the lack of initiative, insufficiently developed responsibility, letting things take their course, such a teacher overestimates the children’s capabilities, does not check the fulfillment of his requirements, is completely at the mercy of the children’s desires, and therefore is often situational, inconsistent in his decisions and actions. Not decisive enough in difficult situations, takes into account relationships in group. He is not afraid to admit his mistakes, but he makes them very often. The amount of educational influence depends on the situation. Doesn't care about diversity.

The teacher is a liberal - a man of mood. If he is in a good mood, positive assessments predominate; if he is in a bad mood, negative assessments intensify. Does not pay attention to the need for indirect comments and reprimands.

Democratic style. The teacher-democrat takes into account the peculiarities of the children’s age and optimally divides the functions between himself and the children. Shows maximum demands on children and maximum respect for them. Experiences a clear need for feedback from children on how they perceive certain forms of joint activities. When organizing work, the democrat educator takes into account and studies interpersonal relationships. He considers using knowledge about likes and dislikes between children to be an important condition for successful work. knows how to admit mistakes made, despite the fact that it is difficult.

In the assessment of such a teacher there are more positive than negative remarks. Prefers a more fruitful conversation with the child alone. An example of an indirect comment would be comments made with a glance. Pedagogical attitudes are dynamic in nature, that is, they change depending on circumstances.

From all of the above we can conclude conclusion: the most effective and optimal is the democratic style of communication, it is the most favorable in its educational impact and fully serves the formation of conscious discipline in children and people around them, a creative attitude to business and the formation of an active life position.

It is the correctly chosen style of communication between the teacher and children that will help create child-friendly psychological comfort in the group.

Social psychological The teacher’s culture presupposes that he has certain pedagogical views and beliefs, an attitude towards an emotionally positive attitude towards the child, regardless of his personal qualities, and a whole range of communication skills and abilities necessary for the teacher for pedagogical communication.

This means that the teacher must have not only a system of professional knowledge, but also knowledge about the patterns of communication in the teaching staff and in children's group, in working with parents.

By pedagogical communication we understand the system of interaction between a teacher and students with the goal of getting to know them, providing educational influences, organizing appropriate relationships, and forming a favorable environment. mental child development microclimate in group early and preschool age.

It is on us – teachers – that the preservation of psychological health of children, and for this you need to be very careful about your own psychological state. A huge role here belongs to the personality of the teacher, his cultural level, intellectual and personal potential.

Personality can only be nurtured by personality. For education is the child’s life organized by the teacher at the cultural level, it is a joint ascent to the origins and traditions of one’s people, where the teacher himself recreates at every moment of working with children - as a representative of society, the adult world - a cultural option for interacting with others.

So, personally oriented interaction with the child, a democratic style of communication with him, comes to the fore.

Powerful jerk practical psychology created theoretical basis for the diagnostic and correctional work of the teacher, since the responsibility for psychological the well-being of the future of the nation - our children. What are the tools in a teacher’s activity?

Practical part.

Diagnostic tools for assessment teachers psychological climate in a kindergarten group and the child's emotional well-being.

(Psychologist introduces teachers to assessment methods psychological climate and emotional well-being of the child in kindergarten group. These techniques are on tables for teachers to study).

Verification test psychological comfort of children’s stay in a kindergarten group

Showing children's drawings and teachers' interpretation of their content. Psychologist complements teachers helps them draw conclusions)

The most convenient option to understand how comfortable pupils feel in group, -invite the children to make a drawing on the topic "I'm in my kindergarten group» . This will not take much time from the teacher during the working day, and you can reflect on the results at your leisure.

The supposed drawings of children can be divided into three groups:

The child draws only the building.

A child draws a building with elements of a playground.

The child depicts himself in the room or on the street in the drawing.

First group drawings is the most alarming. If there is nothing in the picture except a building, then the child perceives children's the garden as something alienated, faceless. So life in children's the garden does not evoke positive emotions in him and is not identified with the events taking place there.

The situation that inspires the most optimism is when a child depicts himself in a drawing. myself: means the events taking place in kindergarten, are personally significant for him. But the analysis of the situation is not limited to this.

You need to pay attention to other elements Pictures: Are there children, a teacher, a playing field, or toys in the picture? Their presence indicates that the child has depicted in his work many different connections and relationships to them. The playing field, for example, is a very important element.

If a child depicts himself standing on the carpet, floor or ground (children often depict their support as a straight line), this is a good indicator. This means that he "stands firmly on its feet", feels confident. It’s good if the picture shows flowers, the sun, birds - all these are details that indicate "world" in the shower.

You need to try to understand what the child is expressing when drawing the teacher. On the one hand, her appearance in the picture is a positive thing. This means that a teacher is a significant character for a child, whose presence he must reckon with. But it is important how the teacher faces the child - with her back or face, how much space she takes up in the picture, how her hands and mouth are depicted. The emphasis on the mouth and the many lines around it may indicate that the child perceives the teacher as a bearer of verbal language. (verbal) aggression.

The color scheme of the picture is also important.

A child's use of warm colors indicates a positive emotional mood. (yellow, pink, orange) and calm cold (blue, cyan, green).

A rich purple color, which covers quite large areas of the picture, may indicate the stress that the child is experiencing, and an abundance of red may indicate an overabundance of emotional stimuli.

Abuse of black color, thick shading that presses through the paper, similar to crossing out, signal the child’s increased anxiety, his emotional discomfort.

During testing drawing, the teacher should not comment on the children’s actions and tell them directly or indirectly what elements to add to the drawing.

In this case, it is also impossible to evaluate children’s work. It is better if the teacher simply asks you to give him drawings as a souvenir.

Some elements of the drawing may be incomprehensible to the teacher, while others will lead to false conclusions. A drawing, for example, may only reflect situational anxiety or child's mental discomfort, associated, for example, with family conflicts that he could witness in the morning, or with poor health, with an upcoming visit to the doctor, etc.

Therefore, to have a true picture psychological the child's condition in group, after two weeks the test must be repeated.

Color diagnostics "Houses"

This technique was developed based on "Color Relationship Test" A. M. Etkind. The purpose of the technique is to determine the emotional state that reflects the child’s attitude towards the preschool institution.

Color diagnostics is carried out individually with each child: during the first month of visit kindergarten, after three and six months of being in a preschool institution.

Children are invited to playfully choose one of the houses of different colors. The technique uses the following colors: blue, green, red, yellow, purple, brown, gray, black.

Instructions: “This is the girl Katya (boy Kolya). Kate (Kolya) goes to kindergarten. Choose kindergarten for Katya(If)».

After choosing a house with the child, conversation:

Katya likes to go to kindergarten?

What will Katya do in kindergarten?

What does Katya like most about kindergarten?

What Katya doesn’t like about kindergarten?

During diagnostics, indicators are recorded and logged.

Types of response to exercise:

1. A sharply negative reaction to the proposed task. Opting out.

2. Negative reaction.

1. The child is reluctant to enter into a play situation. Speech accompaniment practically absent. There is tension in behavior. Additional colors are selected - brown, gray, black. He gets nervous when answering questions. It all comes down to being at home with mom. (or other family members) better.

2. The child quickly agrees to take part in the task. During the diagnosis, irritability, aggressiveness, a predominance of negative emotions, and greater mobility are noticeable. The houses are chosen in grey, black or brown colors. There is a reluctance to communicate with children and some adults. Greater speech activity is noted.

3. Indifferent reaction to the task.

Speech accompaniment practically absent. Sluggish responses to questions are noted. Responses indicate more need to visit kindergarten, since parents have to go to work. The choice of colors is the same as in the second group(gray, black, brown).

4. Anxious reaction.

1. There is a quick and willing involvement in the task, but at the same time nervousness and great mobility are manifested. The houses are chosen purple or red. From the answers to the questions it follows that children like to play in the garden, but there are difficulties in relationships with others. During the diagnosis, active speech accompaniment of actions is observed.

2. A friendly reaction to the game situation, but during the diagnostics, attention is drawn to indecision both when choosing the color of the house and when answering questions. IN children's kindergarten preschoolers given groups want to play more with children, and also for adults (educators) paid them more attention. Selectable colors are green or blue. At the beginning of the task, there is an almost complete absence of speech accompaniment; by the end of the technique, the child uses speech much more often.

5. Positive reaction to participation in the task.

Active and friendly participation in the task. The houses are chosen yellow or red. IN children's The garden enjoys playing and interacting with children and adults. I don't like the actions of some children. The choice of houses and the actions of children are accompanied by speech.

Based on the data obtained, three types of children’s attitudes towards kindergarten:

1. Negative attitude. This type of relationship to children's garden is observed in children with a clear predominance of negative emotions during the diagnosis (I and II response teams) .

2. Ambivalent attitude. This category includes children who showed an indifferent or anxious reaction to the proposed task. (III and IV response teams) .

3. Positive attitude. This type of attitude towards an educational institution is observed in children with a clear predominance of positive emotions during the completion of a task. (V response type).

Scheme for monitoring child behavior

in progress psychological examination

Methodology: color diagnostics "Houses".

Target: determination of the emotional state reflecting the child’s attitude towards the preschool institution.

Last name, first name of the child ___

Group ___

Age ___

The date of the ___

Indicators Score Notes

1. Acceptance of the task:

Negative reaction (sometimes to the point of refusing to participate in the test);

Indifferent reaction to the task;

Quick inclusion in a task;

Friendly reaction.

2. Involvement in the situation:

Passive participation in the task (the child is reluctant to take part in the game, speech accompaniment practically absent, does not communicate well with the experimenter);

Active participation (the child willingly and quickly accepts the situation, willingly comes into contact with the experimenter)

3. Emotional states:

Predominance of negative emotions;

Equal expression of both positive and negative emotions;

A clear predominance of positive emotions.

4. Color selection:

Choosing dark colors (black, brown, gray) speaks of the predominance of negative emotions associated with the visit kindergarten: feelings of anxiety, fear, protest reactions;

The choice of red and purple colors indicates the predominance of such emotional states associated with the visit kindergarten like irritability and aggression;

The choice of green and blue colors indicates a feeling of restlessness and anxiety;

The choice of yellow and red colors indicates the predominance of positive emotions.

5. Voice accompaniment:

There is no speech accompaniment;

Low speech activity (the child is reluctant to answer the adult’s questions, the answers are mostly monosyllabic);

Normal speech activity (the child willingly comes into contact with the experimenter, answers questions with sentences, and accompanies his actions with speech;

Excessive speech activity (speech accompanies the child’s actions, from answering questions to stories from life)

Conclusions on determining the type of child’s attitude towards kindergarten: ___

Emotional Attitude Test

Material: sheet of paper, colored pencils.

Younger and middle children are given ready-made cards with 5 circles drawn. Older children are asked to draw 5 circles across the cell.

You can choose your own questions.

Children are seated one at a time at the table.

1. Fill in the first circle with the color of your mood when you go to kindergarten.

2. Fill in the second circle with the color that matches your mood when doing math.

3. Fill in the third circle with the color of your mood when you play.

4. Fill in the fourth circle with the color of your mood when you go home.

5. Fill in the fifth circle with the color of your mood when you go to bed.

Carry out up to 3 times.

Color designation

Red – excited, enthusiastic attitude.

Orange – joyful, pleasant.

Yellow – warm, friendly.

Green – calm.

Blue – sad, unsatisfactory.

Purple, brown - alarming.

Black – sadness, despondency.

If one or more types of activities are constantly painted over in black, then the teacher should immediately pay attention to this. For example, on classes: review the structure, content so that the child finds it interesting, and so on for each type of activity.

Analysis "The atmosphere in my group»

Teachers are encouraged to analyze group situation using the following scheme:

The situation in group.

1. What is the atmosphere in my group? (General impressions.)

2. Why do I think this?

3. What aspects of the atmosphere in my group I rate it as positive?

4. What aspects of the atmosphere in my group Do I rate it as negative?

The relationship between the teacher and the child.

1. Which of the children do I have good contact with?

2. What explains this?

3. Which of the children do I not have such a good relationship with?

4. How can this be explained?

Relationships between children.

1. Which children have good relationships?

2. What caused this?

3. Which children often quarrel with each other?

4. Why is this happening?

5. Which children are often offended?

6. Why is this happening?

Thus, having become familiar with practical developments in the field of studying the emotional states of preschoolers, you understand that Creation emotional well-being and comfort has an impact on all areas mental development. The results you receive also represent an assessment of your professional activities and the success of your educational and educational activities.

2.2. Emotional well-being of the teacher as a condition for the positive emotional state of children. Techniques for relieving emotional stress among teachers.

Everyone knows that children have a developed intuitive ability to grasp the emotional state of adults. Children very easily become infected with negative emotions, so the teacher needs to arrange for himself psychological shower which will help him relieve unnecessary emotional stress.

Psychologist conducts a set of exercises that help increase energy potential.

1. Standing, bring your shoulder blades together, smile, wink with your right eye, then with your left, repeat: “I’m very proud of myself, I’m good for a lot.”.

2. Place your palm on breast: “I’m smarter than everyone else in the world”; arms outstretched above head: "I'm not afraid of anyone"; strain buttocks: “It’s a miracle how good I am”; relax buttocks: “I will now live a hundred years”.

3. Jumping on your right leg, then on your left leg, repeat: “I’m cheerful and energetic and things are going great.”.

4. Rubbing palm against palm, repeat: “I attract luck, I become richer every day”.

5. Standing on tiptoes, clasp your hands above your head in a ring, repeat: “I am warmed by a ray of sunshine, I deserve the best”.

6. Placing your left palm on your forehead, then your right, repeat: “I solve any problems, love and luck are always with me”.

7. Hands on hips. By bending your body forward and backward, repeat: “Any situation is under my control. The world is beautiful and I am beautiful!”

8. Hands on the waist, bending to the right - left, repeat: “I always cherish peace and a smile, and everyone will help me, and I will help”.

9. Clasping your hands, making a deep inhale: "The universe is smiling at me"; deep exhalation: “And everything works out for me”.

10. Clenching your fists while doing rotations fists: “There is no obstacle in my way, everything works out as it should!”

For creating conditions for psychologically comfortable the child's stay in kindergarten needs:

Accept every child as he is. Remember: There are no bad preschoolers. There are bad teachers and parents.

In professional activities, rely on the voluntary help of children, include them in organizational aspects of caring for the premises and area.

Be an entertainer and participant children's games and fun.

In difficult situations for a child, focus on his age and individual peculiarities: always be with him, and not do something instead of him.

Involve parents in the educational process and turn to them for support in cases of non-standard situations.

In your relationship with your children, try to remember that What:

The child doesn't owe you anything. It is you who must help the child become more independent and responsible.

In each specific unfavorable situation, you need to understand what the child is trying to achieve and why he is doing it. Encourage him to comply with social norms and rules, taking into account his condition and interests.

Imposing your rules and demands against the will of children is violence, even if your intentions are good.

There should not be too many prohibitions and strict requirements. This leads to passivity and low self-esteem in students.

A quiet, shy child also needs your professional help, just like a notorious fighter.

A favorable social development situation is the best method of transmitting to children the moral norms and rules of human society. Conversations about morality that are not supported by the protection of children from mental and physical violence, - demagoguery and dangerous practice.

Such forms of relationships in which the teacher, with the help of various arguments, convinces the child of the advantages of one or another action have a very positive effect on the development of children. In this case, the choice is left to the child. This type of relationship requires an individual approach to the characteristics and current conditions of children. It is this kind of unobtrusive care that children most need and thank the adult for their sincere affection for him.

Psychological speech settings

The purpose of speech settings is creation in a group positive emotional background, atmosphere of goodwill and security.

The main purpose of speech settings is to set a good mood. They can be carried out in the morning, after exercise, the children and the teacher stand in a circle, holding hands. When pronouncing speech settings, the teacher’s voice must fully correspond to what he is talking about, that is, the voice and facial expressions must convey goodwill, the joy of meeting, etc.

You are offered approximate schemes of speech settings, which can vary according to your wishes, but the essence should remain the same same: they must show children that they are welcome, set them up for friendly relationships with adults and other children.

Show your imagination, give vent to your creativity potential:

Today I am glad to see you all in kindergarten, in our group! We will all spend this day together. May this day bring joy. Let's try to please each other.

I'm glad to see all our children healthy groups, cheerful, in a good mood. I really want us all to maintain this mood until the evening. And for this we should all smile more often, not offend each other and not fight. Let's rejoice in each other.

Hello my dears! Today it is cloudy and damp outside. And in our the group is warm, light and cheerful. And we have fun from our smiles, because every smile is a little sun that makes you feel warm and good. Therefore, today we will smile at each other more often.

3. Discussion, summing up.

We create psychological comfort in the office

The team is the most important component of any company. The efficiency and, consequently, the well-being of the company often depends on the efficiency and cohesion of employees. But in order for a person to work effectively, it is necessary to create conditions for this. A high salary does not guarantee a good return if the employee cannot get ready for work. In this regard, the issue of psychological comfort in the office becomes particularly relevant. It depends on many factors, including the interior of the office space, its color, the light in it and other issues related to the arrangement of the workplace. Our article will tell you how to provide employees with psychologically comfortable conditions for working in the office.

Smart color - a helper from troubles

The design of an office can be different - it depends on the specialist who designs it, on the architectural features of the premises, and on the scope of the company’s activities. For example, advertising agencies often have creative, unusual interiors; for a bank they often choose discreet, confidence-inspiring classics; and for companies specializing in children's products, an office designed in the style of a cozy apartment is quite suitable. But whatever design you choose, pay special attention to the color scheme. In skillful hands, it can become a fairly powerful tool for influencing a person’s psychological state. In particular, it is realistic to correct some shortcomings that reduce the performance of employees.

So, for example, if the office is constantly hot and stuffy, for the interior you need to use shades of cool colors - blue, cyan, violet, gray. This will create a feeling of coolness. If the sun rarely peeks into the workroom, it makes sense to opt for warm colors - orange, yellow, pink, beige... Such colors will add light and warmth.
Please note that some colors are quite aggressive irritants; you need to be very careful with them. Intense yellow, for example, can be unsettling. At the same time, its moderate use in the interior increases creative activity.
Violet is also dangerous - its effect on the psyche is manifested in a decrease in physical activity and performance, and it contributes to the manifestation of a depressed state.

The most aggressive color is red. It increases irritability and can cause fatigue. In addition, the predominance of red in the design visually makes the room smaller, which also adversely affects the overall perception of the office.
White, black and gray are considered neutral; it is important that their combination is harmonious and not very colorful.

The main thing is to sit comfortably

The workplace for an employee means no less than the interior as a whole. A modern person spends most of the day in the office, and there, in turn, is mostly at the workplace. Therefore, it is very important that it is comfortable: without being distracted by small things and without feeling discomfort, it is easier to get into a working mood.

First of all, pay attention to the location of workstations in the office. Too small a distance between them (less than 40 centimeters) will have a bad effect on performance, because the so-called personal space will be affected - a place that a person on a subconscious level perceives as “his own” and has a negative attitude towards those who invade it. However, a distance of more than 3 meters is also undesirable: this will create an atmosphere of irresponsibility, because employees will be able to freely engage in extraneous matters. And if team work is required, it will not be possible to achieve sufficient cohesion among team members. The optimal “step” between workstations is 1.5 meters, the so-called friendly distance (its minimum size is arm’s length).
Next is the workplace itself. Here we again encounter the concept of “personal space”. A person needs it to feel safe, concentrate on work, and abstract from distracting noises. Therefore, it is advisable to isolate each workplace from the general office. This is often done with the help of furniture: cabinets and shelving are placed on both sides of the table. The solution is not always successful, because in this way you can deprive the employee of the opportunity to contact colleagues. Meanwhile, it is important that, if desired, a person can easily exchange a few words with a neighbor or turn to those working in the same room for advice. So there needs to be a balance. According to many experts involved in the design of work premises, one of the successful solutions to this problem is office partitions.

If you want to create a completely enclosed space, it is better to use stationary office partitions (they act as solid walls). If you just need to separate the desks of employees, you can opt for mobile office partitions: they allow you to limit visual contact between employees, but do not prevent them from communicating with each other if necessary. The advantage of these structures is that, if desired, the partitions can be made to any height.

If partitions are placed between workplaces, it is advisable to make them from the floor (so as not to see the neighbor’s feet) and to the height of human growth, says Anna Gurevich, psychologist, general director of the training company “Knowledge and Skills”. – In this case, a balance is maintained between “personal” and “public.”

There is another option for delineating workspaces – desktop screens,” notes Yuri Nikitin, head of the sales department of the studio of office systems and technologies “Astarta Prestige”. “They can be made of solid glass, which allows not only to create an individual space for an employee, but also to emphasize the aesthetics of the interior and give it lightness.
But it’s not enough to give each employee a personal place, you need to make it comfortable. It is important to arrange furniture, office equipment and reference materials so that it is convenient for a person to work. There is an unspoken rule: everything that may be needed should be at arm's length - this will avoid unnecessary movements and fuss.

Let there be light!

Lighting is of paramount importance for both employee health and psychological well-being. Natural light, of course, is healthier and is perceived much better, so it should be used to the maximum. It’s good if the office has large windows facing the sunny side. However, often there is not enough light, but it is possible to optimize the use of natural light using, for example, office partitions.

If you use frame partitions with glass panels or all-glass systems, you can do without artificial lighting for a longer time,” explains Yuri Nikitin, Astarta Prestige company. “Transparent material allows the sun’s rays to pass through without preventing them from penetrating even the most remote corners of the office.

But these tricks, of course, are not enough to ensure the required level of comfort, so an office cannot do without lamps. And in order to ensure that the vision and psyche of office employees are not in danger, it is necessary to follow several simple rules.
Firstly, artificial lighting should be two-level: general and local. Each employee needs an autonomous light source. This will avoid shadows and glare (which are distracting and have a bad effect on vision), and will also help create psychological comfort: with the help of a light field, you can seem to separate yourself from other people, which allows you to better concentrate your attention. The “personal” lighting concept is now quite popular, which has given rise to new products in this area. Thus, a number of companies producing office furniture offer special designs in which lamps are already built-in. For example, there are tables with two light bulbs of different directions in the housing. They are also convenient because they allow you to achieve unity in design and improve the aesthetic perception of the workplace.

Secondly, artificial light should be uniform and soft. To do this, you can use either indirect lighting (lamps are directed upward, the rays are reflected from the ceiling) or direct light installations (mounted in the ceiling, using fluorescent or halogen lamps).

Human factor

But no effort to organize a convenient office will be of any use if employees cannot find contact with each other and work well together. Of course, intragroup connections largely depend only on the people themselves, but certain steps can be taken to optimize this process.
Proper distribution of jobs will smooth out potential conflicts. Observe your employees, determine who is more sociable and who is reserved. You shouldn’t put a talker and a silent person next to each other - the presence of an antipode will only cause dull discontent. This will be especially critical if collaboration is required.

Joint celebrations of holidays, birthdays, corporate parties, outings - all this helps to better get to know the people with whom you work in the office. It is at such informal meetings that personal relationships are most often established. Having received pleasant impressions from communicating with a colleague, a person strives to transfer the positive to business contacts. This will facilitate team interaction, eliminate possible conflicts and lead to the group of employees truly becoming a team. -

We have looked at the most important points that you should pay attention to when creating a favorable psychological environment in the office. By taking these nuances into account, you will increase the level of comfort in the work space, which in turn will lead to an increase in the productivity of employees. And as a result, the company’s income will increase.

Alexander Mayorov
based on materials from the press service of the company "Astarta Prestige"

Sections: School psychological service

“Once upon a time there lived a wise man who knew everything. One man wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Holding a butterfly in his palms, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “If the living one says, I’ll kill her; if the dead one says, I’ll release her.” The sage, after thinking, replied: “Everything is in your hands.” I didn’t take this parable by chance. We have the opportunity to create an atmosphere at school in which children will feel “at home.”

A distinctive feature of pedagogical approaches in recent years is the focus on a specific child, on creating the necessary conditions for the active creative self-realization of each child. A creator, just like an intellectual, is not born; everything depends on what opportunities the environment provides for the realization of the potential that is inherent in each of us to varying degrees in one form or another.

Scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, and practicing teachers are currently speaking and writing about the humanization of education, an individual approach to a student in the process of teaching and upbringing, attention to each child, and the creation of an atmosphere of psychological comfort at school. This is declared in the Law “On Education”. Article 28 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states: “States Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure that that school discipline is maintained through methods that reflect respect for the human dignity of the child and in accordance with this Convention." The Concept of General Secondary Education and other documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation record relevant quotes about formation of the child’s personality in the new paradigm of education. It is in the conditions of such a psychological space that a personality can be formed that can easily be socialized in new conditions.

The main criterion of such psychological space is a safe environment, an atmosphere of psychological comfort, which is at the same time developmental, psychotherapeutic, and psychocorrectional, because in this atmosphere barriers disappear, psychological defenses are removed, and energy is spent not on anxiety or struggle, but on educational activities, on the production of ideas, on creativity.

As Ferguson noted, “Creativity is not created, but released.” But before you start releasing them, it is necessary to involve the child in the creative process. The very first and very important stage of involving a child in the creative process is the creation of an atmosphere of psychological comfort at school.

What is comfort?

Comfort – borrowed from English, where comfort “support, strengthening” (“Etymological Dictionary”, N. M. Shansky).
Comfort– living conditions, stay, environment that provide convenience, tranquility and coziness. (“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language”, S. I. Ozhegov).
Psychological comfort- living conditions in which a person feels calm, there is no need to defend himself.

In many innovative educational systems, the principle of psychological comfort is the leading one. It involves withdrawal (if possible) all stress-forming factors of the educational process, creating an atmosphere at school and in the classroom that relaxes children and in which they feel “at home.”

No academic success will be of any use if it is “involved” in fear of adults and suppression of the child’s personality. As the poet Boris Slutsky wrote:

Won't teach me anything
That which pokes, chatters, bugs...

However, psychological comfort is necessary not only for the development of the child and his assimilation of knowledge. The physical condition of children depends on this. Adaptation to specific conditions, to a specific educational and social environment, creating an atmosphere of goodwill allows you to relieve tension and neuroses that destroy the health of children.

Thus, we defined the goal of the school psychological service as “ creation of psychological and pedagogical space”, which solves the following problems:

Organization of psychological and pedagogical support of innovation processes;
- creating a healthy psychological climate;
- maintaining the health of all subjects of education;
- increasing the professional competence of teachers.

We reflected our vision of organizing the educational process at school in the following diagram.

Scheme 1. Organization of the educational process.


At school, the main figure was and remains the teacher. Therefore, work to create an atmosphere of psychological comfort had to begin with the teaching staff.

The study of the school’s teaching staff included the following methods:

Questionnaire “Degree of job satisfaction”;
- questionnaire “Motives of labor behavior”;
- methodology “Assessing the professional orientation of a teacher’s personality”;
- monitoring of teaching activities.

All work with teachers is aimed at helping them see the student as an individual with their own unique characteristics, allowing them to better realize the child’s capabilities, building education based on the pace of his individual development. After all, it is the child - as a real integrity, unity and interdependence of the individual, subjective and personal - that is the true goal - the value of education, its content and the main criterion.

What results were achieved as a result of the work carried out with the teaching staff?

  1. If at the stage of entering the experiment 53% of teachers were engaged in experimentation, now the entire team is in constant experimental activity.
  2. The same results were confirmed by the “Emotional Attitude to Innovation” diagnostic.
  3. There are virtually no conflicts with students.
  4. The level of quality of interaction between teacher and child has changed, from an authoritarian position to partnership and leadership.
  5. There is joint problem solving.
  6. Increasing the professional competence of teachers.

Fig 1 Attitude towards innovation

Fig.2 Quality of interaction between teachers and students

The next component of the educational space, for which any school works, are students. The main criterion for the effectiveness of innovative activities is the success of students.

Successful learning requires students to have the following skills:

Ability to navigate correctly;
- ability to determine goals and plan actions;
- ability to act according to plan.

Comprehensive monitoring of student development included the following psychological techniques:

Leonhard-Smishek Questionnaire;
- adaptation techniques;
- questionnaire “My school”;
- questionnaire “Teacher through the eyes of a student”;
- questionnaire “Motivation for learning”;
- SHTUR and other techniques.

The survey results indicate a positive attitude of students towards teachers in general. The teacher's gnostic abilities were highly appreciated. Children note the teacher’s high professionalism and erudition. The ability to empathize and cooperate is rated quite highly, i.e. empathic abilities. The style of communication between the teacher and students is democratic. The teacher strives to build his relationships with students on a constructive basis, on respect for their personal characteristics.

Figure 3. Assessment of teachers' abilities

The creation of a favorable psychological climate and joint activities with teachers contributed to the growth of student activity.

Figure 4. Student activity during CTD

This atmosphere could not but affect the third component of the educational space – parents. The percentage of parents filing complaints with the educational institution has decreased, and parents are more actively cooperating with the school.

Figure 5. Parents' participation in class and school affairs

Methods for diagnosing psychological climate.

So let's start from the beginning. If you decide to find out about the psychological climate of your team, then the question immediately arises: “How will we measure it?” We know roughly by our feelings whether we like the climate of our team or not, but reliably: “Why is it like this? What are its features and nuances? How are spheres of influence distributed among employees? And how to change and harmonize the psychological climate?” - there are either vague guesses or doubts about these questions.

At the same time, the science of sociology has long offered us a completely accurate diagnostic method that allows us to collect reliable information and answer all of the above questions. This method is sociometry. The method was invented by Moreno and described in his book of the same name, Sociometry.

What is it? Very simple:
1 – you come up with 4 questions for the team members and
2 - ask these questions to employees
3 - collect answers in writing.
4 – analyze the results
5 – draw conclusions

2 questions relate to the sphere of transmission of rational information, and 2 - to the sphere of transmission of emotional information, both positive and negative.

For example, questions could be:
Which employee would you first share the good news from your life with? (write no more than three names)
Who would you never share this good news from your personal life with? (write no more than 3 names)
If something doesn’t work out for you, which employee would you turn to for help? (write no more than 3 names)
Which employee would you never turn to for help? (write no more than 3 names)

Having received answers (it is important that all employees answer), you then draw the employees in circles with signed surnames. Draw information connections between them with blue lines. Emotionally positive connections are marked with red lines, and tensions (to whom one would not contact) are marked with black lines.

The result is a grid of circles and connections, which shows:
Which employee has the most blue lines is the person of authority for the rest
Which employee has the most red lines drawn to him is the informal leader
Which of the employees has the most black lines laid to them is the conflict generator of the team
Whichever employee has the fewest lines of any kind is not incarparated into the team.
Groupings, if any, are also visible.
The method is not difficult to use and is surprisingly accurate in diagnosis.

Components of psychological comfort in a team.

The components of the psychological climate include:
1. Emotional atmosphere in the team
2. Level of trust, both professional and interpersonal.
3. The level of acceptance of people for each other as they are. This is also called tolerance
4. Level of mutual assistance and cooperation.
5. And also the presence of hotbeds of tension and conflicts.

Methods, principles, technologies for creating a comfortable psychological climate in a team.

Soviet scientists conducted experiments on teenagers in a pioneer camp. How can you quarrel between children? It turned out that it was enough to divide the children into groups and place them in different buildings, and this was enough for the groups to compete with each other and quarrel. Between the units there was either a lack of interaction or pronounced tension, rejection and conflict, especially among boys.

Scientists have concluded that purely territorial division is enough for connections between people to be disrupted. Therefore, if your team is located in different offices, then this is already enough for the relations between people from different offices to be, to put it mildly, cool.

Then the scientists asked the question: “How can we make children friends? How to reconcile them? They tried to unite them geographically: they mixed different units in residential buildings, housing them together. It didn’t help - the children smeared paste on each other and did other nasty things. They tried to seat us at the same tables at lunch - they started throwing cutlets. We tried to organize joint events: we took everyone to the cinema and sat everyone together - the children interfered with each other’s viewing of the film, spat and threw papers. And a random event brought the children together.

When the children on the bus went to the sea, and the bus broke down on the way, they solved this difficult situation together, spending 2 hours under the scorching sun and calling for help. It turns out that uniting people is many times more difficult than quarreling. And the unifying principle is a common misfortune, a common enemy, or a joint solution to a common difficult, problematic situation.

Therefore, it is easier to initially build a positive psychological climate and then maintain it than to heal conflicts later. The psychological climate in terms of the complexity of cultivation is similar to the fragile and capricious orchid flower. Only sincere concern for the leader’s people. His inclusion and warmth are fertile soil here.

With a formal attitude towards people as functional elements, the psychological climate immediately turns into weeds or burrs.

So, how to create a psychological climate? If we imagine the situation of opening a new store, where all the employees are new, or from different teams, and therefore hardly know each other, then the first thing to do is introduce people in an informal setting, and conduct exercises to get to know each other and collect expectations. Every person expects something from others and from their activities. Unjustified expectations lead to suffering.

Therefore, it is important to learn about expectations in order to show the path to achieving the expectations. In business trainings there are a lot of exercises for getting to know each other: “Name your useful qualities and character traits that begin with the same letter as your name”, “Bragging off by saying what you are good at or what you have already achieved”, “Take sweets from the vase, and then tell as many events from your life as how many sweets you took,” etc.

After meeting, the team forms groups and writes on whatman paper what they expect from their work in the store, and what they are willing to invest in the team so that everyone can work comfortably together. Each group presents their ideas and plans.

For a positive psychological climate, it is important to form a mentoring system, highlighting the best employees based on their work results in certain areas and, as an honorable function, entrusting them with care for newcomers. At the same time, each employee, mentor and trainee, must know both their rights and their responsibilities, and the parameters of the result they are striving for.

Also, to create and maintain a psychological climate, prospects and a positive image of the future in a year, three and five years are important. It is important that employees see themselves through this time today, and that they like this image and motivate them.

It is also important to create your own rules for communication and resolving controversial issues. One of the important rules is “analysis without evaluation,” where complex situations and employee behavior are analyzed and analyzed, without assessing the person’s personality. Non-judgment creates an atmosphere of security and trust. If a system of fines is introduced, then first employees are notified that such a system began to operate on such and such a date and they are given an explanation about the appropriateness of the system of fines, as well as what needs to be done to avoid falling under it. And only after the employees’ questions are answered, the system starts working. There's nothing worse. When an employee does not understand why he was fined and when he does not know in advance what behavior may lead to a fine.

Methods of maintaining a comfortable psychological climate.

In an already working team, it is important to maintain a psychological climate. It is no coincidence that there used to be a sign about office hours on the door to the director’s office. This is a powerful means of maintaining a psychological climate and an atmosphere of openness and trust. When any employee could go directly to his senior manager and talk to him about sensitive issues. And so that the manager still has time to deal with strategic issues, special hours are allocated for employees. And everything was planned.

At the same time, if employees complain about each other, then it is important to seat them at a common negotiating table and listen to everyone’s version together. And ask questions to everyone. And listen to the answers again. The psychological climate deteriorates greatly if we speak and discuss those who are absent. This is how rumors and gossip are born. An open conversation with respect for everyone’s personality and with respect for everyone’s feelings is the basis for maintaining a psychological climate.

Also, the psychological climate begins to burst at the seams if labor standards are violated, if people overwork and do not have time to physically recover. For example, I saw a very conflict-prone cashier who was a conflict-prone person and spoke very unflatteringly about his company. And the reason turned out to be simple: the store was located on the main street. There were constant queues at the cash register. And the cashier not only worked without lunch, but also could not even go to the toilet. Because there was no one to replace him. The labor organization was not designed for such a constant influx of clients. And the customers themselves were also unhappy and expressed their comments to the cashier about their reluctance to stand in line. If you also consider working with money, which requires care and precision, then this cashier can be understood. But a leader who does not take action is more difficult to understand. It is important to remember that when a person is tired, he becomes more irritable, less tolerant, his number of complaints against others and dissatisfaction with himself increases.

If your work is organized in such a way that all employees are very tired at the end of the day and cannot independently recover and relieve their stress, then the psychological climate will inevitably suffer. Therefore, during intensive work, shift work is introduced. They also create rooms for psychological relief. But, unfortunately, our population does not have the culture to use these rooms, people have no time to go there, and educational work is also needed. It is important to know that tension is relieved by positive, calm music (music generally sets the mood), massage and laughter. And also sincere compliments and emotional support from employees. It is also important that the room is ventilated (fresh air, especially ionized air, has a powerful effect on the overall atmosphere). The level of light in the room also contributes, especially in the evening. It is important to remember that fluorescent lamps are noisy and cause fatigue by 4 pm. The abundance of computers and wires also causes increased fatigue.

Computers can be offset by an abundance of indoor plants that create a microclimate, as well as photo wallpapers with nature and a visible horizon line and perspective on which the eyes rest. If the room is painted in highly contrasting colors, very bright colors or very dark tones, then this also adversely affects the physiology, and as a result, the emotional background of the team. And people also need to drink water more often.

Therefore, having a cooler and cups can help maintain a psychological climate. It is important to organize the workplace of employees so that they feel that they are thought about and cared for. Every little thing matters here, because care is shown in the little things. And the basic availability of toilet paper and towels in the toilet rooms is also important here.

If it is important for you to maintain the morale of victory and work for results, then it would be good to do such a procedure once a week at a certain time. For example, on Friday at 16.00, get together as a team and share your achievements. "My achievements this week." This could be a new book read, or a plan completed, or a complaint addressed by a difficult client. Any achievement that the employee himself considers an achievement.

Thus, everyone shares positive things, new results that develop themselves. This creates a general atmosphere of development and success. And those employees who have no achievements begin to wonder what they will come with on Friday, and begin to change something in their work, if only for the sake of having something to say. Gradually, the value of development and work for results becomes the value of the entire team. It should be remembered that in the team those values ​​are formed and supported that are reinforced and found to be in demand. And unclaimed values ​​fade away. Ask yourself: “I care. so that my team lives by what principles and rules?” And then for each principle or rule, come up with one regularly performed event, and carry out these events. This is the key to the success of the psychological climate.

Stress in the work of a salesperson: methods of coping.

To what has already been said above about stress and conflicts. It should be added that in the science of conflictology, two concepts are distinguished: stress and distress. These concepts were first introduced by Selye.

Stress is a stressful event that causes mobilization and activation of all its functions in the human body. As a result, a person’s life becomes richer: colors are brighter, sounds are louder, observation is higher. This is why people sometimes love extreme sports or adventures. Stress pulls us out of routine and makes us truly alive. People like stress. For example, falling in love refers to stress.

Therefore stress is positive. But the same events and situations that created positive stress for us, but at the same time manifested with greater intensity, which give additional stress above the adaptive functions of the body, create a situation of distress.

Distress is a superstimulus that exceeds the body's resistance. Distress drains us, makes life difficult and confusing, and makes work unloving and dangerous. Moreover, the same situation can be stressful for one employee and distress for another. It all depends on the supply of vitality: the more there is, the less situations will be distressing.

How to overcome distress in sales work?

First, keep track of which situations are stressful and which are already distressing. Second, ask for help from the team in situations of distress. Third- respond to help yourself. At the same time, it is important to create an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual assistance. After all, if you lift a box with 30 kg of potatoes on your own, it’s not at all the same thing if you lift the same box together. The load is distributed among that number of people. Who are actively involved in the situation.

Fourth- to be grateful, to speak generously of words of gratitude to others. According to Canadian research, the feeling of gratitude is healing for the person who experiences this feeling. If a team has created a culture of thanking each other for their help and helping each other, then such a team experiences virtually no distress because it distributes the load wisely. At the same time, the manager himself is an example to follow: how he behaves with his employees is how they will behave with each other (over time)

We identify who should be responsible for the psychological climate in the team

First of all, whether he wants it or not, the team leader is responsible for the psychological climate. Because management tools and powers are in his hands. Because he influences the team more than anyone else. But he is not the only person. Further, the informal leader influences the psychological climate. He may or may not coincide with the formal leader. The sociometry method described above will perfectly show us which employee is an informal leader. It is the leaders who set the unspoken rules and values ​​in the team. Then there are wise and personally mature individuals, as well as emotionally warm employees who experience positive emotions most of the time and a positive outlook on life and work.

It is to them that all “humiliated and insulted” or “emotionally wounded” employees are drawn. And words of consolation and encouragement heal the spiritual wounds of such employees. These are the people who are responsible for the psychological climate in the team. They can officially hold any supporting events. And they can take on everyone else as assistants at their discretion. And they need to be given such powers - to form working groups for the task of maintaining the climate in the team. Because only if each employee is responsible for the psychological climate, only then is it possible to create a lively and positive climate in the team, in which they want to come, in which they want to live.

Founder of the network of training centers “Academy of Living Business”, certified business trainer and coach - member of ICF, Ph.D. Zhanna Zavyalova

Psychological comfort at work You can adore your job and perceive every working day as a holiday, because you like “working work”. But sometimes thoughts creep into your head that part of the team is indifferent to you, and you yourself don’t notice someone. And someone, in your opinion, is completely unbearable, and given that you cannot do without business contacts within the team, turn out the lights! But I really want the expression “work is a second home” to justify itself and for the atmosphere not to resemble a madhouse, and for the relationships in the team to be warm and sincere like a family.

Organizational psychology is at the peak of its popularity right now, and terms like “socio-psychological comfort” and “team building” are on everyone’s lips. These concepts are interrelated, because a team is a close-knit work collective, and socio-psychological compatibility and comfort are nothing more than a consequence of the similarity of interests, values ​​and expectations of team members.

Not every group of employees can form a cohesive team. And the requirements are:

Firstly, all members of the team must, well, simply have to (not at gunpoint, but of their own free will) perceive work with the optimistic attitude of “how great it is that we are all gathered here today.”

Colleagues perceive each other, if not as bosom friends (after all, many consider friendship at work a mistake), then as good acquaintances. Agree, it’s absurd to talk about cohesion and a healthy atmosphere if you honor and love the ladies from the accounting department only on payday, and greet them through gritted teeth the rest of the 21 working days.

Psychologists studying relationships within teams have found a direct relationship between the proximity of workplaces and group cohesion. So know that no one forces you to love absolutely all the employees of the company (and their number, including all branches and representative offices, can number over a thousand), but maintaining a sincere atmosphere in your own department is a complete blessing.

Particular attention is paid to group size. The aphorism “Two is a company, three is a crowd” is irrelevant in this case, because such a “company” will at least not be able to fully realize its goals. A group of 5-9 people is considered optimal for developing team spirit. Psychologists have come to the rescue in this aspect and found that groups with an even number of participants are more productive than those with an odd number.

One of the most important conditions for cohesion and comfort in a group is the psychological compatibility of the participants. The similarity of life values, attitudes and principles is certainly a plus. But the identity of temperaments and characters is not always a guarantee of peace and comfort - no matter how you look at it. If born leaders and leaders get together, they will definitely quarrel when making the right decision. The group of “executors” and “followers” ​​will also fail when solving important problems. It is not a fact that among them there is a daredevil who is ready to place all the responsibility on his shoulders. Therefore, the complementarity of employees is the desired key to effective and conflict-free work activity. With this wise approach, the negative traits of one employee can be balanced by the positive traits of another. For example, the pessimism and isolation of a melancholic person are neutralized by the optimism and sociability of a sanguine person. The frequent changes of moods and hobbies of a choleric person are well complemented by the calmness, logic and steady determination of a phlegmatic person.

In many ways, whether the work environment is friendly or unfriendly depends on the very top. No, no, this is not about the Almighty, but about your leadership. It is difficult to feel like a family in a team if the boss is an authoritarian personality, does not feed the employees gingerbread, but waves the whip so intensely that everyone’s ears are blocked. In teams where this leadership style reigns, the freedom of action and movement of employees is strictly regulated. In other words, it is limited. This approach does not at all promote a trusting environment, and is it possible to love those you don’t trust? We hope that your boss is not a tyrant individualist, but a real sweetheart who trusts his subordinates and perceives them as equals.

Do you want to understand whether you are working in a team or just passing by? Then answer the following questions:

. Do you consider yourself a real, “tangible” part of the group?

We really hope that you answered “yes” to this question and, even considering yourself a small cog in a huge mechanism, you realize your value as an employee who is taken into account.

. If you were offered the same job (according to job responsibilities) for an equal salary in another organization, would you think about the possibility of moving there?

A positive answer is a wake-up call that you feel uncomfortable in this team and may be experiencing stress from having to work side by side with these people.

. How do you get along with your colleagues? Do conflicts happen often?

To completely avoid the occurrence of the slightest conflict is too utopian a demand for those who are created from flesh and blood. But too frequent quarrels in an organization are not a good life, and in this case there is no sense of team spirit at all.

If there are no regular aggressive clashes, hazing, or raised voices in the team, and you yourself feel comfortable at work, then there is no reason to worry. Even if communication with colleagues is too formal and exclusively about work, this is not at all synonymous with indifference, much less hostility. Businesslike but polite interaction within the work process is a sign of a professional team. And if you wish, you can always try to add a touch of sincerity: make a compliment, joke, or unobtrusively offer to have lunch together.